Hell's Population Clock

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New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
I just hope the percentages are nowhere close to Noah's day where 8 were saved.

The number of people that will suffer is scary. But we must not be unsettled by it. God is not dumb / retarded or partial. Everybody going to hell... had equal opportunity to accept or reject Christ. God is just, not unjust. We can know that God tried His absolute best to win them over. Nobodies salvation is on our head. God / Holy Spirit take full responsibility...that's why God is the judge.

Can you imagine if God was a Calvinist / 5 pt Calvinism was true. Boy would people in hell have a valid gripe with God. I would feel disgusted to be in heaven whilst others are in hell. Calvinism really does make me feel so sick inside. Unconditional election :rolleyes:.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
†. Luke 13:4-5 . . And what about the eighteen men who died when a tower
of Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem? No, and I
tell you again that unless you repent, you will likewise perish.

The koiné Greek word for "tower" in that passage is purgos (poor'-gos)
which is an ambiguous word that can mean not only an isolated structure
like a skyscraper; but also a special battlement which protrudes from the
face of a castle's curtain wall-- consisting of crenellations, merlons, and
machicolations --providing occupants a tactical advantage for observing and
defending the curtain wall's exterior face. Sometimes though, towers were
simply architectural facades that made otherwise insipid stone walls
aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Unfortunately, in the days prior to steel reinforcing bar and structural steel
beams, purgos (which were often constructed of either stones or bricks)
weren't all that stable, and sometimes crumbled; thus detaching themselves
from the curtain wall like an old swallow's nest; resulting in pieces raining
down on whoever happened to be standing below. The tower depicted in
Luke was possibly a decorative part of an architectural enclosure
surrounding the pool of Siloam. (cf. John 9:7)

The people who were killed when that tower collapsed, weren't killed by the
hand of God. No, they were just simply in the wrong place at the wrong
time; viz: it was just dumb luck. It's like when people plan all month for a
camping trip in the mountains. Upon arrival, they set up camp; and after
lunch, walk a hiking trail. Just then, a tree limb, that's been silently growing
in the forest for who knows how many years, suddenly decides to snap off
and fall to earth right then; subsequently killing one of the campers just as
they walk under it.

One minute earlier and it would have missed. One minute later and it would
have missed. But no, the limb falls right on cue as if the forces of nature
conspired to hold that tree limb in place till just the right moment; waiting
for that one specific person to walk under it.

In a similar incident Friday, Feb 19, 2010 --a centuries-old Mosque minaret
in Meknes Morocco collapsed and fell into a crowd of worshippers during
prayer time, killing 41.

Saturday, June 27, 2010, a 6-month-old baby girl was killed and her mother
seriously injured when the pair were struck by a falling tree branch in New
York City's Central Park Zoo. The girl's father was taking their picture near
the sea lion exhibit when a branch above them suddenly snapped off and

On Tuesday, July 3, 2007; nineteen year-old Ramiro Gonzalez was returning
home to Nyssa Oregon from a week-end honeymoon in northern California
with his bride Idalia asleep in the back seat when their 1997 Pontiac Grand
Am hit a cow twenty miles east of Burns. The Pontiac went off the road,
through a fence, and burst into flames. Idalia escaped with only minor
injuries, but Ramiro died at the Ste. Charles Medical Center in Bend the very
next day.

Ramiro and his bride didn't get to live in a home of their own for even one
single minute of their marriage-- never had a baby, never joined the PTA,
never saved for college, never went to ballet lessons, nor to soccer or little
league, never went on family picnics, never took home movies and photos at
Christmas, Easter, or birthdays, never went to the beach and built sand
castles --no, their entire future, and all their dreams of family life, were
shattered in an instant by a lame-brained bovine; and Ramiro wasn't even
20 years old yet.

March 20, 2008; fifty-seven year old Judy Kay Zagorski, of Pigeon, Michigan,
was sitting in the front seat of her father's boat going 25 knots on the
Atlantic Ocean side of Vaca Key in Florida, when a Spotted Eagle Ray, with a
wingspan of 5 to 6 feet; leaped up out of the water-- for who knows what
reason --and collided with Zagorski, knocking her backwards onto the deck
of the boat. She died from the impact. Judy's sister, standing next to her,
was not injured.

On a November morning in 1998, Alan Pakula climbed into his Volvo station
wagon and began the 100-mile drive from Manhattan to his Long Island
house. The acclaimed movie director of Sophie's Choice, All The President's
Men, and The Pelican Brief, had made that trip countless times with no

As the 70 year-old Pakula neared exit 49 on the Long Island Expressway just
before noon, the tires of a vehicle ahead of him flipped a 7-foot piece of
steel rod into the air. Within seconds, the rod shot through Pakula's
windshield, smashing into his forehead, killing him almost instantly.

Death often comes when people least expect it. As a rule, they don't usually
get up in the morning planning it to be their last day on earth. The 169,752
killed, and 127,294 listed as missing, in more than eleven countries by the
tsunami of 2004, were taken by surprise, and given no warning it was to be
their last day on earth.

The 2,829 people who perished in a terrorist attack on the World Trade
Center on September 11, 2001, and the 189 who died in the Pentagon,
didn't go in to work expecting their lives to end before lunch that day. No,
people's lives often end while they still have obligations and commitments,
aspirations, things to do, places to go, and people to see; when a car
accident, train wreck, act of nature, plane crash, crime, heart attack, or
stroke puts an abrupt end to every plan they ever made.

Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010, a 7.0 earthquake struck Port au Prince Haiti right out
of the blue subsequently causing the loss of more than 200,000 lives. A
similar act of nature on March 11, 2011, left 25,000 dead and/or missing in

Okeechobee woman Dawn Johnston, 38, was killed Wednesday June 30,
2010 after part of a portable toilet crashed through her car's windshield.
Dawn was driving south on SR 15 shortly after 11 a.m. when two portable
toilets fell from the trailer of a pickup truck traveling north,. The portable
toilets shattered when they hit the road, and a piece of one of them crashed
through the woman's windshield, striking her. Johnston's car then veered off
the road and collided with a tree.

Freak incidents like those listed above can happen to anybody in the form of
a stray bullet from a drive-by, lightening strike, gas explosion, choking on a
piece of meat, electrocution, earthquake, a drunk driver, a fall in the bath
tub; bricks dropped from an overpass, or any number of out-of-the-blue
surprises. I don't think the Lord was saying that repentance will protect
people from dying in an unexpected incident, but rather, that if they don't
start thinking about the afterlife now, while they have the chance; then they
risk being caught off guard by sudden death where there will be no time to
think; and they'll find themselves suddenly thrust into the afterlife a lot
sooner than they ever expected.

NOTE: I was taught in catechism that repentance always means sorrow and
regret for one's sins; but I don't think that's what the Lord was getting at.

The koiné Greek word for "repent" in the Lord's statement is metanoeo
(met-an-o-eh'-o) which means: to think differently; viz: to reconsider-- in
other words: to change one's mind and/or change one's direction.

I was also taught in catechism that repentance and confession of one's sins
are joined at the hip; so to speak. But confession of sins is not the emphasis
in Luke 13:4-5; metanoeo is the emphasis.

The Lord preceded the statement recorded in Luke 13:4-5 with another like

†. Luke 13:1-3 . .There were present at that season some who told Him
about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And
Jesus answered and said to them: Do you suppose that these Galileans were
worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I
tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.

The record doesn't explain why Pilate executed those men in particular; nor
even where the executions took place. But just for brevity's sake, I'll
assume for now that those particular men were known insurrectionists, and
the executions took place on the grounds of the Temple compound in
Jerusalem while the men were there to worship. In other words: the men
were pounced upon in a place they would never suspect; and Pilate's
soldiers sprung on the Galileans so suddenly and so efficiently that the men
had no chance to either escape or to defend themselves.

It's at a time like that when your religion of choice had better be the right
one because you'll have neither time nor opportunity to reconsider and
switch to another one.

Pop Clock Update: 525 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 28,594,824 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
"right back atcha"

I once heard President Obama reply to criticism with almost those exact
same words; viz: he didn't deny the truth of the criticism, but instead
employed the age-old tactic of accusing his critic of the very same things;
which, I guess in his mind; somehow mitigated his own culpability; but the
honorable response would have been for him to man-up and admit his
conduct was unbecoming.

It's very common for people to respond to criticism the same way Mr.
Obama did. It's all the same as saying "Who are you to talk?". Well;
regardless of who someone is to talk, if the criticism is true; then it stands;
viz: recriminations are futile. All they do is pull someone down with you so
you don't go down alone.

I predict there's going to be a quite a bit of resentment and indignation at
the Great White Throne event depicted at Rev 20:11-15 when the dead see
people in heaven who they know to be guilty of the very same things for
which they are being sentenced to hell.

Human nature is funny. If I criticize a tree, it doesn't react. If I criticize a
spider; it doesn't react. If I criticize a Guinea pig, it doesn't react. If I
criticize a parakeet, it doesn't react. But if I criticize a homo sapiens; it
becomes defensive. It's a curious behavior.

So; how might I describe the human spirit? I think I could accurately
describe it as both judgmental and defensive.

†. Rom 2:15 . .Their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one

Pop Clock Update: 529 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 29,145,784 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
When Jonah died, he went to a place he described as the roots of the
mountains (Jonah 2:6). Well; the roots of the mountains aren't situated in
the tummy of a fish; they're embedded in the earth. Jesus said the same
thing about his experience.

†. Mtt 12:40 . . For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish three days
and three nights, so the Son of man will be in the heart of the earth three
days and three nights.

When you think about it, Jesus' corpse was never in the heart of the earth.
It wasn't even in the earth's soil. It was on the surface of the earth in a rock
tomb. So in order for Jesus to be on the surface of the Earth and in its heart
at the same time, he and his body had to go their separate ways. Same with
Jonah. In order for Jonah to be in a fish's tummy and down at the roots of
the mountains at the same time, he and his body had to go their separate

Since both Jesus and Jonah were in the bowels of the earth while they were
dead, then I think it's safe to assume that's where Abraham was in Luke
16:19-31. And since Abraham was within shouting distance of the rich man;
then I think it's safe to deduce that hell is down in the bowels of the earth

Pop Clock Update: 533 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 29,366,168 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
†. Mark 9:47-48 . . If your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out. It is better to
enter the kingdom of God half blind than to have two eyes and be thrown
into hell; where the worm never dies and the fire never goes out.

Jesus' statement about the worms didn't reveal anything new. Similar
information had already been penned by an Old Testament prophet roughly
700 years before Christ was born.

†. Isa 66:22-24 . . All humanity will come to worship me from week to week
and from month to month. And as they go out, they will see the dead bodies
of those who have rebelled against me. For the worms that devour them will
never die, and the fire that burns them will never go out. All who pass by
will view them with utter horror.

The human body is organic. So then, how can it survive in eternal flame as
perpetual nourishment for those worms? Well; supernatural fire's properties
are adjustable. For example: supernatural fire totally incinerated the cities of
Sodom and Gomorrah but left unscathed a peculiar bush that Moses
encountered in the Sinai outback while tending his father-in-law's sheep. But
even if eternal fire's properties were dictated by the laws of physics; those
laws are easily suspended by the one who created those laws. (cf. Dan 3:8

Those roasting corpses, infested with their fire-proof worms, will be open to
the public like the skeletal remains on display in the museum at La Brea tar
pits in Los Angeles. Christ labeled the museum as a place called "hell fire".

The koiné Greek word for "hell fire" is geena (gheh'-en-nah) which refers to
a canyon valley (a.k.a. the valley of the son of Hinnom, Josh 15:8, 2Chrn
28:3, et al) situated south of the old city walls of Jerusalem. In Jesus' day, a
portion of the valley served as the ancient city's landfill, where fires were
kept burning day and night doing the double duty of incinerating a constant
waste stream of urban refuse and the carcasses of dead animals and low
income citizens. The malefactors crucified alongside Jesus likely ended up
there if they had no one to claim their remains.

A worm that thrives in flame is pretty amazing, but not unreasonable. The 4
inch Pompeii worm lives in sea water temperatures of 176° Fahrenheit-- hot
enough to kill salmonella and sanitize an egg. So I guess if God could create
a worm like the Pompeii, it shouldn't be too difficult for Him to create worms
that like it even warmer. Fortunately the bodies of the damned will be dead
so they won't feel the worms at work on their remains.

An interesting concept associated with geena is the necessity of sanitary
disposal; which is really what landfills and dumps are designed to accomplish
in order to prevent the spread of disease; which suggests that corpses in
geena will be toxic.

When The Lord returns, the first order of business is a thorough Spring
cleaning followed by a trip to the dump.

†. Matt 13:41-42 . . I, the Son of man, will send my angels, and they will
remove from my kingdom everything that's offensive, and all who do evil,
and they will throw them into the furnace and burn them. There will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.

†. Mal 4:1 . .For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all
the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that
cometh shall burn them up, testifies the Lord Of Hosts; that it shall leave
them neither root nor sprig.

Pop Clock Update: 536 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 29,531,456 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
†. Luke 16:25-26 . . Abraham said to him; Son, remember . . during your
lifetime you had everything you wanted

Abraham addressed the once-rich man as "son" indicating that the
condemned man is one of Abraham's progeny.

This is one of those instances-- cf. Cain and Abel --that demonstrates one's
ancestry can't protect them from the wrath of God. Regardless of whether
one is the child of an Abraham or of a Billy Graham or of a Robert Schuller or
of a Luis Palau, they can still go to hell because one's ancestry doesn't
mitigate their own personal accountability. If anything, privilege actually
multiplies accountability.

†. Amos 3:1-2 . . Hear this word which Yhvh has spoken against you, sons
of Israel; against the entire family which He brought up from the land of
Egypt. "You only have I chosen among all the families of the earth;
therefore, I will punish you for all your iniquities."

I should think that one of the worst aspects of hell is memory. How people
down there retain their memories sans the brain cells they left behind with
their corpse, I don't know; but they do, just as the rich man is able to
experience thirst sans a flesh and blood tongue.

†. Luke 16:24 . .The rich man shouted: Father Abraham, have some pity!
Send Lazarus over here to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my
tongue, because I am in anguish in these flames.

The older one gets, the more memories they accumulate, and many of those
memories haunt us with terrible regret. However, the people in hell not only
have to cope with their bad memories, but also the good ones too, and I
should think it is remembering the good things they enjoyed in life that
makes their situation only worse in the heat. They say it is better to have
loved and lost, rather than not to have loved at all. I disagree. I believe it is
far better to not know what you're missing. Ignorance really would be bliss
in the once-rich man's situation.

I say "would be" in the present tense because that poor man is still in
anguish down there to this very day; almost 2,000 years since Luke penned
his gospel; and, in the grand scheme of things, he is only just getting
started on eternity because 2,000 years is little more than a warm-up for
the main event depicted at Rev 20:11-15.

Pop Clock Update: 540 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 29,751,840 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
†. Gen 6:5 . . And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the
earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil

It's freaky to consider that the Bible's God has a way to eavesdrop on
human mental processes. Apparently human thought is audible if you have
the means to pick up on it.

†. Gen 8:20-21 . . And Noah builded an altar unto The Lord; and took of
every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on
the altar. And The Lord smelled a sweet savor; and The Lord said in his
heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the
imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite
any more every thing living, as I have done.

That evaluation-- the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth -
took place after the Flood when the only human beings alive at the time
were the eight people aboard the ark. So the people God was talking about
was them; not somebody else down the block. Though Noah and his family
had just been spared death by the grace of God, they were all still thinking
evil imaginations when they came ashore, and the boys would go on to
produce a race of more evil thinkers.

†. Rom 2:16 . . God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ;
according to my message.

The depressing reality of Paul's message is that God is busy archiving
people's secrets, so that even all those nefarious fantasies that people
entertain in the privacy of their own minds, where they think nobody can
hear them, are going to be rewound and given a thorough going over. I will
be very curious to see what was really going on in the minds of super-duper
Christians like Mother Teresa all those years she was active as a missionary
in India. From just a cursory reading of her private letters, published in
September 2007, it doesn't look too good for the famous nun.

†. Heb 4:12-13 . . For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any
double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and
marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all
creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare
before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

†. Luke 12:1-3 . .The time is coming when everything will be revealed; all
that is secret will be made public. Whatever you have said in the dark will be
heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be
shouted from the housetops for all to hear.

Pop Clock Update: 544 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 29,972,224 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
Webers_Home said:
†. Luke 13:22-24 . . And he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem.
Then said one unto him: Master, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them: Strive to enter in at the
strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

†. Mtt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to
destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and
only a few find it.

†. Mtt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

If the traditional hells are real (haides and geena) then what do the Lord's statements suggest?

Well; according to the US Census Bureau: as of Apr 12, 2012 @ 11:21 pm New York time, the resident
population in the United States was approximately 313,353,038 with a death rate of approximately one
every 13 seconds; which translates to an average of 6,646 American deaths of all ages, races, and genders
during just one 24-hour calendar day.

According to 2009 US Census data; roughly 27.3% of America's daily deaths are under the age of 19,
which would indicate that approximately 4,832 of the current daily death rate of 6,646 per 24 hours are
adults. Giving the "many" the benefit of the doubt by setting their maximum percentage at 51%, would
indicate a minimum of 2,464 American adults transferring to perdition every day: which translates to
roughly 103 per hour.

That's a very conservative estimate as the Lord didn't really specify exact percentages to represent the
quantities of "few" and "many". But just think: if the traditional hells were real places; then by the time
CBS completes its half-hour evening news report, a bare-bones minimum of 51 Americans would be new

Using the ratio of 2,464 condemned souls per 313,353,038 population: computing the number of condemned
souls worldwide from a currently estimated global population of 7,006,673,612 people, would suggest
something like 55,096 new arrivals in one of the traditional hells every 24 hours; which translates to 2,296
souls every sixty minutes on the clock.

That rate would fill the 51,800 seats of the new Yankee Stadium to capacity in roughly 22 hours and 33 minutes.
In other words: if the world's condemned souls started filing into the stadium at 06:00 am this morning, then by
04:33 am tomorrow, the stadium would be full to capacity.

If those 24-hour numbers are fair; they suggest that 14,545,344 people of the world will be checked into one
of the traditional hells' penal colonies by the time New Year's Day 2013 rolls around.

If any of the above were true, then it would be safe to conclude that souls never stop cascading into the
dungeons of a hell 24/7 in an endless stream like candy kisses on a Hershey's conveyor belt.


those numbers each day also means because of Gods mercy and love found only in Christ people are also checking into heaven 24-7 :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
horsecamp said:
those numbers each day also means because of Gods mercy and love
found only in Christ people are also checking into heaven 24-7
The percentages I used are conservative. For example I limited the "many"
to 51%, but that number could just as easily be 80 or 90 so that it's not
impossible that as few as 10-20 percent are arriving in heaven 24/7.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
†. Matt 15:18-19 . . For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts

So then, it's not how your mind works that defines you, no, it's how your
heart works that defines you; and a man's heart is easily capable of
hoodwinking his own mind.

†. Jer 17:9 . . The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked.
Who really knows how bad it is?

There is a part of us that psychology labels the subconscious; which in
Freud's opinion is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas, wishes or
desires, traumatic memories, and painful emotions put out of mind by the
mechanism of psychological repression. However, the contents do not
necessarily have to be solely negative. In the psychoanalytic view, the
subconscious is a force that can only be recognized by its effects-- in other
words: your mind's thoughts can be construed not as replicas of your hearts
thoughts; but rather, as symptoms of your heart's thoughts.

The key word in the above is: repression. God is able to de-suppress those
repressed contents and submit them as evidence in the prosecution's case
against the accused. That means He will be confronting people with things
that they never before really knew about themselves; and that's why I
sometimes say only a fool would take their chances with the Bible's God.
They have no clue the fecal storm they're walking into.

Pop Clock Update: 547 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 30,137,512 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Creeping up the blind side, shinning up the wall,
stealing through the dark of night.
Climbing through a window, stepping to the floor
checking to the left and the right.
Picking up the pieces, putting them away;
something doesn't feel quite right.

Help me someone, let me out of here.
Then out of the dark was suddenly heard:
Welcome to the Home by the Sea

Coming out the woodwork, through the open door,
pushing from above and below.
Shadows with no substance, in the shape of men;
round and down and sideways they go.
Adrift without direction, eyes that hold despair
then as one they sigh and they moan:

Help us someone, let us out of here.
Living here so long undisturbed,
dreaming of the time we were free
so many years ago before the time when we first heard:
Welcome to the Home by the Sea

Sit down . .Sit down
As we relive our lives in what we tell you

Images of sorrow, pictures of delight
things that go to make up a life.
Endless days of summer, longer nights of gloom
waiting for the morning light.
Scenes of unimportance, photos in a frame
things that go to make up a life.

Sit down . .Sit down
Cause you won't get away,
no with us you will stay
for the rest of your days.
So sit down as we relive our lives in what we tell you.
Let us relive our lives in what we tell you.

Home By The Sea
Genesis, 1983
Phil Collins, Tony Banks, Mike Rutherford

The lyrics of that song are so sad because it depicts how the only thing
people have to do down in the netherworld to help pass the time is tell each
other about their lives on earth. There is, of course, nothing to tell about
their lives in Hades since the colloquialism "get a life" is a non sequitur in
that place. Nobody has a life down there; nor any hope of getting one.

Pop Clock Update: 551 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 30,357,896 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Below is one of the scariest passages in the Bible.

†. 2Ths 2:11-12 . . And for this reason God will send them strong delusion,
that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not
believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

In other words; there's coming a time when God's patience will reach its
reasonable limits, and He will purposely, willfully, and deliberately make sure
that a certain category of people have no chance whatsoever to be spared
the wrath of God.

Back when Noah was preparing the ark, no doubt his neighbors all mocked
and poked fun at him like one of those deranged souls that go around with a
sandwich board that reads: Repent; The End Is Near! But when the rain
started, I bet those very same neighbors panicked and tried to get Noah to
open up and let them in. But even had Noah wanted to; he couldn't. The
hatch of the ark was sealed from the outside: and God was the only one on
earth who could open it-- He chose not to.

†. Rev 1:18 . . I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive
forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.

†. Rev 3:7 . .These are the words of him who is holy and true: who holds the
key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can

Pop Clock Update: 554 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 30,523,184 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
There are two hells revealed in the New Testament-- one is called haides
(e.g. Luke 16:23) and one is called geena (e.g. Luke 12:5). Both hells are
penal colonies where people do, and will, exist in conscious afterlife suffering
in flame, anxiety, and perpetual dehydration. Geena (gheh' en-nah) is
somewhat worse than haides (hah'-dace) in that it not only destroys bodies,
but also souls (Mtt 10:28) which indicates that geena is the final hell where
the lost are incarcerated after being resurrected to face justice at the Great
White Throne event depicted at Rev 20:11-15.

From thence, the condemned will be sentenced to a reservoir of flaming
sulfur; which is labeled a "second" death. Since there is only one
resurrection allotted per person (Dan 12:2, John 5:28-29) then nobody is
coming back from that reservoir because they will have used up their one
resurrection in order to face justice at the Throne; viz: the condemned's fate
in the reservoir will be permanent.

The vapors emitted by flaming sulfur are very toxic; so that the reservoir
depicted at Rev 20:11-15 will suffice for both a gas chamber and a
crematorium. But though the human body cannot survive in that kind of an
environment; it will be preserved intact as perpetual nourishment for a
curious species of fire-proof worm as per Isa 66:23-24 and Mark 9:47-48.

Pop Clock Update: 559 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 30,798,664 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
A pardoned sinner is still a sinner and they'll go right on sinning same as
before they were pardoned because human nature is intrinsically bad.

†. Gen 6:5 . .Yhvh saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had
become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
all the time.

†. Gen 8:21 . . Man's thoughts and actions are bent toward evil from

†. Jer 13:23 . . Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots?
Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.

†. Eph 2:3 . .We were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

Pop Clock Update: 563 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 31,019,048 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Christianity is a lethal religion. It quite literally, in some supernatural way
that I don't quite understand, puts its adherents to death.

†. Rom 6:3 . . Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into
Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?

†. Rom 6:6 . . Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him

†. Gal 2:20 . . I am crucified with Christ

†. Col 3:3 . . For you died when Christ died

What's so good about being dead? Well; one of the good parts is: according
to Rom 7:1-4 dead people are no longer under the jurisdiction of the Ten
Commandments. In other words; I have a license to steal because there is
no law in the whole Bible that penalizes a man for stealing while he's dead.

Pop Clock Update: 565 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 31,129,240 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
COMMON COMPLAINT: I do not see the justice in infinite punishment for
finite mistakes.

Well; of course that complaint doesn't see the justice in infinite punishment
for what they call finite mistakes because their sense of justice is a product
of the 3-pound lump of flabby organic tissue housed in their bony little skull.
In that respect, they have no more sense of justice relative to God's sense
of justice than a bunny rabbit. But don't even think about mitigating your
sins as mistakes. That is a politician's cop-out; and won't fly in heaven's
justice system.

The source of a law is what gives it a measure of dignity. Take for instance a
group of boys who build a tree house for a boys' club. They elect officers
from among themselves, and draw up a charter of rules that members of the
club have to observe in order to remain in good standing as honorable club
members. Would their charter stand up in an adult court of law? No, of
course not. Their charter would merit very little respect in the adult world
because the source their rules was just a posse of kids.

The principle of "source" can be extended out into the world of municipal
law, state law, and federal law. At each level, the law's dignity increases,
and breaking it at each succeeding level becomes that much more serious.
Heaven's law is the ultimate charter; and it's rules, regulations, statutes,
directives, precedents, and mandates demand far more respect than a tree
house, or a municipality, or a state, or a federal government because the
source of heaven's law is Almighty God-- The Creator --whose dignity far
exceeds that of His creations, and that's why it's so serious to defy Him.

In reality then, hell vindicates God's dignity. You see, it's one thing to be
hauled before a judge for spitting on somebody's car; but it's quite another
to be hauled before a judge for spitting on the judge's car.

Seen from that angle; hell isn't punishment enough for people who defy God
because there just isn't any other way for them to personally make amends
for their contempt except by paying for it forever since the degree of God's
dignity is off the scale, and far beyond the limits of time and distance. The
only substitute God will accept in lieu of eternal suffering is the life's blood of
Christ (1Pet 1:18-19). People who reject that, simply have to expect to end
up paying the ultimate price.

Pop Clock Update: 570 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 31,129,240 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
COMMON ATTITUDE: I'm special; God understands me and He knows I'm
only human. Although God probably may not let others off; I'm sure He will
make an exception for me because I'm not like other people; I'm different.

Unfortunately, the Bible's God can't do that. If He were to make exceptions,
God would be neither equitable, nor honest-- and worse, it would go against
His grain, compromise His integrity, violate His conscience; and cause Him
to lose the world's respect. No, God doesn't grade on a curve: everyone is
treated equally in God's courtroom. In a system of absolutes; there are no
exceptions, nobody gets any favors, and nobody is special.

†. Deut 10:17 . . The Lord shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.

†. Acts 10:34 . .Then Peter began to speak: I now realize how true it is that
God is impartial.

†. Rom 2:5-11 . . For there is coming a day of judgment when God, the just
judge of all the world, will judge all people according to what they have
done. He will give eternal life to those who persist in doing what is good,
seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers. But he
will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who
refuse to obey the truth; and practice evil deeds. There will be anguish and
calamity for everyone who practices evil-- for the Jew first and also for the
Gentile. But there will be glory and honor and peace from God for all practice
good --for the Jew first and also for the Gentile. For God does not show

Pop Clock Update: 574 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 31,625,104 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino