Romantic Love In Eternity?

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Apr 9, 2019
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@Nancy, @Helen, @amadeus, @Heart2Soul, @Pearl, @Prayer Warrior, @Rita, @Backlit, @quietthinker.

I'd like some other opinions on the OP, from those I consider thoughtful.
If I get another one like I got in Post #2, I think I'm gonna barf, LoL.
Well scripture seems to say that there won't be romantic love. Although I think platonic kissing will be as other sorts of love - agape, fraternal - will be much stronger than in this world.

Matthew 22:30
At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Mark 12:25
When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Luke 20:34-35
Jesus replied, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage,


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
United States
I have a serious question: To what extent do you think romantic love will still exist in Heaven after the resurrection of the dead? By romantic, I do not mean sexually romantic. The scripture attests that there will apparently be no sexuality in eternity:
God uses marriage as a picture of the relationship between him and his worshipers. In the Old Testament Israel was called the wife of God and the worship of other gods was compared to adultery. In the New Testament the church is called the bride of Christ.

Marriage and romantic love are analogous to the animals sacrifice required in the Old Testament. The sacrifices were a picture of Christ's sacrifice when he died for our sins and once that sacrifice had been made the animal sacrifices were no longer required. Marriage and romantic love are pictures of the relationship we will have with God after our resurrection and will no longer needed. We will still love those whom we love now but it will be a different and better kind of love.

Some people go through life without being married and are concerned about it. Once they experience the true Marriage of which our marriages are just a picture, their failure to get married in this life will no longer concern them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Who doesn't think that romantic love is a great and wonderful blessing,a gift from a loving Father and an expression of His love and intimate love even for us, but without the sex? It is such a beautiful natural part of who we are as human. Yes, we will be like the angels and will not be procreating children, but why would God change who we are... Change they way we were made? Remember, we were made in His image... That romantic level of love and intimacy is a part of who God is also. Why would God take away that which is good? And on another level....
Now in heaven and the new Earth marriage will be gone, so the restriction on those with whom we can be intimate would also be gone to yes?
Remember "h'adam" was originally both male and female, then divided into two beings. Those two were told to reverse the process and become one again. Why? If God wanted people to be neither male nor female but both male and female as h'adam was made, why split them and then tell them to join again?
And at the risk of changing the topic and turning this very intriguing thread on its head, I would ask a question of those who believe angels can have seen with humans. Are these female angels or male? If there are two genders in heaven, do they have relations with one another, when Jesus implied they don't? If they're only male, for what purpose did God create just one gender of an entire species of being when procreation was out of the question?
What does "made in His image" mean? Well, elohim is neither male nor female but both eloh- meaning goddess and made plural with the masculine plural ending -im. So "man" was made like that, and to that state he/she will return some day.

Who is the "us" in Genesis? People often introduce the idea of the Trinity into Genesis; but how does that apply if the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all said to be male? I follow the Jewish idea that the Unity which is God was addressing the angels. Thus it does not surprise me that angels are usually depicted as looking like men. There is one example of female angels appearing; but we should not conclude from that that angels are only male. No, they are both male and female -- but able to divide at will. The usual practice I believe is that when an angel wishes to manifest on the earth, it takes on a masculine form while the feminine half stays in Heaven. If the angel wishes to portray its role on the earth as a passive role, it would take on a feminine form with the male half staying in Heaven. But do not think this is rigid. Either half can take on either form at will.

Once Michael appeared to me to instruct me about something to correct one of my wrong ideas, after that was finished, I asked if I could see the feminine manifestation. He said yes and took on a feminine form. He had been holding a sword up in the air as a male; the female had the sword but it was at her side pointed down. Difference? As a male, active measures could be taken; as a female, that sword became a shield behind which the innocent and defenseless were guarded.

Abraham and Sarah are one being now. It would be foolish to think they could marry since the two have already become one. When they lived on the earth, God told "Abraham" to perfect himself. By inference, that means Sarah had to too. Both did. That is shown by how Abram "stole" the feminine "h" from her -- becoming male and female himself. Her name also was changed. As individuals, they ceased to be either male or female but could play either role. Yet the two were one. To avoid shocking people, both continued to play the conventional roles.

Notice how Sarah erred as a "woman" when she exercised dominion over Abram. He failed as a "man" too. Both were still caught up in the imperfect role playing and had not perfected themselves. Yet after they were both perfect, God told Abraham to do whatever Sarah told him to do. Both of them were both male and female at that point, so she was not a "woman" trying to act like Jezebel manipulating her "man" to hold onto him.

So in Heaven, there are only perfected souls which are neither male nor female but both. What we count as "two souls" down here with one male and one female can be counted as one up there or as two if you want to count it that way.

This is shown also in Revelation where it talks about the 144,000 being "male virgins." Where are the females? The word "virgin" denotes the feminine aspect -- that word is used only of women elsewhere. So you could say there are 144,000 if you count one way and 288,000 if you count the other. That 288 is shown in Genesis 1:2 in the word "moved" -- "rachaph" in Hebrew.

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The Lamb was present at the foundation of the world, and so were the 144,000 or 288,000 whose names were in his book.

Romantic love? It moves beyond that. In a certain way, there is no more loving of the other -- you have become the other, and the other has become you. Love can be defined as giving up a part of "self" as a sacrifice to "the other." Complete love is giving up all claims to being an individual person. Your identity is no longer based on being a separate individual. It is tied up in relationships and unions. When the Bible speaks of a man "knowing" his wife, it means a lot more than having sex. Men seem to have more of a problem than women at giving up "self" -- and the commandment was to Adam to cleave to Eve, not to her to cleave to him. The "knowing" often can take place during the sex act, but it can happen without it too. The awareness is raised to a level where both lose self-identity and experience things the way his other does. So I think.
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Jan 26, 2008
United States
... but why would God change who we are... Change they way we were made?...
The changing is NOT from the way people were made in the beginning in the case of Adam and Eve prior to their disobedience. Rather the changing is what is made possible by God sending His Son to us with Life. Before Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, everyone was dead. The change God has provided is to Life. Have all of us made as far as we can since we met the Master? Is nothing else possible in the making us more like Him from now until our course here is finished?


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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The changing is NOT from the way people were made in the beginning in the case of Adam and Eve prior to their disobedience. Rather the changing is what is made possible by God sending His Son to us with Life. Before Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, everyone was dead. The change God has provided is to Life. Have all of us made as far as we can since we met the Master? Is nothing else possible in the making us more like Him from now until our course here is finished?

"Have all of us made as far as we can since we met the Master? Is nothing else possible in the making us more like Him from now until our course here is finished?"

Hi John!
To me, The Word of God is eternal and I wonder if we will still be learning it into eternity, as well as all the things He could not tell us when He was on earth because we "couldn't handle it".
In Him always bro!


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Now in heaven and the new Earth marriage will be gone, so the restriction on those with whom we can be intimate would also be gone to yes?
Somewhere (years ago) I saw the word study from the original languages that revealed in heaven ALL of our 'intimacies' will be with YHVH, not at all FLESH, not at all EMOTIONAL, not at all CARNAL, as everyone is today.
Even the thought in the heart of carnal worldly type intimacies is sinful , as Jesus Himself Says,
and all the desires and emotions of the flesh are not cleaned up - on earth, today, - no, they are (in believers) crucified.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
@Hidden In Him , thanks for the tag x
I will read through the thread and give some thought to the question - sorry just had a busy week x
Just a thought came into my mind- if you consider that their won’t be any lust or any sexual immorality - then maybe it’s better to consider love within relationships that develope once those things are not part of the equation. What governs ‘ romance ‘ in most relationships - isn’t it to affirm, get something, to prove something ect ect - well if you are secure in a relationship- what does that love look like !?
If Jesus died on the cross to ‘ put things right ‘ well what did love look like in the garden of Eden - Adam and Eve had a relationship ,they equally had a relationship with the Lord - so there were different relationships between one another.
Sorry just rambling off the top of my head ! Rita
@Rita Just goes to show different will be the sphere for the believer once this mortal scene is surpassed...


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2020
United States
I have a serious question: To what extent do you think romantic love will still exist in Heaven after the resurrection of the dead? By romantic, I do not mean sexually romantic. The scripture attests that there will apparently be no sexuality in eternity:

“Jesus answered and said unto them, 'Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.'” (Matt. 22:23–30.)

But I mean, surely there will be those we have the fondest feelings for, and we will at least be given back our youth. What of married couples who were very romantic with each other in this life and had a very deep and abiding love? Will they somehow have to suppress these feelings for each other in Heaven? If not, how will they be allowed to express such feelings? Will kissing still be allowed? Will affection on a level that would be considered only fitting for in private still take place?

I'm asking for opinions, but they would have to be based on reason. The scripture says nothing about this, other than the Song of Solomon discussing the romantic love the Lord will have for His church. But does that mean we will not be allowed to love each other the same way?

Blessings in Christ to any who respond.
- H
If you love someone deeply in this life, why would you not love them more deeply in the next, when the barriers we must deal with in this broken world are removed?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I have a serious question: To what extent do you think romantic love will still exist in Heaven after the resurrection of the dead? By romantic, I do not mean sexually romantic. The scripture attests that there will apparently be no sexuality in eternity:

“Jesus answered and said unto them, 'Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.'” (Matt. 22:23–30.)

But I mean, surely there will be those we have the fondest feelings for, and we will at least be given back our youth. What of married couples who were very romantic with each other in this life and had a very deep and abiding love? Will they somehow have to suppress these feelings for each other in Heaven? If not, how will they be allowed to express such feelings? Will kissing still be allowed? Will affection on a level that would be considered only fitting for in private still take place?

I'm asking for opinions, but they would have to be based on reason. The scripture says nothing about this, other than the Song of Solomon discussing the romantic love the Lord will have for His church. But does that mean we will not be allowed to love each other the same way?

Blessings in Christ to any who respond.
- H

In heaven you will be filled with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) So there will be only Godly feelings for one another. There will be no need to make children, so there will be no sexual attraction, only Love.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
I agree. I don't think we are even capable of imagining what perfect love is, in our current condition.
And we are not supposed to - that is close to, if not actually, idolatry (imagining things not given).

The Heavenly Father DELIGHTS to REVEAL..... to little children... (HIS children).....
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Jan 26, 2008
United States
"Have all of us made as far as we can since we met the Master? Is nothing else possible in the making us more like Him from now until our course here is finished?"

Hi John!
To me, The Word of God is eternal and I wonder if we will still be learning it into eternity, as well as all the things He could not tell us when He was on earth because we "couldn't handle it".
In Him always bro!
Even as you say, it may be indeed! There is never a limit with God except the limit we put on Him.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Even as you say, it may be indeed! There is never a limit with God except the limit we put on Him.
Well, except His Own Limits: as God CANNOT LIE, because He is not a man.... as written.
That is a limit, isn't it ?
Likewise, He Will never violate Torah, nor any of His Own Word.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Well, except His Own Limits: as God CANNOT LIE, because He is not a man.... as written.
That is a limit, isn't it ?
Likewise, He Will never violate Torah, nor any of His Own Word.
This what I believe: God has spoken His Word and He is unable to go against His own Word. Part of what He has spoken has given men the authority for a period of time disobey God's Word. This is what the first Adam and Eve did in the Garden. It is what all of their offspring have also done. What we are allowed during our allotted time is to make only one of two real choices: To go God's Way or to go our own ways. Choosing our own ways is equal to choosing death. Most people, I believe, have chosen death even though they rarely understand that that is what it is. A person can only get out of this mess, this death he is in, by submitting to God, giving back his own reins, his own authority over himself to God. By His own Word God is bound by this. He cannot force us to choose to give Him the reins to our lives, but if we do not we are dead and will remain dead.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You're kidding. I appreciate the honesty, Helen, and certainly thanks for sharing. Only I find it hard to believe that we will express greater feelings of affection down here than we will up there. Seems... counter intuitive to me, for lack of better words.
I think that our relationships in the resurrection will so completely transcend our relationships here, that even the most ardent and passionate love of long time marrieds will be eclipsed by the unity and love we will have with and for each other in that day.

The deepest intimacy I think doesn't even scratch the surface of what we will know then, with all the redeemed.

Much love!
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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I don't believe that we will have romantic type feelings. I believe they are God's gift for this realm.
I'm sure that I will know my husband , but not with romantic feelings .

God is referred to as Father..there is ( usually) a deep relationship between child and father.... Jesus and His father had a very deep love.

That is the kind of relationship I believe that we will have in the new kingdom.

Just my two cents ... :)

Yeppers! And, our God is a JEALOUS God!!!!!
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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This what I believe: God has spoken His Word and He is unable to go against His own Word. Part of what He has spoken has given men the authority for a period of time disobey God's Word. This is what the first Adam and Eve did in the Garden. It is what all of their offspring have also done. What we are allowed during our allotted time is to make only one of two real choices: To go God's Way or to go our own ways. Choosing our own ways is equal to choosing death. Most people, I believe, have chosen death even though they rarely understand that that is what it is. A person can only get out of this mess, this death he is in, by submitting to God, giving back his own reins, his own authority over himself to God. By His own Word God is bound by this. He cannot force us to choose to give Him the reins to our lives, but if we do not we are dead and will remain dead.

Submission, total and complete, all cards on the table kind of submission, on your face submission is when He moves in my life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Submission, total and complete, all cards on the table kind of submission, on your face submission is when He moves in my life.
I think you would be liking the short honest Godly descriptions/ books called "Total Joy" and "Total Woman" by Marabel ?Morgan? or something like that. She shows honestly and Scripturally and simply pretty much what you have shown - how to be righteous, holy, obeying God, without fanfare or rebellion.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I think you would be liking the short honest Godly descriptions/ books called "Total Joy" and "Total Woman" by Marabel ?Morgan? or something like that. She shows honestly and Scripturally and simply pretty much what you have shown - how to be righteous, holy, obeying God, without fanfare or rebellion.
His burdens are for sure, light :)