Are You Free From The Law?

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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
He appears eternally to be a tax collector unworthy of God's favour, sinning and asking for forgiveness.

And you sir need to put me on ignore. And stop responding to anything I say or anything about me

I will not warn you again,

I dealt with you in another chatroom. and we know the results which happened there when you continued to bear false witness against others. I will not hesitate for one second to take your lies to the people who matter.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Um no. The word law means law.
he said, as if he actually knew lol, unfortunately irl is going to quickly dismantle that, eh?
Was it a requirement of their "law" that men get circumcised, or no?
If he meant ceremonial law. He would have said cerminonial law. he did not. So I suggest you and myself do not add to what paul said.
what Paul said where? I guess James will let you down there huh.

are you circumcised, btw? :)

Why would Christ tell us to keep something we can't keep
ah well youd have to ask Christ that i guess, but wadr you made the "we cant keep" part up yourself i guess, and Jesus sure did tell us to keep the law, huh
He said do what they tell you to do. As jews..[/quote]now who's adding to the Bible though
I am not a jew. Why would a jewish priest tell me to keep the law?
"Jewish priest" i'm not sure who youre talking about, but bc although you are not a Jew, you are in a nation with a legal code based more or less upon the decalogue, right? And we even have our own ceremonial codes, you would not ask a 13 year old for her hand in marriage, perfectly acceptable then though right.

so i'm curious which laws you advocate breaking?

but pls take these as rhetorical Qs, and i'll let you have the last word here, as i see we are not really having a discussion anyway, and i hope you have a blessed day ok


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
And you sir need to put me on ignore. And stop responding to anything I say or anything about me

I will not warn you again,

I dealt with you in another chatroom. and we know the results which happened there when you continued to bear false witness against others. I will not hesitate for one second to take your lies to the people who matter.

I do not know what you are referring to.
What am I lying about? Are you a righteous follower of Jesus or a tax collector?

You can easily put this straight, because I am not the only one who gets confused by what you are proposing and who you are condemning.

I have also pointed out in a previous thread, though you appear similar in our praise of Jesus, you oppose at a level I do not understand or appreciate, which this post to me summarises, "I will not warn you again"

You are also suggesting you created a situation somewhere else which I should fear. Are you some great warrior who wins over others, or are you actually something very different as demonstrated by your words here.....:)

God bless you

May we bow and praise the Lord who brought us salvation through the cross and the washing and cleansing of our hearts through the blood of Jesus. Amen, Praise the Lord


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
You can easily put this straight, because I am not the only one who gets confused by what you are proposing and who you are condemning.
yes, apparently there is condemnation in those who are in Christ now, huh?
Dont even know why you are here, you dont seem to belive in anything.
every breath i take without your permission increases my self-esteem, mjr :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I have a deep understanding that some are so deeply hurt and bear a burden they need to lay down, because when what they are is shown, a repeating tax collector caught in a repeating ground hog day, it is too big a burden to bear.

Sadly some theologians have said the closer they get to God the more deeply they feel condemned and lost.
I do empathise as a young believer the sense of a gap in ones heart between knowing how Jesus would respond and how we can respond in ourselves. But mature men and women of God, trapped here means they have missed something fundamental in their lives. Learning to step back, calm ones soul, bring people before the throne of grace, understand who and what we are caught in this mortal world on the edge of eternity, it is easy to not see things as Jesus does.

But to condemn and teach others, to claim one has a deeper insight into the eternal realities of Jesus and condemn doing good, loving and caring for the poor, seeing need and meeting it, talking and encouraging those who carry the flame of love in a dark place, is not to know Jesus but to fight against Him and His church. These wraths of hatred and loathing, have no place in the fellowship of believers or His church. They desire cleansing, not seeing they are the ones who will be cleansed by a purified, Holy people as we walk with Jesus in His victory and power, Amen


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
i think it is prolly a normal part of one's walk to try lawlessness, until they have stopped cherry-picking the Bible at least? I did anyway. But imo pay no attention to those who tell you that you do not have to keep the law, as Christ told us to do; and also, i would not get circumcised, even though that was the "law" too! :)

And also you might notice that anyone telling you that you dont have to keep the law is invariably circumcised lol
fwiw i am an Anarchist, suggesting that you follow Jesus and keep the law like He said do, and ignore those who say they know


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Sadly some theologians have said the closer they get to God the more deeply they feel condemned and lost.
i guess that is why Esau, and human and other sacrifices, supposedly to Yah, Who plainly states that He desires mercy, not sacrifice? And maybe this "you dont have to keep the law" dreck--even though five ten minutes of Scripture search would destroy it--is also a response in that vein? So fwiw i would repeat something similar to "imo beware how others interpret 'free from the law'" and you can see for yourself what you catch! lol
bet it will be someone upset for some undeclared reason and saying they know


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
And you would think wrong

That's the problem with you people. YOU THINK to much, Instead of sitting down and trying to talk to people to understand what they believe

Once again

TRUE repentance leads to TRUE saving faith

TRUE saving faith leads to TRUE living salvation

TRUE living salvation leads to true works of God.

Can you show the room you understand what EG is saying? Or will you continue to bear false witness against him?
got it bad, huh, you pretty much terminal? Why not just tell us where your altar is, and we can go worship at our leisure bro?
is it anywhere near mjrs btw?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
yes, apparently there is condemnation in those who are in Christ now, huh?

every breath i take without your permission increases my self-esteem, mjr :)
I do appreciate your alternative perspective. I do not always see it, because sadly my ability to switch perspectives sometimes is just too slow.

The greatest contributions survive testing which can be brutal, but how else will truth come out, because the point is it survives while falsehoods fall away. I have got hurt, when it was suggested elsewhere I was like Jonestown massacre leader. Though that was tough, it was also how deeply someone distrusted love and openness, vulnerability and feared exploitation. But it is ironic, if we do not take the risk, putting our life on the altar, we will never have it rise again.

When I was a teenager I went on a two year mission with a christian evangelical organisation. Jesus changed my life through this experience. Last week I read letters written by my mum to my dad around this time, the heart ache in their relationship and failures in love and respect. I was blessed unbelievably to walk in the ways of Jesus and know His love working deeply in my soul. I would have been destroyed being at home. Until we trust Jesus and start to put His commands in practice there is no life, no eternity, no reality. The cost of this path is nothing compared to losing it all staying in the world and its ways. God bless you

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
got it bad, huh, you pretty much terminal? Why not just tell us where your altar is, and we can go worship at our leisure bro?
is it anywhere near mjrs btw?
I honestly do not know what your trying to say,

What I have is people misrepresenting what others say and believe. Then thinking it is ok and they are not doing wrong (ie excusing their sin).

Do you think it is ok to bear false witness of someone else's belief system?

I means if person A says they believe 2 + 2 is 4

and person B says person A says 2 + 2 is 4.5.

Is it right for person B to lie like that? And does not person A have the right to call out a law spoken about him or her?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
A pedantic argument or a real difference

Sometimes we get upset because the tone of a statement suggests something wrong, while the words are fine.
Sometimes we totally oppose the words.

Reading some people they fire up when it is the tone they hate, but it appears that they oppose the words and the whole world should know how evil and insulted they are by this beast of an individual who is pure evil in human form. It is how wars begin, and good people pick up guns and kill each other convinced how wrong the opposition are, and how good it is that they are removed from this planet.

Jesus steps back and says, know and love one another, and see the real difference. Then peace and reality can come to bare. It is why Jesus came to make friends, to call disciples to not put out the smallest spark.

20 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory.
Matt 12:20

The wonder of modern life, is it shows Jesus was right, not just a bit, but 100%. Thank you Jesus.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Do you think it is ok to bear false witness of someone else's belief system?
i think that would require someone who says they know defining "false witness" subjectively, and then not hearing any responses or rebuttals. Iow one man's "false witness" is another's "reveal of truth." So imo it is not only ok, but i am bound to consider for example mjr's words to me, even though i was only stating an opinion, yes. Although i guess i am allowed to consider the pertinence of his words, which thankfully there usually is none.

So in your case i would maybe consider whether the opposer is trying to make a valid point, or is just deliberately baiting you, too, and proceed accordingly? And if you get offended, imo i would stop and examine that, as i dont think you can really proceed in your right mind once offended?

Is it right for person B to lie like that?
i would have to read an example, bc see you have judged a "lie" when the opposer surely is not meaning to deliberately lie, right, and just has a difference of opinion? But i would ask whether you really have any "beliefs," or have you proceeded to a collection of Absolute Truths? Bc beliefs can change, right? "Change your mind?"

And does not person A have the right to call out a law spoken about him or her?
ah, rights, you want to get into your "rights" as a god?
What does "call out a law spoken about him" even mean? Can you rephrase that?
and can you respond to 784? ty
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I honestly do not know what your trying to say,

What I have is people misrepresenting what others say and believe. Then thinking it is ok and they are not doing wrong (ie excusing their sin).

Do you think it is ok to bear false witness of someone else's belief system?

I means if person A says they believe 2 + 2 is 4

and person B says person A says 2 + 2 is 4.5.

Is it right for person B to lie like that? And does not person A have the right to call out a law spoken about him or her?

The above is why putting ones own perspective is best, and how it disagrees with other perspectives. Once one starts to personalise these discussions, pedantic points, or feelings of being miss-represented become like a war.

I described something about my daughter in general terms and was told angrily I was wrong and completely wrong. Actually I was 100% correct but they wanted a different emphasis but could not see the bigger picture. It is part of leadership and teaching to know this is part of how we grow in knowledge, and to be able to distinguish between the minor and major issues. Some unfortunately are not capable of doing this and can only cope with echo chambers, rather than appreciating individuals and their intent. So we tell the truth to 3 year olds and their art work, or encourage their efforts and their joy and pleasure at doing something for the first time.

A loving parent loves and encourages, and sees their kids bloom. It is a wonderful thing to witness, a great blessing. God bless you.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Sadly some theologians have said the closer they get to God the more deeply they feel condemned and lost.
There is sorrow even in God's Heart for the loss of life, even of the wicked.
If those who thought they got closer to God really did get closer, wouldn't they have the same results as the disciples of Jesus did/do?
Instead of "feelings" of condemned, they would, like the disciples in Acts, etc,
be continually full of righteousness, peace and joy.

There lack of such reality, as written throughout all Scripture, indicates they missed out, not that God changed at all.

So others can continue in joy, knowing ahead of time, those troubles ahead , and why they happen, as written in the Bible already.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
So imo it is not only ok, but i am bound to consider for example mjr's words to me, even though i was only stating an opinion, yes. Although i guess i am allowed to consider the pertinence of his words, which thankfully there usually is none.
Earlier you mentioned "in Christ", as in Jesus Who is the Savior, God, One with the Father, right ?

mjr posted openly that he does not believe Jesus is God, so what does that mean Biblically ?


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Earlier you mentioned "in Christ", as in Jesus Who is the Savior, God, One with the Father, right ?

mjr posted openly that he does not believe Jesus is God, so what does that mean Biblically ?
um, that he has read that part of the Bible, i guess? I mean wadr "God" is a pretty generic term anyway, and Jesus Himself told us to only worship YHWH right, and, oh, that they may be one as we are one, on and on, but all i'm doing now is making a post that you cant respond to too i guess...sorry, i just wadr am not interested in your pantheon, ok, wrong guy to ask prolly

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
i think that would require someone who says they know defining "false witness" subjectively, and then not hearing any responses or rebuttals. Iow one man's "false witness" is another's "reveal of truth." So imo it is not only ok, but i am bound to consider for example mjr's words to me, even though i was only stating an opinion, yes. Although i guess i am allowed to consider the pertinence of his words, which thankfully there usually is none.

Bearing false witness happens when one is giving false witness as to what someone else did or believes. It is basically lying about them. At least that is what is said in the ten commands.

In my example. If I say I believe 2+ 2 = 4
and the other person claims I believe 2 + 2 = 4.5 they are bearing false witness.

And this is not ok in any sense of the word. As 4.5 does not in any way = 4.

So in your case i would maybe consider whether the opposer is trying to make a valid point, or is just deliberately baiting you, too, and proceed accordingly? And if you get offended, imo i would stop and examine that, as i dont think you can really proceed in your right mind once offended?
I am not offended. They can't offend me, so please.
i would have to read an example, bc see you have judged a "lie" when the opposer surely is not meaning to deliberately lie, right, and just has a difference of opinion? But i would ask whether you really have any "beliefs," or have you proceeded to a collection of Absolute Truths? Bc beliefs can change, right? "Change your mind?"

ah, rights, you want to get into your "rights" as a god?
What does "call out a law spoken about him" even mean? Can you rephrase that?
and can you respond to 784? ty


I can see why people are getting frustrated with you. Maybe these people who are lying about others will react kindly to what your saying

Good day sir.