April 8th Eclipse passes over 7 cities named Nineveh in USA

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
@MA2444 I don't know if Cahn said anything about Miami or not... I am actually in KY my place for sale in FL but that is more mid state.

Have you heard that Miami will be nuked?

I did hear something about a comet during the week of the eclipse. Just a short blurb but I read that too and I think they did call it the devils comet.


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Feb 6, 2018
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You are in Florida? Wasn't it Jonathan Cahn who prophecied that Miami is going to be Nuked at some point?

Hope your not near Miami Brother!

Florida? No. I haven’t heard a Cahn video about Miami specific. I believe Cahn first came on-scene a few years ago with his two books called the Harbinger (also on disc) which he discussed and revealed prophetic info. His videos (online) seem to be topic specific.

God Bless you,
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Mar 26, 2024
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Why I believe these are the end times
Warp speed as the devil would like to say

Today Iran, said they're going to start attacking Israel

China and Taiwan are gonna go at any week now, including Japan

Pakistan and India are about to go at it

North Korea is about ready to take on South Korea

All this would add up to World War III, because the USA will be helpless and broke. We have the bird flu now coming.

What other scenario would be perfect for the antichrist to come into besides this one?

This is what we do at our church we talk about different scenarios of how the antichrist will try to fool us, and how we see the world collapsing

If you're not familiar with Shepherd Chapel, I would advise you to get into it. We are all over this.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Florida? No. I haven’t heard a Cahn video about Miami specific. I believe Cahn first came on-scene a few years ago with his two books called the Harbinger (also on disc) which he discussed and revealed prophetic info. His videos (online) seem to be topic specific.

God Bless you,

God and His people are all over youtube. And it was weird to me with all the dont be deceived warnings and all that, to know if I clicked on a video if it was true or not? So I prayed to the Lord to pick videos for me (Holy Spirit) and He did do that. I knew a little bit about reading body lamguage because I was a hairs breadth from being a cop and I even went through the training for (and graduated 3rd overall!) and that lasted for around 18 months I think and part of it was body language. I thogutht that was cool and continued that study with books in the library about body language, but, even if I thought I was good at it, I might be watching an evil genius and not catch it due to his training! So still wasnt sure so I got used to the Lord picking videos for me to watch. And one day something strange happened. I was watching a Testimonial video And as I watched it and tried to guage the crediblity of the person speaking I felt a weird sensation not an feeling, not emotion, this was from somewhere else inside. A perceiving of a spiritual rush sort of is the best way to describe it. I realized that it was God telling me what I was watching was true. It happened quite a bit actually! I called it God "Pinged" my spirit for lack of a better term and somehow I knew that the message is true what they speak! It took me over 6 months to stumble across a better term for it. The right one. It's called a quickening of the spirit, and it is spoken of in scripture. So that's what it had to be!

What I have noticed over time is that...(!!!)...Sid Roth has some good guests on His show with awesome testimonies that are true. (Not all of Sid Roths guests have been on the level though!) . And I get quickened in spirit about quite a few other people's videos also on youtube. Jonothan Cahns is one of them so I'll say that I believe him to be a true prohet of the Lord God. He is a good prophet and has some good teaching videos.

These occurances that I now call being quickened in the spirit is probably part of...being led by the spirit. Moment by moment every day. Pray without ceasing as much as possible. And the Lord saved my life. I know I owe Him my life. As a man I cant repay something like that, I think. So I got serious and read that Bible through and through and began praying and trying to draw close to the Lord...and you know what happened? (I just told you, lol!)

He began helping me and blessing me (in supernatural ways) and quickening my spirit, leading me even when I wasnt praying! Because I was trying to draw close to Him and dhow Him I am serious, I know I needed a savior. And He was right there for me, johnny on the spot! So the scripture is true, if you draw closer to the Lord then He will draw closer to you! True. He even taught me to hear His still small voice inside of me! He even came to me once and spoke audibly to me. I am not saying these things to brag or say I better than anyone. I am saying, wow, these things are true! Just like scripture says. He has proved many many scriptures to me. These things are true, Brothers & Sisters! And I accomplished learning those things by obeying His word and drawing closer to Him and giving effort to show I am serious. SO he started helping me, and teaching me...Wow! I have a an absurd amount of Tesimonies in the testimony forum, and so many more that I have never shared here yet.

And over time, I even got my taste of what happens when I forget He is present or watch reruns of Westerns. He let me walk away. He has never walked away from me, and wont. When I walked away so to speak He let me go, but He stopped helping me as much. So the reverse seems to be true also, if you draw away from God (neglect reading His word everyday and praying every day/without ceasing) then God will sraw way from you. It happened to me. I thought, eh a couple old reruns of Bonanza or the Rifleman dont hurt once in awhile...especially since He told me to not watch the news, that is was mostly fake anyway and if I needed to know anything that He would tell me! Next thing you know, I was watching more westerns than Teaching videos! So if you dont stay dedicated and continue pressing in...you lose that constant companion and my life went down fast.

So, to whom more is given, more is required. So we have to build a resume of trust between us. I prove my faithfulness and obedience to the Word then it's like we get promoted and He begins to bless us and show us more and give us anointings and that proves His trustworthiness and everuthing grows.

In the OT testament it talks about being in the spirit of God. I foget the refrence right now but it talks about being ankle deep in it, and then shin deep, then waist deep, then shoulders deep, then over your head where you are dwimming in the Spirit of God.

But I'm a Mountain Boy at heart so I like to make analogy to mountains more than the ocean, lol. If I am to climb the Mountain of God, it will het steeper amd harder and hiigher than (any?) man has ever been before...but the danger will be a farther steeper fall when there is a backsliding of amy sort. Like neglecting the Word! Scripturetells us to read His word every day. I dont care about anyones likes or dislikes of which version. I trust that God was able to get a decent copy into my hands that would let me find Him with it with it when I sought Hi, through His word with my whole heart. (Nevertheless He did supernaturally change my NIV Bible into a NKJV! That was a NIV when it was purchased! And this one is verifyable. I have two other witnesses that knew this bible was an NIV version, and now it aint!) That Testimoney is posted on the Testimonial forum if anyone wants to go read the details.

I am in no way even waste deep in the Spirit of the Lord. I like to think I am shin deep at least...but maybe I have only gotten into the water at all a little, I got out of the boat like peter did. I got my feet wet! So maybe I am not really shin deep yet. ?? He has shown me enough to show me that, whoa, this God is very real. Everybody likes to see miracles but most people dont see any miracles...because they arent building the resume of trust and obeying His Word and what it says to do. And when the Lord has done supernatural things for me, He always confirms it with scripture to me (usually, sometimes different ways, lol) but He Always does. Every time, somehow. Mostly through His word though! So you have to be a reader! So all you Brothers & Sisters out there who own Bibles, but wont read them...are disobeying the Lords instructions. Yes, you have the right version, stop making excuses and pick it up and enter into the protection of the Lord! Obey and you will have more Testimonies to tell! You will see miracles. How we walk out our faith determines what our station in life will be in Heaven. I dont want to be the plumber next life, lol! All those things that you have heard, are true...if you obey. I'm not trying to unseat Paul or Moses, lol but Something better than I had here. If I can just get waist deep, I'll be happy!
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Feb 6, 2018
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MA2444 ~ thank you for sharing your heartfelt testimony.
I can get long winded in a Spiritual discussion, no issue, no apology necessary. I had 2 cups of coffee while reading. Lol.
I like your “pinging”…!!
I wouldn’t say, quickened, but rather, yes in the spirit. Quickened “IS” the works of the Lord “making” a man “born again”, via giving that man the Seed of God, who IS Christ, ie aka, the Power of God, aka, the Wisdom of God….and who can go wrong, when THOSE things are not “only” with a man….but…
“IN” a man…As Is…Greater is He that is IN you than he that is in the world. Praise God! And yes, I adamantly agree, having a meaningful one on one relationship with the Lord God on a Daily Basis, deepens and flourishes beyond expectation.
You sound as if, you are more than ankle deep, and know to start your day with the Armor of God, and thankful and eager for more of Gods Blessings.
And the “news” comment….lol.
^5 (high five)…We haven’ watched tv for years…between the repulsive programing, commentator panels posing as news reporters and the drug pushing commercials (especially via children!!)….could stand no more!

God Bless you,
Glory to God,

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
MA2444 ~ thank you for sharing your heartfelt testimony.
I can get long winded in a Spiritual discussion, no issue, no apology necessary. I had 2 cups of coffee while reading. Lol.
I like your “pinging”…!!
I wouldn’t say, quickened, but rather, yes in the spirit. Quickened “IS” the works of the Lord “making” a man “born again”, via giving that man the Seed of God, who IS Christ, ie aka, the Power of God, aka, the Wisdom of God….and who can go wrong, when THOSE things are not “only” with a man….but…
“IN” a man…As Is…Greater is He that is IN you than he that is in the world. Praise God! And yes, I adamantly agree, having a meaningful one on one relationship with the Lord God on a Daily Basis, deepens and flourishes beyond expectation.
You sound as if, you are more than ankle deep, and know to start your day with the Armor of God, and thankful and eager for more of Gods Blessings.
And the “news” comment….lol.
^5 (high five)…We haven’ watched tv for years…between the repulsive programing, commentator panels posing as news reporters and the drug pushing commercials (especially via children!!)….could stand no more!

God Bless you,
Glory to God,


I was sittting her pondering these things and it seemed like a great time to pray about these things. ...and He Answered me! I love it when He does that! He even gave me a scripture! (James 1.14-15) and I read it and realized that it was reall thw whole chapter. It tells us how to be Holier and better Christians. (He can get long winded too, lol!) And said, that is the way to start your day. With Him first. Go get you some coffe if you want I know you are groggy when you wake up (lol), and do not let anything snag you away from your morning prayer and looking to perceive His presence with me. I may be groggy but consider that He has been with me all night, waiting on me! (Wow). .

He also said refering to the mountain of God is a good analogy also. Because climbing the mountain of the Lord makes one a threat to the dark kingdom and they will hate me (because they hated Him forst) and we will indeed come under spiritual attack because we pose a threat to the dark Kingdom! Sunday only Christians are no threat to the dark kingdom, but we will be. And He allows this as tests for us. I have passed some of these tests and that feels good! I say Lord, I dont know what your doing, but I trust you and leave it in your hands...and I passed it! I am nobody, but I have been obeying and it is fruitful at the same time as we are enticed if we take it to the Lord, in my weakness is Your strength Lord!

He said the Mountain of God is a great analogy for this reason (James 1) because when we are enticed away we fall into disobedience and then we fall from the Mountain of the Lord. And the higher you were on the Mountain...the harder you be spiritually damaged in your soul & spirit. That...not praying in the morning is a crucial mistake for Christian because it cuts off your spiritual circulation. Not reading the Word everyday is a mistake also. The Word lets us see the condition of our soul like a mirror and is very important He said. We should reaffirm His presence in our lives every morning (pray without ceasing). Reaffirm Him as your God and Lord.

Say what? He waited all night on you and you walked out without a word this morning? No wonder you have problems! Life can go down very fast. (I've never told that Testimony here!)

And you see the truth in what I have been speaking! Well look at that. Two Christians have been getting the same wacked out teachings! (LOL). It makes sense for the Holy Spirit to teach us the same truths, right? That can only mean...that you have been pressing in also! For I know these things to be true.

I actually stopped watching TV when the kids were little. I played some nintendo with them sometimes and a few movies with the wife, but I dont live on TV like most people do. I havent for years!
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Duck Muscles

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Mar 19, 2024
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Aug 22, 2023
United States
I was right. Black sun, devils comet. This is going to be fun.

I get paid on the 11th. Hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
The comet returns after 71 years.
Another devil's comet arrives sometime in June.

That reminds me of a prophecy I heard awhile back. Have you heard this also (or anyone heard these things?):

That a comet will hit earth but it only grazes earth and takes out Puerto Rico? It was said that this will happen before the rapture...

They said it does a lot more damage to earth beyond Puerto Rico brought about by strange gasses that come off of the comet and is toxic and flows into and around the earth. Not total destruction or anything but many will die, perhaps millions?

I am not being dogmatic about it. We all know how prophecies work, right? The prophets are confirmed after the event comes to pass, so who knows if it is true? I dont know. If others have heard similar then...maybe it will be true.
It's said to be a sign from God of the impending coming Judgment on earth I think.
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Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
That reminds me of a prophecy I heard awhile back. Have you heard this also (or anyone heard these things?):

That a comet will hit earth but it only grazes earth and takes out Puerto Rico? It was said that this will happen before the rapture...

They said it does a lot more damage to earth beyond Puerto Rico brought about by strange gasses that come off of the comet and is toxic and flows into and around the earth. Not total destruction or anything but many will die, perhaps millions?

I am not being dogmatic about it. We all know how prophecies work, right? The prophets are confirmed after the event comes to pass, so who knows if it is true? I dont know. If others have heard similar then...maybe it will be true.
It's said to be a sign from God of the impending coming Judgment on earth I think.
I did go out to another prophecy site I check on now and then and did some searching didn't find anything there.
It is elijahlist.com
This was an interesting word
Amanda Grace: "The Justice of Yahweh Has Entered the Halls of Congress!"


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I did go out to another prophecy site I check on now and then and did some searching didn't find anything there.
It is elijahlist.com
This was an interesting word
Amanda Grace: "The Justice of Yahweh Has Entered the Halls of Congress!"

I never heard of her before. That was quite a list they had! Let's pray all that comes to pass and that these prophecies are true.

Changing of the guard? This is an election year, I bet Trump comes back and finishes draing the swamp! That would be very cool! (so that's why the Lord allowed them to steal the last election, to show us the extent of their filth!) Amanda has her roots down in Hudson Valley, that's NY man! only 100 miles north of NYC! Them people are brave!

Eventually all Bears must hibernate, Lol! Poor Putin...apparently he has been making poor decisions and will continue with his poor decisions it said?

That reminds of some things I heard on Christian sites just after Trump was elected the first time and it was said that shortly after that election that Trump and Putin both got visits from God. Trumps visit was about, Mr Trump, you are my chosen man in this hour! And I have seen the name of Jesus come out of his mouth a few times since then! So He very well could be! I can't wait until thi Election!!

And they said, Putins visit was about...Mr Putin, I am the Lord God Almighty and you shall walk in my ways and have the power to do it...
Apparently, Putin did not heed the warning and has been making decisions based upon the worlds ways? But dont worry! All Bears eventually must hibernate! (I loved that part!)

We'll know even more "truth" after this election I think. This makes me feel like we should pray for Trumps safety... I'm surpised they havent tried to assassinate Trump yet. They dont want him in this election! Pray for the man and his family.

It feels like, the fix is already in and the new President has already been decided. That is to say, The Lord God Almighty has put in His fix to make this thing come to pass! Oh I hope and pray so! Can God not put in a President or a King in place? Ha! Child's play the Lord said!

Praise the Lord, this is going to be a great year!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I wonder if Trump could have any connection at all to what is spoken of in scripture as...the last Trump?

Because to the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as co-incidences on this planet. Only God-incidences! So there may be more to that I think. If it is connected then there will be more clues in scripture. I feel another bible study coming on, lol!


Active Member
Mar 26, 2024
United States
I never heard of her before. That was quite a list they had! Let's pray all that comes to pass and that these prophecies are true.

Changing of the guard? This is an election year, I bet Trump comes back and finishes draing the swamp! That would be very cool! (so that's why the Lord allowed them to steal the last election, to show us the extent of their filth!) Amanda has her roots down in Hudson Valley, that's NY man! only 100 miles north of NYC! Them people are brave!

Eventually all Bears must hibernate, Lol! Poor Putin...apparently he has been making poor decisions and will continue with his poor decisions it said?

That reminds of some things I heard on Christian sites just after Trump was elected the first time and it was said that shortly after that election that Trump and Putin both got visits from God. Trumps visit was about, Mr Trump, you are my chosen man in this hour! And I have seen the name of Jesus come out of his mouth a few times since then! So He very well could be! I can't wait until thi Election!!

And they said, Putins visit was about...Mr Putin, I am the Lord God Almighty and you shall walk in my ways and have the power to do it...
Apparently, Putin did not heed the warning and has been making decisions based upon the worlds ways? But dont worry! All Bears eventually must hibernate! (I loved that part!)

We'll know even more "truth" after this election I think. This makes me feel like we should pray for Trumps safety... I'm surpised they havent tried to assassinate Trump yet. They dont want him in this election! Pray for the man and his family.

It feels like, the fix is already in and the new President has already been decided. That is to say, The Lord God Almighty has put in His fix to make this thing come to pass! Oh I hope and pray so! Can God not put in a President or a King in place? Ha! Child's play the Lord said!

Praise the Lord, this is going to be a great year!
I am just a messenger lol
I’m on at least 30 patriot channels on Telegram and over 50% believe there is not even going to be an election this year

There are 3 scenarios that could possibly happen and we’re talking millions of people people think this way not just crazy me

Scenario number one
We will get into a civil war, and Biden will declare there will be no election because we will be in Marshal law

Scenario number two
There will be so much chaos in the USA that the military will be called in by the generals basically a military coup

Scenario number three
Trump gets reelected and the liberals go completely nuts and we go to martial law

There are many more scenarios that are out there, but those are two that I found to be the most prevalent
I’m sorry, but none of them sound like we’re gonna have a wonderful year

As we say in our church, just put it on the shelf


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
I think when our votes were overcome by the steal of 2020, we learned there is nothing the dark forces in this country,world,will not resort to so to continue in their dominant control of all things.

Of all people let to run for president in 2020 they allowed Biden to win.

Why? Is a great question.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I think when our votes were overcome by the steal of 2020, we learned there is nothing the dark forces in this country,world,will not resort to so to continue in their dominant control of all things.

Of all people let to run for president in 2020 they allowed Biden to win.

Why? Is a great question.

Because he is Obama's puppet? That's the word on the street.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I am just a messenger lol
I’m on at least 30 patriot channels on Telegram and over 50% believe there is not even going to be an election this year

There are 3 scenarios that could possibly happen and we’re talking millions of people people think this way not just crazy me

Scenario number one
We will get into a civil war, and Biden will declare there will be no election because we will be in Marshal law

Scenario number two
There will be so much chaos in the USA that the military will be called in by the generals basically a military coup

Scenario number three
Trump gets reelected and the liberals go completely nuts and we go to martial law

There are many more scenarios that are out there, but those are two that I found to be the most prevalent
I’m sorry, but none of them sound like we’re gonna have a wonderful year

As we say in our church, just put it on the shelf

Well I think we have to understand how the prophets were used and they always came as a warning to the people with an ultimatum.

This will come upon you...but if my people repent and change their wicked ways and turn to me I will heal them and their land...Why was Noahs ark so big? They had enough room to take other people (who repented) onto the ark also. But no one wanted to go, they all stood there laughing at Noah until rain began falling from the sky for the first time in history. But it was too late by then because the door was shut.

When Jonah went to Ninevah and warned them. the entire town repented and so God did not bring that destruction to Ninevah. Their kids went astray about 100 years later and it did get destroyed, but the point is that God's Prophecies seem to be of the...if this then that...persuasion. SO maybe you have the prophecy of things that will be if the US doesnt repent? And the other is if we do repent? hat could be.

Because I have heard a lot of stuff before about the USA. Civil war is coming, Russia invades us over our Northern border, Yellowstone erupts. A big earthquake hit the middle of the country and the Mississippi river is enlarged and widen so much that it divides the nation east from west. Even the Navy has projected maps of how they expect that to turn out. Miami gets Nuked, NY get taken out with a Tsunami and all sorts of stuff like that.

But you are right in that it might not be a very good year for us. It's up to us. To get the rest of the sin out of our lives. Lord if there be 10 righteous found there, will you spare the place for their sake? Sound familiar?

With the abc transformers (suposedly) so prevelant in the US...if the Lord doesnt Judge America for that soon...He might have to apologize to Sodom & Gomoorah.

Well, we all know what to pray for now, I think that's very clear.
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Active Member
Mar 26, 2024
United States
Well I think we have to understand how the prophets were used and they always came as a warning to the people with an ultimatum.

This will come upon you...but if my people repent and change their wicked ways and turn to me I will heal them and their land...Why was Noahs ark so big? They had enough room to take other people (who repented) onto the ark also. But no one wanted to go, they all stood there laughing at Noah until rain began falling from the sky for the first time in history. But it was too late by then because the door was shut.

When Jonah went to Ninevah and warned them. the entire town repented and so God did not bring that destruction to Ninevah. Their kids went astray about 100 years later and it did get destroyed, but the point is that God's Prophecies seem to be of the...if this then that...persuasion. SO maybe you have the prophecy of things that will be if the US doesnt repent? And the other is if we do repent? hat could be.

Because I have heard a lot of stuff before about the USA. Civil war is coming, Russia invades us over our Northern border, Yellowstone erupts. A big earthquake hit the middle of the country and the Mississippi river is enlarged and widen so much that it divides the nation east from west. Even the Navy has projected maps of how they expect that to turn out. Miami gets Nuked, MY get taken out with a Tsunami and all sorts of stuff like that.

But you are right in that it might not be a very good year for us. It's up to us. To get the rest of the sin out of our lives. Lord if there be 10 righteous found there, will you spare the place for their sake? Sound familiar?

With the abc transformers (suposedly) so prevelant in the US...if the Lord doesnt Judge America for that soon...He might have to apologize to Sodom & Gomoorah.

Well, we all know what to pray for now, I think that's very clear.
I think you said that very well actually, I’m really surprised. In a good way.
We are supposed to be watchmen we are supposed to listen to rumors, etc. and ask the Lord to give us wisdom and discernment

The advantage that we’re going to have is, it’s usually the fear of the unknown that is very upsetting to people. If we know the Bible is the Truth we can use that as a compass to guide us through these tough times no matter what is thrown at us.

Not many people realize that Russia in the USA may have a big battle in Alaska during the end times

If you gotten down this far reading, what do you think about Antarctica?
I’m here in a lot of bad things Like that the Nazis have left Argentina are living there also that the angels might be habitat in there also inside Antarctica, there were supposed to be miles of tunnels that are warmed by natural springs. Why is it that Antarctica is off-limits to the world?

My understanding from listening to millions of patriots that are far more intelligent than me are telling me that Antarctica, will be the next big thing
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