Okay I Just Got Saved, So Now What?

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Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Okay I Just Got Saved, So Now What?

There are three key things that will to help new believers get started in their walk with God.

1. Read the bible
Finding the right bible for you ~ If you have been led to salvation through a friend, you may have already been given a bible. If not, you may find it difficult in choosing the right one. I was given the Good News bible which was okay for my first bible but my suggestion is that you get an "New International Version."
I still use this bible NIV84' because it is simple and easy to read without being too watered down as some bibles tend to be...

The bible can be difficult to read for a new believer, firstly because it is put together in a style that will be unfamiliar until you work out how it is organized. Old and New Testament, book, chapter and verse - and secondly because you may be wondering where to begin reading.

As an evangelist, my personal favorite is Mark because this book gives new believers an introduction to Jesus, his ministry, life, death and ascension... and also because it is a good overview of the Gospels in general.

You can also get a "Read your bible in a year" study tool, which is available in most Christian bookshops or the local church. This is a reading plan designed to help you to read through the bible on a daily basis. Breaking the bible up in sections, chapters and verses makes it so much easier and a lot more fun to learn.

2. Find a Fellowship of believers.
The bible says that we need to be fellow-shipping together Hebrews 10:24-26 so it's important that we are a part of a Church or a group of believers who regularly meet for fellowship. This is because it is so easy for new believers to be lured back into their old lifestyle without the support and encouragement of other believers and also because we can grow and learn from each other.

Most new believers will be inclined to join the Church of the friend or person who led them to salvation. There may be times when that has not happened or is not practical. I encourage new believers to find a church that is Christ centered, preaches the whole word of God and allows the gifts to function. Having a new believers program is also a plus eg: The Apha course and if you are a youth - youth groups are awesome places to grow, make new friends and learn more about God.

IMHO the best Church I have come across for new believers has been the Baptist because they strongly emphasize the word of God and I personally learned the word during my time there. You may be in a position where you are unable to get to a church due to your employment or some other reason. Another alternative is finding a home Church or study group.

3. Study with others.
I love study groups/ home groups because it is more intimate than the Church environment and enables you to ask questions, discuss personal issues and study the bible with others. Good friendship are made in small settings like this and you will also find a lot of encouragement and growth in your walk because everyone is at certain levels. some of my best friends today, are those I met in home groups that I joined 20 plus years ago....

My old home group leader taught us many things, including the importance of memorizing chapter and verse when quoting scripture. This has become a habit in my life and I am truly grateful to him for ensuring that we all learned that. He also use to give us spot quiz's on certain chapters or verse that he had taught us during my time in his study group. That was fun because he was always trying to catch us out and most of us were ready for it.

Studying with others is so much fun but it is just as important to study at home for yourself. Your Pastor or home-group leader may be able to help you to choose a good study to do at home.

When I first began to study at home on my own, I just happened to mention to my Pastor [Baptist] at that time, that I was studying on "Spiritual Warfare through Intercession." Well, within that day, he appeared on my doorstep with another study about "Building Bricks of God." Lol! ^_^

Bless ya!!!


New Member
Feb 3, 2012
Wet Coast of Canada
Hi Angelina,

is there any particular reason you didn't mention that study must be prayerful, seeking the Holy Spirit? Everything you mention is people focused and learning what people think about things.

I am a Protenstant and I find GOD very accessible without intervention and quite willing to provide spiritual helps in deciphering scripture, sometimes from a teacher, sometimes from inside but always from the Spirit.

Peace, Ted


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hey ttruscott!
Most new believers are not acquainted with the spiritual aspects of Christianity yet but are wanting to know what they should do practically. I am aiming to make their transition from the world as simple as possible. Thanks for your post. :)

PS: I will be discussing prayer life and the Holy Spirit later on...

Bless ya!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
A great problem arises when someone does start out in the Spirit. The lack of maturity in that person is often difficult to deal with owing to the lack of spiritual experience in those that are trying to point out that fact.

There is no cookie cutter way to approach discipleship. The experiences are so varied and the people have so many differing pieces of the puzzle.

We must keep in mind that it is primarily the Lord who teaches people. So we must carefully assess on an individual basis what a person might require to help them along.

It is the same with learning music. Some people have an incredible ear and even perfect pitch. Greater care must be taken to recognize that what some take 20+years to learn (or never) others seem to have from the start. Humility works on both the teacher AND the student. :)


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Why We need to Read The Bible?
I think I may have mentioned this on another thread but reading the bible is one of the most important aspects of Christian living.

Friendships are a natural part of our lives in general. When we make new friends, we get to know them firstly by spending time with them. After a while, we get to understand their character, their personality and their likes and dislikes and so much more... If, for instance, we hear of a negative incident regarding our friend, we can then easily assess whether that rumour has some merit to it or not. This is also true when we get to know God.
The bible teaches us Gods character, his personality, his likes and dislikes and so much more. The bible enables us to get to know him better through his word.

The bible also teaches us how to communicate with God. Throughout the bible you will note many times, his people communicated with him through prayer.

When we pray, we are talking to God. Just like we talk to a friend and like a friend, God communicates back. He does this in various ways.
Sometime God talks to us as we read the bible and gives us answers through his word. Other times, God speaks to us with a small inner voice, an impression, a thought, pictures or through dreams and visions. Sometimes God speaks to us through others. God does not always speak to us the same way. That is because we come from different backgrounds, upbringing, experiences and have different callings on our lives.The more we read his word and communicate with him through prayer, the more we are able to define his unique way of communicating back to us.

Many people have asked why some of their prayers are not always answered. Although some prayers we ask may seem good, it does not always mean that it is what God desires, whether we are praying for ourselves or for others. This is because he knows every single detail of the things we are praying about especially the things that we are unaware of. The bible says that God knows the beginning from the end.. He knows all things.

Prayer is one on one communication with God and is another very important, fundamental aspect of Christian living.


Active Member
Encounter Team
Mar 22, 2011
North Carolina
Also, in studying the word of God and fellowshipping with the saints and in prayer ask God to help you live a holy and sanctified life unto Him. Through holiness and righteousness which God honors He will dwell in that vessal and where He dwells He will bless, keep, and sustain.
"Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.' (2 Corinthians 7:1)
"Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.' (1 John 3:3)
"Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear." (1 Peter 1:17)
"And the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23)


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Prayer was the key to Christian growth for me. Unfortunately, I really only started getting serious about prayer 12 years ago when I became Catholic.


New Member
Jan 12, 2012
Knowledge is the main thing. So if we try our best for finding true, God will must help us.

grandma dolittle

New Member
May 23, 2012
As Aspen said prayer is the key. As a new Christian, you are a babe and need milk, but as you grow you will get into the meat of the scriptures. Growth comes from talking to God and reading his word, studying what it says and meditating on what you read. God will give you the knowledge from the Bible as you are in need of it or mature enough to understand it. I pray for understanding and ask God to reveal to me what he would have me know. I can read the same over and over and when God thinks I am ready, I fully understand what I am reading. It also helps to study about the time the scriptures are written. The culture, beliefs, and life is much different then from now. It helped me, now as I read, I can get a mental picture of the people, land, and see in my mind what Christ is teaching. I feel like he is talking to me. For each of us, it is different. Prayer and reading the word is only one way to grow. Attending church with other believers will strengthen you and you will get "fed" or blessed. Bible study groups or partner is another way to grow. This site is another way to grow by reaching out to other Christians. All combined will help you grow.