Attacked by lust at night

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friend of

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2018
Sometimes when I'm sleeping I get attacked by a very strong spirit of lust. I typically wake up in the night and am filled with lustful thoughts and an urge to act on them. This happened last night. Does anyone else get this? I am trying to stop lustful thoughts in my life and it seems like the evil one attacks me at night when my defenses are down and I'm teetering on sleep and wakefulness. The urges last night were very strong but when I got up for work today they faded away. Has anyone else experienced this?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Thoughts and lust enter the mind from time to time. But deny them, because:

“Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.” (1 Peter 4:1-2)

And be doing these things:

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
Sometimes when I'm sleeping I get attacked by a very strong spirit of lust. I typically wake up in the night and am filled with lustful thoughts and an urge to act on them. This happened last night. Does anyone else get this?
Yes, it happens even to us happily-married men who have fulfilling sex lives with our wives. And this is when I am most vulnerable to temptation. You wonder why the husband in the commercial was calling Jake from State Farm at 3:00 A.M. to talk about insurance? :D
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friend of

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2018
Yes, it happens even to us happily-married men who have fulfilling sex lives with our wives.

It's just such a deeply ingrained drive that we have. I sometimes feel like I'm making progress then bam alluvasudden it hits me when I least expect it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
It's just such a deeply ingrained drive that we have. I sometimes feel like I'm making progress then bam alluvasudden it hits me when I least expect it.
We live with our flesh and try to control it until God gets around to cleaning the inside of our cup. Or our testosterone level drops really low, like around age 90. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
It's just such a deeply ingrained drive that we have. I sometimes feel like I'm making progress then bam alluvasudden it hits me when I least expect it.
That's our flesh, chemical physiological drives with much power behind them. I've got it bad. I was molested for a few weeks when I was 12, and the damage done to the brain by that is incalculable. That, and other factors during my development, left me with mental illness - a horribly corrupted flesh. The brain doesn't develop right.

But except for the degree, we are all in the same boat! We weren't born from pure genetics, and our lives - everyone's - leave us scarred, and those scars, and that brain maldevelopment, set up strong drives within us. And the world, and the spirit realm, its War!

Our mission is to not yield to our screaming flesh as it pushes us to give it what it wants. The world pushes us, our flesh pushes us, the devils push us, all pushing as hard as they can to push us over the edge into sin. Through unholy desires, through fears and angers and whatever it is.

But this is when we need to remember, to believe, that's not me, it's sin that lives in me, but it's not me. I don't have to give in.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace!

What I find is that as I remember How MUCH God Loves me, and that whether I fall this time or not, He still loves me, and will NEVER EVER forsake me . . . so much of the energy to all that pushing just disappears. Not always, the flesh is a harsh taskmaster. But we can still overcome.

I find victory over sin not by resisting the sin, but by doing something else instead, and let the body work out it's own problems. Is there war in this place? Go somewhere else, don't stay and fight.

That means pick up a Bible, or start to sing, or wash some dishes, pray for everyone you know for victory over sin, go for a walk, Don't own the thoughts, or the feelings, or any of that! It's not you.

1 Corinthians 6:11 YLT
11) And certain of you were these! but ye were washed, but ye were sanctified, but ye were declared righteous, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.

My best response to the temptations to sin, the lusts of the flesh that try to overwhelm the mind, is to turn to God, It's happening again! And then make every effort to turn my mind to something else, and just wait for those feelings and thoughts to be over. Sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes not, no matter what, I trust in God to carry me through, even if I do fall.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Sometimes when I'm sleeping I get attacked by a very strong spirit of lust. I typically wake up in the night and am filled with lustful thoughts and an urge to act on them. This happened last night. Does anyone else get this? I am trying to stop lustful thoughts in my life and it seems like the evil one attacks me at night when my defenses are down and I'm teetering on sleep and wakefulness. The urges last night were very strong but when I got up for work today they faded away. Has anyone else experienced this?
I can relate......I cry out for help.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
That's our flesh, chemical physiological drives with much power behind them. I've got it bad. I was molested for a few weeks when I was 12, and the damage done to the brain by that is incalculable. That, and other factors during my development, left me with mental illness - a horribly corrupted flesh. The brain doesn't develop right.

But except for the degree, we are all in the same boat! We weren't born from pure genetics, and our lives - everyone's - leave us scarred, and those scars, and that brain maldevelopment, set up strong drives within us. And the world, and the spirit realm, its War!

Our mission is to not yield to our screaming flesh as it pushes us to give it what it wants. The world pushes us, our flesh pushes us, the devils push us, all pushing as hard as they can to push us over the edge into sin. Through unholy desires, through fears and angers and whatever it is.

But this is when we need to remember, to believe, that's not me, it's sin that lives in me, but it's not me. I don't have to give in.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace!

What I find is that as I remember How MUCH God Loves me, and that whether I fall this time or not, He still loves me, and will NEVER EVER forsake me . . . so much of the energy to all that pushing just disappears. Not always, the flesh is a harsh taskmaster. But we can still overcome.

I find victory over sin not by resisting the sin, but by doing something else instead, and let the body work out it's own problems. Is there war in this place? Go somewhere else, don't stay and fight.

That means pick up a Bible, or start to sing, or wash some dishes, pray for everyone you know for victory over sin, go for a walk, Don't own the thoughts, or the feelings, or any of that! It's not you.

1 Corinthians 6:11 YLT
11) And certain of you were these! but ye were washed, but ye were sanctified, but ye were declared righteous, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.

My best response to the temptations to sin, the lusts of the flesh that try to overwhelm the mind, is to turn to God, It's happening again! And then make every effort to turn my mind to something else, and just wait for those feelings and thoughts to be over. Sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes not, no matter what, I trust in God to carry me through, even if I do fall.

Much love!
Sorry to hear about your molestation Marks, I hope you got justice and the perpetrator locked up.
May God bless you.
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Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Sometimes when I'm sleeping I get attacked by a very strong spirit of lust. I typically wake up in the night and am filled with lustful thoughts and an urge to act on them. This happened last night. Does anyone else get this? I am trying to stop lustful thoughts in my life and it seems like the evil one attacks me at night when my defenses are down and I'm teetering on sleep and wakefulness. The urges last night were very strong but when I got up for work today they faded away. Has anyone else experienced this?

Attacks such as this are constant Friend. Satan knows our weaknesses and does his utmost to get us to join him in our rebellion, especially now since his time left here on earth is very short. All I can say is, pray to Jehovah about it, reveal your heart to Him, and most likely peace will come upon you. If needs be review 1 Cor 6:9,10 and resolve in your heart not to get out of bed and seek immorality. Put on some kind of Bible audio, perhaps a drama to go to sleep to.
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The Disciple John

Active Member
Mar 11, 2022
Saint Lucia
Sometimes when I'm sleeping I get attacked by a very strong spirit of lust. I typically wake up in the night and am filled with lustful thoughts and an urge to act on them. This happened last night. Does anyone else get this? I am trying to stop lustful thoughts in my life and it seems like the evil one attacks me at night when my defenses are down and I'm teetering on sleep and wakefulness. The urges last night were very strong but when I got up for work today they faded away. Has anyone else experienced this?
Glad to know that you have identified the source of your 'attacks'.
Some people think it's 'all just in the head.

Some years ago, I used to be attacked by the demons at certain times too.
I noticed those attacks stopped once I cut certain things out of my life, but you will need self-control and discipline.

No doubt you watch movies. I don't mean Bible movies.
Movies of this world are produced by someone. If we take pause and ask ourselves, 'Do I know who produces these movies?' we might understand how the Devil "gets into our mind".
Perhaps you can research this yourself.
Satanists, and other individuals involved in spiritism, are included in movie production.
The use of hidden subliminal images and messages in movies is well know, and documented.
What Christians feed on through the eyes and ears significantly affects them.
Magic and wizardry is used.
Just as we ask God for his blessing on tings, Devil worshippers ask Satan's 'blessings' on things.

Once I cut out worldly music and movies from my life, and replaced them with only spiritual movies and music, those attacks ceased.
I have not experienced demonic activity for may years since.
As I said though, it will take discipline, and self-control.

If you want some good music to listen to, as well as good movies to watch PM me.
It's also important to read God's word regularly, and meditate on it.

Make sure the last thing you do at night is take in something spiritual for at least an hour.
It has helped me greatly.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
It's just such a deeply ingrained drive that we have. I sometimes feel like I'm making progress then bam alluvasudden it hits me when I least expect it.
The demonic realm can put thoughts into our minds, or at least influence us, at any time, but for some reason, we seem to be almost wide open to their "flights of fancy" when we are asleep.

Also God searches our hearts at this time, seemingly looking for any unrepented sin to show us, or to weigh us in His scales. It seems as if He allows us to be tampered with a bit by malevolent spirits in our sleep to see just where our deepest desires lie. We are to work our earthly desires away until they are not found within us anymore.
Psalms 26:2
Psalms 17:3

The Bible says that it is our desires that are our weak points when temptation comes. We are led astray by them.
James 1:14

An interesting observation is to fast from all input that is sinful for as long as you can stand; as an experiment or learning experience. Don't watch violent, sexual, drug/alc use, foul language ,etc. movies, shows or videos, and don't listen to music/songs that are provocative in any way. Then observe how your dreams change. Your mind/spirit is the most amazing copy machine in all of creation. What you put into it, will come right back out of it in dreams or in moments of wakeful daze.

Remove all sexual content from before your eyes and mind as much as you can and your dreams will become almost completely sterile of these events.

ETA: And yes, as Robert Gwin said, always pray before you go to sleep. Pray for protection from Incubus and Succubus. Here is an interesting prayer I came across years ago that I still say at night.

O God, who made the heaven and earth
From dreams this night protect me
Destroy each succubus at birth
No incubus infect me
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Sometimes when I'm sleeping I get attacked by a very strong spirit of lust. I typically wake up in the night and am filled with lustful thoughts and an urge to act on them. This happened last night. Does anyone else get this? I am trying to stop lustful thoughts in my life and it seems like the evil one attacks me at night when my defenses are down and I'm teetering on sleep and wakefulness. The urges last night were very strong but when I got up for work today they faded away. Has anyone else experienced this?

How have things been since?