Would Jesus Wear a red Maga hat?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
What was meant by these words penned by Paul?

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." II Thess 3:10
Translation: Don't be a welfare queen; Don't be a burden to society; be responsible! If you are too lazy to work, no one owes you your next meal!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Just so. And if someone should be working just to have daily food, doesn't it make sense to expect they would likewise work to pay for doctors?

Much love!
Over my many years working in Social Security field offices I soon learned quickly to know by sight some of our biggest moochers, who often knew loopholes well enough to get as much as possible from Uncle Sam with as little return from themselves as possible. Unfortunately the laws and regulations intended to protect everyone too often especially protected the moochers to extent of giving them a life without the need to ever go to work.

Again, from my own personal and work experience I may know what is wrong with our health care system in the USA, unfortunately, neither I nor other knowing workers were consulted for real advice and we did not have the authority to change it for the better.

I read a post recently where an apparent Christian did not want to live under a theocracy. One reason not to do so is found in the lack of Christ-likeness in a country where so many still claim to be Christian. Many bearing that label [Christian] still it seems to be very selfish and generally not improving... that I can see. Yet Jesus was never selfish and perhaps a primary message from him was found in the words penned by Paul here:

"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves." Phil 2:3

If people are not striving to be like Jesus now, how do they ever expect to attain to this?

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." I John 3:2


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Translation: Don't be a welfare queen; Don't be a burden to society; be responsible! If you are too lazy to work, no one owes you your next meal!
Understood all too well. The problem with this has always been to help those really in need who could not help their condition while keeping the ones who would irresponsibly take advantage of the free goodies offered. If every person in our society... or if only all those claiming to be Christian, would strive really to be as Christ-like as possible, the problem would be minimized. As we all who are honest about it already know, the problem continues to exist and likely has gotten worse since I retired in 2000...


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Understood all too well. The problem with this has always been to help those really in need who could not help their condition while keeping the ones who would irresponsibly take advantage of the free goodies offered. If every person in our society... or if only all those claiming to be Christian, would strive really to be as Christ-like as possible, the problem would be minimized. As we all who are honest about it already know, the problem continues to exist and likely has gotten worse since I retired in 2000...
I remember very well when President Reagan took office, and quickly reformed the Welfare code. I was going from temp job to temp job, and was supplementing with Food Stamps. The reform added the condition that you had to show a rent receipt to qualify for the benefit.

The lady I was talking to was literally in tears, these rules had just come out, and I was the first she had to tell that I wouldn't receive any more food stamps, after I finished explaining how if I had money to pay rent, I would spend it on food, and wouldn't be there asking!

But I realized the system was terrible, and it needed to be reformed. Too bad for me though! But I lived through it!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I remember very well when President Reagan took office, and quickly reformed the Welfare code. I was going from temp job to temp job, and was supplementing with Food Stamps. The reform added the condition that you had to show a rent receipt to qualify for the benefit.

The lady I was talking to was literally in tears, these rules had just come out, and I was the first she had to tell that I wouldn't receive any more food stamps, after I finished explaining how if I had money to pay rent, I would spend it on food, and wouldn't be there asking!

But I realized the system was terrible, and it needed to be reformed. Too bad for me though! But I lived through it!

Much love!
The rules and regulations have always been full of holes and as a whole getting worse.

Compared to the 613 laws God gave to Moses, our laws are a super complex mess that only a good specialized attorney could wade through the small part in which he specialized to obtain good results. That of course presume that the attorney was absolutely honest with no selfish interest invested in the outcome.

When I was working I probably knew more about Social Security law than just about U.S. Senator or Congressman, but I could not change the law even when I could see a better way. Even if a Congressional representative was really trying to do what was best for the people and the nation, he seldom knew enough about the laws already in place to accomplish his purpose. I saw many laws passed where the authors really intended to improve and even simplify the system, but due to a lack of understanding of all the complexities they made it worse. But it was the law! They rarely, if ever, simplified things. They made it always more complex so that even the experts had trouble sorting it all out.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The establishment class of both major parties abandoned regular Americans.
And that is precisely why they HATE Trump. He messed up their globalist/elitist agenda which gave all economic power to China and all political power to the UN. If someone had the courage to investigate payments from China to all the Establishment politicians, we could have a list a mile long. Biden would be at the top of that list.

All the jobs, factories, plants, and industries of North America have been going to China over the last five decades. So today we have DEFECTIVE testing kits for COVID manufactured in China to mislead North Americans into accepting the validity of the Wuhan Virus Conspiracy.

But Wuhan just has a grand pool party with no social distancing and no masks, so that they could make fun of the poor deluded gwailos. Also, China has declared Beijing hospitals to be free of COVID patients (whether or not you believe their propaganda).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
A few days ago I wrote the following essay which can be found here https://www.verticalpathway.com/post/ask-yourself-the-following-question

The purpose was to as Christians like myself this question - Would Jesus Wear a Red Maga hat?

There is division among Christians. Some insist that Trump is a Christian hero standing for religious rights. At the same time, others who counter that evangelical Christians have entered into a corrupt yet beneficial pact with a depraved leader whose affinities are dictatorial, not religious. And that's primarily what Christians in the United States did. Believing they were under assault, and this powerful man pledged to defend them. And in doing so, he has made great strides.

Trump's religious beliefs are not even relevant nor even equivalent as those of Christians; his value proposition is being a protector, not as a model to be emulated. A vast majority of evangelical Christians have lined up behind Trump; Trump has repaid them with constant attention to abortion and religious liberties. There's little outward sign of any religious devotion on Trump's part. Still, leading Christian figures, writers, and preachers, including many Canadians churchgoers, have defended his good Christian intentions and insisted that he is not just an ally of evangelical Christians but also a true believer.

But a few prominent evangelicals have remained deeply critical of Trump. They contend that Trump displays zero signs of Christian faith or morality and that Christians who align themselves with this president are making a crude deal with a flawed man to reach the safe refuge. Christians portray themselves as being an oppressed minority that needs a strongman to liberate them. This is by which Trump has encouraged evangelicals to see themselves. He has handled evangelicalism as an interest group requiring protection and elevation.

Why are so many Christians loyal to this president, a man that is so transparently not Christ-like? He lies, he cons, and he incites racism. He would do anything to further his selfish interests. Jesus preached love, forgiveness, humility and acceptance; Trump is the root of selfishness, narcissism, hate and divisiveness. He is simply the worst example of Christian values. Trump's connection is rooted in the abortion issue, which governs all everyday Christian voters.

Because Trump and his Republican followers remain on the anti-abortion side of the aisle, they consider themselves as the defenders of Christian principles.

As a Christian, I find it challenging to comprehend how those who encourage love, acceptance and the equal protection of every member of society neglect to understand that there is more to being "pro-life" than merely standing against abortion.

I am in favour of gun control. How can we state we care about the sanctity of human life while doing nothing to reduce the rising rates of gun violence in the US? Unrestricted access to guns is not "pro-life." Our gun laws might not be perfect here in Canada, but I'm certainly proud of what is in place.

I am in favour of universal health care. This is a fundamental human right. If you genuinely value the sanctity of all human life, the availability of affordable healthcare for all people is a must. Thank God we have universal health care in Canada.

You can't be "pro-life" without believing we must take care of this planet, which sustains all life as we know it. Shouldn't we all be good stewards of this planet?

Finally, I am in favour of fundamental decency and kindness. Everyone is worthy of simple human respect.

Christians believe that everyone is a unique creation of God. In contrast, Trump is crude, condescending and despicable. Constant disrespect towards other people isn't consistent with respect for life.

No one individual or political party has a monopoly on Christian values. There are good Christians on both sides of the aisle Democrat/Liberal and Republic/Conservative, but it is quite clear that the party more closely aligned with Christian beliefs is not the party of Trump. Christians who endorse Trump continue to distance themselves from the very heart of Jesus' teachings.

So, I say to church leaders, elders, and preachers who consistently lift Trump as chosen by God now is the time to take your seat near the back and assess yourselves.

Ask yourselves, If Jesus were walking the earth today, would he be donning a red MAGA hat?

Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.

I don't think Jesus would support Biden or Trump. He wasn't political. He was all about the saving of souls because he knew in the end, a person relationship with him was all that mattered.

When we stand before God, he won't be asking us if we were conservative or liberal, a Democrat or a Republican. He will see if our name is written in the Lambs book of Life. If it is, we will be in no matter who we supported in a presidential campaign.

The Bible cannot be used to support a particular political ideology. The Bible is not a political book. It tells us how to live as individual believers and what the church should be like and how we should live. It doesn't tell us who to vote for or who not to vote for. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Trump is a fallen human being and so is Biden. And both men do not reflect Christ. And if you try and use the Bible to support that one is better than the other morally you will fail. For neither is better than the other when it comes to sin.

The Democrats are NOT more closely aligned with scripture than the Republicans. The Republicans are not more closely aligned with scripture than the Democrats. Scripture cannot be used as a political tool.

I disagree with you wholeheartedly. The Bible says nothing about gun (or any weapon) control. The Bible says nothing about universal healthcare. I reject the idea that Trump is racist. If you push that idea then we can counter with Biden is racist as well. Biden lies, cons, cheats and is corrupt as the day is long.

So neither man is godly and both parties have strengths and weaknesses. But the Republican are far closer aligned with freedom than the Democrats are.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2020
central Florida
United States
Somewhat : ) I don't always keep up. I'm more of a New Orleans Saints and LSU Tigers fan myself, but I have a neighbor who is a ULL alumni and posts signs for them in his yard, so I'll have him keep me up to date on if they're doing any good.

Why? You have a college in your area that's in the Sunbelt Conference or something? : )

I'm a Buckeye and am outraged about the B1G's decision. I grew up in Columbus but have lived in central Florida the past 30 years.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Translation: Don't be a welfare queen; Don't be a burden to society; be responsible! If you are too lazy to work, no one owes you your next meal!

An infidel is an unbeliever.
Can you imagine anything worse then not believing?

Scripture can:

1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and """specially""" for those of his own house,

he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Know any wannabe people like that?

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Over my many years working in Social Security field offices I soon learned quickly to know by sight some of our biggest moochers, who often knew loopholes well enough to get as much as possible from Uncle Sam with as little return from themselves as possible.

Their role-model for 50 years has been...you are not smart enough, talented enough, skilled enough to take care of yourselves...you need the Government to Take of you...Vote for me!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2020
central Florida
United States
An infidel is an unbeliever.
Can you imagine anything worse then not believing?

Scripture can:

1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and """specially""" for those of his own house,

he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Know any wannabe people like that?

Glory to God,

Timothy 5:8 is a POWERFUL statement.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2020
central Florida
United States
Their role-model for 50 years has been...you are not smart enough, talented enough, skilled enough to take care of yourselves...you need the Government to do iTake of you...Vote for me!!!


Yea, vote for me and I'll take your neighbor's money and give it to you!
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Yea, vote for me and I'll take your neighbor's money and give it to you!

Yea, vote for me and I'll take your neighbor's money and .... I'll take my cut, dole you out some scraps, until you and you neighbor have nothing...
Then you can be happy we did as you wanted ...to be equal with everyone else!!


Marxist nitwits!
They should move to South Korea or Venezuela and experience a trial run of what they want America to be. Beyond ignorant.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Translation: Don't be a welfare queen; Don't be a burden to society; be responsible! If you are too lazy to work, no one owes you your next meal!

And the really ironic thing...
"Lives matter" is the signage and presupposition...for a group whose handlers...have zero tolerance for any Life that is Just an eater, contributing nothing, and expendable...
baby's, lazy, infirm, elderly...
Free Abortions, free meds....

Implantable Chip. The chip is about the size of an average flash memory stick. Courtesy of MicroCHIPS Inc. In the future, implantable computerized dispensaries will replace trips to the pharmacy or doctor's office, automatically leaching drugs into the blood from medical devices embedded in our bodies.Feb 16, 2012
PopSci › technology › article › first-...
A Wirelessly Controlled Pharmacy Dispenses Drugs From Within Your ...


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Implantable Chip. The chip is about the size of an average flash memory stick. Courtesy of MicroCHIPS Inc. In the future, implantable computerized dispensaries will replace trips to the pharmacy or doctor's office, automatically leaching drugs into the blood from medical devices embedded in our bodies.Feb 16, 2012
View attachment 10466
PopSci › technology › article › first-...
A Wirelessly Controlled Pharmacy Dispenses Drugs From Within Your ...
It's coming! The Mark of the Beast and cashless society!

Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Supporting any political party is risky at best, but there's NO WAY a Christian would support murdering millions of unborn babies!

Planned Parenthood launches $45M campaign for 2020 Democrats

The plan has been in the Works for decades.
Remove God out of Society...promote whatever you do is acceptable...when your stupid decisions put you in a jam...pharmacy to the rescue. And your automatic meds? Controlled by your handlers!
Convenient package, eh?

3 out of 4 regularly take prescription drugs in the US now.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
It's coming! The Mark of the Beast and cashless society!

Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Oh ya for sure. The fiat currency now is worthless.
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Well-Known Member
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
The "Pandemic", from China, could very well have been created, I.E. biological warfare.

Sept. 24, 2019
Trump addresses UN general assembly
Jan. 21, 2020
Trump addresses World Econimic summit Davos.
Mar 11,2020 WHO announces a Corona Virus World Wide Pandemic.

Trumps speeches at both forums were anticipated hopefully for the US to get onboard with the World Globaly Control Plan...He didn't.

The plan can not move forward without the US onboard and its pledge of Trillions of dollars and supplies for a few to Control the Whole World.

And so with the pandemic and tactic of Hate Trump...the WHOLE aim is to remove Trump, put a bumbling Idiot in charge whose record shows he Wiil enter the US in agreement to A World Government....and of course we have the counterpart- pope pushing Chrislam.
Ooooohwe...everyone is going to have peace and be safe!!!! Gag.
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