Need help understanding "paranormal activity" and the Bible

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
I don't believe in hauntings. I believe in Jesus and I believe in the Bible, but I've confirmed weird stuff happening and I cannot deny the weird stuff happening, so I need some Christian advice.

There is nothing in the Bible I have ever seen that explains things moving on its own or whatever. The closest I can think of is the Witch of Endor.

So, how do I pray about this? Are there any scriptures?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
So, how do I pray about this? Are there any scriptures?

Do you think you need protection from unclean spirits? Or just asking for discernment?

For protection, you can't go wrong with the Lord's Prayer. "Deliver us from the evil one". That's Matthew 6:13, as if you needed direction on that one. There's a few others in a similar vein.

For discernment....
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

There's also some stuff about discerning spirits in 1 Corinthians 12. Maybe that'll give you some ideas.

You mentioned the Witch of Endor, which means you're thinking about ghosts. (My wife believes in 'em.) The only reference I could think of is in Acts 12:15 when John Mark's family thought Rhoda had seen Peter's ghost rather than the real Peter. (Luke has a wry sense of humor.) I guess that means they believed in ghosts too.

And if you need to pray for courage...
Be strong and let your heart take courage, All you who wait for the Lord. Psalms 31:24
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27)

I'll pray for you too. I remember you getting harassed by that demon last fall.

Objects moving on their own????
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I don't believe in hauntings. I believe in Jesus and I believe in the Bible, but I've confirmed weird stuff happening and I cannot deny the weird stuff happening, so I need some Christian advice.

There is nothing in the Bible I have ever seen that explains things moving on its own or whatever. The closest I can think of is the Witch of Endor.

So, how do I pray about this? Are there any scriptures?
They can't do anything that God doesn't allow. They will try to create fear. They are harassing more than anything. I suggest praying the scriptures. Read Psalm 91 aloud. Read Colossians 3:3 aloud.

Psalm 56:3
Psalm 46:1-3

Sister, I'm praying...


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I don't believe in hauntings. I believe in Jesus and I believe in the Bible, but I've confirmed weird stuff happening and I cannot deny the weird stuff happening, so I need some Christian advice.

There is nothing in the Bible I have ever seen that explains things moving on its own or whatever. The closest I can think of is the Witch of Endor.

So, how do I pray about this? Are there any scriptures?
Have you experienced this before? These are things that happen where there is a lot of witchcraft happening.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Luke 10:17 "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, "Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name."

"THROUGH THY NAME", This is something that you never want to forget. The name of Jesus is where the power of God comes from. You pray to the Father, but you ask in Jesus' name, because that gives you credentials that you are of Christ. That you are a Christian, a believer, and have faith in Jesus the Christ. When you are giving the devil an order to leave, or do something, don't ever say please. You are in command and carry the power and authority of Jesus Christ, and just like a General gives an order to a private in the army, there is no please. You give the command in Jesus' name and the devil and his demons and realm respond. Your arn't afforded that right to come in the power of Jesus name and say please to the devil. We please God not Satan, get it?

The power that you have is not in your name, or position, but in the Name of Jesus. Demons are real, and they do exist even today. These demons are what is called evil spirits, and there are many evil spirits in the world today. Every entity has a spirit, and we have a spirit with the soul that is within each of us. Sure you used that spirit for many purposes; to get someone to agree with you, or to do something for you. When you fell in love, you use your spirit to gain influence on the one you love. You use that spirit to communicate with the spirit of the one you are trying to reach. Your true love is not communicated by flesh, but by spiritual means. Your human eye mirrors the soul, and it is your human spirit that carries your love forward.

Satan himself has a spirit, and God allows him to project his spirit and those evil spirits that follow him, to project themselves to this earth. They can't walk to and fro, like he did in jobs day. However those evil spirits are able to enter and control the mind of those souls that allow them to enter into them. You have to allow them into your mind and soul before they can control you. Some people call these evil spirits, evil thoughts or other terms, but they do exist and they do control people that allow them in.

When you began to notice to many negative things happening within your family, that is the time to make that stand, and order them out of your life and your family. When you accept Jesus and repent of your sins in Jesus' name, Father gives you the right to use Jesus' power and authority to order those negative things out of your life, but you have to make that stand, you do the ordering, and Satan and his demonics do the leaving. However it requires your faith in Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit within your soul before the power of Christ is present within you. This isn't a mind game between men, but the very Spirit of the Living God taking control over your life, to place the power and authority at your command. We will see now the instruction that Jesus gives to us on taking that power. These seventy that were sent out witnessed the fact that even the evil spirit were subject to each of them, through the name of Jesus.



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I don't believe in hauntings. I believe in Jesus and I believe in the Bible, but I've confirmed weird stuff happening and I cannot deny the weird stuff happening, so I need some Christian advice.

There is nothing in the Bible I have ever seen that explains things moving on its own or whatever. The closest I can think of is the Witch of Endor.

So, how do I pray about this? Are there any scriptures?
Sorry to hear this Fluffy. We had an old house that was next door to my great granpas farm. My brother stayed there and we had a dish move across the table. And my brother had a man standing in his bedroom doorway and that spirit picked him up out of bed one night. Really scared them so they moved and no problems since.

That said I think spirits can enter a place and stay there sometimes out of what has been done in the house. If we do good in the house, watching online church and playing church music that might help to bring the Lord there and cast out the evil spirits.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
I don't believe in hauntings. I believe in Jesus and I believe in the Bible, but I've confirmed weird stuff happening and I cannot deny the weird stuff happening, so I need some Christian advice.

There is nothing in the Bible I have ever seen that explains things moving on its own or whatever. The closest I can think of is the Witch of Endor.

So, how do I pray about this? Are there any scriptures?

If you believe in Jesus, and you believe the Bible is God's word, then you believe in demons as well maam. You may also know that the war in heaven has already taken place, and the demons have been cast to earth. Some humans and animals can see or sense these, and humans are not exempt from being possessed by these spirit creatures. So there is your Biblical answer Fluff, it is demon activity.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Objects moving on their own????
Few weird things here and there. Glass falling off the counter on its own, trash rustling around in the bin, or I think they said the lid swinging on its own. This is all pretty new stuff for me.

I had a few weird nights trying to sleep, weird incidences, but last night I prayed on it and I didn't notice anything weird and woke up on time.
Have you experienced this before? These are things that happen where there is a lot of witchcraft happening.
Not sense I was a kid! I think ... I'm pretty sure. If it had, it must have been a really long time because I can't think of anything.

I remember my imagination in my 20s, worrying about "haunted cans" sliding across the counters before I accepted it was just water on the bottom that made them shift around. :rolleyes:

That said I think spirits can enter a place and stay there sometimes out of what has been done in the house. If we do good in the house, watching online church and playing church music that might help to bring the Lord there and cast out the evil spirits.
I wonder if this is possible, before I would have said no, but then I'm remembering Joshua 6:17-18.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Not to bump this but I thought things had stopped, but mom told me it has been happening every night with the trash can. (it moves on its own, I've only confirmed it like 2-3 times)

Last week, I was getting ready for work and my moms porcelain doll jumped off the shelf at me.

But kind of dismissed it, until I was sitting on the bed 30 minutes ago, and saw a bottle of essential oil get "knocked off" another shelf for absolutely no reason.

I'm the only here.

It's only "Christian" programming here and normal stuff and a lot of prayer and I don't get it.

I have never had to see this stuff since I was a kid and I'm feeling tested for what I know according to the Bible.

This seems to be a thing in this state, like the whole state seems "haunted", for lack of a better word, and I know this sounds stupid, but if flying objects aren't in the Bible, can some geomagnetic interferences cause "strange activity"?

Like those dowsing rods, which I don't understand either.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Sister, those things don't just happen. They have to have a "legal" reason to be hanging around and manifesting. The only thing I feel to advise is to enquire of the Lord and ask Him to reveal why this is happening.

As far as "haunted states" ...I know you don't believe in ghosts as in the spirits of dead people hanging around and tormenting/harassing people (right??). But there are areas that are more major hubs for cult ritual activity, which could be a reason for more spiritual darkness over areas.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Sister, those things don't just happen. They have to have a "legal" reason to be hanging around and manifesting. The only thing I feel to advise is to enquire of the Lord and ask Him to reveal why this is happening.

As far as "haunted states" ...I know you don't believe in ghosts as in the spirits of dead people hanging around and tormenting/harassing people (right??). But there are areas that are more major hubs for cult ritual activity, which could be a reason for more spiritual darkness over areas.
Man, I really hope not because I'm not okay with any of that. I'm going to be really frustrated if so. A huge part of me wants to say "No" but I am not really sure if that's the case or just because I so badly want the answer to be "no." lol

There's a Masonic Temple but I don't know anything about them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
There is nothing in the Bible I have ever seen that explains things moving on its own or whatever.

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's bonds were unfastened.” (Acts 16:25-26)


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
One late night while reading the King James Bible the table and chair moved.

It was an awesome terror that fell over me when I witnessed this happening.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Man, I really hope not because I'm not okay with any of that. I'm going to be really frustrated if so. A huge part of me wants to say "No" but I am not really sure if that's the case or just because I so badly want the answer to be "no." lol

There's a Masonic Temple but I don't know anything about them.
Freemasonry is deeply occult. Wherever you have a masonic temple, you've got SRA and MK.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's bonds were unfastened.” (Acts 16:25-26)
Great scripture and it's all true. But a porcelain doll jumping at you off the shelf toward you or the trash can moving across the floor and random items falling on the floor for no good reason is not Holy Spirit.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Great scripture and it's all true. But a porcelain doll jumping at you off the shelf toward you or the trash can moving across the floor and random items falling on the floor for no good reason is not Holy Spirit.

It happened at my job while I worked alone overnight. The building is over 100 years old. Maybe some unsavory spirit was in there. I almost quit my job over it.