The Mind

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Couldn't decide where to put this but since I need prayers...

Next week I go back to the doctor to set up an MRI of my brain. It is a follow up from three years ago when a scan showed at least seven lesions. This scan will show the doctors if the lesions have worsened and, or, are still active. This is a good thing since now they can compare the scans to see what is going on. MS, Lupus, something else...the doctor's are undecided on which autoimmune it is that is causing my body to attack itself. When I first found out, honestly, I ran toward God for healing. Everything in beginning, the relationship formed with Him...was to get what I wanted which was health. Somewhere along the way God showed me I had way more issues needing to be fixed, than a few lesions. Somewhere along the way God showed that the kind of healing I needed went far deeper than the physical.

The past couple of weeks have been difficult. I can't feel the lesions but I can tell when something is going on because the rest of my body responds, usually fatigue. The first time I noticed something was wrong was when I forgot how to drive to my in-laws home which is only ten minutes from my home. A place I had gone countless times. I would lay in bed at night and attempt to "mentally" drive to places I had driven to all my life. Familiar routes that I just couldn't remember how to get there no matter how hard I tried. So I am asking for prayer but I am okay if this is a weakness that needs to continue and is needed.

The other reason for this post is also for insight others may have to help put this illness into perspective. It is said that a heart can break. It is also said a broken heart can heal. But the beating organ inside of our body is not ever literally broken. So, what is broken? The word says, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

I believe it. I have seen the transformation. 1 Peter 1:13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

Ultimately, by the Word and of a gift from God; my mind is in an ongoing transformation. But the lesions are still there. If my mind(brain) is being healed then you would think that would include the lesions but that is not the case. I was talking to my husband about it yesterday and he brought up a good point. He said, "Your 'brain' is an physical organ that is aging. That is not the 'mind'."

What is the mind? When they say my brain carries a disease, yet the mind is transformed by the word...they are not the same, are they? Same as healing a broken heart, has nothing to do with an aging organ. What does God mean when He says He will give you a new heart(mind)?

Any insight would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Couldn't decide where to put this but since I need prayers...

Next week I go back to the doctor to set up an MRI of my brain. It is a follow up from three years ago when a scan showed at least seven lesions. This scan will show the doctors if the lesions have worsened and, or, are still active. This is a good thing since now they can compare the scans to see what is going on. MS, Lupus, something else...the doctor's are undecided on which autoimmune it is that is causing my body to attack itself. When I first found out, honestly, I ran toward God for healing. Everything in beginning, the relationship formed with Him...was to get what I wanted which was health. Somewhere along the way God showed me I had way more issues needing to be fixed, than a few lesions. Somewhere along the way God showed that the kind of healing I needed went far deeper than the physical.

The past couple of weeks have been difficult. I can't feel the lesions but I can tell when something is going on because the rest of my body responds, usually fatigue. The first time I noticed something was wrong was when I forgot how to drive to my in-laws home which is only ten minutes from my home. A place I had gone countless times. I would lay in bed at night and attempt to "mentally" drive to places I had driven to all my life. Familiar routes that I just couldn't remember how to get there no matter how hard I tried. So I am asking for prayer but I am okay if this is a weakness that needs to continue and is needed.

The other reason for this post is also for insight others may have to help put this illness into perspective. It is said that a heart can break. It is also said a broken heart can heal. But the beating organ inside of our body is not ever literally broken. So, what is broken? The word says, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

I believe it. I have seen the transformation. 1 Peter 1:13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

Ultimately, by the Word and of a gift from God; my mind is in an ongoing transformation. But the lesions are still there. If my mind(brain) is being healed then you would think that would include the lesions but that is not the case. I was talking to my husband about it yesterday and he brought up a good point. He said, "Your 'brain' is an physical organ that is aging. That is not the 'mind'."

What is the mind? When they say my brain carries a disease, yet the mind is transformed by the word...they are not the same, are they? Same as healing a broken heart, has nothing to do with an aging organ. What does God mean when He says He will give you a new heart(mind)?

Any insight would be appreciated.

You do have a point about the mind needing to be more than the grey matter between our ears. If that were all there is to it then it would be meaningless to repent or even to renew our mind now, when that returns to the dust.

But the scripture says be transformed by the renewing of the mind. So what is actually being transformed, is not the mind itself?

Perhaps the renewed mind can be compared to a pattern, just as is shown in scripture for the worldly mind.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@VictoryinJesus ..

Your brain’s soulish mind is designed for the world and body functions. Your new heart is the new spirit mind that now lives inside it. It is alive to God as is being fashioned to the spirit mind of Christ. It does not function as your soulish mind, although it can influence its actions.

I’m sorry for the brain lesions. I pray that you will healed by the power of God. Jesus our brother and Lord will place his hands into your body and heal you today. His Father is pleased with his son and loved his children. Have faith, I do for you, today and now.

Glory to God and his son Jesus Christ who love you



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Perhaps the renewed mind can be compared to a pattern, just as is shown in scripture for the worldly mind.

You may be right: Philippians 2:2
[2] Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
@VictoryinJesus ..

Your brain’s soulish mind is designed for the world and body functions. Your new heart is the new spirit mind that now lives inside it. It is alive to God as is being fashioned to the spirit mind of Christ. It does not function as your soulish mind, although it can influence its actions.

I’m sorry for the brain lesions. I pray that you will healed by the power of God. Jesus our brother and Lord will place his hands into your body and heal you today. His Father is pleased with his son and loved his children. Have faith, I do for you, today and now.

Glory to God and his son Jesus Christ who love you


No need to apologize(maybe not the right word): 1) I’ve had time to grieve what was and move into what is. 2) I honestly wouldn’t trade the past three years to have back what was before. Would I love to be healed? Absolutely. But I have learned happiness doesn’t depend upon it.

One of my favorite verses: Ruth 2:15-16
[15] And when she was risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and reproach her not: [16] And let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them , that she may glean them , and rebuke her not.

Luke 9:49-50
[49] And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. [50] And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

“...let fall also some handfuls of purpose for her.” God knows we need purpose in this life. He created us that way. In no way am I saying illness is purpose (I would rather be without it) but it did cause me to seek the One that does let fall handfuls of purpose...our kinsman Redeemer.

Thank you for prayer!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Couldn't decide where to put this but since I need prayers...

Next week I go back to the doctor to set up an MRI of my brain. It is a follow up from three years ago when a scan showed at least seven lesions. This scan will show the doctors if the lesions have worsened and, or, are still active. This is a good thing since now they can compare the scans to see what is going on. MS, Lupus, something else...the doctor's are undecided on which autoimmune it is that is causing my body to attack itself. When I first found out, honestly, I ran toward God for healing. Everything in beginning, the relationship formed with Him...was to get what I wanted which was health. Somewhere along the way God showed me I had way more issues needing to be fixed, than a few lesions. Somewhere along the way God showed that the kind of healing I needed went far deeper than the physical.

The past couple of weeks have been difficult. I can't feel the lesions but I can tell when something is going on because the rest of my body responds, usually fatigue. The first time I noticed something was wrong was when I forgot how to drive to my in-laws home which is only ten minutes from my home. A place I had gone countless times. I would lay in bed at night and attempt to "mentally" drive to places I had driven to all my life. Familiar routes that I just couldn't remember how to get there no matter how hard I tried. So I am asking for prayer but I am okay if this is a weakness that needs to continue and is needed.

The other reason for this post is also for insight others may have to help put this illness into perspective. It is said that a heart can break. It is also said a broken heart can heal. But the beating organ inside of our body is not ever literally broken. So, what is broken? The word says, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

I believe it. I have seen the transformation. 1 Peter 1:13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

Ultimately, by the Word and of a gift from God; my mind is in an ongoing transformation. But the lesions are still there. If my mind(brain) is being healed then you would think that would include the lesions but that is not the case. I was talking to my husband about it yesterday and he brought up a good point. He said, "Your 'brain' is an physical organ that is aging. That is not the 'mind'."

What is the mind? When they say my brain carries a disease, yet the mind is transformed by the word...they are not the same, are they? Same as healing a broken heart, has nothing to do with an aging organ. What does God mean when He says He will give you a new heart(mind)?

Any insight would be appreciated.

These are very complex questions, I believe. And I have been thinking about it and will put these thoughts down. But I am just muddling through, just thinking out loud.

It gets into 'you', the single individual, yet 'you' are body, soul, and spirit. I agree with your husband, that the brain is not the mind. You are you regardless of whether the body exists or not. If a leg is amputated you don't cease to be you. Same is true with all parts of your entire body.

In the normal course of functioning, when I move my arm, it is an extension of my mind willing my arm to move. The arm is as much a part of my mind as the brain. It is my will in action. The brain happens to be the organ where the will of the mind is located to perform such actions. Because it is part of the physical body, then it experiences death and decay also. But the decay and death of the brain does not affect the mind of the person. It does affect the inability of the mind to be able to get the body to agree to do what it wills.

If one is not a Christian then he doesn't have the Spirit which gives us the mind of Christ. But we who are Christian have that renewed mind, though our physical brain continues to die with our body. But, no matter who the most spiritual person you know is in Christ, if they live long enough they will be hindered by their brain not being able to function as it once did.

Again, just thinking out loud.



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
No helpful insight comes to me on all of these questions. I also believe that the brain and the mind are different, but that is only an opinion.
I will be keeping you in prayer.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
No helpful insight comes to me on all of these questions. I also believe that the brain and the mind are different, but that is only an opinion.
I will be keeping you in prayer.

Thank you Amadeus. You have been given great insight and I appreciate all your post...always. This one also stumps me and yes, most would be an opinion. Blessings to you and your family.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
These are very complex questions, I believe. And I have been thinking about it and will put these thoughts down. But I am just muddling through, just thinking out loud.

It gets into 'you', the single individual, yet 'you' are body, soul, and spirit. I agree with your husband, that the brain is not the mind. You are you regardless of whether the body exists or not. If a leg is amputated you don't cease to be you. Same is true with all parts of your entire body.

In the normal course of functioning, when I move my arm, it is an extension of my mind willing my arm to move. The arm is as much a part of my mind as the brain. It is my will in action. The brain happens to be the organ where the will of the mind is located to perform such actions. Because it is part of the physical body, then it experiences death and decay also. But the decay and death of the brain does not affect the mind of the person. It does affect the inability of the mind to be able to get the body to agree to do what it wills.

If one is not a Christian then he doesn't have the Spirit which gives us the mind of Christ. But we who are Christian have that renewed mind, though our physical brain continues to die with our body. But, no matter who the most spiritual person you know is in Christ, if they live long enough they will be hindered by their brain not being able to function as it once did.

Again, just thinking out loud.


Agree: "It gets into 'you', the single individual". In considering what lforrest brought up about the mind belonging to the world (the spirit of error) (Revelation 17:13) "These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." "the mind" is also collective and either ruled by the mind of perdition or by the mind of Christ. There are many verses that speak of sharing "one mind" "the mind of Christ". Which leaves one to consider Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." speaks of this "mind". Either the mind of this world which we are told not to conform to or "transformed" into the mind of Christ that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Then the transformation we seek is the "renewing" into His body.

I still agree with you that it also "gets into 'you', the single individual. But it may answer some questions. A family member I have experienced the most connection to is an uncle. He was a pastor, a writer, a man that loved the Lord and demonstrated that love. He passed from Alzheimer's and in his final years knew nothing of who he once was. Even His demeanor was different. The joy he once displayed freely, was gone. His brain failed. I have to consider in belonging to the body and the "mind of Christ" the disease held no power over who he was in Christ. Same as my lesions do not impact the many "members" belonging to the body, led by the mind of Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
the health of your brain follows laws that cannot be broken too i guess

fix your gut, and your brain will follow imo
Daniel Amen | Wikiwand

Been waiting for you. How do I transform my gut?(what is the simple shortened version of the plan?). I want to live and stay around a little while longer. My entire body is going berserk. Nerve endings misfiring all over the place which makes muscles react as they shouldn't.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
c'mon, be honest, your uncle's debilitation did not impact any one around him?
did not impact any of his members?

Honestly, I wouldn't know since I only saw him through eyes of a child. I remember most, how he kept an imagery dog in his suit pocket he would bring out around kids and make them laugh with his walking a dog that wasn't there. It is mostly the stories of his counseling blacks in his home which resulted in rocks being thrown through his windows and his being ran out of town and deemed a trouble maker, that I believe he got it. And his turning away from all he had going on, to walk a different path.

Maybe I said it wrong. I'm sure his debilitation impacted people profoundly. I meant the disease would not have corrupted the incorruptible. Which was his(incorruptible) as a member fit into the body of Christ.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Been waiting for you. How do I transform my gut?(what is the simple shortened version of the plan?). I want to live and stay around a little while longer. My entire body is going berserk. Nerve endings misfiring all over the place which makes muscles react as they shouldn't.
the simple shortened version lol

ok, the simple shortened version is that it took you years to walk in to where you are now, ergo it should take just as many years to walk out, right.

so, with that understanding in mind, see that it won't take that long, but neither will you be all cured by evening either, ok.
you might be a candidate for feces therapy at this point, sounds like maybe, or you can take your MRI to Amen, prolly on YT, lemme look...
for a good start, and the short version is

fast for three days,
flushing with a quart of chili/lemon water every morning to kill the candida,
reintroduce probiotics
repair suicidal omega3:6 ratio with plant based O3-
-Dave's Killer Bread, Seeds of Change rice envelopes, steel cut oatmeal with ground flax and chia seeds, i have Homestat Farms, but i see others jumping into the fray there now--ps, better to buy 50 lb bags of organic, and make your own mixes for all of these, 1/3 the cost. maybe a 1/4 even

what else, um, keep your vitamin D up, or rather get it up to some decent level (i'd be taking a serum vit D test, nevermind the MRI, already know what that looks like, you're gonna see holes everywhere right now. good for later comparison only, and don't be afraid to dicker on the MRI price, especially if it's you that is paying for it; offer them $300 cash. They'll take it; or someone else will. I've gotten it done at 2am for $200 to the right guy, the tech) and preferably find good natch sources of D, grass-fed protein sources, no CAFO, bc supplementing D3 is half-stepping too. D is hard to get, and hard to keep. Can't hardly find a good egg any more, no matter the price

so, that would get you started, but the Amen guy should be your guide here. There won't be any big surprises, it's all stuff you have already heard, eat more fiber, blahblahblah.

Fwiw i mainline sugar all day long, just add fiber; no juices, no sodas, beer in moderation only after eating some fiber (coconut or sweet snaps for me), but that is after like 2 years later or whatever.

for now you want to get back to no candida and pooping at least three times a day i guess. in your shape frankly i would seek at home feces treatment prolly; but where to get the feces, i dunno. Fasting should bring some relief in about 48 hours, but at a price, you are not going to feel good with all of those toxins being dumped into your system as you burn fat either.

it's pretty much 3 days of hell for most ppl i guess. If you can only go one day at first, that's better than nothing. You could try a candida cleanse and keep eating, but i have yet to see that work very well, just drags the problem out usually i guess.

(i have used meth on the right candidates in the past for symptom treatment during the fast, and it works, but the O3 should provide quite a boost anyway. actually O3-6-9 during the fast, as a supplement; but note that supplements are "spiked" with O3, they're crap iow, short term only. Meth was for those who were on/weaning off of blood thinners.

Use another person for accountability if you have to use meth; 2 hits a day should do it. You aren't going to be sleeping for about a week anyway, maybe even two; and i mean without the meth lol. Do not be swallowing Mother's Little Helpers to be absorbed by your gut during this time ok; even if they are prescribed by a "doctor.")

tbh you could do worse than just locking yourself in a cage with a water supply and a bucket for about 5-7 days, the rest would help your gut a lot; just not having to try and digest anything right now iow
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
the simple shortened version lol

ok, the simple shortened version is that it took you years to walk in to where you are now, ergo it should take just as many years to walk out, right.

so, with that understanding in mind, see that it won't take that long, but neither will you be all cured by evening either, ok.
you might be a candidate for feces therapy at this point, sounds like maybe, or you can take your MRI to Amen, prolly on YT, lemme look...
for a good start, and the short version is

fast for three days,
flushing with a quart of chili/lemon water every morning to kill the candida,
reintroduce probiotics
repair suicidal omega3:6 ratio with plant based O3-
-Dave's Killer Bread, Seeds of Change rice envelopes, steel cut oatmeal with ground flax and chia seeds, i have Homestat Farms, but i see others jumping into the fray there now--ps, better to buy 50 lb bags of organic, and make your own mixes for all of these, 1/3 the cost. maybe a 1/4 even

what else, um, keep your vitamin D up, or rather get it up to some decent level (i'd be taking a serum vit D test, nevermind the MRI, already know what that looks like, you're gonna see holes everywhere right now. good for later comparison only, and don't be afraid to dicker on the MRI price, especially if it's you that is paying for it; offer them $300 cash. They'll take it; or someone else will. I've gotten it done at 2am for $200 to the right guy, the tech) and preferably find good natch sources of D, grass-fed protein sources, no CAFO, bc supplementing D3 is half-stepping too. D is hard to get, and hard to keep. Can't hardly find a good egg any more, no matter the price

so, that would get you started, but the Amen guy should be your guide here. There won't be any big surprises, it's all stuff you have already heard, eat more fiber, blahblahblah.

Fwiw i mainline sugar all day long, just add fiber; no juices, no sodas, beer in moderation only after eating some fiber (coconut or sweet snaps for me), but that is after like 2 years later or whatever.

for now you want to get back to no candida and pooping at least three times a day i guess. in your shape frankly i would seek at home feces treatment prolly; but where to get the feces, i dunno. Fasting should bring some relief in about 48 hours, but at a price, you are not going to feel good with all of those toxins being dumped into your system as you burn fat either.

it's pretty much 3 days of hell for most ppl i guess. If you can only go one day at first, that's better than nothing. You could try a candida cleanse and keep eating, but i have yet to see that work very well, just drags the problem out usually i guess.

(i have used meth on the right candidates in the past for symptom treatment during the fast, and it works, but the O3 should provide quite a boost anyway. actually O3-6-9 during the fast, as a supplement; but note that supplements are "spiked" with O3, they're crap iow, short term only. Meth was for those who were on/weaning off of blood thinners.

Use another person for accountability if you have to use meth; 2 hits a day should do it. You aren't going to be sleeping for about a week anyway, maybe even two; and i mean without the meth lol. Do not be swallowing Mother's Little Helpers to be absorbed by your gut during this time ok; even if they are prescribed by a "doctor.")

tbh you could do worse than just locking yourself in a cage with a water supply and a bucket for about 5-7 days, the rest would help your gut a lot; just not having to try and digest anything right now iow

Ok, you went from the shortened version the first time I read through, to the edited long version. I’m kidding. Thank you. I realize some really need pain meds but right, that is not where I am. Don’t think I will go there because I might like them too much and that is the last thing I need. Will print out all you recommended and watch the video. What is “mother’s little helpers” I should avoid? I’ve considered asking for the doctor to prescribe Omega 3 in pure form; saw a commercial that you can now get it by prescription. Is that wrong Omegas? Again, thank you. By some miracle the doctors have not offended immunosuppressants yet and I am glad because that would be a big decision to pray over. It seems He has made it very clear that a sick immunity doesn’t benefit ,maybe in the short-term, but not long-term by an intensive smack down.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I realize some really need pain meds but right, that is not where I am. Don’t think I will go there because I might like them too much and that is the last thing I need.
meth is speed, not pain meds; Mother's little helpers are speed, prescribed for your metabolism, which is going to crash
hemp seeds would be best, even sterilized (all you can get legally)
O369 supplements do not have to be digested though
avoid fish oil, find a supplement from plant based sources, usually from hemp seeds for 369
I’ve considered asking for the doctor to prescribe Omega 3 in pure form; saw a commercial that you can now get it by prescription. Is that wrong Omegas?
yes, crap. Nutrition should come in a natural matrix of other nutrients, not isolated. "Vitamin C does not cure scurvy," etc
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