Idolatry and the like in Catholicism

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Jul 14, 2020
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@Devin Wintch

The Lord wants you to know this and believe it- it is the verse he gave me.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."

John 14:12-14
That verse is definitely for me.

And regarding the OP, if it's ghosts you're worried about, I have this:
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Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom

"the great Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, who is the treasurer [sequestra] of our peace with God, and the mediatrix [administra] of graces...."

"He hear the prayers of those who beseech through her, whom He Himself willed to be the mediatrix [administram] of graces."

"nothing is imparted to us except through Mary, since God so wills, so that just as no one can come to the Father except through the Son, so in general, no one can come to Christ except through His Mother."

"it is dispensed from God to Christ, from Christ to the Virgin, from the Virgin to us"

"Mother, that she who had been the minister [administra] of the mystery of human redemption, was equally the minister [administra] of the grace to be given from it for all time, practically immeasurable power being given to her"

"So may the most powerful Virgin Mother, who once 'cooperated in love that the faithful might be born in the Church', be even now the means and mediatrix of our salvation"

"Now from this common sharing of will and suffering between Christ and Mary, she 'merited to become most worthily the Reparatrix of the lost world"

" the fact that she was with Him crucified and dying, was in accord with the divine plan. For with her suffering and dying Son, Mary endured suffering and almost death... ... further, there is a most constant belief among the faithful, proved by long experience, that as many as employ the same Virgin as Patron, will not at all perish forever. "

" She, the Virgin Mother, [is] the treasurer [sequestra] of all graces with God"

" we know also that all things are imparted to us from God the Greatest and Best, through the hands of the Mother of God"

" ... having been associated, as Mother and Minister, with the King of martyrs in the ineffable work of human Redemption, she is always associated, with a practically measureless power, in the distribution of the graces that derive from the Redemption.... And her kingdom is as vast as that of her Son and God, since nothing is excluded from her dominion"

" Mother, there may be opened to them, all the treasures of the divine Redemption, and so they may have life, and have it more abundantly. Did not the Lord will that we have everything through Mary?"
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I say let the Word speak for itself and do as Jesus himself taught, because his way is always truth and it will never lead to guessing.

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."
He said to them, "When you pray, say: "`Father, [1] hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. [2]
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. [3] And lead us not into temptation. [4]

Jesus Christ alone is our intercessor and he alone is enough.

This is wonderful scripture, there is so much packed in 4 verses. What is it may you will be done in earth as in heaven, don’t see it here.

But seems to say - May the things that possible In heaven be done on earth - Love;joy;peace;forgiveness;mercy;forbearance; living by the spirit- suffering for Christ.

Give us our daily bread: Jesus is the bread of life who we partake with living inside of us; in which something to rejoice about. Jesus is also the everlasting water; we may receive from him if we desire until we are filled spiritually.

Forgive our sins _ which has been - so we may forgive others as the Lord has forgiven us. Help us not be lead into temptation and into having a evil heart even harden heart of unbelief.

And this connection is open. 365/24/7

The prayer line of access to the Father through the Son by prayer. :) Thank you for sharing.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
This stems from a conversation between myself and @soul

So it isn't my goal to attack anyone but to approach this in a friendly open manner. So if we could have a friendly debate that would be nice.

So my main concerns with Catholicism are as follows:

1. Idolatry

I believe Catholics are committing the sin of idolatry with literal idols of the Virgin Mary and by praying for to the saints for intercession, when Christ is our intercessor. I say that there is nothing in the Bible that says to do so, rather Jesus taught to pray to the Father.

2. Idolatry and Greed

believe the large elaborate churches and the Holy See are another unnecessary form of idolatry, although I will not say some Christian churches are not guilty of the same.

Why? "The son of man had no place to rest his head." Also the part with the knocking the tables over. "You have turned my house into a den of thieves."

Also, the Pope is not Jesus.

3. Necromancy

By communication with the dead that is not praying. It is necromancy and mediumship, which was a sin so terrible in Biblical times, you were to be killed for it.

4. Demonic Invitation

I believe through necromancy and false beliefs many visitations are inaccurate as underlined in the character of how Satan works in 2 Thess 2. While the chapter may not be in direct correlation with the subject at hand, I am only saying that the chapter describes the character and explanation of how he works with false wonders and false miracles.

5. Church History

It's a downright mess. Including the long time covering up of child abuse, which still exists.

I am not sure what is in the heart of a Catholic. I do know the Catholic Church carried the Gospel for 1000 years before Martin Luther and still does. I would like to think that they do not bow down and worship statues, which specifically God warns about in the Ten Commandments. These are just symbols. I would like to believe they do not worship Mary, only pray for her to intercede along with the saints as well. I asked a priest about that once and he cleared that up. They do pray the Lord's Prayer, that is a perfect prayer, a template for all, but the repetition of it over and over does not reflect our individual needs. The clergy got carried away with selling indulgences and so many of these other false practices and beliefs were a bit off track - which is why God sent Martin Luther with His Ninety-five Theses.
I think God could easily send another Martin Luther to correct the Protestants as well in the many ways they have gone off on a tangent.
There is no perfect Church.
Notice in the Letters to the Sevens Churches around 95 AD, only two of the churches did not receive rebuke, corrections and warnings to repent. One was almost dead and another the Lord wanted to vomit them out of His mouth.
Maybe you should have a conversation with a priest or a Nun sometime and talk about these things, you may be surprised that they love Jesus.
That artwork in that photo is kind of scary. It looks like the Devil. The artwork may have been superimposed in the photo to present something evil. I have never seen anything like that for their Christmas or Easter services.
There are many stories going around, sometimes fabricated, having evil intentions in themselves. Hatred leads to opening the door to evil and giving Satan a foothold.
I heard the Pope was forming an alliance with Islam and combining both religions into a One World Religion. Maybe? If that is true, that is way off track.
Praying to anyone but God is a waste of time and goes out void. People get emotional after the death of a loved one and want to communicate with that person. The Bible tells us we cannot so yes, Mediums who claim they can are either lying for money or being fooled by demons who may mimick a person, give information about a past life of someone else that checks out - but it is not theirs.

Joseph Smith used to wear a pyramid shaped hat and gaze into a crystal ball and e tered into an altered state, which left him open to demonic activity. An angel of light appeared. We know Satan can appear as an angel of light - I think he appeared as Moroni to Joseph.
Bottom line, we cannot invalidate Catholism because of some traditions, false beliefs or sin.
We see a lot wrong in their church but they still bear fruit. A bad apple can spoil the bunch. I actually asked a priest about homosexuality in the priesthood. He said yes, there was but maybe one case in a thousand and that one gets in the news, then the whole church suffers and people think it's widespread.
Throughout the ages, The Catholic Church planted orphanages, hospitals, missions, were charitible to the poor - this cannot be forgotten. Do you think Mother Teresa was evil? I read Pope John Paul II's book, Beyond the Threshold of Hope and I was impressed, he was so smart and wise, a good man.
Popes don't believe they are Christ, just vicars of Christ... In a sense, we are all priests and ambassadors of Christ on certain occasions when the Holy Spirit uses us.
You will probably be surprised when you see half of the Christians in heaven came from The Roman Catholic Church.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States

"the great Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, who is the treasurer [sequestra] of our peace with God, and the mediatrix [administra] of graces...."

"He hear the prayers of those who beseech through her, whom He Himself willed to be the mediatrix [administram] of graces."

"nothing is imparted to us except through Mary, since God so wills, so that just as no one can come to the Father except through the Son, so in general, no one can come to Christ except through His Mother."

"it is dispensed from God to Christ, from Christ to the Virgin, from the Virgin to us"

"Mother, that she who had been the minister [administra] of the mystery of human redemption, was equally the minister [administra] of the grace to be given from it for all time, practically immeasurable power being given to her"

"So may the most powerful Virgin Mother, who once 'cooperated in love that the faithful might be born in the Church', be even now the means and mediatrix of our salvation"

"Now from this common sharing of will and suffering between Christ and Mary, she 'merited to become most worthily the Reparatrix of the lost world"

" the fact that she was with Him crucified and dying, was in accord with the divine plan. For with her suffering and dying Son, Mary endured suffering and almost death... ... further, there is a most constant belief among the faithful, proved by long experience, that as many as employ the same Virgin as Patron, will not at all perish forever. "

" She, the Virgin Mother, [is] the treasurer [sequestra] of all graces with God"

" we know also that all things are imparted to us from God the Greatest and Best, through the hands of the Mother of God"

" ... having been associated, as Mother and Minister, with the King of martyrs in the ineffable work of human Redemption, she is always associated, with a practically measureless power, in the distribution of the graces that derive from the Redemption.... And her kingdom is as vast as that of her Son and God, since nothing is excluded from her dominion"

" Mother, there may be opened to them, all the treasures of the divine Redemption, and so they may have life, and have it more abundantly. Did not the Lord will that we have everything through Mary?"
I'm just going to add a little to what you're saying to explain why we do not idolize Mary. Jesus himself did not. In fact, he corrects the person praising her.

Luke 11:27-28

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you."

Now see his response...

He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."


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Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Someone else posted an interesting thread a month or so ago about the structure of the Meeting Hall being built in the shape of a serpent's head, which sounds paranoid on the surface but actually turned out to be far more spooky and credible than I expected. But I can't find at the moment. Maybe I can repost that material here later however.
That was me.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
I'm just going to add a little to what you're saying to explain why we do not idolize Mary. Jesus himself did not. In fact, he corrects the person praising her.

Luke 11:27-28

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you."

Now see his response...

He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

How about calling Mary the joint redeemer? And giving her a status that makes her equal to the Lord?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
As someone who was raised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic church, I'd say that your list just touches the tip of the transgressions in orthopraxy by the leadership of the RC church. That being said, it is that leadership that has come under judgement. The average devout Catholic only knows and follows those doctrines that they've been taught through catechism or from the pulpit, and you should understand that every false doctrine, every transgression through orthopraxy has an explanation that seems reasonable to them and usually biblical verses taken out of context or misinterpreted to justify unbiblical practices or outright biblical transgressions. Devout Catholics like my mother refer to the RCC as Holy mother the church and have been taught that "the church" is the absolute doctrinal authority and that the Bible can only be properly interpreted by the church. The RCC also has a doctrine from the writings of a third century saint included in their Catechism that states that there is no salvation outside the church. These doctrines may be half truths dependent on how you define "the church", because the testimony of scripture is that spiritual things can only be comprehended by spiritual people and that such people became that way by the quickening of the Holy Spirit; only those who have received Christ by faith and recieved His Spirit are qualified to interpret scripture. That is a description of a born again Christian and the born again Christians are the body of Christ, the congregation of the saints, or simply put Christ's church. The other doctrine which says there is no salvation outside the church is again true because you must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven and only those born again are members of the body of Christ. The problem is in how you define the church and the word itself simply means congregation.
I was raised Catholic, but walked away because of the obvious unbiblical practices and obvious transgressions against God's law that were either orthopraxy or just common practice, at the age of 13, after my confirmation.
I was 39 years old before I heard and believed the gospel of salvation as I understand it, as it is written in chapter 53 of the book of Isaiah. After that I attended services in the RCC, baptist churches, Episcopal churches, Methodist churches, so called "bible churches", Calvary chapels, and in every church that I attended I found doctrines that contradict scripture and always based upon some catechism or charismatic church founder. There is no perfect church upon Earth because there are no perfected people on Earth. We have not yet had our bodies fully redeemed and that doesn't happen until the 1st resurrection and the gathering together of the Church (body of Christ, His bride). Neither you or I have the power or the authority to restructure any church, though we alter orthopraxy all the time within congregations to please the tastes and preferences of the congregation, grow the assembly (and frequently to bring in the bucks.) The place where we tend to fail as congregations is in our practice of correcting everyone else when our primary concern should always be in correcting ourselves. I love Isaiah chapter 58 because it explains what God values in His congregation and the beauty that's possible to be seen in the bride when we simply follow His way rather than our own.
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Active Member
Apr 20, 2021
United States
This stems from a conversation between myself and @soul

So it isn't my goal to attack anyone but to approach this in a friendly open manner. So if we could have a friendly debate that would be nice.

So my main concerns with Catholicism are as follows:

1. Idolatry

I believe Catholics are committing the sin of idolatry with literal idols of the Virgin Mary and by praying for to the saints for intercession, when Christ is our intercessor. I say that there is nothing in the Bible that says to do so, rather Jesus taught to pray to the Father.

2. Idolatry and Greed

believe the large elaborate churches and the Holy See are another unnecessary form of idolatry, although I will not say some Christian churches are not guilty of the same.

Why? "The son of man had no place to rest his head." Also the part with the knocking the tables over. "You have turned my house into a den of thieves."

Also, the Pope is not Jesus.

3. Necromancy

By communication with the dead that is not praying. It is necromancy and mediumship, which was a sin so terrible in Biblical times, you were to be killed for it.

4. Demonic Invitation

I believe through necromancy and false beliefs many visitations are inaccurate as underlined in the character of how Satan works in 2 Thess 2. While the chapter may not be in direct correlation with the subject at hand, I am only saying that the chapter describes the character and explanation of how he works with false wonders and false miracles.

5. Church History

It's a downright mess. Including the long time covering up of child abuse, which still exists.

I would caution you not to throw the baby out with the bath water. While there are many Catholics who are praying to Mary and the saints, it is NOT because they are making the idols, but in my experience it is because they are afraid of God.
As an ex-catholic, In my Catholic background (augmented by the fact that I have an Italian Mother) guilt, shame, and chastisement were a large part of my life. I felt unworthy to reach out to God directly, they told me I had to earn my way into the grace of God and I knew I was not worthy, and the biweekly trips into the confession booth did little to allay that.

I felt as if God was standing over me with a hammer waiting for me to fail. So the idea that I could pray to a saint and they would pass on my prayers was very alluring. If I just sat down and did the hamster wheel of prayer (The Rosary - a lot of action going no where) once a week I was good. I never worshipped Mary or the saints, I just used them

There are some very good Catholics, generous and giving. There are many priests who are living under a vow of poverty and have never touched a child.

You simply cannot indict nearly 2 billion believers based on the bad actions of some. These are God's people. Yes they are bound up in tradition and wrong teaching, but like myself back in the day, They love God and Jesus is their Lord.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
I would caution you not to throw the baby out with the bath water. While there are many Catholics who are praying to Mary and the saints, it is NOT because they are making the idols, but in my experience it is because they are afraid of God.
As an ex-catholic, In my Catholic background (augmented by the fact that I have an Italian Mother) guilt, shame, and chastisement were a large part of my life. I felt unworthy to reach out to God directly, they told me I had to earn my way into the grace of God and I knew I was not worthy, and the biweekly trips into the confession booth did little to allay that.

I felt as if God was standing over me with a hammer waiting for me to fail. So the idea that I could pray to a saint and they would pass on my prayers was very alluring. If I just sat down and did the hamster wheel of prayer (The Rosary - a lot of action going no where) once a week I was good. I never worshipped Mary or the saints, I just used them

There are some very good Catholics, generous and giving. There are many priests who are living under a vow of poverty and have never touched a child.

You simply cannot indict nearly 2 billion believers based on the bad actions of some. These are God's people. Yes they are bound up in tradition and wrong teaching, but like myself back in the day, They love God and Jesus is their Lord.
You're right that we can't blame the members for child abuse. But keep in mind that the victims of abuse are the members.

What I am stating is that we are responsible for our faith and understanding of the word- there is no excuse to being ignorant to what is already written. God decides what is right. He does not stir away from himself. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God and the way is narrow - he says so himself.

The church itself will be held accountable for what they do and we will be held accountable for choosing to let evil pass us by and refusing to stand in the way of wickedness.

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
I would caution you not to throw the baby out with the bath water. While there are many Catholics who are praying to Mary and the saints, it is NOT because they are making the idols, but in my experience it is because they are afraid of God.
As an ex-catholic, In my Catholic background (augmented by the fact that I have an Italian Mother) guilt, shame, and chastisement were a large part of my life. I felt unworthy to reach out to God directly, they told me I had to earn my way into the grace of God and I knew I was not worthy, and the biweekly trips into the confession booth did little to allay that.

I felt as if God was standing over me with a hammer waiting for me to fail. So the idea that I could pray to a saint and they would pass on my prayers was very alluring. If I just sat down and did the hamster wheel of prayer (The Rosary - a lot of action going no where) once a week I was good. I never worshipped Mary or the saints, I just used them

There are some very good Catholics, generous and giving. There are many priests who are living under a vow of poverty and have never touched a child.

You simply cannot indict nearly 2 billion believers based on the bad actions of some. These are God's people. Yes they are bound up in tradition and wrong teaching, but like myself back in the day, They love God and Jesus is their Lord.
Thank you for your compassion and wisdom.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
You're right that we can't blame the members for child abuse. But keep in mind that the victims of abuse are the members.

What I am stating is that we are responsible for our faith and understanding of the word- there is no excuse to being ignorant to what is already written. God decides what is right. He does not stir away from himself. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God and the way is narrow - he says so himself.

The church itself will be held accountable for what they do and we will be held accountable for choosing to let evil pass us by and refusing to stand in the way of wickedness.

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."
You're mistaken here on your comment about the churches responsibility. It is the shepherds of the flock (actually under shepherds with God as the Great Shepherd) that are responsible for the flock. The flock is never responsible for the shepherd.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Well I'm sure that OP won't cause any trouble, LoL. Especially if BOL finds out about it. Just be advised.

But I posted a thread on the presence of Satanism within the Vatican last year. It speaks to the same subject, as other prophetic threads on this same subject matter did:
Satanism In The Vatican

Someone else posted an interesting thread a month or so ago about the structure of the Meeting Hall being built in the shape of a serpent's head, which sounds paranoid on the surface but actually turned out to be far more spooky and credible than I expected. But I can't find at the moment. Maybe I can repost that material here later however.

I should also add to this post that I do not hate Catholics and never have. I think many truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and want the best for their denomination. But my personal take is that the fight for their denomination is over. The enemy has taken control of it and will not relinquish it now. Their best move, IMO, is to get out, and get their families out. The time when the verses that say, "Come out of her My people, lest you partake of her judgments" have begun.

It may still be several decades away before her judgment finally comes, but it is indeed coming some day.
While I'm inclined to agree with you for the most part, I don't believe that the RCC is mystery Babylon. It, like any other church is comprised of all its membership, not just its priesthood and some are willing to change and correct two millennia of error. Pope John Paul certainly was. Unfortunately, the vast size of the church makes it hard to turn. It's like a great ship with a broken rudder. In that analogy, the priesthood is the rudder and the priesthood is rigidly structured to resemble partly the biblical example and partly the example of the Roman empire (because of the influence of Constantine and Rome in that millennia.)

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
It says there's incense that represents the prayers of the holy ones.

This shows that our brothers and sisters continue to perform the priestly function of interceding for us, presenting our petitions in the heavenly liturgy.

Now James tells us 'the prayers of a rigbteous man are powerful indeed'

Who among us is more righteous than those who have already gone to abide with Jesus in heaven?

Further, the 2000 year experience and witness of the Church affirms that God had wrought many miracles in response to our requesting the aid of the prayers of the Saints..

I have experienced this personaly as my son wad miraculously healed after I asked for the aid of this hero of the Faith: Saint Brother André - Saint Joseph's Oratory of MountRoyal

So then, i have answered your objection that Jesus is our only intercessor, demonstrating that we do indeed ask for one anothers intercession and that we do indeed intercede for one another.

I answered your objection that those who have gone before us are dead, demonstrating that they are very much alive and interceding for us.

Further, I have demonstrated the 2000 year old witness of the Church that asking these heroes of the Faith for the assistance of their prayers is effecacious.

Having thus destroyed the charge that the communion of the saints is some kind of pagan or occultic practice of necromancy,
I am prepared to move on to your charge of idolatry of you wish.

Peace be with you!
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