Aussie and Kiwi politics and events

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
How do they get away with even saying such things, that's what bugs me.
I know of Agenda 21 but the media do not question this insanity, I ask myself why is this, how does such just slip through the net of the media.
Something is very wrong going on with the media, they should of took to such people peddling such madness as Agenda 21, they rant on about 6 million Jews year after year but pay no attention to an organization that could be on the same par in fact not to mention are claiming much worse, how many people is that that such have ear marked to exterminate ? and we maybe seeing the pointy end of such now with covid 19 being played on us all.
The 6million Jews were killed without the majority never knowing about such at all. Churchill knew but did nothing ! they blamed every German for such but the majority they did not know anything about such at all. until after the war, then even people born 30 years after the war were harassed for such nonsense. I bagged them myself at school and my mother hated them.

But were are we heading I ask now, I don't think that the world has learnt anything at all. people are still as ignorant as ever if not more so.
Just look at all the Unelected morons are being empowered over us nowadays and we pay millions to them every year to dominate over us :rolleyes:

How does the media not ask critical questions? How do they keep going along with all this? They are questions which i have asked as well.

The only answer i could find revolves around funding. They are able to control the mainstream narrative through donations. Bill Gates pays off all the major corporations under the disguise of "philanthropy"

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
How does the media not ask critical questions? How do they keep going along with all this? They are questions which i have asked as well.

The only answer i could find revolves around funding. They are able to control the mainstream narrative through donations. Bill Gates pays off all the major corporations under the disguise of "philanthropy"
If one puts Nazi Germanys history under the spotlight or and Communist Nations history as in regards of the media's involvement is very interesting.
The way that they duped the Nations was an art form, if the majority only understood such working then one could see the same cunning at work with todays media. just because one can not see the motive does not mean it's not at hand.
I believe that Australia had laws against one having too much of ownership of all the media, this was a capped % but they have worked their way into gaining more I believe and very bad move.
Hitler and the communist all had total power over the media.
Hitler got rid of all the Jewish media but for the Zionist media that he loved, because they were of his ilk and dominated by his masters the Rothschild's.

One can put funding under the spotlight as well on so many levels, look at the Churches nowadays, they have become lap dogs to all such things, they live in fear of such masters who dominate over them. all may look fine to the average shallow dill pickle. but I see a sewer that all connects to Satan's hand at work. I have dealt with such shysters in my time.

Many philanthropy is a front, how many people idolise such pigs. many such things that they do are due to only trying to be avoiding paying Tax, they can claim it, not to mention doing so can aid themselves in one way or another. so it's not out of the goodness of their hearts that they do such at all. as many think such things is as a honest gift, no ! they do their homework, not many who is very rich gives away anything for free.
Beware the Jew who comes bearing gifts, was regarded as folklore in my days but from the 1990's I think this came under the eye of the Political Correct Nazis, who were at pains to claim such as a racist slur. it was just stating a fact to be carful of anyone in fact, who may have an alternative motive that's truly at hand, like the media for one or some philanthropist ratbag.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The Media can and do through curve balls and have a whole bag of tricks in their arsenal, that they can paint a honest person out to be anything that they want to, but if one flashes the spotlight back on them, the fangs retract and it claims to be nothing but a puppy dog.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Just updating my fellow Victorian members, those in Greater Melbourne and Mitchell Shire must wear a mask from 11:59pm Wednesday whenever leaving your house, or risk a $200 fine

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Just updating my fellow Victorian members, those in Greater Melbourne and Mitchell Shire must wear a mask from 11:59pm Wednesday whenever leaving your house, or risk a $200 fine

Seems like Ned Kelly is still not dead.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ


I bet we see unreasonable fines to people who are alone at the bus stop or jogging in a park or driving.

We have treatments for covid now in Remdesivir and HDQ. The virus is so mild all these positive cases are of people without symptoms.
But this is all part of the plan... There is no crisis, no pandemic, their just eliminating the weak and preparing the masses for the "new norm"

With a mask your breathing in humid air, your own carbon dioxide and less oxygen making you more susceptible to getting sick.
Watch this video as the guy shows how much oxygen is in the air, 20.5%, and how much oxygen is under the mask

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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
@Cristo Rei

Quite a few *regional council areas* are now ahead of the Yarra Ranges, including Golden Plains, Ballarat, Greater Geelong, Colac Otway and Mitchell, only Mitchell is under stage 3 restrictions outside of Greater Melbourne.



Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
Victoria, Australia
How does the media not ask critical questions? How do they keep going along with all this? They are questions which i have asked as well.

The only answer i could find revolves around funding. They are able to control the mainstream narrative through donations. Bill Gates pays off all the major corporations under the disguise of "philanthropy"

I suspect you're right - it's partly about money - but at the very top - I believe that the media is completely controlled demonically now. (And it's not the only institution that is). Money keeps the lower people in line - in check so to speak, but at the head of this - I suspect we're dealing with powers or principalities. There's plenty of ways to make money and control - but the media promotes all the wickedness and evil that it can for a purpose well beyond making $'s.

I've learned that if there's something I disagree with that the media absolutely hates - I need to take a good second look at it. The media in a way has become a bit of a indicator to me - what they vehemently hate deserves a second look if I also hate it. ;)
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
Well, to be fair that post u replied to was more of a joke than anything else.

I admit that i can be a stubborn person especially against things that don't follow logic.
But im not looking to do things my way, on the contrary, i listen to various experts all with nuanced opinions.
Given that this is a new virus there should be a discussion among experts instead of censoring those who oppose the narrative.

Covid has very little chance of killing someone who is under 65 years old, we are more likely to die from a car crash or drowning yet we don't close our roads, beaches and pools. According to the CDC covid has a fatality rate of only 0.26% which isn't much higher than the flu, and thats with these overinflated covid death counts. The flu is deadlier as it kills children, covid doesn't

We know who the people at risk are and should be quarantining them instead of everyone. We aren't being told what the plan is.
The reason for the lockdown was to keep the hospitals from overfilling, we did that, they never even got close to full.
And now there is hardly no one in hospital from covid yet we're being locked down for no reason at all. Do they think they will eradicate the cold? Is this the "new norm" now?

Australia has had just over 100 deaths of people with covid. I don't know anyone who has had covid but everyone i know has been hurt by these lockdowns; unemployment, homelessness, mental issues, domestic violence, child abuse, people missing their surgeries and check ups, people afraid to go to hospital and deaths.

We have an extra 4 people committing suicide every day in Australia due to these restrictions...
One suicide of a 20 year old takes away 60 years of life.
A covid death of an 80 year old with co-morbidities takes away one year of life.

As for masks there is no science to back that up, there is no science for social distancing either. In fact wearing a mask has shown to be hazardous cos you are breathing in your own carbon dioxide while lowering the intake of oxygen down from 21% to very dangerously low levels. So why should i put my own health at risk?

I won't get tested either because the viral test shows positive for all types of corona virus including the common cold.
The CDC admits that the test is inaccurate so there is no need for me to get tested.

And their dreaming if they think i will just submit to a vaccine that has been rushed through trials and doesn't show to be safe and effective. My doctor would have to approve of it first and he won't approve it unless it has been thoroughly tested on people who are taking the same combination of medication that I am.

Anyway here is just one expert giving his opinion on the covid situation...

GOVERNMENT, especially Labor has to be seen doing something.
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
I don't think the jury is out regarding the secular media. Virtually all of the lamestream media has a biased view on everything. If it promotes political correctness and boosts Labor's profile it reports uncritically, if at all.

If it is the truth and boosts the Liberal government's credentials it will ignore it or deride it.

Just one example. They lambasted the PM because he went on holiday during the bush fire crisis. They said nothing about the Labor premiers who went on holiday at the same time bearing in mind that bush fires are a state issue, not a federal one.

For the lamestream media, truth is what they want it to be, not what it is.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I don't think the jury is out regarding the secular media. Virtually all of the lamestream media has a biased view on everything. If it promotes political correctness and boosts Labor's profile it reports uncritically, if at all.

If it is the truth and boosts the Liberal government's credentials it will ignore it or deride it.

Just one example. They lambasted the PM because he went on holiday during the bush fire crisis. They said nothing about the Labor premiers who went on holiday at the same time bearing in mind that bush fires are a state issue, not a federal one.

For the lamestream media, truth is what they want it to be, not what it is.
Not to mention the elephant in the room is dismissed as to why the bush fires got out of hand, well I can point out the reason why the fires got to the state that they did, it's called lack of duty of care ! they did aided and abetted the fuel loads ! not to mention disregarded everyone who warned them of such as there incompetence for years before hand ! not to mention the dictating over such people and the media has snubbed everyone who has spoke out on such subject, Nothing to be seen here is there stance.
The workings of Satan is in the details of all this. not only the fires but with many more issues that the media does not bother with reporting on.
No one could be so stupid to believe the media, but their you go, that's the power and influence of the media, they can make a saint out of a devil, we seen this of late as well, look at that blasphemy with that Floyd madness depicted with wings and halo.
One only depicts a person with a Halo who is truly worthy of such admiration, but clearly the majority of the public are that deranged that they can't see that depicting such is of Satan, they are idolising a moron.
Not to mention the majority are under the influence of Satan's working in the fires, fact is that the Devil is truly in the detail.

Be carful of such people ! they are clearly leading people astray !


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Well I must be odd one here, I am thankful for a government that is trying to actually do something to reduce the spread of c19.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Well I must be odd one here, I am thankful for a government that is trying to actually do something to reduce the spread of c19.
Who's dying? Protect them. The rest of us are fine. And masks? About as effective as a wire fence to keep out mosquitos.
How certain are you that the tests they are conducting are actually reliably finding covid and not detecting something else? I am so tired of hearing the constant media driven drivel designed by advertising execs... In these challenging and unprecedented times we are here to help you... We can get through this together...
It wasn't that long ago when we were all being told that the entire planet was under threat of Extinction because of CO2. Now we have to breathe CO2 all day behind a mask? That the answer to getting sick is to reduce everyone's oxygen levels? Yeah, that makes sense.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Who's dying? Protect them. The rest of us are fine. And masks? About as effective as a wire fence to keep out mosquitos.
How certain are you that the tests they are conducting are actually reliably finding covid and not detecting something else? I am so tired of hearing the constant media driven drivel designed by advertising execs... In these challenging and unprecedented times we are here to help you... We can get through this together...
It wasn't that long ago when we were all being told that the entire planet was under threat of Extinction because of CO2. Now we have to breathe CO2 all day behind a mask? That the answer to getting sick is to reduce everyone's oxygen levels? Yeah, that makes sense.

Wow what's that bird on your avatar??? It looks like a vulture, a very angry vulture...
It's inspired me to put up my own angry bird... This wedge tail eagle attacked this boy during a show with birds of prey.

In regards to the covid tests the CDC says that they test positive for any type of coronavirus including the common cold. How pathetic.
They are unable to tell the difference between the common cold and covid cos their the same thing according to some experts.

ATM iv got a bit of a cough but im not going to get tested. Don't want to get locked up in hotel quarantine for 2 weeks, no thanks.
Im encouraged to see a lot of people are onto it, in fact most people are skeptical and know that they just want to force this vaccine on us all along with some kind of "digital certification" as Bill Gates calls it... And that will lead to more disease and more vaccines, before we know it we'll be taking 6 vaccines a year and won't be allowed to do anything unless we take them all...

Most people don't know about these mRNA vaccines. No vaccine has ever been done this way so there is potential for a major catastrophe.
The usual worries are still there, they don't test it on people who are taking various medications nor do they test it over a long term.
But the most alarming thing about these mRNA vaccines is that it basically modifies your DNA, they want to genetically modify us.
They'll tell us it's all safe but in reality they are stepping into the unknown with these vaccines and are ultimately using them because they are quicker and cheaper to make. They are untested, experimental and we are the test subjects... All courtesy of Bill Gates...

Take time to listen to this 20 minute talk by this doctor. It a complicated topic to explain but she does a good job of it...
Dr. Claims New COVID-19 Vaccine Is Untested And Will Alter Your DNA
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
@Cristo Rei

If you get tested which I would recommend since you live in a high risk area, you got to stay at home until your test results come back, if it comes back negative you are free to go, if it comes back positive you gotta isolate for 2 weeks at home.

We just heard today, most of the community transmission has came from people spreading it in the workplaces and even in supermarkets.
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