Silly question, but a thought provoking one:

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Invalid question no matter how many times you ask it. Words are WHAT’s not WHO’s.

He words of the President are an attribute of the President, not another being related but apart from the man.

Now, know you don’t like that answer but there it is.

Well I always take teh bible as written over one who has little to know knowledge of it! The word is a He-The Bible says so- same with th eLight! Maybe y9ou should get on your bat-phoon e to God and tell Him he screwed up. And before you even try- the Greek has a 3rd person impersonal pronoun (it)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
If by "answered" you mean "artfully dodged," then, yes, you answered it.

Jesus too was asked invalid or trick questions. He did not fall for them in either. I'm in good company.

In any case, I think I've had about all the "logic" I can take for a while.

You put logic in quotes because you cannot simply admit your doctrine goes against
language usage.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Have you read the Gospel of John recently???

LOL well versed with John....Thank you! You need to expand your reading.

Again posts 293 and 298 and here ya go....

Most people do not enter biblical study with a concise method. They enter with preset and preconceived notions and beliefs. Where do they get them? It is not like everybody goes to church but we live in a Christian society….Christmas and holiday shows, Christmas and holiday stories and traditions, songs. Some grow up in Christian homes…Either way they come to the Bible with beliefs and it is almost human nature to be “on the lookout” for scriptures that support their preset beliefs, even if those scriptures are not in line with the theme or storyline of Bible as a whole. Some people have adopted religious beliefs from someone that knocked on their door or they happened to walk into the closest church to their home.

Then there is a preset expectation and definition of holy or righteousness that people impose on the Bible. And some beliefs impose just the opposite, a belief that people are filthy dirty rags, especially those that come from cult like beliefs. There is the cult lingo they use to demean people and prey on their concerns of salvation. Degradation of the individual is a theme in cults and a guarantee of salvation if they believe what they believe. People just like guarantees…

Biblical study is not about finding your beliefs in the scriptures. It is not about getting a set of rose colored glasses to see only holy or sweet the scriptures are. Particularly when you are studying the Old Testament. The Old Testament is set in a period that is harsh and cruel and violent….and the biblical characters and the Mosaic Laws are going to reflect some of that. You cannot judge what Yahweh did or the Mosaic Laws by Christian standards, because you end up either judging God or trying to explain away the truth or denying the cruelty. The Old Testament and Judaism is not Christianity. The Old Testament is what it is…that is it.

When you study the New Testament you have to establish the theme, storyline, and spirit of the whole New Testament and scriptures are seen in that light. Christology, understanding what He did, why he did it, and what were His goals and His Spirit. Christ set the example for the application of Christianity in our lives….Be good and do good.

But then again we are not gods and we are not Christ. Eventually the earlier church took things to extremes in this area…Christ suffered so they believed Christians were expected to suffer. The believed Christ wanted us to suffer and suffering was a way of showing gratitude for what Christ did for us. Christ was single so women, sex and nudity were seen as demonic. It eventually turns into a religious cultural insanity. A love / hate relationship of necessity that drives the notion that we are all dirty, filthy, rags, because we desire sex and reproduce. There was a time that even the most famous early church leaders considered sex in a marriage to be sinful. Even today there are preachers that preach that or they see the normal sequence of attraction and desire and marriage, as being sinful. We are born in sin, our marriages are born in sin, and our children are born in sin. LOL Oh my gosh! That is not the theme of any part of the Bible…Old or New Testament. Some of the early church leaders felt so strongly about this that they separated themselves living in graveyards, out in the deserts, in caves, trees, towers….Doing God’s work from a tree? LOL

As far as Christ and Holy Spirit being in the Old Testament it is just not true. I can wish it was true. I think it would have made things much better. If it were true, it would have changed the Old Testament nearly completely. If Christ and the Holy Spirit were in the Old Testament it would have filled the pages! What would have been more important to talk about? If the Old Testament taught that the Messiah would be the Son of God, a full-fledged God, it would have made Christ's ministry much easier and would have save most of the Jews.

So the bottom line is that biblical study should be done to learn the truths from the Bible, not find what you like, ignore the rest and weave your own beliefs.
Last edited:

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
LOL well versed with John....Thank you! You need to expand your reading.

Again posts 293 and 298 and here ya go....

Most people do not enter biblical study with a concise method. They enter with preset and preconceived notions and beliefs. Where do they get them? It is not like everybody goes to church but we live in a Christian society….Christmas and holiday shows, Christmas and holiday stories and traditions, songs. Some grow up in Christian homes…Either way they come to the Bible with beliefs and it is almost human nature to be “on the lookout” for scriptures that support their preset beliefs, even if those scriptures are not in line with the theme or storyline of Bible as a whole. Some people have adopted religious beliefs from someone that knocked on their door or they happened to walk into the closest church to their home.

Then there is a preset expectation and definition of holy or righteousness that people impose on the Bible. And some beliefs impose just the opposite, a belief that people are filthy dirty rags, especially those that come from cult like beliefs. There is the cult lingo they use to demean people and prey on their concerns of salvation. Degradation of the individual is a theme in cults and a guarantee of salvation if they believe what they believe. People just like guarantees…

Biblical study is not about finding your beliefs in the scriptures. It is not about getting a set of rose colored glasses to see only holy or sweet the scriptures are. Particularly when you are studying the Old Testament. The Old Testament is set in a period that is harsh and cruel and violent….and the biblical characters and the Mosaic Laws are going to reflect some of that. You cannot judge what Yahweh did or the Mosaic Laws by Christian standards, because you end up either judging God or trying to explain away the truth or denying the cruelty. The Old Testament and Judaism is not Christianity. The Old Testament is what it is…that is it.

When you study the New Testament you have to establish the theme, storyline, and spirit of the whole New Testament and scriptures are seen in that light. Christology, understanding what He did, why he did it, and what was His goals and His Spirit. Christ set the example for the application of Christianity in our lives….Be good and do good.

But then again we are not gods and we are not Christ. Eventually the earlier church took things to extreme in this area…Christ suffered so they believed Christians were expected to suffer. The believed Christ wanted us to suffer and suffering was a way of showing gratitude for what Christ did for us. Christ was single so women, sex and nudity were seen as demonic. It eventually turns into a religious cultural insanity. A love / hate relationship of necessity that drives the notion that we are all dirty, filthy, rags, because we desire sex and reproduce. There was a time that even the most famous early church leaders considered sex in a marriage to be sinful. Even today there are preachers that preach that or they see the normal sequence of attraction and desire and marriage, as being sinful. We are born in sin, our marriages are born in sin, and our children are born in sin. LOL Oh my gosh! That is not theme of any part of the Bible…Old or New Testament. Some of the early church leaders felt so strongly about this that they separated themselves living in graveyards, out in the deserts, in caves, trees, towers….Doing God’s work from a tree? LOL

As far as Christ and Holy Spirit being in the Old Testament it is just not true. I can wish it was true. I think it would have made things much better. If it were true, it would have changed the Old Testament nearly completely. If Christ and the Holy Spirit were in the Old Testament it would have filled the pages! What would have been more important to talk about? If the Old Testament taught that the Messiah would be the Son of God, a full-fledged God, it would have made Christ's ministry much easier and would have save most of the Jews.

So the bottom line is that biblical study should be done to learn the truths from the Bible, not find what you like, ignore the rest and weave your own beliefs.

Heads Up for you - when people post a lengthy reply - i don't read it because it is mostly blah blah blah religion.

But i do read and listen to specific points, one at a time, with a clear reason/statement/question.

Example You state that you are "well vesred" in Gospel of John but that you cannot see the Father Son and Holy Spirit from the beginning in Genesis. This is contrary to the core of the Gospel of John.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Heads Up for you - when people post a lengthy reply

Heads up for you....I do not care. 90% of my posts are for people that read them and are interested in the Truth. You do what ya want.
Example You state that you are "well vesred" in Gospel of John but that you cannot see the Father Son and Holy Spirit from the beginning in Genesis. This is contrary to the core of the Gospel of John.

I understand what John is saying....but I know the history of it also. And I know it stands in conflict with dozens of other scriptures.
There are scriptures like this.....It is not the only set.
Hate your mother and father
Rich men not likely to go to heaven
On a few will go to heaven

If you are going to focus on a few scriptures you can come up with a really weird religion.
Creator of the world...pretty significant. Go into the Gospels were Christ is speaking and find where He calls Himself Almighty or that He created all things. Then I will take you seriously.
Lengthy posts! You have not seen lengthy! But that is the problem with speaking with some one that know a lot. But do not worry, from now on my responses to you will be only yes or no. Have a good day.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Heads up for you....I do not care. 90% of my posts are for people that read them and are interested in the Truth. You do what ya want.

I understand what John is saying....but I know the history of it also. And I know it stands in conflict with dozens of other scriptures.
There are scriptures like this.....It is not the only set.
Hate your mother and father
Rich men not likely to go to heaven
On a few will go to heaven

If you are going to focus on a few scriptures you can come up with a really weird religion.
Creator of the world...pretty significant. Go into the Gospels were Christ is speaking and find where He calls Himself Almighty or that He created all things. Then I will take you seriously.
Lengthy posts! You have not seen lengthy! But that is the problem with speaking with some one that know a lot. But do not worry, from now on my responses to you will be only yes or no. Have a good day.

OK, i see that you established your own understanding and need not any assistance


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
I fail to understand your point maam. Every single person who is granted salvation, is granted that through the offering of the body of Jesus that is very correct. We totally agree on that, however I am wondering if you are saying all people are sanctified by that sacrifice? Jesus was quite clear when he clearly spoke the words recorded at Mat 7:13 and 14. Did I misunderstand your meaning Chris?
Hebrews 10:1-10

Hello Robert,

I quoted Hebrews 10:1-10 to show one reason why it was necessary for the Lord Jesus Christ to be born into the world:- 'Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God.' - 'A body hast Thou prepared Me.' He came, in that context, to show that,

' ... Hath the LORD as great delight
burnt offerings and sacrifices,
as in obeying the voice of the LORD?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
and to hearken than the fat of rams.'

(1 Sam 15:22)

* The Lord Jesus Christ, God's only Begotten Son, is our Saviour and Lord, and Head of the Church which is His Body. My heart is filled with worship and not dispute, and that is how I want it to remain.

* It is before God we stand, and it is to Him we have to give answer one day. May His Name be glorified, His will performed.

In Christ Jesus

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
If you are unable to find the answer from the Mouth of God - do not speak of what you cannot prove.

This would be a 'false witness'.

For it is written - It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.

Not all things are written sir. In fact in regard to Jesus alone, there could be enough books to fill an infinity of libraries. Jn 21:25. Were you unaware of this sir?

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States

I answered him sir, if you would follow the threads. Do you seriously think Jesus was flesh and blood before he was sent to earth? I tell you what, I am going to start a survey on this, I seriously doubt you two have too many that will agree with you.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Hebrews 10:1-10

Hello Robert,

I quoted Hebrews 10:1-10 to show one reason why it was necessary for the Lord Jesus Christ to be born into the world:- 'Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God.' - 'A body hast Thou prepared Me.' He came, in that context, to show that,

' ... Hath the LORD as great delight
burnt offerings and sacrifices,
as in obeying the voice of the LORD?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
and to hearken than the fat of rams.'

(1 Sam 15:22)

* The Lord Jesus Christ, God's only Begotten Son, is our Saviour and Lord, and Head of the Church which is His Body. My heart is filled with worship and not dispute, and that is how I want it to remain.

* It is before God we stand, and it is to Him we have to give answer one day. May His Name be glorified, His will performed.

In Christ Jesus

Thanks Chris, I fully agree. We believe he came for 3 reasons:

1 He personally stated to teach and preach the good news of the Kingdom of God Luke 4:43
2 To be offered as a sacrifice in our behalf, as you mentioned. Jn 3:16
3 To prove that a perfect man can remain sinless Job 2:4


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Thanks Chris, I fully agree. We believe he came for 3 reasons:

1 He personally stated to teach and preach the good news of the Kingdom of God Luke 4:43
2 To be offered as a sacrifice in our behalf, as you mentioned. Jn 3:16
3 To prove that a perfect man can remain sinless Job 2:4
Hello @Robert Gwin,

With respect, by your use of the word, 'we', I assume you are referring to the Jehovah's Witness organisation. You speak as their representative, and not from personal observation, yes? I am sorry, Robert, but I will not enter into discussion with that organisation or it's representatives.

If it were just 'Robert', I would be glad to.

In Christ Jesus
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Do you seriously think Jesus was flesh and blood before he was sent to earth?
No, it's just that you evidently think that "spirit being" and "flesh and blood" are the only two options. I think the god you're talking about is too small. As long as he fits in the Watchtower's little box, he'll never qualify as the God of Heaven.

In any case, I've had more than enough of this nonsense. I find your manner of discussion very condescending and unpleasant. Blessings to you, nevertheless.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Not all things are written sir. In fact in regard to Jesus alone, there could be enough books to fill an infinity of libraries. Jn 21:25. Were you unaware of this sir?

Very aware - and i pray that Yehovah will make you aware thru the regeneration of your spirit - then you will Who Yehovah IS.