CERN And Fallen Angels...

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Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I don’t believe ‘people’ … (more expressly souls / spirits departed out of human body’s) go to the 3rd Heaven. I believe the 3rd Heaven is ONLY Gods Estate…not a place for human departed, souls or spirits, permanently or temporarily.

There ARE humans (non-believers) who have what we call “near-death” experiences…clinically dead, but then revive, because their soul is returned to their body’s.
Their souls probably DID depart their bodies, some say they experienced the heaven realm, some say they experienced the hell realm.

I dont believe every testimony that I watch, but some are obviously true when I hear them. (And see their body language so I can usually easily tell if it's true or not. I was sort of worried about it at first and consequently, I have been praying for wisdom & understanding and discernment for a long time now, and I'm getting better at it.

I'd be watching a testimony video and asking God if this is true? And I guess I asked enough because He started pinging my spirit or quickening it, or something to tell me this is true. It happened suddenly and I wasnt ready for it, lol. What was that that just happened? And I instantly just knew what it was.

It used to happen an awful lot but has slowed down and I think tha's because deception is on the increase because the enemy knows they dont have much time left.

There ARE humans (non-believers) who have what we call “near-death” experiences…clinically dead, but then revive, because their soul is returned to their body’s.
Their souls probably DID depart their bodies, some say they experienced the heaven realm, some say they experienced the hell realm.

I've watched a lot of NDE testimonies too. Some go to heaven, some go to hell just like you say. and I think what it is that, the people who get to preview hell were people who had died in their sins. And the testimonies of believers who die are going to heaven so they get to preview heaven and then take this message back to my people, is what Hee says. Some say they could see His face, others say the didnt and that prolly has to do with if they are saved or not.

I don’t believe “anyone” goes to the 3rd Heaven…but do believe the barrier firmament, (water, clouds) dividing between Heaven and Earth will be “opened”, so to speak, and thereafter AS it “IS” in Heaven, so also shall “BE” on Earth…”Tree of Life”…Gods presence, AS HE IS, and ability to SEE Him, AS HE IS. My imagination can not comprehend the utter serene peaceful beauty, but Trust with God, it shall be.

I disagree with you on this. I used to frown on the idea of truth in 3rd heaven experiences. and was skeptical about that. especially since it says no one can see God and live. But I got over that, lol. Paul said he went to the third heaven. Lazarus could have too, we dont know. And Enoch & Elijah both went too, as men. And the kicker is that God said, does the potter have the right to do with the clay as He wishes? Yeah it makes sense. Why wouldn't God do these things for many people to get the word out?

I've heard some strange testimonies about the 3rd heaven! People have said, the flowers sing, a tree was playing keep away with it's fruit from a child who was there and trying to pick a piece of fruit! Lifting it's branches up & down and giggling. at the kid, lol. That sounds Twilight Zone but according to my understanding of how the Lord has done weird things around me, that sounds like truth about heaven, God would do something like that. And we can comprehend that, so what else is in store for us there? Things we cant yet comprehend. Have you ever see the guy, Henry Gruver on sid roths show? That guy has some stories!

They all can't be lying. Some are, but the point is that people do go to the 3rd heaven. If God lets them!


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Feb 6, 2018
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@MA2444 -

Hi…hope your day is blessed. Had a horrific constant set of storm cells last night, seems from the mid plains to about the Great Lakes…rain and storms today traveling eastward.

Anyway thanks for your comments.

Regarding your disagreement…
from my perspective…a brief.

Taking a brief from NASA, regarding their broad view of Black Holes…they say:
“A black hole is an astronomical object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. A black hole’s “surface,” called its event horizon, defines the boundary where the velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light, which is the speed limit of the cosmos. Matter and radiation fall in, but they can’t get out.”

In my view…per study of Scripture, Lucifer observing the earth’s creation, and it’s inhabitants…though in his own heart (ie his truth)….that “he” better than God Himself, was best suited to RULE over Heaven & Earth…when he though himself powerful enough to RISE ABOVE “the heavenly position of the Stars”.

The lower heavens…man Can, and Has physically experienced.

The mid heavens…where we see stars, is the heavenly habit/estate of holy angels, to which we can See, but not go there.

The highest -heavens (referenced the 3rd Heaven)…is Gods habitat/Estate…

I believe “scientists” observance of “black holes”, and very BASIC conclusions, are a “peek” into Gods 3rd Heaven.

I am convinced the Invisible God, since the beginning of His creation and making of manKIND, gives man, throughout generations, “little glimpses” … “signs” so to speak…of the otherwise unfathomable Power God has.

Black holes appear to be…another dimension beyond the physical stars easily observed with a mans naked eye…and somewhat further viewed via technical inventions of science.

Personally, I believe it is “glimpse” of Gods 3rd Heaven…IT IS there, exists…but men can not SEE IN it.

If that be the case…Why would God, his estate/habitat be shielded from mans EYES/

it is my view, IF a corrupt thing…has any form of engagement with a PURE holy thing…the PURE holy thing…by default has something corrupt negatively affecting it.

Why men cannot see God.
Why men routinely say God, rather than His name.
Why men lean their heads, EYES down, Body’s down, when worshiping God.
A whole array of posturing, acknowledging He the Great Creator, and man the humbled created.

There has NOT YET been a “final” judgement of the BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT of manKIND….NOR a sentencing that follows thereafter…for a mans BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT…

THUS…I pose this question for you to ponder…
Is there some place in scripture that would speak about, reveal, that a man NOT MADE WHOLE (body, soul, spirit) would BE suitable to Observe God IN HIS ESTATE?

I believe departed (saved)souls go to heaven…(2nd Heaven)…in the presence of holy angels, other saved departed souls along with their departed quickened (born again) spirits….but NOT their body’s…and NOT observable with a living mans eye.

IF…a BLACK HOLE, is a glimpse of Gods Estate….and science itself reveals…nothing, even light can not escape such hole/portal…
HOW would a mans “saved soul” “quickened spirit”… be able to be return to his risen glorified body, and occupy a renew, restored earth, and Be FOREVER with the Lord?

How could a mans “soul” return to his…natural body…speaking of a NDE?

I am confident, God has HIS OWN most High, Most Holy, untouchable, unseeable, Estate, that which IS off-limits to any part (body, soul, spirit) of manKIND.

God bless you,
Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Taking a brief from NASA, regarding their broad view of Black Holes…they say:
“A black hole is an astronomical object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. A black hole’s “surface,” called its event horizon, defines the boundary where the velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light, which is the speed limit of the cosmos. Matter and radiation fall in, but they can’t get out.”

Maybe we could dump the trans crowd into one? :jest:

THUS…I pose this question for you to ponder…
Is there some place in scripture that would speak about, reveal, that a man NOT MADE WHOLE (body, soul, spirit) would BE suitable to Observe God IN HIS ESTATE?

Well, there's Matthew 5:8.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God..../KJV

But it doesnt say when. Jesus has been saying soon for a long time now! And theres 1 corinthians 6:9-10
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God..../KJV

But that doesnt answer your question, does it? Oh! It does say that God has given us a new spirit and all things have become new. Except our body! So maybe people only get taken up to the 3rd heaven in spirit? That could be an answer! Because soul & spirit cant be separated so the spirit & soul of the man goes to 3rd heaven, and the flesh which is said will be transformed at the rapture. That makes sense.

Especially since I already identify with my spirit which has a soul and personality...but I dont identify with the flesh body
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
HOW would a mans “saved soul” “quickened spirit”… be able to be return to his risen glorified body, and occupy a renew, restored earth, and Be FOREVER with the Lord?

How could a mans “soul” return to his…natural body…speaking of a NDE?

I have to admit that I dont understand how God does these things, but maybe I am just on a need to know basis with Him on that and I dont need to know?!

The Lord said that to me before! He said if I need to know it then He will tell me. He wasnt talking about our topic, but I had asked Him the question, Lord, why dont you answer all my questions sometimes? Over the years He has taught me in many different areas and different things. Some answers from the Lord are instantly answered. Sometimes no answer comes about that at all! Another time, He wouln't answer me question for 2 weeks! Until I picked up my Bible and opened it to read...And it opened to the exact page that answered my question!

That made me feel real dumb, lol.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Maybe we could dump the trans crowd into one? :jest:

It seems to be “human nature’ to desire to be “famous”… (encompassing most popular, most well known, most talked and written about, on and on) and by whatever means if one can achieve THAT, they have accomplished their goal established in the days from when they were a toddler.)

Sad thing is…
The enigma that propels their fame can actually be fostered by their distain.

All come down to Judgement per the evidence of Gods books and records.
Meantime, ignore what is irrelevant.

Well, there's Matthew 5:8.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God..../KJV

Agree. And that expressly is known by the Lord God, since He is the one who MAKES a mans natural heart Changed into a pure Heart.

But it doesnt say when. Jesus has been saying soon for a long time now! And theres 1 corinthians 6:9-10
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God..../KJV

When and How a mans Heart is MADE pure, is revealed.
IF and When and Why a man shall SEE the Lord, SEE Heaven IS revealed…and it IS “soon” for each individual, “SOON” being a average of a 100 years or less.
Meaning…every year for an individual the years seem to pass by quickly.

For those NOT with the Lord God…ya, it’s going to be a Long time waiting, like a toddler sent to the corner, all they can think about is that is a long time.

But that doesnt answer your question, does it? Oh! It does say that God has given us a new spirit and all things have become new. Except our body! So maybe people only get taken up to the 3rd heaven in spirit? That could be an answer! Because soul & spirit cant be separated so the spirit & soul of the man goes to 3rd heaven, and the flesh which is said will be transformed at the rapture. That makes sense.

Body, soul, spirit are all different things.
Even Jesus’ beloved disciple John, called ‘up hither”, (in his spirit), went to the holy angels estate, to observe what occurs in their realm ( 2nd heaven) and have a premonition of seeing, what would become manifested ON Earth.
I still believe, God High Heaven is “above” the Stars, Exclusive for God only, and even Lucifer, was cast down to Earth for thinking He could go there, Rise UP to there. And at that time, Lucifer was a High powerful holy angel…(well, until he had that thought, instigated by his own freewill, (and instantly changed his holiness.)

Especially since I already identify with my spirit which has a soul and personality...but I dont identify with the flesh body

My body, has life, called Blood.
….It was full of Sin, but it repented and it was forgiven and spiritually died and cleansed and sanctified and sealed, thus justified to be Claimed by the Lord God as His inheritance. (AkA…rapture)

My body has a Re-born spirit, (re-born of Gods Seed.) Has an appointment to return to God’s HAND, when my body physically dies.
Fulfilling Gods Promise, that forever, my born again spirit would BE WITH God.
(My physically dead body, once manifested raised up glorified, then shall my spirit with God, be returned to my glorified body, as well my saved soul, and THEN the whole of me, body, soul, spirit…with God, and see Him as He is.

My body has a soul, given me in a very good condition (by God), became tainted being in My corrupt body, thus required a “restoration” back to “very good”, which the Lord Offered the “restoration” and I agreed to take His Offering. And He faithful to His word accomplished His Offered “restoration”…(ie Sav-ED) my soul, that it Keeps Gods breath of Life…”forever”.

It is simply a matter of individual manKIND, hearing, learning of their options regarding the Lord God, and picking and choosing their options, and Calling On the Lord that He Prepare an individual to be wholly whole, for the day, God makes His claim and receives His inheritance unto Himself.

A wholly whole holy man, IS the Lord Gods inheritance.

And every individuals choice if that is what they want to be, or not.

God Bless you,
Glory to God,

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Feb 6, 2018
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I have to admit that I dont understand how God does these things, but maybe I am just on a need to know basis with Him on that and I dont need to know?!

The Lord said that to me before! He said if I need to know it then He will tell me. He wasnt talking about our topic, but I had asked Him the question, Lord, why dont you answer all my questions sometimes? Over the years He has taught me in many different areas and different things. Some answers from the Lord are instantly answered. Sometimes no answer comes about that at all! Another time, He wouln't answer me question for 2 weeks! Until I picked up my Bible and opened it to read...And it opened to the exact page that answered my question!

That made me feel real dumb, lol.

Whelp…I do the same…and don’t think it is dumb to go to the source for His understanding. Remember that is precisely what God said to do….ASK Him. :)

God Bless you,

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Whelp…I do the same…and don’t think it is dumb to go to the source for His understanding. Remember that is precisely what God said to do….ASK Him. :)

God Bless you,

Glory to God,

Yeah but it wa a Doh! moment for me.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Yeah but it wa a Doh! moment for me.

I get your point. You ask God
and pause a moment waiting for an answer….then for example, two months later, you are washing your vehicle on a bright sunny day, thinking about how nice your vehicle will look…and
Bam…Huh…the answer to the question you asked God two months ago, is given you…
Seems mysterious and weird…because it is.


Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
That's true. It's very twilite zone.

We have no clue about how almost anything really works. Sort of brings the story to mind about Jesus riding a untrained donkey onto His triumpful entry into Jerusalem.

We are the untrained donkies that Jesus will ride into His victory. Doing more miracles than the OT patriarchs! While we are....hew-haw. This is going to be good! The key is total surrender.
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Feb 6, 2018
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That's true. It's very twilite zone.

We have no clue about how almost anything really works. Sort of brings the story to mind about Jesus riding a untrained donkey onto His triumpful entry into Jerusalem.

We are the untrained donkies that Jesus will ride into His victory. Doing more miracles than the OT patriarchs! While we are....hew-haw. This is going to be good! The key is total surrender.

Love your attitude and clever speech.

God Bless you.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Love your attitude and clever speech.

God Bless you.

Glory to God,

And even now, i know many things, but I dont know what He's doing! I may have a theory why He does that to us...To keep us from Pride! To keep us humble which keeps the door of mercies cracked open to us

Is there some things that we do for the Lord that He doesnt let us realize or remember? And why wouldnt He tell us? Back at Pride again. I have small miracles that happenmost days of the week, but when it's something impressive (to me!) I'll share it with others. I'll get on here and post it, guess what the Lord did today?! And while I try not to brag, I still must share with others to encourage their faith in Him...I can see where too much of that is dangerously close to becoming pride...

So sometimes it pays to be an untrained donkey, lol. As I'm starting to realize these things, I find myself more and more saying, I dont know what you're doing Lord, but I trust you And it always works out flawlessly when I do that.
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Feb 6, 2018
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And even now, i know many things, but I dont know what He's doing! I may have a theory why He does that to us...To keep us from Pride! To keep us humble which keeps the door of mercies cracked open to us

Is there some things that we do for the Lord that He doesnt let us realize or remember? And why wouldnt He tell us? Back at Pride again. I have small miracles that happenmost days of the week, but when it's something impressive (to me!) I'll share it with others. I'll get on here and post it, guess what the Lord did today?! And while I try not to brag, I still must share with others to encourage their faith in Him...I can see where too much of that is dangerously close to becoming pride...

So sometimes it pays to be an untrained donkey, lol. As I'm starting to realize these things, I find myself more and more saying, I dont know what you're doing Lord, but I trust you And it always works out flawlessly when I do that.

Great testimony!
Yes we all have our miracles, that are personal, and we’re tickled with joy, and want to share it… and no doubt it is received into the ears of others…in numerous ways, from boasting, to eh, just lucky, or rolling eyes or they experience the same, and get it.

And that IS the time, to have a private conversation (scripture says closet, to indicate privacy), to Praise and Thank the Lord God….since “thanking” is indicative, of acknowledging He is responsible for your joyful results.

Experiencing the harmony of God (as you say always works out flawless), IS a beautiful thing in itself.

God Bless you.

Glory to God,


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Feb 6, 2018
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You really need to expand your horizons beyond lunatic-fringe, conspiracy-Christian wacko sites. Neither Hynek (who has been dead 38 years) nor Vallee (who is now 84) would ascribe the UFO phenomena to anything like the "demonic" in the lunatic-fringe, conspiracy-Christian wacko sense in which you are using the term. I have seen lunatic-fringe, conspiracy-Christian wacko sites where what both Hynek and Vallee actually said has been taken completely out of context to support the wacko perspective. You have obviously seen them as well.

The evolution of Hynek's views is explained quite well in the Wikipedia entry: J. Allen Hynek - Wikipedia.

Precisely as I suggested, both Vallee and Hynek recognized that the UFO phenomena are too mysterious and multi-faceted to be explained in terms of nuts-and-bolts alien craft. Both noted the affinity between the UFO phenomena and other phenomena (including Marian apparitions and folklore tales of "little people"), as well as the non-material and even "psychic" aspects. They both speculated about other dimensions and higher realities - but not "demonic" in any sense close the way you are using the term. Rather, they would be more likely to explain the demonic in terms of the UFO phenomena, not vice-versa.

YOU SIMPLY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. If it makes you happy to ascribe to lunatic-fringe, conspiracy-Christian wacko thinking about UFOs, be my guest. Your references to CERN should be sufficient to tell anyone this side of sanity that this is lunatic-fringe, conspiracy-Christian wacko stuff.

I think it is no doubt strange phenomena’s occur, having been experienced by multitudes of people, who obviously each have their own unique experience and wonderment and bewilderments.

Those relaying, reporting their experiences, and those studying such reports, seem to have been a long time interest that captured your attention.

Governments, being “data” collectors, have their interest as well.

Doesn’t really matter, WHO individually has had a more personal experience with strange occurrences….the experience and relating, reporting and possible conclusions is of their own perception.

What I find suspect with your commentary IS:
If it is a Christian relaying their experience, their possible conclusion….

Oh, oh, You and anyone else on the self-proclaimed side of sanity, fully recognizes
IF IT’S a “CHRISTIAN” suggesting demonic angelic activity at work….Surely according to you it MUST BE:

“lunatic-fringe, conspiracy-Christian wacko stuff.”

Fact is:
In Scripture itself: All celestial beings possess far greater powers than manKind. Celestial beings Cast Out of their own First Estate… (Mid level of the Heaven(S)…were Cast TO Earth as their Present Estate, themselves having access to the …
(Lower Heavens), Same as manKind, whose Estate IS Earth and have access to the “Lower Heavens”.

Fact is:
Celestial beings ARE ALIEN to Earthly beings.

Fact is;
Celestial beings CAN and DO possess the Power to APPEAR to the eyes of manKIND, in any Manner and Likeness, they freely choose.

Seems, your view is IF you TARGET a particular group… that alone is all that is necessary to make that group unworthy of consideration, on the sole basics of WHO that group is.

Personally, I lean on the Word of God…which DOES reveal Powerful Celestial Alien Beings AGAINST GOD, ARE ON this Earth and DO have ACCESS to the lower Heavens that encompass the Earth.

Just wondering…what is YOUR bottom line wacko fringe conspiracy regarding UFO’s and strange phenomena’s?

God Bless you.

Glory to God,
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Dan Clarkston

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Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
Personally, I lean on the Word of God…which DOES reveal Powerful Celestial Alien Beings AGAINST GOD, ARE ON this Earth and DO have ACCESS to the lower Heavens that encompass the Earth.

Yep, this explains all the UFO bulloney floating around.

All one has to do is cast them out in the mighty Name of Jesus which is what real believers do and they'll leave

Mark 16:17,18
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents (put away, remove - G0142) and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

One must also accept what Jesus taught in Mark 11:23,24 and act on it in order to make dark beings flee from them and their family.
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