So what's the future for the USA?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The following is going to upset a few people, but these aren't my opinions, but rather a quote and a perspective of what could very well be percolating under the surface of US politics today.
The following is an except from a much larger study... But just this small example says a great deal.

Merging state and church, with consequent persecution for dissenters, has always been the way of Rome, both pagan and papal. The Catholic Church has never fully accepted the principle of religious tolerance for everybody, though it has always demanded it whenever its own interests are imperiled or its designs curtailed. That was before and during the Middle Ages as well as in Reformation times. But what about today? This is how The Shepherd of the Valley, a Catholic publication, chillingly on 22 November 1851 predicted our own American future in an article entitled “Religious Toleration”: If Catholics ever gain,—which they surely will do, though at a distant day,—an immense numerical superiority, religious freedom in this country is at an end. So say our enemies. So we believe. But in which sense do we believe it? In what sense are we the advocates of religious intolerance? . . . We simply mean, that a Christian people will not consider [tolerate] the ridicule of Christianity, the denial of its fundamental truths, of the immortality of the soul and the existence of God; . . . that the foundation will be laid for a legislation which shall restrain the propagation of certain doctrines; that men will no longer be permitted to attack dogmas with which morality is inseparably connected; that the State will take its proper position as ancillary to the Church. It is useless to disguise this fact; every man’s reason will tell him that it is true, and every Catholic will feel that he wishes that time were come, even whilst he wastes his breath in empty praise of liberty of speech. . . . The world has nothing to fear from the empire of the Church, because the Church can never command or authorize the slightest wrong. She is absolutely infallible in all points of faith and morals;. . . Her enemies, it is true, scoff at her claims and hold her as a mere human and fallible institution, or . . . directed by the Arch-enemy of the human race. They are consistent in opposing her so long as they regard her thus; their error lies—not in believing that she aims at absolute dominion and would rule, not only the actions but the most secret thoughts of man—for in this they are correct enough, it is impossible to exaggerate her intense desire to extend her empire, and to bring the whole human race into subjection to herself; the error of her enemies lies in believing her to be human, or devilish, and not divine; . . . We have said that we are not the advocate of religious freedom, and we repeat it, we are not. The liberty to believe contrary to the teachings of the Church, is the liberty to believe a lie; the liberty to think otherwise than as she permits, is the liberty to abuse the mind and pollute the imagination; from such liberty may we and those we love at all times be preserved.58 When this came to be written, Pope Pius IX was still lording it over the Papal States in Italy. Thirteen years later, on 8 December 1864, he issued his notorious Syllabus of Errors, containing ideas rather similar to those in The Shepherd of the Valley. Here are two of the propositions that he condemned: “In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be held as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship” and “Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true.” Also obnoxious to him was the notion that “it has been wisely decided by law, in some Catholic countries, that persons coming to reside therein shall enjoy the public exercise of their own peculiar worship.”59 The Shepherd of the Valley published its article in this land of the free and of religious liberty, confidently predicting what will one day happen here. No cardinal or pope has ever unequivocally and without qualification rejected those utterances, nor have they roundly turned on Pius IX. After all, like every pontiff throughout history, he was supposedly infallible—as Vatican I declared in 1870. The Roman Church has always cherished such thoughts, as its actions in some modern Catholic countries still attest. To see just a little how things can be, let us here momentarily cast a look beyond our southern border. Mexico constitutionally guarantees that other religions shall have freedomo worship, yet its authorities are not infrequently powerless to enforce this noble ideal. We cite an example from a 25 February 2008 news item in the Religion Today Summaries: “‘Traditionalist Catholics’ this week expelled 20 evangelical Christians from a town in Guerrero state and cut off the electricity and water supplies to eight Protestant families in Chiapas state, Christian sources said. Compass Direct News reported that authorities in Tenango Tepexi, Guerrero, on Monday February 18 removed 20 Christians in three families, including 14 children, from their homes. Sources said the Christians were temporarily held in town offices, then loaded onto trucks and dumped on the edge of town. Town leaders supportive of the ‘traditionalist Catholics,’ who practice a blend of Catholic and native religions, told them they would be burned to death if they tried to return.”

Has anyone considered what or who is motivating the controversy over immigration? Who is supporting the open border policies to the south? What is the majority religion of those seeking illegal residency and freedom to vote North of the Rio Grande?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
All these ; very real threats to our civilization, our comfortable lifestyles, pale into insignificance when it is known what our Creator God is planning to do.
2 Peter 3:1-7 is the plainest prophecy about what will happen. As he says; the ancient civilization just lived, as we do today, getting on with our lives as best we can. The similarities include how most of them, and us; fail to acknowledge our Creator.
Matthew 14:37-42 reiterated this and the result of it.

So, no doubt about it; the Lord is soon to reset our civilization to a similar degree as He did before, in Noah's time. God did promise to not flood the earth again, so we know it won't be another inundation. 2 Peter 3:7 says the Lord will send fire on the Day of Judgment and destruction of His enemies.
That fire and accompanying tectonic plate shift, storms and tsunamis, is vividly described in over 100 prophesies.
We are also told what will trigger that Day and what we Christians should do then. All as Written in the Book that you all have.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The following is going to upset a few people, but these aren't my opinions, but rather a quote and a perspective of what could very well be percolating under the surface of US politics today.
The following is an except from a much larger study... But just this small example says a great deal.

Merging state and church, with consequent persecution for dissenters, has always been the way of Rome, both pagan and papal. The Catholic Church has never fully accepted the principle of religious tolerance for everybody, though it has always demanded it whenever its own interests are imperiled or its designs curtailed. That was before and during the Middle Ages as well as in Reformation times. But what about today? This is how The Shepherd of the Valley, a Catholic publication, chillingly on 22 November 1851 predicted our own American future in an article entitled “Religious Toleration”: If Catholics ever gain,—which they surely will do, though at a distant day,—an immense numerical superiority, religious freedom in this country is at an end. So say our enemies. So we believe. But in which sense do we believe it? In what sense are we the advocates of religious intolerance? . . . We simply mean, that a Christian people will not consider [tolerate] the ridicule of Christianity, the denial of its fundamental truths, of the immortality of the soul and the existence of God; . . . that the foundation will be laid for a legislation which shall restrain the propagation of certain doctrines; that men will no longer be permitted to attack dogmas with which morality is inseparably connected; that the State will take its proper position as ancillary to the Church. It is useless to disguise this fact; every man’s reason will tell him that it is true, and every Catholic will feel that he wishes that time were come, even whilst he wastes his breath in empty praise of liberty of speech. . . . The world has nothing to fear from the empire of the Church, because the Church can never command or authorize the slightest wrong. She is absolutely infallible in all points of faith and morals;. . . Her enemies, it is true, scoff at her claims and hold her as a mere human and fallible institution, or . . . directed by the Arch-enemy of the human race. They are consistent in opposing her so long as they regard her thus; their error lies—not in believing that she aims at absolute dominion and would rule, not only the actions but the most secret thoughts of man—for in this they are correct enough, it is impossible to exaggerate her intense desire to extend her empire, and to bring the whole human race into subjection to herself; the error of her enemies lies in believing her to be human, or devilish, and not divine; . . . We have said that we are not the advocate of religious freedom, and we repeat it, we are not. The liberty to believe contrary to the teachings of the Church, is the liberty to believe a lie; the liberty to think otherwise than as she permits, is the liberty to abuse the mind and pollute the imagination; from such liberty may we and those we love at all times be preserved.58 When this came to be written, Pope Pius IX was still lording it over the Papal States in Italy. Thirteen years later, on 8 December 1864, he issued his notorious Syllabus of Errors, containing ideas rather similar to those in The Shepherd of the Valley. Here are two of the propositions that he condemned: “In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be held as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship” and “Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true.” Also obnoxious to him was the notion that “it has been wisely decided by law, in some Catholic countries, that persons coming to reside therein shall enjoy the public exercise of their own peculiar worship.”59 The Shepherd of the Valley published its article in this land of the free and of religious liberty, confidently predicting what will one day happen here. No cardinal or pope has ever unequivocally and without qualification rejected those utterances, nor have they roundly turned on Pius IX. After all, like every pontiff throughout history, he was supposedly infallible—as Vatican I declared in 1870. The Roman Church has always cherished such thoughts, as its actions in some modern Catholic countries still attest. To see just a little how things can be, let us here momentarily cast a look beyond our southern border. Mexico constitutionally guarantees that other religions shall have freedomo worship, yet its authorities are not infrequently powerless to enforce this noble ideal. We cite an example from a 25 February 2008 news item in the Religion Today Summaries: “‘Traditionalist Catholics’ this week expelled 20 evangelical Christians from a town in Guerrero state and cut off the electricity and water supplies to eight Protestant families in Chiapas state, Christian sources said. Compass Direct News reported that authorities in Tenango Tepexi, Guerrero, on Monday February 18 removed 20 Christians in three families, including 14 children, from their homes. Sources said the Christians were temporarily held in town offices, then loaded onto trucks and dumped on the edge of town. Town leaders supportive of the ‘traditionalist Catholics,’ who practice a blend of Catholic and native religions, told them they would be burned to death if they tried to return.”

Has anyone considered what or who is motivating the controversy over immigration? Who is supporting the open border policies to the south? What is the majority religion of those seeking illegal residency and freedom to vote North of the Rio Grande?

Little late in the day to just be finding out who it is trying to destroy the United States of America. The destruction is not aimed just at the U.S., it's aimed at all... the Christian nations. Look at the locust army God showed in Joel 2, and ask yourself why God called that locust army His army that He sends that is to devour for the last days.

Joel 2:25
25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, My great army which I sent among you.


The coming one-world government ruled by Satan here as king over it is part of God's Plan for the end of this world. God is allowing Satan to do this for the end of this world. How could you not recognize Satan's servants today that are behind it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Has anyone considered what or who is motivating the controversy over immigration? Who is supporting the open border policies to the south? What is the majority religion of those seeking illegal residency and freedom to vote North of the Rio Grande?
Ye, ever since the reformation, and perhaps since the first few centuries, as it is written in Scripture about these days we live in.


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Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
And Bio war unleashed form China, Anarchists trying to overthrow the Government, The deep state trying to overthrow Pres. Trump. An ancient Chinese proverb. " may you live in interesting times"


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
So what would be the effect on voting if this were brought into effect? Don't forget, the Democrat party was birthed in the south, and the Vatican supported the south. Catholicism is more in line with fascism and socialism than republicanism. In fact, numerous newspaper articles over the decades in Catholic journals have railed against the constitution and bill of rights.
Proposed Democrat Platform Gives U.S. Asylum to the World's Migrants


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Who is supporting the open border policies to the south?
There is no question that the Catholic Church (as well as mainline Protestant denominations) are supporting an open border policy. But it goes way beyond that. The Globalists of the New World Order, who are essentially totalitarian Marxists -- have decided that they will destroy nationalism and install totalitarianism through their liberal/progressive/Leftist/Marxist/Communist surrogates in every country.

Soros has been funding those migrant caravans and paying illegal immigrants to invade borders while the feckless politicians stand by. And President Trump has simply failed to do what he promised. At the same time Pope Francis has been preaching the Open Borders/Climate Change/Agenda 21 *gospel* instead of the true Gospel.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Reading back through the first post, what would you imagine would be the result of a Catholic administration in government? What would happen to religious liberty?
There is no pat answer to this. Since Vatican II the Catholic Church has divisions within itself, and many clerics believe that Pope Francis is a heretic. He is a Jesuit who swallowed Liberation Theology in Argentina and his outlook is Leftist/Globalist/NWO. Whether or not he has much influence within his church remains to be seen. Also, the majority of Catholics in politics have abandoned their own church's beliefs, and may be considered lapsed Catholics.

So the days of papal supremacy are over, and the godless Globalists are now in control of the majority of the Western world. If Trump fails to get re-elected, then America will become another Communist country, since the Democrats hate the Constitution and the rule of law, and the Supreme Court has been also shredding the Constitution step-by-step.

The mistaken idea that the pope or papacy is the Antichrist is pure, unadulterated nonsense. A future pope may well support the Antichrist's agenda, but the Catholic Church will become part of Mystery Babylon and all religions will become subservient to the one Satanist religion of the Antichrist in the future(Revelation 13).


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
So what would be the effect on voting if this were brought into effect? Don't forget, the Democrat party was birthed in the south, and the Vatican supported the south. Catholicism is more in line with fascism and socialism than republicanism. In fact, numerous newspaper articles over the decades in Catholic journals have railed against the constitution and bill of rights.
Proposed Democrat Platform Gives U.S. Asylum to the World's Migrants

Whoah! Let's not push false ideas about the Democratic party of the U.S. and the Southeastern part of the U.S.

The two major political factions in colonial America in the late 1700s were the Federalists (led by Hamilton), and the Anti-Federalists (led by Jefferson).

The original Democratic party goes back to the days of early colonial America, in the 1790's. It originally was the 'conservative' party in America. It's actually the oldest political party in U.S. history. Those of the party then were also known as "Jeffersonian Republicans". They were also known as Anti-Federalists, because they were for the addition of the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution. The Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton instead were for a centralized government, and called Jefferson's party the "Democratic-Republican Party" from the "radical democrats" idea of the French Revolutionists. With later John Adams, the Democratic-Republican Party name became used officially.

So really the Democratic Party started out in the U.S. as quite 'conservative'. The usage of the word Republic was because the U.S. as declared by the U.S. Constitution says it is a Republic, not a Democracy, as those two ideas have many differences. Many in the media call the U.S. a democracy while not really knowing the U.S. Constitution declares it a Republic.

Later in the 1800s, the Federalist party dissolved, leaving only the Democratic-Republican Party. Then later past the 1820s, factions within that broke off and the Democratic-Republican Party was split into the Democratic and Republican parties. John Q. Adams represented the north-eastern interests as the 'National Republicans', and Andrew Jackson represented the south-eastern interests as 'Jacksonian Democrats'. That split represented northern vs. southern interests, yet other northern representatives would run on the Democratic ticket too, like Franklin D. Roosevelt who was from New York. FDR's four term in the white house is especially when the Democratic Party became a 'labor' party and a liberal party with strong support of minorities. It is really when the Democratic Party began to go strongly Socialist, even though some Democrats after FDR were still quite 'conservative' in their values and voting.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
So what would be the effect on voting if this were brought into effect?
Does it make any difference at all ?

How many times did Politicians, Scientists, Believers, show that the choices, the decisions. were already made before the vote ?

How many times did God place in power the King, the Prince, the Teacher or High Priest or Prophet, of His Choosing , and take them down when He Chose ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
What has been happening to American political parties since the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 Russia, is the goal of infiltration into American culture by Communists.

Woodrow Wilson (U.S. President in 1913) supported leftist ideology, and pushed for the U.S. to join the League of Nations (early U.N.). U.S. Congress refused to do that, as the American people were against the removing of U.S. sovereignty it would require. U.S. State Dept. representative Alger Hiss helped the U.S. to sign onto the United Nations Charter after WWII. Hiss was later discovered to have been allied with the Communists and served two prison sentences for perjury.

Ex-FBI agent Cleon Skousen, in his 1958 book The Naked Communist, outlined 45 Soviet strategic points the Communists developed for taking over the U.S. from within. The following was no.15 on the list...

"15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States" - (from
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
What it's all about Alfie...

In a nutshell, the liberal culture in the U.S. was especially pushed upon the American public in the 1960s. But Socialist policies began much earlier, including the takeover of the U.S. economy by world banking elites.

In 1952, there was a Congressional Committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations. It was also called the Cox Committee, and in 1953 called the Reece Committee. A lawyer for the Reece Committee documented its findings in a 1958 book called, Foundations: Their Power and Influence (by Rene A. Wormser).

What they discovered was how tax-exempt foundations like the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, etc., were using foundation funds to support Communist subversive activities in the United States. When you read media comments only on the documentation of the committee, there is an obvious attempt by media and historians to disassociate Communism from the idea of economic power elites found working Leftist ideology. But if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it is a duck. The documented proof the committee found are obvious subversive financial support of Communist cultural activities in the U.S., and in some cases actual Communist activist support by the foundations. Only by reading the documented evidence the Committee found, per Wormser's book, will this be solidly confirmed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
What's the future for the U.S. then? Not good.

Christ's enemies do not want to destroy the planet. That is not Satan's goal. His goal, which The Father is allowing, is to reign over all nations and peoples, and be worshiped in place of GOD and His Son (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). That is what the "strong delusion" Apostle Paul taught there is actually about that is to occur prior... to our Lord Jesus Christ's return. Call it a test upon God's people if you want. Those in Christ Jesus have a duty to perform a Witness for Jesus via The Holy Spirit during that coming test (Mark 13). Some of us will be delivered up to give that Testimony against the beast at the end during the tribulation. We are to make a 'stand' with the Gospel Armor on, per Ephesians 6.

So the end is also about a spiritual battle those in Christ are to be involved in 'during' the coming tribulation our Lord Jesus taught of in Matthew 24 and Mark 13. We are not to shy away from that battle, but be prepared to allow The Holy Spirit to speak through us directly to ALL nations via the cloven tongue of Pentecost. Because this is the real battle those in Christ Jesus are to be prepared for at the end of this world, the devil and his try to deter those in Christ away from it by false preaching of escape doctrines of men. What we are to escape is 'deception' by the coming pseudo-Christ who will play Jesus Christ in Jerusalem for the end. That is the hour of 'temptation' we are to escape, which means if you don't escape that temptation of the pseudo-Christ, it means you will instead fall away to deception in worship to that fake-Christ who comes first.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Jacob will lose his strength Jeremiah 30:7, Isaiah 17:4-6
Jacob/Israel, the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. We know of the visible entity of the State of Israel and the other Jewish people scattered around the world. But of the other ten tribes, who were taken out of the holy Land and dispersed in circa 719BCE, we cannot be certain of who or where they are now. This is as God wanted it to be. 1 Kings 12:24, Deuteronomy 4:27, Ezekiel 34:5

However, careful research of the historical record, archaeological evidence and things like DNA testing, confirms that they travelled to and settled in what is now the Western nations. The majority seem to be in Europe, North America and also Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Who the ‘Lost Tribes’ are now is related to the Christian nations. Acts 26:7

Therefore this disastrous event that will cause their loss of strength will affect all of them.

Isaiah 30:25-28 & 30, tells us that ‘on the Day fortresses fall’, the sun will explode out a huge coronal mass ejection, which will cause the literal and complete fulfilment of all the prophecies about the forthcoming ‘devouring fire, that sieves out the nations for destruction’. Habakkuk 3:12, Joel 2:6, Isaiah 34:1-4

Many prophecies say how all the world’s military powers will be destroyed and wiped out on this great Day of the Lord’s fiery wrath. Hosea 2:18, Amos 5:9, Jeremiah 50:27

Jeremiah 50:22-25 The sound of war and destruction is heard in the land. See how the hammer of the whole world is shattered and broken, how Babylon has become a thing of horror among the nations! They are trapped and punished because they challenged God. The Lord opens His armory and brings out His weapons of wrath, this is His work to do in the land of those who deny Him. Deuteronomy 32:22

Isaiah 18:1-7 Go swiftly My messengers to a distant land, a land of many rivers, to a people tall and smooth skinned; a nation strong and aggressive, dreaded by all the world. All the peoples of the earth will see the sign and hear the trumpet call for them. The Lord will wait and watch from His dwelling place, then when the ‘fruit is ripe’, the pruning will happen and ‘all the unwanted shoots and branches’, will be removed and burnt. [Rev. 14:14-16] Their land will be left to the wild birds and animals.
At that time, tribute will be brought by those people to the Lord. They will bring it to the place where the Name of the Lord of heavens armies dwells, to Mt Zion.
Reference: Revised English Bible. Some verses abridged.

The United States of America, is a land of many rivers, is the modern policeman of the world and is now a Babylon type nation. These tall and smooth skinned people challenge God with laws that refute the Commandments and atheist teaching, such as evolution. They are strong and aggressive and their power is feared by every nation of the world.

God is watching them and at the right time, He will open His armry and destroy their strength by His terrible judgement of fire. The whole country will become virtually depopulated and the survivors will bring tribute to the Lord, in Jerusalem.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The United States of America, is a land of many rivers, is the modern policeman of the world and is now a Babylon type nation. These tall and smooth skinned people challenge God with laws that refute the Commandments and atheist teaching, such as evolution. They are strong and aggressive and their power is feared by every nation of the world.

God is watching them and at the right time, He will open His armry and destroy their strength by His terrible judgement of fire. The whole country will become virtually depopulated and the survivors will bring tribute to the Lord, in Jerusalem.

By that you show your TRUE COLORS. It reveals you actually HATE America, even by the idiocy of calling it a Babylon type nation. The reality is that you are just watching too much TV, and cable news media.

Real Americans are NOT... the U.S. news media, nor Hollywood, nor the politicians, nor the bankers, nor the fornicators and prostitutes, nor the devil worshipers, nor the Leftists who support its overthrow. Real America is MOSTLY made up of God-fearing people who LOVE The LORD and His Son Jesus Christ! It's just that they don't all live in the cities!

That little island of New Zealand where you live is still inhabited by a primitive people, and it will sink in the ocean with you with it, if what you say happens.