The Left Redefining Words

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Barak Obama opened this Pandora's Box.

American's don't remember this, but before He was their President.........You had a "don't ask don't tell" policy in the USA Military.

Bill Clinton made certain of it.

So, when Obama was vote shopping, he promised the Gay community he would undo that with an executive order, "if elected".

His first day in Office = Executive ORDER......= Gays can be OPEN about their sexuality in the Military.

Pandora was out, and in came...... PROMOTING OF = Gay Adoption, Gay Marriage ......but more than anything else, he was at the forefront of creating the "progressive agenda" that falsely accuses the moral person, the Christian, of being a HATER, "hate speech" if they dont AGREE with the "born this way" cultural remodeling deception.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The Left seems to be good at redefining words:
The Left lives is another reality altogether. It is a reality based upon LIES AND DELUSION. These people are totally under Satan's control, and since he is the Father of Lies, they do exactly what he wants them to do -- STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Remember that Satan is the father of lies. How much easier it is to lie if we redefine the meaning of words.

A good working definition of insanity is to be separated from reality. And what is the ultimate reality? God!

If we recall the story of the Garden of Eden, where Eve was tempted by the serpent, he told Eve that she surely would not die as God promised, if she ate of the forbidden fruit, but she would, in fact, become like God, i.e., being able to define her own truths and rules. How like so many who have turned away from God on the left!

The left is driven by Marxist ideology, which envisions replacing God with the state (government), so they attack religion wherever and however they can get away with it.

I think they have had a very effective plan to undermine and destroy our rights, freedoms, and prosperity. First, they took control over the educational system and stopped truly educating the students. They indoctrinate them now. Then, they took over the national media. The media can then reinforce the Marxist indoctrination that the schools brainwash the students with. Finally, they got control over the government (at least the Democrats) through coruption, buying them off and making them rich.

It is my hope and belief that God will shake this country, and the rest of the world, mightily, not as punishment, but as an act of charity to get us back on the right path and open our eyes to the truth (Him!).
That pretty well sums it up!

But what we can expect--what is actually to occur, is "distress of nations...and men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth" in relatively small enactments that are sure to be denied as even occurring--just as was the case with the first coming of Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
We can talk about putting Sharks on Mars, if that helps you to understand that the Context is : SEX= Reproducing.
And your island example was silly.
See, you shifted the Context of our discussion, to try to hide the fact that GAY (same gender) SEX CANT PRODUCE a Baby.

Don't do that.
A lot of heterosexuals can't reproduce either. Is that a justification to hate the infertile?
, Homosexuality, is defined, not by wearing a rainbow colored suit.
Or Driving a Pink Car.
Follow me?
It's not defined by your prejudice either.

Homosexuality is defined by the sexual lifestyle..

Homosexuality, the LIFESTYLE..... is SAME GENDER Sexual INTERCOURSE.... Its same gender SEX.
Sexual orientation refers to an individuals enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes. Sexual orientation also refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors and membership in a community of others who share those attractions.

Its as much about sex as heterosexuality is about sex.

So, put that on the Island and it will naturally cease to exist because Gay SEX can't reproduce the species.
= No babies.
and if you put heterosexuals on those same divided babies. So being heterosexual must be bad
Remember now, Tinman....We are talking about REPRODUCTION of the Species.
And i'll tell you this again, if you post another dodge and spin, in your next post.
See, if you are HONEST, then you will know what im showing you is a FACT of NATURE.

Fact....= not Reproduce, because their SEX LIFE, is not able to do cause it.
Just like a lot of heterosexuals
Gays do not reproduce, they recruit.
Now that is just a lie.
Even you can figure that one certain of it.
So, This proves that GAY (same gender) unnatural, because it cannot reproduce the Species.

What can?

A man and a woman.
Male and a Female.
Because that is the way God created it.
You can present bad arguments all night long, Homosexuality is a natural variation of human beings.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States

Castrating a Male 6 yr old, and giving them feminizing hormone therapy, and breast implants, is the work of a devil.
It's also a work of fiction....bad fiction at that
And only a deeply disturbed/deceived person with a dead conscience would or could believe otherwise.
what kind of person would lie and say this happens?.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
There are only 2 sexes, it is not fluid. Sex is determined biologically at conception. Male or female.
From the Scientific American Stop Using Phony Science to Justify Transphobia Actual research shows that sex is anything but binary
I didn't say that. An ideology is not a minority group, it's the ideology that is evil. As for "minority groups", transgenders suffer a long list of complications according to medical data, that you don't like.
And what would those be?
An absurd non-sequitur. Sexual dysphoria a sickness being promoted by relativist liberals as normal, it cannot be compared to a car accident.
Try reading that again. All a doctor in Florida has to do is state he thinks that child form the car crash is transgender and he can refuse treatment.
Drag queens promote sexual confusion among children, with severe damaging consequences, as attested by the enormous amount of evidence previously presented.
You havn't presented any evidence.
Worse, it's done behind the back of parents who have no say, and teachers can get fired if the object to the amoral nonsense promoted by government curriculums. So yea, diabolical transgenderism is being forced in schools, libraries and museums. The Dodgers game today, what will it be tomorrow?
Playing the "clergy sex abuse card" is an off topic derailer because you have no case defending transgenderism. You're grasping at straws.
Drag queens are not the ones hurting children
They took a racist depiction of a slave off of the pancake box


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
Barak Obama opened this Pandora's Box.

American's don't remember this, but before He was their President.........You had a "don't ask don't tell" policy in the USA Military.

Bill Clinton made certain of it.

So, when Obama was vote shopping, he promised the Gay community he would undo that with an executive order, "if elected".
Because no one should have to hide who they are because of the fear and prejudice of others.
His first day in Office = Executive ORDER......= Gays can be OPEN about their sexuality in the Military.
it was actually 2 years in to his first term

Pandora was out, and in came...... PROMOTING OF = Gay Adoption, Gay Marriage ......but more than anything else, he was at the forefront of creating the "progressive agenda" that falsely accuses the moral person, the Christian, of being a HATER, "hate speech" if they dont AGREE with the "born this way" cultural remodeling deception.
Moral people don't promote or support discrimination.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Scientific American, a once-revered science magazine, has devolved into another left-wing propaganda outlet under the warped stewardship of its liberal editor-in-chief, Laura Helmuth.

This week, Helmuth was lampooned on social media and fact-checked by Twitter’s truth team for pushing the bird-brained, Democratic talking point that there are more than two biological sexes.

“White-throated sparrows have four chromosomally distinct sexes that pair up in fascinating ways,” she tweeted Wednesday.

The tweet linked to a Scientific American article that read: “Looking at White-throats in the breeding season, we see four distinct types. To oversimplify, we could call them super-aggressive males, more nurturing males, somewhat aggressive females, and super-nurturing females.

“It’s almost as if the White-throated Sparrow has four sexes. That may sound like a joke, but it’s actually a good description of what’s going on.”​

Helmuth’s absurd tweet received an “Added Context” notification through Twitter’s Community Notes feature, which explained: “White-throated sparrows have 2 sexes with 4 unique chromosome combinations.
And what would those be?
Do I have to post them 3 times?
The first of our three reports will focus on school curricula examples of the way transgender subjects will be presented. The second covers the physical damage that is being done, and
the third examines the psychological damage.

Please disseminate these reports widely. There is much at stake, including the well-being of our children.

To read Part I click here.

To read Part II click here.

To read Part III click here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020

It is becoming ever more clear that those who run the American Psychological Association (APA) are suffering from a mental breakdown. It is now promoting “relationship anarchy,” as well as other dysfunctional behaviors. To the APA, about the only deviant sexual behavior that is left in American society is what most of us would call normal heterosexual monogamous unions.

Its descent is traceable to 1975 when it decided to support the position of the American Psychiatric Association declaring that homosexuality was not a mental illness. That determination, which was reached in 1973, was not based on any new scientific empirical evidence; rather, it was made following years of bullying by radical gay activists.

The APA is on a tear. Earlier this year it made a strong political statement attacking men [read: heterosexual men]. It opined that a pernicious “masculine ideology” has overtaken society and must be rooted out. What are the contents of this ideology? “Anti-femininity,” which is to say the normal male tendency not to identify with effeminate men. It also includes such dangerous attributes as “achievement.” Evidently, it does not see the sexism in this statement (it implies that women are not achievement oriented).

The latest APA endorsement of polygamy and swinging (and my favorite, the all-inclusive “relationship anarchy”) was announced recently as part of the APA’s “Non-Monogamy Task Force” program; it says it is promoting “inclusivity.” It has not yet endorsed bestiality (which is no doubt a tribute to the animal rights folks), but who knows what lies beyond the bend? That may be next. Isn’t that what “inclusivity” is all about?

Ten years ago a book was released by three psychologists, Nicholas Cummings, William O’Donohue, and Janet Cummings, titled Psychology’s War on Religion. Bill Donohue contributed the chapter, “The War on Catholicism.”

Donohue quoted Freud as saying “my real enemy” is “the Roman Catholic Church.” He also detailed Jung’s pathological hatred of the Catholic Church. Many other wizards in the field who shared the same bias were discussed as well. Make no mistake about it, there is a direct line between this kind of thinking and the APA’s embrace of “relationship anarchy.”

Let’s face it, the APA leadership is actively pushing the radical gay agenda, the goal of which is to eradicate the cultural basis of Western civilization, namely the Judeo-Christian ethos. Their ideology is so entrenched that they are unable to see the psychological and social damage that is done to everyone, especially women and children, when a sexual ethic based on restraint is destroyed. And have they not learned of the body count attributed to lethal sex practices?
The APA is not a scientific body—it is an activist organization in service to sexual libertinism.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Satan is clearly in control of the public school system. If he can warp children's minds the next generation will be ultra Satanic with full approval by Liberals!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Satan is clearly in control of the public school system. If he can warp children's minds the next generation will be ultra Satanic!
You will never see a judicial enquiry on public school teachers, where sex abuse is rampant.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
Scientific American, a once-revered science magazine, has devolved into another left-wing propaganda outlet under the warped stewardship of its liberal editor-in-chief, Laura Helmuth.
Does this have anything to do with the article linked? No.