How They're Brainwashing You 2 Think Cringey Biden beating Trump is Legit

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
This is all to complicated......

Not complicated at all.
And here is an example:

Blood Bought 1953-

Trump is dumb.....he is lazy....he is an habitual Liar .....he is Cruel.....he mainly just has a “ Black Heart”

Now that you have expressed your hate talking points...
Elaborate on your basis for your talking points...
If that is too complicated...
How did you decide He is:
dumb, lazy, habitual liar, cruel, black heart?
Hint: how to answer...
He is dumb Because?
He is lazy Because?
He is a habitual liar Because?
He is cruel Because?
He has a black heart Because?

....He has no more business being Leader

Why do you believe a President is a Leader?

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The Left is HATE FILLED against Christians, Pro Life and Israel!

There is an old saying.
An idiot, doesn't know he's an idiot.
Groom an idiot, with short, one word "quips".
They do not have to explain it, just repeat it over, and over, and over, and over.

And every 4 years their "pseudo" daddy will show up at their door, transport them to a voting booth, hover over them, pointing out which X to mark, reward them with a meal and cup of coffee and pin and transport them back to their shelter, cardboard box, group home, crime ridden neighborhood, and pick them up again in 4 years.
And if they are propblem. Their "daddy", knows how to continue making their "Voice Heard", from beyond the grave!

It's a long standing method...since there is No Law Against Stupidity!

There is a Reason there IS an "Established Difference" Between what is called LEFT and what is called RIGHT.

RIGHT is those in Association with Righteousness.
LEFT is those in Association with having departed Righteousness.

The connotation is the Same as Scripturally.
the cheerful givers of their own charity.
the hateful takers, by any means.

Agree- pro life, pro ISRAEL.

Glory to God,
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
you realize the whole abortion thing is a tool they use to ...

STEAL -- a Family unit; KILL -- an Innocent Child; and DESTROY -- a Society.

But some to GOD's Work, and others do satan's work. It's simply a matter of choice, -- whose "camp" a person wants to spend eternity in. :)
Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
STEAL -- a Family unit; KILL -- an Innocent Child; and DESTROY -- a Society.

But some to GOD's Work, and others do satan's work. It's simply a matter of choice, -- whose "camp" a person wants to spend eternity in. :)
Bobby Jo

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
If I know that COVID is very serious and lethal, than even a monkey like him should know. He admitted that he downplayed it.
He's a coward and a punk.

did you know the seriousness of it January 20th when even the CDC and WHO did not think it too serious???

YOu wish to dislike him, that is your privilege. But don't do so on the basis of lies!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
There is an old saying.
An idiot, doesn't know he's an idiot.
Groom an idiot, with short, one word "quips".
They do not have to explain it, just repeat it over, and over, and over, and over.

And every 4 years their "pseudo" daddy will show up at their door, transport them to a voting booth, hover over them, pointing out which X to mark, reward them with a meal and cup of coffee and pin and transport them back to their shelter, cardboard box, group home, crime ridden neighborhood, and pick them up again in 4 years.
And if they are propblem. Their "daddy", knows how to continue making their "Voice Heard", from beyond the grave!

It's a long standing method...since there is No Law Against Stupidity!

There is a Reason there IS an "Established Difference" Between what is called LEFT and what is called RIGHT.

RIGHT is those in Association with Righteousness.
LEFT is those in Association with having departed Righteousness.

The connotation is the Same as Scripturally.
the cheerful givers of their own charity.
the hateful takers, by any means.

Agree- pro life, pro ISRAEL.

Glory to God,
The Left knows the dirty tricks to get things done. I wouldn't be a bit surprised that all of the Dem leaders rigged their elections!
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The Left knows the dirty tricks to get things done. I wouldn't be a bit surprised that all of the Dem leaders rigged their elections!

It has been a Democrat win at all costs for eons.
Their Hate Trump talking point are too bold for a Political Stage Campaign...
But to the rescue is their puppet master.
Watch for the Word "Dangerous".

In Sept 25, 2019 Trump gave his speech at the "United Nations Assembly" (It's still online).
Favoring of Global Control, is the Trend of many world Nations.
Trump Declined US Support for that Option.
Trump poked his finger at China, Specific for Agreeing, and not upholding their Agreements.

Guess what happened shortly After that Assembly...(in China!)

In January 21, 2020,the "World Economic Forum" Summit: Trump gave his Speech (still online),
Again, refusing to get on board with Global Control.

A couple of days Later, puppet master, George Soros
attended a dinner, with dignitaries, in support of Global Control and gave a Speech.

Soros' highlight was Labeling Trump "Dangerous". Expect to see that Word repeatedly used About Trump, from lefty minions.

Guess what happened End of January?
Trump Begins restrictions / to some extent bans on China travel entering US.

Guess what happened. March 11,2020?
Pandemic out of China, announced.

March 13, US advised by WHO Begins.

It is a ridiculous 6 months of using Pandemic Scares and Hate to destroy the US and blame Trump.

The UN, The World Economic Forum, the US Socialists are not going to be satisfied, until they have established, and make the US subject to Global Control.


Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
He downplayed it Ron, and openly admitted that he did so. I heard the words several times right out of his mouth. But, now, due to the hot water that he's in for putting so many of his people at risk, and actually harming countless of them, he's dancing around the reasons behind his malpractice.
He killed, thousands of people by sheer neglect, incompetence, and incompassion..

You aren't his People! He isn't your daddy.
Do you have any clue what Liberty means?

It is Freedom to take care of yourself, and be responsible for your own decisions.

You want to hear someone yell Fire in a Theater because someone struck a match?

He killed, thousands of people by sheer neglect, incompetence, and incompassion..

How many you have you Saved with your Hate and unverified accusations?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
You aren't his People! He isn't your daddy.
Do you have any clue what Liberty means?

It is Freedom to take care of yourself, and be responsible for your own decisions.

You want to hear someone yell Fire in a Theater because someone struck a match?

How many you have you Saved with your Hate and unverified accusations?
Taken, you sound absurd!? He is the leader of a nation, he is sworn in to defend and protect his country, and all the citizens within his jurisdiction. He's a self-serving monkey idiot.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Taken, you sound absurd!? He is the leader of a nation, he is sworn in to defend and protect his country, and all the citizens within his jurisdiction. He's a self-serving monkey idiot.
You sound like a Left Wing baby murdering puppet. I hope you're not. I don't want you to burn in Hell.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
If Jesus lied to us, you might.

Why didn't you quote Him. He said you're in danger of Hell fire.

Matthew 5:22 (NKJV)
22 Whoever says, 'You fool!' shall be in danger of hell fire.

What say we just cut to the chase with your devotion to the Law( by which NO Flesh shall be Saved). The word” FOOL” is no Magic Word, which if uttered places somebody of being eternally damned....Calling somebody a bad name was just one example Jesus used to show his audience that trying to be “ fit for Heaven” by one’s Performance is a Damnable Mistake.....He was trying to “ burst the self-Righteous bubbles” of the Prideful people in His crowd ....He used examples that he knew “ should” scare the hell out of people, because deep inside they all knew they were guilty of calling others disparaging names (/whether that insult be “ Fool” or “ idiot” Or ” Jack - Ass....the specific name was neither here nor there) If that was not enough to wake these “blind , stiff- necked” Pharisees up to the fact that they were Sinners that needed the Grace that only Faith in Himself could provide, Jesus said that even if they merely harbored a lustful thought , they were as guilty as an Adulterer in the God's Eyes.He went on—- telling them they had to be “ Perfect” , even as their Father in Heaven was’s “ that” working for ya,kcnalp ? You and your blind buddies who lack the spiritual insight to understand what Jesus was trying to do, make sure you mention to God when you stand before him that you NEVER called anybody a “ Fool”...... ( even though in your heart , you “ wanted” to many, many times , and “ that” my friend, makes you just as guilty as me in God’s Eyes ) Wake up and swallow your Pride, foolish need God’s Grace as much as ol’ BB does—— Perhaps more......Spiritual Pride is a much bigger Sin than name- calling...It is the Root Cause Of Satan’s Being in Hell as we speak......
Don’t be like Satan.....don’t be a Fool.....


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Taken, you sound absurd!? He is the leader of a nation, he is sworn in to defend and protect his country, and all the citizens within his jurisdiction. He's a self-serving monkey idiot.

What is absurd is the utter ignorance of American people.
Where did you learn?

He is the leader of a nation,

Public Schools with Marxist training Books?

Americans Elect SERVANTS, to Represent the WHOLE of the People:
Local Jurisdictions; Cities, Counties, States-
National Jurisdiction; Presidents,
To represent the Nation with Foreign Nations.

Are you completely Uninformed every US Government is a "Republic" Form Of Government?
And FOR "which it stands" means?
Ever say or know what the a person "saying" or "rejecting" to say the PLEDGE of ALLEDGENCE means?

It is an individual PLEDGING, AGREEING, to "Protect, Defend, Perserve, The United States."
They are pledging to the FLAG, that REPRESENTS the United States.

A Border Wall, is a Defense to Protect ALL Americans from "UNKNOWN" Foreigners Coming into the US.
* And where is your Concern...about the Thousands of ILLEGAL foreigners entering the US "raping and murdering Americans..."
AND "your Democratic run governments", HIDING ILLEGAL immigrants, from JUSTICE in Democratic run Santurary cities?

Why do YOU support a Democratic run Government, that is "Against Defending" the American People From Foreign Border Invasion, of Rapists and Murderers allowed to roam freely and commit crimes IN the US?

A Republic form of Government, Represents ALL of the People.

A Democracy form of Government, Represents ONLY the Majority of the People.
(And to hell with the rest).

There ARE US Laws for Foreigners to Enter the US. Why do you support a Democratic run Government that is "Against US Law Enforcement"?

Why do you think A SERVANT is A LEADER?
Kings are Leaders.
Dictators are Leaders.
When you Hire a "Servant" cut your lawn, clean your home, care for children, laundry your clothes, wash your car...
Are they Your "Leader"?
• We Elect Servants to Work for us as a Representative of ALL the People's BEST interest!

Do you think it is in ALL Americans BEST interest;
* For unknown foreigners to illegally enter the US and commit crimes?
* For the US to be engaged in TRADE deals with Foreign countries, That the US PAYS high Duties and TAXES on the Imports and Exports, and the foreign country Doesn't?
* That the US pays millions of Dollars to the World Health Organization, for misinformation, that affects the Health well-Being of Americans?
* That the Paris Accord:
is an Organization, of multiple Countries who HAVE PLEDGED to support with THEIR FINANCE ...and they Don't PAY their PLEDGE...AND the US has Been PAYING their portions FOR Years?
* That NAFTA is an Agreement countries Pledge to PAY and Oversee "Fair Trades", On duties and TAXES...And the US has yet AGAIN, been PAYING more than other Nations?
* That Prescription Drug Manifacturing Companies, Charge Americans Higher Prices for the Exact same Drugs They sell To Foreign Nations?

Do you Have the slightest CLUE "WHO Is RESPONSIBLE TO PAY the DEBTS", for Us Pledges made in these Deals with the Organizations...Paris Accord, NAFTA, World Health Organization, Drug Companies, Illegal Foreigners???

It's NOT Rocket Science to figure it out.
The US Government manufactures Nothing!
They get their MONEY from the US Taxpayer!

Don't HIDE in the Corner- BE HONEST...
You LIKE...the the unequal Trade Deals? the US picking up the Tab for Foreign Countries?
Social Services doling out funds for food, housing, education to Illegal aliens in the US?
The unequal high Drug Prices? The high costs for misinformation from the World health organization?
The US PAYING the Costs ...For US Military Forces to be Stationed on Peace Keeping missions (at the Request of Foreign Nations)?

Can YOU BE HONEST and Answer...
Do you LIKE that Americans Have Been Responsible for these DEBTS FOR Years?

How about you also Blood Bought 1953?
Can you give an Honest Answer?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
What say we just cut to the chase with your devotion to the Law( by which NO Flesh shall be Saved).
I'm not under the Law of Moses. You're wrong again.
The word” FOOL” is no Magic Word, which if uttered places somebody of being eternally damned....Calling somebody a bad name was just one example Jesus used to show his audience that trying to be “ fit for Heaven” by one’s Performance is a Damnable Mistake.....He was trying to “ burst the self-Righteous bubbles” of the Prideful people in His crowd ....He used examples that he knew “ should” scare the hell out of people, because deep inside they all knew they were guilty of calling others disparaging names (/whether that insult be “ Fool” or “ idiot” Or ” Jack - Ass....the specific name was neither here nor there) If that was not enough to wake these “blind , stiff- necked” Pharisees up to the fact that they were Sinners that needed the Grace that only Faith in Himself could provide, Jesus said that even if they merely harbored a lustful thought , they were as guilty as an Adulterer in the God's Eyes.He went on—- telling them they had to be “ Perfect” , even as their Father in Heaven was’s “ that” working for ya,kcnalp ? You and your blind buddies who lack the spiritual insight to understand what Jesus was trying to do, make sure you mention to God when you stand before him that you NEVER called anybody a “ Fool”...... ( even though in your heart , you “ wanted” to many, many times , and “ that” my friend, makes you just as guilty as me in God’s Eyes ) Wake up and swallow your Pride, foolish need God’s Grace as much as ol’ BB does—— Perhaps more......Spiritual Pride is a much bigger Sin than name- calling...It is the Root Cause Of Satan’s Being in Hell as we speak......
Don’t be like Satan.....don’t be a Fool.....
Matthew 5:22 (NKJV)
22 Whoever says, 'You fool!' shall be in danger of hell fire.

Yep, still there. Go ahead and call people fools and wish they will burn in Hell. You will get a close up view of Hell fire. Jesus said so!
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
...he is sworn in to defend and protect his country, and all the citizens within his jurisdiction.

Where did you Learn that?

A President is Sworn to:
Preserve, Protect, Defend....

Are "YOU" the US Constitution?

Are "YOU" completely uninformed...
Of WHAT the United Nations WANTS the US to AGREE To?

A Higher Global Government CONTROL OVER ALL World Nations??

BE HONEST- Answer - Do you really WANT the US to IGNORE the Constitution of the US, And Give A Global Government AUTHORITY and POWER over the US?

What say you?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
What is absurd is the utter ignorance of American people.
Where did you learn?

Public Schools with Marxist training Books?

Americans Elect SERVANTS, to Represent the WHOLE of the People:
Local Jurisdictions; Cities, Counties, States-
National Jurisdiction; Presidents,
To represent the Nation with Foreign Nations.

Are you completely Uninformed every US Government is a "Republic" Form Of Government?
And FOR "which it stands" means?
Ever say or know what the a person "saying" or "rejecting" to say the PLEDGE of ALLEDGENCE means?

It is an individual PLEDGING, AGREEING, to "Protect, Defend, Perserve, The United States."
They are pledging to the FLAG, that REPRESENTS the United States.

A Border Wall, is a Defense to Protect ALL Americans from "UNKNOWN" Foreigners Coming into the US.
* And where is your Concern...about the Thousands of ILLEGAL foreigners entering the US "raping and murdering Americans..."
AND "your Democratic run governments", HIDING ILLEGAL immigrants, from JUSTICE in Democratic run Santurary cities?

Why do YOU support a Democratic run Government, that is "Against Defending" the American People From Foreign Border Invasion, of Rapists and Murderers allowed to roam freely and commit crimes IN the US?

A Republic form of Government, Represents ALL of the People.

A Democracy form of Government, Represents ONLY the Majority of the People.
(And to hell with the rest).

There ARE US Laws for Foreigners to Enter the US. Why do you support a Democratic run Government that is "Against US Law Enforcement"?

Why do you think A SERVANT is A LEADER?
Kings are Leaders.
Dictators are Leaders.
When you Hire a "Servant" cut your lawn, clean your home, care for children, laundry your clothes, wash your car...
Are they Your "Leader"?
• We Elect Servants to Work for us as a Representative of ALL the People's BEST interest!

Do you think it is in ALL Americans BEST interest;
* For unknown foreigners to illegally enter the US and commit crimes?
* For the US to be engaged in TRADE deals with Foreign countries, That the US PAYS high Duties and TAXES on the Imports and Exports, and the foreign country Doesn't?
* That the US pays millions of Dollars to the World Health Organization, for misinformation, that affects the Health well-Being of Americans?
* That the Paris Accord:
is an Organization, of multiple Countries who HAVE PLEDGED to support with THEIR FINANCE ...and they Don't PAY their PLEDGE...AND the US has Been PAYING their portions FOR Years?
* That NAFTA is an Agreement countries Pledge to PAY and Oversee "Fair Trades", On duties and TAXES...And the US has yet AGAIN, been PAYING more than other Nations?
* That Prescription Drug Manifacturing Companies, Charge Americans Higher Prices for the Exact same Drugs They sell To Foreign Nations?

Do you Have the slightest CLUE "WHO Is RESPONSIBLE TO PAY the DEBTS", for Us Pledges made in these Deals with the Organizations...Paris Accord, NAFTA, World Health Organization, Drug Companies, Illegal Foreigners???

It's NOT Rocket Science to figure it out.
The US Government manufactures Nothing!
They get their MONEY from the US Taxpayer!

Don't HIDE in the Corner- BE HONEST...
You LIKE...the the unequal Trade Deals? the US picking up the Tab for Foreign Countries?
Social Services doling out funds for food, housing, education to Illegal aliens in the US?
The unequal high Drug Prices? The high costs for misinformation from the World health organization?
The US PAYING the Costs ...For US Military Forces to be Stationed on Peace Keeping missions (at the Request of Foreign Nations)?

Can YOU BE HONEST and Answer...
Do you LIKE that Americans Have Been Responsible for these DEBTS FOR Years?

How about you also Blood Bought 1953?
Can you give an Honest Answer?

But what is going to protect us from you?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
Where did you Learn that?

A President is Sworn to:
Preserve, Protect, Defend....

Are "YOU" the US Constitution?

Are "YOU" completely uninformed...
Of WHAT the United Nations WANTS the US to AGREE To?

A Higher Global Government CONTROL OVER ALL World Nations??

BE HONEST- Answer - Do you really WANT the US to IGNORE the Constitution of the US, And Give A Global Government AUTHORITY and POWER over the US?

What say you?

Are you and kcnalp siblings, cousins, or some other blood relation?