Endless Pet Doctrines

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Who is dead? Everyone is dead who has not encountered and received the Life which Jesus is. Most people walking around us remain zombies, walking dead men. Those who have received Life often remain babies on milk. They have more knowledge perhaps than the average zombie, but what kind of a conversation about the things of God would we expect from a baby in Christ? Some of them remain babies for many years. Some may never mature at all. They just fill up spaces here and there and mimic what someone told them early on in their growth. They still don't understand what "thus saith the Lord" beyond "ga ga, goo goo".

Consider: 2 Timothy 3:5-7
[5] Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. [6] For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, [7] Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

“...lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts...” (James 1:15). The original text says: “weak women burdened with sin” don’t see how that became “silly”...

but the “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” May lead one to wonder if God is speaking of a specific gender but transcends gender. It also gives a different perspective of who are weak and who are strong.

Acts 20:35
[35] I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Romans 14:1
[1] Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

Romans 15:1-2
[1] We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. [2] Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
You say you are not buying that God sent His son and that is the real sacrifice? Correct...or did I misunderstand your response? Can you explain in light of: John 1:18
i think you are correct there, yes. Now God may have indeed sent Christ, and being omnipotent He would have also known what was going to happen, but God did not require a Sacrifice to make us acceptable to Him, except for the Living Sacrifice, which we must all follow i guess, right.

"I picked up your cross, so all you have to do is believe in/worship Me" is not in There iow
I’m not saying you are wrong, only I don’t see how you can make that claim?
not sure if i answered this yet or not, let me know


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
“...lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts...” (James 1:15). The original text says: “weak women burdened with sin” don’t see how that became “silly”...
The Greek word gunaikarion literally means "little woman" and in this context it means (metaphorically and contemptuously) silly or weak woman (see Strong's Concordance), one who does not discern the deception that is perpetrated by false teachers, hence "ever learning and never able come to the knowledge of the truth".

A good example of a false New Age "Christian" teacher is Oprah Winfrey, who beguiled hundreds (if not thousands) of silly women, who applauded everything she said, no matter how false. Oprah was a real New Age "guru" who could do no wrong.

"Watching “The Oprah Show” is, Nelson insists, something like attending a worship service. “Go to this house of worship and sit down for an inspiring hour that will engage you and give you a lift,” Nelson encourages. “An hour-long show five days a week adds up to a lot more pulpit time per week than the average pastor enjoys, and Oprah commands a lot bigger congregation."

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Consider: 2 Timothy 3:5-7
[5] Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. [6] For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, [7] Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

“...lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts...” (James 1:15). The original text says: “weak women burdened with sin” don’t see how that became “silly”...

but the “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” May lead one to wonder if God is speaking of a specific gender but transcends gender. It also gives a different perspective of who are weak and who are strong.

Acts 20:35
[35] I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Romans 14:1
[1] Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

Romans 15:1-2
[1] We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. [2] Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification.

The gender of the "women" used in scripture often includes both males and females in the role of the church or the assembly or the congregation. The group of people [assembly or church] led by a leader [minister, pastor, etc.] who are simply filling up space work are effectively "silly women" because they don't seek God for themselves. They don't bother to serve God even if the message from the pulpit is a good one. Of course, sometimes the leadership is not doing its job, but again those following are not to be held blameless.

Consider the leader that Moses was, a man really close to God who led them for the most part very well, yet, most of his followers [men and women] were "silly women" in the eyes of God much of the time. In the end only two adults were allowed to enter the Promised Land.

Today we have more, directly available to us, than those people had, yet the majority of "Christians" are apparently "silly women" heading the same direction as those natural children of Israel: Death instead of the Promised Land. Pastors are responsible but so are the "women" who are to follow the Lord.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
God gave His Son to the human race. That cost Him. That was a real sacrifice. And to watch what Jesus had to endure throughout his life must surely have pained the Father, despite His agreeing to the deal.
See Isaiah 9:6; John3:16; 1 John4: 9,10; 1 John4: 14
Isaiah 9:6
For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
now alla sudden That Guy that you postulated having to give up...something, some authority or other near as i could tell, seems to have got it all back and more
John 3:16
For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
or at least everyone who has faith in Him, yes; satan "believes" in Him too. i guess that is prolly the crux of our difference in understanding right now? So i would ask you why you have to pick up your cross and follow if Jesus already picked up the cross for the whole world. If any of the vv that haven't been treated should be in your opinion lemme know


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I’ve heard Matthew 17:17 used to support degrading comments, as if Jesus also degraded by words: “Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.”
been puzzling over that one for a long time, might be mistranslated, dunno, but at the least i would reflect on it from the Lex,

but tbh it strikes me as pretty out of character the way it's usually translated, which might be intentionally pointing to something else
2 And though I have the gift of to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
case in point; the gift of "to be burned?" prolly not, right


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing its fruit

suggests to me that we could at least contemplate that as a possibility, and imo for whatever reason God seems to even prefer muddles in a sense. Also God is again put in the position of choice here, just like back at the ToK, when imo the choice is ours, not God's? And practically speaking don't we do the same? At least quite often?

I'm sorry, but you honestly think that it's worth considering that God comes at human history like a chose your own adventure novel? So...Adam and Eve eat the fruit, and God goes...Dang! Huh...let's see; at this junction, I could send 'em both to hell immediately, or, you know, I could draw it out a little longer by tossing them out into the world and see how they go. Not sure how it will go, no doubt I'll need to keep choosing different paths, but hey, it might be fun, and who knows where we might end up!
That's a choose your own adventure. And if you think God does anything like that...well, you must believe in a very little god. The God of the bible is all knowing. He exists outside of time, and is therefore IN every time. The verse you quote above, is God telling a people who live in time, what will happen as a consequence of an action they took...or didn't take.
And, so what if we come at life like an adventure novel? So what if we pick a random path and hope for the best? We are human. The choices we make, and the 'future' we see are based on nothing more than what history and our limited wisdom has shown us. To try and link our choices to God's choices is rather...ludicrous.

no, but i am saying that "here, have a skin then" does not seem to reflect an angry or even anguished Father, as was forwarded

Likewise, we could conclude, perhaps, that God asking "where are you", or "what have you done?" to mean that he had no idea. We know otherwise, though, don't we? He knew very well where they were, and very well what they had done. Likewise he already knew of the sin, the fall. And when you know such things in advance, you have time to hide your emotions. Of course, we're still just talking about human reactions here. And you're still trying to base your reasoning on human responses. Why do you expect, or need, God to be wailing?

i can't for sure by any means, but imo God, Grieving is the personification that i was just being accused of earlier, more or less? Plus it doesn't fit very well with a gardener, pruning, at least to me. Imo this is the product of our Codependence, not God's nature. From God's pov it would have to at least be mixed with "hey, don't sin and you won't have pain."

Not sure what you mean by 'grieving is the personification', sorry. But...how does God's grieving over sin not fit with 'pruning'? Again, you display a lack of biblical awareness of who God is. God is not JUST a gardener who prunes. A gardener cares for their garden, do they not? Why do they prune? To see beautiful new growth in the plant. God's nature is as much loving as it is just. So if you believe he is saying "sin equals pain, so don't do it", you are missing the part that loves us enough to hurt every time we do fall down and are hurt by it. Again, the parent analogy helps. You can tell your kid touching the flame will hurt, so don't. It takes a 'special' sort of parent to not care if they ignore you and touch it and are hurt. No, we rush to them, kiss them, love them, and help them. We share their pain.
And co dependence? I'm not sure if you're using this word as a positive or negative here. Usually when used in this sort of context it's bad. But when talking of God...? Of course we have co dependence with him. We are supposed to be "in Christ". I don't suppose it gets more 'co dependence' than that, does it? And this is something God demands from us, and when we become his children in this manner, then it's also ludicrous to think he wouldn't grieve with us.

God creates evil, too, and imo one will postulate a God at odds with Himself on that path. Just carrying it out to its conclusions maybe reveals more; does God also "grieve" at satan? Then why did He create him? If you are omnipotent is it even possible to create something that you will be sorry you created later? And yes i'm aware of the vv, but i suggest they are meant to reflect the poor choices of the men, not the state of mind of God

And yet you seem all to willing to suggest at the state of God's mind, regardless of the vv. You take the God of the Universe, outside of time, space or knowing, yet you limit him to your cognitive powers, ignoring, seemingly, the only source that lets us glimpse at the real him. Do you not see the folly here?

but i thot God knew the end from the beginning
Are you a puppet dancing on strings? No. God knows all outcomes, even controls all outcomes. But a will completely controlled is not worth as much as one that willingly comes to you in love and surrender, is it? It is that beautiful paradox that sees election being firm from before the earth was formed, and yet having you make that conscious, active decision to love God and follow him. We may never fully understand it, just as we may never fully understand the Trinity. But the bible surely teaches it.
So, yes...Adam and Eve had a choice in the garden, and they chose wrong.

dark time in human history, hmm. We live in a miracle, anyone reading this, and i suspect the PTB cannot really understand why we have not risen en masse against them yet, nor why crime is going down in every area. dang, i'm late for work! later :)

Sure, the darkness may not touch where you or I live very much, but turn on the news. How many children are sold into prostitution in Asian countries? How many refugees are currently homeless at present? How many go hungry daily? How many people are murdered daily? Wars, natural disasters, diseases? Life is somewhat idyllic for you and I. But for the majority of those on this planet, life is hard, and that's only those alive at present. When you look back down the corridors of history, the cries of those hurting is nearly overwhelming. The sorrow that the garden caused cannot be ignored.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016

I tend to think humans have a practice of projecting their views of themselves onto their neighbors and God. Our neighbors remind us who thet are whenever we interact with them, but our projection is tougher to address when it comes to our view of God. I think Christian mystics have it right when they talk about God in terms of negative theology - any description of God is idolatry. We cannot understand or even describe God only experience God.

Totally agree

I think I must disagree here, although I think you are correct when it comes to our neighbors. But when it comes to God, I think the bible gives us plenty of information about God. At least, enough so that we may know what sort of God he is. And I think it is essential to grasp hold of that knowledge and understand it fully, least we start making up who God is instead.
Truly...I think the more we understand of the God we worship and follow, the more we can love him. It is hard to love what we do not know. The more I come to understand God, the more I am floored by what he has done, and who he is. It is definitely a pursuit worthy of following!

Glorifying God is definitely the goal and will of God for us; how we carry out practicing loving God and neighbor more perfectly is sort of a choose your own adventure IMO.
Yep! I don't have a problem with labeling that for our lives! If only we were presented a nice, two option path every time, huh? Instead we end up at crossroads that seem to have about 12 forks.

Yes, i think the Tree of Life was Christ - instead of receiving its fruit, we took the fruit of our own will. Now we are cursed with running around like little Napoleons labelling God’s Good creation ‘good’ or ‘evil’ according to how it affects us. Thankfully, Christ (a true and complete personage of God) God’s word become flesh, has brought us back into fellowship with God; the Holy Spirit (a true and complete personage of God), in concert with our will is rehabillitating us as perfect lovers.

I always feel like I have so far to go, in that regards. Does it get any easier, I wonder? Some people seem to be naturally kind, sweet, loving people...I don't think I'm that sort! I feel like I'm always fighting against the impatient, mouthy (in my head, anyway!) upstart. Thank God that he is patient and loving and with me on the long haul!


ezackly. The Son of Man must be raised up like a snake on a pole, in order to draw all men to Himself; but God did not need nor want a sacrifice to "cover" your sins so that He could commune with us; we needed a Symbol to be drawn to. Christ did not die for your sins iow, so that an Angry God might be appeased, as is taught us
Death was inevitable for man the moment he sinned. Sin cannot survive in the presence of a holy God. That is the reason and purpose of redemption, that we may abide the presence of God without vapourising. It isn't about appeasing an angry God I agree, is about making us a people of holiness and righteousness,... The image of Christ... Eden restored.
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yet you posit a Christ Who had trouble assuming the role? So i don't quite get it wadr
Yes. You don't get it because you don't understand the nature of the sacrifice Christ made. The nature of death. The nature of the death we must accept if we neglect such great salvation. A death without hope. Christ died the second death because of the sin laid upon Him . Our sin. That death was such that Christ agonised in Gethsemane, but willing to place himself in His Father's care. A death nevertheless that could not see beyond the cross. Yes, previously Jesus spoke of the resurrection, he had faith in the word of his Father that he would not see corruption. But when it sin was placed upon him and the Father hidden from His sight and His presence withdrawn, Jesus truly felt forsaken. Yet he voluntarily did anyway, believing eternal life for himself without is was not worth saving himself for.


yet you cannot Quote any blood being shed, as our recent thread on the matter revealed imo; the closest we can come is "blood and water," and that is in English. Wouldn't such a supposedly sacred and precious outflow have warranted a line or two somewhere in Scripture in a less ambiguous phrasing? Plus you say "decided," when the Lamb was slain "from the foundation of the world," a human endeavor, which may also be put "by the foundation of the world."

According to the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
I desire mercy, not sacrifice

You're not considering that it is to your advantage that one man should die for the people rather than the whole nation perish.

which i have actually heard preachers Quote as if God had said it, rather than a Pharisee lol
Jesus did not die for our sins in the way we are taught, but the authors knew that people needed a Savior, and would read what they wanted.

Otherwise why would we need to pick up our own crosses?
It isn't the blood per se, it is the life that is in the blood. We are saved by his blood specifically we are saved by His life and death and resurrection.


can't disagree there, even if Tenn and Ky jails were pretty full too i guess; but we can at least say that the jails were not as full wherever the law was not enforced i guess.

But legislating morality has always been a fail imo, and it is designed to fail, so that laws might generate revenue that can be extracted. Let's not forget that the same bunch who want to legislate our morality are also guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan right

but it is illegal for you to buy a fertile hemp seed lol
I agree about legislating morality. But I think prohibition was not about morality. It was merely an extension to the sixth commandment thou shalt not kill. Like speeding laws.


not buying it, sorry

yet the Lamb was slain "from/by the foundation of the world," or basically the moment Adam ate from the ToK.
what i am hearing is a human pov of a Spiritual Principle that exists outside of time, thus no "enduring throughout His life" as we experience that either imo

or, another way to put that is maybe that that is what God is/does. God endures
If your son became a worm to save worms, and would always remain a worm, despite having a close intimate relationship with his father still, would you not think that was of great personal cost?


Isaiah 9:6
For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
now alla sudden That Guy that you postulated having to give up...something, some authority or other near as i could tell, seems to have got it all back and more
John 3:16
For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
or at least everyone who has faith in Him, yes; satan "believes" in Him too. i guess that is prolly the crux of our difference in understanding right now? So i would ask you why you have to pick up your cross and follow if Jesus already picked up the cross for the whole world. If any of the vv that haven't been treated should be in your opinion lemme know
Picking up our own cross of self sacrifice on behalf of others is the natural thing to do after having received the spirit of Christ.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I'm sorry, but you honestly think that it's worth considering that God comes at human history like a chose your own adventure novel?
well Naomi, i dunno, but "play" is in the Bible like twice as often as "redemption." i gotta say "choose your own adventure" lines up better with "seek your own salvation" and "beautiful are the feet" to me than "death, more abundantly." i mean i would not want to put God in a box, but "Come Out" and your thing line up pretty good too, huh?
So wadr imo it is worth considering at least, yes. As maybe like a facet or something; a time for everything
God goes...Dang! Huh...let's see; at this junction, I could send 'em both to hell immediately, or, you know, I could draw it out a little longer by tossing them out into the world and see how they go. Not sure how it will go, no doubt I'll need to keep choosing
with the God needing to choose again now. Isn't the choice something we need to do? Don't we generally recognize that dispensations differ bc we have changed, not bc God has?