Proof: You were only forgiven of your past sins!

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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Some denominations begin aright but end badly. The Wesley Brothers are spinning in their Graves over what the Methodist church has degenerated to.

John wesley and his holiness club at university vowed to be sinless and holy. After weeks of dead dryness and dead works a dejected wesley threw himself across his bed and wailed "Lord I thirst"!

That's all that was ever needed. A complete yielding to God and his Holy Spirit. Thus began the Methodist church. Today it is another traditional dead denomination.

Let us seek God with all our heart and cry for revival beginning with us.

Lord! We thirst!

Dave L

Ok, that's partially answered.

Scripture is God-breathed and inspired by God Himself. Do you hold the same to be true of the Chalcedoian Creed?
Athanasian? You did state that the Westminster is not. Why?

And by what logic do you conclude the statement "But to reject creeds and accept books is not evidence of clear thinking"? How does this compare to your rejection the Westminster Creed?

I am asking to try to understand the logic behind your belief system. Right now, I'm struggling to find it.

Right now you are showing very strong denominational tendencies.
No creed is perfect but the Ecumenical Creeds seem so having endured this long without failure. They are man made as any book is man made.
The other creeds all incorporate them but add denominational flavorings. So I approach these with caution. But I draw from many sources throughout Christendom, believing no single church or denomination has all the truth.

Dave L

You mean like catholic, covenant, Amish, Mennonite, Calvinism, etc?
I believe all the revealed truth is spread throughout Christendom (the church). But no single church or denomination has all the truth.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
We do not receive our forgiveness in increments. Like you said, we are new creatures in Christ, if indeed we are of Him. I still will in my head, or out repent of like, an unkind thought about someone, a selfish thought and such. It is hard to get away from the "Oh please forgive me Lord's" over and over again...He died once for all and He ain't doin it again! lol...Just remember how many sins you committed before He died-NONE- for all of them from the beginning to the end. "God remembers our sins no more" "He removes them as far as the East is from the West..." So, a believer who has a true relationship with Jesus no longer WANT'S to sin so, our lives should reflect what we preach and, not saying we cannot ever fall into sin but, a true Christ follower will not LIVE IN sin. JMO :)
"No longer shall sin have dominion,
Though present to tempt and annoy..."
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Dave L

well, so you say, but what is the conclusion? Bc i can certainly accept that sometimes when ppl say they know, they do; all i have done so far is post a Scripture that refutes, i think
That is your conclusion = personal creed

Dave L

I'm sincerely sorry for you walking in your flesh as you do. If you do not hear his voice something is very wrong. You have never shared a single thing God told you. Only what other men told you to believe.

Voices? Yes His.

John 10:16 KJVS
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

John 10:27 KJVS
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Since you do not hear his voice then what voice do you hear?
How do you know the "voice" isn't your imagination. When God spoke in scripture, it frightened people. So he put it in writing as with the Ten Commandments.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Any time you form a conclusion about anything, you form a doctrine. Learning from the the more learned is a sign of wisdom.

I choose to Get my spiritual Wisdom, from the Lord Himself, which is me exercising my liberty to choose.

If you choose to get your spiritual Wisdom, from men, that is you exercising your liberty to choose.

You can preach all day long that men should follow your "WAY", but Dude, I do not have to agree with you. I choose to follow the Lords Way and am Very Content with 24-7 access to my Teacher, who not only knows the word of God, but IS the Word of God.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
I believe all the revealed truth is spread throughout Christendom (the church). But no single church or denomination has all the truth.
So what is the truth in Catholicism, calvinism, etc.

What is the truth in calvinism? Is Catholicism even Christian?

Your answer is lame.

Dave L

I choose to Get my spiritual Wisdom, from the Lord Himself, which is me exercising my liberty to choose.

If you choose to get your spiritual Wisdom, from men, that is you exercising your liberty to choose.

You can preach all day long that men should follow your "WAY", but Dude, I do not have to agree with you. I choose to follow the Lords Way and am Very Content with 24-7 access to my Teacher, who not only knows the word of God, but IS the Word of God.
But, you assume the creed writers did not have the same spiritual guidance you have. I know the Westminster group prayed and fasted every step of the way for nearly ten years. And you miss a lot of freedom producing truth by ignoring them.

Dave L

So what is the truth in Catholicism, calvinism, etc.

What is the truth in calvinism? Is Catholicism even Christian?

Your answer is lame.
Did you know the Catholics formed many of the beliefs you hold and think are true?

Dave L

Yep, probably better than you.

They're also the creators of amillennialism, which you believe.

Now try to actually answer my question.
But all of what you believe about the end times comes directly from them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
But all of what you believe about the end times comes directly from them.
Nope. That is a bunch of nonsense.

For one thing they do not believe in the rapture. Another the millennial kingdom is figurative of them taking over the earth.

Your ignorance is showing,