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  1. B

    Where Do We Go When We Die

    The concept of where we go when we die holds great concern in Christian denominations. Some believe in reincarnation, purgatory and other dogmas, while others believe in immediate judgment after death. This is evident in Hebrews 9:27, which states, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die...
  2. B

    What Is Waiting For Us At The End Of Life?

    Wherever we go after death is our eternal inheritance for our work here on earth. Inheritance in the Bible is not limited to heaven and material blessings but also includes the inheritance of hell and the earth. The Bible provides insight into these inheritances, shedding light on their...
  3. ScottA

    The "Will" of God...vs...The "I am" of God.

    Much is lost and confused by the misunderstanding of the difference between the will of God and the I am of God. They are not really different...but are presented differently. What is meant by "the will of God?" The will of God is what is written, and why it is written. As one reads the...

    4 facts about Heaven


    Evil in the World - why do we suffer?

  6. BarneyFife

    What Keeps Us From Sinning In Heaven?

    Honestly, what will our edge over Lucifer, and Adam and Eve be? UPDATE: I can't understand why Christian people are so ready to tell people (even other Christians) whom they don't even know that they "don't understand the Gospel?" I'm not asking for informational purposes, and it's not meant to...
  7. Hidden In Him

    Romantic Love In Eternity?

    I have a serious question: To what extent do you think romantic love will still exist in Heaven after the resurrection of the dead? By romantic, I do not mean sexually romantic. The scripture attests that there will apparently be no sexuality in eternity: “Jesus answered and said unto them, 'Ye...
  8. Sunrise in the Garden

    Sunrise in the Garden

    "if you thought that you were makin' your way to where the 'postles and pagans lay put it together, it's a strange invitation..." Are you Waiting for Jesus to Take you to His Mansion in the Sky? Will you experience Death More Abundantly, that elusive literal future divined for you that you dang...
  9. Questor

    What is all the Bridal stuff in the Scriptures?

    Oddly, the question should not be about the Bridal motif that runs throughout all of the Scriptures. The question that needs to be asked, is how do I get Eternal Life? And how is that marriage? YHVH, our G-d, is a very family-oriented Being, and set up the way our human bodies work best in his...


    In the flesh, we are confined in time; but not when we get into the spirit. When we are in the spirit, we can see both backward in time and forward. It is then that God can show us a word of knowledge about a person or situation or a "forward" which is a prophecy. A word of wisdom for us, or...


    Genesis 1:2 - "The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." Observation: AS I MEET WITH GOD HE COMES LIVING AND BREATHING THROUGH THE SCRIPTURES INTO MY HEART. AT THAT MOMENT...


    Matthew 6:10 - "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." What world is more real to us? Is it this present world or the eternal? When we are more aware of the ultimate eternal life with God, when the temporal world no longer makes much difference, there is a freedom...