Michelle Obama's speech

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Definition of crooked | Dictionary.com
[ krook-id for 1-4, 6; krookt for 5 ]
not straight; bending; curved:a crooked path.
askew; awry:The picture on the wall seems to be crooked.
deformed:a man with a crooked back.
not straightforward; dishonest.
bent and often raised or moved to one side, as a finger or neck.
(of a coin) polygonal:a crooked sixpence.​

... but I kinda like the choice of YOUR word BETTER:

[ krohk ]
verb (used without object)
to utter a low-pitched, harsh cry, as the sound of a frog or a raven.
to speak with a low, rasping voice.
Slang. to die.
verb (used with object)
to utter or announce by croaking.
Slang. to kill.
the act or sound of croaking.​

What an unintelligent individual!
Bobby Jo
yep guilty as charged...used the wrong word


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Judges, prosecutors and lawyer are nearly all LIARS! That's one reason I'm against the death penalty. I have no doubt whatsoever that many innocent people have been executed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Judges, prosecutors and lawyer are nearly all LIARS! That's one reason I'm against the death penalty. I have no doubt whatsoever that many innocent people have been executed.
Granted no system is perfect. Three hots and a cot is too good for some people.
We could shutdown the prisons because someone might make a mistake.
Death row allows for appeals.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Granted no system is perfect. Three hots and a cot is too good for some people.
We could shutdown the prisons because someone might make a mistake.
Death row allows for appeals.
Perfect? Governments and courts are ran by RICH politicians who don't give a damn about you, unless you're in league with them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Perfect? Governments and courts are ran by RICH politicians who don't give a damn about you, unless you're in league with them.
So you do not execute them....
They do horrible things to your family.
Covid comes a long and they release them.
How does your family feel about that? Is that perfect?
Then they do it again...does your family survive the second assault?
How many times can that happen?
As it is now, if you live in a democrat run state or city, if you try to defend your family, and oh, Lord help you if you actually kill them, they will try to put you in prison. How long will you last if they know you killed one of their friends.
Prisons are suppose to separate the criminals from their victims....That is not happening now.
Back in the day it was hard labor, now it three hots and cot....a retirement plan at our expense.
No system is designed to be perfect....the attempt is to make it the best it can be....
The concern and the rights of the criminal cannot be held above the public.
If an armed policeman wrestles with a suspect....he puts himself and the public at risk.
Got to stop coddling the criminals.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Definition of crooked | Dictionary.com
[ krook-id for 1-4, 6; krookt for 5 ]
not straight; bending; curved:a crooked path.
askew; awry:The picture on the wall seems to be crooked.
deformed:a man with a crooked back.
not straightforward; dishonest.
bent and often raised or moved to one side, as a finger or neck.
(of a coin) polygonal:a crooked sixpence.​

... but I kinda like the choice of YOUR word BETTER:

[ krohk ]
verb (used without object)
to utter a low-pitched, harsh cry, as the sound of a frog or a raven.
to speak with a low, rasping voice.
Slang. to die.
verb (used with object)
to utter or announce by croaking.
Slang. to kill.
the act or sound of croaking.​

What an unintelligent individual!
Bobby Jo
@Bobby Jo I see that your mean side is coming through again. Didn't anyone tell you, this is MON-day, not MEAN-day!!!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
BAD COPS NAMED KAREN LIE COPS CAUGHT BY BAIT CAR -- ("Bait Car", because he is a WELL KNOWN "First Amendment Auditor", and his car is equipped accordingly with cameras both front and rear.

Posted: Jul 19, 2020; 1,166,411 views = avg. of 32,400 views PER DAY
... and notice the dark blue Honda which crests the hill right behind him and is gaining on him at the onset of the video. Then at the end of the video, a SECOND cop tries to TRESPASS the motorist from the gas station and then lies about it to the Sergeant. (Beware of "coarse language")

And if you need more videos of Police harassing, exceeding their authority, lying, and arresting citizens who haven't committed a crime, there's THOUSANDS on Youtube now that phone cameras are EVERYWHERE. And cameras don't lie like people.

More "Discrepancies" between a Cop and a Dash Cam:
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=BQsDXREafv0 -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=BdQU_zv6Iqw -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=wAqaGewmC70 -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=CwSozhlshqc -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=ci3eC7T3uQ8 -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=zImch5oB5NQ -- added "spaces"
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=creSWKHcaDs -- added "spaces"

... and a GOOD cop arresting a BAD cop, and then being "threatened into quitting and got blacklisted":
https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=lFwhw6BRHDo &
https:// www. sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fl-sb-jane-watts-miami-case-20170208-story.html-- with added "spaces"

If you want MORE, just let me know! :)

It appears that my ticket was for being "white", having an Hispanic cop in an Hispanic State. There were NO OTHER vehicles on the road anywhere near me; there was a patrol car a block ahead of me; I was NOT ALLOWED to see the "radar"; and the officer was an obvious heavy user of steroids. And after the FALSE ticket I installed a "Dash Cam" in each of my three vehicles, but NOT on the "Dash". They're all installed on the Dome Light, which sees my speedometer, turn signals, seat belt light, and MY HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL. -- All because of criminal cops.

SOME cops are "over-achievers"/"racists"/"angry"/etc. and write tickets because they can, -- justified or not.
Bobby Jo

The guy in the video is an idiot. I don't trust a thing he says. His whole bait car routine is just that joke. All his claims are unsubstantiated. There is no evidence at all as to the truthfulness of his statements. He is obviously a cop hater and is trying to bait the cop into doing something. He made an assumption that the cop turned on him. He saw the cop, but probably sped slightly in order to bait the cop.

I hear his radar detector chirp indicating that the cop turned on his radar. Thirdly the 200 ft distance for turning is close and rather impossible to judge on a camera. He handed the officer a pile of papers cursing and yelling at him. He was BAITING the cop.
He claims the cop lied, but shows no actual evidence. This guy is just after likes on youtube. I don't buy his crap at all.

I've seen many of these types of videos. And they are usually garbage with the person having no idea what they are talking about. Constitutional warriors with no clue. Cop hater and cop baiters, just trying to be famous on you tube. Hoping to get a cop to do something dumb.

Once again no one is saying cops don't make mistakes and no one is saying there are no bad cops. There are. But the foolishness to claim 80%!? Thats just ridiculous.

I work in the Criminal Justice system and I see what cops do. So I know what good people they are. The vast majority of them. I've seen bad cops too. So I know what happens at times. But with all the cops I've worked with, only a tiny handful.were ever bad cops.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Do you struggle with the acceptance of CONTEXT? -- You cite "excessive force" as the standard; but I cite the CONSTITUTION as the standard. If a police officer oversteps his authority and violates my Constitutional Rights, then that cop is a CRIMINAL. And ALL Criminals need to be ARRESTED and PROSECUTED, just as any "civilian" criminal.

I guess the "good" thing is that we're seeing the same response as evidenced in 1776; but the "bad" news is that we're seeing the same response as evidenced in 1776! :)

Bobby Jo

Do you have a problem with the law? Graham v Conner has been the supreme court's standard for force by law enforcement. The Constitution doesn't specify anything about force by police. The supreme court interprets parts of the he Constitution that apply to use of force.

And you haven't cited anything regarding the Constitution. You just made claims, but actually never quoted the Constitution and the parts you claim apply to force. Excessive force IS interpreted by the Courts according to their understanding of the Constitution. And the courts have found that less than 1% of force cases are unconstitutionally excessive. So it's time you wake up and understand the facts.

The courts decide what is constitutional and what is not. Not you. And until the courts rule that something is unconstitutional the cops may not know it is. And the Supreme Court has ruled that.

If a ruling by the court says something is unconstitutional then cops are held to that standard. And they can be prosecuted and held liable for violating that. But if the court hasn't ruled on something the cop.cant be prosecuted for something that previously was not held to be unconstitutional.

You should study up.in this. This is in my field if expertise.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Do you have a problem with the law? Graham v Conner has been the supreme court's standard for force by law enforcement. The Constitution doesn't specify anything about force by police. The supreme court interprets parts of the he Constitution that apply to use of force.

And you haven't cited anything regarding the Constitution. You just made claims, but actually never quoted the Constitution and the parts you claim apply to force. Excessive force IS interpreted by the Courts according to their understanding of the Constitution. And the courts have found that less than 1% of force cases are unconstitutionally excessive. So it's time you wake up and understand the facts.

The courts decide what is constitutional and what is not. Not you. And until the courts rule that something is unconstitutional the cops may not know it is. And the Supreme Court has ruled that.

If a ruling by the court says something is unconstitutional then cops are held to that standard. And they can be prosecuted and held liable for violating that. But if the court hasn't ruled on something the cop.cant be prosecuted for something that previously was notheld to b

All this concern about force.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If a ruling by the court says something is unconstitutional then cops are held to that standard.
Courts are misinterpreting and misapplying the Constitution all the time. Therefore they are far from dependable. Indeed Leftist judges have been sabotaging Trump ever since he took office, but he really did not stand up to them and tell them they were out line. The judiciary is not the administrative branch of government.

As to force by police, if people would behave lawfully they would not have to deal with the police. But if the police tried some shenanigans with law-abiding citizens, they could be prosecuted.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Criminal and croaked Police
Criminal and croaked politicians
Criminal and croaked preachers

... How old are you? ...

@Bobby Jo I see that your mean side is coming through again. Didn't anyone tell you, this is MON-day, not MEAN-day!!!

I didn't spell "crooked" as "croaked", and didn't accuse. I merely OBSERVED and ACKNOWLEDGED! :)

Bobby Jo

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I didn't spell "crooked" as "croaked", and didn't accuse. I merely OBSERVED and ACKNOWLEDGED! :)

Bobby Jo
Is this what you want others to do to you when you make mistakes?

Why don’t you go meditate on the Golden Rule for a while? I think it will do you some good.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... with all the cops I've worked with, only a tiny handful.were ever bad cops.

You are exactly correct! Maybe 20% actually perpetrate the crime, but another 60% are complicit because they do not stop the offender. And the 20% THAT DO STOP THE OFFENDER are drummed out of the department.

And it's getting WORSE, not better.
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Not overlooking that fact at all. What you are overlooking is that 6% if the population commits about 50% of the violent crime. Thus police are more likely to be in areas where the crime is. Which means they will have more contacts with that population. When you look at the amount of crime vs contacts it's not an issue.

So my questions remain. How many shootings occur vs the amount of contacts. And how many involve people that are armed? You cannot understand the reality until you understand those things. If you don't understand those thing you will buy the false narrative. You will believe a lie. As Christians we are to seek the truth.
I heard a black policeman discussing this very problem. He said when he first began working as a policeman, he viewed blacks differently than whites. That is because where the police are working, if they see a black and a white, the odds are that the black guy is up to something criminal is higher than for the white. Of course, that's true. I think Jesse Jackson said once that if he was walking on the street (Chicago?) and two black men were coming the other way, he'd cross the street to avoid them. He said he didn't do that for two white men. I think that is understandable. But the black cop I heard said he realized finally what he was doing wrong.

He could not judge a single individual by the perceptions he had of his group, and he had been doing that. He had absorbed the attitude that if he saw a black man on the street, he was treating him as if he knew he was a criminal. He was treating white with more courtesy and waiting for more facts before making assumptions.

The statistics mean something in one way; but in another way, they don't. We should all be treated as individuals. I see there was another shooting where a white cop grabbed a man's shirt and then shot him in the back seven times. Details are still missing; but I heard the man was there to break up a fight between two women. Did a cop tell him to drop a knife that didn't exist?

At any rate, I don't see any reason for the cops to shoot him in the back. Of course, it caused protests. Now the National Guard has been called out. Businesses are boarded up. We can argue as much about things as we want; but it's known for sure that black people are going to get upset when they see something like this. Lots of white people will too. It's wrong. It would be wrong for cops to shoot a white man like that; but that wouldn't likely cause people to think it was racism and then go vandalize businesses.

If we want to tolerate cops abusing their powers with blacks, then I guess it's if they do the same to whites. Do white lives matter? Does it matter if cops shoot them in the back like that?

The argument about people being armed? Police can exaggerate things in their minds. I doubt the man shot in Wisconsin had a knife. If he did, we don't see it in the video. He didn't threaten the police with it. The problem is that cops are apt to think blacks are more apt to be armed in certain situations. They can make mistakes and shoot unarmed suspects.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... you haven't cited anything regarding the Constitution. ...

Amendments to the Constitution:

1st: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

-- See: Operational Readiness Order HQ-ORO-002-2018 Photography and Videotaping Federal Facilities
2nd: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

4th: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

6th: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining Witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

10th: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

These (and others) are regularly trampled by the Government. And so we WILL descend into a One-World-Government and satan will assail humanity. But Jesus will set up a NEW Government which will last 1,000 years.

Did you think our Government was perfect? -- Ask Trump about his experience!
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
Courts are misinterpreting and misapplying the Constitution all the time. Therefore they are far from dependable. Indeed Leftist judges have been sabotaging Trump ever since he took office, but he really did not stand up to them and tell them they were out line. The judiciary is not the administrative branch of government.

As to force by police, if people would behave lawfully they would not have to deal with the police. But if the police tried some shenanigans with law-abiding citizens, they could be prosecuted.

I agree with you. But the fact is we have to live by what the court d codes whether we believe it to be right or wrong. Cops are the same way. The courts are continually putting more restrictions on cops making their job harder and harder. But they deal with it and adjust as necessary.

Liberal judges have indeed created problems. And that's another reason Trump is so important right now. Cause he appoints judges. If Biden wins we will have even more liberal judges who will rule against the constitution.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
You are exactly correct! Maybe 20% actually perpetrate the crime, but another 60% are complicit because they do not stop the offender. And the 20% THAT DO STOP THE OFFENDER are drummed out of the department.

And it's getting WORSE, not better.
Bobby Jo

I respectfully disagree. There have been many cases of cops getting caught being dirty and we're fired and prosecuted. There is a problem though that I have seen, particularly on large departments. The union is so powerful that it makes it hard to get rid of that 1%. Cops will report other cops. But they also know the union will protect the bad cops until he/she does something so egregious that they can't.

I think the unions need reform. Departments need to have more ability to get rid of bad cops.
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