Your spiritual rebirth story - An event, or a gradual experience?

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Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
My spiritual rebirth came completely out of the blue, it was a beautiful pure spiritual rebirth, as the Spirit was indwelling my spirit, he testified with my spirit that I was God’s child, my spirit recognised his Spirit straight away, it was a mind blowing reunion with my Father God, I was so overwhelmed by the Love that God poured into my heart/spirit...I was on honeymoon for months and months head over heels in Love with the Spirit Of God....our Love just keeps on getting deeper and deeper, there is no love on the planet as strong and as powerful than the Love Of God.

@St. SteVen ...there was much more to my rebirth that which I’m not prepared to share.

One thing for sure, no one can or will ever snatch me away from spirit is Born Again....In Jesus Name! Amen!..Praise God for Jesus, the perfect Lamb who was slain.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
@St. SteVen, I wish you made this thread a poll. Many long posts suggest gradual is THE WAY.

This reminds me of a study on influencing people to accept ANY idea that is valid that they initially rejected. The theory is it takes 20 exposures of hearing the idea advocated before one accepts it. You never know what your number is when evangilzing; you could be the 1st or 20th. So, while apparent "instant" conversion seems to exist anecdotally, the data does not support that.
Good points, thanks.
This has been interesting. Thanks to everyone that has participated to date.
(and to those that will join the discussion)

I'm surprised that there weren't more event type conversion testimonies.

While reading your post it occurred to me that even a gradual process my lead to an event. (small event) ???

Was there a point in your journey when you realized that you were no longer the same person?
That a gradual transformation had taken place?

I remember hearing a radio program that was geared to helping those who were struggling with an assurance of salvation.
(those in the gradual process) They actually suggested driving a stake into the ground, and making a declaration on the spot.
And should you struggle in the future, just return to the stake to recall the event.

Do you recall yourself, or anyone you know, struggling that way?



Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
While reading your post it occurred to me that even a gradual process my lead to an event. (small event) ???

Was there a point in your journey when you realized that you were no longer the same person?
That a gradual transformation had taken place?

Your questions reveal mult-dimensional struggling, e.g., self awareness, epistemology, philosophically. I suppose we all do at some level.

A friend who was not very philosophical once revisited with disdain a question from a philosophy class he had taken decades before. The question was about a ship. It was an old ship and many parts of it had been replaced. The question was; is the ship the same ship as when it was first launched?

I am an expert in analysis. One of the most important aspects to perform an analysis is determining the mode, basis, orientation, frame of reference. In this case, the frame of reference one chooses determines the outcome of the analysis. Of course, the ship is the same ship, my exasperated friend quipped. "What else would it be?" He rhetorically asked.

At the same time, we are altered by every experience, not just those experiences that are divine.

A pastor talked about how our souls tell the story of our life. Have you ever thought about the profound judgment we are to receive; that every decision we made is recorded in our soul. Christ's determination of us will not be seen as arbitrary or mystical insight but rather as plain as day. For instance, our body reveals if we have chosen to eat too much over many years. It is undeniable. How much more so does our soul reveal that is undeniable?

So, getting back to your question. There is a difference between:
  1. Us being transformed by life experiences.
  2. Us being aware of that transformation.
You seem to seek a discreet moment or event. That is not the reality. The reality is a continuum. Watched a vid a few months ago about an atheist who reluctantantly accepted Christ. He did not want to follow Christ, yet he realized he was, despite himself. I was like that.

Sure, there was a moment when I accepted Christ. There was nothing magical about it. Rather, it was like the straw that broke the camels back, the inevitable result of God patiently calling me to him through many moments.

struggling with an assurance of salvation ... Do you recall yourself, or anyone you know, struggling that way?
No, not once one is saved.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2024
On Saturday December 28 1974, in the bedroom of my dear grandmother, located at the Starterstraat 24, The Hague, the Netherlands, between 18:00 and 18:30 I was baptized in the love and holiness of God twice and it instantly changed me into a believer, a sort of mini Damascus experience, so overwhelming there was no defense. During the years the two identical experiences became the base to overcome my critical mind that questions everything, without the second experience I would have analyzed the first experience to death and would have lost my faith eventually. And the Lord knew that, I am eternally thankful Lord.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
On Saturday December 28 1974, in the bedroom of my dear grandmother, located at the Starterstraat 24, The Hague, the Netherlands, between 18:00 and 18:30 I was baptized in the love and holiness of God twice and it instantly changed me into a believer, a sort of mini Damascus experience, so overwhelming there was no defense. During the years the two identical experiences became the base to overcome my critical mind that questions everything, without the second experience I would have analyzed the first experience to death and would have lost my faith eventually. And the Lord knew that, I am eternally thankful Lord.
Great testimony, thanks!
What led up to these events? What happened in the half hour in between?



Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2024
Great testimony, thanks!
What led up to these events?
I was at a dead point on my life, I realized nobody could help me and then the thought "what about God?" popped up in my mind and I reacted instantly, went to the bedroom of my grandmother, went on my knees and said - God, if you exist help me, not a devout prayer, quite insulting actually and I wasn't expecting anything, why would God care about my problems? And then it happened, twice.
What happened in the half hour in between?
There are really no words to describe, I knew I was in His presence, baptized in His love and His holiness is the best I can do and it cleansed and purified me totally, I never have felt better in my whole life. And I was sitting on a chair wondering what just happened to me and I could not figure it out, but what an answer...

After some 5-10 minutes still puzzling and not understanding I finally decided that the least I should do is to thank Him. And so I went on my knees again to thank Him but did not even get the chance and the same incredible experience was my part. That was enough and my quest started, I wanted to know everything, still now.

There never was a third one.


Nov 11, 2024
United States
I was always drawn since I can remember, an invisible magnetism to Him. Always at odds with myself, attended churches sporadically, was very much of the world but there He was always following me around, protecting me, against myself and others, many times. I realized it was always Him. He was, and is, the single set of footprints carrying me, loving me.

I am a returner, prodigal son, shaken awake with an epiphany.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I was always drawn since I can remember, an invisible magnetism to Him. Always at odds with myself, attended churches sporadically, was very much of the world but there He was always following me around, protecting me, against myself and others, many times. I realized it was always Him. He was, and is, the single set of footprints carrying me, loving me.

I am a returner, prodigal son, shaken awake with an epiphany.
musta been the hound of heaven!

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I was always drawn since I can remember, an invisible magnetism to Him. Always at odds with myself, attended churches sporadically, was very much of the world but there He was always following me around, protecting me, against myself and others, many times. I realized it was always Him. He was, and is, the single set of footprints carrying me, loving me.

I am a returner, prodigal son, shaken awake with an epiphany.
Welcome to the forum earthling.

Great testimony. Thanks for sharing.
Welcome back prodigal, as well.
Would you be willing to share your epiphany?


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
New topic:



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Re: Your spiritual rebirth story - An event, or a gradual experience?

My mother was Catholic. My aunt and uncle were Catholics, their son is a
Catholic, my eldest brother-- now deceased via cancer --was a Catholic
priest 50+ years and ended his career as a Friar. My father-in-law was a
Catholic, as was my mother-in-law. Everybody alive on my wife's side are
Catholics; her aunts and uncles, and her cousins. My sister-in-law was a
"religious" for a number of years before falling out with the hierarchy that
controlled her order.

I was baptized an infant into Roman Catholicism and anon enrolled in
catechism classes where I went on to complete First Holy Communion and

One day at work, back in 1968, right out of the blue, a production designer
asked me if I was prepared for Christ's return. Well; I must've been either
asleep or absent the day that the nuns in catechism talked about Jesus
coming back because that man's question was the very first time in my
whole life that I can remember somebody telling me. I was 24 and hadn't a
clue what he was talking about.

My initial reaction was alarm because I instinctively knew that were I called
on the carpet for a face-to-face with Christ, it would not go well for me
because I had a lot to answer for. I don't like being made to feel afraid so I
became indignant and demanded to know why Jesus wanted to come back.
That's when I found out for the very first time that it was in the divine plan
for Christ to rule the world.

Then the designer asked me if I was going to Heaven. Well; of course I had
no clue because Catholics honestly don't know what to expect when they
pass away. I was crossing my fingers while in the back of my mind dreading
the worst.

Then the man said: Don't you know that Jesus died for your sins?

Well; I had been taught in catechism that Jesus died for the sins of the
world; that much I knew; but honestly believed all along that he had been a
victim of unfortunate circumstances. It was a shock to discover that Jesus'
trip to the cross was deliberate, and that his Father was thinking of me when
His son passed away, viz: my sins were among the sins of the world that
Jesus took to the cross with him.

At that very instant-- scarcely a nanosecond --something took over in my
mind as I fully realized, to my great relief, that Heaven was no longer an
impossible dream, rather, well within my grasp.

Long story short; I eventually went with that man to his church and, along
with him and a couple of elders, knelt at the rail down front and prayed a
really simple, näive prayer that went something like this;

"God, I know I'm a sinner. I would like to take advantage of your son's

My prayer wasn't much to brag about; but was no doubt the smartest
sixteen words I'd ever spoken up to that time.

* Oddly, though I was confident that the Bible is a reliable authority in all
matters pertaining to faith and practice; I had never actually sat down and
read it until that production designer suggested I purchase a Bible of my
own and see for myself what it says; which eventuated in my departure from
the Roman church.

My time with the RCC wasn't a total loss. I have them to thank for instilling
within me an unshakable confidence that Jesus is a man of integrity and
someone to reckon with. Very early in my Catholic youth; I began to believe
that Christ knew what he was talking about and meant what he said.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Re: Your spiritual rebirth story - An event, or a gradual experience?

Back in the decade of the 1960s, while still a young guy in his twenties, I
came to the realization that even if I managed to live a pious enough life to
make the cut for Heaven, I was pretty sure I couldn't keep up the good work
forever. Sooner or later I'd show my true colors and get thrown out.

It occurred to me that if I were as normally and naturally pleasing to God as
His son Jesus always is, then it would be not only be very easy to attain
Heaven but just as easy to stay there. Well; God must've read my thoughts
because in the course of time, I ran across a passage in the book of Ezekiel
that goes like this:

"I will gather you up from all the nations and bring you home again to your
land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth
will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. And I will give
you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in3
you. I will take out your stony heart of sin and give you a new, obedient
heart. And I will put My spirit in you so you will obey My laws and do
whatever I command. (36:24-27)

Just think of the tremendous advantage that passage speaks of. Whereas I
am normally and naturally impious, with that promise in hand I could
become just the opposite, viz: I could become normally and naturally pious.
That passage in Ezekiel really perked me up and lifted my spirits because it
gave me a light at the end of the tunnel whereas before then, I had none.

* Eph 2:11-22 tells how that God has a way for Gentiles to share in the
Jews' benefits. The light at the end of the tunnel spoken of above is available
to everyone on Earth regardless of age, race, color, or gender identity;
which the apostle Peter sums up by saying:

2Pet 1:2-4 . . Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the
knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has given us
everything we need for life and piety through our knowledge of Him who
called us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His
very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate
in the divine nature.

I suspect that given the choice, most folks would prefer to keep their human
nature; mostly because they're so used to it. But if divine nature is what it
takes to get into God's world and stay in God's world, then of course there's
no contest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
God will never complete you, before He converts you.

Faith you had in being converted, needs to become foundation (first).

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I knew right away that i had been changed. But I didn't know how, or by what or whom.
Fantastic testimony, thanks.
Welcome to the forum.

I love the quote above.
The transformative power of a renewed relationship with God.
