The throne room

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Project Panda

Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
For almost 2 decades I suffered from IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)
I could never work out the cause, and neither did the doctors. It was so bad that it eventually had serious psychology effects on my mind, and I wouldn't even leave my home.

In 1999 when I turned my life over to Jesus, I thought that he would be able to cure the disorder, but alas he never did. So for 14 year's I had to put up with the disorder while trying to have an active Christian life. I couldn't go out too much, or drive out to Christian events, going out on church love feast's was a no, no, for me.

If you think I'm leaving something out, it's just the gruesome details. If you've ever had a bug that gives you the runs, then that was life for me for 20 long year's. There were many times I was stuck on a toilet for hours praying to Jesus.

"Help me Lord! I'd say over and over again.

But no matter how much I prayed and begged Jesus there was no solution, until. Until I finally walked away from my beliefs and started to work out what the problem could be myself. I used the scientific process of elimination, and used my own body as the testing tube.

I eliminated lots of food groups until I discovered it was sugar that was the cause, and now after 2 years of careful food management I'm 90-95% IBS free. Because of this I can hold a job, I can go out anytime I want, I am free of pain and my psychology issues have faded.

So why didn't Jesus whisper in my ear all those years ago

" It's the sugar"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I had a similar problem with the bladder. AGONY. Sleepless nights etc etc...
But WOW! 20 years?? Mine was only 4 months of misery...doctors, tests etc etc.. it wasn't an infection nothing showed. And then I was told "it is all in your head".
One night ( as I couldn't sleep, ) I got on the computer, and like you I said..
Lord what do I do, show me the wisdom.

I typed in my symptoms ..and up popped a link...
It mentioned my problems , every even said " And you have been told that there is no problem.."
Pay $35 and download my book. Tour problem will be gone in two to 8 weeks ( depending how chronic it is)
I did that....and mine wasn't sugar ( but sugar does aggravate the problem)
it was S.A.L. T. !!!!

I cut out every speck of salt...and in 4 weeks was back to normal.

I have NO answer as to why God couldn't have just healed us, or told us the problem....
All I can do is wait until the end of all this...and then I am sure all my "why" questions will be answered.

I am sorry for your pain. Both the pain you went through, and the inner pain of having no defining answers.
I can only guess that is why the Christian life is called " The life of Faith"
Faith is believing that which we cannot see...
The only remedy to our "Why's?" faith. I see no other answer.

And, if I turn from God, I have no where to go.

Project Panda

Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
I had a similar problem with the bladder. AGONY. Sleepless nights etc etc...
But WOW! 20 years?? Mine was only 4 months of misery...doctors, tests etc etc.. it wasn't an infection nothing showed. And then I was told "it is all in your head".
One night ( as I couldn't sleep, ) I got on the computer, and like you I said..
Lord what do I do, show me the wisdom.

I typed in my symptoms ..and up popped a link...
It mentioned my problems , every even said " And you have been told that there is no problem.."
Pay $35 and download my book. Tour problem will be gone in two to 8 weeks ( depending how chronic it is)
I did that....and mine wasn't sugar ( but sugar does aggravate the problem)
it was S.A.L. T. !!!!

I cut out every speck of salt...and in 4 weeks was back to normal.

I have NO answer as to why God couldn't have just healed us, or told us the problem....
All I can do is wait until the end of all this...and then I am sure all my "why" questions will be answered.

I am sorry for your pain. Both the pain you went through, and the inner pain of having no defining answers.
I can only guess that is why the Christian life is called " The life of Faith"
Faith is believing that which we cannot see...
The only remedy to our "Why's?" faith. I see no other answer.

And, if I turn from God, I have no where to go.
In my case IBS was just one thing out of a myriad of problems that God didn't remedy. He says in his book that if you just have faith, then nothing will be impossible for you, you can heal anything in his name. But his name doesn't do anything, you just have faith and that's the end of it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
For almost 2 decades I suffered from IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)
I could never work out the cause, and neither did the doctors. It was so bad that it eventually had serious psychology effects on my mind, and I wouldn't even leave my home.

In 1999 when I turned my life over to Jesus, I thought that he would be able to cure the disorder, but alas he never did. So for 14 year's I had to put up with the disorder while trying to have an active Christian life. I couldn't go out too much, or drive out to Christian events, going out on church love feast's was a no, no, for me.

If you think I'm leaving something out, it's just the gruesome details. If you've ever had a bug that gives you the runs, then that was life for me for 20 long year's. There were many times I was stuck on a toilet for hours praying to Jesus.

"Help me Lord! I'd say over and over again.

But no matter how much I prayed and begged Jesus there was no solution, until. Until I finally walked away from my beliefs and started to work out what the problem could be myself. I used the scientific process of elimination, and used my own body as the testing tube.

I eliminated lots of food groups until I discovered it was sugar that was the cause, and now after 2 years of careful food management I'm 90-95% IBS free. Because of this I can hold a job, I can go out anytime I want, I am free of pain and my psychology issues have faded.

So why didn't Jesus whisper in my ear all those years ago

" It's the sugar"

Gee, you could never work out the cause of your IBS and neither could the doctors? There goes your science. They failed you. Yet you didn't disbelieve in your science. Did you? Yet you blame God for not healing you of the shits.

You ask why didn't Jesus whisper in your ear. Answer: Because He didn't want to. It's your story. Not mine. If you don't hear Him...He's not talking. Doesn't mean He isn't there.

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In all your years of being a Christian, did you read your Bible, and if so, did you believe it? Because if you read the recommendations on diet and healthful living, you may have found that God was talking to you all along but you weren't listening. So many, not necessarily you, pray for healing etc but live lives that are devoid of temperance. God will not help people of illness that people continually inflict upon themselves through poor choices in diet and lifestyle.
For example, why would God heal someone of lung cancer if they refuse to give up tobacco?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
He says in his book that if you just have faith, then nothing will be impossible for you, you can heal anything in his name. But his name doesn't do anything, you just have faith and that's the end of it.

I know that you were miserable with the IBS obviously.
But now that you have "given up on God"...has that really made your life any happier ? o_O
It doesn't sound so.

I think I would rather be miserable 'with God', than miserable without God!!

Project Panda

Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
I know that you were miserable with the IBS obviously.
But now that you have "given up on God"...has that really made your life any happier ? o_O
It doesn't sound so.

I think I would rather be miserable 'with God', than miserable without God!!
No way sister, I have more peace now than I did in my entire life. Happiness is an overrated emotion, and the expectation of it is a hell in itself.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
No way sister, I have more peace now than I did in my entire life. Happiness is an overrated emotion, and the expectation of it is a hell in itself.

Well I am glad to know that you have found
The only thing is...this life isn't only "all there is".

Project Panda

Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
Well I am glad to know that you have found
The only thing is...this life isn't only "all there is".
No, you're are right about the continuation of life, but how do you know this is life? Because you breath? Is that life? Because you think? Is that life? Because you exist? Is that life?

I don't think that this is life, for what kind of life is imperfect. Life is life, living eternally, but we do not live eternally. Everything in this universe dies, that's not life, but a system that life created.

It is life that is God, not God that is life.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
But no matter how much I prayed and begged Jesus there was no solution, until. Until I finally walked away from my beliefs and started to work out what the problem could be myself. I used the scientific process of elimination, and used my own body as the testing tube.
I don't get this. Why is it necessary to 'walk away' from Christian belief in order to do a bit of self-experimentation?
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Project Panda

Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
I don't get this. Why is it necessary to 'walk away' from Christian belief in order to do a bit of self-experimentation?
Didn't know how when the Bible was my number 1 to go guide too the universe (Did I get the to(o)s right?)

Anyway, you're supposed to have faith in Jesus and his power to heal the sick, make the blind see, ect ect ect. I did just that, I mean why did I need doctors? They just make things worse.

Point and case, the woman who was bleeding for 12 years. He can even raise the dead! Who else do I need but him, but besides this I shouldn't lean on my own understanding (My own methods) But his.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Didn't know how when the Bible was my number 1 to go guide too the universe (Did I get the to(o)s right?)

Anyway, you're supposed to have faith in Jesus and his power to heal the sick, make the blind see, ect ect ect. I did just that, I mean why did I need doctors? They just make things worse.

Point and case, the woman who was bleeding for 12 years. He can even raise the dead! Who else do I need but him, but besides this I shouldn't lean on my own understanding (My own methods) But his.

What if you are wrong? Are you judging with you eyes only? He raises the dead everyday: believers. He heals the sick by repairing the breach (gulf) between man and God. This gulf: Luke 16:26
[26] And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

Isaiah 58:12
[12] And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

He is the repairer of the breach: God himself. The restorer of paths to dwell in.

The woman in the NT that Jesus healed was a free bleeder: He healed her. He healed the woman with an issue of blood: that woman is us. Isaiah 30:21-22 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. [22] Ye shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold: thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth; thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence.

Matthew 4:8-10
[8] Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; [9] And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. [10] Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Lamentations 1:17
[17] Zion spreadeth forth her hands, and there is none to comfort her: the Lord hath commanded concerning Jacob, that his adversaries should be round about him: Jerusalem is as a menstruous woman among them.

Here is a woman with a blood issue.

God gives sight to the blind. I was blind. He gave me sight. So to say God no longer heals, or raises the dead, or opens ears of the deaf so they hear Him, or cures the woman of her bleeding issue or cleanses her filthy menstrous rags, or cleanses the lepers(those unclean) not the truth.
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Project Panda

Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
What if you are wrong? Are you judging with you eyes only? He raises the dead everyday: believers. He heals the sick by repairing the breach (gulf) between man and God. This gulf: Luke 16:26
[26] And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

Isaiah 58:12
[12] And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

He is the repairer of the breach: God himself. The restorer of paths to dwell in.

The woman in the NT that Jesus healed was a free bleeder: He healed her. He healed the woman with an issue of blood: that woman is us. Isaiah 30:21-22 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. [22] Ye shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold: thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth; thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence.

Matthew 4:8-10
[8] Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; [9] And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. [10] Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Lamentations 1:17
[17] Zion spreadeth forth her hands, and there is none to comfort her: the Lord hath commanded concerning Jacob, that his adversaries should be round about him: Jerusalem is as a menstruous woman among them.

Here is a woman with a blood issue.

God gives sight to the blind. I was blind. He gave me sight. So to say God no longer heals, or raises the dead, or opens ears of the deaf so they hear Him, or cures the woman of her bleeding issue or cleanses her filthy menstrous rags, or cleanses the lepers(those unclean) not the truth.
Easy to accept something that is written in a book that you can't actually verify. It seems all these miraculous events happened to the believer, but in reality you've just got to trust that book and take it on faith.

What happened to all these miracles today, did they all just stop working, did Jesus take that power away from his people? The only miracles that would come close to being miracles is coming out of the field's of science, not Christianity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Easy to accept something that is written in a book that you can't actually verify. It seems all these miraculous events happened to the believer, but in reality you've just got to trust that book and take it on faith.

What happened to all these miracles today, did they all just stop working, did Jesus take that power away from his people? The only miracles that would come close to being miracles is coming out of the field's of science, not Christianity.

You have your mind made up and no one will convince you otherwise. One thing God does promise for right now, today, is a sound mind which seems to be what you are struggling with. Maybe that is assuming too much but many of your post speak of your mind and what goes on in it. Ask God for a sound mind. Ask Him for the mind of Christ. If it is fake and there is no truth in it, then nothing will change. Right?
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Project Panda

Active Member
Apr 23, 2018
You have your mind made up and no one will convince you otherwise. One thing God does promise for right now, today, is a sound mind which seems to be what you are struggling with. Maybe that is assuming too much but many of your post speak of your mind and what goes on in it. Ask God for a sound mind. Ask Him for the mind of Christ. If it is fake and there is no truth in it, then nothing will change. Right?
It's kinda what the Mormon's say when they first meet you.

"Ask God if the latter day church & the book of Mormon is true"

That's a nonsensical question, how can God say no if he is in fact true.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
It's kinda what the Mormon's say when they first meet you.

"Ask God if the latter day church & the book of Mormon is true"

That's a nonsensical question, how can God say no if he is in fact true.

No, I said nothing will change. That is a evident "no" to you, it seems. Go on and hold tight to what you want to believe is true. It makes no difference to me. But I do care about you and want you to have joy. I want you to have all the desires of your heart, but, those desire need to change to His desire before that will happen. That may be offensive but it is true. If you have already found joy then ignore my post.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
For almost 2 decades I suffered from IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)
I could never work out the cause, and neither did the doctors. It was so bad that it eventually had serious psychology effects on my mind, and I wouldn't even leave my home.

In 1999 when I turned my life over to Jesus, I thought that he would be able to cure the disorder, but alas he never did. So for 14 year's I had to put up with the disorder while trying to have an active Christian life. I couldn't go out too much, or drive out to Christian events, going out on church love feast's was a no, no, for me.

If you think I'm leaving something out, it's just the gruesome details. If you've ever had a bug that gives you the runs, then that was life for me for 20 long year's. There were many times I was stuck on a toilet for hours praying to Jesus.

"Help me Lord! I'd say over and over again.

But no matter how much I prayed and begged Jesus there was no solution, until. Until I finally walked away from my beliefs and started to work out what the problem could be myself. I used the scientific process of elimination, and used my own body as the testing tube.

I eliminated lots of food groups until I discovered it was sugar that was the cause, and now after 2 years of careful food management I'm 90-95% IBS free. Because of this I can hold a job, I can go out anytime I want, I am free of pain and my psychology issues have faded.

So why didn't Jesus whisper in my ear all those years ago

" It's the sugar"
addressing the OP only. question, "Why didn't you whisper in the Lord Jesus ear, you want to be "save" without the healing?". or was it you want to be healed in exchange for his salvation?.... Just asking.

well apparently he been whispering back, "you are healed", or at least 90-95% healed.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Easy to accept something that is written in a book that you can't actually verify. It seems all these miraculous events happened to the believer, but in reality you've just got to trust that book and take it on faith.

What happened to all these miracles today, did they all just stop working, did Jesus take that power away from his people? The only miracles that would come close to being miracles is coming out of the field's of science, not Christianity.

It must not be too easy as you can't do it. In reality the believer believes because God opens His eyes to see. He believes and knows because the Spirit of God gives it to him to know.

Science can only progress in knowledge and inventions because God has created the Creation as He has. If there was not such a consistent order of cause and effect, then there would be no science. That is the miracle of the creation. The Creation stands as a miracle yet you disbelieve it, yet you want to see more miracles. God is not interested in putting on a circus show for you.

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