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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Paul confessed to being the chief sinner AND his verb tense is present tense, not past tense. So, there is that.

Before he wrote that he wrote this:

“Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.” (1 Timothy 1:13)

And Paul repeatedly wrote things like this:

“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” (1 Timothy 5:20)

“What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.” (Romans 6:15)

“I told you before, and foretell you, as if I were present, the second time; and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that, if I come again, I will not spare” (2 Corinthians 13:2)

So understand the “chief of sinners” comment in its proper biblical context.

Or else you turn the Apostle Paul into a hypocrite and destroy his credibility!

This is how Jesus felt about hypocrites:

“But woe unto you… hypocrites! ” (Matthew 23:13)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
That's the Born again Spirit.
Dont confuse that with your thinking, or your mind, or your desires, or your BODY.

Its the born again SPIRIT in that VERSE......>"whosoever is born again".. is the SPIRIT, and this Born again Spirit, is "in Christ"...>"one with God". and "can't sin".

I give up trying to figure out what web of confusion you’re in…


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
I dont advocate "sinless perfection"., so you are lying when you say that on my Thread.
You should stop lying., Johann
You got that phrase (sinless perfection) from cultist's in Videos and in commentaries who told you.."now if any one teaches you dont have to live in sin, that is sinless perfectionism". and you believed them, and now you are "sinning and confessing a lot" as you stated to another person on my Thread.

See that?
That is where you got that TERM.. and look at what they have done to your Christianity.

Now here is the thing..

One of the most common issues that happens to someone who does not study the bible a lot, is that they find Paul and he writes this..

"that which i would do, i cant do, and that which i hate i do...who will deliver me from this """...

And the reader stops right there.......
Often, they read that in some Heretics commentary, who also stopped there......so, the writer and the reader end up in the same mess, the same broken faith.

You'll find these people who never read more of Paul's teaching, that he continues.......on forums like this one, talking about "sinning and confession" as if that is what they are supposed to do.
They will tell you that you will do it, and you can't ever stop, and if you believe you can, then you are wrong, as they can't....so, that means you can't.

Here.... is the issue they have..
They dont read a bible, they read commentaries that dont complete what Paul Teaches.
OR, they read a bible, but have not read the rest of what Paul Teaches regarding His issue.

Had.. they read the rest of Paul's teaching, they would have found that all of IT = was a teaching He was giving to show you how to stop sinning and confessing and live here......in God's Grace.

= 'as many as be perfect"

= "the fullness of the Stature of Christ".

That is REAL FAITH and REAL Discipleship.

And if you study Paul's epistles, you'll find that he never confessed a sin., not one, Johann
Why,??? = because Jesus bore ALL his Sin, and Paul received the "righteousness of God in Christ".

If you are born again, you have also received it, and in this knowledge of who you have become "in Christ", is the Power over your flesh, the world and the Devil.

Paul never had issues with any "sinning and confessing", and you can have this freedom also, as you are BORN AGAIN to walk in holiness, that is empowered to stay that way....like this....as Paul teaches.

="Christ always gives me the Victory"
ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:1 Therefore indicates that Paul is stating an important
summary and conclusion related to his preceding argument. The “therefore”
is based first on the exclamation of victory that comes “through Jesus Christ
our Lord” (7:23–25), which in turn is linked back to 7:6, where the idea of
the “new life of the Spirit” is first mentioned. But more broadly Paul seems
to be recalling his whole argument about salvation in Christ from 3:21–

The now in 8:1 matches the “now” in 7:6, showing that the new era of
redemptive history has “now” been inaugurated by Christ Jesus for those
who are “now” in right standing before God because they are united with
Christ. But the summary relates further to the whole argument presented in
chs. 3, 4, and 5. No condemnation echoes the conclusion stated in 5:1
(“Therefore … we have peace with God”) and underscores the stunning
implications of the gospel first introduced in 1:16–17. As Paul immediately
goes on to explain, there is “no condemnation” for the Christian because
God has condemned sin in the flesh by sending his own Son (8:3) to pay the
penalty for sin through his death on the cross. The following verses then
show that indwelling sin is overcome through the power of the indwelling
Spirit, with ten references to the Spirit in vv. 4–11.
ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:2 The evidence that believers are in Christ is that the
power of sin has been broken in their lives by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Law in both instances means principle.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:3 The law (in this instance, the Mosaic law) could not
solve humanity’s problem because sin employs the law for its own
purposes, as ch. 7 explained. God sent his Son as a sacrifice for sin (an
idiomatic phrase designating a sin offering) and paid the full penalty for sin
in his sacrifice (condemned sin). In the flesh refers to Christ’s body, and in
the likeness of sinful flesh means that Jesus became fully human, even
though he was sinless.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:4 righteous requirement of the law … fulfilled. This
could mean the requirement is fulfilled in the new life that Christians live
on the basis of Christ’s work, or it may refer to the full penalty of the law
being met at the cross.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:6 To set the mind on the flesh means to think
continually about and constantly desire the things characteristic of fallen,
sinful human nature, that is, to think just the way the unbelieving world
thinks, emphasizing what it thinks important, pursuing what it pursues, in
disregard of God’s will.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:7 Those who are in the flesh behave as sons and
daughters of sinful Adam and are hostile to God. They do not keep God’s
law, and indeed they are unable to keep it because they are slaves to sin
(6:6, 17, 19–20).

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:8 Because unbelievers (those who are in the flesh)
are in bondage to sin and unable to do what God commands, they fail to
please God.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:9 By definition, Christians are not in the flesh, for all
who believe in Christ are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Paul alternates
between the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ here, showing that
Christ and God share the same status.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:10 The previous verse speaks of the Spirit’s
indwelling, but here Paul describes Christ’s dwelling in Christians. This
does not mean that there is no difference between Christ and the Spirit
(which is the ancient heresy of modalism), but it does suggest that Christ
and the Spirit are both fully God, and work cooperatively. Since the bodies
of Christians are not yet redeemed, they still die, even though they are freed
from the condemnation of sin. Yet the presence of the Spirit within
believers testifies to the new life they enjoy because of the righteousness of
Christ that is now theirs.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:12 A conclusion is drawn from the previous verses.
Since Christians live in the Spirit, they are no longer captive to the flesh and
should no longer live according to the flesh.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:13 Those who give their lives over to the flesh will
face eternal death, but those who slay the desires of the flesh through the
power of the Spirit will enjoy eternal life. God and believers each have a
role in sanctification: it must be by the Spirit and his power, but you put to
death shows that one must take an active role in battling sinful habits.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:14 Those who are led by the Spirit of God (i.e.,
those who yield to the Spirit; see notes on Gal. 5:16; 5:17; 5:18) are those
who are God’s sons, i.e., they truly belong to his family.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:15 Christians are no longer slaves to sin but are
adopted as sons into God’s family, as evidenced by the Spirit that cries out
within them that God is their father. sons. See note on Gal. 3:26. Abba is
the Aramaic word for Father. Paul’s use of the term likely stems from Jesus’
addressing God as Abba (Mark 14:36).

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:16 The witness of the Spirit gives the Christian’s
spirit assurance that he or she is God’s child.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:17 All who are God’s children are also heirs of his
promises, but a willingness to follow Christ in suffering is another sign of
being God’s children.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:18–39 Assurance of Hope. Paul began this major
section of the letter (5:1–8:39) by emphasizing the final hope of believers
(5:1–11), and now he concludes with the same emphasis.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:18 The ultimate glory that Christians will receive is so
stupendous that the sufferings of this present time are insignificant in
comparison (cf. 2 Cor. 4:17). They look forward both to the resurrection of
the body (1 Thess. 4:13–18) and to the new heaven and new earth (Rev.
21:1–22:5; see Isa. 65:17).


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I assume you are referring to after his conversion on the road to Damascus. Certainly, Paul confessed to being the chief sinner

He didnt mean that at all.

He said "" Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners, of whom I am (the) Chief".

So, that isn't saying..>"im sinning", as the heretics teach it.

What Paul is showing you, is that of sinners in general, He was the WORST OF ALL..

the "CHIEF"....before Jesus saved Him.

How was he the CHIEF?

He was murdering Christians......having them Killed.....Murdered.......and He's showing you that The Grace of God, is so Forgiving, that it took this WORST TYPE OF SINNER....>" one who Kills CHRISTIANS".........this CHIEF OF SINNERS......and Jesus made Him the greatest Apostle and Greatest Christian who ever lived..

That is what he is explaining..
He's really just giving Praise to the remarkable Grace of God that used someone like Him to do so much for God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
I dont advocate "sinless perfection"., so you are lying when you say that on my Thread.
You should stop lying., Johann
You got that phrase (sinless perfection) from cultist's in Videos and in commentaries who told you.."now if any one teaches you dont have to live in sin, that is sinless perfectionism". and you believed them, and now you are "sinning and confessing a lot" as you stated to another person on my Thread.

See that?
That is where you got that TERM.. and look at what they have done to your Christianity.

Now here is the thing..

One of the most common issues that happens to someone who does not study the bible a lot, is that they find Paul and he writes this..

"that which i would do, i cant do, and that which i hate i do...who will deliver me from this """...

And the reader stops right there.......
Often, they read that in some Heretics commentary, who also stopped there......so, the writer and the reader end up in the same mess, the same broken faith.

You'll find these people who never read more of Paul's teaching, that he continues.......on forums like this one, talking about "sinning and confession" as if that is what they are supposed to do.
They will tell you that you will do it, and you can't ever stop, and if you believe you can, then you are wrong, as they can't....so, that means you can't.

Here.... is the issue they have..
They dont read a bible, they read commentaries that dont complete what Paul Teaches.
OR, they read a bible, but have not read the rest of what Paul Teaches regarding His issue.

Had.. they read the rest of Paul's teaching, they would have found that all of IT = was a teaching He was giving to show you how to stop sinning and confessing and live here......in God's Grace.

= 'as many as be perfect"

= "the fullness of the Stature of Christ".

That is REAL FAITH and REAL Discipleship.

And if you study Paul's epistles, you'll find that he never confessed a sin., not one, Johann
Why,??? = because Jesus bore ALL his Sin, and Paul received the "righteousness of God in Christ".

If you are born again, you have also received it, and in this knowledge of who you have become "in Christ", is the Power over your flesh, the world and the Devil.

Paul never had issues with any "sinning and confessing", and you can have this freedom also, as you are BORN AGAIN to walk in holiness, that is empowered to stay that way....like this....as Paul teaches.

="Christ always gives me the Victory"
ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:1 Therefore indicates that Paul is stating an important
summary and conclusion related to his preceding argument. The “therefore”
is based first on the exclamation of victory that comes “through Jesus Christ
our Lord” (7:23–25), which in turn is linked back to 7:6, where the idea of
the “new life of the Spirit” is first mentioned. But more broadly Paul seems
to be recalling his whole argument about salvation in Christ from 3:21–

The now in 8:1 matches the “now” in 7:6, showing that the new era of
redemptive history has “now” been inaugurated by Christ Jesus for those
who are “now” in right standing before God because they are united with
Christ. But the summary relates further to the whole argument presented in
chs. 3, 4, and 5. No condemnation echoes the conclusion stated in 5:1
(“Therefore … we have peace with God”) and underscores the stunning
implications of the gospel first introduced in 1:16–17. As Paul immediately
goes on to explain, there is “no condemnation” for the Christian because
God has condemned sin in the flesh by sending his own Son (8:3) to pay the
penalty for sin through his death on the cross. The following verses then
show that indwelling sin is overcome through the power of the indwelling
Spirit, with ten references to the Spirit in vv. 4–11.
ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:2 The evidence that believers are in Christ is that the
power of sin has been broken in their lives by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Law in both instances means principle.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:3 The law (in this instance, the Mosaic law) could not
solve humanity’s problem because sin employs the law for its own
purposes, as ch. 7 explained. God sent his Son as a sacrifice for sin (an
idiomatic phrase designating a sin offering) and paid the full penalty for sin
in his sacrifice (condemned sin). In the flesh refers to Christ’s body, and in
the likeness of sinful flesh means that Jesus became fully human, even
though he was sinless.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:4 righteous requirement of the law … fulfilled. This
could mean the requirement is fulfilled in the new life that Christians live
on the basis of Christ’s work, or it may refer to the full penalty of the law
being met at the cross.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:6 To set the mind on the flesh means to think
continually about and constantly desire the things characteristic of fallen,
sinful human nature, that is, to think just the way the unbelieving world
thinks, emphasizing what it thinks important, pursuing what it pursues, in
disregard of God’s will.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:7 Those who are in the flesh behave as sons and
daughters of sinful Adam and are hostile to God. They do not keep God’s
law, and indeed they are unable to keep it because they are slaves to sin
(6:6, 17, 19–20).

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:8 Because unbelievers (those who are in the flesh)
are in bondage to sin and unable to do what God commands, they fail to
please God.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:9 By definition, Christians are not in the flesh, for all
who believe in Christ are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Paul alternates
between the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ here, showing that
Christ and God share the same status.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:10 The previous verse speaks of the Spirit’s
indwelling, but here Paul describes Christ’s dwelling in Christians. This
does not mean that there is no difference between Christ and the Spirit
(which is the ancient heresy of modalism), but it does suggest that Christ
and the Spirit are both fully God, and work cooperatively. Since the bodies
of Christians are not yet redeemed, they still die, even though they are freed
from the condemnation of sin. Yet the presence of the Spirit within
believers testifies to the new life they enjoy because of the righteousness of
Christ that is now theirs.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:12 A conclusion is drawn from the previous verses.
Since Christians live in the Spirit, they are no longer captive to the flesh and
should no longer live according to the flesh.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:13 Those who give their lives over to the flesh will
face eternal death, but those who slay the desires of the flesh through the
power of the Spirit will enjoy eternal life. God and believers each have a
role in sanctification: it must be by the Spirit and his power, but you put to
death shows that one must take an active role in battling sinful habits.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:14 Those who are led by the Spirit of God (i.e.,
those who yield to the Spirit; see notes on Gal. 5:16; 5:17; 5:18) are those
who are God’s sons, i.e., they truly belong to his family.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:15 Christians are no longer slaves to sin but are
adopted as sons into God’s family, as evidenced by the Spirit that cries out
within them that God is their father. sons. See note on Gal. 3:26. Abba is
the Aramaic word for Father. Paul’s use of the term likely stems from Jesus’
addressing God as Abba (Mark 14:36).

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:16 The witness of the Spirit gives the Christian’s
spirit assurance that he or she is God’s child.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:17 All who are God’s children are also heirs of his
promises, but a willingness to follow Christ in suffering is another sign of
being God’s children.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:18–39 Assurance of Hope. Paul began this major
section of the letter (5:1–8:39) by emphasizing the final hope of believers
(5:1–11), and now he concludes with the same emphasis.

ROMANS—NOTE ON 8:18 The ultimate glory that Christians will receive is so
stupendous that the sufferings of this present time are insignificant in
comparison (cf. 2 Cor. 4:17). They look forward both to the resurrection of
the body (1 Thess. 4:13–18) and to the new heaven and new earth (Rev.
21:1–22:5; see Isa. 65:17).
I didnt stop there, Johann.....I teach the rest of Paul's Doctrine.
@Behold, are you trolling me?
And where did I "confess" my sin/s to a Forum?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Everyone who can read can understand what is written! We either OBEY the writing, or DISOBEY the writing.

Even the Pharisees never accused Jesus with the “your understanding” nonsense!

You make no sense at all!
That's NOT what the Bible says - so YOU'VE already disobeyed . . .

Paul explicitly writes that we are to hold fast to what the CHURCH teaches - either by an ORAL STATEMENT - OR by a Letter (2 Thess. 2:15).
does the Bible state that we are to adhere ONLY to what we READ in the Bible. That's a 16th century, man-made invention.

As Illuminator already told you - Jesus left us with an indestructible, hierarchical, infallible, visible, supernatural CHURCH - not a Book Club.

- Jesus identifies His very SELF with His Church (Acts 9:4-5).
- The Church is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth (1 Tim. 3:15).
- Jesus promised His Church that the Holy Spirit would guide her to ALL Truth (John 16:12-15).
- Jesus told the leaders of His Church that WHATEVER they bound or loosed on earth would ALSO be bound and loosed in Heaven (Matt. 16:18-19, Matt. 18:15-18, John 20:21-23).
- The Church is the FULLNESS of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23).
Jesus gave His Church Supreme earthly Authority, that WHATEVER His Church declared on earth will also be declared in Heaven (Matt. 16:18-19, Matt. 18:15-18).
- Jesus said about his Church: “Whoever listens to YOU listens to ME. Whoever rejects YOU rejects ME. And whoever rejects ME rejects the ONE who sent ME" (Luke 10:16).

Good luck with that . . .


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
ee Isa. 65:17).

I can't take the time to read your cut and paste, or watch your videos.

So, if you want to have a discussion with me, then post your own work and thoughts and theology.
Dont cuts and paste other's work, as your defense of your broken faith., that has you "sinning and confessing" and preaching this as your belief system on the forum.

Its a sad situation, when you try to come across as a teacher on my Thread, and the best that you can do is post other's thoughts and words, more then your own.

Dont do that, Johann.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Paul explicitly writes that we are to hold fast to what the CHURCH teaches - either by an ORAL STATEMENT - OR by a Letter (2 Thess. 2:15).

Paul never used the word "Church" in 2 Thess, 2:15., but your cult inserted it in your thinking, i noted.

IN fact, there was no Pope at that time, no "cult of mary", and the "Letters" were from the Apostles, not from the "early church fathers", and certainly not from the Demonic Douay Rheims , that was not in existence yet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
- The Church is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth (1 Tim. 3:15).

You are such a cut and paste obsessive, BreadofLife.
You should learn to think for yourself and then you'd not always have to cut and paste.

Also, JESUS Himself is THE Truth.....He said so........ John 14:6.

Your "cult" is not the foundation of anything, but heresy.
Its dripping with baptismal regeneration heresy and many many others.

In Hebrews...13:9... Paul speaks of "doctrines of Devils", and your cult is the GRANDDADDY of them all.
Its a Satanic Masterwork.
Even Mary would tell you so, as it has to be such a humiliation for her to realize that the "cult of Mary"... has made a saved sinner like her.... into a complete IDOL.

Did you ever read the 10 commandments?
Did you ever read anything about Idol worship being offensive to God?
mary pope.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Care to share YOUR notes?

Your thoughts??

You keep quoting other people.

What say you?
Yes, I want to say something, it is amazing how "believers" attack other "believers"
It is like WWE Raw, last man standing.
Should I wish to dialog with ONE member, trolls are lurking nearby.
It is virtually impossible to have fellowship with a single member and to be transparent.

Take advice, clean up that foul mouth of yours, and stop attacking members from other denominations.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
NOWHERE does the Bible state that we are to adhere ONLY to what we READ in the Bible.

Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.” (Deuteronomy 4:2)

But assemblies like yours are rebuked by Christ himself!

“For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.” (Mark 7:8)

How about those costumes your leaders wear?


The New Testament has no instructions for all the vanity and fluff your church engages in!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I give up trying to figure out what web of confusion you’re in…

Let me help you out of your web.

See your body?
Its heading to the Grave.,and your spirit wont be there.

See that?

So, its the born again SPIRIT, that is : 1 John 3:9.

The born again Spirit is joined to Christ and God, and there is no sin found there.
If you are born again, then that is the REAL YOU.......not your body, or your mind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
If you are born again, then that is the REAL YOU.......not your body, or your mind.

Your body and mind is you!

They just need to be renewed!

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Yes, I want to say something, it is amazing how "believers" attack other "believers"

You should have some tea, and rethink your position.

I dont attack, personally, anyone on any forum.

I only make commentary from what they SAY, TEACH or WRITE.

So, that is different than a personal attack.

Its not a personal attack to point out that you stated that you "sin and confess" a lot., and that is caused by your teachers.
Thats a fact, as everyone is a product of their teacher. and your commentaries and your videos have created for you, a "sinning and confessing" theological issue, that is manifesting as "sinning and confessing".
And because you have this issue, as you stated, then you think you can come to my Thread and denounce me on this Forum, for not being like you.

Not a good idea., is it?
See, im not like you. I dont read heretics commentaries or post their videos and theology.
That's MatthewG and YOU and many others.... but its not me.
Im not that one.

I dont teach SINNING, Johann.
I dont teach 1 John 1:9 as christian discipleship as the HERETICS do.
I teach VICTORY.......just like Paul taught it.

"Christ ALWAYS gives me (the born again) the VICTORY"..
And you can have it also, but not until you let go of the liars and the heretics who have you under their false doctrine thumb, according to your posts.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Your body

If that is true then when they put your body in the ground, that is the end of you.
That is a Jehovah's Witness lie.
Dont believe it.
Believe this instead.

You are a eternal spirit , who is confined for the moment in a earth suit..... and the real you = the spirit will end up somewhere after you die.
It wont be the Grave.
You have Christ's word on that.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Before he wrote that he wrote this:

“Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.” (1 Timothy 1:13)

And Paul repeatedly wrote things like this:

“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” (1 Timothy 5:20)

“What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.” (Romans 6:15)

“I told you before, and foretell you, as if I were present, the second time; and being absent now I write to them which heretofore have sinned, and to all other, that, if I come again, I will not spare” (2 Corinthians 13:2)

So understand the “chief of sinners” comment in its proper biblical context.

Or else you turn the Apostle Paul into a hypocrite and destroy his credibility!

This is how Jesus felt about hypocrites:

“But woe unto you… hypocrites! ” (Matthew 23:13)
What lovely reminders . EXACTLY .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.” (Deuteronomy 4:2)

But assemblies like yours are rebuked by Christ himself!

“For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.” (Mark 7:8)

How about those costumes your leaders wear?


The New Testament has no instructions for all the vanity and fluff your church engages in!
Many follow the traditions and teachings of men as though it is the WORD OF GOD HIMSELF
and yet Dimiss the TRUTH of HIS EVERY WORD in that bible . PEOPLE choose man over GOD .
But not the lambs . not the lambs . Its the Words of the glorious LORD for us .