Romantic Love In Eternity?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
As far as special relationships we have here on earth, I don't see any reason why we won't have special relationships in heaven. After all, we will still be who we are, or rather all that God made us to be, in heaven.
'Til Death Do Us Part: Is There Marriage in Heaven? - Danielle Among Lions
excerpts: ... ...
"I know this may be a hard pill to swallow, it certainly was for me. However, I trust that whatever is in store will be so much greater, more than I can even imagine. I still get sad sometimes when I think about our marriage coming to an end, but for the most part I’m excited to get to that next step."
"Love is the action required in both commandments. In fact, all the Law and the Prophets depend on these commandments to love God and others. I don’t think that will change when Jesus calls us to heaven.

The next time you want to tell your special someone you’ll love them forever and always, know that you are not lying, it just won’t always be a romantic kind of love."


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Wonderful verses in your post. These two bring to mind some things. The first, and I'm going to be quite candid here, but it brings to my mind the fact that what I honestly want most of all in Heaven isn't mansions or positions of authority. It's closeness with others that I never had down here. I recall Paul telling the Thessalonians that he shared not just the gospel with them but his own soul as well, and that they would be his joy and crown in eternity. Certainly that is talking about those he gave everything for, and therefore loved them with a greater love than just being friends.

I think it's what John was getting at and trying to communicate to believers with the second passage as well.
It is not that the kind of closeness cannot exist here. It is that even when we really love God as we should, we are so often among so many people who don't know Him at all or are lukewarm. Every once in while God has eased my loneliness here by bringing by for a while another person who also loves God. I have had very few such friends over the years I have served God. One lives still but in California where at my age and with my wife's condition I am never likely to visit again. Another one was local, but he passed away March 1st of this year.

I have my times with God which are unequalled with any relationship with a person, but once in a while having a human visitor who shares my love for God really is a blessing. Yes, it can be and is at times Heaven right here. Can it improve?

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
'Til Death Do Us Part: Is There Marriage in Heaven? - Danielle Among Lions
excerpts: ... ...
"I know this may be a hard pill to swallow, it certainly was for me. However, I trust that whatever is in store will be so much greater, more than I can even imagine. I still get sad sometimes when I think about our marriage coming to an end, but for the most part I’m excited to get to that next step."
"Love is the action required in both commandments. In fact, all the Law and the Prophets depend on these commandments to love God and others. I don’t think that will change when Jesus calls us to heaven.

The next time you want to tell your special someone you’ll love them forever and always, know that you are not lying, it just won’t always be a romantic kind of love."
I didn't make it clear in my post that I believe there will be no marriage in heaven, so I edited my post.

friend of

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2018
It's hard to imagine that if we can kiss each other on the cheek in heaven we won't be able to do any french kissing as it seems like such a close second step, doesn't it? I don't believe that there will be French kissing either, due to the erogenous nature of such an act. Like others have said, we will be too busy being floored by the greatness of Agape love raining down on us so much so that we will not miss earthly romantic love at all. I think it says somewhere that everyone will belong to everyone else. If so, it will be like having a deep personal relationship with billions of other people in a fulfilling, nonsexual, complimentary way. It will be like having a billion best friends! Which sounds much better than what we have here on earth. Some people are lucky to have best friends and spouses, but in heaven we will be given so much more, in addition to Christ Himself. So don't worry about it. ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Who doesn't think that romantic love is a great and wonderful blessing,a gift from a loving Father and an expression of His love and intimate love even for us, but without the sex? It is such a beautiful natural part of who we are as human. Yes, we will be like the angels and will not be procreating children, but why would God change who we are... Change they way we were made? Remember, we were made in His image... That romantic level of love and intimacy is a part of who God is also. Why would God take away that which is good? And on another level....
Now in heaven and the new Earth marriage will be gone, so the restriction on those with whom we can be intimate would also be gone to yes?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
And at the risk of changing the topic and turning this very intriguing thread on its head, I would ask a question of those who believe angels can have seen with humans. Are these female angels or male? If there are two genders in heaven, do they have relations with one another, when Jesus implied they don't? If they're only male, for what purpose did God create just one gender of an entire species of being when procreation was out of the question?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
And at the risk of changing the topic and turning this very intriguing thread on its head, I would ask a question of those who believe angels can have seen with humans. Are these female angels or male? If there are two genders in heaven, do they have relations with one another, when Jesus implied they don't? If they're only male, for what purpose did God create just one gender of an entire species of being when procreation was out of the question?

Of course humans have been with Angel's. Look who my husband married. ^_^ a perfect angel. Hehe


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
United States
Why does everyone assume there will be Male and Female in Heaven?

Galatians 3:28
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus"

Am I the only one looking forward to transcending Gender?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Why does everyone assume there will be Male and Female in Heaven?

Galatians 3:28
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus"

Am I the only one looking forward to transcending Gender?

Well seeing there were Jews and Greeks, I am thinking you are missing the context here.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
United States
Well seeing there were Jews and Greeks, I am thinking you are missing the context here.
The context indicates that everyone will be above and beyond Race, Religion, Class, Gender etc.

It will be a higher form of existence.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I have a serious question: To what extent do you think romantic love will still exist in Heaven after the resurrection of the dead? By romantic, I do not mean sexually romantic. The scripture attests that there will apparently be no sexuality in eternity:

“Jesus answered and said unto them, 'Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.'” (Matt. 22:23–30.)

But I mean, surely there will be those we have the fondest feelings for, and we will at least be given back our youth. What of married couples who were very romantic with each other in this life and had a very deep and abiding love? Will they somehow have to suppress these feelings for each other in Heaven? If not, how will they be allowed to express such feelings? Will kissing still be allowed? Will affection on a level that would be considered only fitting for in private still take place?

I'm asking for opinions, but they would have to be based on reason. The scripture says nothing about this, other than the Song of Solomon discussing the romantic love the Lord will have for His church. But does that mean we will not be allowed to love each other the same way?

Blessings in Christ to any who respond.
- H
I've always thought there will not be the "Eros" kind of love in heaven, simply through the verse you quoted from Matthew...none will be given in marriage and, will God allow sex outside of marriage in heaven when He will not here on earth? Then I think of the spouses who die, are they together again?
My guess is that we will be so overwhelmed when we see God that, our whole view or interest in sex, marriage will fly out the window, lol.
Jesus valued the youthful qualities in children very much like, their curiosity, gratitude (that one's not in many kids today) their desire to learn and explore, and they love to listen to stories.

So, we shouldn't feel sad or discouraged over it, because that feeling that you get around babies, the love and joy and beauty and innocence of an infant, will be fulfilled in bigger and better ways in Heaven, even if not fulfilled specifically through babies. And since we cannot at this time, even conceive of the joys in Heaven, we can only believe what Christ taught us and wonder at the rest! Like, how old will we be, will our age there even matter?
Lots of good thoughts in your post :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
I have a serious question: To what extent do you think romantic love will still exist in Heaven after the resurrection of the dead? By romantic, I do not mean sexually romantic. The scripture attests that there will apparently be no sexuality in eternity:

I for one will be very disappointed.:(
If God has something better then a loving wife in Heaven I don't think I could stand it. My heart would explode.
After Jesus the best thing God created " in my opinion " is a loving wife. what a gift, what blessing.
How could God top that. I have do doubt He will. Like said by others. " eye have not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered in to the heart of man what God has prepared for them that love him." But I would not dare to even guess at what could be better then the affection of a loving Women.
We will have to wait and see.


@Hidden In Him , thanks for the tag x
I will read through the thread and give some thought to the question - sorry just had a busy week x
Just a thought came into my mind- if you consider that their won’t be any lust or any sexual immorality - then maybe it’s better to consider love within relationships that develope once those things are not part of the equation. What governs ‘ romance ‘ in most relationships - isn’t it to affirm, get something, to prove something ect ect - well if you are secure in a relationship- what does that love look like !?
If Jesus died on the cross to ‘ put things right ‘ well what did love look like in the garden of Eden - Adam and Eve had a relationship ,they equally had a relationship with the Lord - so there were different relationships between one another.
Sorry just rambling off the top of my head ! Rita
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