Was Bible Possession banned by the Catholic Church

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
During my years as active Catholic [ended in 1961], I never knew a Catholic who read the Bible. There was only one Bible in our home, but no one read it.

This 3-year Bible reading practice apparently began with the Vatican II which occurred after I was gone into the world. I was an altar boy for many years and loved it when the priest read from the Bible. I always wished he would read more of it than he did. No one else read from the Bible but him while I was in attendance.

In 1976 when God drew me back to Him through what you would call a Protestant church, I also began reading the whole of the Bible for the first time in my life, It opened up a world I had never seen or experienced before. For many years now I have been reading the Bible every day during my morning times with God. No vacations from God!
Hi amadeus,

It saddens me to hear that even though you had a bible in your home, your parents didn't read it to you as a child. Since you "loved it when the priest read from the Bible" why didn't you, on your own, read the Bible that your parents provided you? If your parents had read the Bible to you as a child, do you think you would have remained Catholic?

Maybe they were old school Catholics and thought that they didn't have to read the bible to you since you were getting weekly bible readings in church. ESPECIALLY if you attended a Catholic school, they probably felt that was enough! Did you go to a Catholic school?

It sounds like after 15 years of wandering in the wilderness you had a life changing event in 1976 and God drew you back to him via a Protestant church. I am glad you got back to church and back to Christ. What did you hear from that Protestant pastor in that Protestant church in 1976 that made you realize that your parents taught you wrong about God and Christianity? Was there that eureka moment? Or was it over time the more you read and the more "experienced" the more you realized that your parents were wrong, and you, or that Protestant pastor, were right?



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
As to the blood and flesh of Jesus: Do I not consume them every day?

Help us dear Lord!
Hey amadeus,

Your cryptic response to @Augustin56 is a bit confusing to me. Maybe Augustin deciphered it.....but I can't. :(

Augustin mentioned, "the Holy Eucharist, which is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ,". You then asked the question, without answering it, Do I not consume them every day?

Soooo only YOU can answer that question. Do you consume the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ? You seem to be (cryptically) suggesting that you do, but you don't say that you do or if you do how you do.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Why would she?

It be a member of the catholics and remain in good standing one must agree to not think for themselves and instead bow down in submission to the cat with the collar on.
I know that you adhere to Scripture BB Johnson:

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they watch over your souls as those who must give an account. Let them do this with joy and not complaining, for that would not be profitable to you. Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers,....And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you,

What leader/elder/overseer that the Holy Ghost has chosen rules over you and admonishes YOU BB Johnson?

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Adding my threepenny worth.
This Catholic site acknowledges that the rcc did stop the laity from reading the bible......

One has to face the unpleasant fact that the rcc is very economical with the truth.


You do realize that it is an ANTI-Catholic website? What you said is not the truth.

QUOTES from the website and its creator Joshep Mizzi: I left the Roman Catholic church........My criticism of some aspects of Roman Catholic religion.... I want to present the biblical truth.....The catholic (universal) church consists of the whole number of the elect

And you speak of the RCC being econimical with the truth? :IDK:


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You forget the vulgate was called that because it was written in the vulgar tongue. In the roman empire Latin was the common language spoken in rome.

You are also ignorant of the literally thousands of fragments of the gospels, literacy was far more common than you presume.

Yes bibles were chained to reading pulpits once they were being produced in English, they also forbid the common people from reading out loud from the bible durring services.

Lastly. You accept that historically the rcc did prevent ordinary people from having access to the bible,
So what is your point in saying a site is anti catholic?
Sooooo finding thousands of fragments of the gospels thru archeology = high literacy rate in ancient history? :IDK:

That makes no sense. Thousands of fragments from a few hundred pages of ancient writings we have found = high literacy????????

A single page from the Dead Sea Scrolls can be in 50-100 fragments. Your theory suggests that if that one page was instead in 200-250 fragments the literacy rate goes UP!! :watching and waiting:

The point of @BreadOfLife saying that the site you provided is a anti-Catholic site is because you said it was a Catholic site. That is not true. Usually when someone says something that is not true they correct their mistake and/or apologize.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
And truly....the Bible WAS NOT READ in church services....it wasn't ever used at all....even in most protestant denominations. The Psalter and Book of Prayers was most commonly what was studied and discussed.

The Bible did not get widespread readership until the Geneva Bible was promoted and literally dumped below cost into England.
Oh goodness.....I am sure others on here will correct your "history" lies but here is the earliest Christian record of the Bible (letters of the Apostles) being read in a church service:

And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs [letters] of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read,.....Justin Martyr's first Apology 156AD.

If you read the entire first apology from Justin Martyr, it reads like a current Catholic Mass.

Keeping it real with facts instead of opinions....Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Besides......no one in the pews on their knees had a Bible to verify the accuracy of what was said from the podium ..... And the Catholics to this day believe they are perfection.
Hmmmm.....so the over 1 billion Catholics in this world don't "verify the accuracy of what was said from the podium" but the 900 million Protestants in this world do "verify the accuracy of what was said from the podium"? :IDK:

Sooooo why do all you Protestants disagree on this alleged "accuracy"?

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You believe you are perfect. The skeletons of born and unborn babies in the basements of Catholic Churches reveal the deceit.
If I were to meet you in real life bluedragon would you be this mean, disgusting and bold to my face?

Or does the anonymity make you bold?

Curious Mary
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
""The Catholic Church actually discouraged the populace from reading the Bible on their own -- a policy that intensified through the Middle Ages and later, with the addition of a prohibition forbidding translation of the Bible into native languages. (to prevent catholics from reading a bible).

I am trying to figure out if you are being serious, or you just lack knowledge of your own Christian history. I believe it is the latter and not the former since Christian history does not back up your partially quoted out of context examples. I have come to the conclusion you don't really read Christian history; you just read anti-Catholic literature. Would that be true?



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Oh goodness.....I am sure others on here will correct your "history" lies but here is the earliest Christian record of the Bible (letters of the Apostles) being read in a church service:

And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs [letters] of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read,.....Justin Martyr's first Apology 156AD.

If you read the entire first apology from Justin Martyr, it reads like a current Catholic Mass.

Keeping it real with facts instead of opinions....Mary

Which part do you hate the most?
Considering your allegiances I have little doubt that you don't like anything being discussed in this thread.

You can shade the truth to your hearts desire...but the Protestants weren't exactly innocent darlings during the English Reformation and Renaissance periods.

The whole world was deep into sin and sinful lifestyles and they killed innocents and guilty alike in their quests. Get over it....the Geneva Calvinists weren't exactly the most innocent of creatures either...where they tended to be less guilty than others...guilt isn't exactly a comparison competition....and they only were less guilty due to isolation in Geneva.

The Catholics were whom everyone was separating themselves from due to several reasons...financial was only one of a long list. But we do have our favorite Saints too....like Valentine and Patrick.

And we do have king Henry 8th for the most popular epithet of the modern era that is the acronym of "Fornication Under Consent of the King" which was used as your marriage license when there were no priests to perform a marriage ceremony.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020

I am trying to figure out if you are being serious, or you just lack knowledge of your own Christian history. I believe it is the latter and not the former since Christian history does not back up your partially quoted out of context examples. I have come to the conclusion you don't really read Christian history; you just read anti-Catholic literature. Would that be true?

Because false Bibles were banned in one country 1000 years ago , ignorant anti-Catholic bigots jump to false conclusions they find on "Bible Christian" hate sites (CARM, jesusislord.con, and billions more) and claim Bible reading was forbidden by the Catholic Church. Then they take their juicy false histories and post it in forums like this one. No amount of evidence to the contrary will suffice. What makes this kind of bigotry so dangerous is that it leads to a mindset that justifies vandalism and burning down of churches.

Tracker: Over 350 Attacks on U.S. Catholic Churches Since May 2020

Reports of church vandalism and anti-Catholic hate crimes are on the rise. The U.S. bishops are looking for an explanation.

There is nothing "Christian" about the irrational hatred against Catholicism. Worse, its encouraged by certain admins.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
They recite those while fornicating with the choir boys in the back?
NOT quite as much as the ministers at YOUR Protestant factions are doing . . .

How Protestant Churches Hid Sexual Abuse ...

Blogger Who Exposed Protestant Sex Abuse Cover Up Sued By Her Pastor

Denial About Sexual Abuse In Evangelical Churches

Southern Baptists Apologize For Sex Abuse Coverups

Confronting Evangelical Enabling of Sexual Abuse

Bombshell: sex abuse, coverup in America's largest Protestant ...

Southern Baptist leaders covered up sex abuse, kept secret ...

Clergy Abuse Coverup within the Protestant Church

A History of Sex Abuse in the Protestant Imagination

FAQ: Sexual Abuse by Protestant Clergy - The Doan Law Firm

1 in 10 Young Protestants Have Left a Church Over Abuse

Evangelicals ‘worse’ than Catholics on sexual abuse

Evangelical Sex Abuse Record ‘Worse’ Than Catholic, Says Billy Graham’s Grandson

Protestants can no longer dismiss abuse as a ‘Catholic problem’

Child Sex Abuse More Prevalent Among Protestants Than Among Catholics

There Is More Sexual Abuse In The Protestant Churches Than Catholic

Catholic priests no guiltier of sex abuse than other clergy

Data Shed Light on Child Sexual Abuse by Protestant Clergy

Blogger Who Exposed Protestant Sex Abuse Cover Up Sued By Her Pastor

Denial About Sexual Abuse In Evangelical Churches

Southern Baptists Apologize For Sex Abuse Coverups

U.S. Protestants’ Views Mixed about Extent of Clergy Sexual Abuse

Churchgoers Split on Existence of More Sexual Abuse by Pastors

Confronting Evangelical Enabling of Sexual Abuse

Child abuse a Calvinist problem, podcast says

Protestant Churches Grapple With Growing Sexual Abuse Crisis

Ted Haggard and His Wife Talk About the Gay Sex Scandal

Adventist Women's Ministries | Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Healing the wounds of childhood sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.

Sex Abuse Cases: New Allegations | Adventist Today

Moncton woman sues Seventh-day Adventist Church over alleged sex abuse ...
Child sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-Day Adventist Child Molestation Lawsuit | SDA Sex Abuse Lawyer


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Is this what the discussion has devolved into? Hurling these bombs at each other? There is enough blame to go around regardless of whether we search Catholic history or Protestant history.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Is this what the discussion has devolved into? Hurling these bombs at each other?
Catholics have the same right as non-Catholics to defend against malicious, slanderous insults. Bluedragon wanted a reaction, and BofL gave her one. If you look, most of the posts by Catholics are defensive.
There is enough blame to go around regardless of whether we search Catholic history or Protestant history.
Agreed, so when will the anti-Catholic outgrow a 15th century mindset? Why are they so afraid to mock Vatican II documents?
I've said this before: reputable Protestant historians are the enemy of anti-Catholics, so citing them in a place like this is pointless.
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Catholics have the same right as non-Catholics to defend against malicious, slanderous insults.

Agreed, so when will the anti-Catholic outgrow a 15th century mindset? Why are they so afraid to mock Vatican II documents?
Beats me! I'm not anti-Catholic.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
What leader/elder/overseer that the Holy Ghost has chosen rules over you and admonishes YOU BB Johnson?

Seeing the falling away is in full swing and the vast majority of churches are teaching false doctrine which God's Word teaches us to depart from...

Matthew 23:5-10
But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,
And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,
And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

Even if there were a church in my area that taught sound doctrine (I'm not opposed to going to church at all), Jesus Christ... is still my only Master.

So yes we should have over seers if possible... but when they teach false doctrine, they not longer meet the biblical definition of a Godly over seer and as such they should be ignored.

I would never even set foot in a catholic church since they are a cult and are void of the Truth as taught in God's Word... so they are not qualified biblical to be an over seer over me since I'm following Jesus and not the catholic pope, and Jesus' momma, and dead people.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Beats me! I'm not anti-Catholic.
That is why I don't have you on ignore. Irrational hatred for Catholicism is a mental and spiritual sickness.
Obsession over sex scandals that no longer exist is a perversion.
Catholics prefer to be identified by service to the poor, anti-Catholics identify Catholicism with a sick unbiblical view of statues.

It's time to put Big Boy's anti-Catholic psychosis on ignore.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Seeing the falling away is in full swing and the vast majority of churches are teaching false doctrine which God's Word teaches us to depart from...

Matthew 23:5-10
But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,

And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,
And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

Even if there were a church in my area that taught sound doctrine (I'm not opposed to going to church at all), Jesus Christ... is still my only Master.

So yes we should have over seers if possible... but when they teach false doctrine, they not longer meet the biblical definition of a Godly over seer and as such they should be ignored.

I would never even set foot in a catholic church since they are a cult and are void of the Truth as taught in God's Word... so they are not qualified biblical to be an over seer over me since I'm following Jesus and not the catholic pope, and Jesus' momma, and dead people.
Dear BB Johnson,

That passage from Matthew 23 is not in context with what we are talking about and does not cancel out the passages I provided. Let's put that passage to the side since it has nothing to do with what we are talking about and it only muddles the conversation. Jesus being everyone's master has nothing to do with overseers and elders of The Church. Also your anti-Catholic diatribe at the end of your post has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

You have made it clear that you know that "the vast majority of churches are teaching false doctrine" and that some overseers of those churches "teach false doctrine". You clearly know when a false doctrine is being taught! Who taught you to recognize those clearly false doctrines?

Also, you didn't say ALL churches are teaching a false doctrine, you said a vast majority are teaching a false doctrine. That means that you have found SOME churches that don't teach a false doctrine. Can you tell me which ones they are so I can look them up?

Also, you suggested there are no churches in your area that teach a sound doctrine. How many churches are in your area?

Clearly you have no overseer or elder that you are to obey and that rules over you like Scripture says. Are you concerned that you are in violation of Scripture?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Which part do you hate the most?
Considering your allegiances I have little doubt that you don't like anything being discussed in this thread.

You can shade the truth to your hearts desire...but the Protestants weren't exactly innocent darlings during the English Reformation and Renaissance periods.

The whole world was deep into sin and sinful lifestyles and they killed innocents and guilty alike in their quests. Get over it....the Geneva Calvinists weren't exactly the most innocent of creatures either...where they tended to be less guilty than others...guilt isn't exactly a comparison competition....and they only were less guilty due to isolation in Geneva.

The Catholics were whom everyone was separating themselves from due to several reasons...financial was only one of a long list. But we do have our favorite Saints too....like Valentine and Patrick.

And we do have king Henry 8th for the most popular epithet of the modern era that is the acronym of "Fornication Under Consent of the King" which was used as your marriage license when there were no priests to perform a marriage ceremony.
Huh????.....I can't decipher what you said OR how it relates to my post. :IDK:

Who or what is ROFL????


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
NOT quite as much as the ministers at YOUR Protestant factions are doing . . .

How Protestant Churches Hid Sexual Abuse ...

Blogger Who Exposed Protestant Sex Abuse Cover Up Sued By Her Pastor

Denial About Sexual Abuse In Evangelical Churches

Southern Baptists Apologize For Sex Abuse Coverups

Confronting Evangelical Enabling of Sexual Abuse

Bombshell: sex abuse, coverup in America's largest Protestant ...

Southern Baptist leaders covered up sex abuse, kept secret ...

Clergy Abuse Coverup within the Protestant Church

A History of Sex Abuse in the Protestant Imagination

FAQ: Sexual Abuse by Protestant Clergy - The Doan Law Firm

1 in 10 Young Protestants Have Left a Church Over Abuse

Evangelicals ‘worse’ than Catholics on sexual abuse

Evangelical Sex Abuse Record ‘Worse’ Than Catholic, Says Billy Graham’s Grandson

Protestants can no longer dismiss abuse as a ‘Catholic problem’

Child Sex Abuse More Prevalent Among Protestants Than Among Catholics

There Is More Sexual Abuse In The Protestant Churches Than Catholic

Catholic priests no guiltier of sex abuse than other clergy

Data Shed Light on Child Sexual Abuse by Protestant Clergy

Blogger Who Exposed Protestant Sex Abuse Cover Up Sued By Her Pastor

Denial About Sexual Abuse In Evangelical Churches

Southern Baptists Apologize For Sex Abuse Coverups

U.S. Protestants’ Views Mixed about Extent of Clergy Sexual Abuse

Churchgoers Split on Existence of More Sexual Abuse by Pastors

Confronting Evangelical Enabling of Sexual Abuse

Child abuse a Calvinist problem, podcast says

Protestant Churches Grapple With Growing Sexual Abuse Crisis

Ted Haggard and His Wife Talk About the Gay Sex Scandal

Adventist Women's Ministries | Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Healing the wounds of childhood sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.

Sex Abuse Cases: New Allegations | Adventist Today

Moncton woman sues Seventh-day Adventist Church over alleged sex abuse ...
Child sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-Day Adventist Child Molestation Lawsuit | SDA Sex Abuse Lawyer

Your problem with copying trash ...You go hundreds of years pretending to be the "Rock" of the religion.......