Coronavirus spreading

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
It's a worth looking at. The death rate from influenza is about 0.1%. Or less than a tenth of the death rate from Covid-19. Still, I get a flu shot, and try to avoid contamination anyway. It's just that this new virus is both more infectious and more deadly than the flu virus we've been seeing in the last 100 years.

Again, it's a matter of odds and how much risk you want to take.
You keep saying more deadly without proof.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Based on a desire to spread fear and panic.
No, the Chinese government covered things up because they were afraid of people panicking. It made things worse.
The number is just over 24,000 not 26,000. Even so if you divide 26,000 by 330 million what do you get?

0.00008 per cent
Taking precautions for a worst case scenario is not spreading fear and panic. I am glad President Trump has ordered two medical ships into service. I am glad he stopped pretending there is no problem.

Italy and South Korea got hit earlier and harder than the US which has more time to plan and take action. Trump's early mistake was thinking he could solve this by saying there was no problem. He now knows better. We could argue about his past denials and how they made things worse; but frankly, I'm more interested in what he does now. Things don't have to get as bad as they are in Italy.

The Russian government worries me. Putin still appears to be lying about the number of cases there, bent on avoiding "fear and panic."


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
You keep saying more deadly without proof.

Mortality rates:
The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times.

Though the death rate for COVID-19 is unclear, most research suggests it is higher than that of the seasonal flu.

In the study published Feb. 18 in the China CDC Weekly, researchers found a death rate from COVID-19 to be around 2.3% in mainland China. Another study of about 1,100 hospitalized patients in China, published Feb. 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that the overall death rate was slightly lower, around 1.4%.

Still, the death rate for COVID-19 appears to vary by location and an individual's age, among other factors. For instance, in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak, the death rate reached 2.9%; in other provinces of China, that rate was just 0.4%, according to the China CDC Weekly study. In addition, older adults have been hit the hardest. The death rate soars to 14.8% in those 80 and older; among those ages 70 to 79, the COVID-19 death rate in China seems to be about 8%; it’s 3.6% for those ages 60 to 69; 1.3% for 50 to 59; 0.4% for the age group 40 to 49; and just 0.2% for people ages 10 to 39. No deaths in children under 9 have been reported.

How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu? | Live Science


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
reformed1689 said:
Over ten times as deadly based on what?

Based on a desire to spread fear and panic.

Just the numbers we have for mortality rates.

The idea that telling people about the risks, is based on a desire to spread fear and panic, seems so foolish on its face that it's hard to believe anyone really would believe that.

On that thinking, if we tell people the risks of casual sex, we desire to "spread fear and panic." If we tell them the statistics on cigarette smoking and disease, we desire to "spread fear and panic."

How foolish.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
The Russian government worries me. Putin still appears to be lying about the number of cases there, bent on avoiding "fear and panic."

It is the nature of dictators to try to cover up such things on the idea that the "common people can't handle the truth." The thing is, cover-ups don't work when there's uncontrolled media around. Hence Trump's frequent tantrums about the media.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Regarding the disbanding of the National Security Council's Pandemic Team:

And we all know who was responsible for that, but incase you don't know, I am sure someone here can tell you.

Happened in 2018. But Trump says...


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Trump Says He Had No Idea His Pandemic Response Team Was Disbanded. What If That’s True?
President Donald Trump denied on Friday that he was in any way responsible for his administration’s failure to make coronavirus testing widely available, and professed to have absolutely no idea who had disbanded the White House pandemic response team two years ago (John Bolton), or even if that had happened (it did).

Many observers assumed that Trump was feigning ignorance when he insisted that he had no idea that his White House had eliminated the positions of the health security and biodefense experts hired by the Obama administration to deal with pandemics. But there is evidence to support the more troubling possibility that he was telling the truth.

Last Friday at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Trump seemed entirely unaware that he had ever had such experts on his staff when Peter Baker of the New York Times referred to them in a question.

“Mr. President,” Baker said, “you said you had not anticipated this kind of thing happening. Would you rethink then having an office of pandemic preparation in the White House?”

“I just think this is something, Peter, that you can never really think is going to happen,” Trump replied, as if the question had been hypothetical. “You know, who — I’ve heard all about, ‘This could be,’ you know, ‘This could be a big deal,’ from before it happened. You know, this — something like this could happen. … But who would have thought, look, how long ago is it? Six, seven, eight weeks ago? Who would have thought we would even be having the subject? We were going to hit 30,000 on the Dow like it was clockwork, right? It was all going, it was right up, and then all of a sudden, this came out. … And the thing is, you never really know when something like this is going to strike and what it’s going to be. This is different than something else. This is a very different thing than something else.”
Trump Says He Had No Idea His Pandemic Response Team Was Disbanded. What If That’s True?

There's no one at the helm. The captain has no idea what the crew is doing. And we're drifting toward the rocks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
Mortality rates:
The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times.

Though the death rate for COVID-19 is unclear, most research suggests it is higher than that of the seasonal flu.

In the study published Feb. 18 in the China CDC Weekly, researchers found a death rate from COVID-19 to be around 2.3% in mainland China. Another study of about 1,100 hospitalized patients in China, published Feb. 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that the overall death rate was slightly lower, around 1.4%.

Still, the death rate for COVID-19 appears to vary by location and an individual's age, among other factors. For instance, in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak, the death rate reached 2.9%; in other provinces of China, that rate was just 0.4%, according to the China CDC Weekly study. In addition, older adults have been hit the hardest. The death rate soars to 14.8% in those 80 and older; among those ages 70 to 79, the COVID-19 death rate in China seems to be about 8%; it’s 3.6% for those ages 60 to 69; 1.3% for 50 to 59; 0.4% for the age group 40 to 49; and just 0.2% for people ages 10 to 39. No deaths in children under 9 have been reported.

How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu? | Live Science
We do not know the mortality rate of COVID-19. It is likely there are THOUSANDS of people who have the virus that are unreported because symptoms are not severe enough for testing. You cannot say, with any sort of credibility, that it is deadlier than the flu.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
We do not know the mortality rate of COVID-19. It is likely there are THOUSANDS of people who have the virus that are unreported because symptoms are not severe enough for testing.

Just like influenza; a lot of mild cases and asymptomatic infections are never reported. The mortality rate really means "the number of people who go for medical treatment, who end up dying."

If we had every COVID-19 case of infection, it wouldn't be comparable to influenza statistics.

Apples with apples, it's flu: .01%, COVID-19, 1.2%
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Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
We just got an official announcement from our Government in New Zealand. We have around 102 confirmed cases of corona virus and we will be in lock down in 48 hours. That means that the whole country will be in self isolation for a period of a month or possibly more. Our libraries, cafe's, restaurants, play grounds, schools public pools, everything that is non essential will be closed. That's a total lockdown for our whole country.

BTW: I have moved this topic to "current events"


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
Just like influenza; a lot of mild cases and asymptomatic infections are never reported. The mortality rate really means "the number of people who go for medical treatment, who end up dying."

If we had every COVID-19 case of infection, it wouldn't be comparable to influenza statistics.

Apples with apples, it's flu: .01%, COVID-19, 1.2%
And there is also the issue of do these people actually die from COVID-19 or something else? For example, just came out that Italy the death toll actually due to COVID is MUCH LESS than reported. They just automatically add the person to the number of deaths if they die and have it even if there is another cause of death from another condition. The disease seriously does not warrant the frantics going on around the world. It is stupid.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
We just got an official announcement from our Government in New Zealand. We have around 102 confirmed cases of corona virus and we will be in lock down in 48 hours. That means that the whole country will be in self isolation for a period of a month or possibly more. Our libraries, cafe's, restaurants, play grounds, schools public pools, everything that is non essential will be closed. That's a total lockdown for our whole country.

BTW: I have moved this topic to "current events"

Whatever happens, I highly advise you not let them convince you into seeing if you test "positive" for this alleged virus, or take any "vaccines" for it. Viruses don't actually spread like the media claims it does. If it did, we would know how the 1918 Spanish Flu spread in the first place. They STILL don't, which is why there is no actual vaccine for it. Their testing methods is basically all guess work. They aren't testing for the "virus" itself, just its genetic sequence, or "signature" as its called in Information Technology, the protein/enzyme of the virus that causes cellular destruction. Its not actual "proof" in itself that you are infected with the virus, because the symptoms they see could be due to anything, specifically any type of flu. This is why they are claiming that the sick and elderly are more susceptible to it, because they really don't know that much at all about how we get infected, to this day. I'm not giving them the opportunity to micro manage my life over a possible false positive.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Whatever happens, I highly advise you not let them convince you into seeing if you test "positive" for this alleged virus, or take any "vaccines" for it. Viruses don't actually spread like the media claims it does. If it did, we would know how the 1918 Spanish Flu spread in the first place. They STILL don't, which is why there is no actual vaccine for it. Their testing methods is basically all guess work. They aren't testing for the "virus" itself, just its genetic sequence, or "signature" as its called in Information Technology, the protein/enzyme of the virus that causes cellular destruction. Its not actual "proof" in itself that you are infected with the virus, because the symptoms they see could be due to anything, specifically any type of flu. This is why they are claiming that the sick and elderly are more susceptible to it, because they really don't know that much at all about how we get infected, to this day. I'm not giving them the opportunity to micro manage my life over a possible false positive.

Nah I won't. I trust God. He said I'll be alright. I will be following the principles set out in Psalm 91. ergo "If you" "then I will"

Bless ya!


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
Nah I won't. I trust God. He said I'll be alright. I will be following the principles set out in Psalm 91. ergo "If you" "then I will"

Bless ya!

:) Yes, please do trust God on this matter, for all we know, those 102 "confirmed" cases could be false positives. Testing for so called "viruses" is not an exact science, not even close. In other words, the media is lying through their teeth and they know it, being the typical sensationalist bull skit con artists that they are, sick of it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Meanwhile in Australia, manufacturing beer was just deemed as an essential business. Thanks, Scotty. No need to stockpile the beer.

In a press conference late on Sunday night, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said bottleshops, or 'off license' alcohol retailers, would be excluded from closures of pubs and dining hotels.

"Off license parts of those premises [pubs and hotels], or bottle shops, that particularly applies in places like Tasmania, and in Queensland I understand, they will be excluded from these arrangements, they work like any other retail premises - they are not a place of people gathering, in an off-licence bottle shop,” he said.

Beer, wine and spirits were on Sunday night the latest entrants to the list of items being stockpiled during the unfolding pandemic.