After The Rapture

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
The pre-tribulationaltion rapture theory is 'specifically' designed to lead the deceived to the first supernatural Messiah that appears in Jerusalem, just PRIOR to the tribulation.

That first one per Lord Jesus will be a fake (Matthew 24:23-26). If you don't know that, per His Word, then you might be subject to that coming "strong delusion". And that is what Apostle Paul revealed in 2 Thess.2 that is the "strong delusion", i.e., a fake playing God in Jerusalem working great signs and lying wonders to cause the whole world to bow to him as God.
So people will be decieved when they suddenly find themselves changed and glorified in God's presence? Sure those who were waiting to sit out Satan's 42 months will feel decieved and either looking into the face of God with joy or fear. Will having fear matter?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
The pre-tribulationaltion rapture theory is 'specifically' designed to lead the deceived to the first supernatural Messiah that appears in Jerusalem, just PRIOR to the tribulation.

That first one per Lord Jesus will be a fake (Matthew 24:23-26). If you don't know that, per His Word, then you might be subject to that coming "strong delusion". And that is what Apostle Paul revealed in 2 Thess.2 that is the "strong delusion", i.e., a fake playing God in Jerusalem working great signs and lying wonders to cause the whole world to bow to him as God.

There is nothing scriptural about saying that belief in pre trib will make you fall for the strong dillusion. None. Not even implied.
It is mans conjecture and it makes no sense.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
IN Brief-

After the Rapture-
World leader introduced.
World leader Fatality killed.
Dead Body appears to resume Living.
Spirit of Satan is using his body.
Peace and Safety promoted, hoped for BY the people.
Assumed World leader promotes himself as God. Many believe him.

Chaos- wrath- plagues- crop failures- severe weather destruction- unpalatable water- trees destroyed by fires, earthquakes, wars, diseases increased, Exponential deaths.

God sends His Servants to Earth, to Preach Christ's Jesus to the Jews and Tribes of Israel.
Many coming into Belief, killed for their Belief, obtain Salvation of their souls, their Saved souls go to Heaven. Body's decompose on Earth.

Satan / unsaved souls, sent to hell.
Remnant of believers remain mortal.
Christ's kingdom revealed On Earth.
Saints with Christ in His Kingdom,
(Encompasses Land promised to Abraham).
Mortals outside of Kingdom.
Mortals, have cities they build, governments, leader heads, etc.
They have option to yearly pilgrimage to Christ's Kingdom, Learn Teach to their clans.
Some do, some don't.
Lasts 1,000 years, through generations of mortals living, dying.

After 1,000 years, Satan released from hell, allowed to influence mortals once again.
Some again follow Satan, some do not.

Spiritual warfare. Holy Angel's defeat Fallen angels. Satan, his false prophet, remanded to hell, forever.

Son of Man Returns TO Earth, (with Power), with many of His Saints. Every human man that has ever lived Sees Him.

All dead Body's Raised.
Some to Damnation, Some to Glory.
Unsaved souls and their body destroyed, in Hell.
Justified men, Receive New Body.
Saved souls Rewarded for any works they did to Glorify God.

New Heaven and New Earth.
Men raised in Glory, occupy Earth WITH the presence of their God.
Present barrier between Heaven and Earth, removed.

Glory to God,

Thanks for your response,however I can't agree,but yours is the first post that I can reply too

After the rapture

First I don't believe in a rapture of any kind.We gather back to Christ at His return which is at the 7th trump,the only way to Heaven now is,if we die before that return,should death happen and you are in Him ,you coming with Him when He comes,or you will be changed if not dead before that time.

Now,the spirit of satan will not posses any man,that's happening now,satan will appear on this earth as a supernatural being,that's the only way he conceive the world that he is Christ

The deadly wound that you attribute to a world leader is actually a wound to the one world government ,that's what satan will heal it, from that point it will go to a one world religious system with satan as it's leader,pretending to be Christ please again keep in mind that this will be satan himself

World wide

The "world wide" is happening now,as Christ said ,we will hear of wars and rumors but the end is not yet,in other words as long as there are wars going on,Christ ain't coming.

Don't know what you mean about Christ will "send His servants back" as the two witnesses are here before satan arrives .

The the whole world will be deceived,meaning Christians ,as the rest of the world already are except for His Elect whom the Holy Spirit will speak through ,which is at that point His (most)will come out of confusion,ie babylon The many will not come into belief until during the millennium ,Jew's or whomever,Jew's are not special nor whoever you think is Israel ALL belong to one of two trees ,be you a jew or Israel or whomever if you don't believe in Christ you are the branches of satans tree.

Christ does not return twice as that's what you seem to be suggesting

At the return of Christ,His 2nd (ALL) shall be changed saint and sinner alike,the difference is in the condition of your soul,it's either gonna be mortal or immortal .The millennium is a time for those who's soul are mortal to be taught the true Word of God,without the influence of satan.

At the end of the millennium satan shall be released from the pit to once again get people to follow him,after that is the Great White Throne Judgement and all those that did(follow satan)will be walked to the lake of fire ,where they will be blotted out,along with satan,never to be heard from again

At death all souls return to Heaven,at the 2nd coming those in Him return with Him

Will in my next post give you scriptual documentation of all Ive just said.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well Reggie, I see you foaming at the mouth with hatred for Israelis on that one. Not just your day to day replacement theology but all out anti-Semitism.
I believe biblical prophecy.
God promised that Israel would become a nation again, in a day in fact, and they would dwell in the land and it would flourish and he would protect them from enemies. All that has happened by the hand of God and prophecy proves it's true. Period.
Enemies ? the enemies of Jesus Christ is who you should be on about lad, for they in Christ are true Israel.
But where are the Israelis ? I am from a Jew bloodline my self I have a Jewish sir name in fact and every doctor that I see says, oh you are Jewish! as well. not to mention all the Jews want me to reject my Christian faith.

It's not foaming at the mouth or about hatred at all in fact, it all about Jesus Christ, that's what I am about ! one must be born again ! other than that one is lost and I do not care what race anyone claims to be or bloodline because when Jesus came that was the end of such and it's all about faith in Jesus Christ totally, anything outside of that is deceptions and nonsense.
It's all about you abiding in the Vine and nothing outside of that is worthy of Jesus Christ in fact.

There is no such thing as Anti-Semitism, in fact such is a con job, the Semitic race is like 90 % of the worlds Arabs in fact who are of the Islamic faith.
When one claims Anti-Semitism, why not truly say what they mean = Anti-Jewish or Anti-Old Testament or what ever, or are they truly saying meaning that one is supporting Nazis ? or rejecting what the Nazis did or something like that.

Satan is the creator of confusion and all to do with bastardising such as words like the stupid concept of rubbish like the Anti-Semitic claim.
If one was to say that they despised the Moslem world and Islam that would truly in fact be Anti-Semitic in reality because they are a clearly a Semitic race of people. but the Jews are not a race they are a religion in fact, not all Jews are Semitic in fact as well. not to mention what denomination of Jew is it that one is talking about, they are not all the same in fact as they are just as diverse as Christian denominations are.

I do not idolise the so called Jews at all because the poor bastards are totally lost, just as any Atheist is in fact, they have nothing they are carnal and a disgrace to God. I understand that one coming from a atheist point of view or even one claiming to be a Christian who is not truly born again could be ignorant of the facts and swallow all the lies.

If you were born again you would understand that no one outside of Jesus Christ is worthy of God at all, because they are enslaved to this world ! and that's why they have blind faith in mans works. for they do not know God, they are under the power of Satan, of this world and as such they will only be going to bring about the Hellfire.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I agree with everything you have said - except the part where Trump is different from Bush and Obama in this respect. Trump is not a savior .. Trump is just another Wolf .. working for the same big money interests that rule the world as Bush and Obama.

The deception these days is thick - Trump is an elitist Establishment wonk .. has been all his life .. his Father being a Social Darwinist - Nature as opposed to Nurture .. Trump is not Racist .. Trump is Classist .. you got to your position because of your genes - and hierarchies in society are there because of the gene's desire to improve itself over time ... survival of the most fit - so to tamper with Hierarchy in Society would be to tamper with the Natural Order. Everything Trump does can been seen through this elitist ideology - "Biological Determinism"

It is not Putin who has some big influence over Trump - with his 200 Billion or so Russiabucks .. No Sir .. that would be "Sugar Daddy".

Sugar Daddy is easy to find .. as he bailed Trump out of His bankruptcy .. not really a "He" but more of a Consortia of families bailed Trumpee out .. but at the same time this consortia can be represented by one person in particular. Your mission .. should you choose to accept .. is to figure out who this person is..

Your clues
1) bailed Trump out of his bankruptcies - this should be enough but
2) The foot soldier working for Sugar Daddy to help bail Trump out - was appointed, quid pro quo - as commerce Secretary .. and his name is Wilbur Ross .. and he is not Putin's foot Soldier
3) Ivanka was shagging Sugar Daddy's Son

and always remember - Satan is not going to show up with Horns and a Red Cape.

Correct - and I think you have answered the question above without google :) with one small problem.
History changed the day the nuke was invented .. and will never go back. You can not attack a nuclear superpower .. the rules of the game have thus changed .. Economic is the most powerful piece on the geopolitical chess board rather than Military

Note that both Saddam and Gadaffi tried to mess with the world reserve currency and got the horns ..

and when one follows the money .. things become rather clear .. rather quick.

State Street Corporation - Wikipedia

OK .. so .. notice anything strange ? So the largest Hedge fund on the top 10 list is Bridgewater- with 138 Billion under Management as per investopedia World's Top 10 Hedge Fund Firms

These folks have 2.5 Trillion under management - who the freak are these folks. Also note that when you hear about the worlds richest person 100 Billion gets you close. so OK .. 2.5 Trillion is a heck of alot of money .. 10% of our entire stock market or some such thing.. Just try to quantify how much money this is.

But wait .. 2 other banks have similar 2.5 Trillion under management - invested in bonds Stocks and so on = 7.5 Trillion (Mellon and Morgan)
You will find these 3 on the list of major shareholders of near every fortune 100 company - seats on the Board of Directors ..

So this is big dollars .. the Entire Federal Revenue for the US in 2017 was roughly 3.6 Trillion .. These folks can run the US for 2 years.

But Wait .. !!! .. did you not see the other catetory ? "Under Custody and Administration"

What on earth is this ? and who are these people. 31 Trillion dollars -
and you find the same at each of these 3 banks = 93 Trillion dollars.

These are the folks that influence Trump - Obama - Bush - and don't matter Red or Blue. 93 Trillion - is arguably "All the Money in the World"

This has nothing to do with Communism - but has much to do with "Collectivism" - which you love in some ways - but do not realize it.

The new form of Totalitarianism is not going to look like Stalin's Russia - nor Hitlers Germany.. but it will share similar features - which currently have the canaries in the coal mine of Totalitarianism screeching at the top of their lungs.

Our system is an Oligopoly-Bureaucracy Fusion Monster - at the end of the spectrum .. extreme capitalism and extreme socialism meet. In both cases you have a few elite owning most resources and means of production. Think of the Feudal system .. as an example of extreme capitalism - and it is similar now.. You say you own your house ? I say you are a serf if you pay 400 a month rent on something you clai to own = Property Tax.

Our system takes the worst of both and combines them into one ugly beast.

Your rights have been stripped - the safeguards put in place by the founders to protect individual liberty removed. The Gov't continues to increase its power at an astounding rate - while trampling on liberty - towards a quazi police state.

There is no Good side .. there is only one side - Red or Blue united in spirit but in different personages .. The Establishment international financiers have both sides paid off - in our Pay to Play system.
I agree with you in all that.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Thanks for your response,however I can't agree,but yours is the first post that I can reply too

My post was in brief and You are welcome. :)

Will in my next post give you scriptual documentation of all Ive just said.

Thank you,
Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
The pre-tribulationaltion rapture theory is 'specifically' designed to lead the deceived to the first supernatural Messiah that appears in Jerusalem, just PRIOR to the tribulation.

That first one per Lord Jesus will be a fake (Matthew 24:23-26). If you don't know that, per His Word, then you might be subject to that coming "strong delusion". And that is what Apostle Paul revealed in 2 Thess.2 that is the "strong delusion", i.e., a fake playing God in Jerusalem working great signs and lying wonders to cause the whole world to bow to him as God.

Thank you,and that fake won't be some human man with the spirit of satan,It will be satan himself
,that's the part most don't get

satan is coming to this earth, live and in person,along with his angels and they are super natural
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
After the rapture

First I don't believe in a rapture of any kind.

I believe in Foreshadowing.
I believe nothing is new under the sun.
I believe as it WAS in Noah's (Noe's Day NT), SO Shall be the Coming of the Son of man).
I believe Jesus arrived on Earth, with a New Better Testament, offered to All men.
I Trust the Lord is True and Faithful.

Beginning- Two people on Earth
Beginning- Two Spirits on Earth
One man (male stronger) influenced- by God
One man (female weaker) influenced- by Satan.
Weaker man influenced Stronger man.
(The Same remains- Two Spirits on Earth-
Population increased- Stronger mankind- gravitates to Spirit of God- Weaker mankind- gravitates to outright Spirit of Satan, or Weaker mankind.)
^- Result; Division of mankind established.

DIVISION Expanded:
OT- land (continents)
OT- clans (Hebrews/Gentile's)
OT Tribes (ISRAEL/Gentile's)
NT (Tribes Judah, Benjamin from all other Tribes) still Divided from Gentiles)

NT- Son of man Arrives- Name Jesus- Called Word of God.
NT Offering (of Son of man) - Reconcillation-
To- All men- Tribes & Gentiles- BY and Through Him- His Word, His Spirit- forward TO Gods Spirit.
• All of mankind's OPTION- Heart-FULLY and FREELY (by their individual choice) Accept the Son of man (Jesus' Offering)....OR NOT. (Reject).

• Acceptance- Benefits the weakest of mankind- WITH- (The Supreme Authority and Power OF The Lord God Almighty,
• TO; influence, direct, teach, provide, change, save, quicken, keep (seal), that Whole (Body, soul, spirit) OF that individual exclusively unto The Lord God Almighty Forever.

• The Son of man, was Sent by God from Heaven To Earth- TO Reveal -
...Gods Offering.
...How any man, could Receive Gods Offering.
...AND the man Electing TO Receive Gods Offering...WOULD RECEIVE GODS OFFERING, ON the DAY and Moment, the man Heart-Fully Agreed to ACCEPT Gods Offering (while still alive in his Natural Flesh Body.)
^ The New Better Testament Covenant (Promise) Revealed.
^ The New Better Testament - Offering Offered BY God Through, the Son of man, to all of mankind -Revealed- BECAUSE OF:
Gods Love of:
His Created Earth
His Created Mankind.
His Mercy for His Created mankind.

^ I (Heart-Fully and Mind-Fully believe) ALL of those things ARE TRUE.
^ My STANDING is: I Have Accepted Gods Offering, provided By God, through the Son of Man, God SENT from Heaven, To MAKE His (God's) Offering known and available to me.

• My STANDING- is Secure.
(By the Supreme Authority and Power of God)

• The Security of any man, having Accepted Gods Offering IS: revealed IN Scripture. ---> ( Gods Word, His Promises, written for mankind's benefit to read and Verify what any man may Hear being taught and preached.)

• Secure- From particular things.
• Secure- Unto particular things.

A Particular Foreshadowed Severity, that came to pass, and another Severity Foretold that Shall come to pass.
Came to pass-
• Gods Anger - of men rejecting Him.
• Gods Response-> Gods Wrath
• Gods Wrath Revealed-> Destruction
• Destruction of what? Earth
• How? Water
• How was that Destruction?
• Earth IS Dry Land. Covering Dry Land With Water, reveals Dry Land, became Non- Existant.
• Mankind was Created out of dry Land (Earth) <--- mankind's Habitat.
• Destroy mankind Habitat- Mankind becomes Destroyed. (Thus OT Scripture reveals God destroyed mankind (who rejected Him), With Man's Habitat.) God killed men with the Earth.
• But Wait- Revealed in Scripture- out of all men ON Earth ... 8 of mankind WERE NOT in Rejection of God.

• Dilemma- How To Keep 8 FROM being Destroyed BY the Entire Earths Destruction?

• Gods Solution? Direct the 8 Faithful to God, HOW TO prepare For the Foretold Coming Destruction...Coming Because of Gods Anger of Rejection---> Foretold to Be Revealed BY Gods Wrath.

• you know the revelation- and what came to pass-
• But have you Focused ON WHERE the 8 Saved WERE?

• OT reveals-
They WERE "few" IN Belief.
They WERE the Saved.
They were IN (an Ark).
They were LIFTED UP.
They were ABOVE the Face of the Earth.
They were ABOVE ON the Face of the Water.
The Face of the Earth WAS being Destroyed.

• The Foreshadow- The Prophecy- The foretelling-...
God Is Angry- at the rejection of men,
Another Great Tribulation of Wrath is Foretold,
The Population is Divided:
(IN Christ, ---> with God AND Christ.
(WITH God, ---> but Not IN Christ.
(AGAINST (rejecting) God & Christ.

• So who Shall BE LIFTED UP, ABOVE the Face of the Earth, TO the Face of the Water, while the Earth is being Destroyed? And What exactly ARE they IN?

• "IN" Christ the Lord Jesus.
• Lifted UP TO Clouds, (Clouds Are ABOVE the Face of the Earth, Are Water.

Secondary and Last Tribulation - Begins- Wrath OF "who" Revealed First? WRATH of Lamb.

• Excepted From ALL Wrath- All safely and Secure... "IN" Christ...RISEN UP to Clouds...
• When? WHEN Signaled AND Called.
Signaled BY the Trump of God.
Called By Voice of the Archangel.
• what is Risen Up? That which was MADE WHOLE (by God, through Christ)... an Individual man's, body, soul, spirit.
• Whom do they MEET IN the Clouds?
• He Who was IN Heaven, and descended From Heaven, TO meet those (IN Christ).
• What specifically is HE Called, Who Meets Those IN Christ?....The "Lord".

• But What ABOUT, those who Believe IN God, but NoT Christ?
• They suffer the Wrath of the Lamb, for having Rejected, the Lamb of God, God Offered TO them.

Dilemma- Belief IN God- but Not Gods Lamb.
Gods Solution-
Two Witness: with God Word in their Mouth- Sent To Jerusalem- Tribes Holy City- they having Gods Protection From Death, & From Attack & From Death; for 3.5 years, that the Tribes of Israel may Hear and also Accept The Lamb of God, and Become MADE WHOLE.

Further God Expands Outreach TO All Tribes of ISRAEL, God Sending - 12,000 Virgin Tribesmen out from all 12 Tribes of Israel, TO MT Zion, for 3.5 years, 144,000 total WITH a Lamb With The 144,000. Further Preaching of Gods Lamb, and That They (the Tribes) shall receive Salvation through The Lamb of God.

And ONE Last Outreach- an Angel of God, with the Word of God IN His Mouth Preaching, To the ALL men still Occupying the Earth in their living Flesh.

So yes, I believe IN the Pre-Trib Rapture, simply the "Rapture" being Exclusive TO LIFTIN UP those (already Prepared) "IN" Christ....At the Time...God has DECIDED TO Begin, His Secondary Destruction of The Earth.

Gods Day to Begin HIS Foretold Secondary Destruction of the Earth...IS a Day Secret to Mankind. Mankind is simply given Notice IT Shall come to pass, and SIGNS, of the Time nearing.

BY and Through Gods Offering, I freely elected to Accept: He has MADE me Prepared, Wholly Acceptable IN Christ, to be Lifted UP above the Face of the Earth, during the Wrath....Being Not Appointed TO Wrath.

Pre-Trib For those IN Christ, expressly called Rapture.

Mid-Trib raising of "Saved Souls" accomplished During the Wrath.

-After- Wrath; of the Lamb, of The Devil, of God...
-After The Millennial Reign of THE Lords Kingdom ON Earth-
After Satan is loosed and Allowed to influence remaining Mortals...
-After every Mortal has become Bodily Dead.
• Then shall the Son of Man Return TO Earth.
• Every Eye Shall SEE Him...above the Earth, on the Earth, under the Earth, in the Seas.
• The Return of the Son of man, IS Revealed, He Comes "WITH POWER and Saints".
• Spiritual Warfare commences.
• Satan and other fallen angels, Defeated, cast Down To Hell.
- After Satan is permanently Removed from the Face of the Earth- Then is the LAST Trump of an Angel Sounded...
• All BODIES of men - WHOSE Soul was Saved- (lying Bodily Dead on the Earth, Bodily, buried IN the Earth, Bodily Buried at Sea, From Ancient Days To Days through the Tribulation, and days of the Millennial reign ...
Shall ALL BE Gathered Together, Risen UP IN Immortal Glorious Body's).

So is there Pre-Trib raising of a Whole man? ...Yes.
Is there Min-Trib raising of Saved Souls?
Is there Post-Trib raising of ALL remaing Bodies ON Earth (of Saved Souls)?

Are we all Offered the Same Testament, Promise, Of Accept God, Accept The the Same Era? BY the Same Promises (covenants)?

But YET Did God Provide the SAME Offering of "end Results" all men?

Eternal Life With their Lord God Almighty, upon a New Earth, barriers of Land Divisions removed, barrier of Heaven from Earth removed, utter Corruption, darkness, Disease, strife, sorrow, Evil, Wickedness, Death removed?

My View, is out of Scriptural Teaching.
My Understanding is Credited to God giving me His Understanding.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Heaven now is,if we die before that return,should death happen and you are in Him ,you coming with Him when He comes,or you will be changed if not dead before that time.

Keeping A Man in perspective and Context:
The WHOLE of a man..
Involves the man's body, soul, spirit.
The WHOLE of a man IS Offered, a change, exclusively provided BY GOD, TO a man Who Trusts to Believe, AND CONFESS their heart-Full Belief With "Their OWN word".

Upon true Heartful- belief and Confession BY a man, of a man's word-
• The body, becomes spiritually Crucified with Jesus. (Satisifying The Death of the Body, God REQUIRES ONCE).
• The soul, becomes "restored". (23 Psalm) Restored to What? "Very Good", as Scripture reveals, God proclaimed, all He Created and Made IS "Very Good".
The soul, is Revealed, Saved.
Saved TO What? Gods Authority and Power To Keep That soul, accounted TO God, restored to "Very Good", verified and Justified, for God to Claim.
Saved From What? From damnination- oF God Removing His Life (Breath from that Soul, and Destroying that Soul, by throwing it Down into the Fire Pit, IN Hell).
• spirit of man- is What? A man's Natural Truth IN his Natural Heart.
Circumcision of the Natural Heart. Cut off.
Giving man a New Heart.
Giving man a new Seed. SEED of God.
Planted in new heart of Man.
Rebirths man's spirit- with a NEW Truth.
Gods Truth, via Gods Spirit of Truth.
• Man receives The Baptism of Gods Spirit.
What is that? Gods Spirit dwelling IN man's new Heart...WITH man's new reborn spirit...
With Gods Truth.
For What?
Forever 24-7 Access To the Lord (Word) God (Will) Almighty (Power).
Waiting for Church doors to open, waiting to council with a Cleric, waiting for a time through prayer, phone, in person, text...To communicate with The Lord God Available, any time, any place, any reason; asking, praising, worshiping, exalting, thanking, Glorifying ... no barriers, no waiting.

Supreme Offering- (to all men) Supreme Receiving for all men WHO Freely and heartfully Accept Gods Offering.

Now,the spirit of satan will not posses any man,that's happening now,satan will appear on this earth as a supernatural being,that's the only way he conceive the world that he is Christ

Sure that is happening NOW.
Satan has been present ON the Earth ...Since Before mankind Was Created.
Satan INFLUENCES weak men-
Weak men Influence other weak men...
And thus the World becomes Corrupt;
Called Blind leading the Blind.

YET: God has OFFERED His Provision- through the Eras and generations of mankind- a WAY for mankind- TO BE Excluded FROM the "influence" of Satan and Weak Earthly men...
And "AVOID" the "clutches" OF Satan...
BY Becoming MADE "SEALED" UNTO The Lord God Almighty...BY the Lord God Almighty Himself.

The STATUS of a KINGS SEAL...IS: a KINGS SEAL Can not BE Broken, Infringed Upon, Claimed By "ANY" other, but The King Himself, whose Seal IS His.
(Per scripture- God is the Supreme King, He SEALS unto Himself What IS His. A man MADE WHOLE, IS His, and nothing can Remove from Gods Hand Which IS His.)

I Trust Gods Word, Promises, Faithfulness IS True and He offered to MAKE me WHOLE. I accepted His Offer, and Trust my STANDING WHOLE IN Christ, is Secure.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Sure that is happening NOW.
Satan has been present ON the Earth ...Since Before mankind Was Created.
Satan INFLUENCES weak men-
Weak men Influence other weak men...
And thus the World becomes Corrupt;
Called Blind leading the Blind.

YET: God has OFFERED His Provision- through the Eras and generations of mankind- a WAY for mankind- TO BE Excluded FROM the "influence" of Satan and Weak Earthly men...
And "AVOID" the "clutches" OF Satan...
BY Becoming MADE "SEALED" UNTO The Lord God Almighty...BY the Lord God Almighty Himself.

The STATUS of a KINGS SEAL...IS: a KINGS SEAL Can not BE Broken, Infringed Upon, Claimed By "ANY" other, but The King Himself, whose Seal IS His.
(Per scripture- God is the Supreme King, He SEALS unto Himself What IS His. A man MADE WHOLE, IS His, and nothing can Remove from Gods Hand Which IS His.)

I Trust Gods Word, Promises, Faithfulness IS True and He offered to MAKE me WHOLE. I accepted His Offer, and Trust my STANDING WHOLE IN Christ, is Secure.

Glory to God,

OK .. so you claim Satan is here "as a supernatural being" - .. but we have a way to be "excluded from the influence of Satan" ?

Wow - Is it Trump ? - is that the identity of Sataniel .. had Satan come in the flesh .. like Jesus ?
but OK .. supposing this is true .. what is the way to be excluded from the influences of Satan ?

Calling out Lord Lord will not exclude you from the influence of the dark side - Luke was a devotee to the side of light - but he was still influenced by the dark side .. as all humans are.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The deadly wound that you attribute to a world leader is actually a wound to the one world government ,that's what satan will heal it, from that point it will go to a one world religious system with satan as it's leader,pretending to be Christ please again keep in mind that this will be satan himself

In Brief:
Human Body's ARE Mortal.
Mortal refers to the Living condition of a Man's Life THAT IS subject To Death.
Every living human man IS Subject TO Death.
The LIFE of every Human Body IS it's BLOOD.
God REQUIRES the BLOOD Death Of Every Human man's LIFE.

Human men do Not SEE Spirits in their Supernatural Form. Supernatural Spirits Have the ability and Power to Take Upon themselves Forms human men CAN SEE.
Supernatural Spirits have The ability and Power TO Enter Human Body's.

The Governments OF the world Nations, are Established Entities of Laws, rules, regulations, designed To BE the Basis and Limits, of Governance OVER a Nations People.

It is A Person, Or Group of Persons, Seated, (by generational decrees of Royal appointments, Elections, Votes, etc. that Establish, WHAT person (or group), Shall have Legal Authority to GOVERN OVER the People at Large) according TO the Established Laws.

There HAVE Been Historic World Powers, (governing Vast portions of the World) ... called World Empires.
There ARE currently World Nations, (in memberships) IN UNIONS, IN LEAGUES...
for example;
• United Nations- almost all Nations of the World are members....rotating (every 6 months I think?), an Appointed President OF the Counsel.
• European Union- Most all Nations IN Europe are members.
• League of Aran Nations- Most all Middle East Nations are members.

In the Works the Power and Position of Authority OF Mainly already seated IN the United Nations...and Heavenly influenced- BY: a Group (that has been in Existance For 50 Years, influencing, promoting their Ideas, backed by Super Wealthy support, of the Wealthy & Powerful of Numerous World Nations.. Called:
"The World Economic Forum".
This Group Touts Themselves: AS Experts, With "Their Ideas", OF Solutions TO All the World's "ISSUES"...
From: Poor, ignorant, hungry, Monetary Distribution, worthy, irrelevant, useful, useless, energy, economy, world pollution, health necessities, education, and YES, a Globally Structured Government, with A Globally Seated Authority- (king, president, monarch, chairman---don't know their proposed Title). And With A New Government, to no surprise Comes New Laws, rules, regulations).
You, and the Public at Large, citizens of their Oen Nations...will NOT Be the one...Choosing or Rejecting Being Subjected TO A Global Government.....Your Seated (President), who Represents you on Global Matters...will be the one, WHO Will Accept or Reject...
The proposal.

The Offer IS Already ON the Table.
The UN already Has Super Powers of the World, and smaller Nations of the World "IN Verbal Agreement", Poised and Ready TO Give their Signed Agreement TO Establish A Global Governing Authority...
• So What's the Hold Up?
President Trump!
He has already addressed in person, the UN counsel, Sept, 2019 And Addressed in person, The World Economic Forum, Jan, 2020...
AND Said He as President of The US, would Never Give US Citizen TO Contron of a Global Government.
• And the Backlash?
Convenient- world health Pandemic, Economy plummeting, FEAR buzzed 24-7, HATE against Trump buzzed 24-4., Rioters encouraged, paid, transported out of their districts To major cities, creating Domestic terrorism, excellerating Fear.
• Awesome- :eek: people Begging the Government TO SaVE Them...From a health hazard AND Rioting AND shifted Economy.
• Awesome- Billions of Dollars doled out.
• Awesome- :eek: TO the Rescue- A Vaccine to combat the health hazzard----
• BUT- "coupled", WITH that begged for Vaccine, IS: The Devices FOR the "ideas" of the World Economic Forum, To come into fruition! A Tracking and Control and Altering of The People at Large...and they Will beat the path to Get it, for them and their families.
• Meantime- Presidental Elections- WIN at all costs, TO seat a President WHO WILL be Onboard, and Agree to Subject every US Citizen TO Their Global Authority.

So Yes- it is men who are leading the Direction to Another World Empire.
No- it is Not Satan Himself...It is however Caused BY men, having been Influenced By Satan.
Yes- the one Seated as the Head of a World Government----WILL Be a Mortal and WILL suffer a MORTAL Wound.
A mortal Wound, only effects A Mortal being.
Spirits "are not mortal", can NOT Die.
A mortal Wound- is an Injury inflicting a Wound upon a Human Body, that that wound is so severe, that mortal Body Will Die.

The World, in this day of Technology, of Hearing and Seeing, WILL believe the Global Leader IS Dead. (And He will be Bodily Dead.)

But THEN, shall Satan Spirit, enter his Body, to which that Body "man" shall Appear to have Risen up from the Dead.

The Shift from the Global Government, Laws, etc. TO Dictator, To Claiming of being God Himself, Shall be Revealed.
Many Will Believe it.

Rev 13:
  1. [3] And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
  2. [12] And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadlywound was healed.
  3. [14] And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

Golry to God,


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Don't know what you mean about Christ will "send His servants back" as the two witnesses are here before satan arrives .

To clarify:
The Son of man Was Sent By God.
The Son of man was Seen by Earthly men.
The Son of man Left Earth.
The Son of Man Shall Return to Earth.

I am OF the Belief-
• A Christ Messiah was Promised under the Old Covenant.
• What was Sent and Arrived, was the Son of man....Not ISRAELS expectation...
Especially- a man, with No clout, status, wealth, or army.
• all throughout Scripture and This Son of man's teaching-
IS Precisely what was Told;
* To Isaiah- He Shall be mighty, the government shall rest on His Shoulders , etc. * To Mary- He Shall be called the Son of God.
* To shepherds tending flocks- the Messiah Christ child is revealed/born.
* To kings in the East- the Christ Child has Arrived.

•What arrived was the Son of man-
•What men SAW was a baby boy, without Authority, Wisdom, communication ability, Power, etc.
• What men were TOLD, is WHO the World would come TO KNOW Him TO BE.
^ a Huge Difference Between-
Seeing- and Knowing.

* Men Did NOT SEE the Son of God, or SEE Christ....they SAW a man...but Some men Trusted to Believe WHO He is and that Who He IS, one day they WOULD See Him, AS HE IS.
* What some men experienced IS:
Hearing His Words, firsthand.
* Seeing minor Powers, heal the lame, turn Water into wine...etc. firsthand.
* Seeing Him Killed, Bodily buried, Bodily walking the Earth 40 days thereafter His Bodily Death.
* Observe His Body rise up toward Heaven, losing sight of Him in the Clouds.

-Gods Two Witnesses- are Sent By God- to Earth During the Tribulation, primarily for benefit of The Jews.
-The 144,000- are Sent BY God, primarily For All the Tribes of Israel.
-An Angel- who covers the space of the Entire World- Is Sent By God, for any any remaining person (not with the Beasts Mark), To choose to becomes Converted and Sealed unto God.

Christ does not return twice as that's what you seem to be suggesting

I am OF the Belief; the same Exact;
Understanding...Capabilities...God Has "was Given the Son of man" ... After He WAS Revealed ON Earth...and Revealed being An Adult.

I believe God IS:
Everywhere present-
All knowing-
All powerful-

And Revealed the Same Applies to Jesus.

I believe it is BY Which/ Description He is called that notifies What and where precisely He is and doing What.

It is a "Lamb", On Mt Zion with the 144,000.

It is the "Lord" that descends from Heaven TO the Clouds, and those IN Christ, rise up TO MEET? The Lord.

It is the "Son of man", that is presently in Heaven, at the Right Hand of God, who shall descend from Heaven TO Earth (coming this time WITH Power)....which has been Revealed in Scripture, Gods Power IS Christ.

It is The Spirit of God presently IN Heaven, and IN Men On Earth, presently.

It is the Spirit of Truth (Jesus is Gods Truth), Presently In Heaven AND Presently IN men, ON Earth, who are IN Christ.

It is Christ, (Gods Seed), presently IN Heaven and Presently IN Converted and Baptized (by the Holy Spirit) of men ON Earth.

Just saying, Scripture is Explicit- WHO of God, called by what description is Where and Doing what, and where He shall be and doing What.

The Son of man, came to Earth once, left once, and Shall Return Once.

The Rapture, calling up of the WHOLLY (Body, soul, spirit) of men Wholly Prepared...IS NOT at the Last (7th) Trump....Is Not to meet the Son of man...
Expressly- it is the Trump of God, Voice of the Archangel, to Meet the Lord in the air/Clouds.

The calling up is of the Wholly (Body,soul,spirit) prepared TO meet the Lord, (NOT the Son of man).
The Trump of God is Sounded, the Voice of the Archangel...

Rev 8
[2] And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

Seven Angels- seven Trumpets to Sound when they are signaled.
None of the seven Angels with Trumpets are archangels, including the seventh, and Last angel to sound their trumpet, is not an archangel.

At the " return of Christ,"

No one has Seen Christ. Men have Only Seen the Results of the Power of Christ.

Men have Only Seen the Son of man.
For Every Eye to BE ABLE TO SEE Him...It must be the "Son of man" that "Returns" To Earth....and that is what Scripture reveals.

Luke 21:
[27] And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

Glory to God,


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
OK .. so you claim Satan is here "as a supernatural being" - .. but we have a way to be "excluded from the influence of Satan" ?

According to Scripture...
He that is IN me is Greater than he THAT is In the World.

Wow - Is it Trump ? -

Wow...Are you really going to reveal your utter lack of knowledge?

Trump has already Declined to Agree for the US to participation in a Global reset plan.
And you are wondering After Trump Declined The US to be in Agreement....
Trump (not in participation), is likely the One all the other (Agreeing) Nations have in Mind to seat him as head over their Global plan?

Uh No...LOL.
They already have in mind- Biden- who is already groomed to MAKE the US Subject To the Global reset plan...

But don't count on -Biden- being Selected as The Global Head...he is merely a with the stroke of a pen, Sign away YOUR Liberty, and Make The US in agreement with the Global Plan.
Most Likely the head of their Global Plan will be from a European or Middle East Nation.

had Satan come in the flesh .. like Jesus ?

Satan is a spirit. He can appear in many forms.

what is the way to be excluded from the influences of Satan ?

Conversion IN Christ.

Calling out Lord Lord will not exclude you from the influence of the dark side - Luke was a devotee to the side of light - but he was still influenced by the dark side .. as all humans are.

No. Luke is not the one who called out Lord, Lord. ^ That was in regard to unsaved men, revealed in the Gospel according to Luke.

Darkness, Corruption is world-wide.
Can't say for you, but for myself. I have the Power of God within me, that supersedes all other power.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
Enemies ? the enemies of Jesus Christ is who you should be on about lad, for they in Christ are true Israel.
But where are the Israelis ? I am from a Jew bloodline my self I have a Jewish sir name in fact and every doctor that I see says, oh you are Jewish! as well. not to mention all the Jews want me to reject my Christian faith.

It's not foaming at the mouth or about hatred at all in fact, it all about Jesus Christ, that's what I am about ! one must be born again ! other than that one is lost and I do not care what race anyone claims to be or bloodline because when Jesus came that was the end of such and it's all about faith in Jesus Christ totally, anything outside of that is deceptions and nonsense.
It's all about you abiding in the Vine and nothing outside of that is worthy of Jesus Christ in fact.

There is no such thing as Anti-Semitism, in fact such is a con job, the Semitic race is like 90 % of the worlds Arabs in fact who are of the Islamic faith.
When one claims Anti-Semitism, why not truly say what they mean = Anti-Jewish or Anti-Old Testament or what ever, or are they truly saying meaning that one is supporting Nazis ? or rejecting what the Nazis did or something like that.

Satan is the creator of confusion and all to do with bastardising such as words like the stupid concept of rubbish like the Anti-Semitic claim.
If one was to say that they despised the Moslem world and Islam that would truly in fact be Anti-Semitic in reality because they are a clearly a Semitic race of people. but the Jews are not a race they are a religion in fact, not all Jews are Semitic in fact as well. not to mention what denomination of Jew is it that one is talking about, they are not all the same in fact as they are just as diverse as Christian denominations are.

I do not idolise the so called Jews at all because the poor bastards are totally lost, just as any Atheist is in fact, they have nothing they are carnal and a disgrace to God. I understand that one coming from a atheist point of view or even one claiming to be a Christian who is not truly born again could be ignorant of the facts and swallow all the lies.

If you were born again you would understand that no one outside of Jesus Christ is worthy of God at all, because they are enslaved to this world ! and that's why they have blind faith in mans works. for they do not know God, they are under the power of Satan, of this world and as such they will only be going to bring about the Hellfire.

Yes enemies. Because he will bless those who bless them and those who curse them he will curse. You choose to curse them so we know where you stand.
Oh you say it's not about hate while calling them bastards and blatantly condemning them. And somehow you think you know I'm not born again, yee shall know them by their fruit, I love them you hate them that is the fruit you are showing.
They are from the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, your denying their Jewishness goes along with the same evil narrative that denies Jesus Jewishness.
Do you know Jesus Yeshua is a Jew by blood?

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yes enemies. Because he will bless those who bless them and those who curse them he will curse. You choose to curse them so we know where you stand.
Oh you say it's not about hate while calling them bastards and blatantly condemning them. And somehow you think you know I'm not born again, yee shall know them by their fruit, I love them you hate them that is the fruit you are showing.
They are from the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, your denying their Jewishness goes along with the same evil narrative that denies Jesus Jewishness.
Do you know Jesus Yeshua is a Jew by blood?
Blessed ? one has to be a born again Christian to be blessed in fact and outside of that is only a curse.
The Jews and all who are outside of Jesus Christ are a Curse. such are what the Bible calls bastards = Fatherless !

Jesus Christ is the King of Israel in fact.

The only worthy Jews back in the days before Christ Jesus were Gods Prophets. the rest were under the Law. when Holy Moses came he brought them out of Slavery and set the path that Christ Jesus would come, now they who had faith in Holy Moses had hope, anyone who did not look to Moses was a fool and so we see with all the morons back in Moses day, that they went against Moses in fact and they tried to kill him in fact and they set up a Golden Calf ? now the Golden Calf Mob are just like the Jews of today= total morons who are a Curse ! they are carnal Mob who are doing the works of man, anyone who does not understand such a fact is cursed.

Being Religious never Saved anyone, only Christ Jesus Saves and the Jew nowadays is just the same as ever, they would try to kill Holy Moses or at least bastardise him with mans works cunning, just as they do with Jesus Christ.
All who do not abide in Jesus Christ are going to Hell. so if anyone claims that the Jew of today is anything worthy of God they are straight out Satanist.

I remember 1990's the JW's wanting to kiss my feet because they knew I was a Jew, I said no ! I am not to be idolised and I point to Jesus Christ who is our Saviour not man.
I have fools saying too me, oh you want to be carful, as they are using your line above, who he will bless and who he will curse, now how can such a one say such a foolish load of trash to me ? I am a Jew ! so they want to be carful of what I say then too me ? not to mention I am one who has been Blessed in fact and knows Jesus Christ in fact. so who the hell are they referring too ? the un blessed so called Jews ! come on ! they are under a curse in fact the poor stupid morons they do not even know God in fact, for the reality to know the Father, you must come through his only begotten Son in fact ! morons ! why idolise morons ! all of the Jews back in the days of Jesus who followed him were Blessed and all who rejected him were cursed in fact. because they rejected God in fact and followed as to mans works and every worthy Christian knows that such is a curse in fact.

To the Jews I say, come to Jesus Christ.
But you are saying come and idolise the so called Jews.
Now witch one would God say, idolise the so called Jews or come to Jesus Christ.

Now who do the majority of atheist look up to nowadays, well it's the Jews:rolleyes: now why is that I ask myself, well it's the media whore has been hard at work in setting them up and working at undermining true Christianity for years.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
According to Scripture...
He that is IN me is Greater than he THAT is In the World.

And how does that stop humans from sin ? What you posted previously does not well thought out - everyone is influenced by Satan .. it is the way of the world - no way to avoid that.

Wow...Are you really going to reveal your utter lack of knowledge?

You are projecting .. the claim that humans can somehow avoid the influence of Satan is what lacks knowledge.

Trump has already Declined to Agree for the US to participation in a Global reset plan.
And you are wondering After Trump Declined The US to be in Agreement....
Trump (not in participation), is likely the One all the other (Agreeing) Nations have in Mind to seat him as head over their Global plan?

Uh No...LOL.
They already have in mind- Biden- who is already groomed to MAKE the US Subject To the Global reset plan...

But don't count on -Biden- being Selected as The Global Head...he is merely a with the stroke of a pen, Sign away YOUR Liberty, and Make The US in agreement with the Global Plan.
Most Likely the head of their Global Plan will be from a European or Middle East Nation.

This is really misguided. First off .. it was a joke/sarcasm that Trump is Satan. What is even more misguided however is thinking that you will know who Satan is .. or that some "Global Reset Plan" by the Dems has anything to with Satan.

Last .. and most disheartening - is that you don't understand the founding principle or essential liberty. You are correct that Blue has been trashing the founding principles . but, Red is just as guilty of turning the US into a quazi Totalitarian police state.

Satan is a spirit. He can appear in many forms

So you think Satan is "Spirit" just like God ?

Darkness, Corruption is world-wide.
Can't say for you, but for myself. I have the Power of God within me, that supersedes all other power.

Yes - darkness and corruption are world wide - which is why your claim that we can avoid the influence of Satan is misguided.

Your claim that you have the power of God within you is beyond false.

1) You do not have Godlike Powers
2) You have no idea what God's powers are.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
And how does that stop humans from sin ? What you posted previously does not well thought out - everyone is influenced by Satan .. it is the way of the world - no way to avoid that.

You are projecting .. the claim that humans can somehow avoid the influence of Satan is what lacks knowledge.

This is really misguided. First off .. it was a joke/sarcasm that Trump is Satan. What is even more misguided however is thinking that you will know who Satan is .. or that some "Global Reset Plan" by the Dems has anything to with Satan.

Last .. and most disheartening - is that you don't understand the founding principle or essential liberty. You are correct that Blue has been trashing the founding principles . but, Red is just as guilty of turning the US into a quazi Totalitarian police state.

So you think Satan is "Spirit" just like God ?

Yes - darkness and corruption are world wide - which is why your claim that we can avoid the influence of Satan is misguided.

Your claim that you have the power of God within you is beyond false.

1) You do not have Godlike Powers
2) You have no idea what God's powers are.

Mark 4:
[12] That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Blessed ? one has to be a born again Christian to be blessed in fact and outside of that is only a curse.

The Jews and all who are outside of Jesus Christ are a Curse. such are what the Bible calls bastards = Fatherless !

Be cautious. Jews rejection of Christ Jesus, was an opening of a door for Gentile's to enter.

Gods plan is perfect. Gentile's were not positioned to be Jewish teachers.
Jews are not without reconciliation.

Rom 11:
[18] Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
[19] Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.
[20] Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:

Rom 11:
[25] For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
[26] And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
[27] For this is my covenant unto them, "when I" shall take away their sins.
[28] As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
[29] For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
[30] For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:
[31] Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.
[32] For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Mark 4:
[12] That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.

Denial and avoidance ?