Was Adam Imparted Free Will From The Beginning Of Creation?

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Mar 18, 2019
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Was Adam Imparted Free Will From The Beginning Of Creation?
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God said;
Gen 2:
[17] ...of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it...

Adam said;
Gen 3:[12] ...of the tree, and I did eat.

No force feeding, Nothing Keeping Adam from Eating...
Adam exercised his FREEWILL to eat what God said he should not eat.


When you wrote "Adam exercised his FREEWILL", then you added to scripture.

In effect, you wrote that Adam said "of the tree, and I did choose to eat.".

Truly, it is written "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:12, KJV).

Action is expressed in Genesis 3:12, not choice, but action.

You added to scripture.

The Apostle Paul wrote "the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, KJV), so Adam did not willingly eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

You added to scripture. A word about adding to scripture as you have done. It is written "do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar" (Proverbs 30:6), and the above explanation of your thoughts shows where you added to scripture.

Of the new Jerusalem, the Apostle John wrote "nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life" (Revelation 21:27) - notice that no one who practices lying gets in, and a human adding to scripture is the human lying.

Your free will assertion is referring to man attempting to override God's thoughts with man's thoughts, and that is evil.

Adam was not imparted a free will just as the original post shows scripturally, and no person thereafter has been imparted a free will.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
You seem very afraid of thread integrity. Here is the the post to which you replied.

You are under the delusion that what you think rules above the Word of God.

The Word of God states "Of every tree in the garden to eat you will be eating, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not eating from, when in the day you are to eat of it to die you will be dying" (Genesis 2:16-17).

That "when in the day you are to eat of it" (Genesis 2:17) Word of God indicates prophecy.

There is no choice in the passage, so you are adding choice to the Word of God.

Regarding man's will, it's time to compare your writing to Paul's writing.

Despite the Creation account in Genesis 1-3 being silent about man's "will", there exists Apostolic teaching on the matter of man's "will" with regard to the creation account.

Adam did not exercise willpower to disobey God's command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17) for Paul wrote "the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, NASB); therefore, Adam did not make a choice, not a willing choice, to eat.

A "choice" by Adam is explicitly excluded by using scripture with scripture referencing, in fact, "the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, KJV), so Adam acted not willingly but rather acted subject to vanity in his eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

"Not willingly" indicates "not choice".

"Not willingly" indicates "not freewill".

Some people may claim that Paul was referring to a timeframe exclusively after what they call "the fall" (after Adam ate of the tree [Genesis 3:6]), but the continuity of the passage of Romans 8:20-22must be taken as a whole.

Paul left no room for disputing to the timeframe for which "not willingly" applies, for Paul also wrote "we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now" (Romans 8:22), and the phrase "until now" is the timeframe's most recent limiting factor which memes that all times prior to "now" are included, so "the whole creation" includes the moment after God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7) until Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6); therefore, we can be certain that Paul includes the timeframe that Adam ate of the tree in the travailing/groaning because Paul wrote of all of this in the same passage, i.e. Romans 8:20-22.

Paul includes the "not willingly" (Romans 8:20-22) to apply to the time that Adam ate of the tree (Genesis 3:6).

The amplified bible goes into the Hebrew in much more depth, to give a fuller understanding.
Your version of what it says doesn’t agree with the Amplified Bible:

16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may freely (unconditionally) eat [the fruit] from every tree of the garden; 17 but [only] from the tree of the knowledge (recognition) of good and evil you shall not eat, otherwise on the day that you eat from it, you shall most certainly die [because of your disobedience].”

Maybe your god is evil and gave a command, caused Adam to break that command, then punished him and all mankind for breaking it, but my God isn’t an evil sadist.


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Feb 6, 2018
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You wrote "Gods Works, IS God revealing to mankind".

John 6:
[29] Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

You wrote "God KNOWS before a man is naturally born, what a man will Freely Choose"

Jer 1:
[5] Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;
1 John 3:
[20] For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.

There is no level that a person can choose Lord Jesus because He says "you did not choose Me, but I chose you" (John 15:16)

God is all knowing. He knows a mans choice Before the man IS Born. God chooses a man "WHO WILL CHOOSE HIM!!!!"

Men do not KNOW their their Choices BEFORE they are born. Men Do not Know WHAT they WILL hear, learn, believe, CHOOSE until they HEAR, LEARN, BELIEVE....and Freely make their own Choice!

Yes God Chooses men.
And So what? He doesn't force a man to choose Him. He doesn't drag a man kicking and screaming in protest to Choose Him.
He gives men the (tools) to Freely Choose Him.
His Word, He Revealed.
His gift of Faith.
His Blessings.
His Promises.
God WAITS for babes to be born, babble, toddle around, grow, hear bit by bit, learn bit by bit, becoming prepared to Hear His Word...
That they become Prepared....to Choose God.

* When a man "CHOOSES" God, He is Freely ELECTING to Become Converted IN Christ.

* If a man HAD "NO" FREE CHOICE...TO choose or reject God...HOW is THAT ^ JUST? Forced to Love God?
Because even you may "choose" to love someone....really, do you think it JUST or even a TRUE LOVE, if you could FORCE them to Love you back?

1 John 4:
[19] ... he first loved us.

God Acknowledges OUR "CHOICE" to "CHOOSE HIM".

1 Thes 1:
[4] Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

You wrote "Adams Choice to eat, DID NOT effect His Salvation. What it effected was, his physical body would die, and it did.
We clearly learn, Adam believed IN God, and Adams soul was Saved.".


Wow, your words do not match the Word of God, so you do not believe the Word of God (John 1:14).

Hogwash. God said not to eat...or else die that day.
* Death is more than Physical Bodily Death.
* Any Separation from God, (Bodily or Soul, is Spiritual Death)
Adam ate. Adam "died", the moment he was "separated" from God (booted out of the garden was Adams separation from God).
Adam, as Scripture teaches, HAD His Sin Covered, (Gods works, covering Adams Flesh). Adam clearly was called a "son of God"...which should have learned...
"sons of God" ARE Saved.

Luke 3:
[38] Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

Furthermore, you contradicted the Apostle Paul by your claim that Adam had a free will.

False. NO ONE, forced or made Adam eat of the tree he was told not to eat from....or else.
Adam freely choose the consequence OF "or else".

Paul is speaking of the Effect of Adams FREEWILL (choice), upon the WHOLE of mankind...
A Covering of SIN, did NOT 'change' Adams SEED in his Corrupted Flesh. Every natural offspring of Adam so also had a "corrupt" SEED.
(Hint Hint...Jesus' Offering to mankind is for A Different SEED. Gods Perfect SEED!)

You accuse with limited understanding.
Everything I said IS Scripturally Sound.

Glory to God,


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Feb 6, 2018
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When you wrote "Adam exercised his FREEWILL", then you added to scripture.

In effect, you wrote that Adam said "of the tree, and I did choose to eat.".

Truly, it is written "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." (Genesis 3:12, KJV).

Action is expressed in Genesis 3:12, not choice, but action.

You added to scripture.

The Apostle Paul wrote "the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, KJV), so Adam did not willingly eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

You added to scripture. A word about adding to scripture as you have done. It is written "do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar" (Proverbs 30:6), and the above explanation of your thoughts shows where you added to scripture.

Of the new Jerusalem, the Apostle John wrote "nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life" (Revelation 21:27) - notice that no one who practices lying gets in, and a human adding to scripture is the human lying.

Your free will assertion is referring to man attempting to override God's thoughts with man's thoughts, and that is evil.

Adam was not imparted a free will just as the original post shows scripturally, and no person thereafter has been imparted a free will.

Matt 22:
[29] Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

Discussing Scripture is NOT adding to Scripture...
I have not added to Gods Prophecy or Commands.

Utterly Disagree with you, that mankind is VOID of Freewill to make his own Elections /Choices.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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United States
We start from the beggining when Adam was giving the power to name the animals G-d gave him freewill to choose Genesis 2:20.
20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him.

Here G-d gives Adam gives him ability to think for himself and he decide the animals name.

There is difference from the freewill Hebrew people back in the days of Noah and Moses when the law was directed to G-d's people they had freewill to decide. Their decision is under the law because they did not know other religions or ways they were narrowminded but still the decision from good and evil existed. Did the errors of their fathers before them I mean the fall of Adam stopped them making decisions in their life. Israel did what they want based still of need of surviving. Killing, eating, proceating needs of humanity but no matter what the error of Adam did not take freewill from them.

Romans 7:19 **“**For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.”

Ezekiel 18:20 “The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.”

Psalm 110:2 "Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew."

From the day pagans evolved into modern world and establish their own way. Even thou they seperated from their pagan worhsip Rome forced them to mix their deities and influence with christianism and robbed the followers of Christ of Jesus and they painted him white. Named the G-d of Israel to Zeus and change their panteon.

Hebrew law or mosaic law reminds people to obey but G-d has taken prophets to save and do the will of G-d in wars, missions, and choosing good and evil. They break the law in disobeying G-d, prophets like Jeremiah who chose G-d disobey tradition and his father and told Israel their errors and love for the temple forgotten the temple inside they are made of. Kick Jeremiah out of their circle rejected from society he continued, we have Elijah who many don't talk about but he change the words of G-d and sentence Jezabel but G-d only wanted to punish Jezabel but Elijah added her family as punishment. G-d was angry at Elijah but forgave him. Still G-d's plan was only Jezabel but he made an exception for Elijah and freewill existed and changed yes G-d allows it.

People can change their course in life but what is the promblem from today. Is how the Greek way of thinking of liberalism was popular in the time of Jesus.

James 2:12 "So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty."

2 Corinthians 3:17 "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

And Greeks influence the time of jesus that people like Luke wrote his book in the bible and later Catholic church not knowing fully Hebrew culture copied things from greeks and influence the bible. Remember they were not G-d's people but A country that stoled and wrote their intrepretation of G-d and took Jesus as an emblema that is not real.

Greek theology is freedom and rationalist thought, Hebrew people is Law and Relation with the one G-d. Greeks have influence the modernworld and gives them right, the western world copies Greek and Roman culture and their diffinity in their laws have given the modern topic freewill. So freewill clashes with freewill in the old times. That is why everything has to do with predestination, Calvanism go ahead and read see all our versions of choosing good and evil have consequences but still you decide your future.

There are 2 fields :indeterminism and determinism explain modern freewill and both give notion of control. Indeterminism means free acts are not determine in other words what you do with works does not foretold your future and the path you have chosen. Determinism says everything you do has already decided your future and you have no career. Nothing can change your destiny but G-d can.

Matthew 12:37 “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

God's general sovereignty- says god is in charge of everything but doesn't control everything
God's specific sovereignty- says that He not only has ordained everything, but He also controls everything.

Proverbs 16:9 “The mind of the man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

Proverbs 3:5-6"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

In your very first paragraph you made a statement that has been proven false in Scripture within this very thread.

You are adding “choice” there into scripture at Genesis 2:19-20.

The verse does NOT state “to see what he would choose to call them” for Genesis 2:19.

The verse does NOT state "The man chose names to all the cattle" for Genesis 2:20.

Furthermore, the Hebrew word for choose is NOT therein.

Scripture expresses an action with “call” in Genesis 2:19.

Scripture expresses an action with “gave” in Genesis 2:20.

There is the work of the mind, that is, thoughts of Adam in naming the beasts and birds exposed in Genesis 2:19-20; therefore, God displays the cognitive and communicative ability of Adam.

Adam called the beasts the name in his mind. No choosing required.

Furthermore, Adam was NOT choosing God.

You try to add free will into the scripture regarding the creation account.

The Apostle Paul removed any potential for free will from The creation account.

Despite the Creation account in Genesis 1-3 being silent about man's "will", there exists Apostolic teaching on the matter of man's "will" with regard to the creation account.

Adam did not exercise willpower to disobey God's command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17) for Paul wrote "the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, NASB); therefore, Adam did not make a choice, not a willing choice, to eat.

A "choice" by Adam is explicitly excluded by using scripture with scripture referencing, in fact, "the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, KJV), so Adam acted not willingly but rather acted subject to vanity in his eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

"Not willingly" indicates "not choice".

"Not willingly" indicates "not free will".

Some people may claim that Paul was referring to a timeframe exclusively after what they call "the fall" (after Adam ate of the tree [Genesis 3:6]), but the continuity of the passage of Romans 8:20-22must be taken as a whole.

Paul left no room for disputing to the timeframe for which "not willingly" applies, for Paul also wrote "we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now" (Romans 8:22), and the phrase "until now" is the timeframe's most recent limiting factor which memes that all times prior to "now" are included, so "the whole creation" includes the moment after God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7) until Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6); therefore, we can be certain that Paul includes the timeframe that Adam ate of the tree in the travailing/groaning because Paul wrote of all of this in the same passage, i.e. Romans 8:20-22.

Paul includes the "not willingly" (Romans 8:20-22) to apply to the time that Adam ate of the tree (Genesis 3:6).


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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United States
1. Hearing the word of God is available to all, not just the few elect.

2. Jesus said when He was lifted up, He would draw ALL MEN to Himself

All who hear the word, believe and are drawn by Jesus.

Free will to reject faith and reject Jesus is why not all who hear the word and are drawn by Jesus are saved.

Stephen stated that the reason the elect nation of Israel, whom Jesus came for, rejected Him John 1:11, who Jesus yearned for them to come to Him, but they WOULD NOT, and who killed the prophets God sent to them, and killed Jesus, was because they RESISTED THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Act 7:51 “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you.

Act 7:52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered,

Even Gods own elect were able to reject their Messiah - and even kill Him - because they were able to resist the Holy Spirit, without which no one can say, Jesus is Lord.

And that unequivocally proves we have freewill.

Naming two sinless people is beyond irrelevant, since it’s well known that because Adam sinned,, humanity has inherited a sin nature, so that all have sinned since then.

For your point 1, you wrote "Hearing the word of God is available to all, not just the few elect.", and I would like to elaborate that the word "elect" means "chosen".

The Word of God says "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted" (Matthew 13:11).

One of you is dead wrong, and it is most certainly not the Word of God who is wrong!

For your point 2, you wrote "Jesus said when He was lifted up, He would draw ALL MEN to Himself" as support for freewill.

The Apostle John attributed that statement of Jesus specifically to "He was saying this to indicate the kind of death by which He was to die" (John 12:33), no indication for freewill nor hearing mentioned by John respecting the recorded Word in John 12:32.

Furthermore, when the Lord says "I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself" (John 12:32), then:
  • Jesus does NOT state that "all men" are granted any ability, including no ability impartation to hear and/or understand.
  • no one can hear and understand unless Jesus causes a man's ears to be open, "Ephphatha" (Mark 7:32-37).
  • scripture must be taken with scripture "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day" (John 6:44).

You wrote "All who hear the word, believe and are drawn by Jesus".

Let's focus in on "believe".

One does not control one's believing in Jesus for the Holy One says "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent" (John 6:29); therefore, the Holy One controls people's believing in Jesus.

You wrote "Even Gods own elect were able to reject their Messiah - and even kill Him" in reference to Israel.

Paul wrote "they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel" (Romans 9:6).

No scripture states that the Jews could choose Jesus for salvation, and that includes the verses you mentioned.

You wrote "Free will to reject faith and reject Jesus is why not all who hear the word and are drawn by Jesus are saved".

And, relatedly, you wrote "Naming two sinless people is beyond irrelevant, since it’s well known that because Adam sinned,, humanity has inherited a sin nature, so that all have sinned since then" as your final paragraph.

You contradict yourself because you also wrote "The very serious problem with claiming Adam had no choice but to sin and fall, is that makes God the author of sin".

The point of me writing:
  • Curtis, name two mere people that were not created by God. Even one.
  • Curtis, name two mere people who never sinned.
was to demonstrate that God creates everyone, God's chosen ones receiving Christ (believers) and the ones rejecting Christ (sinners) and the ones not exosed to the Gospel of Christ (sinners).

God created everyone, and this does not make God the author of sin.

Adam, made by God, did not have a choice per the Word of God,

Man is accountable for his sins, but you try to pin the sin of man on God when you wrote "that makes God the author of sin".

That is a very sinful thing you have done!

@grumix8 since you liked Curtis' post, this all goes for you too.

No scripture states Adam was imparted freewill, so no person thereafter has a free will, just as the original post shows.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
United States
United States
You've gathered your own interpretation that you've failed to actually prove scripturally.

If you had done research from the original post, then you'd be aware that the Word of God reveals man was created and there is no mention of free will being imparted to man.

Despite the Creation account in Genesis 1-3 being silent about man's "will", there exists Apostolic teaching on the matter of man's "will" with regard to the creation account.

Adam did not exercise willpower to disobey God's command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17) for Paul wrote "the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, NASB); therefore, Adam did not make a choice, not a willing choice, to eat.

A "choice" by Adam is explicitly excluded by using scripture with scripture referencing, in fact, "the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, KJV), so Adam acted not willingly but rather acted subject to vanity in his eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

"Not willingly" indicates "not choice".

"Not willingly" indicates "no free will".

Some people may claim that Paul was referring to a timeframe exclusively after what they call "the fall" (after Adam ate of the tree [Genesis 3:6]), but the continuity of the passage of Romans 8:20-22must be taken as a whole.

Paul left no room for disputing to the timeframe for which "not willingly" applies, for Paul also wrote "we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now" (Romans 8:22), and the phrase "until now" is the timeframe's most recent limiting factor which memes that all times prior to "now" are included, so "the whole creation" includes the moment after God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7) until Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6); therefore, we can be certain that Paul includes the timeframe that Adam ate of the tree in the travailing/groaning because Paul wrote of all of this in the same passage, i.e. Romans 8:20-22.

Paul includes the "not willingly" (Romans 8:20-22) to apply to the time that Adam ate of the tree (Genesis 3:6).

There is no doubt, Adam was not imparted with free will just as the Word of God reveals from the original post.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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United States
We have freewill God lets us decide to do good or bad and our purpose in life is when we make that decision. it's easy to not know that purpose because we are different. But freewill God gives it but he also gives us the law and the law is not wrong and niether is freewill just soceity itself is wrong and we have forgotten what is the normal back in those days. Society mistakes and thinks G-d is against freewill but gave freewill the right to choose and they have invented freewill is voting, paying taxes, and civics duties. No people those things are the mistake modern society makes because they think they have evolved in such A way they surpass all of Israel back in those day but truth G-d is fair and gave us all. We have lost what is important love because human society is wrong and it's foundation is false and invented by masons.

G-d created it all the rocks, the atmosphere, everything has been giving and from all that we have built buildings and empires everything we have built has come from him modern world is our work and act but we do not acknowledge them we take the glory and everything for we are sinful. The concept of government we have created but we emulated it from G-d and his kingdom the order G-d has it first, the structure he establish since the dawn of the universe. We have created rights but we cannot use our rights agaisnt G-d and say he has violated them or civic manner say our freedom and establishment of our democracy hits against G-d and his kingdom. For he has the kingdom and the law. The law of his word and we do not have that for G-d gave us words but we are babylon the law is only his. Nor it belongs to hebrew people, eunuchs, or angels it only belongs to him to judge.

Our own system is flaw because we copy from each empire that has been establish Babylon, Rome, Greece, Britian, and Nazi Germany. Each has given its concept of right and law and all have copied each other and failed. Because again bible has establish that G-d and his system works and we with our notion of democracy and rights have copied on Rome and Babylon and they are wrong. The most important things that because we have technology which has help us after world war 2 we think we have surpass it all and enter the digitla world and we circumvalent our promblems of family, corruption, and normal things we had before the 1950's and think we are gods. And we want to be eternal and to be like powerful like G-d because it is what we have always been thinking because all of it is copy. When we are original and have the right system like he does everything works but our government and system does not because we are with flaws and our own boundaries aren't the solutions they are A reminder that we will never have A perfect system thus our rights and belief in them cannot be the truth. The freewill is revealed that there is A difference from freewill with G-d on accepting the right and wrong and succeeding in that way and from freewill from our modern concept which has failed and clashes with G-d's law which is right and truth and unless we do not use our rights against G-d freewill is that what we make only A lie and it existence false.

Freewill from that point of view is that of society and since society has masonry in it and all foundations of masonery is babylon and Dagon it compells people to make G-d like unfair despotism but you cannot apply that to G-d for he is G-d and he is God of Gods those words are just feeble people who make laws copying the old empires and fallacy arrives in it's policy. There is A way government can follow G-d's politics but that will be another day. But people and society will always collapse confronting and using thier rights and saying there is no freewill when you have to one understand things from G-d's point of view understand what serveth the law, how the law is completed thru love and how faith as A tool helps you make A better realtionship with G-d. When you find the truth and love in his way that G-d establish thru Jesus Christ you understand A secret way which freewill co-exist with G-d and love is what that bound unites it and makes freewill work but not under modern society but thru G-d mosaic law and know that is true freewill has been given to you but from the stance of modern world and republics establish go into error. I will explain more but have did A lot.

Your post is devoid of scripture, and that is a reflection of your thoughts.

Adam did not know good and evil before he ate of the tree (Genesis 3:22).

Man is flesh, and Paul wrote "the flesh desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. For these are opposed to one another" (Galatians 5:17), so fleshly man cannot choose God.

Adam did not have a free will, and no one thereafter has a free will, just as the original post shows.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2020
no, no, no, no, man had freewill since the garden because before man existed freewill existed but remember G-d lets us choose even don't i don't like making the comparison the devil was good and he had freewill for they say angels cannot disobey the devil who is lucifer fought against the lord and it is said in the bible

7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

— Revelation 12:7–10 (NIV)

So for freewill and to choose even do I not like this comparison does freewill exist and G-d gave it to show he is A benevelont G-d and fair he does not want to us to obey out of fear but in love to him submit to his will. The word is not Choosing in hebrew but the bible does state we choose our own paths

“Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails;” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

“If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 NASB

“For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13

they were not used but our understanding is that freewill was giving to adam because he chose to eat of the tree of good and evil. Even though you said freewill is not giving to adam and paul proves it is not, it is evidence G-d gave it to people with consciouness so to show he is fair and gives us to choose from doing good and evil and angels disobey that cause the fall of the evil. People are responsible and the devil payed the price for his evil. Good and evil is how we are judged and there more things we learn exist in space but unfortunately Paul sees things from his time and does not understand neither no one why the devil rebbeled out his own evil and greed.

Freewill exist in the bible and before our existence so sorry there is truth in our decisions and action why people think our minds do not comprehend decisions but still even if the words were not use the example is their and the reality freewill exists before, today and after instead do good and love like G-d and your decision be his.


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Mar 18, 2019
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* Paul's statement is CORRECT.
* Nothing whatsoever which God Created... was Created by the WILLINGNESS, of the CREATED thing!
** The Earth, Heaven, Moon, Stars, Day, Night, Waters, Seeds, Plants, Trees, Animals, Mankind...

All of Gods Creation was Created expressly by 'Gods WILL."
NOTHING...of Gods Creation had a SAY in Being Created.
His Plan, His Idea, via His Word to Speak (Word) and His Power (Spirit) to Effect His WILL BECOME materialized in a "physical visual material Form".

Adam was "created" without his WILL, outside of the Garden.
Adam was "given" a gift from God, OF SOUL LIFE, (outside of the Garden.)
Every drop of Adam's created BLOOD, began functioning, without Adam's WILL.
Every Organ, in Adam's created BODY, AND (ears hearing, eyes seeing, nose smelling, taste, feeling, ) began functioning, without Adam's WILL.
* Adam was fully Created and Made Living, and THEN (without his WILL), PUT IN the Garden.

THAT was mans Creation and Making, as Paul taught...WITHOUT the WILL of man.

Once IN the Garden, Created and Made Living Adam, God SPOKE TO Adam's "Hearing Ears", ONE prohibition...
Absolutely had his OWN FREEWILL...to Consider and Obey Gods ONE prohibition OR

Clearly the Evidence reveals, Adam's exercise of his own Freewill, Adam CHOSE, to NOT obey Gods ONE prohibition.

* You are trying to MESH, Gods "creation and making" a man living, (who CAN NOT make choices)
....with after the Fact a man....
"IS Created and IS Made Living", (and the man CAN make choices).
* Those are two separate things.

Glory to God,

You wrote "Nothing whatsoever which God Created... was Created by the WILLINGNESS, of the CREATED thing".

Relatedly, you also wrote "IS Created and IS Made Living", (and the man CAN make choices)" where you wrote of Adam AFTER Adam was placed in the garden.

God placing Adam in the garden is recorded in Genesis 2:8.

That is, you were referring to the time Adam was placed in the garden (Genesis 2:8) BETWEEN the time God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7) and the time Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6).

Apostle Paul wrote "the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, KJV).

The phrase "until now" (Romans 8:22) is the timeframe's most recent limiting factor which means that all times prior to "now" are included, so "the whole creation" (Romans 8:22) includes the time God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7) until the time Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6).

Therefore, we can be certain that Paul includes the time Adam was placed in the garden (Genesis 2:8) as part of the "not willingly" (Romans 8:20) because Paul wrote of all of this in the same passage, i.e. Romans 8:20-22.

Essentially, Paul excluded man's will with respect to the words recorded in Genesis 2:8.

Genesis 2:8 does not include choice for man in any way, shape, or form, so you are adding to scripture.

Paul conveyed that Adam did not willingly eat of the tree (Romans 8:20-22), so since you do convey that Adam free willingly ate of the tree, then you reject the scripture the Paul wrote.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2020
no Kermos your putting in one side and all you say is I reject scripture never said that, your accusing me on A matter discussing freewill and still you miss the point we have choice that is all in no way i'm I against scripture you have given your testimony. Still freewill is biblical and G-d gave since the dawn of existence and even though the devil is A bad example which I did not want to use. It makes an example Adam was free in the garden and he was with Eve and even though thru error they made mistake.

they thought and did things they are not the devil we are not the devil. But decision exist and you must make the decision to love like G-d and love thy neighbor that is all.

In no way i'm trying to justify the devil I wish G-d killed him because of him the devil we are in sin promblem.
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Mar 18, 2019
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Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat
(Genesis 2:16)​

oh look, free will

In reality, the word "freely" does not appear in the Hebrew of the Genesis 2:16-17 passage. The Hebrew source word for "freely" is truly "to eat" in English for Genesis 2:16.

Also, the word "may" does not appear in the Hebrew of the passage. The Hebrew source word for "may" is truly "you will be eating" in English for Genesis 2:16.

The word "surely" can surely lead to misinterpretation of the passage since the Hebrew source word for "surely" is truly "to die" in English for Genesis 2:17.

First, we need to look at the passage, so here is Genesis 2:16 from three different angles: New American Standard Bible, Hebrew Bible, and Interlinear.

The Lord God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may freely eat;" (Genesis 2:16, NASB)
ויצו יהוה אלהים על האדם לאמר מכל עץ הגן אכל תאכל
(Genesis 2:16, Hebrew Bible, historians say accent marks for vowels did not appear in early Hebrew script)

and-commanded YHVH God unto the-man saying of-every tree of-the-garden to-eat you-eating (Genesis 2:16, Interlinear word[s] for word[s] translation of English from Hebrew)

Now, here is Genesis 2:17 from three different angles of NASB, Hebrew Bible, and Interlinear."but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die." (Genesis 2:17, NASB)

ומעץ הדעת טוב ורע לא תאכל ממנו כי ביום אכלך ממנו מות תמות
(Genesis 2:17, Hebrew Bible, historians say accent marks for vowels did not appear in early Hebrew script)

but-of-the-tree of-the-knowledge of-good and-evil not you-eating from when in-the-day you-to-eat of-it to-die you-dying (Genesis 2:17, Interlinear word[s] for word[s] translation of English from Hebrew)

Second, we need to look at the lexical construction.

The final two words of both verses follow similar patterns. The final two words are verbs. The final two words have the same root word. The first word is the Qal (Strong's 7031 - light, swift, fleet) infinitive absolute verb form (to be). The second word is the qal (Strong's 7031 - light, swift, fleet) imperfect second person masculine singular verb form (incomplete action thus present tense applies and past tense can be included and future tense can apply).

In Hebrew grammar, the qal is the simple paradigm and simplest stem formation of the verb.

The word roots are easily distinguishable when carefully examined.

Here are the final two Hebrew words of Genesis 2:16, אכל תאכל, notice the consistent word root. Both of these words are Strong's 398 - eat.

Here are the final two Hebrew words of Genesis 2:17, מות תמות, notice the consistent word root. Both of these words are Strong's 4191 - die.

The sixth word of Genesis 2:17 is תאכל which is precisely the same word that appears as the second of the two last words at the end of the Genesis 2:16, so we have a point of reference for this word.

Notice that the Hebrew word אכל (Strong's 398 - eat) in Genesis 2:16 is not the Hebrew word חפשי (Strong's 2670 - free).

Third, it is prudent to mention that the Masoretes added the vowel accents into the Hebrew written manuscripts. The Masoretes were a sect of Jews that lived after Jesus ascended to heaven. We have earlier copies of Hebrew manuscripts that contain consonants only, so the Hebrew consonant only script is what I use here in this essay. I use the consonant only script because it more closely represents the original Hebrew writing.

Fourth, it's time to apply proper translation.

In Genesis 2:16, the final two words "אכל תאכל" (to-eat you-eating) are of significant relevance to this topic since both of these words are of the root "eat".

The first of the two words "אכל" (Strongs 398 - eat) is the infinitive verb form thus it translates to English as "to-eat"; however, some English translations use the word "freely", yet "freely" is an inappropriate translation of "eat" because the word is not the Hebrew word for "free" while it is the Hebrew word for "eat".

The second of the two words "תאכל" (Strongs 398 - eat) is the imperfect verb form thus it translates to English as "you-eating".

These two words essentially result in the first part of the command being "of every tree in the garden to eat you will be eating" thus liberty of action without punishment is expressed. Also, instead of the permissive of "may" as part of the "eat" verb, it is appropriate for "will" to be part of the "eat" verb; in other words, "may eat" is the wrong translation., and "will eat" is the correct translation.

In Genesis 2:17, the final two words "מות תמות" (to-die you-dying) are of significant relevance to this topic since both of these words are of the root "die".

The first of the two words "מות" (Strongs 4191 - die) is the infinitive verb form thus it translates to English as "to-die"; however, some English translations use the word "surely", yet "surely" is an inappropriate translation of "die".

The second of the two words "תמות" (Strongs 4191 - die) is the imperfect verb form thus it translates to English as "you-dying".

These two words essentially cause the end of the command to say "day you are to eat of it to die you will be dying" thus the punishment is expressed.

Fifth, conclusions based on the above.

Please see my next post
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Mar 18, 2019
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Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat
(Genesis 2:16)​

oh look, free will

Continued from my previous post

Since some people say proper translation of "to eat" and "to die" depend on the Hebrew language construct, so then there should be no problem switching "freely" to "surely" in Genesis 2:16; furthermore, there should be no problem switching "surely" to "freely" in Genesis 2:17; however, switching or keeping "freely" and/or "surely" causes confusion, yet God is not of confusion but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33).

After all, "to-eat" followed by "you-will-be-eating" and "to-die" followed by "you-will-be-dying" have the same language construct of "qal infinitive absolute verb form" (to eat/to die) followed by "qal imperfect second person masculine singular verb form" (you-will-be-eating/you-will-be-dying).

The current English translation of "to eat" to "freely" is arbitrary in Genesis 2:16.

As it stands in the English translations, the translation of "to die" to "surely" is arbitrary in Genesis 2:17.

If one says that the vowel marks dictate the language construct, then such a one relies on the Masoretic Manuscript edits that the Masoretes added nearly 2,000 years after the original manuscripts, so that is arbitrary and capricous in Genesis 2:16-17.

The bottom line is that "to eat" must be translated "to eat", and "to die" must be translated "to die".

The word "freely" in the English translations of Genesis 2:16 should not be used because the underlying Hebrew word truly means "to eat".

The word "surely" in the English translations of Genesis 2:17 should not be used because the underlying Hebrew word truly means "to die".

The word "may" in the English translations of Genesis 2:16 improperly represents the underlying Hebrew; rather, the word "will" (verb future tense) is appropriate based on the underlying Hebrew word.

Genesis 2:16-17 contains a command, the word "command" in Genesis 2:16 is singular, not plural, but singular, so all of the Word of God recorded in Genesis 2:16-17 is a single command. The word "may" in Genesis 2:16 used in the English translations linguistically reduces the command to a request because the option of eating from none of the trees would be valid with the word "may"; however, with the word "will" (verb future tense) then the Integrity of a command linguistically remains intact.

For the sake of consistency, if we apply the word "may" into the last of the final two words of Genesis 2:17, just as the English translators did in Genesis 2:16, then it becomes err apparent that the word "may" fails in that position for both verses. The result for Genesis 2:17 would be essentially "day you are to eat of it to die you may be dying" thus a potential punishment is expressed, so this is ambiguous. God is precise, so ambiguous does not work.

This demonstrates that the verbs used by God to construct the final two words of Genesis 2:16and Genesis 2:17 do not contain the word "may".

For Genesis 2:16-17 to be true to form, conjugates of "eat" must be used for each of the final two words in Genesis 2:16, and conjugates of "die" must be used for each of the final two words in Genesis 2:17.

Proper Translastion Based On The Hebrew
First, Genesis 2:16:

and commanded YHWH God to the man, saying "Of every tree in the garden to eat you will be eating"Second, please see this essay's "The Meaning Of The Hebrew Word כִּ֗י(ki)/'for'/'when' in Genesis 2:17 Comparison With Other Portions of Scripture" section explaining the usage of the grammatically accurate word "when".
Third, Genesis 2:17:

"but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not eating from, when in the day you are to eat of it to die you will be dying"
Fourth, properly bringing the two verses cohesively together to illuminate the entire command Genesis 2:16-17:and commanded YHWH God to the man, saying "Of every tree in the garden to eat you will be eating, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not eating from, when in the day you are to eat of it to die you will be dying"

Return to main essay "Almighty God's Awesome Creation In Amazing Splendor"

As the original post shows in scripture Adam was not imparted free will.
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Active Member
Jul 23, 2020
You see kermos you don't know what your writting or saying truly you did not understand your own words. Please Kermos read again and you will find this is not trying to seperate from scripture but the knowing that freewill did exist and it choice G-d gave it but we must decide right and not the devil's way.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2021
United States
Continued from my previous post

Since some people say proper translation of "to eat" and "to die" depend on the Hebrew language construct, so then there should be no problem switching "freely" to "surely" in Genesis 2:16; furthermore, there should be no problem switching "surely" to "freely" in Genesis 2:17; however, switching or keeping "freely" and/or "surely" causes confusion, yet God is not of confusion but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33).

After all, "to-eat" followed by "you-will-be-eating" and "to-die" followed by "you-will-be-dying" have the same language construct of "qal infinitive absolute verb form" (to eat/to die) followed by "qal imperfect second person masculine singular verb form" (you-will-be-eating/you-will-be-dying).

The current English translation of "to eat" to "freely" is arbitrary in Genesis 2:16.

As it stands in the English translations, the translation of "to die" to "surely" is arbitrary in Genesis 2:17.

If one says that the vowel marks dictate the language construct, then such a one relies on the Masoretic Manuscript edits that the Masoretes added nearly 2,000 years after the original manuscripts, so that is arbitrary and capricous in Genesis 2:16-17.

The bottom line is that "to eat" must be translated "to eat", and "to die" must be translated "to die".

The word "freely" in the English translations of Genesis 2:16 should not be used because the underlying Hebrew word truly means "to eat".

The word "surely" in the English translations of Genesis 2:17 should not be used because the underlying Hebrew word truly means "to die".

The word "may" in the English translations of Genesis 2:16 improperly represents the underlying Hebrew; rather, the word "will" (verb future tense) is appropriate based on the underlying Hebrew word.

Genesis 2:16-17 contains a command, the word "command" in Genesis 2:16 is singular, not plural, but singular, so all of the Word of God recorded in Genesis 2:16-17 is a single command. The word "may" in Genesis 2:16 used in the English translations linguistically reduces the command to a request because the option of eating from none of the trees would be valid with the word "may"; however, with the word "will" (verb future tense) then the Integrity of a command linguistically remains intact.

For the sake of consistency, if we apply the word "may" into the last of the final two words of Genesis 2:17, just as the English translators did in Genesis 2:16, then it becomes err apparent that the word "may" fails in that position for both verses. The result for Genesis 2:17 would be essentially "day you are to eat of it to die you may be dying" thus a potential punishment is expressed, so this is ambiguous. God is precise, so ambiguous does not work.

This demonstrates that the verbs used by God to construct the final two words of Genesis 2:16and Genesis 2:17 do not contain the word "may".

For Genesis 2:16-17 to be true to form, conjugates of "eat" must be used for each of the final two words in Genesis 2:16, and conjugates of "die" must be used for each of the final two words in Genesis 2:17.

Proper Translastion Based On The Hebrew
First, Genesis 2:16:

and commanded YHWH God to the man, saying "Of every tree in the garden to eat you will be eating"Second, please see this essay's "The Meaning Of The Hebrew Word כִּ֗י(ki)/'for'/'when' in Genesis 2:17 Comparison With Other Portions of Scripture" section explaining the usage of the grammatically accurate word "when".
Third, Genesis 2:17:

"but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not eating from, when in the day you are to eat of it to die you will be dying"
Fourth, properly bringing the two verses cohesively together to illuminate the entire command Genesis 2:16-17:and commanded YHWH God to the man, saying "Of every tree in the garden to eat you will be eating, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not eating from, when in the day you are to eat of it to die you will be dying"

Return to main essay "Almighty God's Awesome Creation In Amazing Splendor"

As the original post shows in scripture Adam was not imparted free will.

first of all thanks! i really enjoyed reading that; it's well thought out and informative

this use of polyptoton is a common device in the Hebrew scripture -- 'dying you shall die' is the literal word-for-word translation of 'you shall surely die' and 'multiplying I will multiply your sorrow' in the judgement of the woman, for example. and many more, like 'visiting I will visit you' in Genesis 50:24

while yes -- that's a great point, that what God actually says is 'eating you shall eat' to Adam, it doesn't necessarily mean that he had no independent volition, and the counter-argument to your point is that what's meant by this linguistic emphatic is in fact that not only is he going to have the garden for food, he's going to really have it for food. the translators, much wiser men than me ((i am completely untrained in Greek or Hebrew)) understood this to carry the implication of having a great banquet set before him, in such a manner that one chooses what they will nosh from all the riches set before them. so 'freely eat' isn't arbitrary, but was drawn from the connotation of 'eating (you) will eat' -- this isn't a type of speech we are familiar with in our language, and has to be interpreted in order to be rendered into English. not that i am qualified to do so, but that i recognize people who are qualified, did so

this fits with the subsequent command God gives him saying he will not eat of the tree in the midst of the garden: this is certainly not God 'describing Adam's future actions' because God doesn't lie, and Adam eventually did eat from that tree. instead it's an instruction -- which implies that Adam has the capacity to understand that it is good to obey and evil to disobey ((i.e. he doesn't suddenly 'gain' an awareness of morality or the ability to make decisions only after eating from that tree)), and it implies that Adam also has some kind of agency allowing him to decide to eat or not eat, i.e. to obey or disobey. there would be no need for instructions if Adam is devoid of agency. if God is prophesying to Adam that he will not eat of the tree, then God is found a liar; if God caused Adam to eat of the tree, then God is the author of sin.

but look at another example in Genesis wherein we will ((hopefully)) not be bogged down by the fineries of language: God brought every living soul He had created before Adam to see what Adam would name them, and whatever Adam called them, that was their name. ((Genesis 2:19))
the text is very much stating that Adam is the one doing the naming -- he's the originator of the names. so how does Adam name all the living souls ((nephesh chayyah)) if Adam has zero free will?
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Feb 6, 2018
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You wrote "Nothing whatsoever which God Created... was Created by the WILLINGNESS, of the CREATED thing".

Relatedly, you also wrote "IS Created and IS Made Living", (and the man CAN make choices)" where you wrote of Adam AFTER Adam was placed in the garden.

God placing Adam in the garden is recorded in Genesis 2:8.

That is, you were referring to the time Adam was placed in the garden (Genesis 2:8) BETWEEN the time God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7) and the time Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6).

Apostle Paul wrote "the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly" (Romans 8:20, KJV).

The phrase "until now" (Romans 8:22) is the timeframe's most recent limiting factor which means that all times prior to "now" are included, so "the whole creation" (Romans 8:22) includes the time God breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7) until the time Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6).

Therefore, we can be certain that Paul includes the time Adam was placed in the garden (Genesis 2:8) as part of the "not willingly" (Romans 8:20) because Paul wrote of all of this in the same passage, i.e. Romans 8:20-22.

Essentially, Paul excluded man's will with respect to the words recorded in Genesis 2:8.

Genesis 2:8 does not include choice for man in any way, shape, or form, so you are adding to scripture.

Paul conveyed that Adam did not willingly eat of the tree (Romans 8:20-22), so since you do convey that Adam free willingly ate of the tree, then you reject the scripture the Paul wrote .

Still without "understanding" of Gods Order and Way?

Gen 1:31
...on the Sixth Day
Gen 1:27
...God created AND made man.
Gen 2:7
...God CREATED man with the Dust of Gods Earth.
...God MADE man Alive with Gods Breath.

Scriptural teaching.
Paul Confirms in his teaching....
* The CREATED and MADE man...
WAS CREATED and MADE by the WILL of God.
* The CREATED and MADE man...
"WAS NOT" Created and Made BY THE WILL OF man!!


GOD PUT the man called Adam IN Gods Garden.
Gen 2:15

Once the Created and Made man was put IN Gods Garden, IS Precisely WHEN the mans FREEWILL, decisions, choices, BECAME "in effect".

Adam's FIRST scriptural Example of Adam exercising his FREEWILL...
Gen 2:19 ... Adam Naming creatures what he freely chose to call them.
Gen 2:20 ... Adam continuing his Freewill, to name animals.
Gen 2:23 ... Adam Freely calling the thing that came forth out from Adam, Woman.
Gen 3:12 ...Adam Freely confesses to God, He did eat of the forbidden tree.
Gen 3:20 ... Adam Freely chose the Name Eve for his wife. (Who was the thing, Adam freely called Woman and Eve)

Scripture clearly reveals VIA GODS WILL, (NOT MANS) God CREATED and MADE mankind.

Scripture IN Genesis and Scriptural teaching of Paul....clearly reveals ONCE God creates and makes a man ... that created and made man HAS and Exercises his own FREEWILL.

Don't attempt to burden me with your accusations. Albeit IT IS you exercising your FREEWILL to make accusations Against me...
It's a fail. Nothing whatsoever, have I said of rejecting ANY Scripture. Your accusations are neither true or have affect on me.


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Feb 6, 2018
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You are adding “choice” there into scripture at Genesis 2:19-20.

The verse does NOT state “to see what he would choose to call them” for Genesis 2:19.

The verse does NOT state "The man chose names to all the cattle" for Genesis 2:20.

Adam called the beasts the name in his mind. No choosing required.

Gen 2:20 does not say Adam called the beasts "the name in his mind."

Genesis 2:
[20] And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field...

Interesting you have used so much space exercising "your freewill" to accuse people of adding to Scripture while overlooking you doing what you accuse.

Praying for you to Ask God for His Understanding of False accusations and Freewill.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Was Adam Imparted Free Will From The Beginning Of Creation?


Adam was created and made
(Gen 2:7)
outside of a Garden, according to Gods Word and WILL, not Adams word or WILL.

Nothing whatsoever indicates Adam saw, heard, smelled, touched, tasted anything outside of the garden to reveal Adams Freewill regarding Anything "out side of a garden".

Immediately AFTER Adam was created and made (Gen 2:8)
Gods Word and WILL is revealed...
God Planted a Garden.
God PUT Adam IN the Garden.

In the Garden, God brought creatures and animals to Adam, for Adam to exercise his own FREEWILL, to NAME the creatures and animals.

Adam exercised his own FREEWILL, and Named, creatures, animals, cattle, woman, Eve.

In the Garden, God notified Adam of what he could FREELY eat, and one tree Adam SHOULD NOT eat, (less Adam be subject to a consequence of death).

In the Garden God Planted, BY Gods WILL, and God caused every tree pleasant for food to grow. Of every tree...Adam exercised his own Freewill to choose which trees he would and would not eat from.

Gen 2:9
Gen 2:16

Bummer for Adam. Adam exercised his Freewill to Eat from the Tree of Good and Evil....and did not exercise his Freewill to Eat from the Tree of Life.
And as God said, Eating from the Tree of Good and Evil, would result in Adams death, 'that day'; and it was so.

Glory to God, Faithful and True,


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Mar 18, 2019
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For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God
(Romans 8:20-21)

this is speaking of this:

Cursed is the ground for your sake
(Genesis 3:17)

And Paul's writing of "not willingly" and "until now" (Romans 8:20-21) does not just speak of the Word of God recorded in Genesis 3:17, but Paul's writing (Romans 8:20-21) does speak of "he ate" (Genesis 3:6).

and of this:

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed;
He shall crush your head, and you shall bruise His heel
(Genesis 3:15)

And Paul's writing of "not willingly" and "until now" (Romans 8:20-21) does not just speak of the Word of God recorded in Genesis 3:15, but Paul's writing (Romans 8:20-21) does speak of "he ate" (Genesis 3:6).

Adam was not deceived. 1 Timothy 2:14. any view any of you has that makes Adam deceived at any time, is flatly a wrong view, directly contradicting explicit scripture. Satan doesn't deceive him; his wife doesn't deceive him; he doesn't deceive himself. God certainly does not deceive him!

Scripture does not state that God deceived Adam, so neither do I, and see God's command to Adam declared that which would come to pass "Of every tree in the garden to eat you will be eating, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not eating from, when in the day you are to eat of it to die you will be dying" (Genesis 2:16-17).