Religion is about what WE do.True Christianity is about what CHRIST has already done.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Jesus called Satan, "the ruler of this world." (John 12:21 NASB) At the heart of Satan's world system, we find religion. In fact, during the Tribulation, the second most powerful man in the world will be a man of religion. The Bible calls him the False Prophet.

Sin represents humanity's most basic dilemma. Religion answers the sin question in one way, and the Gospel answers it in another.

Religion is based on the human conceit that we can do something to earn God's acceptance. That's why the "religious" answer to overcoming sin is "work." Religion always tries to gain God's approval by what we do.

The Gospel says that God offers forgiveness of sin as a gift. And that gift comes on the basis of a God-provided Substitute bearing the penalty for our sin.

Religion is about what WE do. True Christianity is about what CHRIST has already done.

And only one of those ways leads to heaven.

Hal Lindsey


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Greeting, first good post. second TRUE.

James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world".

as you said "Religion is about what WE do", scripture,

Matthew 25:32 "And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

Matthew 25:33 "And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

Matthew 25:34 "Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

Matthew 25:35 "For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Matthew 25:36 "Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Matthew 25:37 "Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

Matthew 25:38 "When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

Matthew 25:39 "Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

Matthew 25:40 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Jesus called Satan, "the ruler of this world." (John 12:21 NASB) At the heart of Satan's world system, we find religion. In fact, during the Tribulation, the second most powerful man in the world will be a man of religion. The Bible calls him the False Prophet.

Sin represents humanity's most basic dilemma. Religion answers the sin question in one way, and the Gospel answers it in another.

Religion is based on the human conceit that we can do something to earn God's acceptance. That's why the "religious" answer to overcoming sin is "work." Religion always tries to gain God's approval by what we do.

The Gospel says that God offers forgiveness of sin as a gift. And that gift comes on the basis of a God-provided Substitute bearing the penalty for our sin.

Religion is about what WE do. True Christianity is about what CHRIST has already done.

And only one of those ways leads to heaven.

Hal Lindsey

Hi there, "For me".. I think that is the best post that you have made. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
in the coming ages?

Yes indeed..fasten your seat belt.
There have been seasons and ages since the beginning...this age is closing out at some point...controls are squeezing us into boxes and laws of what we can and can't do anymore...freedoms are fast vanishing....
I think the next age will be very dark....before the age of the New Dawn.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Yes indeed..fasten your seat belt.
There have been seasons and ages since the beginning...this age is closing out at some point...controls are squeezing us into boxes and laws of what we can and can't do anymore...freedoms are fast vanishing....
I think the next age will be very dark....before the age of the New Dawn.
Well said


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Jesus called Satan, "the ruler of this world." (John 12:21 NASB) At the heart of Satan's world system, we find religion. In fact, during the Tribulation, the second most powerful man in the world will be a man of religion. The Bible calls him the False Prophet.

Sin represents humanity's most basic dilemma. Religion answers the sin question in one way, and the Gospel answers it in another.

Religion is based on the human conceit that we can do something to earn God's acceptance. That's why the "religious" answer to overcoming sin is "work." Religion always tries to gain God's approval by what we do.

The Gospel says that God offers forgiveness of sin as a gift. And that gift comes on the basis of a God-provided Substitute bearing the penalty for our sin.

Religion is about what WE do. True Christianity is about what CHRIST has already done.

And only one of those ways leads to heaven.

Hal Lindsey

Well, you’ve showcased CS Lewis awkward reasoning “liar, lunatic, Lord” model.......Hal Lindsey is definitely not the Lord.

Thank you
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Nice OP.
Religion is about what WE do. True Christianity is about what CHRIST has already done.

I love this because it is so true. You see all the other religions, all the other people following their rules; bending, twisting, knotting...manipulating. All other religions tell their followers what they must do for their 'god'. Jesus tells us what he has done for us. How wonderful and precious! No wonder Paul tell us salvation is a gift.
It makes you wonder though, why more people aren't at least curious about Christianity. I suppose when it comes down to it, people actually like rules and procedures. They like the idea that by doing this, this, this and this, they will get that. It gives them a certain control over the situation. Christianity means realizing you are broken and are in need of saving...that we need that 'work' that Christ has already done for us because we are helpless to do it ourselves. Surrender, acceptance, joy and worship.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Nice OP.

I love this because it is so true. You see all the other religions, all the other people following their rules; bending, twisting, knotting...manipulating. All other religions tell their followers what they must do for their 'god'. Jesus tells us what he has done for us. How wonderful and precious! No wonder Paul tell us salvation is a gift.
It makes you wonder though, why more people aren't at least curious about Christianity. I suppose when it comes down to it, people actually like rules and procedures. They like the idea that by doing this, this, this and this, they will get that. It gives them a certain control over the situation. Christianity means realizing you are broken and are in need of saving...that we need that 'work' that Christ has already done for us because we are helpless to do it ourselves. Surrender, acceptance, joy and worship.

I disagree. Yes, other religions do bipass rules by rearranging them, but Christians do the same thing in our minds. The mental gymnastics arranged in the minds of Christians are legendary - like dieters who justify eating anything and calling it a diet and people who avoid exercising at all costs, while claiming to be marathon runners....Christians will do anything to love perfectly without serving even one neighbor in need.

Even making claims about God doing everything for us...

Jesus justified it is up to us to work with the Holy Spirit to practice our sanctification by loving others or die on the vine


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
I disagree. Yes, other religions do bipass rules by rearranging them, but Christians do the same thing in our minds. The mental gymnastics arranged in the minds of Christians are legendary - like dieters who justify eating anything and calling it a diet and people who avoid exercising at all costs, while claiming to be marathon runners....Christians will do anything to love perfectly without serving even one neighbor in need.

Even making claims about God doing everything for us...

Jesus justified it is up to us to work with the Holy Spirit to practice our sanctification by loving others or die on the vine

Yes, but, isn't that because Christians are made up of mankind...we who are still flawed? In other words....if we look at the "system" alone....other religions vs Christianity, then what we see is perfect and beautiful.
It's then you have fallen men, even though they are forgiven, who come stumbling into that 'system' (for want of a better word) and mess it up a tad. Sometimes it's because they are stubborn and willful and can't quite let go completely of that 'old nature', and other times the heart is pure but they still fall again and again into old habits. That is why sanctification is a process, and why the bible tells us that Jesus, who begins a work in us, will complete it. But it's still his process. Sure, we must partner with him, but the strength and the goodness that allows us to, that's all God...and again, that's a gift from him to us, rather than something we have to front up to him before he accepts us. Wouldn't you agree?
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I disagree. Yes, other religions do bipass rules by rearranging them, but Christians do the same thing in our minds. The mental gymnastics arranged in the minds of Christians are legendary - like dieters who justify eating anything and calling it a diet and people who avoid exercising at all costs, while claiming to be marathon runners....Christians will do anything to love perfectly without serving even one neighbor in need.

Even making claims about God doing everything for us...

Jesus justified it is up to us to work with the Holy Spirit to practice our sanctification by loving others or die on the vine
Bro Aspen. I believe we need to take care to differentiate between justification and sanctification. In fact, it is on that very point that the Reformation was founded, and it is on that very point, that some today are claiming the reformation is over and the protest finished because Rome now teaches 'justification by faith'. But I believe that you are an educated fellow, and may be able to discern the lie that is now supposedly an agreement between Catholics and Lutherans on the subject of justification by faith. Reform theology was not one that cast aside works altogether. But it is error to include works as a basis for is not an error to include works as part or result of the sanctification process that comes after Christ has done everything to justify the sinner, including dying as a propitiation for the ungodly.
The truth is my friend that the Council of Trent still stands as a dogmatic unmovable infallible benchmark of Catholic teaching on justification, and it completely contradicts reform teaching on the subject. Sadly, it may not contradict the teachings of some apostatising pseudo protestants seeking Rome's motherly acceptance of wayward daughters.
Some protestants today also see justification as being "saved". I disagree with that, and so did the reformers. Sanctification (the ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary) is as essential to the salvation of the sinner as was the death at Calvary.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Bro Aspen. I believe we need to take care to differentiate between justification and sanctification. In fact, it is on that very point that the Reformation was founded, and it is on that very point, that some today are claiming the reformation is over and the protest finished because Rome now teaches 'justification by faith'. But I believe that you are an educated fellow, and may be able to discern the lie that is now supposedly an agreement between Catholics and Lutherans on the subject of justification by faith. Reform theology was not one that cast aside works altogether. But it is error to include works as a basis for is not an error to include works as part or result of the sanctification process that comes after Christ has done everything to justify the sinner, including dying as a propitiation for the ungodly.
The truth is my friend that the Council of Trent still stands as a dogmatic unmovable infallible benchmark of Catholic teaching on justification, and it completely contradicts reform teaching on the subject. Sadly, it may not contradict the teachings of some apostatising pseudo protestants seeking Rome's motherly acceptance of wayward daughters.
Some protestants today also see justification as being "saved". I disagree with that, and so did the reformers. Sanctification (the ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary) is as essential to the salvation of the sinner as was the death at Calvary.

I think the very fact that we are still being transformed during our sanctification indicates that we are not yet full citizens of Heaven.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Yes, but, isn't that because Christians are made up of mankind...we who are still flawed? In other words....if we look at the "system" alone....other religions vs Christianity, then what we see is perfect and beautiful.
It's then you have fallen men, even though they are forgiven, who come stumbling into that 'system' (for want of a better word) and mess it up a tad. Sometimes it's because they are stubborn and willful and can't quite let go completely of that 'old nature', and other times the heart is pure but they still fall again and again into old habits. That is why sanctification is a process, and why the bible tells us that Jesus, who begins a work in us, will complete it. But it's still his process. Sure, we must partner with him, but the strength and the goodness that allows us to, that's all God...and again, that's a gift from him to us, rather than something we have to front up to him before he accepts us. Wouldn't you agree?

I agree it is protestant orthodoxy. Honestly, i would be lying if I ignored being saturated by the sticky sweet odor of false humilty by proud pastors faining contempt for themselves and crediting everything from making their bed in the morning to fluffing their pillow at night to God in a most dramatic fashion. It rings hollow at this point in my life; I just try to keep it simple:

1. All relationships take work
2. Learning to love takes practice
3. Shaming and guilting myself at every turn is a waste of time
4. We are no longer slaves, but friends with God.
5. If justification is the marriage proposal; sanctification is the courtship and preparation for the Bridegroom - we need to work with God by practicing love so that we can love perfectly at the wedding feast that will last for eternity
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Yes indeed..fasten your seat belt.
There have been seasons and ages since the beginning...this age is closing out at some point...controls are squeezing us into boxes and laws of what we can and can't do anymore...freedoms are fast vanishing....
I think the next age will be very dark....before the age of the New Dawn.
Well said
you guys are strictly reflecting the end of our empire ok, just so you know; in the Far East it's 1955 right now :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
I agree it is protestant orthodoxy. Honestly, i would be lying if I ignored being saturated by the sticky sweet odor of false humilty by proud pastors faining contempt for themselves and crediting everything from making their bed in the morning to fluffing their pillow at night to God in a most dramatic fashion. It rings hollow at this point in my life; I just try to keep it simple:

1. All relationships take work
2. Learning to love takes practice
3. Shaming and guilting myself at every turn is a waste of time
4. We are no longer slaves, but friends with God.
5. If justification is the marriage proposal; sanctification is the courtship and preparation for the Bridegroom - we need to work with God by practicing love so that we can love perfectly at the wedding feast that will last for eternity

Well...It's not like I can blame you for feeling a little let down...who hasn't been confronted by someone (or many someones) who disappointed or hurt them? But I think what we should keep in mind with Christianity is the hope of change. Jesus Christ is in the business of changing people. Just like you focus on loving your neighbor in the hope that your love might bring them to Christ, so we should also remember that those already in Christ are not finished growing. So even people who are just plain thick or mean or stubborn....if Jesus has started the process in them by opening the eye of their soul to their need of him...don't give up hope! I mean....get away from them if you need to! Sometimes that's just wise...some people just don't rub well together, Christian's or no! But...I suppose my point's nice knowing that Jesus will nudge these people through situations in life that will grow them more fully towards him.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Well...It's not like I can blame you for feeling a little let down...who hasn't been confronted by someone (or many someones) who disappointed or hurt them? But I think what we should keep in mind with Christianity is the hope of change. Jesus Christ is in the business of changing people. Just like you focus on loving your neighbor in the hope that your love might bring them to Christ, so we should also remember that those already in Christ are not finished growing. So even people who are just plain thick or mean or stubborn....if Jesus has started the process in them by opening the eye of their soul to their need of him...don't give up hope! I mean....get away from them if you need to! Sometimes that's just wise...some people just don't rub well together, Christian's or no! But...I suppose my point's nice knowing that Jesus will nudge these people through situations in life that will grow them more fully towards him.

Unfortunately, it is the worship, these sorts crave. Loving them best maybe confronting or simply ignoring


Well...It's not like I can blame you for feeling a little let down...who hasn't been confronted by someone (or many someones) who disappointed or hurt them? But I think what we should keep in mind with Christianity is the hope of change. Jesus Christ is in the business of changing people. Just like you focus on loving your neighbor in the hope that your love might bring them to Christ, so we should also remember that those already in Christ are not finished growing. So even people who are just plain thick or mean or stubborn....if Jesus has started the process in them by opening the eye of their soul to their need of him...don't give up hope! I mean....get away from them if you need to! Sometimes that's just wise...some people just don't rub well together, Christian's or no! But...I suppose my point's nice knowing that Jesus will nudge these people through situations in life that will grow them more fully towards him.
I am reminded of the Laodiceans. God cannot work with lukewarm people; those who don't care. Better to be cold, and recognize your need, but to be lukewarm believing there is nothing wrong, what can God do? Self-righteousness lies at the foundation of all apostasy.
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I think the very fact that we are still being transformed during our sanctification indicates that we are not yet full citizens of Heaven.
While our fitness for the company of holy angels and the Almighty may be in question and under ongoing scrutiny and correction, our license and right to our place there are done and dusted.