Why its important to keep the Sabbath

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
We make our choices!
It is a mystery to me how so many perfect angels sided with Lucifer. Can you imagine the sadness of God?
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Choice! ....some collect matchboxes, others stamps, others desire popularity, others obscurity, most seek money and sex and power, some knowledge, but what is it that has intrinsic value?

'what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and loose his soul?' Jesus
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Ever heard of tough love?.....Paul did....

O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you.....

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by the Law; you have fallen from grace.

I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

And Christ did....
You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?

So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

Better for me to shake his tree now than for him to go to judgment Day cursed and fallen from Grace. What other judgment can such a one receive? Severed from Christ, fallen from Grace, and Cursed of God. Now you can pat him on the back as he marches down that path to Hell with confidence....is that love? I tell you what....from now on I will tell him God bless you and enjoy Hell. Why would that be a blessing, because he earned it.
He is not sinning by keeping the Sabbath. He believes what he believes with all his heart. Whatever is not of faith is sin.

I remember when I first left the SDA denomination when I was 23. For decades I would have periods of doubt and would have to reread the Scriptures to make sure I hadn't made a mistake in leaving. And believe me I would have gone back in an instant if I ever thought I was sinning against God. What is the most important thing in the world to me is my close relationship with God. I love hearing His voice to me. When I was SDA not one prayer was ever answered. But that all changed the year I turned 30. I was born again of the Spirit and could hear His voice from then on, and He would tell me what to pray, and since then 100% of my prayers are all answered. And He has given me all the gifts except two, plus a "wonder." That wonder is supernatural sight in testing sermons. I attend three different churches regularly. The little one way out in the country has an amazing pastor, and when he preaches he glows and it is pure white and very bright! It's amazing. Besides hearing His voice for prayer, He also answers all my questions regarding His interpretation of doctrine and His Scriptures.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
He is not sinning by keeping the Sabbath.

I disagree….it is not only a sin it is evil….the key words in your phrase….keeping the Sabbath…says it all.

What he says make no sense…..He and people like him have never described how he/they are “keeping” the Sabbath…how do they observe it? Do they sacrifice animals? Are they going to keep it “kind of” setting their own rules over and above Judaism and Christianity?

Observe the Sabbath in accordance with what? Nothing in the scriptures on how a Christian should observe the Sabbath! To keep the Sabbath there are rules and rules that require execution if they are broken. And if you do not execute the offender you are just as guilty as the one that broke the rules. Is he going to kill people? There is no half in the Old Covenant and half in the New Covenant. This belief is not Judaism and it is not Christian. He basically violating both religions and he is preaching a third religion. The people that do this are in “no man’s land” they are not in the Old Covenant or the New Covenant, they have violated both.

Is there away to observe the sixth day as respect to Yahweh? The New Testament does not describe such a thing. But when you throw in the word Sabbath….that pulls in a whole lot of Old Testament Laws….strict Laws. They would have to have no respect for the Old Covenant or the New Covenant, just wing it and make up their own religion…..a personal religion that would probably land them in Hell…..but if they preach it they are back to falling from Grace….separated from Christ….and cursed of God because it shows no respect to God. It all equates to Hell bound.

So do you think we should be nice and pat him on back and watch him fry?!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I remember when I first left the SDA denomination when I was 23. For decades I would have periods of doubt and would have to reread the Scriptures to make sure I hadn't made a mistake in leaving. And believe me I would have gone back in an instant if I ever thought I was sinning against God. What is the most important thing in the world to me is my close relationship with God. I love hearing His voice to me. When I was SDA not one prayer was ever answered. But that all changed the year I turned 30. I was born again of the Spirit and could hear His voice from then on, and He would tell me what to pray, and since then 100% of my prayers are all answered. And He has given me all the gifts except two, plus a "wonder." That wonder is supernatural sight in testing sermons. I attend three different churches regularly. The little one way out in the country has an amazing pastor, and when he preaches he glows and it is pure white and very bright! It's amazing. Besides hearing His voice for prayer, He also answers all my questions regarding His interpretation of doctrine and His Scriptures.

You are kind of like me….I go to several churches of different denominations….And it is a variety from little Bethel country churches to mega churches…..I worship in churches that have a good spirit, good fellowship, and a good praise and worship service….my favorite are Holy Ghost churches and is it a accident that a lot of the churches I go to have good cooks?
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Duck Muscles

Active Member
Mar 19, 2024
No, God predetermines how something will end from when he starts....

Isa 46:10....
"From the beginning I foretell the outcome,

And from long ago the things that have not yet been done.
the One saying, ‘My own counsel will stand,
and everything that is my delight I shall do.’”

Isa 55:11
"So my word that goes out of my mouth will be.
It will not return to me without results,
But it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight,
And it will have sure success in what I send it to do."

By foretelling the outcome, Jehovah does not determine HOW it will be achieved...only THAT it will be achieved as his will dictates.
You just affirmed predetermination.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
The Spirit of the 4th commandment is rest in Jesus and the letter of it is literal rest every 7th day from our work "as God did from His" - just as the Spirit of the 7th commandment is to not lust and the letter of it is to not commit adultery.

Re: <The Spirit of the 4th commandment is rest in Jesus and the letter of it is literal rest every 7th day from our work "as God did from His" - just as the Spirit of the 7th commandment is to not lust and the letter of it is to not commit adultery.>
So by my kool it's the same
[/USER Phoneman777 who said:] saying! Unbelievable

More unbelievable is it you won't draw attention to the fact the Sabbath Commandment is POSITIVE in both aspects of spiritual and physical (carnal), and the Seventh Commandment is NEGATIVE in both aspects of spiritual and physical (carnal)-- the Fourth being to the glory of God, and the Seventh to the glory of the flesh (carnality)-- making the PRO-Sabbath Commandment spiritual and good and holy in both aspects being the Law of God, and making the CONTRA-Adultary-sin Commandment in both aspects, spiritual and good and holy being the Law of God.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You just affirmed predetermination.
Nope…..it’s the difference between a route and a destination…..if the route is set, there is only one way to the destination which does not allow for unexpected roadblocks…..if the destination is set, then the route taken can by-pass the roadblocks by taking an alternative route.
Not the same at all….the destination is what is predetermine….not the way to get there.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You've given the answer to the top question.
"Jesus living out His perfect life in us" doesn't mean He turns our heart into some sort of "holy embassy" in the midst of unholy enemy bio-territory. Rather, He takes over the reigns of our heart and turns our eyes, hands, feet, and tongue from evil.

Hebrews 4:9-10 KJV plainly says if the Christian is resting in the finished work of Jesus, he will demonstrate that inward rest by resting outwardly every 7th day Sabbath from his own work "as God did from His".

If we all recognize that a man who keeps himself from lust by default keeps himself from adultery, why do some get the idea that keeping the "spirit of the law" which is "resting in Jesus" somehow permits us to break the "letter of the law" which is literally rest from our work every seventh day Sabbath?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You keep repeating the same old junk.
People have explained this to you.
You are wasting our time.
Each time they see you refuse to answer my question, sincere Christians who are beginning to doubt the antinomian heresies they've been taught are driven closer to spiritual enlightenment and further away from your compounded delusions.

Once again:

If the Christian doesn't have to keep the 6th commandment, is he free to murder others?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Each time they see you refuse to answer my question, sincere Christians who are beginning to doubt the antinomian heresies they've been taught are driven closer to spiritual enlightenment and further away from your compounded delusions.

Once again:

If the Christian doesn't have to keep the 6th commandment, is he free to murder others?

Already answered this…you just keep repeating yourself.
Old Testament Laws and Commandments do not pertain to Christians.

Christian morals are taught by Christ and the Apostles. It is a whole different category of character and spirit. The Mosaic Law allowed for fathers to sell their daughters as sex slaves.....that sums up the character of anything in the Old Testament. And if you say the so called Ten Commandments are not part of the Mosaic Law, I keep saying, produce the scripture that says they are separate from the Mosaic Laws.

There is nothing lacking in Christian morals that anyone would ever have to look in the Old Testament for moral guidance. Christians do not murder because they are basic Christian morals taught by Christ and the Apostles .... not anything to do with the Old Testament....Just like we do not care about engraved images because Old Testament Laws and Commandments mean nothing to Christians.



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
More unbelievable is it you won't draw attention to the fact the Sabbath Commandment is POSITIVE in both aspects of spiritual and physical (carnal), and the Seventh Commandment is NEGATIVE in both aspects of spiritual and physical (carnal)-- the Fourth being to the glory of God, and the Seventh to the glory of the flesh (carnality)-- making the PRO-Sabbath Commandment spiritual and good and holy in both aspects being the Law of God, and making the CONTRA-Adultary-sin Commandment in both aspects, spiritual and good and holy being the Law of God.
Your insistence that the polarity of the commandments governs whether they may be compared or contrasted is subjective hermeneutical nonsense and a weak attempt to avoid answering the question. However, I'm happy to ask again:

If we all agree that the "spirit" of the 6th commandment which forbids hate does not permit us to ignore the "letter" of it which is to not kill...what sorcery has convinced you that the "spirit" of the 4th commandment which is rest in Jesus somehow permits us to ignore the "letter" of it which is to rest every seventh day Sabbath?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Already answered this…you just keep repeating yourself.
Old Testament Laws and Commandments do not pertain to Christians.

Christian morals are taught by Christ and the Apostles. It is a whole different category of character and spirit. The Mosaic Law allowed for fathers to sell their daughters as sex slaves.....that sums up the character of anything in the Old Testament. And if you say the so called Ten Commandments are not part of the Mosaic Law, I keep saying, produce the scripture that says they are separate from the Mosaic Laws.

There is nothing lacking in Christian morals that anyone would ever have to look in the Old Testament for moral guidance. Christians do not murder because they are basic Christian morals taught by Christ and the Apostles .... not anything to do with the Old Testament....Just like we do not care about engraved images because Old Testament Laws and Commandments mean nothing to Christians.
Is "Let him who stole steal no more" only for the OT?
Is "Little children, keep yourselves from idols" only for the OT?
Is "If thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law" only for the OT?
Is "Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise" only for the OT?
Is "It is therefore the duty of the people of God to keep the Sabbath" only for the OT?

Look, please stop with your unBiblical nonsense and all this dancing around the issue and just answer the question:

Is the Christian free to ignore the 6th commandment which forbids murder - YES OR NO???
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
I disagree….it is not only a sin it is evil….the key words in your phrase….keeping the Sabbath…says it all.
No, actually, according to God and Paul you sinned. And to top it all off, you say you cursed him unto Satan! That was reckless and should ONLY be used on someone committing a sin unto death to destroy their sin nature so they can be saved. Do NOT use that curse on someone who isn't sinning. P777 is not sinning. Neither is someone going to church on Sunday. There is no set day to worship in the New Covenant to sin against. I don't see this in Scripture but some say if you curse someone who doesn't deserve it, it slides off their back like water off a duck's back and land back on you!

Romans 14:
5 One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. 10 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 22 Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. ... whatever is not from faith is sin


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Is "Let him who stole steal no more" only for the OT?
Is "Little children, keep yourselves from idols" only for the OT?
Is "If thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law" only for the OT?
Is "Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise" only for the OT?
Is "It is therefore the duty of the people of God to keep the Sabbath" only for the OT?

Look, please stop with your unBiblical nonsense and all this dancing around the issue and just answer the question:

Is the Christian free to ignore the 6th commandment which forbids murder - YES OR NO???

You keep repeating yourself.
The basic morals are taught in the New Covenant. If someone breaks those they are between them and Christ. Nothing to do with the Old Covenant.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Hebrews 4:9-10 KJV plainly says if the Christian is resting in the finished work of Jesus, he will demonstrate that inward rest by resting outwardly every 7th day Sabbath from his own work "as God did from His".
P777, you've added to the Scripture. Here it is. Instead of 7th day, it designates "Today." That means every day. Not Saturday. Not Sunday. Everyday is Today when you're in it. It is abiding in Jesus.

"6 Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience, 7 again He designates a certain day, saying in David, “Today,” after such a long time, as it has been said:

“Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts.”

8 For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. 9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His."

If we all recognize that a man who keeps himself from lust by default keeps himself from adultery, why do some get the idea that keeping the "spirit of the law" which is "resting in Jesus" somehow permits us to break the "letter of the law" which is literally rest from our work every seventh day Sabbath?
Because it is the sign of the Old Covenant. New wine cannot be put into old wine skins. We have a new sign for our new covenant of the Spirit, making the old sign obsolete.

This is not to say that you are sinning. You're not. I do not agree with GH.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Do NOT use that curse on someone who isn't sinning.
He is sinning so it applies just as the New Testament scriptures indicate.

Neither is someone going to church on Sunday. There is no set day to worship in the New Covenant to sin against.

Well I agree that we are free to worship on any day the Lord's Day can be any day we wish until you say the word Sabbath. Words mean things….LOL What scripture defines how a Christian is to observe the Sabbath.

I don't see this in Scripture but some say if you curse someone who doesn't deserve it,

Everything I said is scriptural. See the scriptures in post 1064
I do not have to judge him, the scriptures damn him to hell.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
You are kind of like me….I go to several churches of different denominations….And it is a variety from little Bethel country churches to mega churches…..I worship in churches that have a good spirit, good fellowship, and a good praise and worship service….my favorite are Holy Ghost churches and is it a accident that a lot of the churches I go to have good cooks?

I'm a seer. So I do enjoy going to different churches to test the spirits when the pastor preaches his sermon. The little country church has the Holy Spirit shinning out of that pastor. Pure bright white.

But I like Calvary Chapels because they all teach the Bible verse by verse. Unfortunately, those on the radio make a lot of mistakes in interpretation. That is because they let in a little Calvanism when they first started. (The letter "T" from T.U.L.I.P.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Well I agree that we are free to worship on any day the Lord's Day can be any day we wish until you say the word Sabbath. Words mean things….LOL What scripture defines how a Christian is to observe the Sabbath.
Many denominations call Sunday the Sabbath.
Everything I said is scriptural. See the scriptures in post 1064
I do not have to judge him, the scriptures damn him to hell.
Yikes! I'm getting away from you in a thunder storm. You will probably become a lightening rod with curses like that!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
When I was SDA not one prayer was ever answered.
Plenty of prayers go unanswered - should we abandon the faith? Should the martyrs who prayed for deliverance have abandoned theirs? Please forgive my bluntness, but that's pretty pathetic.

Let me tell you, in 2004, I went to Bellsouth and told them I can't be here on Sabbath and they said you'll be here if you want to keep working here. At the phone company, it's easier to get away with 1st degree murder than it is to no show up for work when scheduled, and that is the God's honest truth.

I made arrangements with coworkers to be off on Sabbath, but in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina struck, there was no getting around it. After refusing to perform routine work on Sabbath, I was fired and went from $10,000/month to a big fat zero/month just like that. A wife, a son, and a baby girl who needed ear surgery all looking to me with no job, no insurance, no prospects - there weren't that many multi-billion dollar a year telecommunications companies around other than Bellsouth...like zero.

I prayed and prayed and no answer. "God, I need this job". No answer. "God, I'll give you a double tithe". No answer. It's hard praying to God and not getting an answer. What we all need to remember is that the teacher always gets quiet when it's time for a test...right or wrong?

For almost two years, God didn't answer our prayers. Did I give up my faith? No. I just decided if that job couldn't be held by an obedient SDA Christian, then they could have their stupid job.

Soon after, I got a call that the grievance I had filed with the Union two years before was to go to "Precedent Setting Arbitration". Let me tell you, God showed up in a MASSIVE way that day. As little David was before Goliath, so we took on this corporate giant and by the time we got done with them, they were busier than a one-legged man in an butt-kicking contest, scrambling for damage control. Everytime the company attorney thought he had me cornered, God gave me what to say. He finally gave up in disgust, as did my supervisors when they realized the cords with which they thought they'd sewn up the case became a noose with which God hung them out to dry.

The Administrative Law Judge ruled in our favor, hands down. The company had to hire me back, cut me a check for around $70 or $80K (can't quite remember tonite), pay me for lost vacation, PTO, holidays, etc., plus match lost 401k contributions, and eventually gave me a promotion, a pay raise, and transferred me to a department that doesn't work weekends. That was 2008, and I'm still there while the men who tried to ruin my career are all gone. There's so much more I left out of this story, but suffice it to say, I have to disagree with you about whether God answers an SDA's prayers. :)
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