Well-Known Member
A while ago.... I received Christ by faith, at the Alter, in a large Mainline Denominational Church .... and was born again.
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Good points, thanks.@St. SteVen, I wish you made this thread a poll. Many long posts suggest gradual is THE WAY.
This reminds me of a study on influencing people to accept ANY idea that is valid that they initially rejected. The theory is it takes 20 exposures of hearing the idea advocated before one accepts it. You never know what your number is when evangilzing; you could be the 1st or 20th. So, while apparent "instant" conversion seems to exist anecdotally, the data does not support that.
While reading your post it occurred to me that even a gradual process my lead to an event. (small event) ???
Was there a point in your journey when you realized that you were no longer the same person?
That a gradual transformation had taken place?
No, not once one is saved.struggling with an assurance of salvation ... Do you recall yourself, or anyone you know, struggling that way?
Great testimony, thanks!On Saturday December 28 1974, in the bedroom of my dear grandmother, located at the Starterstraat 24, The Hague, the Netherlands, between 18:00 and 18:30 I was baptized in the love and holiness of God twice and it instantly changed me into a believer, a sort of mini Damascus experience, so overwhelming there was no defense. During the years the two identical experiences became the base to overcome my critical mind that questions everything, without the second experience I would have analyzed the first experience to death and would have lost my faith eventually. And the Lord knew that, I am eternally thankful Lord.
I was at a dead point on my life, I realized nobody could help me and then the thought "what about God?" popped up in my mind and I reacted instantly, went to the bedroom of my grandmother, went on my knees and said - God, if you exist help me, not a devout prayer, quite insulting actually and I wasn't expecting anything, why would God care about my problems? And then it happened, twice.Great testimony, thanks!
What led up to these events?
There are really no words to describe, I knew I was in His presence, baptized in His love and His holiness is the best I can do and it cleansed and purified me totally, I never have felt better in my whole life. And I was sitting on a chair wondering what just happened to me and I could not figure it out, but what an answer...What happened in the half hour in between?
You should go for a Guinness Book world record. - LOLThere never was a third one.
musta been the hound of heaven!I was always drawn since I can remember, an invisible magnetism to Him. Always at odds with myself, attended churches sporadically, was very much of the world but there He was always following me around, protecting me, against myself and others, many times. I realized it was always Him. He was, and is, the single set of footprints carrying me, loving me.
I am a returner, prodigal son, shaken awake with an epiphany.
Welcome to the forum earthling.I was always drawn since I can remember, an invisible magnetism to Him. Always at odds with myself, attended churches sporadically, was very much of the world but there He was always following me around, protecting me, against myself and others, many times. I realized it was always Him. He was, and is, the single set of footprints carrying me, loving me.
I am a returner, prodigal son, shaken awake with an epiphany.
Paul would be on topYou should go for a Guinness Book world record. - LOL
Fantastic testimony, thanks.I knew right away that i had been changed. But I didn't know how, or by what or whom.