Australia's police brutality continues in the name of covid

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
All the Communist that I know have no idea at all, that when it does come they will get their heads kicked in at the drop of a hat and have no rights whatsoever to express any of their own views. they will be as bought and sold out to Satan.

Stalin called them "useful idiots"...
According to Yuri Bezmanov (a Russian defector who warned of Marxist indoctrination) when they realize they've been deceived they will become very dangerous to the communist party and will be the first to get exterminated...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I can go to the grocery store, church, and outside! That's it.
A lot of Canadian businesses are refusing to card people...but we already know how that one goes.
I see that they are laying a a little, allow people to adjust and rationalize things...move in a different direction to throw most off of the trail...and then one day...whammo!
Neighbor turning in neighbor, family members turning others in...sound familiar?
I also believe the whole pandemic/vaccine topic is being used as a shiny object to turn the public's focus away from other things they are not wanting us to think about. We are still building up China's military by our unchecked appetite for their cheap trinkets, I mean consumer goods.
I'm on the road...and there's nothing they can do about that. It's all a matter of perspective.
They have their fun now...and then it's our turn! :)

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I can go to the grocery store, church, and outside! That's it.
A lot of Canadian businesses are refusing to card people...but we already know how that one goes.
I see that they are laying a a little, allow people to adjust and rationalize things...move in a different direction to throw most off of the trail...and then one day...whammo!
Neighbor turning in neighbor, family members turning others in...sound familiar?
I also believe the whole pandemic/vaccine topic is being used as a shiny object to turn the public's focus away from other things they are not wanting us to think about. We are still building up China's military by our unchecked appetite for their cheap trinkets, I mean consumer goods.
I'm on the road...and there's nothing they can do about that. It's all a matter of perspective.
They have their fun now...and then it's our turn! :)

Its a race between Australia and Canada now for the crown of most totalitarian state in the west...
This news report is an accurate insight to what is happening now in Sydney and Melbourne.

Im lucky i fled my home city of Melbourne... Where i live now, in Tasmania, no one wears masks and there are no restriction... Yet
But its only a matter of time... I think next winter it will be all over Australia and the unvaxxed will be getting severely discriminated against and oppressed, maybe even persecuted.

Im worried that i won't be able to get back to the mainland by air or sea... So im thinking of going back early next year...
At least i can still drive over borders on the mainland. Here i will be stuck
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I wasn't referring to just getting a license. I mean rewriting your Constitution. Granted it wont be easy but look at your alternative.
Our Constitution has been under attack by the Socialist and they got a foot in the door form 1972 on, they work with the MSM to achieve their ends.

I am sure that the whole world will be taken over by the Satanist, as the Bible points this out. not to mention all of the Churches have abandoned Christ Jesus totally and they will not stand up to the Satanist at all now, in fact they embrace the morons now.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Perhaps, we should be considering the stupidity of the people who are protesting. Australia has always been a country where people have protested for sometime to do to ease their boredom.

Australians have always been trying to beat the government of the day, in any way they can.

Australians generally are so self interestedly focused, that they generally cannot see the crap that they generate and wallow in daily.

What generally happens in Australia is that when people begin to protest about anything the majority shut their doors, after stocking up on their grog, and placed their bets on the nags or footy and wait out the BS of the protesting minority, usually with Labour party connections, so that they can get back to a peaceful life once again.

What is pathetic in Australia, is that few have spent the time contemplating their navels for long enough to establish a structured basis by which they live their lives. Many act like a bad skipper of a skiff without the knowledge of how the weather of opinions is driving them onto the rocks of destructions.


Jay Ross, from what I found out, these anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-lockdown protests must be by a few million minority at the most, we have 63% of the Australian population over 16 yo having already received their first vaccines, if we look at the Over 50 population, the vaccinations are over 81% for first doses.

We could ask though have these protests achieved anything to help solve the current Covid problems in Australia? The answer is No......


If we have a look, protestors have been arrested for breaking laws and disrespecting the police, people cannot do either of those things. It's simple, obey the law, don't argue or disrespect the police, it's basic common sense, don't go looking for trouble by joining these protests.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Jay Ross, from what I found out, these anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-lockdown protests must be by a few million minority at the most, we have 63% of the Australian population over 16 yo having already received their first vaccines, if we look at the Over 50 population, the vaccinations are over 81% for first doses.

We could ask though have these protests achieved anything to help solve the current Covid problems in Australia? The answer is No......


If we have a look, protestors have been arrested for breaking laws and disrespecting the police, people cannot do either of those things. It's simple, obey the law, don't argue or disrespect the police, it's basic common sense, don't go looking for trouble by joining these protests.


Just because 63% of the population have already been vaccinated, does not equate to the other 37% of the population being anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-lockdown etc. If you look at the number of members on this forum that are anti-authority, the percentage is actually quite small. Only a few are vehemently anti-everything and are protesting against everything under the sun.

My experience is that politicians when they receive just one letter of complaint about anything, make every effort to demonstrate that they are doing everything that they can to "fix" that problem and that they are afraid to speak the truth to that person that they should toughen up and suck it in and just get on with life as everybody have ""major problems" during their lifetime that they must deal with. People just like blaming everybody else or the authorities for the bad decisions that they regularly make.

In the Brisbane 1974 flood, the people did not wait on the "government" to tell them what to do as the flood waters rose around them, whereas, during the Brisbane flood of 2011, the people needed to be told what to do with respect to getting out of the flood's path. The people are now dependant on the government to get them out of the mess that they themselves created for themselves. Buying a house or building a house within a known flood plain, does not mean that they are not responsible for the resulting flooding of their house/property. They brought the house and took the risk that a flood would not occur while they owned the house.

The ambulance chasers, i.e. lawyers, who make money out of other peoples miseries, look for people to blames and sue, but the reality is that the people who have to pay for the compensation they they seek for their so called "clients" is actually everybody in the community, and their "client" that is driving these claims is actually themselves.

The situation that people are in presently, is not unique to this time period, but is a repeat of what has happened previously in the world. The problem is that our "best practices" in dealing with situations that present themselves periodically always fail, and that we all struggle for a time until we are able to come up with a working solution, which not everybody will like, that allows us to overcome the newly presented situation that is happening now.

It is very ease to oppose the solutions when they are not ours that are being implemented. It makes us sound more important than we really are.


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Jay Ross, from what I found out, these anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-lockdown protests must be by a few million minority at the most, we have 63% of the Australian population over 16 yo having already received their first vaccines, if we look at the Over 50 population, the vaccinations are over 81% for first doses.

We could ask though have these protests achieved anything to help solve the current Covid problems in Australia? The answer is No......


If we have a look, protestors have been arrested for breaking laws and disrespecting the police, people cannot do either of those things. It's simple, obey the law, don't argue or disrespect the police, it's basic common sense, don't go looking for trouble by joining these protests.
I remember protesters in Brisbane on stupid idiot points being just trash people for years and the MSM encouraged and supported them full on, the protestors were to follow guidelines set by the Government, but the protestors totally disrespected such and the MSM encouraged such as well and not to mention that the MSM totally slandered the Governments position.
Now as to protestors on the Covid Jab story, what body of people are we talking about ? I see some are just your typical greenie idiots who are ant-Vaccine and whatever. But I am not a person who has ever protested and never wanted to do such, but on some issues it looks as tho I will have too now for sure, I am not out to destroy anything but just want to point out a few truths.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
I remember protesters in Brisbane on stupid idiot points being just trash people for years and the MSM encouraged and supported them full on, the protestors were to follow guidelines set by the Government, but the protestors totally disrespected such and the MSM encouraged such as well and not to mention that the MSM totally slandered the Governments position.
Now as to protestors on the Covid Jab story, what body of people are we talking about ? I see some are just your typical greenie idiots who are ant-Vaccine and whatever. But I am not a person who has ever protested and never wanted to do such, but on some issues it looks as tho I will have too now for sure, I am not out to destroy anything but just want to point out a few truths.

One of the main issues though, is some think it's a smart idea to argue with a policeman's authority. Lolz that NEVER made anything better, and only makes this worse for the protestor.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
One of the main issues though, is some think it's a smart idea to argue with a policeman's authority. Lolz that NEVER made anything better, and only makes this worse for the protestor.
Well the got away with such in QLD for years and it's still being promoted nowadays as a win.

Only a moron argues with the police giving you a direction.
One can protest but you have to go through the right channels and to do so not as a trashy low life Mob. but in QLD in the 70'80's they were total trash but backed up by the MSM and the MSM totally lied full on, just like the MSM full on totally lied with Trump in power.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus

Just because 63% of the population have already been vaccinated, does not equate to the other 37% of the population being anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-lockdown etc. If you look at the number of members on this forum that are anti-authority, the percentage is actually quite small. Only a few are vehemently anti-everything and are protesting against everything under the sun.

I know, there's still a way to go those vax numbers are rapidly rising, it's only a small minority of the Aussie population that has been anti-authority.

We can have a look at NSW, they have sprinted to get their vaccines during this wave, 75.6% of the 16+ population have already had one jab, we see the 50+ population have already 87.2% and the 70+ population have 92.3 that have had one jab.

If we were to take a further dive into some other statistics, 59.5% identified as Christian in the 50-64 age bracket in the 2016 census, 70.3% identified as Christian in the 65+ age group. So if 87.2% of the over 50s and 92.3% of the 70+ population got the jab, it's safe to say a large majority of older Christians have had no problems getting a vaccine. It's also safe to assume a majority of older Christians have stayed away from those protests, even though some seem to making quite a lot of noise, it must be only a minority, in comparing these statistics, so from looking at the statistics we can read into so far, these protestors do not represent the majority of the "Australian Christian population's views on covid or authority."


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
@Josho Just curious about what you would call me in all this scenerio... I have chosen not to get vaxxed... and I do not trust this vaccine.

Does that make me an anti-vaxxer in your eyes ?? I am obviously going against what my government is telling me. But... I am not living a careless lifestyle by any means.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
@Josho Just curious about what you would call me in all this scenerio... I have chosen not to get vaxxed... and I do not trust this vaccine.

Does that make me an anti-vaxxer in your eyes ?? I am obviously going against what my government is telling me. But... I am not living a careless lifestyle by any means.

Addy, I know you are not one to get involved in these sort of public protests.

In regards to the previous post

Post #112 has a few points, it gives a rough idea of who may be involved in these protests in Australia and who may not be and from what I found out it must be only a small minority that's out on the streets protesting against masks, vaccines, lockdowns, etc.

It also gives a rough idea that most Aussie Christians are getting vaccinated, in comparing those few statistics and if many of us are getting vaccinated, it would be safe to assume most aren't getting involved in those kinds of protests.

It would be good if it could be measured another way, but is one of the easier ways to get a rough idea.

Of course the more accurate way would be a compulsory census of "Do you agree with these Covid protests?" Yes or No


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Do you agree with these Covid protests?" Yes or No
NOPE I don't agree with any kind of protests... this is not my cup of tea... I have made my mind up (quietly) about
this vaccine... Initially... I simply chose not to get vaccinated due to my lifestyle... and the fact that I did not trust a
NEW vaccine... HOWEVER... in these summer months that have gone by... and seeing how the government has decided
to take control and INSIST that all citizens must comply... I have added reasons to the WHY of my not joining the vaccinated club.

I do not live a careless lifestyle... and I am NOT the cause of the rising covid numbers. Plain and simple... This should have remained
a choice and the government should have minded their own business.

None of this changes the fact that I will NOT receive the covid vaccine... and I never will at this point... They can take away all my little luxuries such as dining in restaurants and going to movie theatres... concerts... sports events... Even though I am shocked that I am actually witnessing all this happening... I am not MOVED by it.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
NOPE I don't agree with any kind of protests... this is not my cup of tea... I have made my mind up (quietly) about
this vaccine... Initially... I simply chose not to get vaccinated due to my lifestyle... and the fact that I did not trust a
NEW vaccine... HOWEVER... in these summer months that have gone by... and seeing how the government has decided
to take control and INSIST that all citizens must comply... I have added reasons to the WHY of my not joining the vaccinated club.

I do not live a careless lifestyle... and I am NOT the cause of the rising covid numbers. Plain and simple... This should have remained
a choice and the government should have minded their own business.

None of this changes the fact that I will NOT receive the covid vaccine... and I never will at this point... They can take away all my little luxuries such as dining in restaurants and going to movie theatres... concerts... sports events... Even though I am shocked that I am actually witnessing all this happening... I am not MOVED by it.

Perhaps something that might not bother you for long, Conservatives might win in Canada.

An Apologetic Sheepdog

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Atlanta, Ga
United States
If we were to take a further dive into some other statistics, 59.5% identified as Christian in the 50-64 age bracket in the 2016 census, 70.3% identified as Christian in the 65+ age group. So if 87.2% of the over 50s and 92.3% of the 70+ population got the jab, it's safe to say a large majority of older Christians have had no problems getting a vaccine. It's also safe to assume a majority of older Christians have stayed away from those protests, even though some seem to making quite a lot of noise, it must be only a minority, in comparing these statistics, so from looking at the statistics we can read into so far, these protestors do not represent the majority of the "Australian Christian population's views on covid or authority."

Ever hear of the old saying: "lies, d@mned lies and statistics"?

Ever work with actual statistics and see up close actually how true that statement actually is?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Perhaps something that might not bother you for long, Conservatives might win in Canada.

I don't look to politicians for a FIX... I don't vote... the government has crossed the line of no return... It only gets worse from here on in.

An Apologetic Sheepdog

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Atlanta, Ga
United States
I am not a statistician, even though I am known for going around looking up statistics. I look for stats from sources that I know I can trust.

I am (as they apply to engineering, production and quality)- that's why I point that out.

I can take raw data (assuming its accurate to begin with) and make it look any way I want to support (or refute). That's why I harp on seeing the baseline data, qualifications for said data and the method of calculation or the published statistic is meaningless.

Seriously, I make a career out of mining data to "validate" claims and everybody does it to some degree.