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Do you personally support Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Why or why not?

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Just like Nazi Germany was and it had the Media in the bag !
Same thing with Communist Russia was with it's media in the bag !
The people are being treated as Mushrooms !
Socialism any one !
Socialism claims that their is no such thing as the truth ? that's what they promote.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
"Do most Christians here really support Russia invading Ukraine?"

Christians support mass murder? No way!


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
Ukraine is not going to win this war.
I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people and for the Russian people, both are suffering.
I am afraid that this war is going to develop into a bigger conflict.
But when we look at the bigger picture, Israel, Iran, Egypt, China, India....etc....all predicted in scripture.
We as Christians should not be surprised about what is happening.
And yes, I agree with a previous writer, Biden is not much help.

It's all in the Word of God.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
"Do most Christians here really support Russia invading Ukraine?"

Christians support mass murder? No way!
It is more about that Ukraine has a leader that is not worthy to be a leader at all in fact, he has shown no leadership skills worthy at all, but has brought this all on Ukraine in fact. No one could be so stupid !

Russia has every right to deal with this Puppet that has been put forward, with the help of the Satanic Joe Biden and many other creeps that have personal motives, like having huge investments in Ukraine's Oil and Gas ! not to mention they want to undermine Russia's Key Military Base ? And as anyone who knows the whole History story about this Military Base is that Russia has said it will never let it go ! Because it can not afford to in fact !

The MSM are so full of s--- for they do not bother to inform the people of the reality's.

Russia has to do what it has been forced to do because of Joe Biden interference in matters that is in Russia's back yard !
If anyone in Russia was against having to do this War in Ukraine, they would be a out right Traitor to Russia and working to undermine it's future in fact !

Zelensky could not give a rats about the people at all in them lands, that's clearly the case ! The whole think could of been settled by having a Vote on the Lands in fact, but Zelensky and his side refused to do so because they knew they would totally loose the Vote in fact.

So the Satanist Zelensky and Co brought on the act of War down on the people.
What does one expect from Anti-Christ like Zelensky and Biden and Co, for they have no Grace in fact, they forced Putin's hand in fact and that is a clear as day !

I think it's a Zelensky burnt offering to the people of East Ukraine, offering the Russian Ukrainian up to his gods !
I dare say the Joe Biden will do the same with the people of the USA offering masses of USA people to his gods ?

I believe Biden is an extremely evil man ! who will continue to undermine the USA and let Communist China dominate the USA !

A world War is coming ! Why because such Satanic idiots want to bring it all on and no one could be so stupid to do what they are doing in fact.
They are feeding it all ! It's all Escalate escalate ! on every front they demand to escalate, be it Queers issues or race issues you name it they totally promote all the trouble in fact !

Satanist are very cunning and weak minded people fall for them ! it's just like in the days that the Mob turned on Jesus, because they were brainwashed and did not know what they do ? for they were of this world that is full of delusions and deceptions.
They are Marked People !
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
And in the mean time we are pouring tax payers money into war equipment that is going into a bottomless pit. Plus we take in all the people trying to escape the war, not that I am against that part.....but when will it end???
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
And in the mean time we are pouring tax payers money into war equipment that is going into a bottomless pit. Plus we take in all the people trying to escape the war, not that I am against that part.....but when will it end???
Often wars end when the losses of one side become too unbearable to continue.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Often wars end when the losses of one side become too unbearable to continue.
One could maybe ask why did the War take place ? Now Truly ! lets be honest and look at such from every angle openly ?
Then again one could ask, Was it worth it ! or who was it worth to ?
Are the lives of all killed regardless worthy / or one could ask was it truly worthy to justify such deaths lost ? Someone has to answer for such. Did we have to do so ? in offering up all them people ? who justify such, honestly ! Like for real ! It should never of came to this ! and that's the point that I make.
I am not for the War ! because it's all BS I believe. If they can kick off wars like this that means anyone can kick of a war regardless and get away with it and not to mention that such nonsense can escalate out of control, that other Nations get into the mess ! and it's like a snowball effect rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger out of control. That now we are all in a real pickle !

Stop such madness before it grows out of control, it should of been nipped in the bud early. But I believe that Biden and Co want WW3 and we will loose ! because Biden wants us to lose ! because then his Lot can bring in the NWO ! That's what it's all about !
A World War would see all economy's crash and half of the worlds people will starve to death. It's not the 1940's now ?
If one was to take out the major ports ? what effect would take place ? Just lets say we closed all of the ports down in peace time ? what would be the effect ?

What about all the low life scoundrels that socialist have created nowadays in our own Nations, what would they do in a War time ? They would have to be taken out ? so their would be a war on the outside and another war on the in side going on ? Oh hang on that is going on, but only this will be all out full on. We see how they act in peace time and are encouraged by the MSM and the total BS that the MSM spin. empowering the trash ! look at Floyd that was out right criminal neglect of the MSM painting this dude as a Angel ? So what was the MSM angle ? Just total BS ! idolising trash.

Now what about the attack of the Government against the Media regarding the Vote counting machines ? one could get into that issue ?