Donald Trump says he will be a 'dictator'...

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Feb 6, 2018
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I believe you to be wrong. So, I disagree.

Disagreeing is what adults do.

Knowing why one disagrees is wisdom.

Playing “I’m right, “you’re wrong”, is what “pot stirrer’s do”.

Just sayin…
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Disagreeing is what adults do.

Knowing why one disagrees is wisdom.

Playing “I’m right, “you’re wrong”, is what “pot stirrer’s do”.

Just sayin…

I'm not stirring the pot. I am simply losing interest in endless debating the older I get.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
What are your “interests” ?

Not interested in listing them here.

Me saying that he doesn't represent my interests should be enough to show that I don't agree with the man and I was simply giving a reason on why I don't hate him.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Not interested in listing them here.

Me saying that he doesn't represent my interests should be enough to show that I don't agree with the man and I was simply giving a reason on why I don't hate him.

Hate or not matters not to me.
Why or not is not to your liking to discuss.
No need to continue with you.


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Feb 6, 2018
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One polling station showed how the election was stolen so to give Trump votes to Biden,a racist, and Biden votes to Trump.

The Dominion, love the name, voting machines were not allowed by Dominion to be investigated when the charge of tampering was levied. So a polling station did their own test before Dominion agents could collect the machine evidence.

Video of a point station employee pulling out boxes of "mail in" ballots didn't seem to matter to investigators either. Nor that boxes of mail-ins were found on the side of an Interstate shortly after the collection and counting closed.

Biden didn't win. The one factor those colluding to steal the 2020 election didn't bank on was this. No one who knows Biden is a racist,which is why his VP is cored but is not a Negro, would Believe Joey got more of the black vote in 2020 than did BHO in both of his elections.

But Trump would. And did.

Hear that, Corn pop?

But Trump haters love that a pro-late term abortion Traitor represents their interests.

Everything, from the hired false ballot preparers, dead of night ballot drop offs, supervisors, handlers changing ballots, handlers throwing out ballots, hiding behind closed doors and covered windows, last minute illegal changes, more ballots claimed numbers than people in the district, dead persons having supposedly cast a ballot, the machines, the numbers switching live on TV from Trump to Biden, the under oath depositions and testimonies of watchers identifying the fraud, and challenging the fraud ignored by the courts as “business as usual”. No legal need to further consider because a level of fraud (not unintended mistake) but literal fraud is usual.

They have for decades “reformed” ie TINKERED with a perfect system and every time their “tinkering” fails they propose More “reforms” that just keep making it worse and worse and wide open for more fraud.

Did you by chance search the article of Cheater, who laid out How he does it, and that he has been part of a conspiracy for years?

Democratic operative says he's been committing voter fraud for decades and warns 'war coming November 3rd over this stuff'

Several newspapers and news outlets carried his story.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
He didnt do it the first time. And he had a rep house and senate at first.
IMO, he also had every greedy, ill-reputed, corrupted, long term politician AGAINST him bc he was NOT from the good ole boy network rather he was a business man trying to re-direct the evils of our government back to The People !


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Feb 6, 2018
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IMO, he also had every greedy, ill-reputed, corrupted, long term politician AGAINST him bc he was NOT from the good ole boy network rather he was a business man trying to re-direct the evils of our government back to The People !

I call that Trump doing his best despite a DAGGAR being stuck in his Back.

It is NOT a big secret “POLI - TIC - ions” Business as usual IS cheating and back stabbing.

It is NOT a big secret “the District of Corruption” ie DC is Full of “Long Seated Corrupt Politicians”…. Whose sole JOB has BECOME to: “busy themselves with “trading the peoples liberties to the highest Lobbyist bidder” and “making unconstitutional laws” to “fulfill” the Lobbyist’s “puppeteer’s” demand FOR the Politicians personal monetary gain.

The POLItiCIANS, do NOT represent their Constituents…as SERVANTS…they LEAD their Constituents with Fear, Fluffy Promises of Freebies, and dole out Scraps, needles, drugs, abortions, tents for their designated freebie land slums ridden with disease, feces, urine, garbage and That simply being an all round despicable dumping ground for their usefulness Only being “their ballot” every four years.

WHO is so Blind, to Not see such deplorable dumping grounds in middle of every major Democrat Politically controlled city?
(Aw ‘the homeless’…is all over the news, is yapped up, gee, that is terrible….and the solution? Working class should send More Tax dollars……to the very same Pockets who created the crisis….)
What a novel idea….Pfff!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
I call that Trump doing his best despite a DAGGAR being stuck in his Back.

It is NOT a big secret “POLI - TIC - ions” Business as usual IS cheating and back stabbing.

It is NOT a big secret “the District of Corruption” ie DC is Full of “Long Seated Corrupt Politicians”…. Whose sole JOB has BECOME to: “busy themselves with “trading the peoples liberties to the highest Lobbyist bidder” and “making unconstitutional laws” to “fulfill” the Lobbyist’s “puppeteer’s” demand FOR the Politicians personal monetary gain.

The POLItiCIANS, do NOT represent their Constituents…as SERVANTS…they LEAD their Constituents with Fear, Fluffy Promises of Freebies, and dole out Scraps, needles, drugs, abortions, tents for their designated freebie land slums ridden with disease, feces, urine, garbage and That simply being an all round despicable dumping ground for their usefulness Only being “their ballot” every four years.

WHO is so Blind, to Not see such deplorable dumping grounds in middle of every major Democrat Politically controlled city?
(Aw ‘the homeless’…is all over the news, is yapped up, gee, that is terrible….and the solution? Working class should send More Tax dollars……to the very same Pockets who created the crisis….)
What a novel idea….Pfff!
Yet the masses continue to be duped, deceived and rely on these corrupt politicians for these FAKE EMPTY promises.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Yet the masses continue to be duped, deceived and rely on these corrupt politicians for these FAKE EMPTY promises.

It is the masses rich or poor who are UN-educated as is scripturally taught According to Godly Standards and Principles…

Education in America BEGAN in the homes, with the Bible the number One Book, then accounts of reading, writing, history, math, health and taking care of ones own family.

Once the States took over the “record keeping”….and began “dictating” qualifications and curriculums….and the Feds began offering “TRADE deals to the States”…that “The Feds dictate the Rules for a trade off of Money into the States coffers”….Bit by Bit the People’s Liberty to decide what, when, how their own children’s education AND directly pay out of their own pockets their own Children’s Education….Everything began to slide down a slippery slope of underhandedness and deceit.
The “modern” school books are written and published by anti-godly wicked men and women….
The “independent school districts” have bit by bit been disappearing.
The “modern” schools have become “babysitting institutions”, “million dollar food dispensaries” and “multi-million dollar extra curricular institutions”….”with”….wicked counselors “secretly” counseling and encouraging little children to be immoral and anti-godly AND praising them with back-patting and trinkets (and even drugs), to go along with Wicked and Evil Agendas.

Ya think God is NOT Observing? Not noticing the US school “systems” being the caretakers of little children, day after day, year after year….AND watching His “supposed”, “claiming” to be His People….daily, year after year, sending their own children off to these government established hell holes?

Ya think the Parents, do not Notice, their own childs’ behavior at home…sneakiness, lying, stinginess, laziness, demanding….pretense they run the household? <—- THAT is not a natural behavior…——> THAT is a learned behavior.

When a chid commits a serious legal infraction….the Parent says, “I didn’t raise them to be like that”. No Kidding! You sent your child off daily, year after year for strangers to raise your child “to be like that”!
And your child Trusted You, that they trust those YOU sent them to, day after day, year after year.

What a sad, deceitful, corrupt, underhanded mess heaped upon the children.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
You sent your child off daily, year after year for strangers to raise your child “to be like that”!

What is your solution? Homeschooling?

I know I cannot stay home and homeschool my kids and I only get them on the weekends as I have to work. Their mom has lost alot of her cognitive ability and would not be able to teach them.

So, what is your solution?

What about two income households? What do you want them to do? It takes money and a lot of time to homeschool. Neither of which a two income household would have.

Remember, not every family can keep one parent home and still have a roof over their heads.

I do what I can when I have my two little ones to teach them manners and to teach them right from wrong as I was taught from my own mother and grandparents. I didn't have a father figure till I was 16 and he was more like a brother as he is only 10 years older than me.

Please do not read accusation or attitude in the above. I'm at work and typing in a hurry.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
I'm sorry for your situation @Naomanos .

All the problems of 2 income family due to higher taxes & inflation, all the fractured families, the homeless vets, women & children, lawlessness, ect comes by way of BIG government & little ppl's states.

It is too late now as we near the end of this world's age, but we must NOT quit trying to change what IS.


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
What is your solution? Homeschooling?

I know I cannot stay home and homeschool my kids and I only get them on the weekends as I have to work. Their mom has lost alot of her cognitive ability and would not be able to teach them.

So, what is your solution?

What about two income households? What do you want them to do? It takes money and a lot of time to homeschool. Neither of which a two income household would have.

Remember, not every family can keep one parent home and still have a roof over their heads.

I do what I can when I have my two little ones to teach them manners and to teach them right from wrong as I was taught from my own mother and grandparents. I didn't have a father figure till I was 16 and he was more like a brother as he is only 10 years older than me.

“Homeschool”……No! That is in many States a “legal term”.

“School at a ‘home’” ? Yes.

If you do not understand the “Construction” of Laws…such as they can and do “redefine” common use language/words to have “legal meanings” you can find yourself slapped with fines.

Many State laws Define “homeschool” according to “THEIR” dictation of curriculum and “teachers” and books and teaching “space” in the home and “reporting to them”.

(Same thing the States are attempting and have established laws, FOR “babysitters”, or whom they decide is “qualified”, allowable, etc.)

No doubt is his Harder to KEEP and Exercise your Rights to KEEP your Liberty, than it is to say, oh well, THEY Said so, so that is what I have to do. That is a Hoax.

At different times, I have schooled at home, relatives and non-relatives…according to a schedule, materials, agreeable to me and a Parent, without asking any government “IF” it is okay or approved by “them”!
It is not LAW breaking. It is called LAW nullifying. Which simply means to NOT include a child IN their “system”, thus not required to obey their system.

If a child HAS been “enrolled” in a government “system”…it was by agreement of the Parents. The “agreement” MUST be revoked.

It seems you have a ‘split” parent household…perhaps a divorce, whereby the children are here and there between parents, which no doubt complicates two parents no longer together trying to make agreeable decisions for their children.

And no doubt the corrupt ‘system’ of “property taxation” whereby a portion of which is sent into the Schools budget coffers, whether or not a household is sending children to a school-house.

Aside from that…no doubt as well a difficult task to search and locate a willing person to “babysit” and “teach” your children for an agreed upon daily routine, that would be paid out of your own pocket.
Food, transportation, blah,blah…also your responsibility.

The options are endless, but the work to accomplish is tedious.

If you recall, in Scripture, Kings solicited Jewish “Children” to come and “TEACH” science to the Kings select citizens.
(Dan 1:4)

Modernly that is simply called “a tutor”.
If your x-wife is where the children primarily are, any time your X is home, a student could be paid a small sum to “tutor”, on a workable schedule.

There are also ON-LINE schools, which obviously require in-depth researching and approval and oversight of the parent to know what their child is being FED/taught….and of course access to a computer, tablet.

Bottom line…Love is what is DOING that which is Right, regardless of the consequences (ie difficultly, inconvenience).

And Remember, if at any time you should decide to NO LONGER have your children in a governmentally funded school….
WITHDRAWL verbally in person and by proof of certified letter. “They” will not “give you their school records” (But you can ask for and offer to pay for complete Copies). “They” will ask where you intend TO “enroll” them. (So they can SEND their school-records)…Give no answer. It is not their business, if no records need to be sent to another school.

The importance of “withdrawl”…is otherwise you can be arrested and fined (in some States 500-1,000+) for allowing your child to not be in school as you agreed, when they were enrolled.

And BTW, children schooled at home, whereby the household is still paying property taxes……the child continues to have a right to participate in extra curricular activities. And your responsibility to transport them to and from that activity, practices and such.

While this is a long post, it is brief in options a parent has to take care of their own children in the manner the parent sees fit.

It is not news…of the LORDS teaching to rehearse in the ears of His people, the things and manners in the way of the Lord.
^ IS that in the US, public school system? Pfff. No.

Ex 17:
[14] And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
“Homeschool”……No! That is in many States a “legal term”.

“School at a ‘home’” ? Yes.

If you do not understand the “Construction” of Laws…such as they can and do “redefine” common use language/words to have “legal meanings” you can find yourself slapped with fines.

Many State laws Define “homeschool” according to “THEIR” dictation of curriculum and “teachers” and books and teaching “space” in the home and “reporting to them”.

(Same thing the States are attempting and have established laws, FOR “babysitters”, or whom they decide is “qualified”, allowable, etc.)

No doubt is his Harder to KEEP and Exercise your Rights to KEEP your Liberty, than it is to say, oh well, THEY Said so, so that is what I have to do. That is a Hoax.

At different times, I have schooled at home, relatives and non-relatives…according to a schedule, materials, agreeable to me and a Parent, without asking any government “IF” it is okay or approved by “them”!
It is not LAW breaking. It is called LAW nullifying. Which simply means to NOT include a child IN their “system”, thus not required to obey their system.

If a child HAS been “enrolled” in a government “system”…it was by agreement of the Parents. The “agreement” MUST be revoked.

It seems you have a ‘split” parent household…perhaps a divorce, whereby the children are here and there between parents, which no doubt complicates two parents no longer together trying to make agreeable decisions for their children.

And no doubt the corrupt ‘system’ of “property taxation” whereby a portion of which is sent into the Schools budget coffers, whether or not a household is sending children to a school-house.

Aside from that…no doubt as well a difficult task to search and locate a willing person to “babysit” and “teach” your children for an agreed upon daily routine, that would be paid out of your own pocket.
Food, transportation, blah,blah…also your responsibility.

The options are endless, but the work to accomplish is tedious.

If you recall, in Scripture, Kings solicited Jewish “Children” to come and “TEACH” science to the Kings select citizens.
(Dan 1:4)

Modernly that is simply called “a tutor”.
If your x-wife is where the children primarily are, any time your X is home, a student could be paid a small sum to “tutor”, on a workable schedule.

There are also ON-LINE schools, which obviously require in-depth researching and approval and oversight of the parent to know what their child is being FED/taught….and of course access to a computer, tablet.

Bottom line…Love is what is DOING that which is Right, regardless of the consequences (ie difficultly, inconvenience).

And Remember, if at any time you should decide to NO LONGER have your children in a governmentally funded school….
WITHDRAWL verbally in person and by proof of certified letter. “They” will not “give you their school records” (But you can ask for and offer to pay for complete Copies). “They” will ask where you intend TO “enroll” them. (So they can SEND their school-records)…Give no answer. It is not their business, if no records need to be sent to another school.

The importance of “withdrawl”…is otherwise you can be arrested and fined (in some States 500-1,000+) for allowing your child to not be in school as you agreed, when they were enrolled.

And BTW, children schooled at home, whereby the household is still paying property taxes……the child continues to have a right to participate in extra curricular activities. And your responsibility to transport them to and from that activity, practices and such.

While this is a long post, it is brief in options a parent has to take care of their own children in the manner the parent sees fit.

It is not news…of the LORDS teaching to rehearse in the ears of His people, the things and manners in the way of the Lord.
^ that in the US, public school system? Pfff.

Ex 17:
[14] And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

Glory to God,

Neither of us have that kind of money, to pay a tutor. Yes, it can be done online, they still need someone to help them. She cannot do that and having them 4 days a month doesn't exactly allow me to help them. They live too far away for me to go over there and help each night.

Homeschooled or schooled at home is semantics. They mean the same thing as far as I am concerned. They are still learning at home.

My kids will stay in public school as that is the option that works for us, both income and time wise.

Thank you for responding!


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Feb 6, 2018
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Neither of us have that kind of money, to pay a tutor. Yes, it can be done online, they still need someone to help them. She cannot do that and having them 4 days a month doesn't exactly allow me to help them. They live too far away for me to go over there and help each night.

Yep, that is a conundrum. Which makes your little time spent with them all the more critically important.

Homeschooled or schooled at home is semantics. They mean the same thing as far as I am concerned. They are still learning at home.

You didn’t pay attention…it is not LEGALLY the same, and people who decide to abruptly stop sending their kids to SCHOOL quickly find themselves entangled in a LEGAL mess…some even having their children removed from their homes….Because Ignorance of the law is no defense…and Because the Law IS Published, the Government shall prevail.

My kids will stay in public school as that is the option that works for us, both income and time wise.

Of course your option as works best for you.
We have an adult deaf child that is a very long distance from us…and we do take advantage of “phone face-time”…to maintain a routine personal relationship. Don’t know if that is possibility for you and your children…but maybe think about that.

Thank you for responding!

You are welcome.
God Bless you.



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I have no issue with anyone who wants to announce their own “TAG”;
Religiously, Politically, etc.
But do have an issue with one Deciding who an other “worships”, and what an other “hates’.

Politically….I can NOT STAND for or with “POLI - (one of many) TICSians (blood sucking creatures).

Politically … Personally … I LIKE Trump, which is a far cry from “worshiping” the man.

Politically … Everything Trump “attempted” to do, (with the adversity of Congress trying to foil his efforts) AND (the non-stop accusations WITHOUT evidence)…
AND Everything he DID accomplish was for the Betterment OF “all” the American Citizenry’s Pocket book.

Personally … His hair, food likes, his personal likes, his family relationships, his Christian mentors, his wealth… under attack 24-7 …
“AS IF”… THOSE THINGS have one iota to do with being a qualified candidate to sit in the People’s Office.

Personally … Trump LIKES beautiful things…and beautiful people… So? Does anyone announce their preference is the opposite ?

Personally … Trump LIKES business adventures… He has invested his money, his risk, his time, solely and partnered in over 500 hundred companies. Many of his risks have provided JOBS for thousands of men and women. How Cruel is that? And a handful did not succeed. Awe… how dare he not be all-knowing a few of his risks would cause him a money loss? How dare he use the Law to minimize his loss?

How dare he want to CLOSE a US border that is daily bombarded with thousands upon thousands of unknown law-breaking foreigners? And the COST posed for every law-breaking foreigner that enters the US?
Millions and Millions of Dollars….and in some cases the DEATHS of American Citizens!
The US has immigration LAWS. They do not need to be REFORMED…they need to be ENFORCED!

How to ENFORCE Immigration Laws? How to PROTECT the Liberty and Lives of Americans IN their own homeland from Law-breaking Foreigners?
Does the US NOT have a standing ARMY? Where ARE THEY?
Oh yeah…THEY are BUSY PROTECTING the BORDERS and LIVES of Foreigners IN “their” nations.

Does the US, NOT have the FUNDS, the Army Personal to SECURE the US Border?
The FUNDS for the Army (who is policing foreign nations)….PAID FOR OUT OF the American citizens PURSE…
** What an INSANE proposal for TRUMP to push for (and be shut down by the American citizens Congressional Representatives) to SECURE the Liberty and Lives of the American citizens IN “THEIR” own homeland!

And what about that….Paris climate accord?
The MAJORITY of world nations ALL ON BOARD….and TRUMP…(how dare he WITH-DRAW the US)? How DARE he TROT himself FRONT and CENTER in the photos opt as the Representative of the AMERICAN PEOPLE….? And WHY?
While the majority of world nations AGREED TO the Accord….YEARLY FUNDING “FROM”EACH world NATIONs was A “BIG PART” of the AGREEMENT!
AND? DID TRUMP trot FRONT and CENTER of the PHOTO opt, representing the American People’s FUNDING? Yes.
WHY? Because the American People…NOT ONLY funded what they AGREED to….BUT FOR YEARS have ALSO been funding what OTHER nations AGREED to PAY…
And THAT ^^ is precisely WHY TRUMP withdrew the US from THAT “corrupt” AGREEMENT….with the CAVEAT….UNTIL a “PROPER” Agreement could be put in place.
** HOW DARE Trump not want the American Citizenry to be Responsible FOR Foreign Nations Failure to uphold their own Agreement!!

Oh….TRUMP…golly gee…have you Heard the words coming out of his mouth when he is speaking “to the American People”?
I have! It is the SAME words I can hear…on American tv, American movies, American stores, American streets, American homes regardless if their home is in an affluent or ghetto neighborhood!
But, But, But a President “should sound Presidential”!! What does THAT mean? Use words school drop-outs do not understand and talk in circles saying nothing that makes sense? (Yabba, dabba, Biden…Harris…can ya dig it?)
….How dare Trump speak to the American People in words they ALL understand and the majority themselves speak? Pfff.

Oh and the GREED of TRUMP…a lavish personal home…filled with lavish things…So?
DID the American People pay for those things?
How ABOUT Trumps SALARY as President?
Oh….so GREEDY….he by LAW accepted his SALARY…then Donated it ALL to charities.

REALLY…come on now…ANYONE??
What is your REAL BEEF with TRUMP
Talk is cheap ...he says one thing and doesn't follow through. He said he was bringing Hillary down and didn't. He talks a big talk. And he is worshiped by the so-called Jews (seed of satan) who run the nation of Israel. He is big in the "peace deal" and the rebuilding of the 3rd temple... which is necessary for the appearance of the antichrist.

And I DO believe that one's loyalty to Jesus Christ is relevant and most important in our leaders.

Psalm 9:17
[17]The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

My "beef with Trump"? God revealed to me before Trump entered the WH that there is a seducing spirit working through him that would take over the minds of his followers and blind them to what/who he truly is. I saw that happen. And I'm watching it continue. I believe God's report over men's opinions.

And I have close firsthand witness accounts of the evil things he has done, and he has not changed. He to this day is working hard to cover his tracks. Tell me why a man of God or even just an honest and good man ....would have to gut his entire aircraft (in the midst of all the awareness of human trafficking, people coming down and being exposed, etc) because it wreaks of human excrement?!! His upholstery, his carpets ....even the woodwork ....all had to be taken out and refurbished. I know, bc this is a person close to me who I know ....who did the work in Trump's plane. Not 15 or 20 years ago ......but less than a year ago!! And that reno took over a year. The report was that it smelled like the US Marshall's aircraft. When I asked what they meant ....they said it stank like urine/feces. I'm shaking my head .....

Yes, stating this can get me into major trouble. But I serve the one true and Living God ....they have to go through Him to touch me!!

EDIT: And before anyone tries to say I said what I didn't say....
I am not saying Jews are evil. They are not... although, they do need to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. I am saying that those who run the nation (their government) are not Jews. They are those who say they are Jews, and are not ...but are of the synagogue of satan. The book of Revelation talks about them as the synagogue of satan. And that is what they are.
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Feb 6, 2018
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Talk is cheap ...he says one thing and doesn't follow through. He said he was bringing Hillary down and didn't.

He took away her ability to be seated in the People’s House / Office.

Did you expect His Presidency to be spent Focused on Hillary? What a waste of time, effort, money, corrupt courts that would have been, when his JOB was to Serve the People.

He talks a big talk.

He accomplished big things, and could have accomplished more with an ounce of support by “supposed” sitting godly, Liberty loving associates.

And he is worshiped by the so-called Jews (seed of satan) who run the nation of Israel.

Oh come on….QUOTE ONE Jew (or Gentile) who is on bended knee, speaking words of worship to Trump! What a load of nonsense.

He is big in the "peace deal" and the rebuilding of the 3rd temple... which is necessary for the appearance of the antichrist.

He fosters peace for enemies of Israel to stop killing Israelites …. And that bugs you?

Have you forgotten the earthly father Abraham and Gods promise to him and those also are sons of Abraham?

Gen 12:
[3] And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

And I DO believe that one's loyalty to Jesus Christ is relevant and most important in our leaders.

Can’t speak for you, but can disagree with you.
The US was established on Biblical standards and principles…in the Year of OUR LORD.
And No, “leaders” were not established…SERVANTS of the People was established, with a express LIMITATION of their duty while being a SERVANT.

My "beef with Trump"? God revealed to me before Trump entered the WH that there is a seducing spirit working through him that would take over the minds of his followers and blind them to what/who he truly is. I saw that happen. And I'm watching it continue. I believe God's report over men's opinions.

And? So what’s the big reveal that which Trump has done that you were supposedly warned about? You simply saying people are worshiping him and people’s minds are taken over isn’t evidence of anything.

And I have close firsthand witness accounts of the evil things he has done, and he has not changed.

And, that is not my knowledge. I don’t believe or expect a Human is perfect or beyond forgiveness. I don’t expect to voice hiring and seating a servant in the WH, but to Be an upstanding Servant of the Citizens of the US. I find Trump served the American citizens with a dagger in his back, as best as could be expected.

He to this day is working hard to cover his tracks.

Personally I think his work ethic is to always work hard.

Tell me why a man of God or even just an honest and good man ....would have to gut his entire aircraft (in the midst of all the awareness of human trafficking, people coming down and being exposed, etc) because it wreaks of human excrement?!! His upholstery, his carpets ....even the woodwork ....all had to be taken out and refurbished. I know, bc this is a person close to me who I know ....who did the work in Trump's plane. Not 15 or 20 years ago ......but less than a year ago!! And that reno took over a year. The report was that it smelled like the US Marshall's aircraft. When I asked what they meant ....they said it stank like urine/feces. I'm shaking my head .....

Are you accusing Trump of being involved in human trafficking?
His private jet was not bought new. It has had other owners. And anyone with a back-ground in remodeling….homes, rv, planes….would know, carpets and upholstery stink and a bathroom is the most putrid smell that consumes the air. Especially in RV’s and Planes that have nasty stinking holding tanks.
Even on commercial air-lines the seats and carpets are filthy…and BTW the seats near the restroom are routinely used by plumbers to lay their nasty toilet repair tools.

Yes, stating this can get me into major trouble. But I serve the one true and Living God ....they have to go through Him to touch me!!

I realize you have a personal history, but if Trump was not part of that, be Cautious of implications without evidence, other than “some guy said he worked on Trumps plane remodel and it stunk”….
Go lift your toilet off its seal, and see if your whole home doesn’t stink within hours.

EDIT: And before anyone tries to say I said what I didn't say....
I am not saying Jews are evil. They are not... although, they do need to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. I am saying that those who run the nation (their government) are not Jews. They are those who say they are Jews, and are not ...but are of the synagogue of satan. The book of Revelation talks about them as the synagogue of satan. And that is what they are.

I get your point. Not an issue with me. God has that already handled. Not for us to decided who’s who.

Disagree with you. Don’t see any concrete evidence to support your perspective.

Glory to God,

Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
IMO, he also had every greedy, ill-reputed, corrupted, long term politician AGAINST him bc he was NOT from the good ole boy network rather he was a business man trying to re-direct the evils of our government back to The People !
And his VP was a Democrat and a mole for his party. Many in President Trump's cabinet were too. He was sabotaged from day 1.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
And his VP was a Democrat and a mole for his party. Many in President Trump's cabinet were too. He was sabotaged from day 1.
I agree.
If he had not be fought against by these in such under-handed ways we would have had safer borders, lower taxes, a better military and he would have accomplished many more of his campaign promises !
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