22 major reasons to abandon the Premil doctrine

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Paul, we haven't examined MY theological position yet. We are still answering YOUR objections to Premillennialism, which are based on faulty assumptions and misconstrued interpretations. You are the one who is avoiding my rebuttals.

Your view is what I would call a "kluge", a work around fix. Your view depends on Augustine's view that the New Testament reveals the Old Testament, which is a faulty hermeneutic. Your view is not based on a fair examination of the text, but a narrative superimposed over the text, obscuring what the text actually says. In order to avoid Old Testament truth, you define the term "Spiritual Israel" so that you might appropriate all of God's positive promises for yourself, and you define the term "natural Israel" so you can distance yourself from all the negative ones.

Your view depends on the redefinition of many words and terms. A fair examination of the text reveals that God will use Israel in the future, for his glory, but Amillennialism redefines "Israel" in order to obscure these passages and avoid this fact.

I am not being evasive. I'm being direct. I am not impressed with your arguments, which I have easily defeated.

As I said, we haven't examined MY point of view yet. If we ever get around to MY perspective, I maintain that there is only one elect people. Your charge is unwarranted and unfounded. And if there is anything tiresome about this thread, it is your presumption.

Yeah, okay. There is only one olive tree. But as I tried to tell you, the olive tree does not represent Israel. You know that, which is why you use the appellations, "natural Israel" and "spiritual Israel." As I said above, Amillennialism appropriates all the positive promises God made to Israel by labeling themselves as "spiritual Israel".

Your interpretation of Ephesians 2 is another prime example of misappropriation based on a lie. YOU are not Israel. YOU did not enter the citizenship of Israel. Paul did NOT say that Gentiles became members of the citizenship of Israel. He plainly tells you that the elect are united into a new man, members of the household of God. You assert something Paul never said, i.e. that we entered the citizenship of Israel. You clearly misunderstood.

When you maintain this, not only do you redefine the term "Israel", you redefine the term "citizenship", which means "one who is a citizen of a country." Citizenship of Israel is NOT a marker that defines the elect, just as being Jewish does not define the elect.

Your pattern in discussion (like many Premils) is simply to sidestep the biblical facts (as if they do not exist), reject the attached arguments, rubbish the reasoning, without actually addressing the plain straightforward text. Because the inspired text is so clear on this you avoid showing us what it actually means. All i am getting in your posts are evasive denials. The reader can look back and see the pattern. You have no answer for the wording of Scripture.

You have wrongly convinced yourself that there is only a natural Israel, a natural children of Abraham, natural Jews, natural circumcision and natural earthly Zion. But the NT spiritualizes all these terms and applies them to believing Jews and Gentiles. You skip around this clear NT reality. The NT shows that those who reject Christ are not chosen of God but are rather off their "father the devil" (John 8: 39-44). Jesus also exposed those who boast that they are Jews but who are not. He exposed them as those “which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9, 3:9).

It is important that believers recognize the difference between national Israel and true Israel in both testaments or they may become confused with the unfolding of God’s plan in the New Testament.

No one can dispute that the terms Jew and Gentile when used in a natural sense are always referring to ethnic race. For most of the old covenant period, circumcision meant being a Jew, being a Jew meant circumcision. Uncircumcision meant being a Gentile, being a Gentile meant circumcision. But this all changed under the new covenant. Physical circumcision lost its old covenant place of importance. It carries no spiritual benefit today because it has been superseded with spiritual circumcision of the heart. A true Jew today is not a man with the physical sign of the old covenant upon him but the spiritual sign of the new covenant – a circumcised heart.

The whole import of Paul’s teaching in Romans 2:17-29 revolves around defining what a real Jew is under the new covenant and what a true heathen is. Paul continues in Romans 2:25-29: “For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision. Therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision? And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law? For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit [Gr. pneuma].”

Paul basically spiritualizes the terms circumcision and Jew to mean believer, and uncircumcision or Gentile to mean unbeliever. He teaches, if a man accepts Christ (regardless of his ethnicity) he is a spiritual Jew (or true circumcision); if a man rejects Christ (regardless of his ethnicity) he is a spiritual heathen (or true uncircumcision). Essentially, he is showing: Gentiles can become true Jews through faith in Jesus, and Jews can forfeit their right to be considered true Jews if they reject Jesus.

Romans 2:25-29 speaks for itself. Just like the act of physical circumcision proved that a man was a true physical Jew in the Old Testament so the act of spiritual circumcision proves that a man was a true spiritual Jew in the New Testament. The whole thrust of Romans 2:25-29 surrounds Paul’s determining of who or what real circumcision (or Jewishness) relates to. Is it natural Jews or spiritual Jews? Is it the physically circumcised or spiritually circumcised? This was an obvious issue in the early Church with the move from the old to the new arrangement. A large body of natural Jews based their salvation and the favor of God upon their physical birthright and obedience to a set of religious rules, regulations and ordinances. One of the most prominent signs of esteem the Jew advanced was physical circumcision. Paul here – a Hebrew of the Hebrews – blows this fallacy apart and explains what a true Jew is today under the new covenant.

The natural ethnic title “uncircumcision” (normally used to describe a Gentile) is amazingly used to describe the unbelieving Jew. Also, the natural ethnic title “circumcision” (normally used to describe a natural Jew) is amazingly used to describe the believing Gentile. This would have been anathema to the unbelieving Jews of Paul’s day. After all, Paul is fundamentally teaching: to become an authentic child of Abraham does not require one to be a natural Jew or circumcision. This would have been the greatest insult to a Jew. After all, they considered they were the chosen race.

Paul further reinforces his argument in Philippians 3:3, speaking of the Church generally, “For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit [Gr. pneuma], and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.”

This verse is another that presents a major difficulty for the literalists. Their insistence that every reference to Israel, Jew, children of Abraham and circumcision must be strictly interpreted literally is exposed by passages like this.

All through the New Testament the term “the circumcision” is used as a natural synonym for the Jews. Anywhere it is found, it is seen to describe (and encompass) the physical ethnic Jewish people. The term “the circumcision” in its normal usage related exclusively to natural Israel. We see this illustrated in Ephesians 2:11 where natural Jews are identified as “Circumcision in the flesh made by hands.”

Several other references are found in Acts 10:45, 11:2, Romans 3:30 Romans 4:9, 12, 15:8, Galatians 2:7-12, Colossians 2:11, 4:11 and Titus 1:10. It must be added, the term did embody the stranger that joined themselves to Israel by faith in Yahweh. However, they too had to submit to all the customs pertaining to Israel in faith and practice, including physical circumcision.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
The Olive Tree itself doesn't represent the people of Israel. It represents all the people whom God is "cultivating" into a holy tree. This tree would include people like Abel, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to name a few. Paul doesn't refer to the tree as natural; he refers to the branches as natural. God chose to have a relationship with the descendants of Jacob, referring to them as his holy people. And these people are "natural" branches because by virtue of birth, they have a rich history of involvement with Yahweh. Paul mentions this fact briefly earlier in the letter.

Romans 3:1-2
Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the benefit of circumcision? Great in every respect. First of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God.

The Jewish people had an advantage because God was cultivating them as a people: giving them his oracles, he trained them and gave them knowledge and insight into his will for mankind. The fact that some of them didn't believe his oracles didn't keep God from keeping his promises to them. As Paul says, God remains faithful. The Olive tree represents that rich root of knowledge, insight and divine revelation and the holy people associated with that relationship. God is cultivating them as a people. Some of them believed in him; some of them don't.

According to Paul's theology, hardening of the heart is the predicate for unbelief. Thus, he says that a partial hardening has come over Israel, meaning, not every person in Israel is a believer. Some of them are not believers.

Paul explains how this partial hardening has been to our advantage, because it was unbelieving Jews who put the messiah on the cross. Paul argues that this transgression became "riches" for the Gentiles to make the Jewish people Jealous. Paul acknowledges that the Jewish people transgressed and failed but he also anticipates a day when God's promise to them will be fulfilled. In other words, the partial hardening will be removed.

In the meantime, the Gentiles are grafted onto the cultivated olive tree. Does this mean that Gentiles are grafted into Israel? No. It means that Gentiles have been grafted into the tree that represents God's cultivation. Now the Gentiles have the benefit of being cultivated by God. Gentiles now have access to the rich root of the cultivated olive tree: knowledge, insight and divine revelation. Gentiles can now enter into the holy people of God. The Gentiles can now partake of that rich root, that vast knowledge of the divine will for mankind.

The Tree doesn't represent Israel: It represents God's cultivation. Israel are natural branches because historically, he was involved with the Jewish people for thousands of years. The promises belong to them. Because of their transgression, putting the messiah on the cross, the Gentile peoples now have an opportunity to partake of that rich body of knowledge and insight, but they remain connected to that insight by faith. As long as the Gentiles continue to believe the word of God and remain, God will continue to cultivate them. But as soon as they abandon the faith, God will remove his insights and leave them in the dark.

Paul predicts a time of reversal when the natural branches will be grafted in again, while the Gentiles will be cut off.

Maybe tomorrow.

Hello! Regardless of how you word-play it, natural branches belong to a natural tree. The Israeli tree is presented as such in comparison to the Gentile tree - which is called a wild tree. This is clear to the unindoctrinated. We all know that the natural branches of any tree are obviously synonymous with the natural tree itself. For example: an oak tree is not going to have birch branches. Oak trees have oak branches. Birch trees have birch branches. The natural branches of an olive tree can only be olive branches. Scripture depicts the good olive tree as an Israeli tree. Again, speaking about Israelites, he talks about “the natural branches” being “graffed into their own olive tree” (Romans 11:24).

No one objective could surely dispute we are looking at an Israeli tree here. Paul carefully describes the Jews who have been cut off as “natural branches” and being of “their own olive tree.” This shows us that this is an Israeli tree that held Israeli citizens. If the “natural branches” represent natural Israelis, and faith in Christ is the criterion for partaking in “the olive tree,” we can only be looking at the faithful genetic seed of Abraham who embraced Christ. This is the elect remnant of Israel. It was this holy remnant that remained attached to the Israeli olive tree that the Gentiles who believed now join in this new covenant era. This fulfills various Old Testament predictions that through Abraham’s seed all the families of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3, 17:3-8, 17:15-16, 18:18 and 22:16-18).

Dispensationalist John McArthur even acknowledges: “And so the new life which enables us Gentiles to produce fruit unto God is the covenant stock of Israel that we’ve been grafted into” (Is God finished with Israel? Part 2).

This olive tree, which currently consists of both believing Jews and Gentiles, is therefore the continuation of spiritual Israel, only operating now under the broader new covenant arrangement. Consequently, it contains the full number of new covenant believers regardless of race or natural DNA. This metaphor describes the incorporation of Gentile believers into a decidedly Hebraic tree. But this is no natural tree. We are clearly looking here at a spiritual tree, because partaking in its blessing and sustenance comes through the exercise of “faith.” After all, if it were simply natural there would be absolutely no reason to cut out natural Israelites simply on the grounds of their race. The reason for Christ-rejecting Israel’s banishment from the tree’s blessings was “unbelief.” The reason for Gentile acceptance was because “they” stood “by faith.”
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Paul, we haven't examined MY theological position yet. We are still answering YOUR objections to Premillennialism, which are based on faulty assumptions and misconstrued interpretations. You are the one who is avoiding my rebuttals.

Your view is what I would call a "kluge", a work around fix. Your view depends on Augustine's view that the New Testament reveals the Old Testament, which is a faulty hermeneutic. Your view is not based on a fair examination of the text, but a narrative superimposed over the text, obscuring what the text actually says. In order to avoid Old Testament truth, you define the term "Spiritual Israel" so that you might appropriate all of God's positive promises for yourself, and you define the term "natural Israel" so you can distance yourself from all the negative ones.

Your view depends on the redefinition of many words and terms. A fair examination of the text reveals that God will use Israel in the future, for his glory, but Amillennialism redefines "Israel" in order to obscure these passages and avoid this fact.

I am not being evasive. I'm being direct. I am not impressed with your arguments, which I have easily defeated.

As I said, we haven't examined MY point of view yet. If we ever get around to MY perspective, I maintain that there is only one elect people. Your charge is unwarranted and unfounded. And if there is anything tiresome about this thread, it is your presumption.

Yeah, okay. There is only one olive tree. But as I tried to tell you, the olive tree does not represent Israel. You know that, which is why you use the appellations, "natural Israel" and "spiritual Israel." As I said above, Amillennialism appropriates all the positive promises God made to Israel by labeling themselves as "spiritual Israel".

Your interpretation of Ephesians 2 is another prime example of misappropriation based on a lie. YOU are not Israel. YOU did not enter the citizenship of Israel. Paul did NOT say that Gentiles became members of the citizenship of Israel. He plainly tells you that the elect are united into a new man, members of the household of God. You assert something Paul never said, i.e. that we entered the citizenship of Israel. You clearly misunderstood.

When you maintain this, not only do you redefine the term "Israel", you redefine the term "citizenship", which means "one who is a citizen of a country." Citizenship of Israel is NOT a marker that defines the elect, just as being Jewish does not define the elect.

You are fighting with Scripture again! Jews and Gentiles finish up sharing the same citizenship and enjoying the same blessings. Gentiles are described as being “fellowcitizens” with Jews through the sovereign work of the Lord. What is this citizenship? It is plainly and unambiguously identified in the reading as “the citizenship of Israel.” God did not create a new Israel; the Gentiles were grafted into an existing organism.

Ephesians 2:19 shows that faithful Gentiles are “no more strangers and foreigners” (as in literal outsiders), but rather have become real active participating “fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God.” Through Christ, they enjoy a common “citizenship of Israel.” They are no longer alienated. There is no distinction between them in Christ.

We should carefully note: to belong to “the citizenship of Israel” requires saving faith. This proves that we are looking at a spiritual organism. What is more, natural birthright means absolutely nothing in regards to participating in this spiritual entity. Significantly, the people of God of all races have been integrated into true Israel – spiritual Israel, not natural Christ-rejecting Israel. Those Jews that made up the membership of the early Church – faithful Israel, have been joined by faithful Gentiles throughout the nations under the select designation of “the citizenship of Israel.”

Paul the Apostle is careful in Ephesians 2 and 3 to show the tight unity and continuity between the largely Jewish Old Testament Church and the largely Gentile New Testament Church. He demonstrates how they are not two separate spiritual entities (as many modern writers try to suggest) but one harmonious whole. The lone spiritual edifice that holds the elect throughout time is symbolically described by the Apostle as both a building and a body. These are common representations for the elect elsewhere in Scripture.

Ephesians 2:21-22 shows how both are “builded together” and “framed together” into a “building,” “an holy temple” and “an habitation of God through the Spirit.” The people of God throughout time are frequently described throughout the New Testament in building terms. They are figuratively described in Scripture as a spiritual construction that is built up in Christ into “the temple of God” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). “God's building” (1 Corinthians 3:9) – “built up in him and stablished in the faith” (Colossians 2:6-7) “as lively stones” – is “built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5).
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
All i am getting in your posts are evasive denials.
You call them denials; I call them rebuttals. I have shown you many times that your interpretations are erroneous, mainly because you superimpose your views on the text rather than finding it there.

You have wrongly convinced yourself that there is only a natural Israel, a natural children of Abraham, natural Jews, natural circumcision and natural earthly Zion.

These terms mean what they say. You give them alternate meanings to suit. The onus is on you to show, from the text, that the words mean anything other than the dictionary definition. You have spent hundreds of posts making assertions. You have yet to prove your assertions.

But the NT spiritualizes all these terms and applies them to believing Jews and Gentiles.
I disagree and you have yet to demonstrate your assertions.

The NT shows that those who reject Christ are not chosen of God but are rather off their "father the devil" (John 8: 39-44). Jesus also exposed those who boast that they are Jews but who are not. He exposed them as those “which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9, 3:9).
So what? This is becoming your habit, repeating ideas that we all take for granted as if they are rebuttals of our position.

It is important that believers recognize the difference between national Israel and true Israel in both testaments or they may become confused with the unfolding of God’s plan in the New Testament.
No. Your distinction between national Israel and true Israel is not only erroneous, it obfuscates that the Bible actually says about Israel. You have yet to provide passages of scripture that demonstrate your case. So far, nothing.

No one can dispute that the terms Jew and Gentile when used in a natural sense are always referring to ethnic race.
So what? What has this got to do with it?

Physical circumcision lost its old covenant place of importance.
The New Testament never says that circumcision is no longer significant. Paul acknowledges both in his argument in Hebrews 4. In Galatians 6 Paul argues against those who compel Gentiles to become circumcised. In that context he says, "neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation." When the focus is on salvation and justification, circumcision means nothing at all. BUT in terms of Jewish culture, a man must be circumcised. Take note of Timothy's circumcision in Acts 16. Paul had Timothy circumcised so that he might have ministry in Lystra.
It carries no spiritual benefit today because it has been superseded with spiritual circumcision of the heart. A true Jew today is not a man with the physical sign of the old covenant upon him but the spiritual sign of the new covenant – a circumcised heart.
A true Jew has both.
Paul basically spiritualizes the terms circumcision and Jew to mean believer, and uncircumcision or Gentile to mean unbeliever.
No, he didn't. I disagree with your interpretation of Romans 2. Whereas, Paul is drawing a distinction between a Jew who has been circumcised in the flesh, and a Jew who has been circumcised of heart. In that context, Paul is drawing upon the Torah where Moses commands his people to circumcise their hearts. Paul didn't "spiritualize" the term. He is using the figurative sense of the word, which has precedence in the Torah. But, he does NOT suggest, as you have done, that Gentiles are true Jews if they have circumcised hearts. You have misconstrued what he said. He tells you his focus in verse 17, "You who bear the name Jew . . ." The topic is narrowly focused on the Jewish people as a group. Paul does not intend for us to apply what he said to Gentiles.

Paul further reinforces his argument in Philippians 3:3, speaking of the Church generally, “For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit [Gr. pneuma], and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.”

This verse is another that presents a major difficulty for the literalists. Their insistence that every reference to Israel, Jew, children of Abraham and circumcision must be strictly interpreted literally is exposed by passages like this.
It's not a problem for my view. The apostle is speaking generally concerning anyone, Jew or Gentile, having a circumcised heart. In this context he does NOT make your point about "true Jews." In other words, this passage is not a case in support of your contention that the New Testament has redefined terms.

You simply don't have Biblical support for your presumed dichotomy between "natural Israel" and "spiritual Israel."


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Hello! Regardless of how you word-play it, natural branches belong to a natural tree.
Word play? Really? We are talking about YOUR unsupported premise that the root represents "spiritual Israel", which is does not. YOU are putting that idea into the text. You didn't find it there.

The Israeli tree is presented as such in comparison to the Gentile tree - which is called a wild tree.
Negative. The comparison is between a cultivated olive tree and a wild olive tree. Nothing is said about an Israeli tree.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
You are fighting with Scripture again! Jews and Gentiles finish up sharing the same citizenship and enjoying the same blessings.
Yes, We are fellow citizens. But we are not members of the commonwealth of Israel.
We should carefully note: to belong to “the citizenship of Israel” requires saving faith.
Negative. Any natural born Jewish person living in Israel at the time of writing became a citizen of the commonwealth. Gentiles believers are members of a new commonwealth.

Paul, read carefully and avoid superimposing idea onto the text that aren't there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
You simply don't have Biblical support for your presumed dichotomy between "natural Israel" and "spiritual Israel."

Is this a dichotomy?

Two Israels.

Romans 9
6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

1. Of Israel:
Not all Israel
The children of the flesh
Not the children of God
Not the children of the promise
Not counted for the seed

2. All Israel:
Not of Israel
Not the children of the flesh
The children of God
The children of the promise
Counted for the seed

Only one of these two Israels shall be saved.

Romans 11
26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

Only the faithful obedient spiritual "all Israel", comprised of the believing elect beloved remnant from Israel (Romans 9:27; Romans 11:1-5,26,28), and believers from among the Gentiles (Romans 11:11), shall be saved.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
I disagree with your interpretation of Romans 2. Whereas, Paul is drawing a distinction between a Jew who has been circumcised in the flesh, and a Jew who has been circumcised of heart. In that context, Paul is drawing upon the Torah where Moses commands his people to circumcise their hearts. Paul didn't "spiritualize" the term. He is using the figurative sense of the word, which has precedence in the Torah. But, he does NOT suggest, as you have done, that Gentiles are true Jews if they have circumcised hearts. You have misconstrued what he said. He tells you his focus in verse 17, "You who bear the name Jew . . ." The topic is narrowly focused on the Jewish people as a group. Paul does not intend for us to apply what he said to Gentiles.

No. You disagree with Romans 2 and my interpretation of Romans 2. A Jew under the new covenant is not a physical thing but a spiritual thing. What this reading is saying is that natural Jewishness (or physical circumcision) means nothing if one isn’t saved. If one is saved then his Jewish upbringing has benefited him by bringing him into contact with the truth (Christ). Romans 2:26 teaches: “if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?”

Paul then tells us in Romans 2:27 that the uncircumcision (that “fulfil the law”) will judge the circumcision that “transgress the law.”

Talking about believing Gentiles, in Romans 2:26-29, Paul’s point is that through salvation, Gentiles who are physically uncircumcised are considered as circumcised and regarded as true Jews. They are indeed spiritual Israel. The key of course is faith in Christ – which only comes through the regenerating power of the Spirit of God. Under the new covenant, true Jewishness and circumcision are not physical realities but spiritual concepts made possible by the work of the Spirit of God. It is totally impossible for someone to come into a living relationship with God outside of Christ and the work of the Spirit. Each believer must, of necessity, be ‘born of the Spirit’. (John 3:3-8).

Philippians 3: confirms, “For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit [Gr. pneuma], and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.”

It's not a problem for my view. The apostle is speaking generally concerning anyone, Jew or Gentile, having a circumcised heart. In this context he does NOT make your point about "true Jews." In other words, this passage is not a case in support of your contention that the New Testament has redefined terms.

You simply don't have Biblical support for your presumed dichotomy between "natural Israel" and "spiritual Israel."

Of course it is, and you know it. That is why all you can do is dismiss text after text as not saying what it actually says. What exposes your beliefs is the actual scriptural text. All through the New Testament the term “the circumcision” is used as a natural synonym for the Jews. Anywhere it is found, it is seen to describe (and encompass) the physical ethnic Jewish people. The term “the circumcision” in its normal usage related exclusively to natural Israel. We see this illustrated in Ephesians 2:11 where natural Jews are identified as “Circumcision in the flesh made by hands.”

Several other references are found in Acts 10:45, 11:2, Romans 3:30 Romans 4:9, 12, 15:8, Galatians 2:7-12, Colossians 2:11, 4:11 and Titus 1:10. It must be added, the term did embody the stranger that joined themselves to Israel by faith in Yahweh. However, they too had to submit to all the customs pertaining to Israel in faith and practice, including physical circumcision.

The title “the circumcision” wasn’t just a natural description of what the Jew had undergone physically, it was an actual designation for the Jews. The phrase “the circumcision” meant and was equivalent to the term “the Jews.” They were synonymous. It is the same with spiritual usage of the term in the New Testament “the circumcision” when referring to all God’s people. It doesn’t just refer to the spiritual act of circumcising the heart, the term became a description of the New Testament Church.

The whole notion of ethnicity deserving some type of special favor with God in our day is repeatedly and strongly blown out of the water in the New Testament. The religious Jews in Christ’s day were so consumed and deceived by their own self-importance and racial superiority that they missed the Messiah’s appearance. They proudly considered their circumcision or (Jewishness) to somehow be a meritorious sign of divine favor and spiritual dominance. They failed to see their privileged position amongst the nations as a manifestation of the God’s grace rather than something racially or religiously advantageous.

When the New Testament uses terms like “the children of Abraham, “Israel,” “Jews,” “the circumcision” and “Zion” (“Sion”) in a natural sense it is talking exclusively about the natural Hebrew descendants; when it uses them in a spiritual context it is referring solely of the elect of God regardless of ethnicity. It is speaking of God’s true people, the redeemed assembly of Jesus Christ – all those that have experienced salvation by simple faith. While Hebraic terms are used in the New Testament in a natural national sense, it is never in the sense of superiority, dominance or elitist status, it is rather normally in the sense of rebuke, renunciation and judgment. When they are used in a spiritual context they are always the focus of affection, favor and blessing.

The New Testament Church is true believing Israel today. We are the true Jews. We are the circumcision in God’s eyes. We are the chosen people. We are the children of Abraham.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Is this a dichotomy?

Two Israels.

Romans 9
6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

1. Of Israel:
Not all Israel
The children of the flesh
Not the children of God
Not the children of the promise
Not counted for the seed

2. All Israel:
Not of Israel
Not the children of the flesh
The children of God
The children of the promise
Counted for the seed

Only one of these two Israels shall be saved.
If it is a dichotomy, the difference between them is time. Paul is answering an objection to his gospel which is something like this, "Paul, your teaching concerning the New Covenant can't be true because Jeremiah says that when Yahweh makes the New Covenant with Israel,
"They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the Lord, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.” Since Yahweh has not poured out his spirit on every Israelite, then the New Covenant is not in effect and your teaching is false.

Paul spends three chapters answering that question. His immediate answer is something like this. "Although God promised to pour out his spirit on Israel, not every member of Israel will receive that promise by virtue of being among the people of Israel. God maintains his right to save whom ever he wants. The choice remains with him. By this we understand that the Israel of the promise will consist of those Hebrews whom God has poured out his spirit.

Romans 11
26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

Only the faithful obedient spiritual "all Israel", comprised of the believing elect beloved remnant from Israel (Romans 9:27; Romans 11:1-5,26,28), and believers from among the Gentiles (Romans 11:11), shall be saved.
Yes, all of these people will be saved, and by "saved" we mean "deliverance from sin and its consequences." But Paul means to say something else in verse 26. In that verse, Paul is talking about "deliverance" as in "rescue from enemies." At some point in Israel's history, at the return of Jesus, he will rescue his people from their enemies. At that time, all of the "survivors" living in Jerusalem will be faithful Hebrews and Jesus will save them from the beast.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Yes, We are fellow citizens. But we are not members of the commonwealth of Israel.

Negative. Any natural born Jewish person living in Israel at the time of writing became a citizen of the commonwealth. Gentiles believers are members of a new commonwealth.

Paul, read carefully and avoid superimposing idea onto the text that aren't there.

How can you say that? You are fighting what the text is expressly saying. Ephesians 2:11-19 declares, Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth [Gr. politeia or citizenship] of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby … Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens [Gr. sumpolites] with the saints, and of the household of God.”

The context of the passage in view is basically comparing the dark hopeless condition the Gentiles found themselves in before the cross to the liberated enlightened position those Gentiles who embraced Christ were after the cross. It is only upon conversion that our sins are washed away and the blood of Jesus becomes effectual. Through Calvary, the believing Gentile has been brought into a new dominion and therefore enjoys a new citizenship, with its consequential new benefits. The believing Gentile has been given favor with God and has now fully entered into:

· Christ
· The citizenship of Israel
· The covenants of promise
· Spiritual hope
· Union with God in this present world

This passage is speaking of five distinct, yet inextricably linked, states of alienation that the Gentile believer once suffered before they received the glorious Gospel of Christ. Paul the Apostle makes it clear that all five have been graciously opened up to the Gentiles since Christ’s first advent. The Gentile believer can now experience God in the same way the Jew could prior to the cross through their surrender to Christ and their trust in “the blood of Christ.” Gentiles Christians under the new covenant now enjoy the same undeserved favor and blessing that Israeli Jewish believers did under the old covenant. We essentially see the incorporation of the once darkened Gentiles into true Israel. They now share with Israel its Messiah, Israeli citizenship, spiritual covenants, promises, hope and God.”


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
Since Yahweh has not poured out his spirit on every Israelite, then the New Covenant is not in effect and your teaching is false.

There is nothing more false than modernist dispensationalism's pernicious delusion that "the New Covenant is not in effect". This delusion is unknown in 17 centuries of the post-apostolic orthodox Christian Church.

2 Corinthians 3 NASB
5 Not that we are adequate in ourselves so as to consider anything as having come from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, 6 who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Paul was a servant of the New Covenant.

I'm a servant of the New Covenant.

The Church are servants of the New Covenant.

And you?
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
No. You disagree with Romans 2 and my interpretation of Romans 2. A Jew under the new covenant is not a physical thing but a spiritual thing.
It's both.
Talking about believing Gentiles, in Romans 2:26-29,
Paul is not talking about Gentiles in Romans 2:26-29. He tells you that he is talking about those "who bear the name Jew." You and I don't bear the name Jew.

Each believer must, of necessity, be ‘born of the Spirit’. (John 3:3-8).
Of course, but it does not follow that all those born of the Spirit are true Jews.

That is why all you can do is dismiss text after text as not saying what it actually says.
Your objection to Premillennialism is based on a faulty interpretation of Bible passages, and since you do this a lot, I have posted many responses correcting your interpretation.

All through the New Testament the term “the circumcision” is used as a natural synonym for the Jews.
Of course, circumcision of the flesh is associated with being Jewish. But circumcision of the heart has no ethic distinctiveness. All of that is true. What isn't true, is your corollary that anyone with a circumcised heart is a true Jew. That corrolary doesn't follow from Paul's argument.

The whole notion of ethnicity deserving some type of special favor with God in our day is repeatedly and strongly blown out of the water in the New Testament.

Meditate on the following passage taken from Romans 11,

28 From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; 29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. 30 For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, 31 so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy. 32 For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Yes, We are fellow citizens. But we are not members of the commonwealth of Israel.

Negative. Any natural born Jewish person living in Israel at the time of writing became a citizen of the commonwealth. Gentiles believers are members of a new commonwealth.

Paul, read carefully and avoid superimposing idea onto the text that aren't there.

We are fellow citizens of what nation? Is it physical or spiritual nation? What "new commonwealth" are Gentiles believers are members of?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
There is nothing more false than modernist dispensationalism's pernicious delusion that "the New Covenant is not in effect".
Sure, okay. Did I say that the New Covenant was not in effect? I don't think I said that. Paul's argument in Romans 9-11 is predicated on the fact that the New Covenant IS in effect. Given that the New Covenant is in effect, Paul needs to explain why some Jews are believers while others are not.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
Sure, okay. Did I say that the New Covenant was not in effect? I don't think I said that. Paul's argument in Romans 9-11 is predicated on the fact that the New Covenant IS in effect. Given that the New Covenant is in effect, Paul needs to explain why some Jews are believers while others are not.
I placed exactly what you said in quotes.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
It's both.

Paul is not talking about Gentiles in Romans 2:26-29. He tells you that he is talking about those "who bear the name Jew." You and I don't bear the name Jew.

Of course, but it does not follow that all those born of the Spirit are true Jews.

Your objection to Premillennialism is based on a faulty interpretation of Bible passages, and since you do this a lot, I have posted many responses correcting your interpretation.

Of course, circumcision of the flesh is associated with being Jewish. But circumcision of the heart has no ethic distinctiveness. All of that is true. What isn't true, is your corollary that anyone with a circumcised heart is a true Jew. That corrolary doesn't follow from Paul's argument.

Meditate on the following passage taken from Romans 11,

28 From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; 29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. 30 For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, 31 so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy. 32 For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all.

Finally, you have realized that you disagree with "both" Romans 2 and my interpretation of Romans 2. At least i respect your honesty.

You are living in denial in regards to the Gentiles being described as "the circumcision" because it demolishes your error. You are now refusing to quote the actual text in your responses or address it because it obviously refutes everything you are saying. Your beliefs have been truly, roundly and repeatedly exposed here and you have no answer. At least you now see that.

Romans 2:26 teaches: “if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?”
  1. Who are "the uncircumcision" here?
  2. What does it say they become when they come to faith in Christ?
They have been transformed from “being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision” (2:11) to “now in Christ Jesus” (2:13) being of “the citizenship of Israel.” This is indeed a remarkable change. The clear intimation here is that the naturally Gentile believers of Ephesus through salvation are no longer considered Gentiles. This would fit in with Paul’s teaching in Romans 2:26, 28-29 and Romans 9:30-33.

A Gentile is said in this text to be made a true Israelite. They are said to be “fellowcitizens” – a citizen of believing Israel. Obviously believing Gentiles do not become natural citizens of Israel, so this must mean spiritual citizens of Israel.

The word “fellowcitizens” (sumpolites) actually involves the joining of two Greek words sun denoting union and togetherness and polites meaning citizen. The joint word here is used to describe the unitary nature of the people of God of all time. It is thus correctly interpreted “fellowcitizens” in the King James Version confirming how the New Testament Gentile have been brought into “the citizenship of Israel” with the saints of the Old economy.

So, instead of always dismissing the inspired text, tell us which “citizenship of Israel” we have been brought into?
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
How can you say that? You are fighting what the text is expressly saying. Ephesians 2:11-19 declares, Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth [Gr. politeia or citizenship] of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby … Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens [Gr. sumpolites] with the saints, and of the household of God.”

The context of the passage in view is basically comparing the dark hopeless condition the Gentiles found themselves in before the cross to the liberated enlightened position those Gentiles who embraced Christ were after the cross. It is only upon conversion that our sins are washed away and the blood of Jesus becomes effectual. Through Calvary, the believing Gentile has been brought into a new dominion and therefore enjoys a new citizenship, with its consequential new benefits. The believing Gentile has been given favor with God and has now fully entered into:

· Christ
· The citizenship of Israel
· The covenants of promise
· Spiritual hope
· Union with God in this present world

This passage is speaking of five distinct, yet inextricably linked, states of alienation that the Gentile believer once suffered before they received the glorious Gospel of Christ. Paul the Apostle makes it clear that all five have been graciously opened up to the Gentiles since Christ’s first advent. The Gentile believer can now experience God in the same way the Jew could prior to the cross through their surrender to Christ and their trust in “the blood of Christ.” Gentiles Christians under the new covenant now enjoy the same undeserved favor and blessing that Israeli Jewish believers did under the old covenant. We essentially see the incorporation of the once darkened Gentiles into true Israel. They now share with Israel its Messiah, Israeli citizenship, spiritual covenants, promises, hope and God.”
You need to read more carefully, That's all I can say. You are jumping to conclusions. Let's look at that again,

What you hear:
"You were alienated from the citizenship of Israel but now you are citizens of Israel.

What Paul actually says:
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

Do you see it? These words relate to location, not spiritual status. The reason why the Ephesians were separated from Christ and unfamiliar with the covenants of promise is because they lived in a far off land. It wasn't until Paul travelled to Ephesus and after believing the gospel about the blood of Christ were the Ephesians brought near. preached the gospel to them that they were brought near. He tells you that "He [the Lord through is apostles] came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near . . ." The Ephesians were physically distant, which is why they were unaware of the gospel message until they were "brought near" by belief in the Gospel. Paul is talking about their former condition, i.e. separated by great distance, as compared to their current condition when distance doesn't matter.

In all of that explanation, Paul never suggests that the new "spiritual" polis is called "spiritual Israel." He doesn't make the point you want him to make.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Paul doesn't give it a name.

LOL. You are unbelievable. Embrace the text, even if it exposes everything you have been taught. Let me help your obvious reading difficulty:

Ephesians 2:12-13 declares, ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth (politeia or citizenship) of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ."
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