Would Jesus Wear a red Maga hat?

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New Member
Aug 26, 2020
A few days ago I wrote the following essay which can be found here https://www.verticalpathway.com/post/ask-yourself-the-following-question

The purpose was to as Christians like myself this question - Would Jesus Wear a Red Maga hat?

There is division among Christians. Some insist that Trump is a Christian hero standing for religious rights. At the same time, others who counter that evangelical Christians have entered into a corrupt yet beneficial pact with a depraved leader whose affinities are dictatorial, not religious. And that's primarily what Christians in the United States did. Believing they were under assault, and this powerful man pledged to defend them. And in doing so, he has made great strides.

Trump's religious beliefs are not even relevant nor even equivalent as those of Christians; his value proposition is being a protector, not as a model to be emulated. A vast majority of evangelical Christians have lined up behind Trump; Trump has repaid them with constant attention to abortion and religious liberties. There's little outward sign of any religious devotion on Trump's part. Still, leading Christian figures, writers, and preachers, including many Canadians churchgoers, have defended his good Christian intentions and insisted that he is not just an ally of evangelical Christians but also a true believer.

But a few prominent evangelicals have remained deeply critical of Trump. They contend that Trump displays zero signs of Christian faith or morality and that Christians who align themselves with this president are making a crude deal with a flawed man to reach the safe refuge. Christians portray themselves as being an oppressed minority that needs a strongman to liberate them. This is by which Trump has encouraged evangelicals to see themselves. He has handled evangelicalism as an interest group requiring protection and elevation.

Why are so many Christians loyal to this president, a man that is so transparently not Christ-like? He lies, he cons, and he incites racism. He would do anything to further his selfish interests. Jesus preached love, forgiveness, humility and acceptance; Trump is the root of selfishness, narcissism, hate and divisiveness. He is simply the worst example of Christian values. Trump's connection is rooted in the abortion issue, which governs all everyday Christian voters.

Because Trump and his Republican followers remain on the anti-abortion side of the aisle, they consider themselves as the defenders of Christian principles.

As a Christian, I find it challenging to comprehend how those who encourage love, acceptance and the equal protection of every member of society neglect to understand that there is more to being "pro-life" than merely standing against abortion.

I am in favour of gun control. How can we state we care about the sanctity of human life while doing nothing to reduce the rising rates of gun violence in the US? Unrestricted access to guns is not "pro-life." Our gun laws might not be perfect here in Canada, but I'm certainly proud of what is in place.

I am in favour of universal health care. This is a fundamental human right. If you genuinely value the sanctity of all human life, the availability of affordable healthcare for all people is a must. Thank God we have universal health care in Canada.

You can't be "pro-life" without believing we must take care of this planet, which sustains all life as we know it. Shouldn't we all be good stewards of this planet?

Finally, I am in favour of fundamental decency and kindness. Everyone is worthy of simple human respect.

Christians believe that everyone is a unique creation of God. In contrast, Trump is crude, condescending and despicable. Constant disrespect towards other people isn't consistent with respect for life.

No one individual or political party has a monopoly on Christian values. There are good Christians on both sides of the aisle Democrat/Liberal and Republic/Conservative, but it is quite clear that the party more closely aligned with Christian beliefs is not the party of Trump. Christians who endorse Trump continue to distance themselves from the very heart of Jesus' teachings.

So, I say to church leaders, elders, and preachers who consistently lift Trump as chosen by God now is the time to take your seat near the back and assess yourselves.

Ask yourselves, If Jesus were walking the earth today, would he be donning a red MAGA hat?

Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
A few days ago I wrote the following essay which can be found here https://www.verticalpathway.com/post/ask-yourself-the-following-question

The purpose was to as Christians like myself this question - Would Jesus Wear a Red Maga hat?

There is division among Christians. Some insist that Trump is a Christian hero standing for religious rights. At the same time, others who counter that evangelical Christians have entered into a corrupt yet beneficial pact with a depraved leader whose affinities are dictatorial, not religious. And that's primarily what Christians in the United States did. Believing they were under assault, and this powerful man pledged to defend them. And in doing so, he has made great strides.

Trump's religious beliefs are not even relevant nor even equivalent as those of Christians; his value proposition is being a protector, not as a model to be emulated. A vast majority of evangelical Christians have lined up behind Trump; Trump has repaid them with constant attention to abortion and religious liberties. There's little outward sign of any religious devotion on Trump's part. Still, leading Christian figures, writers, and preachers, including many Canadians churchgoers, have defended his good Christian intentions and insisted that he is not just an ally of evangelical Christians but also a true believer.

But a few prominent evangelicals have remained deeply critical of Trump. They contend that Trump displays zero signs of Christian faith or morality and that Christians who align themselves with this president are making a crude deal with a flawed man to reach the safe refuge. Christians portray themselves as being an oppressed minority that needs a strongman to liberate them. This is by which Trump has encouraged evangelicals to see themselves. He has handled evangelicalism as an interest group requiring protection and elevation.

Why are so many Christians loyal to this president, a man that is so transparently not Christ-like? He lies, he cons, and he incites racism. He would do anything to further his selfish interests. Jesus preached love, forgiveness, humility and acceptance; Trump is the root of selfishness, narcissism, hate and divisiveness. He is simply the worst example of Christian values. Trump's connection is rooted in the abortion issue, which governs all everyday Christian voters.

Because Trump and his Republican followers remain on the anti-abortion side of the aisle, they consider themselves as the defenders of Christian principles.

As a Christian, I find it challenging to comprehend how those who encourage love, acceptance and the equal protection of every member of society neglect to understand that there is more to being "pro-life" than merely standing against abortion.

I am in favour of gun control. How can we state we care about the sanctity of human life while doing nothing to reduce the rising rates of gun violence in the US? Unrestricted access to guns is not "pro-life." Our gun laws might not be perfect here in Canada, but I'm certainly proud of what is in place.

I am in favour of universal health care. This is a fundamental human right. If you genuinely value the sanctity of all human life, the availability of affordable healthcare for all people is a must. Thank God we have universal health care in Canada.

You can't be "pro-life" without believing we must take care of this planet, which sustains all life as we know it. Shouldn't we all be good stewards of this planet?

Finally, I am in favour of fundamental decency and kindness. Everyone is worthy of simple human respect.

Christians believe that everyone is a unique creation of God. In contrast, Trump is crude, condescending and despicable. Constant disrespect towards other people isn't consistent with respect for life.

No one individual or political party has a monopoly on Christian values. There are good Christians on both sides of the aisle Democrat/Liberal and Republic/Conservative, but it is quite clear that the party more closely aligned with Christian beliefs is not the party of Trump. Christians who endorse Trump continue to distance themselves from the very heart of Jesus' teachings.

So, I say to church leaders, elders, and preachers who consistently lift Trump as chosen by God now is the time to take your seat near the back and assess yourselves.

Ask yourselves, If Jesus were walking the earth today, would he be donning a red MAGA hat?

Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
Do you support the baby murdering Dems?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Why are so many Christians loyal to this president, a man that is so transparently not Christ-like? He lies, he cons, and he incites racism. He would do anything to further his selfish interests. Jesus preached love, forgiveness, humility and acceptance; Trump is the root of selfishness, narcissism, hate and divisiveness. He is simply the worst example of Christian values. Trump's connection is rooted in the abortion issue, which governs all everyday Christian voters.
Thank you for sharing your point of view!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I am in favour of universal health care. This is a fundamental human right. If you genuinely value the sanctity of all human life, the availability of affordable healthcare for all people is a must. Thank God we have universal health care in Canada.
Are you in favor of universal minimum income?

I'm curious . . .

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Hi! My personal answer would be no. I believe everyone should work and be paid upon their skill level.

Have a wonderful day!
Doesn't everyone have the right to food and clothing and shelter?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
The purpose was to as Christians like myself this question - Would Jesus Wear a Red Maga hat?

As had been said already, Jesus would not directly interfere with voting or taking sides on a person, yet he would have condemned infanticide, sexual perversion, and the current rioting.

There is division among Christians. Some insist that Trump is a Christian hero standing for religious rights. At the same time, others who counter that evangelical Christians have entered into a corrupt yet beneficial pact with a depraved leader whose affinities are dictatorial, not religious. And that's primarily what Christians in the United States did. Believing they were under assault, and this powerful man pledged to defend them. And in doing so, he has made great strides...

But a few prominent evangelicals have remained deeply critical of Trump. They contend that Trump displays zero signs of Christian faith or morality and that Christians who align themselves with this president are making a crude deal with a flawed man to reach the safe refuge.

Name a man who has been a president that has been a clear man of faith! Lincoln? maybe Washington... or one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history, Jimmy Carter?

The issue is not whether Trump is a Christian, but whether he upholds the Constitutional freedom of religion. Unlike Obama/Biden, forcing people of faith to pay for abortions/Baby-murder!

Why are so many Christians loyal to this president, a man that is so transparently not Christ-like?

Trump didn't run on being the Pope.

He lies, he cons, and he incites racism.
You lie, you are a con, and you a racist!

He may not always be dead on accurate, and may exaggerate, yet he is no more dishonest than any President in our lifetime!

He is not a con-man, only those that say this are the con-men.

Incites racism? Nonsense! Obama was the most racist President since Johnson! You have no proof that Trump is a racist besides polls takes by idiots who believe this without any real evidence!

I am in favour of gun control.

You are in favor of slavery. A man with a gun is a free man; a man disarmed from protecting himself is a slave.

How can we state we care about the sanctity of human life while doing nothing to reduce the rising rates of gun violence in the US?

Gun control has worked so well for Chicago and California! A man who would sell his freedom and liberty for safety; deserves neither. And that is what "gun control" will give them.

Notice that the Leftists want to disarm Americans so they cannot fight back when they institute even more tyranny! Right now, they say that they are going after AR-15's and AK 47 types guns with larger capacity magazines. Why?

These guns kill fewer people every year in America than hammers and blunt objects do! Vastly more people are killed with handguns, more in a month than a whole years worth of AR-15's or AK47's.

If you actually are "pro-life" you would be fighting for "Hammer Control"!

I am in favour of universal health care.

No one in America is denied emergency services. You hit the point though, that somebody has to pay for it!

When you get something for "free" it gets abused. When it is Government controlled, you only get care for what they want you to have!

I lived under "socialized medicine" for over 20 years. It is the "benefit" of those in the U.S. Military. In fact, my last 3 years in service, I was in charge of Medical Records and the appointment line at a Military Clinic.

Family members get seen on an "as available" basis. Appointments get so backlogged that if you have the flu or a cold, it will be a minimum of 5 days to get you into an appointment. Every Friday, one woman with four children requested two appointments for one of her children every week. When asked which child, and what for, she said she did not know, but she wanted to have the appointment scheduled so she could get her kids in "if" she needed to!

We were not allowed to refuse her request. This screwed up scheduling because if she did show up, the medical records were not with the doctor because we didn't know who or if she would show.

I have stomach issues, and at one time I was prescribed NEXIUM which worked for me. But that is expensive... so "socialized medicine" says that all they will give me is something that does not work!

Should I trade my better healthcare for lousy healthcare so others may have it for free? Should I just take joy that they schedule their children in a way to rob others from healthcare, and just roll-over and die because I am too old and the cancer treatments would be too much money? Or say that I cannot be treated with the best and effective medicines because it costs them too much?

No thank you! I have seen what socialized medicine is! It seems like an easy sell, until you are under the system and it starts running out of money.

You can't be "pro-life" without believing we must take care of this planet, which sustains all life as we know it. Shouldn't we all be good stewards of this planet?

Not recycling is no sin. A fisherman that wants to stay in business will not over-fish and are to the point is cannot recover. Some pantheistical inspired heathenism is not the concern of God and Scripture. The command to made is to have dominion over these resources; nothing more is said. Making environmentalism a religious issue in a Church is just a sign of the apostacy from the faith by that Church. Ministries created around Earth Worship are placing an Idol before God.

Finally, I am in favour of fundamental decency and kindness. Everyone is worthy of simple human respect.

Good! Legislate it and see how that works out! Oh, that's right! Let's dictate that makes "mean" speech be illegal!

In contrast, Trump is crude, condescending and despicable. Constant disrespect towards other people isn't consistent with respect for life.

I have noticed that what people accuse Trump of is usually what they themselves are guilty of. And what about the disrespect of the Media, Democrats, Racists, Liberals and the like? The lies, the vitriol, the unwillingness to give him credit for all the great things he has done?

No one individual or political party has a monopoly on Christian values.

It is one thing to say that the Republicans do not have a monopoly on Christian values, and another to know the fact that the Democrats have NO Christian values at all!
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Finally, I am in favour of fundamental decency and kindness. Everyone is worthy of simple human respect....
So, I say to church leaders, elders, and preachers who consistently lift Trump as chosen by God now is the time to take your seat near the back and assess yourselves.

We have several members here who support Trump. How exactly is it manifesting "fundamental decency" towards them for the first words out of your mouth on this forum to be, "take your seat near the back and assess yourselves," under the obvious assumption that they never have before?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The purpose was to as Christians "like myself" this question - Would Jesus Wear a Red Maga hat?

LOL--- Christian like "yourself"... LOL

Start a thread about Jesus ... then Fill your post with a LONG list of personal Accusations Againt Trump.

Christian "like yourself", is something you should think about not proclaiming...when you are posting a hate filled gossip commentary about Trump.


Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The purpose was to as Christians like myself this question - Would Jesus Wear a Red Maga hat?
Let's start with this. And the answer is "No". In fact it is a stupid question.
There is division among Christians. Some insist that Trump is a Christian hero standing for religious rights.
Christian do not assert that Trump is a "Christian hero". That is false. Does he stand for religious rights? ABSOLUTELY. Do his enemies and haters also hate Christ, Christianity, and Christians? ABSOLUTELY. So it is NO CONTEST.
At the same time, others who counter that evangelical Christians have entered into a corrupt yet beneficial pact with a depraved leader whose affinities are dictatorial, not religious.And that's primarily what Christians in the United States did.
This is total hogwash. Just ignore this nonsensical Leftist talk.
But a few prominent evangelicals have remained deeply critical of Trump. They contend that Trump displays zero signs of Christian faith or morality and that Christians who align themselves with this president are making a crude deal with a flawed man to reach the safe refuge.
These Christians are simply maintaining a holier-than-thou attitude. Ask them if they prefer Socialist/Marxist/Communist/Anarchists to be in control of America.
Why are so many Christians loyal to this president, a man that is so transparently not Christ-like?
You sound like a typical Leftist, holier-than-thou Canadian. Christians support Trump for the simple reason that he is an American patriot doing his best to oppose the tide of Marxism that is attempting to destroy his country. So would your rather support a partriot or a traitor like Justin Trudeau or Obama? (BTW I am also Canadian, but Eastern Canadians delude themselves into thinking they are morally superior to Americans. Which is total BS. Not sure you are Eastern Canadian but you certainly have the same mind-set)
He lies, he cons, and he incites racism. He would do anything to further his selfish interests. Jesus preached love, forgiveness, humility and acceptance; Trump is the root of selfishness, narcissism, hate and divisiveness. He is simply the worst example of Christian values.
This is just an example of TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. Did you notice that you said nothing about his actual actions in office and whether or not they are good for America? Trump's enemies have been accusing him of every evil under the sun. Don't believe the rubbish of the Leftist media.
I am in favour of gun control. How can we state we care about the sanctity of human life while doing nothing to reduce the rising rates of gun violence in the US? Unrestricted access to guns is not "pro-life." Our gun laws might not be perfect here in Canada, but I'm certainly proud of what is in place.
Well it seems that you do not really understand the motivation of gun control. It is definitely not to protect citizens, since criminals give a hoot about gun control. However. it is to prevent ordinary citizens from standing up to tyranny from above. That was the whole point of the Second Amendment, and Canada should have had a similar clause in its Constitution (which was crafted by Communist Pierre Trudeau).
Finally, I am in favour of fundamental decency and kindness. Everyone is worthy of simple human respect.
And you really think that Donald Trump is not in favor of this? Have you seen how he has been vilified day after day? Do you know anything about Obamagate -- how Obama and his cronies tried to take down Trump illegally? Do you have anything to say about that? And then there was the Impeachment Kangaroo Court. Did you see how evil the Democrats were?

Enough said. Another deluded Canadian who thinks he would be better off under Xi Jinping than Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Solutions do not require waiting for a government to solve ones problems.

Gun Control - Steady Aim!

Abortion - in favor? You go first- suck your brains out!

Illegal immigrant - Deport

Incarcerated - issue bed roll, blanket, clothing, footwear, toothbrush, bowl, rope.

Fearful of your children being in Schools -
Clothe, feed, tend, educate them at home.

Hungry - plant some seeds next to your whacky weed or get a job.



Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
Jesus did not directly involve Himself in politics. Jews and later Christians, had no vote on what the laws and rules were. Such was not directly encountered in Scripture. Therefore, the issue of political involvement, or supporting what holds up the Constitution and freedom, is now in the hands of the voters. Christians have a voice, and I see no reason that they should not use it.

The Presidency is not a religious Position. The President is supposed to support and defend the Constitution; yet many do not.

For the Christian, we can express that we will not tolerate infringements on our Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and Freedom to assemble. If Politicians overstep these barriers, our only remedy is the Courts or the next election. On the other hand, we can also agree with a non-religious President where he supports and protects the interests of justice and righteousness, or oppose them when they do not defend our interests.

However, if someone "fundamentally changes" America, and takes away the Freedom to overturn tyranny, the American experiment if over.

It is hard as an American to place ourselves in other people's shoes. Not every person has the same freedoms that we have. The Constitution affords Rights that allow for language and opinions we may not like, but that is what freedom looks like. Sadly, most Americans will not realize that they are not free until they lose it, and then it will be too late.
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