Microchips Under the Skin

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
If you don't want to believe what God says regarding the word, "mark" in his word then so be it.

I believe every word the scriptures say...
But a "mark" is done in the same way a coin was stamped... with a hammer.

So a microchip is not the "mark of the beast". It can't be. Microchips are carefully grown crystaline structures that are very fragile and susceptible to all sorts of damages. From chemical to temperatures. They are semi-conductors.... meaning that the transistors built within those crystal structures are extremely fragile measured by nanometers.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
I am not saying I cannot prove it.

But I am.

I am saying the idea that proof is required is imprudent and unbiblical.

Lol. Very funny, now it seems it is not biblical to expect someone to prove what they claim about the bible.

Tis an honor to present the cop out of the day award to none other than, wrangler.

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Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
This is a faith based website. Your proof based standard is inappropriate.

You are making no sense at all. I have faith in God, but very little in some men, especially those who make claims and cannot back them up. Do you think you deserve to simply be believed, and should not have to back up what you claim?

Also, why do your claims of proof not require Biblical proof?

To what claim do you refere?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
I'm not worried about a chip, I'm also not worried about your negative thoughts on that. The scriptures show that a mark can represent an attitude people have. The mark of the beast is an attitude people have about this world we're living in.

God said regarding his word when talking to the Israelites that his commands should be bound around their hand and they should be like a headband on their forehead.(Deuteronomy 11:18) This doesn't mean the Israelites were to literally mark their hands and foreheads but that God's word would guide all their actions and thoughts.
So rather than the mark of the beast being some 666 literal mark or some computer chip this mark symbolically identifies those who let this wicked world with all it's man made philosophies and it's political system rule their lives.

Ezekiel had a vision which he saw a man with an inkhorn who was told by God to go through the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of the men sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that were being done in the city. I conclude about those marked that for one thing they were deeply grieved at heart not only of the idolatry carried out at the temple but also over all the violence, immorality and corruption that filled Jerusalem. These people most likely didn't hide their feelings about it. These people were disgusted because of all the idolatry, violence, immorality and corruption. This attitude they had about idolatry, immorality, violence as disgusting them is what saved them.(Ezekiel 9:1-11)
So I don't believe the mark to be a literal mark or a chip, there's scriptural evidence that agrees with me
Talk to us again, when you can't get your fiat money out of your bank account, because they changed it all into a new digital global currency.
I do believe at that time, you will have headed into "the valley dicisions", thinking: "Shall I trust in God for all my needs, or should I trust the world's antichrist system, in order to keep my house, car(s), communication devices, entertainment,
food and clothing?"

Don't let anyone decieve/fool you, especially that of yourself. In about four years, we all will be relegated to their New Economic Reset and paradigm of their "cashless society".
Fiat money, as we all now know it, will be based entirely on a digital credit/debit system, and cash will be outlawed!
Btw, rhetorically asking, do you know your "CREDIT score"? WHY do you think you need to know THAT? Bank loans, yes! But how about this, its to control you, I and all.
Say or do the wrong thing on your communication devices, and your credit worthiness will suffer damage and/or get shut off, until you do comply!

Have you not heard about their plans, and the present on going global testing of a Universal Basic Income (UBI)? California started their testing of it, by giving a number of people 6,000 dollars/credits per YEAR to use in any way that they please, no questions asked. New york and others are testing it out also.

NOW GO TO 1 Kings 10:14 and "have wisdom", through a "WISE man", a "man" who already dealt with the number "six hundred threescore and six", and learn how Gold (money to us) came to Solomon (freely) IN ONE YEAR!

See the reports and interviews of former Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang of about 10 months ago. He has been pushing that agenda for quite some time now, and has filled the nation with his understanding of the concept of the Banking Elitist ideas of FREE MONEY for every global citizen. You think that it will not happen? Then you need to send your FREE" stimulus money" back to where it came from!
We are already being PRIMED for their big Global Reset!

And yes, just like the US Dollar today, being worth next nothing, digital dollars really will be worth nothing.
The only intrinsic value it will have, is because of what the IMF and Central Banks says it's worth. A Gold standard? There will be no such thing!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2021
futurum, ubi non sunt atheus troglodytae
United States
Are any inserted into the forehead?
Will the brain do? :confused:


HALO Infant Protection System

Elon Musk unveils brain chip implant: 'It's like a Fitbit in your skull'

microchips implant forehead at DuckDuckGo
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
So, your theory is subjective 'attitude' is what will prevent people from buying and selling and not some objective identifier, like a chip implant?

wasn't it an attitude that saved the Israelites at Ezekiel 9:4
I believe every word the scriptures say...
But a "mark" is done in the same way a coin was stamped... with a hammer.

So a microchip is not the "mark of the beast". It can't be. Microchips are carefully grown crystaline structures that are very fragile and susceptible to all sorts of damages. From chemical to temperatures. They are semi-conductors.... meaning that the transistors built within those crystal structures are extremely fragile measured by nanometers.

I don't believe this microchip to be even related to the mark of the beast.
I was simply explaining that in the scriptures a man with an inkhorn was told to go putting a mark on those who were sighing and groaning over the detestable and disgusting things going on in Israel then other men were told to follow that man with the inkhorn and kill all those in the city of Jerusalem except the ones who the man with the inkhorn marked, they were to let those live. This was a vision that Ezekiel had concerning Israel. Ezekiel 9:1-11
The point is these people in Israel did not literally receive a literal mark. The fact they were sighing and groaning over the detestable things being done was the mark.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Did you miss my question? What saith Kingdom Hall? lol

Will you accept a chip implant in your right hand?
You don't believe scripture kcnalp, Jehovah witness do that why you hate so much, is they believe scripture. You certainly don't I've shown from scripture that a mark being put on a man forehead doesn't mean it's done literally but you don't care what scripture has to say on that you just believe in your hate.

Marc RL Ministry

Active Member
May 28, 2021
No need for a chip under your skin its already in your hands the inventor of the original mobile:

Martin Cooper Mobile
6 Letters in each of the name 6 6 6

Its full of Lust and Pride, Its become peoples God its even being used in churches and bible studies over the holy bible paper back.

Go on a train, swimming pool, play centers all the parents and kids old enough are glued to it look in your own homes for a matter of fact that is why I don't have one I have a basic phone that's for emergencies.

Its also pointed at our foreheads and in the frontal lobe of our brains in our thoughts. Its also used to buy and sell not just with credit cards but Facebook etc.

When you honor Christ commandments with your heart not just your mouth you cannot get the mark of the beast because your in the book of life.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Talk to us again, when you can't get your fiat money out of your bank account, because they changed it all into a new digital global currency.
I do believe at that time, you will have headed into "the valley dicisions", thinking: "Shall I trust in God for all my needs, or should I trust the world's antichrist system, in order to keep my house, car(s), communication devices, entertainment,
food and clothing?"

Don't let anyone decieve/fool you, especially that of yourself. In about four years, we all will be relegated to their New Economic Reset and paradigm of their "cashless society".
Fiat money, as we all now know it, will be based entirely on a digital credit/debit system, and cash will be outlawed!
Btw, rhetorically asking, do you know your "CREDIT score"? WHY do you think you need to know THAT? Bank loans, yes! But how about this, its to control you, I and all.
Say or do the wrong thing on your communication devices, and your credit worthiness will suffer damage and/or get shut off, until you do comply!

Have you not heard about their plans, and the present on going global testing of a Universal Basic Income (UBI)? California started their testing of it, by giving a number of people 6,000 dollars/credits per YEAR to use in any way that they please, no questions asked. New york and others are testing it out also.

NOW GO TO 1 Kings 10:14 and "have wisdom", through a "WISE man", a "man" who already dealt with the number "six hundred threescore and six", and learn how Gold (money to us) came to Solomon (freely) IN ONE YEAR!

See the reports and interviews of former Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang of about 10 months ago. He has been pushing that agenda for quite some time now, and has filled the nation with his understanding of the concept of the Banking Elitist ideas of FREE MONEY for every global citizen. You think that it will not happen? Then you need to send your FREE" stimulus money" back to where it came from!
We are already being PRIMED for their big Global Reset!

And yes, just like the US Dollar today, being worth next nothing, digital dollars really will be worth nothing.
The only intrinsic value it will have, is because of what the IMF and Central Banks says it's worth. A Gold standard? There will be no such thing!
All you're doing is speaking words of men to me. I care about scripture something you're not showing me. You have no scripture that backs up that a microchip is the mark of the beast. You have no scripture that backs any of what you're saying to be true.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
The Mark of the beast to me is that of when Nero Cesar was in power.

Now I could be wrong about this but however; I believe that their was a time, when the mark of the beast was happening ~

Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

This has to do with the mark in their right hand having to by devotion act in a certain manner towards the King of that time which made himself to be that of God. The same thing with the foreheads it is a mark of loyalty towards the King. Which also would lead to that of having a voucher that voucher would show your loyalty to the king were you can go and buy, things you needed ~~ Because of this warning

Christians are being warned about this who are being written to. To watch out and be on the look out back then in their day that was leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem.

Christians would not be able to do anything, they would be at a stand still here; because their loyalty would be towards God, and not towards a self proclaimed King who believes that He is God that has exalted himself about God Himself.

That is my take on it anyway: I personally believe that all prophecy has been fulfilled. Many disagree but that is fine you do not gotta believe me, just check the bible and see what it has to say but also check history, and the accounts of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70ad.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
You don't believe scripture kcnalp, Jehovah witness do that why you hate so much, is they believe scripture. You certainly don't I've shown from scripture that a mark being put on a man forehead doesn't mean it's done literally but you don't care what scripture has to say on that you just believe in your hate.
You can't even answer my simple question. You sure seem like one who will accept a chip implant in your right hand. Kingdom Hall won't be able to help you on Judgment Day. They will have their own PROBLEMS.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
No need for a chip under your skin its already in your hands the inventor of the original mobile:

Martin Cooper Mobile
6 Letters in each of the name 6 6 6

Its full of Lust and Pride, Its become peoples God its even being used in churches and bible studies over the holy bible paper back.

Go on a train, swimming pool, play centers all the parents and kids old enough are glued to it look in your own homes for a matter of fact that is why I don't have one I have a basic phone that's for emergencies.

Its also pointed at our foreheads and in the frontal lobe of our brains in our thoughts. Its also used to buy and sell not just with credit cards but Facebook etc.

When you honor Christ commandments with your heart not just your mouth you cannot get the mark of the beast because your in the book of life.
Our phones are the Mark of the Beast?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
All you're doing is speaking words of men to me. I care about scripture something you're not showing me. You have no scripture that backs up that a microchip is the mark of the beast. You have no scripture that backs any of what you're saying to be true.
Take off your JW glasses Barney. They're blinding you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
You don't believe scripture kcnalp,
Is this in the JW Bible?
Revelation 21:8 (NKJV)
8 ALL LIARS shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Jehovah witness do that why you hate so much, is they believe scripture.
JW's don't even believe their own Bible.
I.E. NWT " In answer Thomas said to him: “My Lord and my God!”

You certainly don't I've shown from scripture that a mark being put on a man forehead doesn't mean it's done literally but you don't care what scripture has to say on that you just believe in your hate.
Stop lying Barney. I don't hate anyone! And you still didn't answer my simple question. Do you have to get Kingdom Hall's permission to answer questions?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
You can't even answer my simple question. You sure seem like one who will accept a chip implant in your right hand. Kingdom Hall won't be able to help you on Judgment Day. They will have their own PROBLEMS.
You can't even answer my simple question. You sure seem like one who will accept a chip implant in your right hand. Kingdom Hall won't be able to help you on Judgment Day. They will have their own PROBLEMS.

I've already said that a microchip has nothing to do with the mark of the beast. You too ignorant that you don't know when someone has already answered a question, that's on you. You will never agree with scripture kcnalp, that's your choice. I've already shown scriptural evidence that people the way they think and act can be a mark. As I said at Ezekiel 9:1-11 people were marked on their forehead by a man with an inkhorn because of the sighing and groaning over the detestable and disgusting things that were going on in the temple and Jerusalem those that didn't receive that mark were put to death. This however was a vision that Ezekiel had no person in the temple or the city of Jerusalem actually received a literal mark. It was the sighing and groaning of people because of the detestable and disgusting things going on that was the mark. They were deeply grieved at heart not only over the idolatry carried out at the temple but also over all the violence, immorality, and corruption that filled Jerusalem.