Russian-Ukraine War: The West's Fault

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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I agree it's leading into a world order

The UN is putting sanctions and seizing personal property of Russian citizens around the world, kicking Russian students, citizens, out of countries and athletes from the olympics, what's next?

You will closely note the Ukranian military pulling African blacks off iftrains and buses, allowing for white Ukrainian's to escape the war zone

Also blacks and Indian's being held hostage by Ukrainian forces, unable to leave warzones, Russia is providing cease fire escape corridors and transportation to help evacuation, as Ukraine is using them as human shields

When it's all said and done, you will find Zelenskyy is the war criminal
I am so thankful that many can see what this is really all about.
You are blessed with Godly wisdom...
Eventually, when world order is in place, then we will see ALL nations rise up against Israel and surround her as was prophesied....for then will Jesus return and stop the enemy.
Luk 21 (NKJV)
¹⁸ But not a hair of your head shall be lost.
¹⁹ By your patience possess your souls.
²⁰ "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near.

²² For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

²⁴ And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
²⁵ "And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;
²⁶ men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.
²⁷ Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
²⁸ Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I'm gonna come out of break and post on this again, because it is likely what things will come down to now. Because the Powers-That-Be want to avoid nuclear war, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is destined to remain a selected military/ strategic targeted war, conducted on the Ukrainian side primarily through the use of drones, and eventually with devastating success. Now that Putin has 70% of the Russian army on Ukrainian soil waiting for some kind of peace treaty that's never coming, the Russians will be sitting ducks. Attack drones can't be taken down by fighter cover or ground to air missiles, so you end up resorting to small arms fire or electronic scrambling to take them down, and a lot of times it's too late by the time you know what's coming. This is likely what was being referred to in your dream where it says the flat-looking armed drone "looked invisible" to the boys:
There were little cartoon girls and little boys, in real like settings. It was a huge building with an upstairs and downstairs. The little girls' area was downstairs and was all forest/woods. Upstairs looked more like a military base. The boys were up there. They had this long box in the middle of their play area with a lot of missiles inside. They were taking the missiles out and bombing the girls' play area. The girls were smart though. They had this flat looking drone and sent it carrying a missile up the stairs. It seemed to be invisible to the boys. The drone dropped a missile the same size, into the box of missiles, and the entire play area exploded upstairs. One of the boys looked seared, but was excited/happily telling what looked like the leader of the girls downstairs about it.

Below are some articles on why drone use is the new face of war, and what those currently in Ukraine's arsenal are fully capable of.
God bless.
- H

The use of these drones en masse creates an offense-defense imbalance where the attacker has a distinct advantage in terms of cost and risk. And the more drones that an attacker can employ simultaneously, the harder this becomes for the defender. Despite soothing assurances that short-range air defense systems are on their way, even the most sophisticated of such systems are unlikely to keep pace to counter the proliferation of expendable but increasingly sophisticated drones...

The TB2 is a “blue collar drone”: inexpensive enough for mass production and thus expendable. Mass production gives it the capability to be employed in swarms designed to overwhelm the target acquisition process of any adversary. And yet, the TB2 is also remarkably sophisticated. In addition to providing identification and targeting data from high-resolution onboard systems that can include a signal’s intelligence capability, the platform carries smart, micro-guided munitions that kill multiple targets autonomously and simultaneously...

In engagements over Syria and Libya, as well as the one in Nagorno-Karabakh, the TB2 alone demonstrated the ability to successfully challenge the most advanced IADS that nations can muster. Systems such as the S-300PS, Buk-M2, Tor-M2, and Pantsir-S1 — used in conjunction with electronic warfare systems such as the Avtobaza-M, Repellent-1, Borisoglebsk 2, and Groza-S — are designed to deny airspace to the latest generation of Western strike aircraft. None of these systems proved capable of stopping the TB2 — a revelation that Russian manufacturers still try to deny, even when their claims are refuted by high-resolution full-motion video from no less than three conflicts. The fact that a relatively light and inexpensive drone can not only evade but actively search out and destroy such systems while incurring few losses represents an evolutionary leap in the employment of air power and a tectonic shift in the conduct of modern war.

The New Face of War: Devastating Drone Attacks in Ukraine Have Implications for the US Military in the Middle East

Articles on other deadly drones currently in use by the Ukrainians:
Ukraine's army is using a nimble 'game-changing' drone called The Punisher that has completed scores of successful missions against the Russians, say reports
Ukraine receives more armed drones amid Russian invasion
Ukraine's small combat drone "The Punisher" destroys Russian supply lines

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I was just saying to a friend who was watching CBS reporting on the war that they should turn it off....certain political leaders wanted this war to will lead us into one world order....well, as well as the other steps taken to make it happen.
I dreamed this the other night... They had this flat looking drone and sent it carrying a missile up the stairs. It seemed to be invisible to the boys. The drone dropped a missile the same size, into the box of missiles, and the entire play area exploded upstairs.

Greetings, sisters. I haven't taken my break yet, Lol, but I wanted to update you both on this before I did (hopefully). Btw, life is good and I'm feeling much better, but I'd still like to take time off to be with the Lord for awhile.

Anyway, about the dream, it is coming true. Attack drones are becoming THE biggest problem for Putin's columns in Ukraine. The following video shows Russian convoys being attacked by drones, and Russian columns have since moved for cover as a result. Their supply chains are also being crippled by drone attacks, which is starving the Russian military of food and supples.

The following footage is actually of a Russian regiment leader being taken out (1:36+):

As for my interpretation, that is proving out to be true as well. A Russian Intelligence leak confirmed last week that the Kremlin miscalculated badly, and is now in a completely no-win situation. The Russian intelligence source who leaked this information said, "Russia has no way out. There are no options for possible victory, only defeat."

This is what I posted on February 27th, over a week before the above was made public on March 7th, which means this is yet another case of the Spirit of God revealing things prophetically that only intelligence agencies would have known at the time (see Post #14, last few lines; Post #17, the first paragraph, and Post #85). As stated, they were tricked into thinking it would be a quick war or "bullying" Zelensky's government into capitulation, but the entire thing backfired. Numerous sources could be cited, but the general consensus among military analysts is that the Russians thought they were going to have a quick war, but it is not what they have ended up with.

From 3:25 - 3:34: "A lot of signs from early in the invasion suggested that Putin and his regime expected a very quick victory that simply has not materialized."

Another source on how Russia is very specifically losing the information war, which is also what I told you the dream essentially meant:

“[In Ukraine], Russia doesn’t seem to display the very tactics, techniques and procedures that it’s practiced for years and sought to perfect in Syria...[to provide] adequate cover to its ground forces,” he said. Bendett also pointed towards “the mythology of the Bayraktar” and how Ukraine is winning the information war. “For all the Russian military talk about winning the information war, they seem to be losing, and the videos of Bayraktars striking what appears to be Russian targets is feeding into that information campaign,” he said.
Ukraine’s drone strikes reveal Russian planning failures, expert says

Anyway, thanks for your contributions to the thread. I will give an update when I get back, Lord willing.

- H
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I'm making a lot of mistakes. I'm just really confused. I don't want to cause anyone to stumble. I shouldn't share dreams except to a counselor. I'm very sorry
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I'm making a lot of mistakes. I'm just really confused. I don't want to cause anyone to stumble. I shouldn't share dreams except to a counselor. I'm very sorry
No harm in sharing dreams.
No appologies necessary.
Big Hugs

The world is messed up right now, big time.
It's hard to know what is up and what is down.
You never know if a dream may help someone have some clarity in the information war we find ourselves.



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The only way the NWO can win this war is by removing Putin and putting in one of their own.

I don't understand why so many don't do their own research and only listen to what the media tells them.
97% of the people in Crimea voted to be reunited with Russia, because 97% of the people in Crimea were Russian.
The democratic thing to do would have been to allow Crimea to rejoin Russia, but the powers that be didn't like that idea.
Crimea is the port of the Black Sea.. lots of trafficking happens on the water, and I don't mean oil or food.
As others have mentioned above, the Eastern part of Ukraine is also mostly Russian peoples and minorities. They have been being slaughtered by the Western Ukranians for the last 8 years.
Most of the footage the news is showing is either old buildings or things happening in other countries pulling it off as Ukraine, or using even video games to convince people of what's happening on the ground.
The fact is: We don't really know.

Our media is TRASH. They lie about everything. And then they lie some more.
That don't mean I trust foreign news sources either. Everyone lies to fill their own agenda.

If what you see offends you, or turns you against people you care about and love, then walk away.
If Covid didn't teach you that, concerning masks, no masks, vaxxed unvaxxed.. then nothing will.

They can't win against a people that are united in LOVE.
And they can't do anything against a people united in Christ.
And they, the world, will do everything in it's power to divide us.
We are the only thing standing in their way.

Put on the armor of God and stand tall.
Don't be persuaded to follow the world,
because it's on it's way to hell and if we can, we should avoid going with it at all costs.

I'm watching the world with an open mind.
That doesn't mean we can't disagree,
but we shouldn't fight about it.
Only the devil wins that game.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Greetings, sisters. I haven't taken my break yet, Lol, but I wanted to update you both on this before I did (hopefully). Btw, life is good and I'm feeling much better, but I'd still like to take time off to be with the Lord for awhile.

Anyway, about the dream, it is coming true. Attack drones are becoming THE biggest problem for Putin's columns in Ukraine. The following video shows Russian convoys being attacked by drones, and Russian columns have since moved for cover as a result. Their supply chains are also being crippled by drone attacks, which is starving the Russian military of food and supples.

The following footage is actually of a Russian regiment leader being taken out (1:36+):

As for my interpretation, that is proving out to be true as well. A Russian Intelligence leak confirmed last week that the Kremlin miscalculated badly, and is now in a completely no-win situation. The Russian intelligence source who leaked this information said, "Russia has no way out. There are no options for possible victory, only defeat."

This is what I posted on February 27th, over a week before the above was made public on March 7th, which means this is yet another case of the Spirit of God revealing things prophetically that only intelligence agencies would have known at the time (see Post #14, last few lines; Post #17, the first paragraph, and Post #85). As stated, they were tricked into thinking it would be a quick war or "bullying" Zelensky's government into capitulation, but the entire thing backfired. Numerous sources could be cited, but the general consensus among military analysts is that the Russians thought they were going to have a quick war, but it is not what they have ended up with.

From 3:25 - 3:34: "A lot of signs from early in the invasion suggested that Putin and his regime expected a very quick victory that simply has not materialized."

Another source on how Russia is very specifically losing the information war, which is also what I told you the dream essentially meant:

“[In Ukraine], Russia doesn’t seem to display the very tactics, techniques and procedures that it’s practiced for years and sought to perfect in Syria...[to provide] adequate cover to its ground forces,” he said. Bendett also pointed towards “the mythology of the Bayraktar” and how Ukraine is winning the information war. “For all the Russian military talk about winning the information war, they seem to be losing, and the videos of Bayraktars striking what appears to be Russian targets is feeding into that information campaign,” he said.
Ukraine’s drone strikes reveal Russian planning failures, expert says

Anyway, thanks for your contributions to the thread. I will give an update when I get back, Lord willing.

- H
Where you goin' brother?
I'm worried about you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
There are a lot more wheels turning in this machine.
We have negotiations and deals going on between Russia and Iran, Iran and China, U.S and Iran. U.S and China.
Too many hands in the honey pot.
The U.S is using Russia as the broker for the Iran deal.
What we see on the surface goes much deeper than what we are shown on the tell-a-vision.

Bottom line is this:
They want us divided on however many issues they can conjure up so we son't see the deals being made under the table.
It's not about the little people suffering, dying, starving, worried about paying bills and buying food and putting gas in your car.
It's not about us.
It's about them. And all of us are the slaves that create the goods that they sell to eachother.
We all get poorer as they get richer.

Just like it wasn't the people in Iraq's fault that got shocked and awed over oil.
Just like it's not about Israeli's and Palastinians.. it's not the people. We are just the pawns.
And they use people and put them in bad situations to provoke the emotions of other people's to take sides.
Keeping us all sidetracked amongs ourselves, while they play their games.

I'm waiting for Elijah to come out from the mountain and start throwing fireballs at these governments.
Are We Ready?!


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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Zeblenski has announced ukraine will not be joining nato. He's about 3 weeks too late.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Zeblenski has announced ukraine will not be joining nato. He's about 3 weeks too late.
It's all been some kind of distraction. While they keep everyone focused on these war games, other pieces are moving on the chess board.
The Right (which is the Left here in America) know they have lost this fight.
Putin is not going to allow LGBTQ+ 12345... in his country. He has no problem with adults living whatever lifestyle they choose, but he will not allow the legalization of homosexuality. He won't sanctify it.
This war is so much more than just territory, it's keeping Satan off his land.
Maybe the guy isn't a good guy, but he is holding onto his integrity when it comes to allowing Russia fall victim to the lifestyles (transgenderism, CRT,
LGBTQ, and other things) that he don't believe is good for Russia.

The darkness is not going to overcome the light, no matter how weak that light is.
So much corruption in Ukraine.. Putin don't want it to spread by allowing NATO or any western nation to get a foothold.

If Putin has to cut himself off from the world, I don't think that will phase him.
Maybe, just maybe, Putin has faith the size of a grain of mustard seed.


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I am thinking of moving to Russia ! :oops: I am to old for that.

I despise what Australia be becoming totally. it's a creep show of Satanist sick idiots. Both major Political Party's are just total trash, they have no values of the past that built this Nation at all.

I am totally proud of the generations that were before me in Australia, but nowadays all that this Mob do, is undermine them all and paint a lie, peddling their own blighted bigoted perceptions !

Not to mention the Cultural Marxist push that we are a new superior race of people nowadays more evolved ? they say ? what total BS ! Man has not evolved one iota ! I had my lefty mate peddle that line to me, seriously ! we new age metrosexuals they are a class above all ? look at me !o_O
Theses Satanic trash disregard the subject of Sin in regards to the Bible, if they say sin ? such has no relation as to the Biblical position at all.

And not to mention malice is their key driving point. oh the wisdom of malice ? a new age driven by malice ! what total degenerates.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I'm guessing the Russians want out of this nightmare anyway they can get it

7,000 Russian soldiers now killed in less than three weeks, almost half of what they lost during ten years in Afghanistan.

The boy reporting happily to the "girls" what happened could represent a spy embedded in Russian intelligence, who made sure the Russians were blind to what was really going to happen until the "war" actually started playing out.

Two of the top spies in Russian Intelligence, also among the top war planners for the Russian invasion, are now under house arrest, specifically for "providing poor intelligence ahead of Russia’s now-stuttering invasion." Isn't it interesting that the particular branch of Russian intelligence they were in charge of oversaw connections with the Western nations, including America.

Putin Places Spies Under House Arrest

March 11, 2022
After two weeks of halting war against Ukraine, Vladimir Putin just suddenly launched an attack in a surprising direction — his beloved agency, the FSB.

The Fifth Service of the FSB, Russia’s main intelligence service, has been targeted and the leadership placed under house arrest, according to the authors’ sources.

Its head, Colonel-General Sergei Beseda, and his deputy were being held after allegations of misusing operational funds earmarked for subversive activities and for providing poor intelligence ahead of Russia’s now-stuttering invasion. The operation has hit serious obstacles, not least fierce resistance by the Ukrainian armed forces and the unity of the population, including most Russian-speakers, behind President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his government.

The Fifth Service was responsible for providing Putin with intelligence on political developments in Ukraine on the eve of the invasion. And it looks like two weeks into the war, it finally dawned on Putin that he was completely misled. The department, fearful of his responses, seems to have told Putin what he wanted to hear.

Beseda and his staff — officially known as the Service of Operative Information and International ties — oversee connections with foreign partners, including the Americans. Within it resides the infamous Department of Operative Information (DOI), which is essentially the FSB’s foreign intelligence branch...

Full article:
Putin Places Spies Under House Arrest | CEPA

Photo: "Explosion at Domodedovo airport". Law enforcement officers are on duty at Domodedovo airport, where security measures have been strengthened after the explosion. Russia, Moscow region. Credit: RIA Novosti archive, image #846846 / Andrey Stenin / CC-BY-SA 3.0

Irina Borogan

Andrei Soldatov


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States

Democratic Resilience Program
Investing in Our Common Democratic Future

The Democratic Resilience Program (DR) at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) advances policy solutions to strengthen the resilience of democracies against authoritarian threats and enhance Euro-Atlantic dialogue around democratic governance. Our focus is on Central and Eastern Europe as a testing ground for these compounding threats.

Through strategic convening, policy relevant research, and deep expertise, our program promotes democratic values and principles underlying the transatlantic alliance: transparency, accountability, and the rule of law while developing policy solutions to foreign malign influence. Working across the public and private sector and in partnership with civil society groups, we develop strategies and policy solutions to build a whole-of-society effort to counter threats to democracy while investing in long-term resilience.

Our projects focus on:

  • Countering foreign disinformation from Russia and China;
  • Raising awareness around global challenges to democracies; and
  • Promoting regional expert and civil society approaches to common threats to the rule of law.
  • Democratic Resilience | Geopolitics | CEPA

Personally I don't watch MSNBC, or CNN, or FOX, or any other mockingbird media outlets.
I'm getting real tired of hearing about so-called Democracy which only works if you agree with them.
Countering foreign disinformation from Russia and China.. they could take a look in the mirror.

Is CEPA connected to Open Society Foundation ?
Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is a grantmaking network founded and chaired by business magnate George Soros. Open Society Foundations financially supports civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.

Okay... you really never know where the road will take ya, till you get your walking stick and

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration, established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in its resolution 2001/45, is comprised of 24 members who meet annually at UN Headquarters in New York. The Committee is responsible for supporting the work of ECOSOC concerning the promotion and development of public administration and governance among Member States notably in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in support of the implementation and progress reviews of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Since its conversion from a Group into a full-fledged Committee in 2001, CEPA has been meeting annually to provide guidelines on public administration issues related to the implementation of the internationally agreed development goals (IADGs), including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Goals. It has also reported to ECOSOC on the governance and public administration dimensions of sustainable socioeconomic development, particularly focusing on the themes of human capital development, participatory governance, capacity development in crisis and post-conflict countries, and innovations in public administration and governance, among others.

United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs > Intergovernmental Support > CEPA

They have an Agenda...
just saying
and the 2030 one is BAAAAAD News.


sorry, I found this by looking at the people in the photos posted above.
They work for CEPA.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
it finally dawned on Putin that he was completely misled.
You have to give it to these so called journalist's though.
They truly can be creative with their narrative.
I mean, how would anyone know waht finally dawned in someone's mind.

I would say the same thing if this journalist was trying to read Biden's mind too.

I wish they would just state the facts and leave their opinions out of it.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs > Intergovernmental Support > CEPA

They have an Agenda...
just saying
and the 2030 one is BAAAAAD News.


sorry, I found this by looking at the people in the photos posted above.
They work for CEPA.

Just to update this thread, sister, I know we disagree on this part of it, but years down the road you're going to find out that not everything the Western press was saying was falsified. The Russians are taking serious losses. No one invades a country that is home to Europe's 3rd largest standing army and doesn't. As I just posted in another thread, the minute Zelensky went into complete control mode and refused to abdicate or let Ukrainian men out of the country, and the entirety of NATO and the Western world suddenly came to his defense both militarily and financially, this became a losing proposition for Vladimir Putin. The Russians will now have to slug it out for every inch of Ukrainian soil, and incur heavy losses doing so. This was the Globalist plan from the beginning, and it is working to perfection. I am not basing it merely on the lying Western press. The above is an understood consequence of invading a nation that has a NATO-equivalent, NATO-trained military, and one already armed with top end anti-tank, anti-aircraft and drone systems, and pledges from the West to now receive more where that came from.

The West knew how this was going to play out well in advance, and the war is now going exactly as they wanted it to. Don't think that just because Russian media is not reporting losses that they are not suffering any. The Kremlin has no interest whatsoever in the Russian citizenry knowing what kind of causalities they are taking.

Published almost a year ago (emphasis mine):

Will Russia's Risk-Aversion Keep It Away from Ukraine?


By William Courtney, April 28, 2021

Russia's defense minister says that the troops Moscow moved closer to Ukraine and into Crimea will now be reduced in numbers. However, much of their equipment will be left behind, and the danger will remain. The West has protested the Kremlin's latest attempt to scare Ukraine, or perhaps to seize more of its territory. A renewed war could involve high casualties, and thus would run against the Kremlin's preference for lower-risk military actions. But this does not mean Moscow will stay its hand.

In the 1980s, years of fighting in Afghanistan left at least 15,000 invading Soviet soldiers dead. This was demoralizing at home. Soviet leadership tried to hide casualties, a betrayal that eventually helped lead to an angry Committee of Soldiers' Mothers. Many years later, Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze told me that only four members of the Soviet Politburo had made the disastrous decision to intervene. Leaders in Moscow today still try to hide military combat deaths. They also use irregular fighters wherever it is practical to do so. The Kremlin has sought to limit and hide military casualties not just in Ukraine, but elsewhere...

Whether the pain of Afghanistan still affects Moscow's thinking about casualties is uncertain, but these interventions suggest it might. A 2019 poll in Russia by the respected Levada Center found that over half of the respondents said their country should end its military campaign in Syria. But there is more support for intervention in Ukraine. A majority of respondents said occupied areas of eastern Ukraine should be allowed to break away from the country.

Despite this sentiment, aversion to military casualties could dampen any Kremlin interest in pushing further into eastern and southern Ukraine. In early 2014, President Vladimir Putin implied this ambition when he spoke of the region, which he called “Novorossiya,” as having been part of the earlier Russian empire.

The Kremlin is surely aware that Ukrainian forces today are better postured than in 2014. Many are battle-tested. The army is the third-largest in Europe. NATO (PDF) countries have helped train and equip it. The United States has supplied some $2 billion in security assistance, including advanced Javelin anti-armor weapons. Ukraine's military has support from civil society; it is one of the country's most trusted institutions.

Nonetheless, the Kremlin could blunder in Ukraine as Soviet rulers did in Afghanistan. Unlike then, however, a new Russian thrust into Ukraine could lead to early, heavy casualties. This could quickly bring home to the Kremlin the political costs of any incursion

William Courtney is an adjunct senior fellow at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation and a former U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan, Georgia, and the U.S.-Soviet commission to implement the Threshold Test Ban Treaty.

This commentary originally appeared on RealClearWorld on April 26, 2021. Commentary gives RAND researchers a platform to convey insights based on their professional expertise and often on their peer-reviewed research and analysis.

Full article:
Will Russia's Risk-Aversion Keep It Away from Ukraine?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Just to update this thread, sister, I know we disagree on this part of it, but years down the road you're going to find out that not everything the Western press was saying was falsified. The Russians are taking serious losses. No one invades a country that is home to Europe's 3rd largest standing army and doesn't. As I just posted in another thread, the minute Zelensky went into complete control mode and refused to abdicate or let Ukrainian men out of the country, and the entirety of NATO and the Western world suddenly came to his defense both militarily and financially, this became a losing proposition for Vladimir Putin. The Russians will now have to slug it out for every inch of Ukrainian soil, and incur heavy losses doing so. This was the Globalist plan from the beginning, and it is working to perfection. I am not basing it merely on the lying Western press. The above is an understood consequence of invading a nation that has a NATO-equivalent, NATO-trained military, and one already armed with top end anti-tank, anti-aircraft and drone systems, and pledges from the West to now receive more where that came from.

The West knew how this was going to play out well in advance, and the war is now going exactly as they wanted it to. Don't think that just because Russian media is not reporting losses that they are not suffering any. The Kremlin has no interest whatsoever in the Russian citizenry knowing what kind of causalities they are taking.

Published almost a year ago (emphasis mine):

Will Russia's Risk-Aversion Keep It Away from Ukraine?


By William Courtney, April 28, 2021

Russia's defense minister says that the troops Moscow moved closer to Ukraine and into Crimea will now be reduced in numbers. However, much of their equipment will be left behind, and the danger will remain. The West has protested the Kremlin's latest attempt to scare Ukraine, or perhaps to seize more of its territory. A renewed war could involve high casualties, and thus would run against the Kremlin's preference for lower-risk military actions. But this does not mean Moscow will stay its hand.

In the 1980s, years of fighting in Afghanistan left at least 15,000 invading Soviet soldiers dead. This was demoralizing at home. Soviet leadership tried to hide casualties, a betrayal that eventually helped lead to an angry Committee of Soldiers' Mothers. Many years later, Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze told me that only four members of the Soviet Politburo had made the disastrous decision to intervene. Leaders in Moscow today still try to hide military combat deaths. They also use irregular fighters wherever it is practical to do so. The Kremlin has sought to limit and hide military casualties not just in Ukraine, but elsewhere...

Whether the pain of Afghanistan still affects Moscow's thinking about casualties is uncertain, but these interventions suggest it might. A 2019 poll in Russia by the respected Levada Center found that over half of the respondents said their country should end its military campaign in Syria. But there is more support for intervention in Ukraine. A majority of respondents said occupied areas of eastern Ukraine should be allowed to break away from the country.

Despite this sentiment, aversion to military casualties could dampen any Kremlin interest in pushing further into eastern and southern Ukraine. In early 2014, President Vladimir Putin implied this ambition when he spoke of the region, which he called “Novorossiya,” as having been part of the earlier Russian empire.

The Kremlin is surely aware that Ukrainian forces today are better postured than in 2014. Many are battle-tested. The army is the third-largest in Europe. NATO (PDF) countries have helped train and equip it. The United States has supplied some $2 billion in security assistance, including advanced Javelin anti-armor weapons. Ukraine's military has support from civil society; it is one of the country's most trusted institutions.

Nonetheless, the Kremlin could blunder in Ukraine as Soviet rulers did in Afghanistan. Unlike then, however, a new Russian thrust into Ukraine could lead to early, heavy casualties. This could quickly bring home to the Kremlin the political costs of any incursion

William Courtney is an adjunct senior fellow at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation and a former U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan, Georgia, and the U.S.-Soviet commission to implement the Threshold Test Ban Treaty.

This commentary originally appeared on RealClearWorld on April 26, 2021. Commentary gives RAND researchers a platform to convey insights based on their professional expertise and often on their peer-reviewed research and analysis.

Full article:
Will Russia's Risk-Aversion Keep It Away from Ukraine?
Hi Hidden
Could you clarify for me what you believe the globalist plan to be?
I don't understand about this war too much and am keeping put of the discussion, I agree with both you and @Ziggy ,,,,if that could be possible.
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