Election, Reprobation, as taught in Church History.

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Active Member
Jul 27, 2021
Hoschton Ga.
United States

Thanks again for your response and well thought out reasoning.

[Freewill is the term used to identify the examples where the dimension of human will is in evidence in the various choices regarding available options. You won't find the word BIBLE in the BIBLE either, but it is the term we use to identify the collected writings it contains.]

Now I do agree than an idea can be taught without the exact words being used. For example I and millions of others will speak of the Covenant of redemption, which words are not found in scripture. The teaching must be clearly shown.
I do not think it is however.

You say this;

Rom 6:16 Know you not, that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?]

now look in the same portion you quoted;

20 For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.

unable to do righteous acts,

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Having viewed several posts it has become apparent many have no idea on the teaching of these things.
What we believe should be informed by scripture, not what we "feel"" think" or "emotions".
Many resist the biblical teaching by not being familiar with it. Instead they post against false ideas of the teaching.
Here are some historic examples of the actual teaching;
J.P.Boyce....Abstract of Principles;

CHAPTER XXIX: ELECTION. THE words Elect, Election, Foreordination, Chosen, Foreknow, and Foreknowledge occur so frequently in Scripture, that it is allowed by all that the Scriptures teach a doctrine of Election of some kind.
The chief controversy is as to what that doctrine is.

election is: (1.) An act of God, and not the result of the choice of the elect.

(2.) That this choice is one of individuals, and not of classes.

(3.) That it was made without respect to the action of the persons elected.

(4.) By the good pleasure of God.

(5.) According to an eternal purpose.

(6.) That it is an election to salvation and not to outward privileges. To the Scriptures alone must we look for the truth upon this subject. Upon opening them we find that the words
Election and Elect are used in various senses.

1. They signify a choice to office whether by man or God. Luke 6:13. Christ's choice of the twelve Apostles. Acts 1:21-26. The selection of an Apostle in the place of Judas. Acts 9:15. Saul is called a chosen vessel. 1 Pet. 2:6-8. Christ is spoken of as the corner-stone, elect, precious that is laid in Zion.
2. The choice of Israel to their peculiar national privilege of being the chosen or separated people of God; as in Acts 13:17. "The God of this people Israel chose our fathers."

3. It is once used for a choice made of' salvation by an individual. Luke 10:42. "Mary hath chosen the good part which shall not be taken away from her."

4. In a large majority of cases it has reference to the choice to salvation, either in the purpose or act of choice by God.

It is to the doctrine taught in this last class of passages that our inquiries are to be turned.

(1.) Election is an act of God, and not the result of the choice of the Elect. This is not now an inquiry into the reason of Election; but simply into the agent. Does God choose the elect, whether by his own purpose, or because he foresees that they will believe, or for any other reason? Is election an act of God? The fact on this point would appear more clearly if we were to exchange the common word choice or chosen with the equivalent word elect. The following passages are sufficient, though the examples are far more numerous. John 13:18. "I know whom I have chosen." John 15:16. "Ye did not choose me, but I chose you" (not to their offices as apostle, but), "that ye should go and hear fruit." Rom. 8:33. "Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's chosen ones?" Rom. 9:15. "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy." Eph. 1:4. "Even as he chose us in him." Eph. 1:11. "Having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his will." 2 Thess. 2:13. "God chose you from the beginning unto salvation."

2. This choice is one of individuals and not of classes. This position needs to be explained. It is not denied that the Elect are to be true believers, and that true believers are the Elect. The character of the Elect does not, therefore, enter into this question. The issue is simply, does God choose all who shall believe, and are they, as such, his elect? or, does he choose his elect, and will they, as such, believe? Is belief the result of God's election, or is God's election the result of man's faith? Acts 13:48. "As many as were ordained to eternal life believed." This is a historical statement made subsequent to the event, not by man's knowledge but by inspiration. Eph. 1:4, 5. "Even as he chose us in him, . . . having foreordained us unto adoption as sons." 2 Thess. 2:13. "But we are bound to give thanks to God alway for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, for that God chose you from the beginning unto salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth." Here the choice is made to salvation, and the means to salvation, sanctification and faith, are indicated; no prerequisite or means being stated as to Election. It is not as believers that they are elected; but as elected, that they are saved. Rom. 8:29. "Whom he foreknew he also foreordained to be conformed to the image of his Son." The foreknowledge here is of persons, not of personal acts, not of those whose faith he foreknew, nor, as would be essential to their theory, is it of the class of believers as such. The Arminian theory would require the substitution of the words "as believers" or "you as believers" instead of those which are used. It is not, therefore, to the class of believers, but to individuals that election refers. But, it may be asked, does it not refer to them in that character? Did not God choose those whose faith he for-saw?

(3.) The third point then to be proved is, that it was not because of any act or merit of theirs, but irrespective of anything but his own good pleasure, that this Election was made. This is merely a negative form of the same fact stated by the next point affirmatively. It is better, therefore, to unite this with the succeeding one, which is,

(4.) That the election is made through the mere good pleasure of God. Some of the passages simply affirm a choice by God's Sovereign will; others, while asserting this, also deny merit in those elected; and still others represent the fact of sovereignty by asserting a choice of such persons as would not ordinarily be chosen.
Full salvation won't be confirmed until the Day of Judgment and will be on the basis that the person has persevered in trusting the finished work of Christ on the Cross right to the end. There will be those who have made a profession of Christianity and looked as though they would see it through to the end, but some way through they dropped back into the world. I doubt that their salvation will confirmed at the Judgment, and Christ may very well say to them: "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity!"
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
Hello Renniks,
The blessing of election is that without it, no one would be saved at all.
The fall into sin and death has left all men ever born like this description in eph2:12
1]That at that time ye were without Christ,
2]being aliens
from the commonwealth of Israel,
3]and strangers from the covenants of promise,
4]having no hope,

5]and without God in the world:

13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.

This doctrine is a great comfort to the church. It is not designed to cause division, but rather to promote unity among the saints.
You misunderstand election.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2021
Hoschton Ga.
United States
You misunderstand election.
There are 4 kinds of election spoken of in scripture.
1 national
2 to service or office
3 Jesus as the elect Servant
4 individual election unto salvation

Why would you suggest I do not understand


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
There are 4 kinds of election spoken of in scripture.
1 national
2 to service or office
3 Jesus as the elect Servant
4 individual election unto salvation

Why would you suggest I do not understand
There's no individual election to salvation.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
why are we told to make our calling and election sure?
there are no non elect people in heaven.
Jesus is the Elect Servant, and us IN HIM.
Again there's no individual election to salvation.
We become his elect by faith.

Election (Gk eklego) refers to God choosing in Christ a people whom he destines to be holy and blameless in his sight.

No one is elect apart from union with Christ through faith.

Election is corporate and includes individual persons only as they identify and associate themselves with the body of Christ, the true church.

Election to salvation in Christ is offered to all but becomes actual for particular persons upon their repentance and faith as they accept God’s gift of salvation in Christ
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Active Member
Jul 27, 2021
Hoschton Ga.
United States
Election is God's work before time of individuals

4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

[Election is corporate]
No it is individual and personal. The individual living stones as they gather form local churches.

[and includes individual persons only as they identify and associate themselves with the body of Christ, the true church.]

you ignore the Covenant of redemption, The multitude of individuals given from the Father to The Son.
[Election to salvation in Christ is offered to all]

Election is God's work not ours, we do not offer "election" to anyone as if it was up to us to make such an offer.
This wording or thought is not found in scripture. We make a free offer of the gospel declaring God saves sinners in Christ.

[but becomes actual for particular persons upon their repentance and faith as they accept God’s gift of salvation in Christ]

This is just a fabrication not in the bible anywhere. I do not do make believe, or sci fi.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
Election is God's work not ours, we do not offer "election" to anyone as if it was up to us to make such an offer.
I didn't say we offer it, but it is offered to all.
"And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
John 12:32


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
" Us" equals anyone who becomes part of the body through faith.

Ephesians 1:4-5 is not teaching how God chose, predestined, or elected some people to receive eternal life (while condemning or passing over all the rest).

These verses teach that it was God’s plan from eternity past to adopt all who believe in Jesus as His heirs so that we will become holy and without blame before Him.

Consider: was Jesus elect? Of course, but was he chosen for salvation? Of course not. We are elected to be blameless in him when we have faith.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2021
Hoschton Ga.
United States
I didn't say we offer it, but it is offered to all.
"And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
John 12:32
Election is not offered, Jesus cross work is offered to sinners who hear the gospel


Active Member
Jul 27, 2021
Hoschton Ga.
United States
" Us" equals anyone who becomes part of the body through faith.

Ephesians 1:4-5 is not teaching how God chose, predestined, or elected some people to receive eternal life (while condemning or passing over all the rest).

These verses teach that it was God’s plan from eternity past to adopt all who believe in Jesus as His heirs so that we will become holy and without blame before Him.

Consider: was Jesus elect? Of course, but was he chosen for salvation? Of course not. We are elected to be blameless in him when we have faith.
That is not taught anywhere in scripture.
Actual sinners were actually given from the Father to the Son.
You must deal with jn6:37-44 Hebrews2:11-16.
The language of Jn 10:26-30 forbids your idea, you believe not because you are not.my sheep...My sheep hear my voice...can you see it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
That is not taught anywhere in scripture.
Actual sinners were actually given from the Father to the Son.
You must deal with jn6:37-44 Hebrews2:11-16.
The language of Jn 10:26-30 forbids your idea, you believe not because you are not.my sheep...My sheep hear my voice...can you see it?
This was changed at Jesus' death. Before His death, the Father drew certain ones to Jesus. But after Jesus was 'lifted up', that is, crucified, He now draws all men to Himself.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
You must deal with jn6:37-44 Hebrews2:11-16.
The language of Jn 10:26-30 forbids your idea, you believe not because you are not.my sheep...My sheep hear my voice...can you see it?
Yes I see the reason they aren't sheep.

It was because they refused the truth.
He didn't say they could not become sheep. In fact he said:

But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”

They could have believed.


New Member
Aug 15, 2021
knoxville tn
United States
Predestination seems biblical to me. The only reason im not a calvinist is because im not convinced of the trinity.