Michelle Obama's speech

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
I respectfully disagree. There have been many cases of cops getting caught being dirty and we're fired and prosecuted. There is a problem though that I have seen, particularly on large departments. The union is so powerful that it makes it hard to get rid of that 1%. Cops will report other cops. But they also know the union will protect the bad cops until he/she does something so egregious that they can't.

I think the unions need reform. Departments need to have more ability to get rid of bad cops.
I'd go further than you. I say abolish the police unions. I like to abolish all unions for government workers. Unions were never meant for government workers. Unions were to represent workers hired by capitalists out to make money. Unions can serve a useful purpose if they make sure workers get paid a fair wage. The government is not a capitalist institution out to make money, so why do people working for the government need a union?

Lois Lerner comes to mind. Would she have dared do what she did at the IRS if there hadn't been a union to protect her? Yet after doing what she did, she got a bonus! I think it's too hard to fire bad or incompetent people in our bureaucracies. She should have been fired, not given a bonus.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I respectfully disagree. There have been many cases of cops getting caught being dirty and we're fired and prosecuted. There is a problem though that I have seen, particularly on large departments. The union is so powerful that it makes it hard to get rid of that 1%. Cops will report other cops. But they also know the union will protect the bad cops until he/she does something so egregious that they can't.

I think the unions need reform. Departments need to have more ability to get rid of bad cops.
If there is any good that is will come out this, is that law enforcement training will increase and become standardized.
Law Enforcement best practices posted so that court cases can reference.
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
I would imagine that some of you think that some of us are too hard on the Democrats. Several of us have mentioned that the Democratic platform includes support for abortion. Also, some of us have commented that the Obamas have both supported partial-birth abortion, getting back to the OP.

WARNING, THIS IS GRUESOME: Partial-birth abortion involves delivering the body of a late-term baby, that is, all but the head. In order to deliver the head of the baby, scissors are inserted into the base of the head. They are opened and closed repeatedly in order to shred the baby's brain so that the head is made small enough to be delivered.... The Obamas have both supported a woman's "right" to have this done to her baby.

How about this scenario? Let's say a teen-aged mom who is single decides that she cannot afford to feed her six-month old baby, and the baby is affecting her physical and emotional health. So, she chooses to take her baby to the nearest family planning clinic to have the baby's brain shredded by a scissors-wielding "health-care professional." How many people would have nice things to say about a politician who supports THIS barbaric practice??

How many on this forum would wonder why I would NEVER like a politician who supported a woman's right to have her six-month-old baby killed? No one would, right? But what's the difference in the two practices, REALLY? In the first scenario, a developed human baby is slaughtered. In the second, a developed human baby is slaughtered.

Have Christians become so desensitized to the fact that a human baby is killed in an abortion that we really don't think about all of the evil implications of this practice? That we don't have a problem saying nice things about politicians who support this? This saddens me beyond words. I can only imagine how much it grieves and infuriates our Heavenly Father, who created all human babies in His image.

BTW, I oppose ANY politician that I know supports abortion. Party doesn’t matter—Republicans, Democrats or independents.

Well Joe and Kamala can change, God can change their positions on abortion. Why are so many crying out the sky is falling when a left wing government gets elected? God can change politicians, but to change abortion laws, God would have to change many American citizens views on abortion.

See the statistics here.
Public Opinion on Abortion

So really something needs to change to see the public opinion change.....

On another note.

I see you call the Australian healthcare system socialist healthcare, but the difference is Australians start getting taxed after making $18,200, every dollar below that is tax free, every dollar above that $18,200 they earn 2% goes towards medicare, in that lower tax income bracket, I think the total tax rate is about 19%, so 2% goes towards healthcare, as I said earlier, a big majority of our hospitals are public, that means that 2% pays for it, which is peanuts when spread out individually of people earning over $18,200, but when all those 2 percents get put together, it helps pay for public healthcare, which then means if you break a leg, and go to a public hospital you get it fixed for free, if someone goes into a public hospital for cancer treatment, they get it done for free, instead of alternatively someone having to pay thousands of dollars and in some cases ten's of thousands and hundreds of thousands, which is far more expensive for that individual, it costed my cousin over 100k, not sure on the exact amount, but it was definitely over 100k, she ended up dying from cancer just last year I think, she was in her 30s, so then some of her close relatives have to help pay that off, do you think that's fair? If they don't get help they can go bankrupt. Where as in Australia, you can be a homeless person and you will get treated in hospital for free.

If Obama wanted to follow Australia's example of affordable healthcare, then that's a good thing, it will save individuals literally thousands of thousands of thousands, and it will also end up saving lives, because then people can afford to be in hospital for however long it takes to fix the health problem they are having.

That is why my grandpa left the USA back in 1964, the American hospitals were costing him way too much.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Well Joe and Kamala can change, God can change their positions on abortion. Why are so many crying out the sky is falling when a left wing government gets elected? God can change politicians, but to change abortion laws, God would have to change many American citizens views on abortion.

See the statistics here.
Public Opinion on Abortion

So really something needs to change to see the public opinion change.....

On another note.

I see you call the Australian healthcare system socialist healthcare, but the difference is Australians start getting taxed after making $18,200, every dollar below that is tax free, every dollar above that $18,200 they earn 2% goes towards medicare, in that lower tax income bracket, I think the total tax rate is about 19%, so 2% goes towards healthcare, as I said earlier, a big majority of our hospitals are public, that means that 2% pays for it, which is peanuts when spread out individually of people earning over $18,200, but when all those 2 percents get put together, it helps pay for public healthcare, which then means if you break a leg, and go to a public hospital you get it fixed for free, if someone goes into a public hospital for cancer treatment, they get it done for free, instead of alternatively someone having to pay thousands of dollars and in some cases ten's of thousands and hundreds of thousands, which is far more expensive for that individual, it costed my cousin over 100k, not sure on the exact amount, but it was definitely over 100k, she ended up dying from cancer just last year I think, she was in her 30s, so then some of her close relatives have to help pay that off, do you think that's fair? If they don't get help they can go bankrupt. Where as in Australia, you can be a homeless person and you will get treated in hospital for free.

If Obama wanted to follow Australia's example of affordable healthcare, then that's a good thing, it will save individuals literally thousands of thousands of thousands, and it will also end up saving lives, because then people can afford to be in hospital for however long it takes to fix the health problem they are having.

That is why my grandpa left the USA back in 1964, the American hospitals were costing him way too much.
We might have to change the laws about campaign contributions before getting much done about health care. The politicians get so much money from health care companies, they aren't about to do much about reforming health care. We spend more per capita than some countries which have better health care. I think it's crazy.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Well Joe and Kamala can change, God can change their positions on abortion. Why are so many crying out the sky is falling when a left wing government gets elected? God can change politicians, but to change abortion laws, God would have to change many American citizens views on abortion.

I agree. Anyone CAN change if they turn their lives over to Jesus Christ!!! I'm living proof! :) And I pray that they will find Jesus as their Savior!!

But that's not the issue. Right NOW, they support abortion-on-demand. Their policies will reflect their belief that a woman has a "right to choose" to have her unborn baby murdered.

As I've said before, the Democratic Platform (See below) includes this supposed "right." Everyone who signs on as a Democrat gives tacit approval to abortion. So, the problem isn't only with certain politicians, but the entire Democratic Party.

That is why my grandpa left the USA back in 1964, the American hospitals were costing him way too much.
Oh, my, medical services were very cheap in the U.S. back in the 60s. I'm talking a few hundred dollars for several days in the hospital. I know this, because when my mom died a few years ago, I was going through her records and found a hospital bill from back then.

One of the main problems with ObamaCare was the "individual mandate." This required Americans to sign up or pay a penalty. In a "free country," health insurance should not be required by threat of monetary penalty. I know a family who paid thousands of dollars per year because of this penalty. Thank God, Trump did away with the individual mandate!

There are many other problems with ObamaCare. It is socialized medicine and would have moved a large segment of our economy into socialism. And socialism is one step away from Marxism/communism. I know that it's hard for people who have grown up in a more socialistic society to see the problems with socialism, so I don't fault you for this.

This is from the Democratic Platform:

Securing Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice

Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured. We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment. We condemn and will combat any acts of violence, harassment, and intimidation of reproductive health providers, patients, and staff. We will defend the ACA, which extends affordable preventive health care to women, including no-cost contraception, and prohibits discrimination in health care based on gender.

Party Platform - Democrats

This is from the Republican Platform:

The Fifth Amendment: Protecting Human Life

The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s proclamation that “all” are “endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth.

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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
We might have to change the laws about campaign contributions before getting much done about health care. The politicians get so much money from health care companies, they aren't about to do much about reforming health care. We spend more per capita than some countries which have better health care. I think it's crazy.

And comprehensive health insurance was a main cause of healthcare prices skyrocketing. I explained this earlier in another post.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... The union is so powerful that it makes it hard to get rid of ...

There's PLENTY of complicity, including: Unions; Criminal/Complicit Police Chiefs; Criminal/Complicit Police Departments (i.e., "Internal Affairs"); Criminal/Complicit Police; Complicit Media; and Complicit Citizens.

And you may be in the last category, but that's ok. I'm quite certain that Criminal Elements in our Government only target OTHER Citizens, and not us Black, or Hispanic, or Asian, or White, or Presidents.

Criminal Cop; Complicit Cops; Complicit Police Chief; & Complicit DA. And the "sum" is not 1%, but closer to 80%.

The proof is in the pudding, -- as we are all seeing.
Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
God would have to change many American citizens views on abortion. ....

I don't know about "Abortion" specifically, but GOD WILL CHANGE people's views on HIS AUTHORITY:

Rev. 6:16 ... “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand before it?”

Did you think the world would all accept Jesus, -- or that maybe GOD will JUDGE the world for rejecting HIM?!?

Note: Even some "Christians" make excuses why we don't have to follow HIS Instructions ...
Bobby Jo

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I realize that the topic of this thread is not abortion, but since Michelle Obama has supported a barbaric late-term abortion technique, I'm exposing what it is that she has promoted. One of the pro-abortion arguments is that late-term abortion needs to be legal to save the life of a mother in some circumstances.

Listen to this doctor blow that argument out of the water. :)


Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Listen to this doctor blow [the Late-Term-Abortion] argument out of the water. :)
Most people, -- "Christians" included --, are only concerned with "what's convenient", and this video demolishes all their excuses. But the real message is that ALL Abortions are unjustified, -- a message which Christians and non-Christians should hear and heed.

Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... The union is so powerful that it makes it hard to get rid of that 1%. ....
As already cited, I expect the actual number is closer to 20%, with some 60% complicit, -- BUT AS OBSERVED IN HUMAN NATURE, "bad apples infect good apples", -- not the other way around.

So expect MORE PROBLEMS as time passes.
Bobby Jo

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... The union is so powerful that it makes it hard to get rid of that 1%. ....
As I said, there are THOUSANDS of YouTube videos which document Government abuse of our Constitutional Liberties. So PLEASE stop pretending otherwise:

... and if we don't exercise our Rights, THEY WILL DISAPPEAR!
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
As I said, there are THOUSANDS of YouTube videos which document Government abuse of our Constitutional Liberties. So PLEASE stop pretending otherwise:

... and if we don't exercise our Rights, THEY WILL DISAPPEAR!
Bobby Jo
Ahh we all like rights.
Exactly what do you want the right to do?

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Ahh we all like rights.
Exactly what do you want the right to do?
Anything and everything that is of GOOD REPORT:

1 Pter 2:16 Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God.

... even if it means HEALING a person (working) on the Sabbath! :)
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Anything and everything that is of GOOD REPORT:

1 Pter 2:16 Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God.

... even if it means HEALING a person (working) on the Sabbath! :)
Bobby Jo
I believe that is what is called, talking out the side of your mouth.
You want to try that again with some straight talk and truth?

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I believe that is what is called, talking out the side of your mouth.
You want to try that again with some straight talk and truth?

I believe you're talking garbage.

Did you want a different answer that what I gave, and if so -- did you want to criticize me again?:eek:
Bobby Jo

To All,

If a person is exercising his Constitutional Rights to RECORD our public officials in the course of their duties, and a POLICE (not "PEACE") Officer (ILLEGALLY*) tells you to STOP RECORDING, -- should he Stop Recording?

If he Stop Recording, what if he caught the POLICE Officer in the act of murdering a civilian? Is it BETTER to keep recording that INJUSTICE, or is it should he OBEY a CRIMINAL in the commission of a CRIME? And if he OBEYs the CRIMINAL, what about the victim's family, -- should they have JUSTICE or INJUSTICE???

The Founding Fathers designed our Government so that the Government would be afraid of the Citizens, and not the Citizens afraid of the Government. But the roles have been reversed, and the Populous WILL NOT accede for long, whether in 1776 or 2026.

And where Eve was subject to her husband but Adam was ONLY subject to GOD, -- and some"individuals" want to be like women and subject to other MEN, -- whether Pastors, Police, or Politicians. But as for me, I choose to be subject to GOD to do RIGHT.

* Ref: DHS "Operational Readiness Order HQ-ORO-002-2018 Photography and Videotaping Federal Facilities"
Operational Readiness Order Photography and Videotaping Federal Facilities

Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I believe you're talking garbage.

Did you want a different answer that what I gave, and if so -- did you want to criticize me again?:eek:
Bobby Jo

To All,

If a person is exercising his Constitutional Rights to RECORD our public officials in the course of their duties, and a POLICE (not "PEACE") Officer (ILLEGALLY*) tells you to STOP RECORDING, -- should he Stop Recording?

If he Stop Recording, what if he caught the POLICE Officer in the act of murdering a civilian? Is it BETTER to keep recording that INJUSTICE, or is it should he OBEY a CRIMINAL in the commission of a CRIME? And if he OBEYs the CRIMINAL, what about the victim's family, -- should they have JUSTICE or INJUSTICE???

The Founding Fathers designed our Government so that the Government would be afraid of the Citizens, and not the Citizens afraid of the Government. But the roles have been reversed, and the Populous WILL NOT accede for long, whether in 1776 or 2026.

And where Eve was subject to her husband but Adam was ONLY subject to GOD, -- and some"individuals" want to be like women and subject to other MEN, -- whether Pastors, Police, or Politicians. But as for me, I choose to be subject to GOD to do RIGHT.

* Ref: DHS "Operational Readiness Order HQ-ORO-002-2018 Photography and Videotaping Federal Facilities"
Operational Readiness Order Photography and Videotaping Federal Facilities

Bobby Jo
Since you hate the police so much. Hopefully you live in one of those democrat states or cities, and they leave you at the mercy of those nice and innocent criminals. You will find their "traffic stops" a little more rough.....and if you defend yourself they will try to put you in prison.
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