WHY I COULD NEVER CHOOSE TO BE A PROTESTANT. (one stupid thread title is as good as another)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Disagreeing with others is not the problem. Sometimes other people, including myself, need someone to set them straight as God understands straight. But... if God does call on you to do that, you still need to do it His Way rather than your own. Consider what Moses did wrong here:

"Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink.
And Moses took the rod from before the LORD, as he commanded him.
And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?
And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also." Numb 20:8-11

Moses was given clear instructions by God to "speak" to the rock, but in his anger against the people apparently in support of God instead of doing that he "smote" the rock twice. This one act of rebellion or disobedience kept Moses out of the Promised Land. So was it important? To God it was. Even so how we control our tongues is important according to what James wrote.

Moses lashed out against the people, but because he did it own way instead of God's Way, he suffered. You say I am wrong and should be corrected, so go ahead and do so, but find God's Way to do it rather than your own... not for my sake, but for yours.

Maybe God sent me to "set you straight"? By your own admittance even YOU need someone to set you straight as God understands straight. Maybe he sent me to you??? And you can't say he didn't because by your own admittance sometimes you get these things wrong. ;)

Your Moses story does not answer my questions. Can YOU give me an example of when I lost control of my keyboard and tongue?
Do you feel like I am attacking you Amadeus???

PLEASE stop dodging my questions and playing word games. I just want to have a normal conversation with you.

Patient Mary


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Is it possible for you just to answer questions without asking questions.....PLEASE???

Patient Mary
Sometimes the best answer I can give is in the form of a question. The parable about the "lowest room" was my answer to one of your questions. It is the way I get from an error to correctness or from ignorance to knowledge. I cannot move that way. From the lowest room position I am allowing God to move me if that is what He sees as being necessary.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
No sir. I am not blocked by anything. That statement is just a guess on your part because you know nothing about me and my soul. Please stop playing word games with me and judging me. Just answer the very SIMPLE question I asked you: You rely on the Holy Spirit to give YOU the truth. I rely on the Holy Spirit to give The Church the truth. Why does your truth invalidate my Truth???

Patient Mary
Games and judging, no... Rather when I say blocked, I mean your own spirit blocking the Holy Spirit. All of us do this. Before we had the Holy Spirit working for us all we could do was wrong. If we follow our own spirit we cannot be increased. We are blocking God.

"He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30

There is no your truth or my truth. That is man's truth which is not truth at all. Truth is Jesus which is God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States

Maybe God sent me to "set you straight"? By your own admittance even YOU need someone to set you straight as God understands straight. Maybe he sent me to you??? And you can't say he didn't because by your own admittance sometimes you get these things wrong. ;)
And when I get things ... if they need correction now and I go to the lowest room with God He will set me straight through the Holy Spirit.

Your Moses story does not answer my questions. Can YOU give me an example of when I lost control of my keyboard and tongue?
Do you feel like I am attacking you Amadeus???

Someone thought that you were. Were you? You do seem to often come at people too abrasively or with too much of an accusing attitude. Is that an attack? If it is then, yes.

Examples? Check out any of your conversations with anyone here who is not Catholic? If you cannot see it then you should talk to God about it. I won't pick one for you as it is not just one. I have not read one that was not in that wrong spirit as I see it.

So then I will give you the right answer, but you did not accept it before: Charity is the answer as it more important than faith or hope. Without charity we are nothing and have nothing worthwhile with God.

PLEASE stop dodging my questions and playing word games. I just want to have a normal conversation with you.
As I am now I have been engaging in a "normal" conversation with you, but apparently we don't communicate because you are speaking according to what you have learned and memorized while I am speaking according to what God is telling me now.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
It's this kind of ignorance - or outright denial - that fascinates me.

Queen Mary I - also known to Protestants as "Bloody Mary" was responsible for the executions of about 300 Protestants.

Her half-sister Queen Elizabeth I, known as "Good Queen Bess" to Protestants, however, is said to have been responsible for the executions and murders of THOUSANDS of Catholics.

Sounds like YOU haven't done your homework - again . . .
Y'know, it's really tempting to revert back to my old non-Christian ways and deal with you accordingly, but when I remind myself that you Catholics are following leaders that are evil, I regain my sense of pity for you all. How can one expect a member of the RCC to manifest Christlike demeanor when they are taught the most asinine doctrines like the confessional, the transubstantiation, the rosary, prayers to dead saints who cannot perceive anything, let alone a Catholic's prayers, that the Pope is "God on Earth" and "the Vicar of God"... I really feel sorry for you guys and thankfully many Catholics hear the truth and come out of the Synagogue of Satan.

WHO says Bess killed that many? Your lying revisionist historians? The RCC has been rewriting history to suit its agenda since time immemorial, and your sad devotion to the greatest child sex traffiking institution to ever grace the topside of the Earth has blinded to you that fact.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Good grav
Thank you.

What years was the 1,000 year war against the dissemination of the bible?? I have never heard of this "war".

The Christian Church had unity and one church with one message with one interpretation of scripture and one doctrine for the first 1,500 years of Christianity.

The Reformation brought multiple churches with multiple messages multiple interpretations of scripture and multiple doctrines/dogmas.

Your theory, that the CC is the Church of the anti-Christ suggests that satan prevailed for the first 1,500 years when The Church was united as One with One message.

Your theory is that now that enlightened Reformation Christians have broken away from that evil Catholic Church everything is FINALLY right. No more "Papal darkness".

However, none of these Reformation Christians can agree on anything with some supporting the evils of abortion on demand and gay marriage.

Protestants have been confused and divided and supporting evil since the Reformation.

Tell me Phoneman: Who is the sower of confusion, division and evil?

Good Gravy, you mean to tell me you've never heard of Rome's persecution of those who would possess a Bible? Look, thank you for your thoughts, but I'm not interested in engaging Catholic apologists who have drunk the Catholic Coolaid and stubbornly deny or remain willfully ignorant of the history of Satanic darkness that is the RCC.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
I cannot speak with authority on the CC's official position on such things, but I can speak concerning my own experience. I grew up as a Catholic in a different time all before Vatican II occurred and before all of its decisions or rulings or changes were implemented. Seemingly some of those changes are for the better, but better still does not necessarily mean good. Jesus said, "there is none good but one, that is God" [Matt 19:17, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19]. If God is not in a person, the person cannot be good as I understand it. So then Catholics or Protestants or others, who are really good have something of Him in them and it certainly should be visible to a person with "eyes to see".

I lived in a small Catholic mission town in California. There was only one Protestant church [denomination not unknown. Never did I ever enter that building] in the town. There was one Mormon church a few miles outside of town. There were no other organized churches in the vicinity. Our priest was a Monsignor and I suppose he was a pastor although I do not ever recall anyone calling him. He had other priests from a Catholic school several miles away come to assist him in saying the masses. All of the masses were said in Latin even though the most common language of the people was English with Spanish being a close second. It was in that small town as a Catholic or... 'would be Catholic' that I first found God, but the details of that are for another time and place.

I knew everyone in town by sight and many of them by name. It was a small town. No Catholic I knew ever read the Bible. It was never expressly forbidden, but it certainly was expressly discouraged. The nuns taught us during our weekly religious release times from the public elementary school not we should not read the Bible ourselves, but follow rather the teachings of the church. In those days, unlike post-Vatican II I suppose, there was no schedule of Bible readings that would cover the entire Bible in relatively short period of time. The Bible we heard was whatever the priest would read when he stood before the people to speak to them in English... which was not a lot. He would read a few verses, usually from the Gospels and then give us a lesson or interpretation. Anything spoken during the mass proper was of course in Latin. As an altar boy I was familiar with much of the Latin, even though I did not know the specific translations into English for a large part of it. I was not required to... although a nun once gave a short course of instruction in the Latin. But that which was not used regularly was soon forgotten. [I did take Latin in college to support my Spanish and German studies, but that was completely disconnected with any purposeful active participation in the things of God.]

My mother always had a beautiful big Bible on her coffee table in our living room. It was open to the center where there were some beautiful glossy pictures of things scriptural in color displayed. No one in my home ever read that Bible. To my knowledge no one in the home owned another, but in my later years I found out I was wrong. My mother had an old Protestant Bible my father had given her before her divorce from him during WWII. I never saw it at any time until many years after I no longer lived in her home. My older brother and I were the Catholics in our home who ever went to mass. My brother stopped when he went off to high school and never resumed his attendance. Neither one of us ever owned a Bible while we lived in my mother's home. If there was ever a Bible for sale in that little town, I never saw it and I certainly knew what every store business in town had for sale in the way of books. There was not a large selection.

Our priest, the Monsignor, was very kindly old man, but he had one bad habit to which he readily admitted. He smoked way too many cigarettes. Only he and one of the priests who came to us from the school on Sundays do I remember clearly. Both of them were from everything I could see and can remember were very "good" men and loved God. As an altar boy in a small town I knew them like I knew all of the residents. Even when I expressed and interest in becoming a priest neither one of them ever suggested that I get and read a Bible. If one of them had, I have no doubt that I would have...

Those were "good" times and my best friends were always altar boys, but when I went off to college in San Jose I drifted away from Catholicism and God. I did try to connect there and while in Viet Nam in the army, but I never to my knowledge encountered God again in the CC. I did not encounter Him personally again until after I was married and it was not through the Catholic Church even though I had been married by a Catholic priest in 1972. They, the Catholics, simply no longer had anything that attracted me to them.

It was when God called me back to Him in 1976 that I opened a Bible for the first time in my life and began to read it. Give God the glory!
Praise God that you found the truth of the Bible and left behind old Scarlet Harlot, the church where faith goes to die. There is a REASON why the greatest minds the Christian Church ever knew - the Protestant Reformers - without exception identified the Papacy as the Antichrist of Bible prophecy, and it should not surprise any thinking person to learn that this institution has got systematic sexual abuse of innocent children down to a SCIENCE.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Y'know, it's really tempting to revert back to my old non-Christian ways and deal with you accordingly, but when I remind myself that you Catholics are following leaders that are evil, I regain my sense of pity for you all. How can one expect a member of the RCC to manifest Christlike demeanor when they are taught the most asinine doctrines like the confessional, the transubstantiation, the rosary, prayers to dead saints who cannot perceive anything, let alone a Catholic's prayers, that the Pope is "God on Earth" and "the Vicar of God"... I really feel sorry for you guys and thankfully many Catholics hear the truth and come out of the Synagogue of Satan.

WHO says Bess killed that many? Your lying revisionist historians? The RCC has been rewriting history to suit its agenda since time immemorial, and your sad devotion to the greatest child sex traffiking institution to ever grace the topside of the Earth has blinded to you that fact.
In other words, my ignorant friend - you cannot refute the historical facts I presented - so you have no choice but to revert to "attack mode." Yes, the last refuge of the TRULY desperate . . .

Finally - your pathetic accusation about "sex trafficking" - this was never even been an issue in the Catholic sex abuse scandal.

Was it an issue in the much wider spread Protestant sex scandals??
Do your homework, sparky . . .


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
Good grav

Good Gravy, you mean to tell me you've never heard of Rome's persecution of those who would possess a Bible? Look, thank you for your thoughts, but I'm not interested in engaging Catholic apologists who have drunk the Catholic Coolaid and stubbornly deny or remain willfully ignorant of the history of Satanic darkness that is the RCC.

by their fruits we know them - today not those who possess a bible but who claim Holy Spirit individual inspiration and guidance should be persecuted for blasphemy - so we see the RCC knew better than to trust individual interpretation and damnation of Protestant souls for unforgiveable blasphemy disguised and distributed as good fruits of the Holy Spirit - twinc


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
Praise God that you found the truth of the Bible and left behind old Scarlet Harlot, the church where faith goes to die. There is a REASON why the greatest minds the Christian Church ever knew - the Protestant Reformers - without exception identified the Papacy as the Antichrist of Bible prophecy, and it should not surprise any thinking person to learn that this institution has got systematic sexual abuse of innocent children down to a SCIENCE.

without exception the 'Reformers' were Antichrist - as bad as sexual abuse of innocent children is it can and should not be accepted and regarded as better than mental and spiritual abuse via lies and unforgiveable blasphemy which kills both body and mind and soul in hell - twinc


I suppose so. I graduated from high school in 1961. It was from that time that I never again was an actively involved Catholic although I bore the label for several more years. I will be 75 this coming December. Is that old? LOL

Of course it is not fair and I try not to make such comparisons, but sometimes other people make it hard and sometimes I make it hard to do better. Two wrongs do not make a right, do they?

"For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." II Cor 10:12

I don't believe I was arguing that it was, but the lack of understanding on the part of the people and of me as a child attending mass and catechism alone was still a reality, wasn't it? It was not important to my parents what I knew of the mass for they knew nothing about it, so the fact that I even attended was a good thing as I see it. God was with me during that time... but many years later it was also God who finally drew me back to Him after I was effectively away from Him for so long.

Yes, from what I know of Vatican II it did work to improve things, but what of the thousands who were there before it was in place? You don't need to answer that, as any criticism against ministers not working for God as they should applies not only to Catholics.

I am careful to avoid direct criticism of Catholicism in general because I recall only too well that is was while I was a Catholic that God first drew me to Him. In spite of the stories I hear from others on forums, I always remember the good in the priests and nuns and brothers of my acquaintance during my own Catholic years. If there was any evil there, I was ignorant of it. There was no disappointment until later on... but I don't blame that on individuals as much as I blame myself.

I never had anyone tell me that I could not read the Bible, only that I should not read it. I wanted to and it was one reason that drew me toward the Catholic priesthood as a teenager. I thought that once I became a priest I would be able to read the Bible without any opposition. But, what happened was my mother talked to the Monsignor and he agreed with her strong suggestion that discussions on me becoming a priest be delayed until I was older. Well further discussions never happened and I drifted away. By the time I knew what had happened I no longer cared.

Yes, I remember those Bible readings, but they were Not at time three in number and seldom more than one. They only occurred only in connection with the message [sermon?] the priest would give to the people. He was the only one to read from the scriptures during a mass. Sitting on a chair while he spoke I would always listen carefully. I know that in all of those years as a Catholic there were many parts of the scripture the priest never read from. I only became familiar with those when I finally began to read the Bible myself at the age of 32 years.

I have heard that this has been the case for many years now, but the whole Bible was never read in mass during all my time as an active Catholic from age 6 [1949] to my graduation from high school in 1961. I only attended one old mission church during those years so I had no idea what was happening, or not, in other places. I did trust my priest and the four Franciscan nuns who always taught us the catechism during religious release times once a week. Our elementary public school allowed an optional religious release one day a week. The nuns met us and led us to an old adobe building that belonged to the mission for our catechism studies, which probably lasted a little over half of an hour. The nuns never read to us from the Bible.

I did not mean for it to be misleading. I apologize. I was simply telling my story in my own words. By reading the Bible, I meant just that, reading. Of course we heard many things that were from the scripture even though they may or may not have been a literal rendering of what is written in the Bible. That they sometimes paraphrased them seems as likely for them as it is for the Protestants of my experience. As I said I trusted my Catholic teachers, and while they were my teachers I never had a reason that I can remember to doubt what they taught us. If they were in error, I am certain that they were not purposely so.

Why have you gone into an attack mode here? No, I was not deaf. As I have already said, I always listened very closely to what they said and worked hard to live according to what I was taught. I remember thinking to myself more than once that I wished the priest would read more of the Bible than he did.

As to the Catholic Church always reading more scripture before Vatican II than the Protestants, that may have been true generally, but I have no way of really knowing. My father was a Protestant, but he lived in Oklahoma while I was in California so my visits to him gave me little to go on... He and his mother were much closer to God than most of the Catholics I knew except for perhaps the nuns and priests in that mission church. They may have been on a par, but I would hesitate to make a judgment on that. My visits with my father were short until after I was no longer living in my mother's house and no longer an active Catholic.
I, like you, grew up in the Catholic Church, and my education was solely at the church's hands. Nuns, brothers, and priests at high school. Like you, altar boy, finished school in 1969, so the majority of my experience at church was also Latin. Yes, I also remember scriptures being read at the beginning of the sermon, and perhaps on occasion at other times, but at no time was I fully aware that those readings came from a Bible. I remember seeing my first Bible on the bookshelf at my Protestant grandmothers home. I reached out to take it down, but got frightened...I can't remember why. It maybe fear of being told off by grandma, maybe not. I was 12 then.
I never entertained any idea of becoming a priest. But as you had experienced, all my dealings with the priests and brothers was all amicable and am grateful for the education I received at their hands.
I read my first Bible at 24. That was after my conversion. And to those Catholics who continue to deny on this thread and elsewhere, that the Catholic Church never opposed laymen being in possession of a Bible, I say such a claim is ridiculously preposterous and a flat out denial of your own church's decrees, bulls, and councils that as Phoneman said, were declarations of war against the scriptures.
Like Tyndale declared to the priests that were condemning his translation...I will make this plough boy more educated in the scriptures than you...and he did.
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of course you have it wrong protestant 'good' Queen Bess spilt more blood than Catholic 'bloody' Mary imho - twinc
Aaaahh!! I have always wondered why the Catholic Church hated her so much as to sponsor the Spanish armada. So unfortunate for the Pope that his plans were thwarted by the weather.



You call this dead???

The devil couldn't care less how many wonderful works your church has done. I agree that t has done some great humanitarian work around the world, but it accomplishes nothing for eternity if all 1.3 million Catholics are being spiritually starved to death.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Praise God that you found the truth of the Bible and left behind old Scarlet Harlot, the church where faith goes to die. There is a REASON why the greatest minds the Christian Church ever knew - the Protestant Reformers - without exception identified the Papacy as the Antichrist of Bible prophecy, and it should not surprise any thinking person to learn that this institution has got systematic sexual abuse of innocent children down to a SCIENCE.
I wasn't there when people moved out of the CC in the Reformation, but I have had my own little reformation as I was led by God. Throughout the centuries we know that there were exceptional people within the system who recognized the errors and heard from God or there never would have been a Reformation. If the CC were always working right or were making a great effort to work right probably there would not have been a Reformation. Some of those who left in great measure or in small were led by God so as to get more directly onto the highway of holiness and off of the wide way leading to destruction. Now we need to turn our eyes toward the Light and keep them there until we reach the end of the road. Practicing Catholics are not excluded from this warning, but they often have more or at least different road blocks to go through... to approach the Light.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
I wasn't there when people moved out of the CC in the Reformation, but I have had my own little reformation as I was led by God. Throughout the centuries we know that there were exceptional people within the system who recognized the errors and heard from God or there never would have been a Reformation. If the CC were always working right or were making a great effort to work right probably there would not have been a Reformation. Some of those who left in great measure or in small were led by God so as to get more directly onto the highway of holiness and off of the wide way leading to destruction. Now we need to turn our eyes toward the Light and keep them there until we reach the end of the road. Practicing Catholics are not excluded from this warning, but they often have more or at least different road blocks to go through... to approach the Light.

imho the different road blocks and traps have been set up by 'Reformers' and the Devil or there never would have been a false reformation - the devil having failed with trying it out with Jesus thought he might succeed with humans but here also his wiles had been prepared against by a Pope and his faith that would not and cannot fail - twinc


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
Aaaahh!! I have always wondered why the Catholic Church hated her so much as to sponsor the Spanish armada. So unfortunate for the Pope that his plans were thwarted by the weather.

here you also have it twisted and warped propounded by twisted twisters for Drake and his fellow pirates were sponsored by piracy and looting and plunder of Catholic ships on the high seas and churches and abbeys and monasteries at home and where they still occupy Catholic churches built by Catholics before the reformation - twinc

H. Richard

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Southeast USA
United States
The truth is that Satan will do anything he can to get people to place their faith, trust, belief and confidence in a religion rather than in what Jesus did on the cross.

2 Cor 5:14-21
14 For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died;
15 and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.
16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer.
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation,
19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.
21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Salvation is not about religions. Salvation is all about what Jesus did for mankind on the cross.


here you also have it twisted and warped propounded by twisted twisters for Drake and his fellow pirates were sponsored by piracy and looting and plunder of Catholic ships on the high seas and churches and abbeys and monasteries at home and where they still occupy Catholic churches built by Catholics before the reformation - twinc
Oh please...your "Catholic ships" was an invasion. A Spanish invasion by a Catholic royal serving Rome. Next you would have us believe it was a missionary endeavour.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
imho the different road blocks and traps have been set up by 'Reformers' and the Devil or there never would have been a false reformation - the devil having failed with trying it out with Jesus thought he might succeed with humans but here also his wiles had been prepared against by a Pope and his faith that would not and cannot fail - twinc
If the Catholic Church as a group were over the centuries following Jesus and the Holy Spirit closely instead of blindly following the ways of men there would have been little incentive or willingness or need to come out of her and re-establish.

So the Reformers supposedly came out of her, but from what I can see they also often moved blindly and sometimes even more deeply into the ways of men.

Both Catholics and Reformers made mistakes but the whole mess was started by people centuries earlier than the Reformation and snowballed into and through deluded leaders and followers who had lost their first love [if ever they had that right "first love"]. Many or even most of those who left the Catholic fold did not find that love and so we have... something similar to Noah's time or similar to Sodom and Gomorrah's time? Why are people as a whole so far away from Eden before sin in spite of the sacrifice of Jesus for us? Help us dear Lord!

Jeroboam, called by the prophet of God went his own way and molded golden calves to worship and false priests to minister, but Rehoboam opened the door by following his flesh rather than God. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Now, we, all of us, should be leaving that unchangeable past and moving toward the Light which Jesus is. God still draws to Him those who are hungry and thirsty for His righteousness in order to fill them. Catholics and Protestants and others are invited. But... unfortunately I anticipate more conflict rather than less because so many still continue to say, "We are right and they are wrong". When we put our church or leadership or worldly things first, we are wrong no matter what church affiliation we have...

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt 6:33



Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
Oh please...your "Catholic ships" was an invasion. A Spanish invasion by a Catholic royal serving Rome. Next you would have us believe it was a missionary endeavour.

you would have us believe that constant condoned piracy on the high seas would warrant no retribution nor sailing blatantly into Spanish waters and singeing the King of Spain's beard etc as provocation - the Protestant Lord Essex was a pirate and favourite of the Protestant 'good' Queen Bess - twinc