It's about time to set China right.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Actually the West / NWO believes in some fairy tale incorporeal false utopia, and wants the world destroyed, because they all believe the Bible, the God of the Bible, and Christ Jesus, are the Evil Demiurge who created this evil physical world, and need to be set free from being imprisoned in the physical world, by the evil gods of the bible - to their twisted minds. But that is all Rock N Roll and Heavy Metal, as well as hollywood, etc.., are all about, secretly hating the physical world.

That is what the Bohemian grove has always been about, and their burning of the Owl Effigy, in their secret Cremation Of Care ceremony, and why FDR gave us the dollar bill with the pyramid and all seeing eye on the obverse of the bill, and the small hidden owl in the dollar bill on it's front as well.

View attachment 32835

And so with the Georgia Guidestones as well, which decalers to maintain humanity at under 500 million on earth. They want to kill 15/16th of us all.
Well the democrats get away with a lot of killing thru abortions, I don't know about the rest of it. But yeah lots of babies killed in past years.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Well the democrats get away with a lot of killing thru abortions, I don't know about the rest of it. But yeah lots of babies killed in past years.
Liberals have been programmed to accept this. Some promote eating them. What's next, killing the elderly?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Liberals have been programmed to accept this. Some promote eating them. What's next, killing the elderly?
I don't think so, if killing the elderly was on the table they wouldn't have pushed so hard for vaccines and face masks during the pandemic.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Well the democrats get away with a lot of killing thru abortions, I don't know about the rest of it. But yeah lots of babies killed in past years.
I do not buy what a lot of people claim they see or hear in the "spirit." It is abused way too much, if you ask me, and as such I'm not too fond of the Charismatic Movement. I believe the flashier gifts of tongues has ceased, and prophecy, or word of knowledge, etc.., would have to be very rare. But several years I heard a preacher on AM radio, before my AM radio had died, talking about what in the spirit, POTUS Clinton had said about "how he will build his kingdom on the skulls of women." And that is in line with their beliefs.
I don't think so, if killing the elderly was on the table they wouldn't have pushed so hard for vaccines and face masks during the pandemic.
Maybe they want their Soylent Green Elderly Fresh?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I do not buy what a lot of people claim they see or hear in the "spirit." It is abused way too much, if you ask me, and as such I'm not too fond of the Charismatic Movement. I believe the flashier gifts of tongues has ceased, and prophecy, or word of knowledge, etc.., would have to be very rare. But several years I heard a preacher on AM radio, before my AM radio had died, talking about what in the spirit, POTUS Clinton had said about "how he will build his kingdom on the skulls of women." And that is in line with their beliefs.

Maybe they want their Soylent Green Elderly Fresh?
Well most politicians are elderly, so I think vaccinating the USA population and masking them was in their best interest to stay alive.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I do not buy what a lot of people claim they see or hear in the "spirit." It is abused way too much, if you ask me, and as such I'm not too fond of the Charismatic Movement. I believe the flashier gifts of tongues has ceased, and prophecy, or word of knowledge, etc.., would have to be very rare. But several years I heard a preacher on AM radio, before my AM radio had died, talking about what in the spirit, POTUS Clinton had said about "how he will build his kingdom on the skulls of women." And that is in line with their beliefs.

Maybe they want their Soylent Green Elderly Fresh?
I just watched that movie recently. lol
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
China knows how to bribe the right traitors!
This has been going on all through out history.

Who is it that created Communist ?
Who is it that created the Nazis ?
Who is it that created WW2 ? and for what ends, one may ask ?

People in the West fed Chinas economy, because of great investments were to be made in doing so and we got cheap products out of such a deal. everyone was a win win deal, but for China was Communist, that's the problem ! Not China it's self.

Now as to after WW2 Traitors sold out to USSR and they got the Bomb ! Now who was it that got Communist Russia the Bomb !

Then again the powers that be, do not want you the public to know how Russia truly got the Bomb ?

I believe that it's bad enough that the USA and UK have Nuclear weapons of mass destruction. but their are others that want everyone to have such a power, now my Freemason mates want such a world, they will happy to give such to the Islamic world ! I said hell no ! never ever give such power to them, you are a fool !

But at the end of the day, we can see who is and has been meddling with the people of the world playing all for fools.

Was their ever a problem with the people of the World ? No ! Was their an issue with the German People ? No ! was their an issue with the Russian people, No ! Everyone can get on in fact ! But for what is the real issue ? Some are playing games ! They must belong to a Club ? and it's they who bring it all on ! and look at all the poor people who are in the firing line ! not to mention the rest who cop the rest of the hell of it.
But people now are still lead astray so easy to follow along with the killing and destruction and I look around and I see people happy to bring such on ! they are blood thirsty ! But Clearly stupid idiots! Why do we not have demonstrations in the streets to oppose this stupid War going on in Ukraine. No one needs it ! but for a few people with big money invested in Gas and Oil ! No one in Ukraine or Russia has Won anything, it's all devastation ! in regards to the People and homes and society and sadly clearly that is a non issue !
I am for Stop the War ! and work it out Diplomatic wise ! and stop using and abusing the People !
But I know that they will not do such because to much money is involved in Gas and Oil and a handful of people stand to make big money, that's who wants and demands War !
Russia wants to look after it's military Base down their and they are not going to give that up for no one ever, come hell of high water, Nuclear weapons clearly come out against anyone who stupid enough to try that on !

It's not the People of the East Ukraine that wanted War at all, they wanted a Vote on the issues and Russia would clearly of won the Vote easy !

Zelensky is not good at all in fact, he is a 3rd rate Political Clown who is not willing to be democratic for the Ukraine people, but has brought this all on them poor people in Ukraine, he knew what would happen and happy to bring such a War on the People and he is in it for the money himself, typical so called Jew who clearly lacks Grace, Same with Joe Biden is clearly a bastard so called Christian clearly in it for the money to be made and no regard for the People at all.

I ask Biden and Zelensky, how do you justify the deaths and destruction etc every day ? or is it just that you do not truly give a rats.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Well the democrats get away with a lot of killing thru abortions, I don't know about the rest of it. But yeah lots of babies killed in past years.
I do not buy what a lot of people claim they see or hear in the "spirit." It is abused way too much, if you ask me, and as such I'm not too fond of the Charismatic Movement. I believe the flashier gifts of tongues has ceased, and prophecy, or word of knowledge, etc.., would have to be very rare. But several years I heard a preacher on AM radio, before my AM radio had died, talking about what in the spirit, POTUS Clinton had said about "how he will build his kingdom on the skulls of women." And that is in line with their beliefs. They justify their hatred for the physical world, by claiming the physical are the copies of the inner self, or the women of pollution so to speak. This is why in the movies, in military and mercenary settings, they always say stuff like "come on ladies," or "pick it up ladies," etc.., to the men.

So Clinton like any new age, hates the physical. For no reason, Clinton gives China MFNS, most favored nation status, fights to get China into the WTO, world trade organization, and begins to export our jobs to China. It was Carter who gave us the community reinvestment act, but it was Clinton, with Cloward and Piven standing behind him, who signed putting the community reinvestment act on steroids, making it racist not to give loans to blacks who could not afford them. And Acorn was created as a result, to harass banks, etc.., And even though I hate the entire Bush Dynasty, it was GWB who had his entire administration related cabinet and secretary positions testifying before congress, no less than 17 times as seen on CSPAN footage, asking Congress to regulate Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and his administration was shouted down as racist every single time. But when they were not ready to crash on their own, George Soros bet against the stock market, and someone issued all kinds of bogus stock shares against the first financial institutions taken down, causing them to fail, and George Soros made over $1 billion dollars betting on this crash, so they could get their Manchurian Candidate, Barack Obama elected, by using an electronic IOU technical trading mechanism, known as the phantom stock share, and costing the world over $50 Trillion Dollars Worldwide, with financial bleeding effects continuing long after.

Then like all of the Democrats, who all follow the Kabballah, while pretending to be Christians, follow the false Kabbalistic practice, that every time the same word is used, or in other words with the same number of letters is used, or the same Gematria value of words so compared, etc.., that they have to be related. So they take the word for the "Seed" used of the woman in Genesis for the promise of the Messiah, is the same word for seed used for Ishmael, and therefore falsely take that Ishmael, or a descendent from him, must be the Messiah? Well that's just plain nuts. Jesus is the Messiah, and not Muhammad, period, end of discussion.

But Carter and the rest of the Democrats are all nuts. They always fight wars for the Muslim Street, always against Dictators of Muslim Nations they don't think who want to empower the Muslim Street to take over the world. So Carter gave the Shah of Iran his nuclear reactors, in kit form, and then brought the Ayatollah Khomeini back to overthrow the Shah. But Khomeini did not like the nuclear reactors, thinking they were evil western technology. And it wasn't until he was replaced, that Iran wanted to build their nuclear reactors, and it was Europe who assembled them for Iran.

But right after president Reagan took over, and became president, before knowing they would not build them for years, that president Reagan bring upset with what Carter did, actually gave Iran newer generation GE nuclear reactors, which would have taken less nuclear fuel to run. But president Clinton did the same as president Carter, and always fought his wars and actions on behalf of the Muslim Street. Liberal Hollywood movies, are all propaganda, which may tell you bits and pieces of truth, but not overly so, as what liberals really do is lie. And there are more than a few movies about the wars and actions president Clinton took, which was always for the benefit of the Muslim Street.

And Clinton's impeachment is even a joke, in the hands of the demonic progressive and woke left. Clinton was guilty of 14 Felonies, and was only impeached on one charge, and one charge alone, merely to reign in all of his criminal activity, just a little, and all of the lying and demonic democrats screamed bloody murder, lying and telling the public how the Republicans were weaponizing Impeachment against their most unholy demon Clinton? Are you kidding me? Clinton is so dirty, demonic, and corrupt, and because we only chose one count to be way too nice, we were weaponizing impeachment against that scum of the earth?

President and Hillary Clinton were guilty of every kind of criminal activity you could think of, including Theft against the WH Post Office, etc.., and thus were guilty of Post Office Gate, and Travel Gate, etc.., if you remember, and even stole Historic Furniture from the WH. And non of this should surprise you, because Bill only married Hillary because she was a Mafia Princess. Her Father Hugh Rodham, was so Hooked Up in the Chicago Mafia, that when Al Capone finally died, that Hugh Rodham inherited the Capone Territories, and you have to be massively hooked up to pull that off. And that is why Hillary Rodham Clinton, kept the Rodham name with hers, because she is proud of her Mafia Heritage.

And Finally in 1994 POTUS Clinton partnered with Russia, and Ukraine, to get Ukraine to give up all it's vast numbers of Nukes, back to Russia, so the NWO, thanks to Clinton could start this slow process of Bringing Russia and the West, to the Brink of Nuclear War On Purpose. Ukraine had the largest number of Nukes, outside of mother Russia, and that evil son of a bitch Clinton made Ukraine give them all back, to bring us now in the end to a Nuclear WW III between Russia and the West. And Russia has more declared nukes than all of the USA and the EU, and thus NATO combined, and at least 1,000 to 1,400, or more, undeclared nukes as well.

Remember how Clinton would build his throne on the skulls of women, well he meant us, he meant the physical world. Sleep tight.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I do not buy what a lot of people claim they see or hear in the "spirit." It is abused way too much, if you ask me, and as such I'm not too fond of the Charismatic Movement. I believe the flashier gifts of tongues has ceased, and prophecy, or word of knowledge, etc.., would have to be very rare. But several years I heard a preacher on AM radio, before my AM radio had died, talking about what in the spirit, POTUS Clinton had said about "how he will build his kingdom on the skulls of women." And that is in line with their beliefs. They justify their hatred for the physical world, by claiming the physical are the copies of the inner self, or the women of pollution so to speak. This is why in the movies, in military and mercenary settings, they always say stuff like "come on ladies," or "pick it up ladies," etc.., to the men.

So Clinton like any new age, hates the physical. For no reason, Clinton gives China MFNS, most favored nation status, fights to get China into the WTO, world trade organization, and begins to export our jobs to China. It was Carter who gave us the community reinvestment act, but it was Clinton, with Cloward and Piven standing behind him, who signed putting the community reinvestment act on steroids, making it racist not to give loans to blacks who could not afford them.
My father is always ranting about the democratic government because I have cystic fibrosis and schizophrenia and because of those problems couldn't hold a job anymore so I tried to get on disability to survive, but they denied me. And my father says: "yet they can pay for all these illegal immigrants and such". And you know what? He's right.

So Clinton and Biden or rather his son are both making tons of money from China? Hmmm, well I have always thought that foreign aid related to money. Like the oil wars and such after the terrorists were killed. Biden pulled out of the oil wars and later demanded oil supply to stop and promoted dictatorship on the use of electric vehicles. Not a lot of sense in what Biden is doing though as the technology for going without oil isn't up to speed yet.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
But honestly I don't think war is justified unless attacked first like 911. But how much extent can a war make after killing the parties responsible? Big moral question that is.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
That is why they have been trying to instigate Putin into starting this nuclear war that will kill 2 billion people, so they can put all of the blame on Putin, and the Christianity Putin claims to confess, for the sake of the antichrist thus using that to attack Putin and Christianity together, for the sake of the rest of the 6 billion people who will be left in the world, for the beginning of the great tribulation.

It's not up to Putin, it's up to God, if we are at the point in Revelation where 1/4 of the earth, or 2 billion people will be killed, and the West collectively will be swept away as both commercial and political babylon, so the rest of the world will have it's own worries as the 6 billion who are left, will have to go thru the great tribulation.

I would be very worried for the 6 billion who are left, because for the 2 billion their time was up.
I'd think it would be suicide for Russia, the bear, and the eagle, USA, due to first strike protocol.
If Russia launched nukes, the US defense grid launches.
There would be no one left to blame in America or Russia.

The fallout would create a nuclear winter which would make the rest of the world suffering and dying.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I'd think it would be suicide for Russia, the bear, and the eagle, USA, due to first strike protocol.
If Russia launched nukes, the US defense grid launches.
There would be no one left to blame in America or Russia.

The fallout would create a nuclear winter which would make the rest of the world suffering and dying.
Maybe so, but it would sure be a big way of population control by the Left.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Maybe so, but it would sure be a big way to reduce the population.
First strikes, yes. However, u think it would annihilate the entire population eventually.


This could be why the billionaires are working to create a living space off world.

Colonize Mars or the Moon or even create a space habitat. Only the rich can make private treks I to space now.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
First strikes, yes. However, u think it would annihilate the entire population eventually.
I think the Libs would be happy with a billion or so.

This could be why the billionaires are working to create a living space off world.

Colonize Mars or the Moon or even create a space habitat. Only the rich can make private treks I to space now.
Ever see the movie "Don't Look Up"? It's funny, but not so far fetched.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Russia and USA go rid of many of their Nuclear weapons from years gone by, but how did they do such truly and the process that is involved in how one does such ?

Not to mention how many Nuclear bombs have been exploded to date ? Now that alone is fine ? So why would many more being exploded be a real problem ?

It's like a mate of mine thinks that if just one more nuclear bomb is exploded the world will end ? and that's what most here think ?
But I said hang on, we have exploded a hell of a lot of such and I may be wrong but I think they were exploding a lot of that on the north and south Poles. So as to try and heat up the water ways and so as too try and create climate change ?
But we are not allowed to know what the hell they are doing.

One dude was saying to me that they were exploding Nuclear down the South Pole and their is a spot where this was done for years on end and they discovered a life form like a very small micro octopus, something that has lived from time began to now still as it was ?
Now some claim that this type of micro octopus has been injected into people when COVID jab came out ? They claim that this micro can live in anything and survive anything radiation even, like a cockroach could survive such.
So why are they finding this Micro in humans blood, or is it all BS.

The world tec is moving too fast for people to keep up and so we loose having a handle on everything ? so people are totally fine with anything jabbed into them. The Doctors are clearly forced to become stooges too the system, that is on par with Nazi Germany.

Not to mention sadly the Governments are hiding too much from the public and too many experimental drugs are being passed with lack of regard ? that even I have to watch over the doctors that feed my mum drugs, I am not impressed with such over the years at all in fact, if we did not stand in and take such issues up I am sure she would of died years ago, no doubt about it at all in fact ! but for we in her family have much more power than most people would or could even get, so as too get the system on it's toes.

Do I trust the Governments and such who are working under them, I sure as Hell don't ! because I have seen to much of that in fact. but I would look smart to the average Joe blow, if I was as only as ignorant as them.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Russia and USA go rid of many of their Nuclear weapons from years gone by, but how did they do such truly and the process that is involved in how one does such ?

Not to mention how many Nuclear bombs have been exploded to date ? Now that alone is fine ? So why would many more being exploded be a real problem ?

It's like a mate of mine thinks that if just one more nuclear bomb is exploded the world will end ? and that's what most here think ?
But I said hang on, we have exploded a hell of a lot of such and I may be wrong but I think they were exploding a lot of that on the north and south Poles. So as to try and heat up the water ways and so as too try and create climate change ?
But we are not allowed to know what the hell they are doing.

One dude was saying to me that they were exploding Nuclear down the South Pole and their is a spot where this was done for years on end and they discovered a life form like a very small micro octopus, something that has lived from time began to now still as it was ?
Now some claim that this type of micro octopus has been injected into people when COVID jab came out ? They claim that this micro can live in anything and survive anything radiation even, like a cockroach could survive such.
So why are they finding this Micro in humans blood, or is it all BS.

The world tec is moving too fast for people to keep up and so we loose having a handle on everything ? so people are totally fine with anything jabbed into them. The Doctors are clearly forced to become stooges too the system, that is on par with Nazi Germany.

Not to mention sadly the Governments are hiding too much from the public and too many experimental drugs are being passed with lack of regard ? that even I have to watch over the doctors that feed my mum drugs, I am not impressed with such over the years at all in fact, if we did not stand in and take such issues up I am sure she would of died years ago, no doubt about it at all in fact ! but for we in her family have much more power than most people would or could even get, so as too get the system on it's toes.

Do I trust the Governments and such who are working under them, I sure as Hell don't ! because I have seen to much of that in fact. but I would look smart to the average Joe blow, if I was as only as ignorant as them.
If we knew all of Uncle Scam's secrets many would die from fright!

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Luke 4
6 And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

The Bible is TRUTH!
Yes, but also the devil is a liar and cannot speak the truth as lying is in his nature. The devil tells these lies all the time; they seem wise though, but he is temporary.
The devil does not have the authority, God has all authority and know that now Christ has all authority, it is correct to say the devil spoke this to Christ, the devil however was lying. God though grants-gives power to whom He wills. And the devil mimics that in speaking to Christ as the devil desires to be God.

Devil said this
Luke 4:6
And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

Christ says this, and He was given this authority by the Father God.

Matthew 28:17-19​

New King James Version​

17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

John 17, Christ has true authority over all people to establish the kingdom of God, which will destroy the devil and all he has, including this world.

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He [a]should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
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