A Third Jewish Temple is Required

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
The beast is history, not a kingdom.
"The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom"
"These great beasts, whcih are four, are four kings (kingdoms)"

Look, thanks, but I'd rather not discuss these issues with you, seeing that you're abandonment of what's plain and explicit can only lead to errors too extreme to even consider.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Please spare us the ad hominem and just stick to Scriptural points, thank you. The same sentiment toward you is held by us, but let our unanswerable arguments do the talking.

As expected, no answer except to say "fabricated":

Noun/pronoun antecedent rules demand "winds" is the object of "them" - NOT HORNS.
Noun/pronoun gender agreement demands "winds" is the object of "them" - NOT HORNS.

What "fabrication"? Correct analysis of Hebrew grammar which demands the pronoun "them" refer to "winds" instead of "horns"?

You accuse me of "fabrication" but you reference the uninspired Book of Maccabees? It teaches prayers may be offered for the dead, a filthy pagan and papal doctrine!

Stick to inspired Scripture, the fabrications of men.
speaking of nouns and pronouns , goodness me , ya THINK they have enough yet ..........
a heavy reprobate delusion has been poured upon this world .
The reason .
EVEN as they did not like to retain GOD in their knowledge , so he gave them up to a reprobate mind ............
newsflash , A STRONG DELUSION that has come in the name of what it calleth love
has been poured out . a strong drink of the cup of a harlot and her fornication has been served up . and way too
many be drinking the kool aide of the harlot and her ever working wonder tonic .
Its merging even the religoins to be as one . This world will end . make no mistake about it .
SUDDEN destruction cometh and it cometh upon any and upon all who rejected the love of the truth
whereby they could have been saved , feasted on the lie that was sent and damnation awaits .


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
"The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom"
"These great beasts, whcih are four, are four kings (kingdoms)"

Look, thanks, but I'd rather not discuss these issues with you, seeing that you're abandonment of what's plain and explicit can only lead to errors too extreme to even consider.
Well you are stuck in the past, so trying to fit the past into Revelation will never make any sense. Revelation is not about the past except to say that the world is currently in the 6th kingdom with the deadly wound, and I don't see any of Daniel's beasts as pertinent past Rome.

You can continue to argue with others why things that happened a thousand years ago are so important.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
speaking of nouns and pronouns , goodness me , ya THINK they have enough yet ..........
a heavy reprobate delusion has been poured upon this world .
The reason .
EVEN as they did not like to retain GOD in their knowledge , so he gave them up to a reprobate mind ............
newsflash , A STRONG DELUSION that has come in the name of what it calleth love
has been poured out . a strong drink of the cup of a harlot and her fornication has been served up . and way too
many be drinking the kool aide of the harlot and her ever working wonder tonic .
Its merging even the religoins to be as one . This world will end . make no mistake about it .
SUDDEN destruction cometh and it cometh upon any and upon all who rejected the love of the truth
whereby they could have been saved , feasted on the lie that was sent and damnation awaits .


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Well you are stuck in the past, so trying to fit the past into Revelation will never make any sense.
I assure you, the prophetic timeline can be precisely traced from Daniel's day all the way down to the return of Jesus - without the need for any "gaps" or other ridiculous "square peg/round hole" tinkering around with God's revealed word.

We can start at Daniel 2 and I can show you the exact point where you Jesuit Futurists veer off course.
Revelation is not about the past except to say that the world is currently in the 6th kingdom with the deadly wound, and I don't see any of Daniel's beasts as pertinent past Rome.

You can continue to argue with others why things that happened a thousand years ago are so important.
Any Jewish convert who got the letter and read about the 1st beast would immediately refer to the beasts of Daniel to understand what John was talking about.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
I assure you, the prophetic timeline can be precisely traced from Daniel's day all the way down to the return of Jesus - without the need for any "gaps" or other ridiculous "square peg/round hole" tinkering around with God's revealed word.

We can start at Daniel 2 and I can show you the exact point where you Jesuit Futurists veer off course.

Any Jewish convert who got the letter and read about the 1st beast would immediately refer to the beasts of Daniel to understand what John was talking about.
They would also know that the dragon, sea beast, and scarlet beast are the same 7 historical kingdoms. You have yet to prove your false accusation, that I post Jesuit Futurist ideology.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Let's forget about your "historic facts" for a moment and let's judge whether Daniel 8 identifies or excludes Antiochus as the Little Horn. Please answer the following 4 points, point by point, preferably limiting one point per post for clarity:

1. The only thing Antiochus Epiphanes IV was "exceeding great" at was championing mediocrity:
  • He was anything but "exceeding great" over the "very great" Greeks or the "great" MPs
  • He was ridiculed as "Epimenes" ("madman") by his contemporaries
  • He hardly expanded his kingdom during his reign
  • He and his entire candypants army was run out of Egypt by an ambassador and a small security team
2. His reign was too soon:
  • the Little Horn rises "at the latter time of their kingdom" - the end of the reign of the 4 divisions
  • Antiochus reigned early on as the 9th out of 20+ kings - way too early for "the latter time"
3. Grammar rules demand "them" refers to the 4 "winds" - not "horns":
  • Hebrew noun/pronoun gender agreement demands "them" refer to "winds"
  • Hebrew syntax demands the noun antecedent of "them" is "winds" as seen here: "...the four horns toward the four winds of heaven. Out of one of them..."
4. Insignificance of the sanctuary pork BBQ:
  • "daily sacrifice" is not in the original Hebrew - only "daily" which refers to the entire sanctuary service
  • Antiochus did not take away the "daily" - he only suspended sacrifices
  • his pork BBQ was nowhere near 490 days or years after the 457 B.C. decree
  • his pork BBQ was nowhere near 2300 days or years after the 457 B.C. decree
  • his pork BBQ was off by two months if you count 1150 literal "evenings and mornings"
  • the pork BBQ "abomination" pales in comparison to the Romans soaking the altar in Jewish blood
Keeping it simple:
1. Waxed exceeding great. The key word is "waxed", which is defined:
"To wax to be strong [great] is to increase in size or intensity. Waxing is the act of increasing or growing something, so the adjective “strong” isn’t necessary to intensify the meaning."

2. Being relative to the "Age of Indignation", and God's prophetic view of time, Antiochus Epiphanes was right on time, in fulfilling the period of "the transgressors" becoming full.
Dan. 8
[23] And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

3. How God uses OUR languages and grammar, as opposed to us, is going to be according to His "higher thoughts and ways", and not what we might want to second guess Him on, about what He thinks.
Therefore, I rest in the context of what God means, which is "heads" and or "horns". "Winds" would be an extrapolation to change what God thinks and says, to what we would like it to be.
Isa. 55:8-9

4. First and foremost your math formula is of the wrong process that church-ianity (the wisdom of men) always follows.
The process that God shows in Dan. 12, is to count the 2300 days, and discover how many days within the 2300 that Antiochus accosted and attacked the Jews and their sanctuary. Be sure to use the KJV only, along with the historical record of 1&2 Maccabees.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
They would also know that the dragon, sea beast, and scarlet beast are the same 7 historical kingdoms. You have yet to prove your false accusation, that I post Jesuit Futurist ideology.

I'm a PROTESTANT HISTORICIST and challenge any Jesuit Preterist or Jesuit Futurist to start at Daniel 2 with me and trace their steps to the exact point where they depart the Biblical prophetic timeline into satanic Jesuit lies - and you, like all other Jesuit sympathizers, refuse to step up to the challenge.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Keeping it simple:
1. Waxed exceeding great. The key word is "waxed", which is defined:
"To wax to be strong [great] is to increase in size or intensity. Waxing is the act of increasing or growing something, so the adjective “strong” isn’t necessary to intensify the meaning."
I already know what "waxed exceeding great" means and it doesn't apply to Antiochus. Dude was a chump, as the points I gave you prove: points you cannot refute so you ignore.
2. Being relative to the "Age of Indignation", and God's prophetic view of time, Antiochus Epiphanes was right on time, in fulfilling the period of "the transgressors" becoming full.
Dan. 8
[23] And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
Is English your first language? I seriously am beginning to think you didn't learn English natively...because you are clearly incapable of understanding that "latter time of their kingdom" means the "end of the reign of the four 'horn' divided Greek kingdoms" - understand?

It says "the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors are come to the full" which means when the four pagan Greek kingdoms are through standing with jaws set and fists clenched in opposition to God.
3. How God uses OUR languages and grammar, as opposed to us, is going to be according to His "higher thoughts and ways", and not what we might want to second guess Him on, about what He thinks.
Does God use our languages to author confusion? Because that's exactly what your false interpretation produces: confusion!

It is as much confusion to have the masculine Hebrew pronoun "them" refer to the feminine "horns" as it is to say, "Earburner doesn't understand prophecy because she prefers private interpretations over Biblical interpretation".

See what I did there? I showed you how departing from noun/pronoun gender agreement introduces confusion, the author of which God it not!
Therefore, I rest in the context of what God means, which is "heads" and or "horns". "Winds" would be an extrapolation to change what God thinks and says, to what we would like it to be.
Isa. 55:8-9
"Earburner thinks she rests in context because she's unaware she's turned context into confusion".
The process that God shows in Dan. 12, is to count the 2300 days, and discover how many days within the 2300 that Antiochus accosted and attacked the Jews and their sanctuary.
Friend, the height of this astounding stupidity has no equal - the pinnacle of asininity. The 2300 must be counted from a starting point to an ending point. How?

Don't you understand Daniel prayed in chapter 9 for God to clarify his "2300 days" confusion in chapter 8?

Don't you understand that God chose to clarify it by Gabriel's revelation of the 70 Weeks?

Don't you understand the only thing, contextually, the 70 Weeks can be "cut off" from is the 2300 Days?

Don't you understand that all this (plus more) makes the 70 Weeks and the 2300 Days intrinsically tied?

Don't you understand that, therefore, if the 70 begins in 457 B.C., so too the 2300 begins then, as well?

If we start at 457 B.C. and count 2300 days, does that bring us to the date of the Jewish temple desecration? NO!
Be sure to use the KJV only, along with the historical record of 1&2 Maccabees.
Be sure to interpret the KJV correctly and contextually, and don't worry about any books that teach we can pray and hold masses for the dead - which is more Jesuit lies.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
What's that to do with Paul's inspired teaching that the "restrainer" is pagan Rome, according to the ECFs?

Those deceived on man's old 16th century Reformer theory that the pope is the coming Antichrist STILL... do not know their Bible today.

It's crazy just listening to their Biblical ignorance!

Brethren in Christ, be careful of listening to those deceived on those old pope doctrines. The 16th century Protestant Reformers (even my actual ancestors in old France), thought the pope back then was the prophesied coming Antichrist of Bible Scripture. Because of how the Catholic Church then was persecuting Protestant Christians that had separated from the Roman Church, those Reformers thought they had reached the actual end of the world, and time of great tribulation. So they thought the pope then had to be the prophesied Antichrist for the end. He wasn't, and still ain't today.

NO... it was NOT yet time for the coming of the Antichrist back then.

And even to this day, we are STILL awaiting the coming of the Antichrist-false-Messiah for the end of this world which Jesus and His Apostles warned us about.

I'm not a Catholic, but I know enough of my Bible to realize their hatred against the pope is based on political motive, because The Bible points to the coming Antichrist originating from among the CIRCUMCISION (ie., the Jews). And in JERUSALEM is where the coming Antichrist-false-Messiah is to appear, and will be linked to the unbelieving JEWS and the re-establishing of their old covenant type worship with a new stone temple and animal sacrifices.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
"The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom"

There are FIVE BEAST KINGDOMS shown in the Book of Daniel.

There are FIVE PIECES declared with the beast statue.

The feet of TEN TOES of part iron and part CLAY represents the 5TH and FINAL BEAST for the END.



Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I assure you, the prophetic timeline can be precisely traced from Daniel's day all the way down to the return of Jesus - without the need for any "gaps" or other ridiculous "square peg/round hole" tinkering around with God's revealed word.

Well NO, you cannot ASSURE anyone with your false claim.

The events of the final 70th week are still yet to happen today. And mocking the idea of 'gaps' written in God's Word is just that, MOCKING God's Word, because there's time gaps shown from prophecies in God's Word, and HERE IS ONE that happened about a 1,000 years after it was prophesied through king David...

Ps 22:1
22 My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? why art Thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?

Ps 22:7-8
7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head saying,
8 He trusted on the LORD that He would deliver him: let Him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.

Ps 22:12-16
12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.
13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.
14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.
15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and Thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

Your claims are from MEN, not from God's Word, for you MOCK God's Word. Therefore, GOD has cut off your understanding in His Word.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States

Of course THAT IS A LIE.

The Jesuit Order didn't even start until like the 16th century A.D., and the office of a Roman "bishop of bishops" (pope) didn't start until around the 3rd-4th century A.D., so then what Antichrist was 2nd century A.D. Hippolytus here talking about from Bible Scripture...

5. But as time now presses for the consideration of the question immediately in hand, and as what has been already said in the introduction with regard to the glory of God, may suffice, it is proper that we take the Holy Scriptures themselves in hand, and find out from them what, and of what manner, the coming of Antichrist is; on what occasion and at what time that implores one shall be revealed; and whence and from what I tribe (he shall come); and what his name is, which is indicated by the number in the Scripture; and how he shall work error among the people, gathering them from the ends of the earth; and (how) he shall stir up tribulation and persecution against the saints; and how he shall glorify himself as God; and what his end shall be; and how the sudden appearing of the Lord shall be revealed froth heaven; and what the conflagration of the whole world shall be; and what the glorious and heavenly kingdom of the saints is to be, when they reign together with Christ; and what the punishment of the wicked by fire.
6. Now, as our Lord Jesus Christ, who is also God, was prophesied of under the figure of a lion, on account of His royalty and glory, in the same way have the Scriptures also aforetime spoken of Antichrist as a lion, on account of his tyranny and violence. For the deceiver seeks to liken himself in all things to the Son of God. Christ is a lion, so Antichrist is also a lion; Christ is a king, so Antichrist is also a king. The Saviour was manifested as a lamb; so he too, in like manner, will appear as a lamb, though within he is a wolf. The Saviour came into the World in the circumcision, and he will come in the same manner. The Lord sent apostles among all the nations, and he in like manner will send false apostles. The Saviour gathered together the sheep that were scattered abroad, and he in like manner will bring together a people that is scattered abroad. The Lord gave a seal to those who believed on Him, and he will give one like manner. The Saviour appeared in the form of man, and he too will come in the form of a man. The Saviour raised up and showed His holy flesh like a temple, and he will raise a temple of stone in Jerusalem.
(Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, by Hippolytus of Rome, circa 180-230 A.D.)


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Those deceived on man's old 16th century Reformer theory that the pope is the coming Antichrist STILL... do not know their Bible today.

It's crazy just listening to their Biblical ignorance!

Brethren in Christ, be careful of listening to those deceived on those old pope doctrines. The 16th century Protestant Reformers (even my actual ancestors in old France), thought the pope back then was the prophesied coming Antichrist of Bible Scripture. Because of how the Catholic Church then was persecuting Protestant Christians that had separated from the Roman Church, those Reformers thought they had reached the actual end of the world, and time of great tribulation. So they thought the pope then had to be the prophesied Antichrist for the end. He wasn't, and still ain't today.

NO... it was NOT yet time for the coming of the Antichrist back then.

And even to this day, we are STILL awaiting the coming of the Antichrist-false-Messiah for the end of this world which Jesus and His Apostles warned us about.

I'm not a Catholic, but I know enough of my Bible to realize their hatred against the pope is based on political motive, because The Bible points to the coming Antichrist originating from among the CIRCUMCISION (ie., the Jews). And in JERUSALEM is where the coming Antichrist-false-Messiah is to appear, and will be linked to the unbelieving JEWS and the re-establishing of their old covenant type worship with a new stone temple and animal sacrifices.
Brethren, be keenly aware that Davy made zero attempts to answer the question, Why would God refer to a building - in which the sacrifices offered therein point to a "messiah who has not yet come" - as the "temple of God"?

He doesn't answer because he has no answer because there is no answer. God would NEVER refer to such a blasphemous temple as His temple.

The "temple of God" in which the Antichrist sits is the church which the NT over and over refers to as God's "temple".


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
There are FIVE BEAST KINGDOMS shown in the Book of Daniel.

There are FIVE PIECES declared with the beast statue.

The feet of TEN TOES of part iron and part CLAY represents the 5TH and FINAL BEAST for the END.

There was and is no "fifth beast" empire - Rome was the last. The Ten Toes are the kingdoms into which the fourth beast divided.

You know the first four beasts immediately follow the one after the other, but somehow when Rome fell in 476 A.D., your so called "fifth beast" doesn't show up for thousands of years later, right?

Wrong - the "fourth beast" Rome divided into Ten Horns which became the Western nations of the world where God's people flourish even today.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Well NO, you cannot ASSURE anyone with your false claim.

The events of the final 70th week are still yet to happen today. And mocking the idea of 'gaps' written in God's Word is just that, MOCKING God's Word,
No, no, mocking "gaps" is mocking a stupid idea which is unBiblical and unnecessary to eschatology.

It's utter stupidity for one to return from his noon lunch hour at 2 PM and tell his furious boss "Hey, boss, they didn't tell you? There's a ONE HOUR GAP between 12:59 and 1:00!"

Utter stupid nonsense.
because there's time gaps shown from prophecies in God's Word, and HERE IS ONE that happened about a 1,000 years after it was prophesied through king David...
Brethren, I've enlightened Davy on numerous occasions about the difference between "event specific time prophecy" and "numerically specific time prophecy" where the former uses events to mark duration while the latter uses numbers to mark duration.

I've challenged Davy to find any numerically specific time prophecy, be it the 120 years of Noah's preaching, the 400 years of Israel's captivity, the 10 days of Ezekiel's prophecy, the 40 years of Israel's wandering, etc., etc., etc., and find just one single instance where God inserted a "gap" in any of those numerically specific time prophecies...as you all can guess, he hasn't found one.

So, he resorts to "apples/oranges" tactics where he's appealing to an "event specific time prophecy" of David to "prove" there's a gap in the 70 Weeks prophecy, which is a....say it with me, folks....NUMERICALLY SPECIFIC TIME PROPHECY.

Don't fall for his flawed reasoning. The 70 Weeks are 70 Weeks, period, not 70 Weeks and 2,000+ years and counting...
Your claims are from MEN, not from God's Word, for you MOCK God's Word. Therefore, GOD has cut off your understanding in His Word.
God has not only confirmed His truth in me, but is using me to help undo the damage that Jesuit Futurists like yourself have caused due to you all's preference for Jesuit sensationalism over eschatological substance.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Of course THAT IS A LIE.

The Jesuit Order didn't even start until like the 16th century A.D., and the office of a Roman "bishop of bishops" (pope) didn't start until around the 3rd-4th century A.D., so then what Antichrist was 2nd century A.D. Hippolytus here talking about from Bible Scripture...

5. But as time now presses for the consideration of the question immediately in hand, and as what has been already said in the introduction with regard to the glory of God, may suffice, it is proper that we take the Holy Scriptures themselves in hand, and find out from them what, and of what manner, the coming of Antichrist is; on what occasion and at what time that implores one shall be revealed; and whence and from what I tribe (he shall come); and what his name is, which is indicated by the number in the Scripture; and how he shall work error among the people, gathering them from the ends of the earth; and (how) he shall stir up tribulation and persecution against the saints; and how he shall glorify himself as God; and what his end shall be; and how the sudden appearing of the Lord shall be revealed froth heaven; and what the conflagration of the whole world shall be; and what the glorious and heavenly kingdom of the saints is to be, when they reign together with Christ; and what the punishment of the wicked by fire.
6. Now, as our Lord Jesus Christ, who is also God, was prophesied of under the figure of a lion, on account of His royalty and glory, in the same way have the Scriptures also aforetime spoken of Antichrist as a lion, on account of his tyranny and violence. For the deceiver seeks to liken himself in all things to the Son of God. Christ is a lion, so Antichrist is also a lion; Christ is a king, so Antichrist is also a king. The Saviour was manifested as a lamb; so he too, in like manner, will appear as a lamb, though within he is a wolf. The Saviour came into the World in the circumcision, and he will come in the same manner. The Lord sent apostles among all the nations, and he in like manner will send false apostles. The Saviour gathered together the sheep that were scattered abroad, and he in like manner will bring together a people that is scattered abroad. The Lord gave a seal to those who believed on Him, and he will give one like manner. The Saviour appeared in the form of man, and he too will come in the form of a man. The Saviour raised up and showed His holy flesh like a temple, and he will raise a temple of stone in Jerusalem.
(Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, by Hippolytus of Rome, circa 180-230 A.D.)
I've already shown you Hippolytus was NOT a Futurist! He was Historicist:

"The golden head of the image,” (Hippolytus) says, “is identical with the lioness, by which the Babylonians were represented ; the shoulders and the arms of silver are the same with the bear, by which the Persians and Medes are meant ; the belly and thighs of brass are the leopard, by which the Greeks who ruled from Alexander onwards are intended ; the legs of iron are the dreadful and terrible beast, by which the Romans who hold the empire now are meant ; the toes of clay and iron are the ten horns which are to be; the one other little horn springing up in their midst is the antichrist; the stone that smites the image and breaks it in pieces, and that filled the whole earth, is Christ, who comes from heaven and brings judgment on the world."
“Rejoice, blessed Daniel, thou hast not been in error ; all these things have come to pass” (p. 19). “Already the iron rules ; already it subdues and breaks all in pieces ; already it brings all the unwilling into subjection ; already we see these things ourselves. Now we glorify God, being instructed by thee.”
Hippolutus agreed with Irenaeus: "Latinos is the number 666, and it is a very probable (solution), this being the name of the last kingdom, for the LATINS are they who at present bear rule.
"Tell me, blessed John, apostle and disciple of the Lord, what didst thou see and hear concerning​
Babylon? Arise and speak, for it sent thee also into banishment.”​

Dave, you can pick your own opinions, but you can't pick your own facts. The ECFs including Hippolytus, saw Rome as the fourth beast and the ten toes/horns as the divisions of Rome among whom the Little Horn would rise.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Brethren, be keenly aware that Davy made zero attempts to answer the question, Why would God refer to a building - in which the sacrifices offered therein point to a "messiah who has not yet come" - as the "temple of God"?

He doesn't answer because he has no answer because there is no answer. God would NEVER refer to such a blasphemous temple as His temple.

The "temple of God" in which the Antichrist sits is the church which the NT over and over refers to as God's "temple".

Brethren in Christ, don't pay attention to those like Phoneman777 who continually makes FALSE CLAIMS in attempts to attack one's credibility. Notice he doesn't offer ANY BIBLE SCRIPTURE against what I have shown from The Bible, simply because he knows he cannot... refute it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
There was and is no "fifth beast" empire - Rome was the last. The Ten Toes are the kingdoms into which the fourth beast divided.
Once again, Phoneman777 will NOT admit the Bible Scripture that I have pointed to in the Book of Daniel showing FIVE beasts, not 4...

1. "head of fine gold" -- Dan.2:32 (Babylon empire)
2. "his breast and his arms of silver" -- Dan.2:32 (Medo-Persia empire)
3. "his belly and his thighs of brass" -- Dan.2:32 (Alexander's Greece)
4. "His legs of iron" -- Dan.2:33 (Roman empire)
5. "his feet part of iron and part of clay" -- Dan.2:33 (all previous beast empires established TOGETHER... under a "one world government").

That is FIVE... pieces to that beast statue which Daniel was given by God to interpret for Nebuchadnezzar.

And HOW MANY pieces are mentioned being 'together' when that final 5th beast is smitten upon its feet of ten toes by the "stone" (Jesus) that was cut out without hands?

Dan 2:34-35
34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

35 Then was the
iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

What God is showing us who today have reached the last days when that FINAL FIFTH PIECE will manifest the WHOLE beast image, all FIVE PIECES TOGETHER, is what today's globalist "one world government" movement is about. That is the system which Christ will come to destroy on the last day of this present world.

Now WHY... would those like Phonyman777 want you to NOT see that simplicity of the FIVE Daniel 2 Scripture pieces all being TOGETHER, and that verse 34-35 section about them for the END with Christ's future coming to smite it upon its feet of ten toes?

Those like Phonyman777 on the old FAILED doctrines of the Protestant Reformers of the 16th century don't want YOU TO GET OFF THE IDEA that there are ONLY FOUR beasts in the Book of Daniel, WHY?

Simply because those still on the old Reformers ideas are STILL focused ONLY on the "legs of iron" piece of the beast statue, which represented the old pagan Roman empire. That pagan Roman empire died long ago. Those like Phonyman777 are attacking the Christian Church! Their beliefs against today's Roman Church isn't about Christianity. It's about the pagan Roman empire which died long ago, and they TRY to apply that pagan Roman empire to the Roman Church and a pope. This is why they spend so much time trying... to convince you that the Roman Church is actually paganism hiding under the banner of Christianity.

So the Protestant Church today is pure as snow, and has no deceivers working in it? Some Protestant Churches today have just as many problems as the Roman Church does today. I mean, didn't Lord Jesus rebuke FIVE CHURCHES in Asia (Minor) while only commending TWO of them?

So what are those Phonyman777 really trying to push here on this matter? Simple, what he is pushing is a POLITICAL MOTIVE by the false Jews. God's Word warns us about false ones who creep into the Church to spread lies, and the Roman Church in its history had dealt harshly with Satan's workers of the "synagogue of Satan" who hide as false Jews (Rev.2:9; Rev.3:9). That is why they have picked up that old Reformer's failed doctrine of the 1600's that thought the pope and the Roman Church represented Antichrist and keep trying to push it upon the Biblically illiterate today.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
No, no, mocking "gaps" is mocking a stupid idea which is unBiblical and unnecessary to eschatology.

It's utter stupidity for one to return from his noon lunch hour at 2 PM and tell his furious boss "Hey, boss, they didn't tell you? There's a ONE HOUR GAP between 12:59 and 1:00!"

Utter stupid nonsense.

Brethren, I've enlightened Davy on numerous occasions about the difference between "event specific time prophecy" and "numerically specific time prophecy" where the former uses events to mark duration while the latter uses numbers to mark duration.

I've challenged Davy to find any numerically specific time prophecy, be it the 120 years of Noah's preaching, the 400 years of Israel's captivity, the 10 days of Ezekiel's prophecy, the 40 years of Israel's wandering, etc., etc., etc., and find just one single instance where God inserted a "gap" in any of those numerically specific time prophecies...as you all can guess, he hasn't found one.

So, he resorts to "apples/oranges" tactics where he's appealing to an "event specific time prophecy" of David to "prove" there's a gap in the 70 Weeks prophecy, which is a....say it with me, folks....NUMERICALLY SPECIFIC TIME PROPHECY.

Don't fall for his flawed reasoning. The 70 Weeks are 70 Weeks, period, not 70 Weeks and 2,000+ years and counting...

God has not only confirmed His truth in me, but is using me to help undo the damage that Jesuit Futurists like yourself have caused due to you all's preference for Jesuit sensationalism over eschatological substance.

It should be obvious that Phonyman777 refuses to even RECOGNIZE God's given prophecy through His servant David in Psalms 22 about Christ's crucifixion event!!! Even though Christ QUOTED the words of Psalms 22:1 upon His cross!!!

What does that show us about Phonyman777 and who he is following? Who does God's Word show that DENIES the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is exactly what the Psalms 22 Scripture is about?