Acts 2:38 has been abandoned by Christianity

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
What would have been the result if I thought that His finished work was not enough, I had to be water baptized to complete the Grace of salvation?
Then you would not have even qualified for Water baptism .
Lets take a peek at phillip and the eunach . The eunach says LOOK here is water , now what does HINDER ME from being baptized ,
and notice phillips answer , IF YE BELIEVE . THAT MY FRIEND is what saves . ITS JESUS . ITS called FAITH IN HE and HE ALONE .
Hope that helps .


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
Then you would not have even qualified for Water baptism .
Lets take a peek at phillip and the eunach . The eunach says LOOK here is water , now what does HINDER ME from being baptized ,
and notice phillips answer , IF YE BELIEVE . THAT MY FRIEND is what saves . ITS JESUS . ITS called FAITH IN HE and HE ALONE .
Hope that helps .

I will make it clear where I stand on that question. I would not have been qualified for salvation!

My faith would have been divided between the finished work of Christ and water baptism, placing water baptism equal with His finished work for salvation.

That is man at his best in legalism!
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I will make it clear where I stand on that question. I would not have been qualified for salvation!

My faith would have been divided between the finished work of Christ and water baptism, placing water baptism equal with His finished work for salvation.

That is man at his best in legalism!
Many folks go down a wet sinner only to come up the same old man . if our faith is not in CHRIST
then nothing else would have mattered at all . you bascially have two groups . Those who add their own traditions in
and say thus ye do or ye aint saved , then we have the largest group . Those attack reminders from the very bible itself
and then call it legalism . The proof of whose we are is not only seen in our confession of HIM
but also HOW we walk. Too many folks are like i once was , i could lip His name yet DID NOT KNOW HIM , WAS NOT HIS
had not been born again . Praise GOD for the true grace that bringeth salvation that led me to true faith IN CHRIST .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I will make it clear where I stand on that question. I would not have been qualified for salvation!

My faith would have been divided between the finished work of Christ and water baptism, placing water baptism equal with His finished work for salvation.

That is man at his best in legalism!
Would you like an example of a total depraved mind .
I just seen a response from a lady who goes to the AI church .
She has proudly done her nails up in the color o the rainbow
and went to the Gay pride march in the UK . Saying its time we show our LOVE to all .
And that she can happily show her own son he can choose who he wants to be married to , man or woman .
YET she hollers the name of JESUS and does many good works within the church . PLEASE TELL ME
ya dont think she is saved . CAUSE SHE AINT and her FRUITS are proving it big time . But what says YE .
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
You did it again, you left the book of Acts for salvation. The EPISTLE is written to the church which were saved through the book of Acts...

Ephesians 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

Your reasoning is so flawed it is beyond belief. Are you actually claiming that Paul's epistle isn't applicable to the truth? Only the book of Acts? Okay...

The two-part work, Luke-Acts was written to a man named "Theophilus"... Luke 1:1-4, "Now many have undertaken to compile an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, like the accounts passed on to us by those who were eyewitnesses and servants of the word from the beginning. So it seemed good to me as well, because I have followed all things carefully from the beginning, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know for certain the things you were taught." Acts 1:1-2, "I wrote the former account, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after he had given orders by the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen."

Therefore, by your flawed reasoning, since it was written specifically for one person, it doesn't apply to anyone else, including us.

The book of Acts doesn't apply to anyone except one person who lived about 2,000 years ago! Point proven!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
Many folks go down a wet sinner only to come up the same old man . if our faith is not in CHRIST
then nothing else would have mattered at all . you bascially have two groups . Those who add their own traditions in
and say thus ye do or ye aint saved , then we have the largest group . Those attack reminders from the very bible itself
and then call it legalism . The proof of whose we are is not only seen in our confession of HIM
but also HOW we walk. Too many folks are like i once was , i could lip His name yet DID NOT KNOW HIM , WAS NOT HIS
had not been born again . Praise GOD for the true grace that bringeth salvation that led me to true faith IN CHRIST .

There is a 3rd group, those who play the middle ground.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
Would you like an example of a total depraved mind .
I just seen a response from a lady who goes to the AI church .
She has proudly done her nails up in the color o the rainbow
and went to the Gay pride march in the UK . Saying its time we show our LOVE to all .
And that she can happily show her own son he can choose who he wants to be married to , man or woman .
YET she hollers the name of JESUS and does many good works within the church . PLEASE TELL ME
ya dont think she is saved . CAUSE SHE AINT and her FRUITS are proving it big time . But what says YE .

I don't know. There are many circumstances involved, the saved and ignorant, the saved and gone stray, just lost their way but still saved. It could be she is lost, but I don't know.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I don't know. There are many circumstances involved, the saved and ignorant, the saved and gone stray, just lost their way but still saved. It could be she is lost, but I don't know.
That is the problem with this generation .
Even as a wee bitty babe in Christ while i was ignorant of much , the love for truth was upon my heart .
IF one has the HOLY GHOST within them , Ya just cant feel comfy in sin . Most folks are not born again
they have at most what i once had , some head knowledge but absolutely no GUIDE to guide them
for as i said they are not born again . They travel by feelings and not by TRUTH .
The problem with this church age is leaders taught them a false love and did not build up the church by pure
sound doctrine but rather men who didnt even know GOD taught and led the churches .
Till now most have no idea what they have lost , they dont even know they are lost .
Its time to mount up and get back in bibles cause the leaders of most all churches have failed the masses
they entered not in themselves and hindered all who were under them , till now
folks thinking even calling a spade a spade is JUDGING and hateful .
That was how the churches fell . THEY let error in and it didnt get corrected . And just a wee bit of leaven
CAN LEAVEN the place full if its not dealt with like the early church delt with it .
Too many folks are in love with giving hugs and accepting everyones opinion as valid or a way of seeing their own truth .
When in truth it was a nightmare for destruction . Its time we go back into bibles .
Churches got too interested with how to draw numbers and invented so many ways to grow a church .
WELL they sure did grow the churches , but they do not KNOW CHRIST and have no idea what has been lost
and like i said that they too are still lost . Sitting under a jesus that hugs all , wont correct
and has made the way so BROAD TO GOD under a guise of a false love , that even the DEVIL Is accepted .
That is a simple way of summing up what has occured . In case ya dont know
Rick warren and his seeker friendly purpose driven lie destroyed what was left of the churches
TILL Now they accept all paths , CEPT THE TRUTH , CEPT THOSE who would correct , warn and point to TRUTH .
I knew long ago when they used that common phrase that so many in church still use and love
TAKE GOD OUT OF THE BOX . THAT PHRASE . I KNEW it was to simply change the GOD of the bible into the god who desired to be as GOD .
GODS love so huge now it accepts everyones path , it accepts PC sins , It accepts anything and everyone , CEPT
the BIBLICAL GOD , HIS CHRIST , THOSE APOSTELS and those who stick to THEIR PATTERN . What a delusion has abounded


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I believe that many problems in the church today are caused by ‘mixture’ which undermines not only the word of God but God’s authority and sovereignty.

In the Old Testament there are many descriptions of how God’s people turned to worshipping other gods and idols made of base materials by human hands and his subsequent punishment of such behaviour.

It has been shown to me recently that these people had not entirely abandoned God, the Holy One of Israel, but that they had taken up these other gods AS WELL AS Almighty God. This is where the ‘Mixture, comes in. It waters down peoples’ perspective of God and distracts from his power and authority.

People have become dissatisfied with JUST one true God, they desire the other gods as well and in turn these other gods begin to become more important to them than God himself.

By far the biggest god of this sort in today’s world is SELF and especially pride when people think they know better than God. The redefinement of marriage and the appointing of gay bishops are just two examples.

The Church needs to get back to serving only One True God and to root out anything that that smacks of ‘mixture’.

As I have recently heard at least three different preachers speak on this subject in the last couple of months, I think it is a ‘now’ word of God to the church.

Daniel 2:43
And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Yes, you described them in your previous post. They are the "lukewarm" to be spewed out of His mouth.

There is always the tendency for the self-righteous to condemn the majority of the church -- the body of Christ -- as being "lukewarm", deluded, etc. -- to be spewed out of His mouth.

Frankly, it's those self-righteous people who make me sick. "Who are you to pass judgment on another’s servant? Before his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand." Romans 14:4

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yes, you described them in your previous post. They are the "lukewarm" to be spewed out of His mouth.
One quick reminder . GOD even warned them to REPENT so we should too .
Think about HOW truly merciful GOD is . He could have just let them stay in that state without
warning and MAN what a horrendous ending that is .
THUS if GOD LOVES and warns , IF JESUS loved and warned from earth and heaven , if the apostles
who loved and warned , THEN WHY IS THIS CHURCH AGE SO SILENT about WARNING .
We need to double down and warn those professed christains to cease the evil , stop playing the middle ground
and so on and so forth . YET today when one warns even those who know some truth STILL attack these ones .
Now why is that . Could it be the more a true lamb loves the more it warns and the less it be loved . YEAH paul knew .
Its time we double down again in bibles . Learn and grow and mature . And look OUT for others .
Let me bring a reminder . Do you remember what JOHN once wrote . HE said if a man says HE loves GOD
and yet hates his brother that he is a ...........LIAR and the truth is not in HIM .
HE even goes on to say HE who hates his brother is a murderer and YE KNOW that no murderer has ETERNAL LIFE in them .
SO how is this for a reminder .
YE shall not HATE YOUR BRETHREN in your heart , YOU shall in any way REBUKE , CORRECT THEM
and not allow SIN upon THEM . Ever get the feeling that this warn not , judge not lovey lovey
IS actually HATE . THE DEVIL KNOWS how to use the word LOVE TOO , only HIS VERSION aint love it is hate
and he dont correct those who do err, NO he just lets them go and feel saved by creating another sin accepting GOD in their mind .
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
I believe that many problems in the church today are caused by ‘mixture’ which undermines not only the word of God but God’s authority and sovereignty.

In the Old Testament there are many descriptions of how God’s people turned to worshipping other gods and idols made of base materials by human hands and his subsequent punishment of such behaviour.

It has been shown to me recently that these people had not entirely abandoned God, the Holy One of Israel, but that they had taken up these other gods AS WELL AS Almighty God. This is where the ‘Mixture, comes in. It waters down peoples’ perspective of God and distracts from his power and authority.

People have become dissatisfied with JUST one true God, they desire the other gods as well and in turn these other gods begin to become more important to them than God himself.

By far the biggest god of this sort in today’s world is SELF and especially pride when people think they know better than God. The redefinement of marriage and the appointing of gay bishops are just two examples.

The Church needs to get back to serving only One True God and to root out anything that that smacks of ‘mixture’.

As I have recently heard at least three different preachers speak on this subject in the last couple of months, I think it is a ‘now’ word of God to the church.

Daniel 2:43
And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

True! Paul warned us of these perilous times, and it will only get worse before His return.

We must be very careful not to fall from the Rock we stand on!

It's not easy to live a Christian life in this present world.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
True! Paul warned us of these perilous times, and it will only get worse before His return.

We must be very careful not to fall from the Rock we stand on!

It's not easy to live a Christian life in this present world.
And now a reminder from JESUS , Dont expect to be loved by those who LOVE NOT CHRIST
The world will hate you , BUT KNOW IT HATED JESUS FIRST . THE world will LOVE ITS OWN .
But it will hate you , for have called you OUT OF IT . meaning out of their ways and darkness .
TIME to let the light of CHRIST shine and double down in prayer and bible reading whereby we will grow
We are witnessing what happens to a world and even churches who no longer wanted GOD in their conscious ,
or schools , or churches or etc . WE are witnessing the largest world wide REPROBATION of mind .
Our duty is to FOLLOW the GLORIOUS LORD . Exhort the brethren , which includes correction
and do so daily and SO MUCH the MORE as YE SEE the DAY APPROACHING .
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
One quick reminder . GOD even warned them to REPENT so we should too .
Think about HOW truly merciful GOD is . He could have just let them stay in that state without
warning and MAN what a horrendous ending that is .
THUS if GOD LOVES and warns , IF JESUS loved and warned from earth and heaven , if the apostles
who loved and warned , THEN WHY IS THIS CHURCH AGE SO SILENT about WARNING .
We need to double down and warn those professed christains to cease the evil , stop playing the middle ground
and so on and so forth . YET today when one warns even those who know some truth STILL attack these ones .
Now why is that . Could it be the more a true lamb loves the more it warns and the less it be loved . YEAH paul knew .
Its time we double down again in bibles . Learn and grow and mature . And look OUT for others .
Let me bring a reminder . Do you remember what JOHN once wrote . HE said if a man says HE loves GOD
and yet hates his brother that he is a ...........LIAR and the truth is not in HIM .
HE even goes on to say HE who hates his brother is a murderer and YE KNOW that no murderer has ETERNAL LIFE in them .
SO how is this for a reminder .
YE shall not HATE YOUR BRETHREN in your heart , YOU shall in any way REBUKE , CORRECT THEM
and not allow SIN upon THEM . Ever get the feeling that this warn not , judge not lovey lovey
IS actually HATE . THE DEVIL KNOWS how to use the word LOVE TOO , only HIS VERSION aint love it is hate
and he dont correct those who do err, NO he just lets them go and feel saved by creating another sin accepting GOD in their mind .

It is my opinion that the most important thing a believer can do is love one another and keep himself unspotted from this world.

That is much easier said than done! This is the example we try to hold, but we fall short so many times.

They don't notice when you are walking with Christ, they only notice when you fail.

So I'm not perfect, I'm not the greatest example of Christ either, but I will hold on to that nail-scared hand, it's my only hope!

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
It is my opinion that the most important thing a believer can do is love one another and keep himself unspotted from this world.

That is much easier said than done! This is the example we try to hold, but we fall short so many times.

They don't notice when you are walking with Christ, they only notice when you fail.

So I'm not perfect, I'm not the greatest example of Christ either, but I will hold on to that nail-scared hand, it's my only hope!
They do notice when you are walking with CHRIST . THEY might hate it but they know something makes ya different .
That is what they hate about you . Now some it draws and others get real hard to it .
The more we are in that bible the simplier things become and the more we learn and grow .
Its not easier said than done . Though i know what you meant .
IF we would but follow Christ its real simply really .
The only thing contrary to GOD is the flesh . And thus its a die daily . While evil is present within all
i mean in the flesh . IT dont mean we have to be a slave to it .
We have CHRIST JESUS . HE was tempted in all points YET never sinned . HE IS truly able to succor us . That means GIVES AIDE
to us through every temptation and every trial . PLUS the more we stay engrained daily in the bible
the more we read it , the more its formed in us . TRUE . So my reminder to all is , let us again pick those bibles
up and with a fully persauded mind let us march onwards in the LORD . HE is with the lambs .
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
They do notice when you are walking with CHRIST . THEY might hate it but they know something makes ya different .
That is what hate about you . Now some it draws and others get real hard to it .
The more we are in that bible the simplier things become and the more we learn and grow .
Its not easier said than done . Though i know what you meant .
IF we would but follow Christ its real simply really .
The only thing contrary to GOD is the flesh . And thus its a die daily . While evil is present within all
i mean in the flesh . IT dont mean we have to be a slave to it .
We have CHRIST JESUS . HE was tempted in all points YET never sinned . HE IS truly able to succor us . That means GIVES AIDE
to us through every temptation and every trial . PLUS the more we stay engrained daily in the bible
the more we read it , the more its formed in us . TRUE . So my reminder to all is , let us again pick those bibles
up and with a fully persauded mind let us march onwards in the LORD . HE is with the lambs .

That's correct! My point was that they don't bring attention to your obedience in Christ, but they will bring attention to your failures in Christ.

And yes, we are hated all the day long, as David said, for our following after our Lord.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
There is always the tendency for the self-righteous to condemn the majority of the church -- the body of Christ -- as being "lukewarm", deluded, etc. -- to be spewed out of His mouth.

Frankly, it's those self-righteous people who make me sick. "Who are you to pass judgment on another’s servant? Before his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand." Romans 14:4

The majority of the Church is not the true Church! It's not my opinion or judgement, it's a biblical fact!

We are now living in the times of the Laodicean Church, that says "I have no need of nothing."

But Christ says they have need of much.


Active Member
May 31, 2022
United States
Turn around and away from your old self and his evil ways.

be immersed, covered, complete filled...

When a person is in the name completely isn't it that he has the mind of Christ? Do all of us have the mind of Christ all of the time? If we did, we certainly wouldn't sin at all, would we?

I believe that a person can be in the name without saying the name or even without knowing the name in his carnal mind. What about the OT prophets and men of God like David? Were they IN the name? What about Isaiah when he wrote prophecies about the comin Messiah but did not know the name, Jesus as per the NT?

Sins remitted: set aside or cancelled

If the sins are all gone, why do we need the gift?
"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:8

Power to be witnesses and power to sin no more. This is why it is critical that we do not quench the Holy Spirit in us. When we quench the Spirit we are leading ourselves in our fleshly ways and habits again. We are sinning again. Foolishness is not a new thing for men, is it?

Excellently explained, sir.
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