Omicron variant

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
New Zealand
No, you can't possibly be this oblivious.

Think again.

Why were there no "recorded/reported" influenza deaths after Covid came along?

99.9% of the time, the most obvious answer is the correct answer.

I'll give you just one little hint: What virus has symptoms that match Flu symptoms identically?
'Near extinction' of influenza in NZ as numbers drop due to lockdown | RNZ
11 Oct 2020
'Near extinction' of influenza in NZ as numbers drop due to lockdown
From Sunday Morning, 12:37 pm on 11 October 2020


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Yu may be a free man, that does not give you the right to act as you are.
Free is free. And you are missing the point. You made an argument from emotion attempting to change minds based on emotion rather than reason.

I told you of at least two people who woud NOT HAVE BEEN SAVED even with those medicines. So don't try to tell me they would have.
You didn't specify the details of their situation did you? If you did, I don't remember it. You said they went into the hospital. Correct? And I told you that the hospital was killing people on purpose under Dr Fauci's direction didn't I? Did any of your friends or their families try early treatment using HCQ or Ivermectin? If they did, they would be alive today.

I also know people who worked in local hospitals that told me they turned people away because they had no beds, and people died because they did not have enough respirators.
I think you are remembering it wrong. What actually happened is this. Orders were given, in a panic, to shut down all elective surgeries to make way for the expected influx of patients. So yes, people were turned away but NOT because the beds were full. They were turned away because officials were preparing for a pandemic. But, it didn't happen. Waiting rooms were empty. Nurses were dancing in the halls with nothing to do but wait. The hospitals remained empty.

Don't you remember? The president provided medical ships for New York and Los Angeles. Neither ship was used. The Corp of Engineers built tent "MASH" units in Central Park. Nothing.

But don't try to tell me what is real and what is not.
Why not. Isn't that what YOU are doing? Of course you are. But you don't know what is real because you fell for the psyop.

You know what this is? This is world war three. Not fought with guns and tanks; but fought with information. We are in an information war and the good guys are winning. Why? Because the good guys think for themselves; the good guys do their own research; the good guys question the status quote and don't take anything for granted.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
to tell me a loved one was murdered..

That just shows his true motivation.

He is claiming a whole hospital of doctors and nurses all conspired to kill my loved ones and my freinds and friends and family members of my friends.
And you are claiming they died of Covid-19. You and I are both making claims. Some people claim that the earth is flat: others claim we never went to space; and yet others claim that Elvis is still alive. Ever since 911, our society began to face one of the biggest challenges that any other generation faced in all of history: "Who can be trusted?" ("My mother says she loves me but she might be jivin' too." BB King)

Christians should take that question seriously and come up with a definite answer because, as we have seen, the answer is a matter of life or death.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
How sure is "sure"? I'm sure that I haven't had a cold or the flu for almost ten years.

That's you. Not everyone is you. I just got over a head cold. One of my kids gave it to me. I also have allergies. Living in Florida means that my allergies are a constant problem. So, I take a Second generation antihistamine for them to help ease symptoms. My asthma is mostly triggered by my allergies or it can be exercised induced.

As for knowing no one would have died, you didn't say some or many or most, you said any, that is something you cannot know for sure.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
And you are claiming they died of Covid-19. You and I are both making claims. Some people claim that the earth is flat: others claim we never went to space; and yet others claim that Elvis is still alive. Ever since 911, our society began to face one of the biggest challenges that any other generation faced in all of history: "Who can be trusted?" ("My mother says she loves me but she might be jivin' too." BB King)

Christians should take that question seriously and come up with a definite answer because, as we have seen, the answer is a matter of life or death.
They died of complications due to covid 19.

If they did not get covid. they would be alive today.

I have given you examples and told you what people I speak to and know had gone through. And you want me to ignore them and listen to you and your data.

Good day sir. I can no longer carry on this conversation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
This is the truth. Believe it or not. But pay close attention to what all these women are saying:
#RealNotRare: Vax-Injured Women Release Video To Raise Awareness About Adverse Reactions
#RealNotRare: Vax-Injured Women Release Video To Raise Awareness About Adverse Reactions

Check out this reality posted above. Please make sure you read the article.

Enoch, I find some of your posts reasonable and I agree with them, but sometimes as you’re going 70 miles an hour on the highway, you take an exit without slowing down and you veer too much on extremism. I like you, which is why I’d like to propose the following.

How can you give me a link from info wars? This is the guy who said that Sandy Hook was a hoax. That guy is a complete idiot. How can someone like you take him seriously? I’m curious.
This is the same as me giving you a extreme far left site which promotes transgenderism and ask you to take it seriously.
Can you imagine that? So don’t go too far left or right. Stay near the middle so we can have a reasonable conversation.
Don’t let your slider go into either extreme.



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
That's you. Not everyone is you. I just got over a head cold. One of my kids gave it to me. I also have allergies. Living in Florida means that my allergies are a constant problem. So, I take a Second generation antihistamine for them to help ease symptoms. My asthma is mostly triggered by my allergies or it can be exercised induced.

As for knowing no one would have died, you didn't say some or many or most, you said any, that is something you cannot know for sure.
Why do you say I cannot know for sure? I do know for sure.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
How can you give me a link from info wars?
InfoWars is far more legitimate and accurate than any of the mainstream media. It is attacked by the Left because Alex Jones is fearless. So take the article for what it says, not through the bias of the Left.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Why do you say I cannot know for sure? I do know for sure.

Are you privy to their medical charts?

The only one who knows for sure is God and you're not God.

I cannot take you seriously for anything if you think that everyone who died of Covid shouldn't have died.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
InfoWars is far more legitimate and accurate than any of the mainstream media. It is attacked by the Left because Alex Jones is fearless. So take the article for what it says, not through the bias of the Left.

So, you want to be unreachable in this subject. All right.
It’s like me knocking at your door and one of your kids opens up and says “My Dad told me to tell you that he’s not home”.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
They died of complications due to covid 19.

If they did not get covid. they would be alive today.

I have given you examples and told you what people I speak to and know had gone through. And you want me to ignore them and listen to you and your data.

Good day sir. I can no longer carry on this conversation.
You're not listening. I'm surprised to hear you classify this as a conversation. You are upset because I challenged your appeals to emotion, attempting to draw people away from the cure that will save them. We weren't having a conversation, we were having a fight. Or didn't you notice?
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Are you privy to their medical charts?

The only one who knows for sure is God and you're not God.

I cannot take you seriously for anything if you think that everyone who died of Covid shouldn't have died.
Okay, you got me, I don't claim to have God-like certainty that they didn't die from the complications of Covid. What I DO have are eyewitness testimonies concerning modern hospital practices and protocols, Dr. Fauci's emails, and copies of the actual test results of Remdesivir and why it was murder for him to recommend the Remdesivir protocol. 1+1?

Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide you to the truth. Don't take my word for it.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Enoch, I find some of your posts reasonable and I agree with them, but sometimes as you’re going 70 miles an hour on the highway, you take an exit without slowing down and you veer too much on extremism. I like you, which is why I’d like to propose the following.

How can you give me a link from info wars? This is the guy who said that Sandy Hook was a hoax. That guy is a complete idiot. How can someone like you take him seriously? I’m curious.
This is the same as me giving you a extreme far left site which promotes transgenderism and ask you to take it seriously.
Can you imagine that? So don’t go too far left or right. Stay near the middle so we can have a reasonable conversation.
Don’t let your slider go into either extreme.

View attachment 19223
Here is my advice for what it is worth. Forget about the source of the material. I wouldn't trust Alex with the information. Rather, I would listen to his show and wait for him to post text or video when the person in question speaks for himself. For instance, if you can find them, read Dr. Fauci's emails to see what HE has said about things in private to his fellow doctors. What he says to them is much different than what he tells the public. Listen to his testimony before congress, attempting to hear the entire thing unedited and without commentary from anyone - right or left.

The Evil people in our country think they have all the power, which is why they feel comfortable revealing hidden truths about their plans. Just listen to what they say during unguarded moments when they feel they are among friends. Alex might have something interesting to say, but the best source of information is the person himself or herself. A lot of these people spill the beans so-to-speak. If you suspend your disbelief long enough, and pay attention, they will tell you what you need to know about them. They can't help themselves. A lot of what we know actually came from people like Dr. Fauci, speaking off camera.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
Here is my advice for what it is worth. Forget about the source of the material. I wouldn't trust Alex with the information. Rather, I would listen to his show and wait for him to post text or video when the person in question speaks for himself. For instance, if you can find them, read Dr. Fauci's emails to see what HE has said about things in private to his fellow doctors. What he says to them is much different than what he tells the public. Listen to his testimony before congress, attempting to here the entire thing without commentary from anyone - right or left. The Evil people in our country think they have all the power, which is why they feel comfortable revealing hidden truths about their plans. Just listen to what they say during unguarded moments when they feel they are among friends. Alex might have something interesting to say, but the best source of information is the person himself or herself. A lot of these people spill the beans so-to-speak. If you suspend your disbelief long enough, and pay attention, they will tell you what you need to know about them. They can't help themselves.

Look, I don’t like “doctor” Fauci. I think he should be removed from his position. He’s too political in this subject.
But on the other hand you’re telling me that “there’s a conspiracy where people are dying in the millions from the vaccine”.
So, I don’t know where we can find some middle ground to have a real discussion. Also you have to ask yourself : “What do we all gain when we all agree on something”?
I would say that we would eliminate a lot of real-life extremism and it’s side-effects on the society because right now we’re split 50/50 as the last election showed.
Each side tries to outdo the other and then there’s nothing sacred anymore.
Some people on the left loot freely and some people on the right shoot freely.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Look, I don’t like “doctor” Fauci. I think he should be removed from his position. He’s too political in this subject.
But on the other hand you’re telling me that “there’s a conspiracy where people are dying in the millions from the vaccine”.
So, I don’t know where we can find some middle ground to have a real discussion. Also you have to ask yourself : “What do we all gain when we all agree on something”?
I would say that we would eliminate a lot of real-life extremism and it’s side-effects on the society because right now we’re split 50/50 as the last election showed.
Each side tries to outdo the other and then there’s nothing sacred anymore.
Some people on the left loot freely and some people on the right shoot freely.
It doesn't work that way Gary. All Christians should agree that the truth CAN be found. When two people disagree, one or both of them are wrong.

Additionally, some kinds of truth demand more of me than other kinds. For instance, I know that the capital of France is Paris. If someone wants to argue that it is another city, then one of us is wrong. BUT what difference does it make in terms of an eternal verity? Not much. Other kinds of truth demand a lot more of me. I am a sinner, I need a savior, I am evil, I do wrong things sometimes, even when I know they are wrong. These kinds of things are true about me and it matters to my ultimate destiny whether I am right or wrong about it. These truths say something about ME personally, and they are the hardest to face.

One might think that Dr. Fauci is speaking politically. But no. This is not a matter of politics or even medicine. Its a matter of good vs. evil. And the issues being raised have eternal consequences for all involved.

BTW there IS NO MIDDLE ground. I believe we are living during the time of which John the apostle spoke here:

Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.” Revelation 22:11

Notice something strange about the passage above? We would expect John to say, "Let the one who does wrong, repent and begin to practice righteousness." Contrary to our expectation he says, "Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong." In other words, toward the end of the age, there will be no middle ground and everyone will have already made up the mind. Folks will leave no quarter for dialogue, discussion, reason, or persuasion. During our time today, God is forcing everyone to choose a side because in the future, ambiguity and grayness will be fatal.

Take a look at this video of an interview with Doctor Zelenko concerning the virus and the vaccine. Watch it all the way through and see what you think. Dr. Zelenko - We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
It doesn't work that way Gary. All Christians should agree that the truth CAN be found. When two people disagree, one or both of them are wrong.

Additionally, some kinds of truth demand more of me than other kinds. For instance, I know that the capital of France is Paris. If someone wants to argue that it is another city, then one of us is wrong. BUT what difference does it make in terms of an eternal verity? Not much. Other kinds of truth demand a lot more of me. I am a sinner, I need a savior, I am evil, I do wrong things sometimes, even when I know they are wrong. These kinds of things are true about me and it matters to my ultimate destiny whether I am right or wrong about it. These truths say something about ME personally, and they are the hardest to face.

One might think that Dr. Fauci is speaking politically. But no. This is not a matter of politics or even medicine. Its a matter of good vs. evil. And the issues being raised have eternal consequences for all involved.

BTW there IS NO MIDDLE ground. I believe we are living during the time of which John the apostle spoke here:

Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.” Revelation 22:11

Notice something strange about the passage above? We would expect John to say, "Let the one who does wrong, repent and begin to practice righteousness." Contrary to our expectation he says, "Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong." In other words, toward the end of the age, there will be no middle ground and everyone will have already made up the mind. Folks will leave no quarter for dialogue, discussion, reason, or persuasion. During our time today, God is forcing everyone to choose a side because in the future, ambiguity and grayness will be fatal.

Take a look at this video of an interview with Doctor Zelenko concerning the virus and the vaccine. Watch it all the way through and see what you think. Dr. Zelenko - We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It

You’re mixing several things here.
First, if we take a religious perspective, I would say that we as Christians can’t agree on most of the Bible so we have many denominations looking for “the truth”.
But politics is not a religious-based practice which is why we need to reach for common ground. So we need to avoid extremes which can lead to unhealthy outcomes.

Also, if you take a religious based perspective and apply it in politics, that would have vastly different outcomes based on region or culture.
For example, Greece which is almost a religious state, is extremely liberal from your point of view probably. Because they enforce vaccines and they have no gun rights.
But at the same time a religion like Islam has a different version of how they implement the law in Afghanistan for example. They simply eliminate you.
This is why middle ground is important for the peace and civility of a nation.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
'Near extinction' of influenza in NZ as numbers drop due to lockdown | RNZ
11 Oct 2020
'Near extinction' of influenza in NZ as numbers drop due to lockdown
From Sunday Morning, 12:37 pm on 11 October 2020
It's simple, Stump.

It's the Invasion of the Virus Snatchers!

Goes a little something like this:

"Let's take an existing virus that is commonplace yearly for people all over the world, a perennial - if you will, and let's re-label it. Yes, it will still have the same symptoms it's had for decades, but we'll call it something entirely different and claim it is a deadly pandemic.

Then, anybody who gets this run-of-the-mill virus they've likely had many times in their life and easily survived, we'll just kill 'em!!"


And that's how "recorded/reported" Flu cases disappeared from NZ and Australia and many other places - while the Flu itself hasn't gone anywhere.