Warning about vaccines from doctors and scientists

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Not my opinion, but my truth. I had Covid, and it could have gotten worse, but being vaccinated kept me from that. That is the reality of what happened. I know this without a doubt.
How do you know? If you were vaccinated you only know how it was being vaccinated. You do not know it would be worse if you were not. You believe. You trust. No one said all people who were vaccinated had serious immediate side effects or death.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
How do you know? If you were vaccinated you only know how it was being vaccinated. You do not know it would be worse if you were not. You believe. You trust. No one said all people who were vaccinated had serious immediate side effects or death.

Because of my moderate to severe asthma, I would have ended up in the hospital. There is no guessing on my part. I know I would have. My fiance has an autoimmune disease. It would have put her in the hospital as well.

Look, you can believe what you want about the vaccine. If you want to believe that it came from satan, that's on you. I believe the vaccine did its job with my fiance and me. As I am letting you believe your truth about the vaccine, extend the same courtesy to me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Because of my moderate to severe asthma, I would have ended up in the hospital. There is no guessing on my part. I know I would have. My fiance has an autoimmune disease. It would have put her in the hospital as well.

Look, you can believe what you want about the vaccine. If you want to believe that it came from satan, that's on you. I believe the vaccine did its job with my fiance and me. As I am letting you believe your truth about the vaccine, extend the same courtesy to me.
You can believe. Maybe it did some good in many cases, at least in the short term. For those wishing the same courtesy be extended to them, I remind you that it was the mask up or else folks and vaccine up or else folks that closed churches, stopped life in general, robbed dying old people of visits, stopped travel, closed places of businesses, fired people, etc etc etc. We also know a lot was covered up. We were lied to. We also have no idea what the long term effects are. There are also many sudden deaths of even young people that are unprecedented. What changed suddenly?? It is reasonable to suspect the shots. There are many doctors warning of danger as well. Things like heart issues. Clots..etc. So just because someone 'believes' that they would have been hospitalized except for the vaccine does not mean much.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
There is a huge difference between the two events. If what happened in WWII was happening today, you better believe that I wouldn't go along with it.

My fiance felt it was in our best interest to get the Covid vaccine. With our health conditions (through no fault of our own) it was imperative that we protected ourselves and it is good that we did.

We do not agree. I think you weaken your immune system.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I know it kept my fiance and I out of the hospital and me probably off a vent. As a moderate to severe asthma sufferer, getting Covid could have been really bad, especially since I ended up with Covid pneumonia. However, it never progressed so far that I needed to be in the hospital.

My fiance has an autoimmune disease. She also had Covid pneumonia. She too didn't have it progress to needing a hospital.

That's two people with pre-existing conditions, one whose lungs are already having issues and two people who were vaccinated and the vaccine kept the virus from progressing to the point where we needed a hospital for intervention.

So, don't say anyone. It worked for me and my fiance. I still thank God for giving men the knowledge to create this vaccine!
You should be thanking D Trump then as it was him who got the Covid Jab through so quickly.
Only Trump did not peddle it like the Socialist love to do over everyone. not to mention the Socialist love to dominate over everyone period ! They are just like Hitler and every Communist moron in fact.

In Australia We had people pushing the Covid Jab over everyone with totally dominating threats 24/7 of ones lively hood etc etc, same deal was with Hitler etc. I said be gone to all such insanity ! I would not be one who let people like the Jews back in the day go off without a word said, why did they the Germans not say anything ? well because they feared speaking out ! because the authority's were just like we have nowadays working to dominate over anyone who questions them in fact.
I say people should wake up to themselves because this Government power trip dominating over the people will only get worse in fact. so I say call them out on it all now or else the Hell will come down on all of us. They are totally power mad ! and they are covering up their tracks, just like the Nazis did and the Communist did.
I can see it all clearly, why because I was totally warned about such people from when I was a young child by people who had lived under such insanity.

If it smells like a rat and if it looks like a rat then it maybe a rat.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Yes. Belief is important. However, if one believed without evidence, one should not be too matter of fact about their belief.
I will continue to be matter of fact about it. It worked for me and my fiance. Proof enough for us that it works. Our belief in it was proven to be right as far as we're concerned.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You should be thanking D Trump then as it was him who got the Covid Jab through so quickly.
Only Trump did not peddle it like the Socialist love to do over everyone. not to mention the Socialist love to dominate over everyone period ! They are just like Hitler and every Communist moron in fact.

In Australia We had people pushing the Covid Jab over everyone with totally dominating threats 24/7 of ones lively hood etc etc, same deal was with Hitler etc. I said be gone to all such insanity ! I would not be one who let people like the Jews back in the day go off without a word said, why did they the Germans not say anything ? well because they feared speaking out ! because the authority's were just like we have nowadays working to dominate over anyone who questions them in fact.
I say people should wake up to themselves because this Government power trip dominating over the people will only get worse in fact. so I say call them out on it all now or else the Hell will come down on all of us. They are totally power mad ! and they are covering up their tracks, just like the Nazis did and the Communist did.
I can see it all clearly, why because I was totally warned about such people from when I was a young child by people who had lived under such insanity.

If it smells like a rat and if it looks like a rat then it maybe a rat.
If it looks like dung and smells like dung its dung . Only most sell it as strong smelling chocolate
and sadly many buy it up as though it is .
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
We do not agree. I think you weaken your immune system.

I disagree. Since Covid I have yet to be sick again and I have been around many sick people. If it weakened my immune system I would have gotten sick. I was even around my fiance who ended up with the flu as she got it from her son. I didn't catch it.

My immune system is still the same.

I don't care what any of you say. The vaccine works. You don't want it, don't get it. Simple as that. Let others do as they want.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Look, there is a huge divide on this. I get it. You mistrust it. You have found doctors that agree with you. Good for you. Really, I'm glad.

However, I spoke with my doctor, my fiance spoke with her doctor and our risk factor for getting Covid was high. Our risk factor for getting serious Covid was high. I worked on an ambulance at the time transporting Covid+ patients. I had to make sure I was protected, as we're my children, their mother (my ex-wife) who just had her immune system wiped out to try and combat her progressing multiple sclerosis, my mother who has COPD and my fiance with her autoimmune disease. These are all factors that needed to be considered.

So, with the advice of the doctor and prayer, it was decided that we would be vaccinated.

We made the best decision for us. You have made the best decision for you.

That is the last I will respond to any of you in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
I will continue to be matter of fact about it. It worked for me and my fiance. Proof enough for us that it works. Our belief in it was proven to be right as far as we're concerned.
Talk through your hat all you like. Belief is belief. Have you proof? How would you know what would have happened if you had no shots? How about the 40 something percent of babies that died in a study of the vax? Then it was covered up? Would they be alive if there was no vax?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Look, there is a huge divide on this. I get it. You mistrust it. You have found doctors that agree with you. Good for you. Really, I'm glad.

However, I spoke with my doctor, my fiance spoke with her doctor and our risk factor for getting Covid was high. Our risk factor for getting serious Covid was high. I worked on an ambulance at the time transporting Covid+ patients. I had to make sure I was protected, as we're my children, their mother (my ex-wife) who just had her immune system wiped out to try and combat her progressing multiple sclerosis, my mother who has COPD and my fiance with her autoimmune disease. These are all factors that needed to be considered.

So, with the advice of the doctor and prayer, it was decided that we would be vaccinated.

We made the best decision for us. You have made the best decision for you.

That is the last I will respond to any of you in this thread.
We all make choices. Many of us lose jobs and etc if we do not choose what big brother demands. Yes many doctors cry out about the danger. Bully for you that in the short term you happened to do alright with the shots.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
I disagree. Since Covid I have yet to be sick again and I have been around many sick people. If it weakened my immune system I would have gotten sick. I was even around my fiance who ended up with the flu as she got it from her son. I didn't catch it.

My immune system is still the same.

I don't care what any of you say. The vaccine works. You don't want it, don't get it. Simple as that. Let others do as they want.
I hope it worked for you. It does not work well for others. In fact, I'm very happy if it works for you.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Canard. The blank label was in the box that had the shots. Usually ingredients are listed, until recently the insert was blank.
in every box? a few boxes? what. every manufacturer? In every run? But we do not get to see the box. that is seen by the administrators of the shot. Covid vaccines are not given unsho to people to take home so the ingredient label thing is a red herring.
When high dath numbers occur is a test study of course they should be released.
Says you but not the law. Now if you wish to talk about the rightness or wrongness of the law that is another discussion for another thread. And it was not high death numbers. It was 22 out of 50 and in the general population the 5 is much much much lower!
2 women who got the shots had their babies die. No link...ha. Young people dropping dead all over..no link. Young kids dying of flu..no link. Heart issues and clots...no link etc etc. It is not time for proof that the vaccines cause bad things. It is time for proof they do not over the long term! Many doctors point out the dangers. That is not an issue any more. The cover ups are obvious in the media. Not an issue any more. The stats are skewed. Reporting was not trustworthy on the numbers. That is another thread and topic.
YOu should read the line before your rabid headline--"The public should not jump too conclusions before a full investigation is done".. Too late for you ! YOu jumped of that cliff long time ago.

I have had 5 shops over 2 1/2 years and I have had no adverse effects. Five years from now? Who knows?

And I will await our proof that the numbers were skewed and dishonest with EVIDENCE and not anecdotes. You are full of anecdotes but faint on posting real evidence on this thread.

Yes the vaccine has caused almost everything the pharmaceutical companies reported globally before the shots were started! They even added other adverse effects as time went on and reported them. IOW they did what they do with every medication which is brought to market. Report and add or subtract as real world data pours in. YOu seem ignorant of how drugs make it to marklet and how they find other side effects other than the ones found in clinical trials.
"Pfizer took those deaths of babies – those spontaneous abortions and miscarriages – and recategorized them as recovered-resolved adverse effects," she said.

"In other words, if you lost your baby, it was categorized by Pfizer as a resolved adverse event, like a headache that got better."
adverse effects are reported by the FDA and not the drug companies
Their stats cannot be trusted at all. It is a lie that the deaths were some 'resolved adverse effect'! When you die, that is not something that is resolved.

"Thus the FDA was aware of the horrifying rate of fetal death by the start of April 2021 and were silent."

The FDA have lost all credibility.

YOu are psychotic over that 40% it was 22 babies. Now that millions of women who are pregnant have got shot, the number of women who miscarried that can or may be attributed to the shot is a minor minor % of total miscarriages The tiny study produced a huge % but g;lobally teh % is .007% of miscarriages are due to teh shot.
Many of those warn against the shots.
DEfine many. How many are many? what % of researchers in this drug spoke against it. Seeing as you love to use %ages, what is the % of actual researchers and doctors who work on the drug who spoke against it?
Their stats cannot be trusted at all. It is a lie that the deaths were some 'resolved adverse effect'! When you die, that is not something that is resolved.

"Thus the FDA was aware of the horrifying rate of fetal death by the start of April 2021 and were silent."

The FDA have lost all credibility.
As have you by your lack of proving your material with research and studies and trials. You go screaming on this website and fail to back up your histrionics with data. You love touting that 40% But 40% of 50 is a far less amount of deaths than 1% of a million


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
in every box? a few boxes? what. every manufacturer? In every run? But we do not get to see the box. that is seen by the administrators of the shot. Covid vaccines are not given unsho to people to take home so the ingredient label thing is a red herring.

This link suggests it was 'really' because they wanted people to go online and look at the latest claims they made. Ha. So did the ingredients change every day? Pretty lame.

Says you but not the law.
Whose law? There is no law against killing little people either, so? If a test study resulted in the death of a lot of babies, and was covered up, and that is fine with the law, it doesn't matter at all. The guilt is still there.

Now if you wish to talk about the rightness or wrongness of the law that is another discussion for another thread. And it was not high death numbers. It was 22 out of 50 and in the general population the 5 is much much much lower!

I wasn't talking about the law in this thread, you were. I was pointing out that covering up info regarding little people being killed and proceeding to use the same vaccine on the masses is guity of causing death as far as I am concerned.

YOu should read the line before your rabid headline--"The public should not jump too conclusions before a full investigation is done".. Too late for you ! YOu jumped of that cliff long time ago.
That part is opinion. My opinion is that we must conclude we were lied to and that the evidence is coming in that many people have ill effects and death from the shots.

I have had 5 shops over 2 1/2 years and I have had no adverse effects. Five years from now? Who knows?

Great, in the short term you survived! Let's hope that continues. Obviously a lot of people did not.

And I will await our proof that the numbers were skewed and dishonest with EVIDENCE and not anecdotes.
If a death dealing substance was tested and covered up that is evidence. There is a difference between avoiding evidence and waiting for it.

Yes the vaccine has caused almost everything the pharmaceutical companies reported globally before the shots were started! They even added other adverse effects as time went on and reported them. IOW they did what they do with every medication which is brought to market. Report and add or subtract as real world data pours in. YOu seem ignorant of how drugs make it to marklet and how they find other side effects other than the ones found in clinical trials.
So what study shows 20 month old babies need the shots? What study shows all the sudden deaths are totally unrelated to the vaccine agenda? What study shows there is no connection with myocorditis an d other heart issues that skyrocketed lately? What study shows that it is healthy to lock up old people and keep them from visiting family, and that losing your business is good for the economy? Who would even listen to what liars report?? Once they covered up results they should not be listened to at all.

adverse effects are reported by the FDA and not the drug companies

So? Who cares if twiddely dum or twiddely dee reports something, and they have Humpty Dumpty read it?
YOu are psychotic over that 40% it was 22 babies.

So whacking 22 babies and covering it up is fine with you? Many serial killers (if the tv shows are right) don't have that many victims.

Now that millions of women who are pregnant have got shot, the number of women who miscarried that can or may be attributed to the shot is a minor minor % of total miscarriages The tiny study produced a huge % but g;lobally teh % is .007% of miscarriages are due to teh shot.

No. What is attributed to the shot has no meaning if it comes from liars. The little people who died in the study, for example, were listed as something else, remember? 'Resolved non related problems' or whatever term they used!

DEfine many. How many are many? what % of researchers in this drug spoke against it.
How many would it take to make you be open minded?

Seeing as you love to use %ages, what is the % of actual researchers and doctors who work on the drug who spoke against it?
All of the honest ones?

As have you by your lack of proving your material with research and studies and trials.
My material? Showing a link that they covered up results is not my material. What's to study?

But 40% of 50 is a far less amount of deaths than 1% of a million
Even last year there were strange goings on

  • At Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, British Columbia, 13 babies were allegedly stillborn in a period of 24 hours; all of their mothers had received a COVID-19 injection
  • At a rally outside the hospital, doctors launched an official complaint with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police against executives at the College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC, alleging conflicts of interest influencing their policies, decisions and statements made to the people of British Columbia
  • Scotland has also experienced an unusual rise in infant death rates; during September 2021, at least 21 babies under 4 weeks died — a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births, up from an average of 2 per 1,000 births
  • As of November 12, 2021, there were 2,620 cases of fetal death or stillbirth among women who received a COVID-19 injection reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
  • The CDC-sponsored study that was widely used to support the U.S. recommendation for pregnant women to get injected “presents falsely reassuring statistics”
  • When the risk of miscarriage was recalculated to include all women injected prior to 20 weeks’ gestation, the incidence was seven to eight times higher than the original study indicated, with a cumulative incidence of miscarriage ranging from 82% to 91%

So it all depends who is doing the stats or calculating.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Just a wild guess but i dont think ol reggie is gonna line up for the covid jab .
Me neither .
I have avoided the stupid Covid Jab because I do not believe in such at all. everything about such stinks totally of everything that is wrong with this world, I despise the whole workings of such from the start, it comes across as totally Nazi Germany and Communistic ! and I will not tolerate such nonsense as that at all !
It totally stinks of outright total cover ups. typical Nazi type dribble and I will not tolerate such as that at all.
I was warned about all such tactics in the 60's from people who lived under such morons.

They played out that people like me were anti-Vaccine idiots ! and did not have the guts to tell the truth that people like me are not anti-Vaccine at all, but just Anti Covid Jab ! for good reason ! Because it's not a Vaccine at all !
The Covid Jab was not and is not a Vaccine ! The definition of a Vaccine was changed like only 3 weeks prior the Covid Jab came out. So that this rubbish could be sold to fools as a Vaccine ? It's out right fraud !

People like Fauci could of stoped AIDS but their was to much money to be made out of such so they let it exist in fact and spun BS to the people. The handy work of Satan can be seen in it all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
I have avoided the stupid Covid Jab because I do not believe in such at all. everything about such stinks totally of everything that is wrong with this world, I despise the whole workings of such from the start, it comes across as totally Nazi Germany and Communistic ! and I will not tolerate such nonsense as that at all !
It totally stinks of outright total cover ups. typical Nazi type dribble and I will not tolerate such as that at all.
I was warned about all such tactics in the 60's from people who lived under such morons.

They played out that people like me were anti-Vaccine idiots ! and did not have the guts to tell the truth that people like me are not anti-Vaccine at all, but just Anti Covid Jab ! for good reason ! Because it's not a Vaccine at all !
The Covid Jab was not and is not a Vaccine ! The definition of a Vaccine was changed like only 3 weeks prior the Covid Jab came out. So that this rubbish could be sold to fools as a Vaccine ? It's out right fraud !

People like Fauci could of stoped AIDS but their was to much money to be made out of such so they let it exist in fact and spun BS to the people. The handy work of Satan can be seen in it all.

I'm starting to agree with you more and more with each passing day. Is it true the vaccine does not come with any data about what's in it?