(Gen. 9:24-27) Prophecy: Shem, Ham, and Japheth

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
This topic is feared by most and most pastors or Bible teachers will not teach on it due to the backlash they would receive. Or they teach that is already been fulfilled and has no relevance in our day. The bottom line is, it is a true prophecy in the Scripture and needs to be addressed especially in our day.

The basic teaching of the prophecy is this: 1.) Shem receives the blessing. 2.) Japheth will be enlarged and dwell in the tents of Shem who is blessed. 3.) Ham receives no blessing and a portion of his descendants shall be servant to both Shem and Japheth.

Any opinions on this thus far?



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
This prophecy is for the next age...that these 3 kinds of people...the saints, the righteous and the outcasts will populate the new Earth in the next age. So the prophetic things tend to repeat over and over in type.

What this is not is a racist formula for this age.

No...they are the saints (Shem) who rule over the nations...which are populated by the righteous (Yaphet)...and the outcasts (Ham) are to be the servant of servants.

In a great house there are vessels of honour and vessels of dishonour.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
This prophecy is for the next age...that these 3 kinds of people...the saints, the righteous and the outcasts will populate the new Earth in the next age.

Where can I read about this in the Bible?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Where can I read about this in the Bible?

Much love!

You can't. It's made up. It's made up to fit the desires of man, and not God. It sounds so 'good' and 'loving' and 'crap'.

People will accept the 'crap' of man long before they accept the Word of God.

They say God says....but He really didn't 'say' that. This is what He really says. And off they go to their nether land with their many perverse interpretations.

Did Noah exist? Shem? Ham? Japheth?

If Noah's prophecy was a parable, or hyperbole, or symbolic, was Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, symbolic? Were they real people or just fictional characters?



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
This prophecy is for the next age...that these 3 kinds of people...the saints, the righteous and the outcasts will populate the new Earth in the next age. So the prophetic things tend to repeat over and over in type.

What this is not is a racist formula for this age.

No...they are the saints (Shem) who rule over the nations...which are populated by the righteous (Yaphet)...and the outcasts (Ham) are to be the servant of servants.

Chapter and verse?



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Revelation 22:11

11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

That answers nothing. Sounds good though. Nice try.



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Stranger ...I see this topic is true prophecy that was fulfilled thousands of years ago. It is significant for today, to preach, as with other prophecies fulfilled in scripture.

I suspect you believe preachers shy from this subject because African descendants came from Ham. This should not be the reason not to preach it however. I know many preachers today do not preach the truth and are compromisers of it.....even politically correct....and just want to be respected by their pew-fillers to pay their light bills....etc

We must not forget that the curse was places on Ham's youngest son Canaan, and not on Ham himself even though he committed the act that caused the curse. This means that not all descendants of Ham became the servants of Shem and Japheth. Noah placed the curse on Ham's youngest son because Noah 'foreknew' by the word of God, that his descendants would be the wicked ones against God. Now this part is more of my opinion although can be shown implicitly in scripture.

Shem became the spiritual descendants of God's people for a time. Shem actually means the sons of Eber, or the Hebrews.

The curse was only placed on Canaan. It is recorded in scripture and history that the Canaanites possessed the lands of Israel for a while and usually under the rule of the Egyptians. And we know that the Canaanites and their descendants became the servants of both Shem and Japheth. The Israelites conquered the Canaanites as recorded in 1 Kings..they became servants of Shem.

Japheth later possessed many lands - they became the Europeans and the North Western Asiatic peoples ..they possessed the Indo-European languages. They were the first to become 'Christianized.' They were enlarged under the spiritual tents of Shem from two major sources...the Greeks and Romans (of Japheth) conquered the Israelites/Judeans (of Shem), enlarging themselves under the tents (Homes) of Shem..and secondly. ..they shared in Shem's blessing..Abraham to Jacob, to David, to Christ .....

This is not only scriptural it is recorded in secular history.




Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Thia prophecy has been fulfilled and will also be fulfilled in a wider sense after the Second Coming of Christ.
The basic teaching of the prophecy is this: 1.) Shem receives the blessing.
Because Jesus is a direct descendant of Shem in His genealogy.

2.) Japheth will be enlarged and dwell in the tents of Shem who is blessed.
Japheth is the ancestor of the Western nations, which were definitely enlarged in that they established their various empires worldwide. As to dwelling in the tents of Shem, that would indicate that the Western nations were initially all Christian nations. But that does not mean that the West is virtuous today, since it has become godless and evil is being promoted at the highest levels.
3.) Ham receives no blessing and a portion of his descendants shall be servant to both Shem and Japheth.
The Hamitic peoples were confined to Africa, and as we can see throughout history, Africa remained backward during the colonial period, but destroyed itself as seen in many countries even after they became independent. Africans killing other Africans was horrendous, and has been repeated over and over again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
@Stranger ...I see this topic is true prophecy that was fulfilled thousands of years ago. It is significant for today, to preach, as with other prophecies fulfilled in scripture.

I suspect you believe preachers shy from this subject because African descendants came from Ham. This should not be the reason not to preach it however. I know many preachers today do not preach the truth and are compromisers of it.....even politically correct....and just want to be respected by their pew-fillers to pay their light bills....etc

We must not forget that the curse was places on Ham's youngest son Canaan, and not on Ham himself even though he committed the act that caused the curse. This means that not all descendants of Ham became the servants of Shem and Japheth. Noah placed the curse on Ham's youngest son because Noah 'foreknew' by the word of God, that his descendants would be the wicked ones against God. Now this part is more of my opinion although can be shown implicitly in scripture.

Shem became the spiritual descendants of God's people for a time. Shem actually means the sons of Eber, or the Hebrews.

The curse was only placed on Canaan. It is recorded in scripture and history that the Canaanites possessed the lands of Israel for a while and usually under the rule of the Egyptians. And we know that the Canaanites and their descendants became the servants of both Shem and Japheth. The Israelites conquered the Canaanites as recorded in 1 Kings..they became servants of Shem.

Japheth later possessed many lands - they became the Europeans and the North Western Asiatic peoples ..they possessed the Indo-European languages. They were the first to become 'Christianized.' They were enlarged under the spiritual tents of Shem from two major sources...the Greeks and Romans (of Japheth) conquered the Israelites/Judeans (of Shem), enlarging themselves under the tents (Homes) of Shem..and secondly. ..they shared in Shem's blessing..Abraham to Jacob, to David, to Christ .....

This is not only scriptural it is recorded in secular history.



When the prophecy affects the descendants Shem, Ham, and Japheth, how can it not still be relevant today? The descendants don't cease, they are still carrying on. Thus the blessing and the curse carry on also.

Ham received no blessing. That itself is a curse. But, when Noah cursed Canaan, he was cursing all of Ham's descendants. Note in (Gen. 9:22) that emphasis is made to understand that Ham is the father of Canaan. This information seems unnecessary until you get to verse (25) where the curse is put on Canaan. Why was the curse put on Canaan instead of Ham? Shem and Japheth are blessed. The blessing was attached to them.
Why shouldn't the curse be attached to Ham? Well, it was. Arthur Custance makes this point in the 'Doorway Papers'

In (1 Samuel 17:50-58) after David killed Goliath, Saul asks Abner, whose son is David. Strange question since he knew David already. And no doubt Abner would have also. But Saul wanted to make sure that Jesse, Davids father got the recognition. Thus he asks David plainly in (58), "And Saul said to him, Whose son art thou, thou young man? And David answered I am the son of thy servant Jesse the Bethlehemite." Davids actions reflected directly back to Jesse.

So, had Noah cursed Ham, the curse would have affected Noah. And Canaan was the fourth son, and youngest. Thus the older brothers were already included in the curse due to (Ex. 20:5) "...visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me." Thus the curse includes all of Ham's descendants and Noah is not shamed.

Yes, the blessings of Shem are true and real and are still taking place today. Just as blessings to the descendants of Japheth are true and real and are still taking place today.

This brings us to (Gen. 10), what is called the 'Table of Nations'. From this can be determined from which son of Noah the people of the earth come from. Henry Morris says, "Dr. William F.Albright, universally acknowledged as the world's leading authority on the archaeology of the Near East, though himself not a believer in the infallibility of Scripture, said concerning this Table of Nations: It stands absolutely alone in ancient literature, without a remote parallel, even among the Greeks, where we find the closest approach to a distribution of peoples in genealogical framework....The Table of Nations remains an astonishingly accurate document." (The Genesis Record, Henry Morris, Baker, 1995, p. 245)

Arthur Custance breaks it down as basically as possible this way in his 'Doorway Papers'.

From Shem--Hebrew, Arab, Assyrian,Babylonian

From Ham--Negroid, Mongloid, the colored man

From Japheth--Caucaisian, Indo-European, the white man



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
When the prophecy affects the descendants Shem, Ham, and Japheth, how can it not still be relevant today? The descendants don't cease, they are still carrying on. Thus the blessing and the curse carry on also.

Ham received no blessing. That itself is a curse. But, when Noah cursed Canaan, he was cursing all of Ham's descendants. Note in (Gen. 9:22) that emphasis is made to understand that Ham is the father of Canaan. This information seems unnecessary until you get to verse (25) where the curse is put on Canaan. Why was the curse put on Canaan instead of Ham? Shem and Japheth are blessed. The blessing was attached to them.
Why shouldn't the curse be attached to Ham? Well, it was. Arthur Custance makes this point in the 'Doorway Papers'

In (1 Samuel 17:50-58) after David killed Goliath, Saul asks Abner, whose son is David. Strange question since he knew David already. And no doubt Abner would have also. But Saul wanted to make sure that Jesse, Davids father got the recognition. Thus he asks David plainly in (58), "And Saul said to him, Whose son art thou, thou young man? And David answered I am the son of thy servant Jesse the Bethlehemite." Davids actions reflected directly back to Jesse.

So, had Noah cursed Ham, the curse would have affected Noah. And Canaan was the fourth son, and youngest. Thus the older brothers were already included in the curse due to (Ex. 20:5) "...visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me." Thus the curse includes all of Ham's descendants and Noah is not shamed.

Yes, the blessings of Shem are true and real and are still taking place today. Just as blessings to the descendants of Japheth are true and real and are still taking place today.

This brings us to (Gen. 10), what is called the 'Table of Nations'. From this can be determined from which son of Noah the people of the earth come from. Henry Morris says, "Dr. William F.Albright, universally acknowledged as the world's leading authority on the archaeology of the Near East, though himself not a believer in the infallibility of Scripture, said concerning this Table of Nations: It stands absolutely alone in ancient literature, without a remote parallel, even among the Greeks, where we find the closest approach to a distribution of peoples in genealogical framework....The Table of Nations remains an astonishingly accurate document." (The Genesis Record, Henry Morris, Baker, 1995, p. 245)

Arthur Custance breaks it down as basically as possible this way in his 'Doorway Papers'.

From Shem--Hebrew, Arab, Assyrian,Babylonian

From Ham--Negroid, Mongloid, the colored man

From Japheth--Caucaisian, Indo-European, the white man


This is awful...and shameful to this forum.

I knew this was going to be a racist rant because of who is writing the OP. Was it going to be uplifting and truthful? Of course not. The very opposite.

Of course this is all fabrication. God doesn't judge by a person's skin. God looks at the heart. Just look at what kind of heart it takes to post this kind of drivel. And notice how there is no bible references for the racist conclusions. But this isn't about the Christian life, God, the bible or anything remotely true.

I would say "nice try"...but the try was not very nice at all.

My own apology to any here that are not white in colour....that they would have to put up with such a damnable attitude from those who try posing as loving people.

This should not be on a Christian forum....or any forum except maybe a Klan forum. At least then you know what to expect.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Stranger ...been in and out today...let me give you my explanation when at rest....I promise...need some time to digest your post as it is a good OP for all folks to read, and for many not to become so overtaken and motivated by waves of political correctness that anything imagined as offensive now is called racist....ridiculous and insane! Yes I'm thinking of you and I believe you over reacted @Episkopos .not that I'm saying you are those things ..what it has become are those things..this scripture has been abused in the past of course, no denying that as fact, and that is awful...

Later then Stranger



Active Member
May 7, 2019
United States
This topic is feared by most and most pastors or Bible teachers will not teach on it due to the backlash they would receive. Or they teach that is already been fulfilled and has no relevance in our day. The bottom line is, it is a true prophecy in the Scripture and needs to be addressed especially in our day.

The basic teaching of the prophecy is this: 1.) Shem receives the blessing. 2.) Japheth will be enlarged and dwell in the tents of Shem who is blessed. 3.) Ham receives no blessing and a portion of his descendants shall be servant to both Shem and Japheth.

Any opinions on this thus far?

Abraham was a descendent of Shem. Canaan came through Ham. We know what ultimately happened there. The descendants of Abraham destroyed those in Canaan or were supposed to. I don’t see how this blessing has any more depth then that. I believe it all came to pass.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Stranger ....

Is the curse on Canaan still active today? Are the blessings on Shem and Japheth still active today? We do see their descendants today!?

I shall just review the curse, the cause of so much contention. Yes, I know, some folks believe that the curse and the blessings are interrelated and should be reviewed together. I disagree and only hint at the main reason why, here....

So, do we still have the curse of Canaan today?

This all depends on your view and I apparently differ from your view and especially those of Arthur Custance’s sets of written conjecture. He misapplies scripture and used faulty logic to force his interpretation on scripture with his misplaced logic. He makes a great tale though..I have read some of his stuff.

There was a specific curse placed on Canaan and his descendants only, not on his siblings or their descendants, and neither on his Father, Ham. The Canaan curse ended definitely by the time Israel (Judah and Benjamin) was again enslaved, by the Babylonians. Canaan curse served YHWH’s purpose very well!

This curse was realized and reached it climax after the people of Canaan were conquered by the Israelites, their promised land.

The mislabeling of Canaan (and his descendants) as ‘the servant of servants’ (Gen 9:25) with a self-serving and convenient new and dishonest meaning has been used especially by Europeans folks to make this meaning extend into ALL of the descendants of Ham! This extension and very expression with its misapplication has been the bane and cause of so much tension between white and those of color since at least the middle ages. And many justified all Ham’s descendants of all color to be suitable for slavery, ordained by YHWH. This is the lie suited for those destined for the depths of hell.

The expression ‘servant of servants’ means as intended, as a Hebrew expression to mean a person that’s life was not even worth living. A life that was expendable to YHWH. The Canaanites were destroyed without any remorse or mercy. They were indeed ‘the servant of servants.’ Worthless and worthy of death.

If the curse extended into all of Ham’s descendants which is incorrect, then show me where the Chinese, Indians (India) or the Mongolians or even the Egyptians and many of the Africans, especially on the Eastern side of the Continent, became Japheth’s or Shem’s servants.

Now if we look at post 1400s, we do see Japheth’s evil intentions of forced slavery of many of these people. Not by the will of YHWH.

‘Servant of servants,’ like ‘song of songs,’ and many other similar Hebrew expressions are superlative. Unmatched, unique, to serve a unique purpose of YHWH; and this time used as a curse for a set of people for the catalyst, for Israel’s future downfall and regret. And we know the rest of the story….

Bless you,



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
This is awful...and shameful to this forum.

I knew this was going to be a racist rant because of who is writing the OP. Was it going to be uplifting and truthful? Of course not. The very opposite.

Of course this is all fabrication. God doesn't judge by a person's skin. God looks at the heart. Just look at what kind of heart it takes to post this kind of drivel. And notice how there is no bible references for the racist conclusions. But this isn't about the Christian life, God, the bible or anything remotely true.

I would say "nice try"...but the try was not very nice at all.

My own apology to any here that are not white in colour....that they would have to put up with such a damnable attitude from those who try posing as loving people.

This should not be on a Christian forum....or any forum except maybe a Klan forum. At least then you know what to expect.

It is not fabrication because you say so. Your explanation in post #(2) is pure fabrication. Politically correct to be sure. Sounds so good and loving to be sure. Not Biblical though.

This is not a 'racist rant'. It is understanding the prophecy of (Gen. 9:24-27).

What have I said, that Scripture has not said? Nothing.

Whether one is white or black or whatever is immaterial. What does the Scripture say?

Oh yes...the Klan card. Just as boring as the Hitler card. You know you're on to truth when people start to play the Klan or Hitler card.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
@Stranger ....

Is the curse on Canaan still active today? Are the blessings on Shem and Japheth still active today? We do see their descendants today!?

I shall just review the curse, the cause of so much contention. Yes, I know, some folks believe that the curse and the blessings are interrelated and should be reviewed together. I disagree and only hint at the main reason why, here....

So, do we still have the curse of Canaan today?

This all depends on your view and I apparently differ from your view and especially those of Arthur Custance’s sets of written conjecture. He misapplies scripture and used faulty logic to force his interpretation on scripture with his misplaced logic. He makes a great tale though..I have read some of his stuff.

There was a specific curse placed on Canaan and his descendants only, not on his siblings or their descendants, and neither on his Father, Ham. The Canaan curse ended definitely by the time Israel (Judah and Benjamin) was again enslaved, by the Babylonians. Canaan curse served YHWH’s purpose very well!

This curse was realized and reached it climax after the people of Canaan were conquered by the Israelites, their promised land.

The mislabeling of Canaan (and his descendants) as ‘the servant of servants’ (Gen 9:25) with a self-serving and convenient new and dishonest meaning has been used especially by Europeans folks to make this meaning extend into ALL of the descendants of Ham! This extension and very expression with its misapplication has been the bane and cause of so much tension between white and those of color since at least the middle ages. And many justified all Ham’s descendants of all color to be suitable for slavery, ordained by YHWH. This is the lie suited for those destined for the depths of hell.

The expression ‘servant of servants’ means as intended, as a Hebrew expression to mean a person that’s life was not even worth living. A life that was expendable to YHWH. The Canaanites were destroyed without any remorse or mercy. They were indeed ‘the servant of servants.’ Worthless and worthy of death.

If the curse extended into all of Ham’s descendants which is incorrect, then show me where the Chinese, Indians (India) or the Mongolians or even the Egyptians and many of the Africans, especially on the Eastern side of the Continent, became Japheth’s or Shem’s servants.

Now if we look at post 1400s, we do see Japheth’s evil intentions of forced slavery of many of these people. Not by the will of YHWH.

‘Servant of servants,’ like ‘song of songs,’ and many other similar Hebrew expressions are superlative. Unmatched, unique, to serve a unique purpose of YHWH; and this time used as a curse for a set of people for the catalyst, for Israel’s future downfall and regret. And we know the rest of the story….

Bless you,


The curse on Ham through Canaan has not ended. Just like the blessings on Shem and Japheth have not ended. As long as there are descendants of Ham and descendants of Shem and Japheth, the curse and blessing will continue.

Ham received no blessing and was cursed through Canaan. Shem was blessed. Japheth entered into the blessings of Shem. These still exist today.

You say Arthur Custance misapplies Scripture. Yet you give no Scripture. You simply want to run down the rabbit hole with everyone else who want to live in wonderland with Alice.

The present condition of any of Ham's race today is immaterial. The curse still applies. Just as the blessing applies to Shem and Japheth.

Ask yourself why God told Paul not to go to Asia. Instead he was to go to Europe. (Acts 16:6-10) And that, when Paul was wanting to go to Asia. Yet God forbid him. Why is that you think? Was God racist? It is God who established Europe as Christian. To this day, Asia, though there are Christians there, it is anti-Christian. I will tell you why. It is due to the blessing giving to Japheth. He will dwell in the tents of Shem.

Just rip that part out of your Bible. I know it hurts you. Better to rip it out then to come up with some Alice and wonderland fantasy like Episkops does.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Abraham was a descendent of Shem. Canaan came through Ham. We know what ultimately happened there. The descendants of Abraham destroyed those in Canaan or were supposed to. I don’t see how this blessing has any more depth then that. I believe it all came to pass.

Apparently you didn't pay attention to what was said.



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Stranger ...Look it, there is NO scripture saying that HAM or his first three sons were cursed! History proves you are wrong and you must know it. I've already presented some countries that were never cursed because of Canaan and where Shem or Japheth became Lords over them. There are many more tribes I can list if you want. You need to get over this fiction.

The blessings of the Father by the Son was customary although this process is not the same as a curse placed on the son. I know this is one of Custance's arguments and support, that curses work the same way as blessings, and that HAM therefore must have been cursed. Yes Custance uses scripture to support the process of blessing the Father through the son although he fails to show scripture concerning a curse...you yourself presented this scripture.

Now in the OT they used of the phrase 'uncovering the nakedness' of someone refers to incest. See Leviticus Chapter 18 for several examples. There is a strong possibly that Ham had sex with Noah's wife or Ham's mother. And at Canaan's birth, Noah placed a specific curse on Canaan.

Further, this curse was placed on a person by a man, not YHWH. And in Genesis 9:1 YHWH already blessed Noah and his 3 sons, meaning Ham in the process. Could Noah countermand YHWH's blessing on Ham?


Bless you,



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
@Stranger ...Look it, there is NO scripture saying that HAM or his first three sons were cursed! History proves you are wrong and you must know it. I've already presented some countries that were never cursed because of Canaan and where Shem or Japheth became Lords over them. There are many more tribes I can list if you want. You need to get over this fiction.

The blessings of the Father by the Son was customary although this process is not the same as a curse placed on the son. I know this is one of Custance's arguments and support, that curses work the same way as blessings, and that HAM therefore must have been cursed. Yes Custance uses scripture to support the process of blessing the Father through the son although he fails to show scripture concerning a curse...you yourself presented this scripture.

Now in the OT they used of the phrase 'uncovering the nakedness' of someone refers to incest. See Leviticus Chapter 18 for several examples. There is a strong possibly that Ham had sex with Noah's wife or Ham's mother. And at Canaan's birth, Noah placed a specific curse on Canaan.

Further, this curse was placed on a person by a man, not YHWH. And in Genesis 9:1 YHWH already blessed Noah and his 3 sons, meaning Ham in the process. Could Noah countermand YHWH's blessing on Ham?


Bless you,


I just gave you Scripture that showed Ham and his three sons were cursed by Noah. At the least you must admit that to Ham no blessing was given. Shem and Japheth were blessed.

As to the curse not being valid because it was from Noah and not God, how foolish a statement. Was Isaac's blessing upon Jacob from God or not? Did God honor the blessing or not? (Gen. 27:33) How about Jacob's blessing upon Ephraim? (Gen. 48:17-22) Was that honored by God or not? How about Jacob's prophecies concerning each tribe of Israel? (Gen. 49:1-28) Is that just sweet Hebraic literature to be admired by the intellect. Or will that and does that have true implications for each tribe? And on and on one could go over men of God giving prophecies from God. Noah gave the curse because it was from God as was the blessing.

Arthur Custance is not alone in recognizing the curse upon Ham. Henry Morris writes, "Noah's prophetic words were directed first toward Ham (in the person of his son Canaan)...." He goes on to say, "Finally, it was the sin of Ham (not Canaan) that had served as the occasion for his father's curse, and it would have been inappropriate for Noah thus to single out only one of Ham's four sons as bearing the burden of the curse. Therefore, it seems necessary to understand this as a Hamitic, rather than Canaanitic, curse, with Canaan mentioned specifically in order to stress that the terms of the prophecy extended to all of Ham's sons,even his youngest. " (The Genesis Record, Henry M. Morris, Baker, 1995, p.237-238)

The curse upon Ham is not to be viewed from the condition of each individual nation. It is viewed from the people of Ham as a whole. Just like the blessing of Shem and Japheth are viewed as their people as a whole. Even though some Hamitic nation somewhere does not appear to be feeling the affect of the curse, they are still under the curse. Though some Jews somewhere are being persecuted, they still are under the blessing of Shem. Same with Japheth.

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