Michelle Obama's speech

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
But then what about the 170k people that died from the Covid-19 pandemic in the US? Shouldn't pro-lifers be pro-life for all people?

What about the deaths of unarmed people in America? What about the many people getting shot dead? I hear of stories from the USA, where people don't feel safe walking on the streets alone, because of the fear that they might get shot, this shouldn't be the case, there have even been plenty of shootings in the country, how wrong is that? Not to mention domestic gun violence is also a problem in the US. Again shouldn't pro-lifers be pro-life for all people?

What about all the poor people struggling to pay rent and feeding their family? Should they not be helped more?

What about more affordable education?
In Victoria there are many free tech school courses, that students can get free qualifications from, but University courses are still very expensive and put many into massive debt.

What about more affordable healthcare? If we break a leg in Australia, we can get it fixed for free, we have many free public hospitals in Australia that don't put people into debt or rip money out of people's pockets with a bill shock, my grandpa left the US because healthcare there was too expensive, an American living around the corner said healthcare is still expensive in the USA, and it would have thousands and thousands to get some things done over there, he is amazed that he didn't have to pay anything in Australia and amazed about how good the hospitals are here.

What about those with disabilities in America, shouldn't they be helped more as well? I still see some Christians not treating those people nice or with respect today, it's sad. Sadly, these people are still looked down upon.

And what about plastic straws and plastic bags? They are still ending up in the environment.

The sad reality is that abortion is not the only problem in the US, we need to look at the bigger picture, why don't either of the major parties Republicans or Democrats address all issues instead of just some? Both parties Republican and Democrats only address half or part of the problem of pre-mature deaths, neither are really truly pro-life.

Not saying anything bad about Australia. I like Australia... In America, the concept of freedom and liberty is that you can choose to make something of yourself...or not. But no one owes you anything. If you want something work for it.

The free stuff is more akin to communism. A form of government that assumes people do not have the intelligence or initiative to support themselves.

Some of the issues you listed are strictly democrat...The American Communist Party.

Abortions, 600,000 babies murdered....the most innocent...do you have any questions on the significance of that?

The big problem that we here is some people thinking that communism is better, but sure do not want to move to a communist country.....they want to destroy this country.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Ghana has thrown an open invitation to all dissatisfied blacks in America to come on down and build Ghana. Not one of these whiners has taken them up on their generous offer.

Just goes to show that race can still be used to manipulate all the guilty whites (and many blacks), who still think they owe the black population something. But now it is sinister. Race is being used to destroy America, while all the cowardly white officials cower in their guilt.

It' s time to appoint black Sheriff David Clarke as the Czar of Anti-Terrorism in America. He will tell them all "There's a new sheriff in town!"
That is certainly interesting that we don't see blacks fleeing America that they constantly complain about. They LOVE the benefits!


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Yep, from someone who has NO Integrity, NO Morals, and NO Sense, and neither does her speech writer.

Proverbs 26
25 when he speaks graciously, believe him not,
for there are seven abominations in his heart;
26 though his hatred be covered with guile,
his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.

Bobby Jo

Do tell,what the heck trump has,that is the exact verse of what trump is !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Hanson: Michelle Obama told Dems to 'go high' after her husband 'tried to destroy a political campaign'
Barack Obama's legacy will be running 'one of the most corrupt administrations,' historian tells Tucker Carlson

By Yael Halon | Fox News

Michelle Obama urged Democrats to take the high road at the virtual Democratic National Convention Monday night amid an ongoing investigation into her husband's "corrupt" administration, Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday.

"When she says 'We go high when they go low,' she's talking right now when her husband's administration has weaponized the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, and is the subject of a massive investigation by [Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham]," Hanson said.

Read the rest of this article: Hanson: Michelle Obama told Dems to 'go high' after her husband 'tried to destroy a political campaign'

The fact you listen to tuck,says a lot
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
These are the unfounded accusations leveled at Republicans by Obama;

  • “They’re closing down polling places in minority neighborhoods.” [Could someone please tell this dumb*** that “minority neighborhoods” are overwhelmingly Democrat-governed cities? If “polling places in minority neighborhoods” are being shutdown, it sure as hell isn’t the GOP doing it.]
  • “They’re purging voter rolls.” [Federal law prohibits systematic purges of voter rolls 90 days before a federal election. However, there is an exception… state Boards of Elections utilize data provided by the Social Security Administration to clear the voter rolls of dead people and pets.]
  • “They’re sending people out to intimidate voters.” [Please provide something called “evidence,” that is unless you’re referring to the New Black Panther Party intimidating voters in Philadelphia during the 2016 elections.]
  • “They’re lying about the security of our ballots.” [Ahhh. daily news reports we all have been reading of tens and hundreds of thousands of ineligible ballots. All that must be just figments of our collective imaginations.]
(VIDEO) Michelle Obama’s WHOPPERS of the Lies She’s Peddling at her DNC Speech – Right-Wing News with Kevin Whiteman

You talking lies!!!!!!!!!4 real

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
The Left is criminally insane! I was recently told by a Left wing lady that she hopes someone kills Trump!

They are. A lady in my Church has a friend and she said her fiend gets hostile if you mention Trump. Now this friend used to be a nice person but not now. The left even the ones in this thread absolutely hate freedom an especially freedom of speech and freedom of worship because it doesn't fit their narrative and agenda. The left is the enemy of America and freedom loving people everywhere
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
They are. A lady in my Church has a friend and she said her fiend gets hostile if you mention Trump. Now this friend used to be a nice person but not now. The left even the ones in this thread absolutely hate freedom an especially freedom of speech and freedom of worship because it doesn't fit their narrative and agenda. The left is the enemy of America and freedom loving people everywhere
They like freedom of speech unless you disagree with them. lol

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Why would I take a cheap swipe at Jesus? ...

... because you DEFEND taking a cheap shot at Kamala Harris WITHOUT MERIT; and apparently anyone else who crosses your path. So step up your game and assail Jesus. But be sure to tell others that: You're a Christian.

I may see you in Heaven, but not without repentance.
Bobby Jo


To all,
I'm not a DEFENDER of Kamala Harris, but I'm also not a DEFENDER of satan's accusers -- especially the "religious" like Saul before he became Paul
Bobby Jo

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Seems to me you hate them because they are intelligent ,not understanding how lifting up is talking down,just my 2 cents

Why is it that the Conservatives "HATE" but the Liberals "LOVE"? -- Exactly which one is STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING, kinda like satan?

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Not saying anything bad about Australia. I like Australia... In America, the concept of freedom and liberty is that you can choose to make something of yourself...or not. But no one owes you anything. If you want something work for it.

The free stuff is more akin to communism. A form of government that assumes people do not have the intelligence or initiative to support themselves.

Some of the issues you listed are strictly democrat...The American Communist Party.

Abortions, 600,000 babies murdered....the most innocent...do you have any questions on the significance of that?

The big problem that we here is some people thinking that communism is better, but sure do not want to move to a communist country.....they want to destroy this country.

This country was built on the backs of BLACK's(slaves)free labor so foh with that we not owed anything !!!!And when we did our own,we became the only people 2 have been bombed by our own country.
Guess you had no problem with the Jew's getting reparations when in fact more african's died than them.

Do what you do, keep spreading hate and call yourself a Christian,the two will NEVER go together

It's all written,read,both parties are screwed up sons of cain (kenites)are the reason we are where we at, people blame democratics and or republicans ,do a study on the federal reserve and you will see where the true power lies.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States