Dream Interpretation - Is it New Age?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
how did new age become a boogaboo word? Jesus and the 12 would have definitely been thought of as new age by the mainstream establishment.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
If someone has a dream that shows definite information, not an image puzzle, that can be easily understood by the person having the dream, and what is given is consistent with written Scripture, then the dream can be taken seriously. If the dream involves another person, or a church, then a word of wisdom needs to be received from the Lord as to how this is going to be shared, or just kept as a basis for intercession.

If anyone purports to have a gift of dream interpretation, I would be asking where they got that gift from because they didn't get it from the Holy Spirit. I believe that interpreting someone else's dream is at the same level as the New Age sites that deal with dream interpretation, and could very well involve divination.

Ok, then here we go.

This is merely doubling down again, and once again evading a serious discussion of scripture itself to teach your false doctrine. In spite of you accusing others of operating in a demonic "New Age" spirit, it is actually you who are being manipulated by a lying spirit to teach what borders on blasphemy. Satan is using you to mislead others, and your own dreams are telling you this. But you are unwilling to see it. You think you have no need of an interpreter, but the Lord is warning you that you are in serious doctrinal error now, and you keep ignoring Him and brushing Him off as you are doing with me and others in this thread.

Let me show you this.
One recurring dream, which is quite unsettling while I'm dreaming it is that I am in my car and can't see where I'm going, and sometimes going backwards, or down a hill and the brakes won't work. Another dream was that I parked my car and couldn't find it again. Still another one was a flash back to my school teaching days where I would go to class and couldn't find the room where I was to teach, and went looking for the timetable where all the rooms were listed.

- "I am in my car and can't see where I'm going." This is a warning that you cannot see where you are going spiritually, especially regarding your teachings. You can't see that you are being deceived.
- "Sometimes I am going backwards, or down a hill and the brakes won't work." Again, you are going backwards spiritually, even "down hill" spiritually, and the power to stop alludes you. Why? Because a lying and deceiving spirit is now "driving" you to teach doctrinal error, hence your "brakes won't work."
- "Still another one was a flash back to my school teaching days where I would go to class, and couldn't find the room where I was to teach." - It means that because your teachings have become twisted and corrupted, you are spiritually lost, and you can no longer find the proper setting God gave you to teach.

All these dreams deal with the same subject matter, and all are trying to tell you the same thing: You are now in gross error, both spiritually and doctrinally, and He is trying to warn you, but you are not listening.

But before you allow that spirit to goad you into saying I am simply making this up, let me show some proof that you are being led by a lying spirit. It can be seen in your online behavior. Your normal tag name is Oscarr over at CF, yet you got banned from there, so you then showed up here and started posting under one of your aliases. You also use others. At Cf, you are not only Oscarr but also Paul James. This is the real reason why you likely got banned. There is a reason forums don't allow people to use double and triple identities, and that is because it is a deceitful thing to do to your brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Scripture commands us to "lie not to one another, seeing that [we] have put off the old man." (Colossians 3:9), but the spirit operating within you justifies this, so you see no problem in doing it.

By your own admission, you also use what is called "assertiveness techniques" to avoid having to answer those the Lord sends to correct you. I copied the post, and your exact wording at CF when someone asked you how you respond to "attackers" was, "I go into assertive mode. Here are the techniques: 1. Fogging. This is agreeing in principle with the person without changing one's own view or behavior." This is clearly what you have done with me on this thread. You didn't actually think my post was "insightful" and "informative." You were just blowing me off by lying again, as the above post proves.

The spirit that justifies these behaviors in you is likely the same spirit deluding you with these false teachings, and here is the danger: That you are going "down hill and your breaks won't work" suggests something fearful, Oscarr. It implies you could be headed for a crash, if you do not find a way to stop what you are doing and teaching. As this thread and others demonstrate, you are now continually attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to demonic spirits. Eventually, some form of judgment may be coming if you don't open your eyes to see were you are going before they happens.

Understand, Oscarr, I have said none of this in anger. But nevertheless it needed to be said. I have a responsibility before the Lord Jesus Christ to warn you about the direction you are taking. We will give an account for every word we speak one day, and your words are now coming dangerously close to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

I sincerely hope you have a change of heart. This post was not meant to vilify you but correct you, in hopes that nothing bad does happen, and that you repent of your ways and ask the Lord for forgiveness before it does. But if you persist in posting threads (and posts) like this, I will have no choice but to continue posting this one.

Hidden In Him
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
It seems this is all too common: "Please let it be known... that placing the SHEEP and the WOLVES in the same pen...
and telling them to play nice is not an experiment I agree with.

My real family are those in CHRIST who believe in and share the Gospel of TRUTH and GRACE.... As for the heretics . I stand AGAINST them. My Lord commands me to do so.

It absolutely grieves my spirit to see what is happening in these forums... and allowed to continue under

the guise of debate. Topics are being graded by "politeness" rather than truth. "


Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2012
It seems this is all too common: "Please let it be known... that placing the SHEEP and the WOLVES in the same pen...
and telling them to play nice is not an experiment I agree with.

My real family are those in CHRIST who believe in and share the Gospel of TRUTH and GRACE.... As for the heretics . I stand AGAINST them. My Lord commands me to do so.

It absolutely grieves my spirit to see what is happening in these forums... and allowed to continue under

the guise of debate. Topics are being graded by "politeness" rather than truth. "

You speak as though politeness and truth are mutually exclusive concepts. There is always a way to speak edifying truth without resorting to name calling or judging someone to be a child of the devil. Rule of thumb: if it isn't edifying, it is bullying. And bullying may get the other side to leave you alone, but they won't agree with you. But that is the worldly wisdom of the fool, that the loudest person is the most right.

Frankly if people aren't self motivated to know the truth, the only reason to argue with them is to present others with an alternative doctrine. This mitigates the damage they may do with their false doctrines. I'm also not prepared to make anyone the authority on all doctrines here, so they can teach and everyone else listen. That defeats the purpose of having a discussion Forum.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
You speak as though politeness and truth are mutually exclusive concepts.
How did the false teachers respond even to Jesus Himself, the Apostles in the first century, and the true men of God throughout the centuries ?

i.e. not good.

Who says "do not participate with darkness or its teachings, rather expose them",
and in truth 'open rebuke is better than hidden love'
and whoever quietly goes along with sin, is held guilty as if they committed the sin themselves...
and 'strict discipline is necessary for life',
and 'anyone who is without scourging, is not a son',
and many other warnings in the New Testament as well as the Old Testament....

Jesus and His followers never compromised the truth - they spoke simply the truth, whether gently or sternly, as needed.
There are very clear directions in and through all Scripture for how to handle each situation , or what to do, in harmony with all Scripture, completely in agreement with all of God's Plan and Purpose always.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
how did new age become a boogaboo word? Jesus and the 12 would have definitely been thought of as new age by the mainstream establishment.
No. Not even in the wildest imaginations of men, nor ever according to God's Word.

The origin of new age is completely opposite, and opposed to Jesus and God's Word and Plan and Purpose.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
No. Not even in the wildest imaginations of men, nor ever according to God's Word.

The origin of new age is completely opposite, and opposed to Jesus and God's Word and Plan and Purpose.

maybe so, lets put it to the test with what Jesus taught, what are some bad fruits of these new age people, do they burn people alive, conquer nations in the name of Jesus, destroy cultures because they are different? is their any home right now that is under threat of new agers at this moment? if so where is this home?
or maybe there are some people that look at Christianity today, compare it to Jesus and the 12 and believe the church has lost its way and they want to go back to its roots. ohh wow! thats exactly what Jesus and the 12 did.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Bad fruit is bad teaching. New age condemns people in ignorance , keeps them from finding God's Kingdom whenever possible.

The teachings of new age, as well as the practices, are called idolatry, and worse - and all are contrary to Jesus.

They might with open arms welcome strangers or family, co-workers or neighbors, into their wide path, leading to destruction,

and not care one little bit.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Who says "do not participate with darkness or its teachings, rather expose them",
and in truth 'open rebuke is better than hidden love' Expose/rebuke but do so with love. Bullying has no place without an authority structure. No one here is subservient to you for correction, therefore you should try to win them over with arguments instead of abuse. Not that pastors or elders shouldn't use such methods... not my concern today.
and whoever quietly goes along with sin, is held guilty as if they committed the sin themselves... This is true of prophets with a specific warning. Everyone here has access to a bible and are without the excuse, "I was never told." Not that the bible is sufficient, but it needs to be understood with the aid of the Holy Spirit. And no amount of human chastisement is going to give anyone the Holy Spirit.
and 'strict discipline is necessary for life', Self control is a fruit of the Spirit. One must have the Spirit or their modicum of self control can only be the product of fear or lack of desire. Self Control from the Spirit is not motivated by fear, that never works. Case and point the OT law was nearly impossible to obey in full.
and 'anyone who is without scourging, is not a son', God is the one doing the scourging through the sufferings encountered in life. Bullying people on the internet doesn't help God in this regard.
and many other warnings in the New Testament as well as the Old Testament....
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Who says "do not participate with darkness or its teachings, rather expose them"

and in truth 'open rebuke is better than hidden love'

and whoever quietly goes along with sin, is held guilty as if they committed the sin themselves...

and 'strict discipline is necessary for life'

and 'anyone who is without scourging, is not a son'

Bullying (and other terms today likewise) is/are a political or social or religious devised term not appropriate with discussing Scripture or God's Plan or Way.

The disciples all knew they were to be martyrs before they were immersed in Jesus' Name, and expected to be persecuted/ treated badly, the same as Jesus was. Jesus never complained of being bullied, nor did His disciples.

Society has corrupted so much, this is little recognized anyplace today.

As for the other above quotes, all from Scripture, we can go thru them one by one if you like, and see just what Scripture says, contrary to what society and governments and religions today say.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Who says "do not participate with darkness or its teachings, rather expose them",
and in truth 'open rebuke is better than hidden love' Expose/rebuke but do so with love. Bullying has no place without an authority structure. No one here is subservient to you for correction, therefore you should try to win them over with arguments instead of abuse. Not that pastors or elders shouldn't use such methods... not my concern today.
and whoever quietly goes along with sin, is held guilty as if they committed the sin themselves... This is true of prophets with a specific warning. Everyone here has access to a bible and are without the excuse, "I was never told." Not that the bible is sufficient, but it needs to be understood with the aid of the Holy Spirit. And no amount of human chastisement is going to give anyone the Holy Spirit.
and 'strict discipline is necessary for life', Self control is a fruit of the Spirit. One must have the Spirit or their modicum of self control can only be the product of fear or lack of desire. Self Control from the Spirit is not motivated by fear, that never works. Case and point the OT law was nearly impossible to obey in full.
and 'anyone who is without scourging, is not a son', God is the one doing the scourging through the sufferings encountered in life. Bullying people on the internet doesn't help God in this regard.
and many other warnings in the New Testament as well as the Old Testament....

I sometimes wonder about heretic exposers. Often a heresy shows up an important point, which some do not teach on appropriately and others just assume. In a debate, the idea is both sides are put forward and the audience make up their minds. On some issues both sides are right, because they represent two sides or perspectives of reality, like predestination and choice. Or love and hate. It can take many years to begin to see how they fit together, and how one can agree with both but with certain restrictions. If one silences such debate, you get cults, and holding an ideology above scrutiny.

I have had the best discussions with some open heretics because their position is beyond my group or anyone I know to hold, but they did. And in their framework it made sense, except you had to hear it to find its weakness.

For believers I know the idea of absolute truth is foundational, ie God except our perception of truth is always subjective and held by faith. So here you have a reality, except we can only know it by Jesus. Or another where you have a believer who does not know love, has a hard heart and is not ashamed of sinning or talking about sin like it is everyday. Intellectual discussion is not going to go very far, because the heart needs to change, so whatever positions another holds, fellowship and harmony in the Lord are not going anywhere but you can be loving, gentle and polite. What these folk tend to want to do though is light a fire and get others angry to say, told you righteous so and so's, are just like me.

I am encouraged that Jesus says we should leave the weeds alone, because trying to deal with them damages the elect. Other than obvious sin or heresy, we are just called to serve and love. Praise the Lord, Amen


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
This post was not meant to vilify you but correct you,
You could have fooled me!

I read this post . . . I think to myself . . . you've got a lot of nerve!

What I'm seeing for myself is that it really bugs you that he questions the dreaming and interpretation of dreaming that you are so invested into.

I wish you'd post as detailed a Scriptural foundation for dream interpretation as you did to tear apart a fellow forum member.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
I sometimes wonder about heretic exposers. Often a heresy shows up an important point, which some do not teach on appropriately and others just assume. In a debate, the idea is both sides are put forward and the audience make up their minds. On some issues both sides are right, because they represent two sides or perspectives of reality, like predestination and choice. Or love and hate. It can take many years to begin to see how they fit together, and how one can agree with both but with certain restrictions. If one silences such debate, you get cults, and holding an ideology above scrutiny.

I have had the best discussions with some open heretics because their position is beyond my group or anyone I know to hold, but they did. And in their framework it made sense, except you had to hear it to find its weakness.

For believers I know the idea of absolute truth is foundational, ie God except our perception of truth is always subjective and held by faith. So here you have a reality, except we can only know it by Jesus. Or another where you have a believer who does not know love, has a hard heart and is not ashamed of sinning or talking about sin like it is everyday. Intellectual discussion is not going to go very far, because the heart needs to change, so whatever positions another holds, fellowship and harmony in the Lord are not going anywhere but you can be loving, gentle and polite. What these folk tend to want to do though is light a fire and get others angry to say, told you righteous so and so's, are just like me.

I am encouraged that Jesus says we should leave the weeds alone, because trying to deal with them damages the elect. Other than obvious sin or heresy, we are just called to serve and love. Praise the Lord, Amen

I do believe I am better informed for having been exposed to the vast array of doctrines presented on various forums. Not only can you know the weaknesses of various doctrines, but it is possible to identify people as being part of a given cult by what limited information they espouse.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
Bad fruit is bad teaching. New age condemns people in ignorance , keeps them from finding God's Kingdom whenever possible.

The teachings of new age, as well as the practices, are called idolatry, and worse - and all are contrary to Jesus.

They might with open arms welcome strangers or family, co-workers or neighbors, into their wide path, leading to destruction,

and not care one little bit.

no its not, bad fruit is how you test a teaching. every denomination has teachings that vary and they can all show you how its rooted in scripture. so testing a doctrine against a doctrine will get you no where.

so im guessing you have no examples of the new age people?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
It can be....satan always creates a counterfeit and how sad that more people are drawn to the counterfeit from Satan than to the one of God.
Have you ever asked God why he talks to us through dreams and visions? Or uses prophesy to speak?

God speaks through dreams and fission for two reasons.
1/ to direct those swear of him to a deffinet activity.
2/ to awaken those who are not aware of him and to get them to read the Bible.

If God is speaking to you through dreams, maybe you should be spending more time in the Bible.
You won't get anything throug a dream that isn't already clear in scripture.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
God speaks through dreams and fission for two reasons.
1/ to direct those swear of him to a deffinet activity.
2/ to awaken those who are not aware of him and to get them to read the Bible.

If God is speaking to you through dreams, maybe you should be spending more time in the Bible.
You won't get anything throug a dream that isn't already clear in scripture.
If you remember an angel spoke to Joseph in a dream and said do not be afraid to take Mary as his wife.
So your 2 reasons are not applicable here...the truth is God's is infallible...it say what it means and means what it says.
Who told you that those were the only reason for dreams?
Here's the problem....most people have been taught by other people what the meaning of His Scriptures intended to say. And at this time having over 40k Christian denominations teaching their meaning of scripture is the cause for so much confusion in the faith.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
God spoke to Joseph (betrothed to Mary), in or thru a dream, and or also thru an angel <in a dream?>

and did not need any interpretation.

(posted before seeing post 56) Confirming testimony ? God's Mysterious Way :)
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
God spoke to Joseph (betrothed to Mary), in or thru a dream, and or also thru an angel <in a dream?>

and did not need any interpretation.

(posted before seeing post 56) Confirming testimony ? God's Mysterious Way :)
And my point is made just here....how we interpret the context.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
And my point is made just here....how we interpret the context.
No. Interpretation (as in 'personal or private', or as if by the flesh/man, ) is forbidden.

What is important is what God Reveals, what God Says.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
(Scripture concerning interpretation):

New International Version

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation of things.

New Living Translation
Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding,

English Standard Version
knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation.

Berean Study Bible
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from one’s own interpretation.

Berean Literal Bible
knowing this first, that any prophecy of Scripture is not of its own interpretation.

New American Standard Bible
But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation,

New King James Version
knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation,

King James Bible
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Christian Standard Bible
Above all, you know this: No prophecy of Scripture comes from the prophet's own interpretation,