Biden Supports Transgendering 8-yr-olds

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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
@kcnalp if you look at all the other places I listed, some of them have more left wing governments than the USA, some of them have more right wing governments than the USA, the point is plenty of Christians are still living in them, so there must be some freedoms.

No matter who is in government Jesus is still our King.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
@kcnalp if you look at all the other places I listed, some of them have more left wing governments than the USA, some of them have more right wing governments than the USA, the point is plenty of Christians are still living in them, so there must be some freedoms.

No matter who is in government Jesus is still our King.
All governments are wicked.
Luke 4:5-6 (NKJV)
5 Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

And Jesus never disputed what Satan said. Any wonder why this world is self terminating?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Might as well vote for Kanye. o_O
Unfortunately he should have got in earlier, then he could have got more votes.


If maybe even 50% of voting Americans were to vote for a minor party or independent they might stand a chance of winning, if only more would vote that way, as some of the minor party candidates and independents are probably far better options than the 2 main candidates.

I think Kanye said he's running to be a spoiler again Biden.

Sounds good to me!

Much love!
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
It definitely goes against everything God made humans to be!

Mark 10:6-8--But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.
But it definetly sounds a lot , identical , to what satan said at the tree . Ye shall be as gods .
SAME SPIRIT behind that transhumanism . YE shall be as gods . Yep . Amigo no likes the whiff of that stuff one bit .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Over Parent Objections, Public School Teaches 6-Year-Olds About ‘Transgender Ravens’ And Gender Fluidity
Despite parent attempts to opt children as young as five out of presentations telling them traditional gender roles are evil and people can be whatever sex they feel like, a Colorado school district showed the material anyway.

By Helen Raleigh
APRIL 5, 2019

Should a six-year-old be taught to use transgendered pronouns and believe in so-called gender fluidity? The leaders of Superior Elementary School in Boulder Valley School District, Colorado, think so.

Last November, the school showed children from kindergarten to fifth grade videos from “Queer Kid Stuff” and a stage play about transgenderism to promote “acceptance and inclusivity” especially related to the transgender community. Some parents are outraged and are seeking possible legal remedies.

Read the rest of this article here: Public School Teaches First Graders About 'Trans Ravens,' Gender Fluidity
Very similiar to an all inclusive library i seen on the news a year back .
This library was allowing all that stuff to get taught in it to tee tiny kidos .
When asked why they allowed it , they said we are inclusive here . But when asked by one if bible studies
could get done there . THEY WERE NOT INCLUSIVE . IT was a big fat NO on that one . Exactly .
I see the spirit behind this inclusive . It hates truth and it loveth evil .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Continued from post above...

Future Implications

This case’s implications are larger than they may initially appear. Could the day be coming, for example, when would-be adoptive parents would be denied the opportunity to love and care for an orphaned child because the parents are orthodox Jews, Christians, or Muslims and disagree with LGBT orthodoxy? This has already happened in the United Kingdom. What recourse remains for a gender dysphoric child who does not want to pursue transition? What dissenting advice can his or her parent offer without fear of state intervention?

In normal times, the Ohio case would be easy to decide. Of course parents ought to retain parental rights over their child whom they love and for whom they want the best. Of course there are alternative pathways to seek out when dealing with a gender identity conflict. But where the sexual revolution can work to inflict its ever-evolving ideology—even at the expense of parental rights—it will do so. And it will do so unapologetically and in a spirit of self-congratulatory social justice.

This case should never have risen to the level it did. That it even reached a judge is a clear example of Big Brother confusing its role with that of Mom and Dad. It sets a precedent that puts not only the natural family but the well-being of children at risk.

ANDREW T. WALKERAndrew T. Walker is Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Apologetics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the Executive Director and Fellow of the Carl F. H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement. He serves as the Executive Editor of Eikon: A Jour...

Parental Rights: A Casualty of the Transgender Revolution - Public Discourse
When that says FUTURE , think not much longer at all . When they pass that equality law . OH yeah things are gonna change
and fast too . Lambs , we make our final stand now . No matter the cost , stand for truth , ON JESUS alone .


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom

Greenlighting the ‘transition’ of eight-year-olds in the name of non-discrimination to advance your political career has to be one of the most cynical political moves of this presidential contest.

By Katy Faust
OCTOBER 19, 2020

At presidential candidate Joe Biden’s TV town hall last week, the mother of “two girls, eight and 10” whose “youngest daughter is transgender” asked if he would reverse President Trump’s supposed “dangerous and discriminatory agenda” against trans people. Biden’s response? That he will “flat-out just change the law.”

Biden continued, “The idea that an 8-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, you know, ‘I decided I want to be transgender. That’s what I think I’d like to be. It would make my life a lot easier.’ There should be zero discrimination.”

Read the rest of this article here:
Joe Biden Tells Mom He Supports Transgendering Eight-Year-Old Kids

What is insane to me is the belief that an 8-year-old has a sexual identity that matters. Children are children, once you introduce ideas of identity rather than discovery of who one is emotionally, things easily go very wrong. End up with a family with serious emotional issues, and a child who wants attention, it is not difficult to manufacture issues and get fascinated with the idea, which actually means nothing.

My daughters did not like dresses and are not girly, very feminist and declaring equal rights etc. but they are who they are. There was no box for them, they made their own. One daughter disliked boys, from the beginning, the other got deeply involved in friendships and not upsetting others.

What for me is nuts is politicians have started to get involved in early child development issues, before an individual knows how to add 1+1 = 2.
But this shows how deeply flawed and simplified our society has become about rights and discrimination and micro aggression, which is someone getting upset if you show something they do not like.

It is as bad as letting children choose the food they will eat, so they distort their bodies and need surgery to correct dietry issues.
Fine lets talk about likes etc. but also experiment and discover what things truly mean before surgery begins.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
If what is left of the churches , that have not sold out , do not make our last stand , they gonna fall for it all .
Stand on the biblical truth . And be prepared and understand , ITS GONNA COST .
Not just being outcasts , but i mean even our own lives in the time to come . This world is done with reminders of truth
i mean that as a whole . Of course we will still see some repenting . But most are gonna get only harder agaisnt the truth .
What is coming , and has began will get far worse . AND it is something the lambs will have to endure and to endure
faithful to the end . The wooden yoke of the one world order , that many claimed is now broken off
WILL SOON be replaced , and not with a wooden one , BUT AN IRON ONE WORLD YOKE . THERE Is no stopping it .
There is only ENDURING faithful to the end . WELL , i got good news on that one . IN THE END WE WIN . JESUS WON .
SO stand firm and faithful unto the KING to the very end . And we will look out for one another as well .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Well so are all countries in the UK, most countries in the EU and Australia, Canada and New Zealand aren't they?

I don't know. I don't know how their government works,.. but I don't think they're as uniquely free as America is supposed to be since we have the US Constitution and Bill of rights and all of that stuff.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
How is the situation different to South Africa or Canada or New Zealand though?

WADR, government in America was set up differently than any other country that has ever existed. For one thing, we became a nation when we broke away from the British Crown. So...we have never been under a monarchy as a nation.

Also, like @April_Rose said, there are some unique features to the way our government was set up according to the Constitution.

Really, there are too many aspects of how America was set up to go into here. Maybe I can find a good article to post about this if you're interested.

I'm not saying that America is the only good country. I know that you love your country like many Americans love ours.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
Reason being is at least Biden, Nancy and AOC are Catholics, they might be left wing Catholics, but at least they still somewhat see the importance of Churches and Christianity and at least we know Biden is a praying Catholic, there are still Christians in the Democratic party, so deep down, they still must have some Biblical beliefs.

Nope, it's all pretend. They have no Biblical beliefs they just needed a religion to get in bed with that they could manipulate, they have and continue to be pro murder, pro globalism, anti American if they had any Biblical beliefs they would have repented by now. You being outside and having a liking for liberals are not able to really understand. President Reagan explained how insidious they really are:

and a great video

As goes America goes the rest of the world