The Eternal Security Heresy: A Comprehensive Refutation of OSAS

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The person who doesn't have any works doesn't have the promise of being saved by faith apart from works for that faith to somehow save him.

Sure they do (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:5-6, Titus 3:5 (kjv), Romans 11:5-6).

The man who does no works does not have a salvation to be undone.

Rom 10:13, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

I would say that this is true even if they don't have any works to show for their faith / confession.

If they don't have any gold, sliver, or precious gems to show for their faith, they still "shall be saved, yet so as by fire."


What folks often do with this passage is ignore the first part .. where James talks about the "Royal Law" of Scripture -

16 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows

21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

James states that getting rid of the moral filth -and accepting the teachings of Jesus - can save you.

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

The above parallels Matt 7:24 - 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

James 1 echos parts of the Sermon on the Mount - where works is emphasized as requisite to salvation.

26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. '

James 2 continues on this theme --

5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?


8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. -

Both Jesus -James -and Paul all refer to the same Royal Law .. the Golden Rule- the above being on of the numerous restatements of this rule given in Matt 5-7 - Sermon on the Mount.

12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Judge not - again emphasizing the Golden Rule .. what refers to as "the Rule that sums up the Law and the Prophets" Matt 7:12

Then .. after emphasizing deeds over and over - not a word about faith in the sacrifice as a requirement .. he lets loose on some early Christians that were promoting a Faith alone doctrine ... which James goes on to call "Foolish".

I will only say that a man cannot be forgiven of his past sins apart from (faith in) the blood of Jesus (Romans 3:25, Romans 5:1, Romans 5:9).

Good post - although I baulk at using Pauline Scripture

Why? Jesus substantiated Peter in John 16:13; and Peter substantiated Paul in 2 Peter 3:15-16; and Paul backed up every other scripture in 2 Timothy 3:16; including his own writings.

The "Sola Fide" crowd believes that they will escape judgement on the basis of faith. This goes against the teachings of Jesus which state that we all must pass through judgement .. we will all be judged.

Jhn 5:24, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.


Jhn 6:47, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

Yet - they will cling to some ambiguous passage - saying "look look - this looks to mean that we are saved by faith - and thus faith alone is scripture" while ignoring the vast amount of scripture from Jesus stating the contrary - in favor of some vague passage from a fellow that never knew the man.

When reading holy scripture, we must understand that every verse of scripture stands alone as a bastion of spiirutal truth and that there is not going to be a contradiction when we look at other scriptures on the same subject. Therefore, when comparing scripture with scripture (as per 1 Corinthians 2:13 (kjv)), it is important that we take into account those scripture passages or logical understandings that show us the reconciliation of scripture to scripture.

This subject is not hard to grasp...but people on one side or the other do not accept the truth that is given to them because of their foundational bias.

I believe that it is clear in Titus 3:5 (kjv)...

Tit 3:5, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

A person is not regenerated or renewed by "works of righteousness which we have done"; but when they are regenerated or renewed, they become inclined towards doing good works.

The works do not save them...they have already been saved...regenerated and the mercy of the Lord.

What is worse - and happens often - is when these folks try to usurp the teachings of Jesus using Scripture such as Timothy - that was not even written by Paul ..

You have no proof of such an ideation...if 1 and 2 Timothy is not written by Paul, then the things written therein are a lie...because the claim of the author is that the author is Paul; and therefore if Paul is not the author, these epistles cannot be trusted.

Yet people throughout history continue to be saved and edified through these writings.

I has been said that the plenary inspiration of holy scripture is an anvil that has worn out the hammer of many a critic.

Good that you now understand that "Sola Fide" is false doctrine :)

There is no one here who believes that sola fide is a false doctrine...

Most people who have a head on their shoulders understand that we are saved (regenerated and renewed) by grace through faith apart from works (Romans 4:4-5, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 11:5-6, Titus 3:5 (kjv)).


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
I will only say that a man cannot be forgiven of his past sins apart from (faith in) the blood of Jesus (Romans 3:25, Romans 5:1, Romans 5:9)

Will ya now .. I am not the Judge and neither are you. I would never think to usurp the position of Jesus .. put words in his mouth ..

But - if I was to try to figure out how the Judge might rule on the case of Sola Fide - and your claim - I sure as heck would not be looking to Paul for the answer .. I look to Jesus for the answer to that question.

My question to you is .. why do you continue to run from the Truth - the word - the light - the way... Look to Jesus first.. Paul had a few good things to say .. but he is not Jesus.. remember that and keep the Sabbath Holy :)

Why? Jesus substantiated Peter in John 16:13; and Peter substantiated Paul in 2 Peter 3:15-16; and Paul backed up every other scripture in 2 Timothy 3:16; including his own writings.
What did Jesus substantiate in Peter "Sola Fide" ?.. that is simply not true.
What is True .. and demonstrably so .. is that the Jesus of Matt/Mark - (and John for that Matter - and of course Luke) contradicts Sola Fide so many times in so many different ways .. it is hard to list them all.

So bad is your dilemma .. that you go running to Paul -and "AWAY" from Jesus - everytime the subject is broached. Ohh .. yes . you did come up with a passage or two from Matt .. which you completely misrepresented.. and did not support your claim ..

But what you have failed to do .. is address the passages I have given you from Jesus. nor have you addressed the sheer volume of these passages .. or the fact that this concept was not even Church Doctrine until Luther .. round 1400 AD .. and that was only for Protestants.. neither Orthodox nor Catholic believe in this doctrine ..

The Will of the Father - what is it. You have cut and pasted responses from joke websites like "" with not a smack of academic credibility .. trying to apologize their way out of this passage.. and what do these sites do .. go running to Paul .. just like you .. and bastrdize the same passages as you.

Who knew .. how about we try something from "" .. didn't check much more into this group .. but what we do have is an article that focuses on the words of Jesus .. instead of running to Paul. 34. Marks Of True Faith (Matthew 7:21-29) |

When reading holy scripture, we must understand that every verse of scripture stands alone as a bastion of spiirutal truth

The above is demonstrably false...

There is no one here who believes that sola fide is a false doctrine
.. appeal to popularity fallacy :)

The majority of Christianity rejects Sola Fide .. sorry but don't shoot the messenger.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
It is important that we come to a proper understanding and if "hair-splitting" means that we can come to the conclusion that the scriptures don't contradict themselves, and also, we come to an understanding of the exact meaning of what the Bible teaches on any given subject, it is worth it all.
Then why are the replies nearly all as predictable as the calm after the storm? Nothing ever gets settled. People get tired and move on. The faith is not contended for. Axes are ground to a nub. No conclusions are reached, only held onto. The same texts are repeated over and over again, and we all walk away with nothing gained, except for practice in guarding our cherished positions.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Will ya now .. I am not the Judge and neither are you. I would never think to usurp the position of Jesus .. put words in his mouth ..

But - if I was to try to figure out how the Judge might rule on the case of Sola Fide - and your claim - I sure as heck would not be looking to Paul for the answer .. I look to Jesus for the answer to that question.

My question to you is .. why do you continue to run from the Truth - the word - the light - the way... Look to Jesus first.. Paul had a few good things to say .. but he is not Jesus.. remember that and keep the Sabbath Holy :)

Jesus said that His Holy Spirit would guide the apostles into all truth (John 16:13)...and this substantiates Peter. Peter said that Paul's writings are scripture (2 Peter 3:15-16)...and this substantiates Paul; that his writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16).

What did Jesus substantiate in Peter "Sola Fide" ?.. that is simply not true.
What is True .. and demonstrably so .. is that the Jesus of Matt/Mark - (and John for that Matter - and of course Luke) contradicts Sola Fide so many times in so many different ways .. it is hard to list them all.

So bad is your dilemma .. that you go running to Paul -and "AWAY" from Jesus - everytime the subject is broached. Ohh .. yes . you did come up with a passage or two from Matt .. which you completely misrepresented.. and did not support your claim ..

Here is one out of John (John 5:24)...which definitely substantiates a sola fide perspective; being the words of Jesus.

But what you have failed to do .. is address the passages I have given you from Jesus.

What passages?

The Will of the Father - what is it. You have cut and pasted responses from joke websites like "" with not a smack of academic credibility ..

I never heard of until this very moment...

trying to apologize their way out of this passage.. and what do these sites do .. go running to Paul .. just like you .. and bastrdize the same passages as you.

Paul's writings are in fact inspired by the Holy Ghost and contain the things that the disciples would not have been able to bear if Jesus had spoken them to them before the Cross (John 16:12-13)...and these doctrines are indeed the truth.

The above is demonstrably false...


.. appeal to popularity fallacy :)

The majority of Christianity rejects Sola Fide ..

The question of course being, who is appealing to that fallacy...

And since that is what you are appealing to (that fallacy), I appeal to the opposite: the logic found in Matthew 7:13-14.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Then why are the replies nearly all as predictable as the calm after the storm? Nothing ever gets settled. People get tired and move on. The faith is not contended for. Axes are ground to a nub. No conclusions are reached, only held onto. The same texts are repeated over and over again, and we all walk away with nothing gained, except for practice in guarding our cherished positions.
I do believe that those who do not have a pov on the matter can come forth from watching the debate with an idea of what they are going to believe about what has been spoken.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Good that you now understand that "Sola Fide" is false doctrine :)

My position has not changed.
Confession OF Heartful Belief in The Father, Son, Christ Saves a man's Soul.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Good post - although I baulk at using Pauline Scripture -when we have the words of Jesus to fall back on .. but, since some of these posters rely only on Pauline Scripture - completely ignoring the words of Jesus - as per the Synoptic Gospels an John - is good that you used Pauline Scripture.

The "Sola Fide" crowd believes that they will escape judgement on the basis of faith. This goes against the teachings of Jesus which state that we all must pass through judgement .. we will all be judged.

The question then is what the criteria for judgement will be ? - and in hundreds of instances in the Bible .. as stated directly from Jesus rather than from some fellow who never knew the man and tells us nothing about his life .

Yet - they will cling to some ambiguous passage - saying "look look - this looks to mean that we are saved by faith - and thus faith alone is scripture" while ignoring the vast amount of scripture from Jesus stating the contrary - in favor of some vague passage from a fellow that never knew the man.

What is worse - and happens often - is when these folks try to usurp the teachings of Jesus using Scripture such as Timothy - that was not even written by Paul .. Pseudepigrapha .. some fellow writing some stuff and attaching Paul's name to it .. in 150 AD.

Peter declared that the writings of Paul were to be considered just as Holy as all the rest of Scripture....Paul never wrote “ anything” that was not inspired by the Holy Spirit.....If Paul said it—- Jesus said it.....Jesus told Paul to say this : “ Follow me ( Paul ) as I follow Christ”.....
You are a very Poor “ Student Of God’s Word”....... read up a little, why don’t you ?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
) Jesus identifies the works that are required in the Sermon on the Mount ... you should read it Matt

The reason the Ten Commandments were Given was to show you that you can’t keep them....” A System we nor our Fathers were ever able to keep”.... is what Paul said . They were given to show you that you need a Savior....Paul said that the Law was “ weak and useless” in that it had NO POWER to Save....
By the time Jesus arrived on the scene, many of the scribes and Pharisees had made up their minds that they HAD kept the Law and therefore they were “ good enough” to merit Salvation.....Jesus gave His Famous Sermon to rescue these fools from Satan’s Delusion....If a Pharisee thought that he was “ all that” because he never committed the ACT of Adultery , Jesus was there to let him know that as far as God was concerned , if anybody ever harbored even a Lustful THOUGHT —- he was just as guilty as an actual Adulterer ! He was delivering the Ten Commandments ON STEROIDS !
Jesus was bursting the “self -Righteous Balloons “ Of Proud, Self-Righteous Men —- He was showing them their need for “ HIM”, because the Standard Of God ( perfection) was Impossible for any man to attain.....We must “Turn to God” ( Repentance) and plead for His Grace and Mercy—- just as the Sinful Publican did......The Saved man , as the Publican illustrates , hears the Word Of God , and if that man has been blessed, the Holy Spirit will convict him of his sin and he will “ also” cry out, as the Contrite Publican did—- “ Lord ,have Mercy on me, a Sinner”
Jesus did not come to Earth to preach a new, improved list of things to do so that one could Perform or Earn his way to Heaven by doing a good job of keeping them . Jesus preached HIMSELF! He was telling Humanity that there was so much Wrong with them, so much Wickedness resided in their Hard Hearts —- HIS SACRIFICE on the Cross was the ONLY thing that could reconcile us back to God.Jesus was going to do “ ALL” of the “ Heavy Lifting” That was necessary to Save us Eternally....all we have to do is Trust Him....One does not get Saved by Trying and , of course FAILING to do all that is required of you if you make the Foolish choice to go the “Performance Route” in order to be “ Fit For Heaven”....You either humble yourself and admit that you are a Sinner headed for a well- deserved Hell and accept the Free Gift That can’t be earned and throw yourself on the Grace and Mercy like the Publican did.......or be damned.....
If you read that Sermon on the Mount and don’t come away with a fear that you are headed for Hell like a speeding bullet and can ONLY be Saved by the Grace Of God .......that would make you a Modern- Day Pharisee . Blind. And Damned . Pray that God give you “eyes to see”.....The Pharisees had “eyes” , but their Eyes had been “ Blinded by Satan”. Don’t let that happen to you.....Run, don’t walk to God’s Rescue Plan —- 1Cor15:1-4...... It really “ IS” Good News—- unless you would rather delude yourself into thinking you can keep a Standad That was never meant for you to keep..If I ask you to give me your house or car , will you give it to me like Jesus said? If I Cold-Cock you in your face , will you offer me the the other cheek? Yeah, I thought better go out and get the GRACE that you Desperately Need Before it is too late .......God Bless ..


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Jesus said that His Holy Spirit would guide the apostles into all truth (John 16:13)...and this substantiates Peter. Peter said that Paul's writings are scripture (2 Peter 3:15-16)...and this substantiates Paul; that his writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16).

Here is one out of John (John 5:24)...which definitely substantiates a sola fide perspective; being the words of Jesus.

What passages?

I never heard of until this very moment...

Paul's writings are in fact inspired by the Holy Ghost and contain the things that the disciples would not have been able to bear if Jesus had spoken them to them before the Cross (John 16:12-13)...and these doctrines are indeed the truth.


The question of course being, who is appealing to that fallacy...

And since that is what you are appealing to (that fallacy), I appeal to the opposite: the logic found in Matthew 7:13-14.

I am just going to stop .. sorry .. but can't do this no more.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Peter declared that the writings of Paul were to be considered just as Holy as all the rest of Scripture....Paul never wrote “ anything” that was not inspired by the Holy Spirit.....If Paul said it—- Jesus said it.....Jesus told Paul to say this : “ Follow me ( Paul ) as I follow Christ”.....
You are a very Poor “ Student Of God’s Word”....... read up a little, why don’t you ?

No he didn't .. the only thing we have from Peter is from his Pupil and interpreter Mark. "Peter" in the bible is Pseudepigrapha ... or is this in Luke somewhere .. where the statement is just as ridiculous.

You go on telling yourself that fib .. that some dude who never met Jesus .. nor knows anything about his life .. never became a Christian until years after the death of our lord .. OR .. so we accept the words of our Lord ..

Easy choice for me .. This is not to say that Paul is not without valuer .. surely not .. but when the two doctrines come into conflict .. I default to Jesus .. you default to Paul .. or what is worse .. words not written by Paul but attributed to him = Pious Fraud . . Pseudepigrapha.

That said .. in Paul's defense .. I don't think even Paul would accept Sola Fide .. and we can have that debate if you like sometime.. It is not for nothing that the majority of Christianity rejects this man made doctrine. .. and Martin was a particularly evil man .. Full Stop - and do challenge me on this one por favor.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
If Paul said it—- Jesus said it

Amen (Galatians 1:12).

” A System we nor our Fathers were ever able to keep”.... is what Paul said .

Actually, Peter said that.

By the time Jesus arrived on the scene, many of the scribes and Pharisees had made up their minds that they HAD kept the Law and therefore they were “ good enough” to merit Salvation.....Jesus gave His Famous Sermon to rescue these fools from Satan’s Delusion....

Actually, Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount to His disciples who followed Him up to the mountain...and the scribes and Pharisees were not committed enough to be among this group.

He was showing them their need for “ HIM”, because the Standard Of God ( perfection) was Impossible for any man to attain.....

Emphasis on the word "was".

Because it is only true in the past tense (as concerning before the Cross) that the standard of perfection "was" impossible to attain.

Heb 10:14, For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

Jesus was going to do “ ALL” of the “ Heavy Lifting” That was necessary to Save us Eternally....all we have to do is Trust Him....

He does the heavy lifting when He lives His life in us and through us (Galatians 2:20, Romans 5:19);

So that the life that is lived by us is a perfect life for as long as we do not take our lives back from Him and begin again to live them ourselves.

It really “ IS” Good News—- unless you would rather delude yourself into thinking you can keep a Standad That was never meant for you to keep..

It was in fact meant for us to keep.

If I ask you to give me your house or car , will you give it to me like Jesus said?

I don't own a house...and my wife has a say in it as to whether I would give you my car. The title deed is in her name.

If I Cold-Cock you in your face , will you offer me the the other cheek?

It has even happened to me before, where someone has struck me on the cheek and I offered to him the other one; not once, but twice.

In both instances, the conviction of the Holy Ghost came upon that person and they did not strike a second time.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
The reason the Ten Commandments were Given was to show you that you can’t keep them....” A System we nor our Fathers were ever able to keep”.... is what Paul said . They were given to show you that you need a Savior....Paul said that the Law was “ weak and useless” in that it had NO POWER to Save....
By the time Jesus arrived on the scene, many of the scribes and Pharisees had made up their minds that they HAD kept the Law and therefore they were “ good enough” to merit Salvation.....Jesus gave His Famous Sermon to rescue these fools from Satan’s Delusion....If a Pharisee thought that he was “ all that” because he never committed the ACT of Adultery , Jesus was there to let him know that as far as God was concerned , if anybody ever harbored even a Lustful THOUGHT —- he was just as guilty as an actual Adulterer ! He was delivering the Ten Commandments ON STEROIDS !
Jesus was bursting the “self -Righteous Balloons “ Of Proud, Self-Righteous Men —- He was showing them their need for “ HIM”, because the Standard Of God ( perfection) was Impossible for any man to attain.....We must “Turn to God” ( Repentance) and plead for His Grace and Mercy—- just as the Sinful Publican did......The Saved man , as the Publican illustrates , hears the Word Of God , and if that man has been blessed, the Holy Spirit will convict him of his sin and he will “ also” cry out, as the Contrite Publican did—- “ Lord ,have Mercy on me, a Sinner”
Jesus did not come to Earth to preach a new, improved list of things to do so that one could Perform or Earn his way to Heaven by doing a good job of keeping them . Jesus preached HIMSELF! He was telling Humanity that there was so much Wrong with them, so much Wickedness resided in their Hard Hearts —- HIS SACRIFICE on the Cross was the ONLY thing that could reconcile us back to God.Jesus was going to do “ ALL” of the “ Heavy Lifting” That was necessary to Save us Eternally....all we have to do is Trust Him....One does not get Saved by Trying and , of course FAILING to do all that is required of you if you make the Foolish choice to go the “Performance Route” in order to be “ Fit For Heaven”....You either humble yourself and admit that you are a Sinner headed for a well- deserved Hell and accept the Free Gift That can’t be earned and throw yourself on the Grace and Mercy like the Publican did.......or be damned.....
If you read that Sermon on the Mount and don’t come away with a fear that you are headed for Hell like a speeding bullet and can ONLY be Saved by the Grace Of God .......that would make you a Modern- Day Pharisee . Blind. And Damned . Pray that God give you “eyes to see”.....The Pharisees had “eyes” , but their Eyes had been “ Blinded by Satan”. Don’t let that happen to you.....Run, don’t walk to God’s Rescue Plan —- 1Cor15:1-4...... It really “ IS” Good News—- unless you would rather delude yourself into thinking you can keep a Standad That was never meant for you to keep..If I ask you to give me your house or car , will you give it to me like Jesus said? If I Cold-Cock you in your face , will you offer me the the other cheek? Yeah, I thought better go out and get the GRACE that you Desperately Need Before it is too late .......God Bless ..

The salvation formulation given in the Sermon on the Mount - and Matt in general - is based at least in part in works. One can argue that there is a faith component ... but there is no legitimate argument for "faith alone" .. based soley on the Jesus of Mark/Matt.

It is not for nothing that the Majority of Christianity does not accept Sola Fide .. So don't be going around being all "defacto" .. as if there is some majority of Christians that accept this.. Sola Fide is the minority position.

This does not mean that this position is wrong ... but .. the burden is extra heavy on you to prove your case - and quoting from Paul is not an option .. I am only interested in the words of Jesus in this respect least for now. Then we can move outward to other folks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
and you are welcome to your man made believe unsupported by scripture :)
It is supported by scripture (Romans 4:5-6, Titus 3:5, Romans 11:5-6, Ephesians 2:8-9).

Non-Pauline scripture also (John 5:24, John 6:47, John 6:28-29).


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The salvation formulation given in the Sermon on the Mount - and Matt in general - is based at least in part in works. One can argue that there is a faith component ... but there is no legitimate argument for "faith alone" .. based soley on the Jesus of Mark/Matt.

It is not for nothing that the Majority of Christianity does not accept Sola Fide .. So don't be going around being all "defacto" .. as if there is some majority of Christians that accept this.. Sola Fide is the minority position.

This does not mean that this position is wrong ... but .. the burden is extra heavy on you to prove your case - and quoting from Paul is not an option .. I am only interested in the words of Jesus in this respect least for now. Then we can move outward to other folks.
If all the doctrine that pertains to life and godliness were to be found only in Matthew and Mark, you might have a point...however, the gospel of John is also inspired and it gives credence to Peter (John 16:13) who gives credence to Paul (2 Peter 3:15-16) who gives credence to all other scripture (2 Timothy 3:16).


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You go on telling yourself that fib .. that some dude who never met Jesus .. nor knows anything about his life .. never became a Christian until years after the death of our lord .. OR .. so we accept the words of our Lord ..

Paul definitely met Jesus. He had an encounter with Him on the Damascus road...and it has been said that he learned from Him for three years in the wilderness of Arabia.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Jesus told Paul to say this : “ Follow me ( Paul ) as I follow Christ”.....
If you just think about it there is more than one way to interpret this.

Jesus Christ spent every day of His human life getting to know His Father better. Paul did not have the same experience. Paul knew Christ and the Father as well as he was able to. It is not sensible to believe that Paul knew God as well as Christ knew His Father. This seems so obvious to me. And yet, people will invariably run to the book of Romans or Galatians to defend their favorite points of doctrine. I believe it is a lazy way of defending faith. I don't care if I am perceived as being anti-Pauline. It wouldn't be the 1st time and I definitely don't expect it to be the last.

Bible religion is multi-faceted and paradoxical as well as simple. There are many troubling or difficult passages to be dealt with, which most forum participants do by simply taking a side and claiming other texts which seem to contradict the side taken don't really mean what they say. I don't care to give an example. This can be found easily in nearly every thread. I don't like legwork. I know missionaries in Malaysia that have been in jail for spreading the Gospel. The inconveniences and annoyances of those who spend much of their time arguing with other Christians on the Internet are becoming strangely dimmer and dimmer to me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I do believe that those who do not have a pov on the matter can come forth from watching the debate with an idea of what they are going to believe about what has been spoken.
And when do you suppose that happened last? And what debate? Is that what you call all of this sandbox activity?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
If you just think about it there is more than one way to interpret this.

Jesus Christ spent every day of His human life getting to know His Father better. Paul did not have the same experience. Paul knew Christ and the Father as well as he was able to. It is not sensible to believe that Paul knew God as well as Christ knew His Father. This seems so obvious to me. And yet, people will invariably run to the book of Romans or Galatians to defend their favorite points of doctrine. I believe it is a lazy way of defending faith. I don't care if I am perceived as being anti-Pauline. It wouldn't be the 1st time and I definitely don't expect it to be the last.

Bible religion is multi-faceted and paradoxical as well as simple. There are many troubling or difficult passages to be dealt with, which most forum participants do by simply taking a side and claiming other texts which seem to contradict the side taken don't really mean what they say. I don't care to give an example. This can be found easily in nearly every thread. I don't like legwork. I know missionaries in Malaysia that have been in jail for spreading the Gospel. The inconveniences and annoyances of those who spend much of their time arguing with other Christians on the Internet are becoming strangely dimmer and dimmer to me.

Jesus gave credence to Peter's writings (John 16:13) and Peter, in his writings, gave credence to Paul (2 Peter 3:15-16). And Paul, in his writings, spoke of the fact that all of scripture is inspired of the Lord and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

All scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Let that sink down into your understanding.

And when do you suppose that happened last? And what debate? Is that what you call all of this sandbox activity?

Such a thing happens invisibly for the most part in the hearts and minds of those who are looking onward.

The word of the Lord does not return void (Isaiah 55:10-11).

It often takes time for someone whose mind has been changed to realize that they have a different pov than previously and then to begin speaking forth their new pov.

It is like a seed being planted in the ground (see Mark 4:26-29).

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Then why are the replies nearly all as predictable as the calm after the storm? Nothing ever gets settled. People get tired and move on. The faith is not contended for. Axes are ground to a nub. No conclusions are reached, only held onto. The same texts are repeated over and over again, and we all walk away with nothing gained, except for practice in guarding our cherished positions.
That's why you should only talk about what's important. Being ready to be judged by Christ when he comes back is what is important. Once saved always saved is not. It's a waste of time to talk about that because if you're not even saved in the first place it doesn't matter if a person is once saved always saved. And if you are saved it still doesn't matter if you're once saved always saved. You're saved now, so what does it matter? What matters is that you are believing in God and have a life of spiritually motivated works to validate that belief. Christ won't be looking for empty confessions of faith when he comes back. He'll be looking for the works that validate you as having faith in him and loving him. That is what the Bible says. He has told us ahead of time how to be ready for the judgement. Have faith that works.

Galatians 5:6
the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

James 2:14
14 if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?
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